Global Inequality Theories & Neoliberalism Essay Writing Assignment Help. Global Inequality Theories & Neoliberalism Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing Other and need an explanation to help me learn.
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~ Each prompt is it’s own essay so it needs to be 2.5-3 pages each it’s all on one document ~
If there are two prompts, you must answer each prompt separately. This means that when there are two prompts, you should have two separate essays, 2.5-3 pages in length, for a total of 5 pages. Papers should be written in essay format (short introduction, body paragraphs, and short conclusion). These papers will require you to use in-text citations to back up your argument. In-text citations should follow APA or ASA style-guide and include Author(s) and year. You MUST cite when quoting (with page #s), paraphrasing, or using someone elseâs idea. Grading for the Analytical Papers will be done as they are submitted.
Please answer the following prompt(s):
1. Compare and contrast Modernization Theory, World-Systems Theory, and Global Capitalist/Transnational Capitalist theories. In what ways do these theories differ in their approach to globalization and inequality and in what ways are they similar. Which theory do you find most convincing? Explain your answer.
2. What is neoliberalism according to Harvey (2007)? What is the stated goal of the neoliberal approach? What is the result of the neoliberal approach? How do the results compare to the goals of neoliberalism? What is the role of crises in the implementation of neoliberal reforms? Does the history of neoliberalism, as described by Harvey (2007) fall more in line with the World Systems or Global Capitalist approach?
Global Inequality Theories & Neoliberalism Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Standford University Anatomy Injury on Bone Discussion Board Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a anatomy discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
This is an assignment that requires only one post to the discussion board. The post includes a photo and a report.
Take a picture or find a picture of yourself or someone you know who can help with the history of the injury. We are looking for bone injuries or bone surgeries used for corrective care (like bunion osteotomy).
The photo must show the injury described. For instance if you have a picture of a hand and you tell us about a radial head fracture, you do not get these points. If you absolutely can not find a friend or relative’s photo take a picture of your own body part that shows the fracture or surgical procedure that you want to discuss.
In-text citation is required. A works cited section (bibliography) is required at the end of the report. We are looking for APA style. See course resources for help here. A maximum of 5 points will be earned if you do not include in-text citation. Reports missing works cited (bibliography) receive 0 points.
Explain the bone injury or surgical sight. What type of a fracture is it (be specific from your text under bone fracture and repair.
Explain the cause of the injury or the need for the surgery
Name the bone involved and name the part of the bone involved (such as the proximal anterior metaphysis of the femur
Describe the healing process that is or has taken place (use the text book for this with the stages of bone healing)
Name every bone in order from the injured bone to the most central bone. The most axial (central) part of the body is the spine. Remember that the scapulae attach to the sternum through the acromioclavicular (AC) and sternoclavicular (SC) joints.
Name every bone in order from the injured bone to the most peripheral bone in the body. The most peripheral bones in the body are the phalanges.
These are difficult to grade. Be sure to use your text book as your primary reference plus add in internet resources or pathology texts and nursing texts or resources as needed.
CSS Hess Law Heat Capacity Molar Heat Specific Heat & DHreaction Lab Report Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a chemistry report and need a reference to help me understand better.
Hessâs Law states that the energy change for a reaction depends on the enthalpy of the reactants and products and is independent of the pathway of the reaction. In this experiment, you will use calorimetry to measure the heats of reaction for three reactions. The enthalpy of the third reaction will be found directly through experimentation and by applying Hessâs Law. You will compare these two values to evaluate Hessâs Law. In this experiment you will determine and compare the quantity of heat energy released in three exothermic chemical reactions. Sodium hydroxide will be the limiting reactant in all cases.
Reaction 1: Solid sodium hydroxide dissolves in water to form an aqueous solution of ions.
NaOH(s) â Na+(aq) + OH-(aq)
Reaction 2: Solid sodium hydroxide reacts with an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride to form water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
NaOH(s) + H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) â H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
Reaction 3: An aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide reacts with an aqueous solution of hydrogen chloride to form water and an aqueous solution of sodium chloride.
