Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help. Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Essay is about Mindfulness in Relationships.

Essay must be 6 pages long

Must be APA format

Please attach a reference page

Must be discussed in the essay:

(1) nature of problem and background on the problem (How mindfulness is used in relationships)

(2) research on the effectiveness of mindfulness with the problem

(3) An explanation of a mindfulness based technique used in treating the problem.

At least six references must be used

Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Arizona State University Quantitative Methods Correlation Discussion Writing Assignment Help


The superintendent would like to know what relationships exist between different domains of Georgia Milestones scores. She has provided your principal with the included Excel file, “Milestones_Grade8,” which is a random sample of eighth-grade students from all public middle schools in the school system. The students were chosen randomly in such a way that all eighth-grade students had an equal chance of being selected. Since the principal knows you are taking a research course, she has asked you to complete the assignment. In this activity, you are to use Excel to calculate and interpret correlation coefficients.

To help you with the correlation in Excel it can be found on YouTube. Here is an alternative way to get to the program which might work for you, if needed. The Excel Basics title in Hoonuit has help for the Pearson correlation coefficient.

If one goes to YouTube and types in Pearson correlation in Excel, multiple videos should appear for one’s viewing.

Correlation YouTube Video

Directions: Complete each of the steps (1-3) in the attached Word document. Sections 2 and 3 will have responses.

No Plagarism

**I have some of this assignment already completed, just need Sections 2 and 3 completed which will have responses, and I will attach the completed work.


MOD7 The Battle Ground Air Masses, Fronts, and Mid Latitude Cyclones Report Writing Assignment Help

Initial Post Instructions and Requirements:

  1. Choose one of these discussion topics.
  2. Formulate an organized, clearly worded, and succinct initial post that substantively covers all discussion points stated for your chosen topic. Because your initial post will be scored on the degree to which you meet these standards, there is no set minimum word requirement. However, there is a set maximum word requirement – confine your initial post to 500 words. Remember that we are all reading each other’s posts, and one that is succinctly written is more likely to be read and responded to, thus furthering our discussion on that topic.
  3. Include at least one graphic, video, or image that visually adds to some aspect of your post – as they say, pictures are worth 1000 words!
  4. Post your initial post by the 4th day of the module week. You will not be able to see any posts until you post your initial post.


SYG2010 Saint Petersburg Chapter 17 Environment Movement Summary Humanities Assignment Help

Read_this_tnb.pngAfter reading chapter 17 and reviewing the weekly resource page, consider the following three items.

Your assignment.jpg

1) Choose a social movement (worth 5 points)

and provide a summary of it and find out what impact it has had in your local area. Your summary should include an analysis of any social problems your movement represents. On the resource page I have a lot of information about the environmental movement because this is one of the easiest ones to find something for locally, but feel free to use any social problem you wish.

2) Collective Behavior (worth 5 points)

With respect to collective behavior, what are some examples of collective behavior you see? How does collective behavior influence us everyday and how does it influence social change? Specifically, what types can you identify in the social movement you selected for part 1.

Remember that collective behavior may be more subtle than you think, I mean, how many of us really have social media accounts because, well, everyone else does, and society almost demands it! 🙂

3) Course Impact (worth 5 points)

Ultimately, how has this social problems class changed your thinking, opinions, beliefs, views, or behavior towards yourself, others, and/or our social world? Do you have any plans to get involved with any of the social problems we have learned about, or some other issue that might only be plaguing your local area? (Remember to use at least one concept or idea from the text).

Response post required(worth 5 points)

You will post two times for this discussion (first post is worth 15 points, second post worth 5 points), one time presenting your own original post with your summary of the three items above, and the second one to comment on a different aspect of someone else’s post, such as whether the movement they chose has been successful, or unsuccessful, and ways that the movement has affected social change.

I will allow you to see each other’s posts so that you all do not take the same aspect of the same social movement. If someone else has chosen the movement you wanted then your first post can be to find what they missed about that movement and relate it to a different local issue. Remember to think about who has something to gain, who are the claims makers in any of the issues we discuss.

Thanks for a great course!

