Glendale Community College Spring by Vivaldi Concert Report Writing Assignment Help. Glendale Community College Spring by Vivaldi Concert Report Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a songwriting report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Writing a concert report involves first listening to a concert of online “classical” music.
You will be surprised at the variety of concerts: orchestral music, choral music, and chamber music from several historical periods. The format for writing a concert report is quite specific. Reports should not be longer than the equivalent to two pages if printed out.
- List the name of the group, the conductor, and the title and composer for each piece performed.
- List each INSTRUMENT used in the concert.
- List each piece performed by HISTORICAL PERIOD. You will find this information somewhere in the program, usually by checking each composer’s dates. (Middle Ages: 450-1450, Renaissance: 1450-1600, Baroque: 1600-1750, Classical: 1750-1820, Romantic: 1820-1900, 20thCentury: 1900-1999, 21stCentury: 2000-today.)
- Pick one composition on the program. IN YOUR OWN WORDS, DISCUSS
(Think in terms of specifics. What type of composition is it? Is it program music or absolute music, or an example of musical nationalism? What about tempo, dynamic variety, instruments used, melodic complexity, consonance or dissonance level, etc.?)
original work
Glendale Community College Spring by Vivaldi Concert Report Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
SU Philosophical Reflection on Human Nature Thomas Hobbes Vs Rene Descartes Essay Humanities Assignment Help
THERE ARE TWO REFLECTIVE PAPERS CAN BE SUBMITTED ANYTIME DURING THE SEMESTER –SUBMIT BOTH OF THEM IN THE SAME SUBMISSION, IN THE WEEK 12 DROPBOX (if submitted prior to Week 12, I can provide written feedback, but I may not be able to if it is submitted after this). Use effective documentation style (MLA, APA, or Chicago) THAT CITES YOUR SOURCES (even if its only the Text) IN THE NARRATIVE OF THE PAPER. The Papers should each be an approximately 3 page (roughly 1000 word–although I don’t really count words closely) researched essay on the following:
PAPER 1: (50 points of 100)
1) Pick TWO thinkers/philosophers or TWO written works mentioned in the Text (and, if necessary, consult at least one or two other sources for information about them).
2) Compare/contrast the background of the two people or works with each other.
3) Compare/contrast the main themes or ideas of each with the other
4) Compare the different philosophical arguments about reality, human nature, society, Government, etc, between the two
5) compare the relative impact on the arts and culture/society of the two (if applicable)
6) Compare/contrast which you think is more effective and why. Which do you like better and why.
PAPER 2: (50 points of 100)
1. Select one of the Discussion Topics from the term and explain in 2-3 pages how you would answer the question it asks.
2. Justify your answer by explaining precisely why you feel this way (what your reasoning is for it)
3. In doing this, use the following format (you don’t have to use these exact words, but respond in this way–and write the paper as a regular narrative essay) :
a) The question I’ will discuss is: …….Describe the question (Introduction)
b) This the problem or issue it involves and Is what I think is the answer or solution to it (this is my view of it):…….
c) These are the reasons for why I think that my view is correct:…….
d) However, there are views that disagree with mine for these reasons:……. (here you might want to include a thinker or theory from the text –cited!)
e) nonetheless, I think that these are wrong and my view is still better because:…… (here you also might want to include a thinker/theory that supports yours)
f) Therefore, I still believe that my view is correct (conclusion
The reports must be written in Microsoft Word and can use MLA formatting (MLA Handbook, 7th Ed.,, but you can also use APA, Chicago, or any other formatting stylec, so long as you make sure your sources are cited in the narrative of the paper and listed at the end. Proofread thoroughly for college-level spelling, syntax, and grammar.
Before submitting it in the drop box, be sure it is complete and ready for grading. Once submitted, it cannot be resubmitted.
Below please see the link to the textbook only if needed…
This is the discussion post Ive selected that I would like for you to write about. I am a believer in Christianity, I believe in Jesus Christ as lord and savior. I’ve wrote about it in many discussions posts this semester so I would like for my faith to tie into the second half of this essay requiring a response to a dissuasion post.
Please see discussion post I selected below:
One of the fundamental issues regarding philosophy of Religion (and keep in mind that the very category “religion” as a distinct field from “science”, or anything else, is a relatively recent invention of out culture) is basically this: If you believe in God (or gods, etc), then how do you reconcile evil and suffering with this belief (Is God –or Gods, if you believe in more than one– OK with evil and suffering in the world for some reason? Does His/Her/Their plan or nature include evil and suffering somehow/ etc?) OR if you are an Atheist/naturalist in philosophical disposition, then what is your perspective on evil/suffering? (can there even BE such a thing as evil in a mechanistically determined natural world? Is the universe and life ultimately meaningless and purposeless, if all cause/effect is nothing more than a blindly mechanistic physical process? etc?)
