Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help

Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help. Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a songwriting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Writing a concert report involves first listening to a concert of online “classical” music.

You will be surprised at the variety of concerts: orchestral music, choral music, and chamber music from several historical periods. The format for writing a concert report is quite specific. Reports should not be longer than the equivalent to two pages if printed out.

  1. List the name of the group, the conductor, and the title and composer for each piece performed.
  1. List each INSTRUMENT used in the concert.
  1. List each piece performed by HISTORICAL PERIOD. You will find this information somewhere in the program, usually by checking each composer’s dates. (Middle Ages: 450-1450, Renaissance: 1450-1600, Baroque: 1600-1750, Classical: 1750-1820, Romantic: 1820-1900, 20thCentury: 1900-1999, 21stCentury: 2000-today.)
  1. Pick one composition on the program. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, DISCUSS




(Think in terms of specifics. What type of composition is it? Is it program music or absolute music, or an example of musical nationalism? What about tempo, dynamic variety, instruments used, melodic complexity, consonance or dissonance level, etc.?)

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Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Santa Monica College Detroit Warren Dearborn Communities Living in The Area Report Writing Assignment Help

10 pages MLA Double spaces 11 front

Please make sure you understand requirements and follow these steps.

Use your own words and make sure your sources are Academic and credible.

The MSA we pick is Detroit-Warren-Dearborn

Arthur O’Sullivan, Urban Economics, 9th ed (McGraw-Hill, 2018).

Jan K. Brueckner, Lectures on Urban Economics (MIT Press, 2011).

In writing this report, you are required to include the information listed below. Virtually all this data is available for most MSAs, but it is scattered in a variety of sources. Some data will be of high quality (US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, e.g.); others will be lower quality or possibly subjective.

Class Project

Each students in this class will pick a Metropolitan Statistical Area from the list of the 50 largest in the United States which is provided at the end of this document.  Once an area is picked, you are to undertake research and write a profile and report about the economic health, viability, and prospects for the MSA. 

In writing this report, you are required to include the information listed below. Virtually all this data is available for most MSAs, but it is scattered in a variety of sources. Some data will be of high quality (US Bureau of Economic Analysis, Bureau of Labor Statistics, e.g.); others will be lower quality or possibly subjective.

The first step is: 

(1) pick an MSA. Once an MSA is chosen, no other student can choose it, so please choose an MSA soon.

The MSA is Detroit-Warren-Dearborn !!!

Some questions to address in your report: 

What (communities, states) does this MSA encompass? 

What is the number of municipalities contained inside it?

How old is the central city inside this MSA?

What were its earliest industries?

What is its current population? Central city? Suburban ring?

What is the racial breakdown of the population?

What is the percentage of the population with a Bachelor’s degree or higher?

What is per capita or median household income? Is this high or low?

How financially stable is(are) the state(s) in which the MSA is located?

What are the five largest industries in the MSA? Are they export of local?

What types of product/service do they specialize in?

If these industries are export, where is their product or service distributed to?

How competitive is the MSA in terms of low tax burden to persons and subsidies to industry?

What are the names of the MSA’s five largest employers? 

Prior to the pandemic, what had been the range of unemployment rates for 2019?

Is the MSA a major tourist attraction?

Is the MSA ranked among “best places to live” or “best places to retire”?

What is the weather and climate in the MSA?

What is the quality of public schools in the MSA?

What are its major universities?

What is (are) its major airport(s)?

What is its major symphony orchestra? Opera company? Repertory theater?

What is its best art museum? How does the museum rank nationally and internationally?

What professional sports teams are located in this MSA?

What kinds of outdoor recreation are available in this MSA?

How competitive is the area in terms of low tax burden to persons and subsidies to industry?

How highly rated are the area’s public services?

What are the central city’s crime rates (especially compared to other cities)?

In your opinion, how well is this area likely to overcome the financial blow that the coronavirus pandemic has dealt it?

What do you predict that income and population growth will be over the next ten years?


PCC Why China Economy Keeps Booming Even After Covid19 Article Discussion Economics Assignment Help

For this extra credit assignment you are going to find a current events news article and you are going to write a critical review essay. In this essay, you will summarize the article and explain the economic concepts that are related, as well as critiquing how the author uses positive and normative analysis and if they correctly use economic theory. Your article will most likely not say that it is related to economics — this is a chance to show that you have learned something this semester and can identify economics in the news.