Please remember to take my opinion survey,(will open the last week of the course) it is worth 10 extra credit points and I really use the information you provide to help improve the course. Make sure you visit the Final Checklist items to make sure you have turned everything in. This can be found in modules.

due date.jpgYour post is due by Wed. at 11:59 p.m. See your course schedule for the exact date this assignment is due.


HUM1020 Saint Petersburg Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment


See the Aesthetic Experience Essay Rubric.


Use all of the resources in Course Content as well as your textbook to guide your writing. Follow the prompts in the appropriate worksheet from the Aesthetic Experience Materials area in this module. Apply the skills you’ve developed throughout the course in researching and evaluating works from the humanities. (Optional: SPC Student ID. Many events and museums offer discounts for students)


Throughout the course you have applied the practice of critical analysis to a variety of works from the humanities. This assignment is the capstone of the lessons and activities you’ve completed in this course.

For this assignment you will physically attend an art museum, dance concert, musical performance, or theatrical production (a play or musical play) in your local community. [Note: Cinema / film is not an option for this assignment]


Before the Experience (Do These Steps EARLY in the Semester)

1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module.

2. Look through the pre-approved list of art museums and events in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module and choose your experience.

3. Plan for and schedule the time and date to go to your chosen experience.

During and After the Experience (Do These Steps for the Visit/Event)

4. Print out the appropriate worksheet for your chosen event from the four provided in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module to take with you.

5. Go to your chosen in-person Aesthetic Experience, jotting notes on the printed worksheet during the experience.

6. After attending the museum or performance, compose an essay pertaining to this in-person aesthetic experience based on the detailed instructions in the Aesthetic Experience worksheet that you selected. Incorporate terms from the list at the end of your worksheet.

7. Conduct the appropriate research to support your responses to the worksheet prompts. Be sure to cite all sources, including the event or work of art.

8. Finally, submit your completed Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis essay to this dropbox folder. (Note: you may submit the completed worksheet, provided that your responses reflect in-depth critical evaluation and analysis and careful editing/proofreading and research citations before submitting.)

You would have to use the event list and the worksheet to create your experience and look up the event and take notes from there. Student lives in the Saint Petersburg Area.



San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

You will be given 2 contracts with questions to be answered for each contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with each contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.
There are correct answers for each question. If a student discusses a different legal theory for answering the questions, partial points will be given. In cases of complete or partial answers, text references are mandatory to support the remedy proposed by the student.
Please remember to reference the applicable parts of the contract that you are using to answer each question.
Each question is worth 14 points. Within each question, a student will be given 2 points for the text reference, 2 points for the contract reference, 4 points for spelling/grammar, with 6 points for the analysis.
The remaining 5 points will be given as an overall score for the entire assignment. Following are the prompts.
Residential House Lease
The following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with text references to support your answers)
Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to the current tenant. Juan, the current tenant, has just discovered the leak after a heavy rain. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the attic. Juan still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?
UCC Sales Contract
The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)
You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters and that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant was first contacted by you. You both agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just talked about scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?
Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis.

San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard The Reaction of Chinese & Islam Towards Contagion and The Black Plague Paper Writing Assignment Help

1. Title (main and subtitle)

2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement

3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph

4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper

5. Conclusion

6. Work-cited

13 pages, excluding works cited.

Any sources that are cited MUST have the page number included.

Sources to use:

Ibn Sina’s Cannon Of Medicine

Kuriyama, Shigehisa. 1993. “Concepts of Disease in East Asia.” In The Cambridge World History of Human Diseases, edited by K. F. Kiple, 52-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Leung, Angela Ki Che. 2010. “The Evolution of the Idea of Chuanran Contagion in Imperial China.” In Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, 25-50. Durham: Duke University Press.

Conrad, Lawrence I. 2000. “A Ninth-Century Muslim Scholar’s Discussion of Contagion.” In Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies, edited by Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk, 163- 177. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company.


UOTC Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy Research Writing Assignment Help

Write a 5-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic ” Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy for Cloud Computing.”

Research Paper Requirements:

1. Five pages long. The cover page and reference page included.

2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.