HIST 011 ELAC Impact of 13 Th 14 Th and 15 Th Amendment on Slaves Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
The legislative outcome of the Civil War was the passage of the 13th, 14th and 15th Amendments. In order, these constitutional amendments freed all slaves, granted all males civil rights and guaranteed voting rights. These amendments transformed society. As the federal government moved away from the Civil War issues and focused instead on developing the West, many former slaves decided to just get up and move west in order to escape the social backlash, that was often violent, in the South. But many were not able to leave and only had these three constitutional amendments to depend on. Voting in particular was taken seriously.
For this week, write a descriptive 2 page essay that quotes Foner once, on how the 13, 14 and 15th Amendments changed the lives of former slaves. Cite specific examples of social change for each amendment.
UMGC CSIA ISO 27001 & Cybersecurity IT Framework Briefing & Handout Discussion Writing Assignment Help
The next meeting of the IT Governance board will include a set of orientation briefings for the new members. Your assignment, as a support staffer, is to help prepare for this orientation meeting by developing a short (5-minute) briefing on one of the following IT management / IT security management frameworks, standards, and models.
- ISO 27001 (ISMS Program Management)
- NIST Cybersecurity Framework
- NIST Security and Privacy Controls (NIST SP 800-53)
- NIST Risk Management Framework (NIST SP 800-37)
See the weekly readings for information about your selected topic. Then, find additional sources on your own.
After you have researched your chosen framework, standard, or model, develop a written script for your briefing which you will deliver verbatim (as written).
You should also prepare a one page handout for the board members to follow as you present your speech.
Post your script and handout in this thread for critique and discussion with your peers. You may use an attachment for your handout but the script should be pasted directly into the body of your posting.
MGMT 310 American Public University System Google Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In need of (2) substantive replies of 125 words each to (2) different post. MGMT 310 Topic: W1: How is Work Managed
Peer replies to further the conversation
Student replied to at least two (2) classmates’ posts and each reply includes at least three (3) to four (4) sentences relating the classmate’s post to at least one (1) question/point of the Discussion Prompt.
Responses are substantive and encourage discussion by proposing a different point of view supported by an attribution to a source, personal example, or personal application. All responses include related follow up questions to promote continued discussion.
Forum Post 1:
With the management styles of Google, it is very different than what you would typically think of a large, successful company. During Henri Fayol and Frederick W. Taylor’s time, which was around World War I, and I feel management was different because the culture at that time was different than it is today.
During the early 1900s, there was no major factories because the Industrial Age hadn’t happened, yet. There were many family farms, small markets, and some textile mills. There were very few, if any, large companies where there was many employees to manage. As companies got bigger, and had more employees, they had to find out a way to manage those employees in an efficient manner.
The culture was also very different in the 1900s compared to today. People got their information from the daily paper or talking to folks around their town since there was very few cars to travel. The stereotype today is that kids are lazy and expect things that they do not deserve.
With my time in the Air Force, I do not believe that this philosophy would work in the military. The thought process in the military is “The mission comes first,” and I feel like that mentality works. Is it the best philosophy? No. But, you have to be mentally strong in the military and it does force service members into a certain mentality and as long as the camaraderie, or morale, is high, it is effective. A lot of times the morale is low and service members are unhappy.
I would say I am pretty adaptable, and I believe I would be alright and make things work. I do not think I would thrive in that environment because I do like structure
Forum Post 2:
Good Afternoon Class,
I absolutely agree with the Google philosophy that working should be fun.If you set employees up for success, there is no reason why they should not be able to properly perform their job duties and meet and exceed their expectations.When employees have the tools and resources they need to perform, they are better able to complete that job duty.This creates less work stress, therefore helps the turnover rate of employees, which benefits both employees and the employer. I do think the Google philosophy has changed the way people work at their jobs. Employers are more open and understanding, and they want to give employees the tools needed for success.For example, some offices have teams and other colleagues people can ask for assistance if they feel overwhelmed or stuck.A company may also consider giving a longer deadline when appropriate. There are many things that the employer can do to help an employee achieve the task successfully. As a matter of fact, we do use this at my job. We have a very fun and understanding work environment. We have open communication. I am great to my staff as the manager, and I tell them as long as they communicate with me, I will work with them when needed. I try to make work a place for employees to enjoy and be happy, while still working. This method seems to work well for our office. Of course, I know when I need to be serious with the employees, and I do not let them take advantage. However, my thought along with Google is, if you set them up for success, they will enjoy the job and do it well!
Prompt W1: How is Work Managed
Google has a core belief that the challenges of work should be fun. Therefore, if you give employees the necessary tools to properly perform their jobs, they will be key contributors to the organization’s overall success. (Chapter 1, Section 2)
When you look at the timeline of the history of management theory and the accompanying historical events that triggered changes in the practice of management (Chapter 3, Section 1), do you think the Google philosophy of management signals a shift in how work is managed? Could this philosophy work in your organization? Would you feel comfortable managing in this type of environment?