Guidelines for critical review essays:

Write a critical review of a current news article published in a mainstream news publication (i.e. the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, LA Times, etc.) in 2020. Articles must either address or illustrate one of the themes of economics already covered by the course texts and class lectures.

  • Type of Article: You must choose a current event news article with an identified author or authors (i.e. it should say by: someone’s name). Op-ed pieces and recurring columns are fair game, editorials are not. Your article must demonstrably make use of economic concepts or methods that we have covered in class. You must include a copy or link to the article with your paper.
  • Length: This paper should be 2-3 pages (which is 500-700 words).
  • Writing style and formatting: You will be graded on the content of your paper NOT the quality of your writing. You will not lose points for grammar or writing mistakes. You are only graded on how well you do the economic analysis.
  • Audience: The essay should be written to a general audience of readers rather than to other members of our class. This means that you will need to provide details regarding the article and you will need to make your observations with reference to economic theory rather than to any particular examples from our class. For example, you won’t be able to refer to in-class experiments to buttress your position.
  • Evidence: No evidence beyond what you derive from the article and the textbook are necessary. If you absolutely can’t resist including outside sources, please cite correctly.

Your article review should include the following components. You don’t have to answer each question directly, but this is to give you guidance on what to think about and they types of things to include in each paragraph/section.

  1. Introduction: Identify your target article (author, title, date of publication, newspaper name), introduce it briefly; indicate the economics insight or concept that you will consider.
  2. Article summary: What does the author do? What evidence is offered? What method of analysis is employed? What conclusions are drawn? What claims of significance are, if any, offered? Is any critical information left out or presented in a way to lead readers to a particular conclusion?
  3. Economic Application: In what way does the author draw upon a construct, method, or insight from the microeconomics you have been studying? In this paragraph, for example, you might explain the way in which an author makes use of the insights of rational choice to explain voting behavior, or the construct of diminishing marginal utility to explain consumption patterns.
  4. Critique: How well does the author employ economic constructs or methods? Using evidence and your present knowledge of economics, illustrate what is gained or what opportunities are missed. Present your central critique (which does not require criticism – see me if you need clarification).

Evaluation Rubric for the Article Review Papers

Here is what I will be looking at when I grade these extra credit papers:

  • Was the article chosen related to the course content?
  • Did the analysis and critique reflect deep understanding of the theory/content?
  • Can the paper be understood by a general audience?
  • Were there errors made in applying economic theory?
  • Were the economic theories chosen simple or complex?
  • Did the paper only apply one simple theory vs multiple theories or complex theories?

There are 2 required books for this course. You may use older editions, digital versions, rented, or new.

  1. Frank, Bernanke, Antonovics and Heffetz. 2019. Principles of Microeconomics, 7th edition, McGraw-Hill: New York. (ISBN: 978-1260111088)
  2. Ariely, Dan. 2010. Predictably Irrational: The Hidden Forces that Shape Our Decisions. Harper Collins (ISBN: 9780061353246)


Motivational Interviewing and Obesity Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Practice Question 1: Does motivational interviewing during a regularly scheduled well-child visit for children between 5-19 years with a BMI of 30 and above as compared to practice as usual, influence BMI, BP, quality of life, and daily physical activity over 8-10 weeks?

  • Identify the PICOT elements.
  • What are key search terms identified in the practice question?

Conduct a library search using these search terms to locate a research study addressing this practice problem and consider the following.

  • What is the research-evidence based intervention addressed in the study?
  • What is the quantifiable outcome(s)? How will the outcome(s) be measured? What potential reliable and valid measurements/tools may be used to measure this quantifiable data?
  • Is this practice question answerable within 8-10 weeks? Why or why not?


ENGL 120 GC In Defense of the Impractical English Major Article Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Choose one of the following tasks:

Option 1: After you have read both articles, write a multi-paragraph essay that integrates your analysis of BOTH texts, and in which you write a reasoned position comparing and contrasting the strategies each writer uses to appeal to its intended audience.