Na+(aq) + OH-(aq) + H+(aq) + Cl-(aq) â H2O(l) + Na+(aq) + Cl-(aq)
In order to accurately measure the heat released in each reaction, we will be using a calorimeter. (For this experiment a styrofoam cup will act as the calorimeter). The change in temperature that occurs for each reaction will be used to calculate the energy released in kilojoules per mole of sodium hydroxide used (molar enthalpy). For the calculations in this experiment, we will assume that any heat transferred to the styrofoam and surrounding air will be negligible. We can also assume that the specific heat of water or aqueous solutions is 4.18 J/g°C. We will also assume that water or aqueous solutions used have a density of 1g/mL.
Reaction # |
NaOH |
Initial Temperature (°C) |
Final Temperature (°C) |
Total Volume (mL) |
1 |
1.00g |
25.0 |
30.3 |
50.0 |
2 |
1.00g |
25.0 |
37.0 |
50.0 |
3 |
25.0mL of 1.00 mol/L NaOH |
25.0 |
31.7 |
50.0 |
1. For each of the three reactions, calculate the heat released/absorbed (q), and the molar heat of reaction (DHreaction). Show all work.
2. With Hessâs Law, show how the first two chemical reactions can be used to form the third reaction. Use this, and the molar enthalpies from the first two experiments, to find the molar enthalpy for the third reaction.
3. Do the results from Q#2 confirm Hessâs Law?
4. Suppose you had used 4.00 grams of NaOH(s) in Reaction 1. How would the amount of heat released be affected? What effect would it have had on the molar enthalpy for Reaction 1?
Park University Debt Payment Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
Financial Counseling Project
This project is designed to give the student some initial experience in applying the concepts taught in this course. Â The course project will include elements of the first three stages of financial counseling, which are initiation, exploring, and understanding. Â Due to the short 8-week duration of this course, the final stage of acting will only be lightly addressed.
CLOâs 1-5
- Demonstrate how to educate clients on sound financial principles including; managing money, credit and debt, consumer protections, financial risks, major purchases, and the basics of investments, retirement, and estate planning.
- Demonstrate how to gather client information.
- Construct financial statements, ratios, and client action plans.
- Apply various financial counseling skills, processes, techniques and strategies that will help clients; modify ineffective behaviors, learn basic debt survival strategies, overcome financial indebtedness, and achieve their financial goals.
- Demonstrate how to support clients as they work through their financial challenges, opportunities, and perspectives on money.
Students will be paired up to simulate a financial counseling relationship. Â You will take turns playing both the role of the counselor and the client. Â As you play the role of the counselor it is recommended that you have a minimum of two phone/video consultations with your client. Â The documents that you turn in will include specific financial information. Â It is understandable that you may not want to share your personal financial details with your classmates; therefore, it is perfectly acceptable to substitute different values for items like income, net worth, and specific expenses. Â It is important however to keep the amounts you substitute consistent with the challenges and goals you share with your counselor. Â If you are fortunate enough not to have any major challenges in your current life situation you can make some up or use some past situations that you have made it through. Â The closer you are to sharing your actual current situation the more natural the counseling simulation will feel. Â Use your best judgement.
Submission Requirements
Create the following documents for your client. Â See the textbook for examples.
- Client Information Sheet
- Goal Planning
- Action Plan
For reference purposes, include the following documents that your client will provide you.
- Income Worksheet
- Debt Payment Worksheet
- Monthly Spending Plan Worksheet
- Periodic Expense Planning Worksheet
Based on the information gathered on your client, create a list of recommendations. Â Include an explanation on why you are making each recommendation. Â Include some context to the sequence and priority of these recommendations; what your client needs to work on in the short-term vs. long-term, and which items are most critical to their situation.
Counseling Process Notes
As mentioned, you need to have two or three sessions with your client (minimum of two). Â These can either be in person, over the phone, or video calls. Â Before each session, prepare in writing some thoughts on what you hope to accomplish. Â Include thoughts on self-awareness, diversity, critical conversations, motivation, behavior modifications, and other material from the text. Â After the session, document what techniques you tried to use, your thoughts on if they were successful or not, and what you might try differently next time. Â This is meant as a reflection on the counseling process itself. Â Summarize both your pre- and post- session notes and turn them in as part of the project submission.
Quality Writing
Follow the general APA guidelines of 1â margins, double-spaced, and a highly readable font (12 pt. Times New Roman or similar). Â Use proper spelling and grammar throughout. Â There is no minimum page requirement; however, the âRecommendationsâ and âCounseling Process Notesâ sections should each be limited to no more than five pages each.