3. Include a cover page and a reference page.

4. Use section headers for good readership.

5. Use figures and tables if needed (not mandatory).

6. Use Safe-Assign to check your research paper. A similarity score greater than 25% shows poor originality.

7. Use APA for in-text citations and references.



IDS2891 Saint Petersburg Differences Between Cultural Climate Experienced During Ancestral and Current Times Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  • Points 10
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Nov 21 at 12am – Nov 26 at 11:59pm 7 days

In short essay form, compare and contrast the culture or cultural climate of your ancestor with the one in which you live. What is or was better or worse or simply different? What commonalities do you see between the two?

Note: a short essay consists of two to three paragraphs (in this assignment: 200-300 words). Use academic style when formatting (indentation, punctuation, grammar, spelling,etc.)

Copy and Paste your answer for submission in the “Compare Cultures: Then and Now” Assignment Submission area.


UCSD Communication & Research Skills of McDonald’s Corporation Paper Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

As you move beyond the university setting, you will need to make choices about how you want to present yourself and your work to a wider public. Thus, for this final project, you will design something that best represents your public rhetoric. For example, if you aim to become a journalist, you can write a researched article for a specific publication; if you aim to become an artist, you can assemble a portfolio; if you aim to become a scientist, you can write a grant proposal; if you aim to become a science teacher, you can develop a YouTube channel of “how-to” videos. Ideally you will be able to use this project for a future purpose.

For this project I want to do a research paper, and I already write the first draft, for this first draft my TA give me some suggestion, please according to suggestions rewrite( about1500 words)

[supanova_question] open the last week of the course) it is worth 10 extra credit points and I really use the information you provide to help improve the course. Make sure you visit the Final Checklist items to make sure you have turned everything in. This can be found in modules.

due date.jpgYour post is due by Wed. at 11:59 p.m. See your course schedule for the exact date this assignment is due.


HUM1020 Saint Petersburg Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment


See the Aesthetic Experience Essay Rubric.


Use all of the resources in Course Content as well as your textbook to guide your writing. Follow the prompts in the appropriate worksheet from the Aesthetic Experience Materials area in this module. Apply the skills you’ve developed throughout the course in researching and evaluating works from the humanities. (Optional: SPC Student ID. Many events and museums offer discounts for students)


Throughout the course you have applied the practice of critical analysis to a variety of works from the humanities. This assignment is the capstone of the lessons and activities you’ve completed in this course.

For this assignment you will physically attend an art museum, dance concert, musical performance, or theatrical production (a play or musical play) in your local community. [Note: Cinema / film is not an option for this assignment]


Before the Experience (Do These Steps EARLY in the Semester)

1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module.

2. Look through the pre-approved list of art museums and events in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module and choose your experience.

3. Plan for and schedule the time and date to go to your chosen experience.

During and After the Experience (Do These Steps for the Visit/Event)

4. Print out the appropriate worksheet for your chosen event from the four provided in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module to take with you.

5. Go to your chosen in-person Aesthetic Experience, jotting notes on the printed worksheet during the experience.

6. After attending the museum or performance, compose an essay pertaining to this in-person aesthetic experience based on the detailed instructions in the Aesthetic Experience worksheet that you selected. Incorporate terms from the list at the end of your worksheet.

7. Conduct the appropriate research to support your responses to the worksheet prompts. Be sure to cite all sources, including the event or work of art.

8. Finally, submit your completed Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis essay to this dropbox folder. (Note: you may submit the completed worksheet, provided that your responses reflect in-depth critical evaluation and analysis and careful editing/proofreading and research citations before submitting.)

You would have to use the event list and the worksheet to create your experience and look up the event and take notes from there. Student lives in the Saint Petersburg Area.



San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

You will be given 2 contracts with questions to be answered for each contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with each contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.
There are correct answers for each question. If a student discusses a different legal theory for answering the questions, partial points will be given. In cases of complete or partial answers, text references are mandatory to support the remedy proposed by the student.
Please remember to reference the applicable parts of the contract that you are using to answer each question.
Each question is worth 14 points. Within each question, a student will be given 2 points for the text reference, 2 points for the contract reference, 4 points for spelling/grammar, with 6 points for the analysis.
The remaining 5 points will be given as an overall score for the entire assignment. Following are the prompts.
Residential House Lease
The following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with text references to support your answers)
Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to the current tenant. Juan, the current tenant, has just discovered the leak after a heavy rain. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the attic. Juan still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?
UCC Sales Contract
The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)
You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters and that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant was first contacted by you. You both agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just talked about scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?
Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis.