Option 2: After you have read both articles, write a multi-paragraph essay in which you analyze ONE of the texts. In your analysis take a reasoned position on the extent to which the text is rhetorically effective given its intended audience.

Criteria for Success

Successful papers will:

  • introduce the topic and text(s) and provide a brief summary or summaries (if writing about both texts) of the author or authors’ argument(s);
  • include a thesis statement;
  • support your analysis clearly, focusing on the rhetorical strategies from the assigned text(s);
  • integrate evidence and examples through quoting and paraphrasing, using appropriate documentation;
  • analyze these textual examples to support your position;
  • conclude thoughtfully;
  • be cohesively structured with effective transitions so that your reader does not get lost while reading;
  • clearly communicate your ideas for an educated reader and be mostly free of grammatical errors.

This essay is not an agree or disagree exercise, nor is it intended to generate an extensive summary of the articles.

Purpose of this assignment

The purpose of this assignment is for you to show that you have learned to identify, analyze, and interpret both the direct and indirect means by which writers attempt to persuade their audiences to accept their arguments.

This assignment will help to show you have learned the following skills

  • Write an effective introduction that compares two texts.
  • Develop a thesis in an extended argument.
  • Integrate textual evidence (quotes, paraphrases, summaries) in with your own voice.
  • Write an effective conclusion
  • Ability to identify and analyze the strategies writers use to persuade audiences to accept their claims.

This assignment will also show that you have become familiar with the following content

  • Identify an author’s methods of persuasion.
  • Analyze an author’s methods of persuasion.
  • Identify and analyze other rhetorical concepts such as audience, purpose, genre, and context.
  • Explain and argue how writers make choices in order to persuade audiences to accept their claims by appealing to their audience’s emotion, sense of logic and reasoning, and by making themselves believable and credible.

This final assessment shows that you have met the outcomes of this English class

  1. Demonstrate knowledge of important rhetorical concepts such as audience, purpose, genre, and context.
  2. Identify and analyze rhetorical and organizational strategies from a variety of texts and employ appropriate strategies to compose thesis-driven essays.
  3. Construct logically developed essays that synthesize, integrate, and contextualize multiple outside sources (through quotations, paraphrasing, and summary) with their own voice, analysis, or position, using appropriate documentation



Media Fake News Dissemination Week 10 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Please choose one of the following questions and react to it briefly in the discussion boards.

When you submit answer, please begin by pasting the question you are responding to in the text field. Then write your answer below.

Discussion question options:

To what extent do you think media bias is a problem in the way political events are covered in the news? Do you think the press should become more explicitly partisan? Why or why not?

President Trump has frequently derided unfavorable coverage of his administration as “fake news” and has stated that the mainstream media are “the enemy of the American people.” Why has the President taken this unprecedented approach to the media? What is his objective? What impact do you think this will have on the freedom of the press in our democracy?

Twitter recently fact checked several of President Trump’s tweets, leading the President to threaten measures to limit protections for social media companies. Facebook has largely declined to fact check the President, and has even relaxed some of its existing standards to accommodate misleading political speech. What role should social media companies play in censoring/verifying speech on their platforms? What should these look like? What are the costs of allowing any speech to be published? What are the costs of heavily regulating speech?

Media Fake News Dissemination Week 10 Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

What Was Most Interesting About Ms Catalina Martinez and Her Work Questions Humanities Assignment Help

Group Discussion – Catalina Martinez

4545 unread replies.4545 replies.

Photo of Catalina Martinez

Scientist Spotlight: Catalina Martinez

With three graduate degrees from the University of Rhode Island – MS in Oceanography, MMA in Marine Affairs, and an MBA – and a distinguished career with the U.S. Federal Government, Catalina Martinez achieved significant academic and professional success against all odds. After dropping out of high school in Providence, Rhode Island and obtaining a GED, she spent many years working with urban school children and victims of domestic violence while pursuing her education. Throughout her life, Martinez has worked to bridge the equity divide by developing opportunities for groups historically underrepresented and underserved, and she remains determined to help increase potential for life success for individuals born to challenging circumstances.

Read about Catalina’s job and her background here. (Links to an external site.)

Listen to an interview with Catalina here. (Links to an external site.)

(Links to an external site.)Read about her work on the Nautilus Live project here (Links to an external site.).