Moraine Valley Community College Vaccines Preventable Diseases Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need support to help me understand better.
Watch this video and write a paper and a half about it.
(in standard, written English using complete sentences) needs to include the title of the video, a brief statement about why you picked the video or find that topic interesting, and then a paragraph about what topic or topics we studied in class that helped you understand the video better (or made you interested in the video in the first place). For the paragraph about something we studied in the class you can write about when we learned about the vaccine unit in class helped me understand this video better.
MRKT 310 UMUC Marketing Strategies for Diet Coke Analytical Review Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a marketing strategies writing question and need support to help me understand better.
MRKT 310 Principles of Marketing
Week 8 Writing Assignment
Integrated Marketing Communications and the Changing Media Landscape
Learning Outcomes
- Integrated Marketing Communications. Student understands how integrated marketing communications can add value for customers.
- Marketing communications objectives. Student can develop marketing communications objectives using the AIDA framework.
- Promotion mix. Student can select the appropriate promotion tool to be used for different marketing communications objectives.
- Media strategy. Student can design a simple message and media plan for a product or service offering.
- This assignment assesses your ability to relate integrated marketing communications concepts to your product or service offering and the target market you selected. Here you will let your creative side shine as you think through how you would design the marketing communications for your product or service to effectively and efficiently communicate a clear, consistent and compelling message to your target market over the next year.
- You may want to refer to some additional references for more information on message design. A good one is
- Promotion: Integrated marketing communication (IMC). (n.d.). Lumen
- You may want to refer to some additional references for more information on message design. A good one is
Part 1
- Integrated Marketing Communications. Considering your new target market and any modifications, new product line extensions or new products you may have developed to serve the new target market needs, create your ‘Big Idea” to be the basis of the message strategy for all your marketing communications.
- Marketing communications objectives. In your Week 7 reading you learned about Message Strategies and the Organization’s promotion objectives (See, Section 11.5). Write at least three marketing communications objectives using the AIDA framework discussed in the reading. Each of your marketing communications objectives must be specific, measurable, realistic, and have a time limitation (i.e., be a SMART goal).
Part 2
- Promotion mix. For each of the three marketing communications objectives written in number 2, discuss which of the promotion tools would be the best choice to reach each of the three marketing communications objective. One tool must be advertising (traditional or online) You may have more than one promotion mix tool for any given marketing communications objective. Consider and discuss whether you will be using digital marketing in general (email, mobile, social media, etc) or not to reach these goals. Why is this appropriate for this customer or not?
- Media strategy. Discuss at least two of your media choices that you believe will best reach your target market with your advertising. Be specific with your choices, e.g. HGTV, Rehab Addict, because the product or service is targeting a do-it-yourself target market, or Home Depot website banner ads for the same target market. Or Morning TV National News, Good Morning America and The Today Show, 1st hour because your target market is educated urban workers. If using social media, discuss which social media and how they will be used to accomplish which objective.
MRKT 310 UMUC Marketing Strategies for Diet Coke Analytical Review Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CISS 116 BCCC The shell Script Named LL that Lists Your Directory Codes Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a linux exercise and need an explanation to help me understand better.
1. Create a shell script named LL that lists your directory in a long format.
a. Execute LL using the sh command.
b. Change LL to an executable file.
c. Execute LL again.
2. Create a script file that performs the following:
a. Clears the screen.
b. Skips two lines.
c. Shows the current date and time.
d. Shows the number of the users on the system.
e. Beeps a few times and shows the message Now at your service
3. Create a script file for each of the script examples in this chapter that were typed at the $ prompt. Make the appropriate modifications if necessary and run them. Use sh with the -x and other options to debug, and investigate the way shell scripts are executed.
ACCT 556 Strayer University the Capital Investment Evaluation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
1. Evaluate, discuss, and compare whether to purchase the new equipment or overhaul the old equipment. (Hint: For the old machine, the initial investment is the cost of the overhaul. For the new machine, subtract the salvage value of the old machine to determine the initial cost of the investment.)
- Calculate the net present value of the old backhoes and the new backhoes.