San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard The Reaction of Chinese & Islam Towards Contagion and The Black Plague Paper Writing Assignment Help

1. Title (main and subtitle)

2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement

3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph

4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper

5. Conclusion

6. Work-cited

13 pages, excluding works cited.

Any sources that are cited MUST have the page number included.

Sources to use:

Ibn Sina’s Cannon Of Medicine

Kuriyama, Shigehisa. 1993. “Concepts of Disease in East Asia.” In The Cambridge World History of Human Diseases, edited by K. F. Kiple, 52-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Leung, Angela Ki Che. 2010. “The Evolution of the Idea of Chuanran Contagion in Imperial China.” In Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, 25-50. Durham: Duke University Press.

Conrad, Lawrence I. 2000. “A Ninth-Century Muslim Scholar’s Discussion of Contagion.” In Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies, edited by Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk, 163- 177. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company.


UOTC Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy Research Writing Assignment Help

Write a 5-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic ” Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy for Cloud Computing.”

Research Paper Requirements:

1. Five pages long. The cover page and reference page included.

2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.

3. Include a cover page and a reference page.

4. Use section headers for good readership.

5. Use figures and tables if needed (not mandatory).

6. Use Safe-Assign to check your research paper. A similarity score greater than 25% shows poor originality.

7. Use APA for in-text citations and references.



IDS2891 Saint Petersburg Differences Between Cultural Climate Experienced During Ancestral and Current Times Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  • Points 10
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Nov 21 at 12am – Nov 26 at 11:59pm 7 days

In short essay form, compare and contrast the culture or cultural climate of your ancestor with the one in which you live. What is or was better or worse or simply different? What commonalities do you see between the two?

Note: a short essay consists of two to three paragraphs (in this assignment: 200-300 words). Use academic style when formatting (indentation, punctuation, grammar, spelling,etc.)

Copy and Paste your answer for submission in the “Compare Cultures: Then and Now” Assignment Submission area.


UCSD Communication & Research Skills of McDonald’s Corporation Paper Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

As you move beyond the university setting, you will need to make choices about how you want to present yourself and your work to a wider public. Thus, for this final project, you will design something that best represents your public rhetoric. For example, if you aim to become a journalist, you can write a researched article for a specific publication; if you aim to become an artist, you can assemble a portfolio; if you aim to become a scientist, you can write a grant proposal; if you aim to become a science teacher, you can develop a YouTube channel of “how-to” videos. Ideally you will be able to use this project for a future purpose.

For this project I want to do a research paper, and I already write the first draft, for this first draft my TA give me some suggestion, please according to suggestions rewrite( about1500 words)

[supanova_question] open the last week of the course) it is worth 10 extra credit points and I really use the information you provide to help improve the course. Make sure you visit the Final Checklist items to make sure you have turned everything in. This can be found in modules.

due date.jpgYour post is due by Wed. at 11:59 p.m. See your course schedule for the exact date this assignment is due.


HUM1020 Saint Petersburg Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment


See the Aesthetic Experience Essay Rubric.


Use all of the resources in Course Content as well as your textbook to guide your writing. Follow the prompts in the appropriate worksheet from the Aesthetic Experience Materials area in this module. Apply the skills you’ve developed throughout the course in researching and evaluating works from the humanities. (Optional: SPC Student ID. Many events and museums offer discounts for students)


Throughout the course you have applied the practice of critical analysis to a variety of works from the humanities. This assignment is the capstone of the lessons and activities you’ve completed in this course.

For this assignment you will physically attend an art museum, dance concert, musical performance, or theatrical production (a play or musical play) in your local community. [Note: Cinema / film is not an option for this assignment]


Before the Experience (Do These Steps EARLY in the Semester)

1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module.