Here are a few other nice articles about her:

She Shines article (Links to an external site.)

University of Rhode Island article (Links to an external site.)

You will then compose a 250 word or more response answering the following questions. Please respond in full sentences.

  1. What was most interesting about Ms. Martinez and her work? (2.5 points)
  2. What new questions do you have after reading Ms. Martinez’s background information? (2.5 points)
  3. What did you learn about the kind of work that Ms. Martinez does? (2.5 points)
  4. What does this Scientist Spotlight tell you about the types of people that can become scientists? (2.5 points)
  5. Please check back and in at least 150 words respond to two other students that do not have a response yet. (5 points)


Prince Georges College Antisocial Personality Disorder Mental Illness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

personality disorder for character: antisocial personality disorder

New Hit Miniseries: You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created. As you develop your character you think,

“Hmmm… their presence in the program should be rather “extreme” (i.e., their actions, behaviors, cognitions) in order to capture and hold the audience’s interest. In fact, the character should appear to qualify for diagnoses of a personality disorder – but hey, most folks don’t know what to look for so, this will give the character depth and intrigue.”

As you think this you receive a phone call. The director wants a 150 word or less character summary in one hour….

Share with us what you will present to the director: Include in your caricature:

1. Name of your character, gender, age, occupation, other relevant demographic or physical qualities.

2. A description of your character’s personality. Weave into the description specific affective, behavioral, and cognitive examples that point to the personality disorder you have selected for expression.

3. Offer relevant background information (family, history, favorite activities, habits).


ENGL 124 Cuyamaca College Escaping Platos Cave Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Escaping Plato’s Cave

  • Due Mar 4 by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Feb 10 at 12am – Mar 5 at 11:59pm 24 days

Essay 1: Escaping Plato’s Cave

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.

And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective regarding Covid-19.

What would a rescue from Plato’s cave look like today in a world where people are constantly battling the influence of misinformation while trying to stay safe?

Are there any contemporary figures in reality that have shown us any significant truths, in the current age, liberating humanity from their incorrect thinking?

Be sure to draw several connections between a modern truth figure(s) and the type of perceptual liberation that Plato writes about in his allegory.

Writing Tasks:

  • Explain the perceptual shackles that are put on the prisoners in Plato’s text. Use several quotes to clarify your point. What do you think Plato was referring to at this time before the common era?
  • Find a contemporary figure(s) from your generation or your parents’ generation and explain how they have shed light on a significant truth. How has their telling of truth changed modern perception?
  • Draw several connections between the pursuit of truth in Plato’s text and the actions of your chosen contemporary figure(s). Use quotes from Plato and contextual research to support your argument.

MLA format

2 outside sources

3 pages


NSCAD Medieval Art Colorful Depictions Ink Contrasts & Manuscripts Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art writing question and need support to help me understand better.

You are to identify the subject matter of each piece, its function and the general time frame and culture in which it was produced. Other information such as the style of the art piece, its purpose, medium, technique and etc are also needed. You can’t search the exact image and write the exact information from the internet, It has to be analyzed and deducted ( I will provide the powerpoint slide for referencing). Word count: 1200-1500 ( average 200+ words for an image)


You will then compose a 250 word or more response answering the following questions. Please respond in full sentences.

  1. What was most interesting about Ms. Martinez and her work? (2.5 points)
  2. What new questions do you have after reading Ms. Martinez’s background information? (2.5 points)
  3. What did you learn about the kind of work that Ms. Martinez does? (2.5 points)
  4. What does this Scientist Spotlight tell you about the types of people that can become scientists? (2.5 points)
  5. Please check back and in at least 150 words respond to two other students that do not have a response yet. (5 points)


Prince Georges College Antisocial Personality Disorder Mental Illness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

personality disorder for character: antisocial personality disorder

New Hit Miniseries: You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created. As you develop your character you think,

“Hmmm… their presence in the program should be rather “extreme” (i.e., their actions, behaviors, cognitions) in order to capture and hold the audience’s interest. In fact, the character should appear to qualify for diagnoses of a personality disorder – but hey, most folks don’t know what to look for so, this will give the character depth and intrigue.”

As you think this you receive a phone call. The director wants a 150 word or less character summary in one hour….