- Discuss the net present value of each, including what the calculations reveal about whether the company should purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes.
- Calculate the payback period for keeping the old backhoes and purchasing the new backhoes. (Hint: For the old machines, evaluate the payback of an overhaul.)
- Discuss the payback method and what the payback periods of the old backhoes and new backhoes reveal about whether the company should purchase new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes. Calculate the profitability index for keeping the old backhoes and purchasing new backhoes.
- Discuss the profitability index of each, including what the calculations reveal about whether the company should purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes.
2. Identify and discuss any intangible benefits that might influence this decision.
3. Answer the following: Should the company purchase the new backhoes or continue using the old backhoes? Explain your decision.
OPSCB 574 University of Phoenix As Is Process Flow Chart Evaluation Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management multi-part question and need guidance to help me understand better.
As-Is Process Flow Chart Evaluation
Create a new Word doc to use for the elements of this assignment.
 Select a process from an organization you work for or are familiar with. You will use this process in your assessments for Competency 2 and 3 as well.
Create a flowchart of the as-is process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Vizio, or Excel. Insert the flow chart in your Word doc with the header “As-Is Process Flow Chart Evaluation.”
Under the flow chart in your Word doc, write an evaluation of the efficacy of your process using process improvement techniques.
Process Improvement Flow Chart
Determine how the process can be improved based on the results of your evaluation.
Define metrics and measure the current process. Add the metrics and measures to your Word doc.
Use process improvement techniques to improve the process. Create a flow chart of the improved process using Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, Vizio, or Excel. Use your professional judgment to ascertain how the future process will perform according to your metrics.Â
Insert your new flow chart on your Word doc under the header “Process Improvement Flow Chart.”
Continue to Step 3: Executive Summary
.Executive Summary
Write a 525-word executive summary on your Word doc under the header “Executive Summary.” Include the following in your summary:
- A brief description of the process based on the flowchart of processes current state
- The results of your process evaluation and how the weak points can be strengthened. Include a description of the process improvement technique(s) used.
- A brief description of process improvements based on the process of the future state
- How you anticipate the future process will perform based on metrics used to evaluate process current state
- A description of your process improvement project to achieve the process future state
Cite references to support your assignment.
Format your citations according to APA guidelines.
Continue to Part B: Statistical Process Control Methods.
City University of Seattle Weight Lifting and Workout Routine Discussions Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a fitness discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
please answer all of the discussions most have articles as resources to answer only 1 doesnt. PLEASE WRITE ANSWERS DISCUSSION #1
1. READ the article from the link:
2. RESPOND to the question:
Of the 5 exercises listed in the article, explain one exercise you have done, or have seen others do. Biomechanically speaking explain why this exercise is more risky than rewarding? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!
1. READ the article in the link:
2. RESPOND to the question:
When we reach the age of 40, what happens to our bones and what can we do to prevent bone loss? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!
Since much of our society is obsessed with immediate results when it comes to working out. People tend to ârushâ through the use of the FITT principles by increasing the frequency, intensity or time too quickly. This can often lead to injury that will just set people back further.
- What do you think we can do as a society to educate people about the importance of taking their time?
- Why do you think this has become such a vast issue in the last decade?
Please be specific and provide examples and thorough detail. Answers should be a minimum of 4-5 complete sentences.
1. READ the article from the link below:
2. RESPOND to the question:
Of the 6 components listed in the article, explain one component you feel is the most important and why? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!
1. READ the article in the link:
2. RESPOND to the question:
List one exercise for each plane? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!
1. READ the article from the link:
2. RESPOND to the question:
Of the 5 exercises listed in the article, explain one exercise you have done, or have seen others do. Biomechanically speaking explain why this exercise is more risky than rewarding? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!
1. READ the article from the link below:
2. RESPOND to the question:
Of the 6 components listed in the article, explain one component you feel is the most important and why? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!UNDER EACH QUESTIONS SO I WONT GET CONFUSED. ANSWER EACH WITH MIN OF 4 SENTENCES>
2. RESPOND to the question:
Of the 6 components listed in the article, explain one component you feel is the most important and why? Make sure your answer is a complete sentence!UNDER EACH QUESTIONS SO I WONT GET CONFUSED. ANSWER EACH WITH MIN OF 4 SENTENCES>