Wright State University Big Data and Its Business Impact Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Select a topic from the following list on which you would like to conduct an in-depth investigation:
- Information systems infrastructure: evolution and trends
- Strategic importance of cloud computing in business organizations
- Big data and its business impacts
- Managerial issues of a networked organization
- Emerging enterprise network applications
- Mobile computing and its business implications
Note: The above topics are also the basis of the discussion questions. You may use up to three resources found by yourself or your peers as peers as resources for the paper.
Research paper basics:
- 8 pages in length
- APA formatted
- Minimum six (6) sources – at least two (2) from peer reviewed journals
- Include an abstract, introduction, and conclusion
Wright State University Big Data and Its Business Impact Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Everyone Is a Day Trader Now Retail Investors & Approaching the Market Discussion Economics Assignment Help
When writing discussion, you may not quote the author without proper citations. In other words, if you use the exact words of the original author (copy-paste) you MUST do a proper citation. Similarly, if you use any other website (such as Wikipedia, Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy, etc.) you must cite the source. Failure to cite sources properly is in violation of Student Rights and Responsibilities Manual which may result in grade penalties.
When in doubt, quote/cite your sources. All quotes, references, and ideas lifted from any source – including internet sources MUST be properly cited in MLA/APA format.
All discussions must be thoroughly proof-read and checked for spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Students should write in professional, academic prose and use only appropriate language. Spelling and grammar count towards your grade in every assignment.
Florida International University Highly Competitive Business Environments Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Please reply to the following two post 100 words one reference each
#1 Yulier Rodriguez Medina
Discussion Board Week #15
Change is crucial for organizations in growing, highly competitive business environments. Theories of change describe the effectiveness with which organizations are able to modify their strategies, processes, and structures. (Lin, 2017) The action research model, the positive model, and Lewin’s change model indicate the stages of organizational change.
The Lewin’s model was used from an ethnographic study assumed for the investigation of the Lewin’s model for change development, mediates implementation and leadership initiatives for change in complex organizations.
The organizational change explains the movement of an organization from the known (current state) state to the unknown (Desired future state) state. This is because the future of this change is uncertain and may concern the people’s worth, coping abilities, and competency, so the people of the organization do not support change unless they are convinced against the status. The transformational leadership style affects the organizational change process. In this type of leadership style, the leader coordinate with employees, share their knowledge, give opportunity in making decisions in organizational level.
To achieve transformative change, direction has to come from the top of the organization and all teams must understand their role. “Healthcare CEOs and senior leaders must be aligned on the strategic vision and the path needed to reach it, and they have to consistently and transparently communicate both to the entire organization.”An assessment process determines the organization’s performance level and the divide between baseline performance and ideal performance. ( Pierce, 2015) The assessment effort should have several components, including leadership surveys and stakeholder interviews.
Transformational plans require benchmarks and metrics to set goals, measure performance, and guide strategy adjustments. An integrated dashboard should give the CEO and other top leaders a comprehensive view of the organization’s performance.
Lin, 2017 C.P. To share or not to share: Modeling knowledge sharing using exchange ideology as a moderatorPersonnel Review, 36 (3) (2007), pp. 457
Pierce, 2015 J.L. Pierce, D.G. Gardner, R.B.DunhamManagement organizational change and development
Management and organizational behavior: An integrated perspective, South-Western College Publishing, Cincinnati, OH (2015), pp. 627-657
#2 Discussion Board Week #15
Yulier Rodriguez Medina
Regardless of what an employee’s role is, at some point they will have to work with other people at the company – whether that’s a colleague, customer or other stakeholder. Team spirit is an attitude that enables people to work well together. It’s about camaraderie, cooperation and collaboration between different members of the organization.
Team spirit is based on the culture of the company. Businesses where collaboration and teamwork are encouraged will have high levels of team spirit as employees will be familiar with working with one another.(Braaten, 2015) For businesses where job descriptions require employees to work more individually, team spirit activities may need to be implemented to encourage colleagues to interact with one another.
Team spirit is integral to building a successful team. People that exemplify good team spirit may be able to take on more leadership responsibilities and management roles, as they are able to encourage others to work well together.
When people show teamwork spirit, it means they are more invested in the goals of their organization.(Vifladt et al., 2016) Teams that function well together are more productive and provide greater value to an organization than teams that are full of conflict. When teams are working well together, the organization will be more efficient and profitable.