Share with us what you will present to the director: Include in your caricature:

1. Name of your character, gender, age, occupation, other relevant demographic or physical qualities.

2. A description of your character’s personality. Weave into the description specific affective, behavioral, and cognitive examples that point to the personality disorder you have selected for expression.

3. Offer relevant background information (family, history, favorite activities, habits).


ENGL 124 Cuyamaca College Escaping Platos Cave Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Escaping Plato’s Cave

  • Due Mar 4 by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Feb 10 at 12am – Mar 5 at 11:59pm 24 days

Essay 1: Escaping Plato’s Cave

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.

And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective regarding Covid-19.

What would a rescue from Plato’s cave look like today in a world where people are constantly battling the influence of misinformation while trying to stay safe?

Are there any contemporary figures in reality that have shown us any significant truths, in the current age, liberating humanity from their incorrect thinking?

Be sure to draw several connections between a modern truth figure(s) and the type of perceptual liberation that Plato writes about in his allegory.

Writing Tasks:

  • Explain the perceptual shackles that are put on the prisoners in Plato’s text. Use several quotes to clarify your point. What do you think Plato was referring to at this time before the common era?
  • Find a contemporary figure(s) from your generation or your parents’ generation and explain how they have shed light on a significant truth. How has their telling of truth changed modern perception?
  • Draw several connections between the pursuit of truth in Plato’s text and the actions of your chosen contemporary figure(s). Use quotes from Plato and contextual research to support your argument.

MLA format

2 outside sources

3 pages


NSCAD Medieval Art Colorful Depictions Ink Contrasts & Manuscripts Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art writing question and need support to help me understand better.

You are to identify the subject matter of each piece, its function and the general time frame and culture in which it was produced. Other information such as the style of the art piece, its purpose, medium, technique and etc are also needed. You can’t search the exact image and write the exact information from the internet, It has to be analyzed and deducted ( I will provide the powerpoint slide for referencing). Word count: 1200-1500 ( average 200+ words for an image)


You will then compose a 250 word or more response answering the following questions. Please respond in full sentences.

  1. What was most interesting about Ms. Martinez and her work? (2.5 points)
  2. What new questions do you have after reading Ms. Martinez’s background information? (2.5 points)
  3. What did you learn about the kind of work that Ms. Martinez does? (2.5 points)
  4. What does this Scientist Spotlight tell you about the types of people that can become scientists? (2.5 points)
  5. Please check back and in at least 150 words respond to two other students that do not have a response yet. (5 points)


Prince Georges College Antisocial Personality Disorder Mental Illness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

personality disorder for character: antisocial personality disorder

New Hit Miniseries: You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created. As you develop your character you think,

“Hmmm… their presence in the program should be rather “extreme” (i.e., their actions, behaviors, cognitions) in order to capture and hold the audience’s interest. In fact, the character should appear to qualify for diagnoses of a personality disorder – but hey, most folks don’t know what to look for so, this will give the character depth and intrigue.”

As you think this you receive a phone call. The director wants a 150 word or less character summary in one hour….

Share with us what you will present to the director: Include in your caricature:

1. Name of your character, gender, age, occupation, other relevant demographic or physical qualities.

2. A description of your character’s personality. Weave into the description specific affective, behavioral, and cognitive examples that point to the personality disorder you have selected for expression.

3. Offer relevant background information (family, history, favorite activities, habits).


ENGL 124 Cuyamaca College Escaping Platos Cave Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Escaping Plato’s Cave

  • Due Mar 4 by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Feb 10 at 12am – Mar 5 at 11:59pm 24 days

Essay 1: Escaping Plato’s Cave

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.

And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective regarding Covid-19.

What would a rescue from Plato’s cave look like today in a world where people are constantly battling the influence of misinformation while trying to stay safe?

Are there any contemporary figures in reality that have shown us any significant truths, in the current age, liberating humanity from their incorrect thinking?

Be sure to draw several connections between a modern truth figure(s) and the type of perceptual liberation that Plato writes about in his allegory.