This course has brought to my career an incredible value. Not only the knowledge about nursing decision-making in complex health systems but the skills, ways, and tools to apply this knowledge.Decision-making processes used by Urgent Care nurses include factors associated with unconscious awareness such as intuition and related processes. Intuition, used by expert nurses, is described as possibly subject to decision-maker biases leading to error due to the influence of experience based preconceptions. Time spent as a nurse led to positive influences on nurse decision-making. For instance, experience increased self-confidence. This confidence promotes nurses’ belief in their ability to ask questions, consider options for patient care, implement interventions and trust their competence in nursing practice. The increase in self-confidence is associated with communication skills, supported decision-making, and facilitated determination of interventions and management of emergencies.(Paul & Hice., 2016)
The influence of education on decision-making is unclear. More research on the influence of education on clinical decision-making is needed. Experience is an influential factor in decision-making. Possibly more experiential learning, such as integration of simulation into education programs, would facilitate decision-making in acute care.
Braaten JS. Hospital System Barriers to Rapid Response Team Activation: A Cognitive Work Analysis. American Journal of Nursing. 2015;115(2):22–33. doi: 10.1097/
Paul S, Hice A. Role of the Acute Care Nurse in Managing Patients With Heart Failure Using Evidence-Based Care. Critical Care Nursing Quarterly. 2016;37(4):357–376. doi: 10.1097/CNQ.0000000000000036.
Vifladt A, Simonsen BO, Lydersen S, Farup PG. The association between patient safety culture and burnout and sense of coherence: A cross-sectional study in restructured and not restructured intensive care units. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing. 2016;36:26–34.
University of Toronto Week 4 Change of Attribute and Personality Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
The goal of the assignment is to apply behaviour modification strategies learned in this course to one of your own behaviours.
Examples of strategies learned in class:
- Positive reinforcement.
- Negative reinforcement.
- Punishment.
- Systematic desensitization.
- Shaping
- Extinction.
Behaviours that needs modification
. Order Uber Eats once instead of 5 times a week.
1) A description of the specific problem, and an introduction to the relevant literature;
2) A detailed plan of intervention in which you explain all the steps to tackle the problem, and justification of the various steps contained in your plan. Examples of interventions include: Shaping, behaviour chaining, etc.
3) A summary of the data gathered from the application of the behaviour modification program, and a discussion of the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen plan of action.
You will conduct a behavioural assessment and select an appropriate intervention. You will then evaluate the success of your intervention and explore the strengths and weaknesses of your program. You must include schedules of reinforcement. You must include Graphs indicating the progress, and illustrating the effects produced by the intervention. You MUST* include a baseline (1 week prior to the intervention) to demonstrate how things were BEFORE the intervention was implemented.
Min. 1500 words and max. 2000 (6-8 pages double spaced)
- Excluding title page and any references
- Use APA format
- 1 inch margins
- Title page in APA style
- Graphs and tables in APA style
- Acceptable fonts: Times New Roman, Calibri, Arial
- 12 point font
- NO abstract
- A minimum of two external references
- No direct quotes allowed. You will lost points if any are included.
- Introduction: A description of the specific problem, and a brief overview of any relevant literature.
- Methods: Explain all the steps used in your intervention.
- Justification of the various steps contained in your plan.
- Using the knowledge you gained from journal articles or books, you must explain why the various techniques you have chosen are relevant, useful and/or necessary to your intervention plan.
- Results: Data gathered from the application of the behaviour modification program. Present that information with suitable graph(s) and/or table(s).
- Baseline data + intervention data
- If time allows, you may also include post-intervention data
- Discussion: Strengths and weaknesses of your chosen plan of action.
PH 401 Cuyamaca College The Enduring Impact of Coronavirus Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Watch and write your comments here for 10 points. I want you to write you thought not just what’s the video talked about. write about what the video said and what do you think about what they said
Nicholas Christakis is a physician and sociologist at Yale University who explores the ancient origins and modern implications of human nature. Christakis’ research focuses on the social, mathematical and biological rules that form social networks as well as the implications of human connection that influences thoughts, feelings and behaviors.
In his new book Apollo’s Arrow, Christakis explores the impact of the coronavirus pandemic in America and the implications that will follow in the coming years. Christakis uses a range of disciplines to unpack the effects of a modern pandemic, including historical epidemics, contemporary analyses and trailblazing scientific research. The coronavirus pandemic and the epidemics that have come before it, though mostly unknown territory to those alive today, is fundamental to the human biological experience.
Join Christakis and former U.S. Surgeon General Dr. Vivek Murthy for a conversation about adaptation, survival and the rapid change we’ve undergone in 2020.
Google has a core belief that the challenges of work should be fun. Therefore, if you give employees the necessary tools to properly perform their jobs, they will be key contributors to the organization’s overall success. (Chapter 1, Section 2)
When you look at the timeline of the history of management theory and the accompanying historical events that triggered changes in the practice of management (Chapter 3, Section 1), do you think the Google philosophy of management signals a shift in how work is managed? Could this philosophy work in your organization? Would you feel comfortable managing in this type of environment?