Writing Tasks:

  • Explain the perceptual shackles that are put on the prisoners in Plato’s text. Use several quotes to clarify your point. What do you think Plato was referring to at this time before the common era?
  • Find a contemporary figure(s) from your generation or your parents’ generation and explain how they have shed light on a significant truth. How has their telling of truth changed modern perception?
  • Draw several connections between the pursuit of truth in Plato’s text and the actions of your chosen contemporary figure(s). Use quotes from Plato and contextual research to support your argument.

MLA format

2 outside sources

3 pages


NSCAD Medieval Art Colorful Depictions Ink Contrasts & Manuscripts Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art writing question and need support to help me understand better.

You are to identify the subject matter of each piece, its function and the general time frame and culture in which it was produced. Other information such as the style of the art piece, its purpose, medium, technique and etc are also needed. You can’t search the exact image and write the exact information from the internet, It has to be analyzed and deducted ( I will provide the powerpoint slide for referencing). Word count: 1200-1500 ( average 200+ words for an image)


You will then compose a 250 word or more response answering the following questions. Please respond in full sentences.

  1. What was most interesting about Ms. Martinez and her work? (2.5 points)
  2. What new questions do you have after reading Ms. Martinez’s background information? (2.5 points)
  3. What did you learn about the kind of work that Ms. Martinez does? (2.5 points)
  4. What does this Scientist Spotlight tell you about the types of people that can become scientists? (2.5 points)
  5. Please check back and in at least 150 words respond to two other students that do not have a response yet. (5 points)


Prince Georges College Antisocial Personality Disorder Mental Illness Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Clearly identify each segment of the required response in order to facilitate discussion development.

personality disorder for character: antisocial personality disorder

New Hit Miniseries: You are a scriptwriter and are creating a new character around which a new TV miniseries will be created. As you develop your character you think,

“Hmmm… their presence in the program should be rather “extreme” (i.e., their actions, behaviors, cognitions) in order to capture and hold the audience’s interest. In fact, the character should appear to qualify for diagnoses of a personality disorder – but hey, most folks don’t know what to look for so, this will give the character depth and intrigue.”

As you think this you receive a phone call. The director wants a 150 word or less character summary in one hour….

Share with us what you will present to the director: Include in your caricature:

1. Name of your character, gender, age, occupation, other relevant demographic or physical qualities.

2. A description of your character’s personality. Weave into the description specific affective, behavioral, and cognitive examples that point to the personality disorder you have selected for expression.

3. Offer relevant background information (family, history, favorite activities, habits).


ENGL 124 Cuyamaca College Escaping Platos Cave Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Escaping Plato’s Cave

  • Due Mar 4 by 11:59pm
  • Points 200
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Feb 10 at 12am – Mar 5 at 11:59pm 24 days

Essay 1: Escaping Plato’s Cave

In Plato’s Allegory of the Cave we are introduced to a form of humanity shackled in chains, in a form of perceptual bondage.

And in our daily lives we also experience a limiting of our social perspective regarding Covid-19.

What would a rescue from Plato’s cave look like today in a world where people are constantly battling the influence of misinformation while trying to stay safe?

Are there any contemporary figures in reality that have shown us any significant truths, in the current age, liberating humanity from their incorrect thinking?

Be sure to draw several connections between a modern truth figure(s) and the type of perceptual liberation that Plato writes about in his allegory.

Writing Tasks:

  • Explain the perceptual shackles that are put on the prisoners in Plato’s text. Use several quotes to clarify your point. What do you think Plato was referring to at this time before the common era?
  • Find a contemporary figure(s) from your generation or your parents’ generation and explain how they have shed light on a significant truth. How has their telling of truth changed modern perception?
  • Draw several connections between the pursuit of truth in Plato’s text and the actions of your chosen contemporary figure(s). Use quotes from Plato and contextual research to support your argument.

MLA format

2 outside sources

3 pages


NSCAD Medieval Art Colorful Depictions Ink Contrasts & Manuscripts Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a art writing question and need support to help me understand better.

You are to identify the subject matter of each piece, its function and the general time frame and culture in which it was produced. Other information such as the style of the art piece, its purpose, medium, technique and etc are also needed. You can’t search the exact image and write the exact information from the internet, It has to be analyzed and deducted ( I will provide the powerpoint slide for referencing). Word count: 1200-1500 ( average 200+ words for an image)


Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help

Glendale Community College Mozart Requiem D Minor Concert Report Writing Assignment Help

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