2. Look through the pre-approved list of art museums and events in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module and choose your experience.

3. Plan for and schedule the time and date to go to your chosen experience.

During and After the Experience (Do These Steps for the Visit/Event)

4. Print out the appropriate worksheet for your chosen event from the four provided in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module to take with you.

5. Go to your chosen in-person Aesthetic Experience, jotting notes on the printed worksheet during the experience.

6. After attending the museum or performance, compose an essay pertaining to this in-person aesthetic experience based on the detailed instructions in the Aesthetic Experience worksheet that you selected. Incorporate terms from the list at the end of your worksheet.

7. Conduct the appropriate research to support your responses to the worksheet prompts. Be sure to cite all sources, including the event or work of art.

8. Finally, submit your completed Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis essay to this dropbox folder. (Note: you may submit the completed worksheet, provided that your responses reflect in-depth critical evaluation and analysis and careful editing/proofreading and research citations before submitting.)

You would have to use the event list and the worksheet to create your experience and look up the event and take notes from there. Student lives in the Saint Petersburg Area.



San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

You will be given 2 contracts with questions to be answered for each contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with each contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.
There are correct answers for each question. If a student discusses a different legal theory for answering the questions, partial points will be given. In cases of complete or partial answers, text references are mandatory to support the remedy proposed by the student.
Please remember to reference the applicable parts of the contract that you are using to answer each question.
Each question is worth 14 points. Within each question, a student will be given 2 points for the text reference, 2 points for the contract reference, 4 points for spelling/grammar, with 6 points for the analysis.
The remaining 5 points will be given as an overall score for the entire assignment. Following are the prompts.
Residential House Lease
The following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with text references to support your answers)
Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to the current tenant. Juan, the current tenant, has just discovered the leak after a heavy rain. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the attic. Juan still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?
UCC Sales Contract
The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)
You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters and that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant was first contacted by you. You both agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just talked about scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?
Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis.

San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard The Reaction of Chinese & Islam Towards Contagion and The Black Plague Paper Writing Assignment Help

1. Title (main and subtitle)

2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement

3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph

4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper

5. Conclusion

6. Work-cited

13 pages, excluding works cited.

Any sources that are cited MUST have the page number included.

Sources to use:

Ibn Sina’s Cannon Of Medicine

Kuriyama, Shigehisa. 1993. “Concepts of Disease in East Asia.” In The Cambridge World History of Human Diseases, edited by K. F. Kiple, 52-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Leung, Angela Ki Che. 2010. “The Evolution of the Idea of Chuanran Contagion in Imperial China.” In Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, 25-50. Durham: Duke University Press.

Conrad, Lawrence I. 2000. “A Ninth-Century Muslim Scholar’s Discussion of Contagion.” In Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies, edited by Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk, 163- 177. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company.


UOTC Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy Research Writing Assignment Help

Write a 5-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic ” Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy for Cloud Computing.”

Research Paper Requirements:

1. Five pages long. The cover page and reference page included.

2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.

3. Include a cover page and a reference page.

4. Use section headers for good readership.

5. Use figures and tables if needed (not mandatory).

6. Use Safe-Assign to check your research paper. A similarity score greater than 25% shows poor originality.

7. Use APA for in-text citations and references.



IDS2891 Saint Petersburg Differences Between Cultural Climate Experienced During Ancestral and Current Times Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  • Points 10
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Nov 21 at 12am – Nov 26 at 11:59pm 7 days

In short essay form, compare and contrast the culture or cultural climate of your ancestor with the one in which you live. What is or was better or worse or simply different? What commonalities do you see between the two?

Note: a short essay consists of two to three paragraphs (in this assignment: 200-300 words). Use academic style when formatting (indentation, punctuation, grammar, spelling,etc.)

Copy and Paste your answer for submission in the “Compare Cultures: Then and Now” Assignment Submission area.


UCSD Communication & Research Skills of McDonald’s Corporation Paper Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

As you move beyond the university setting, you will need to make choices about how you want to present yourself and your work to a wider public. Thus, for this final project, you will design something that best represents your public rhetoric. For example, if you aim to become a journalist, you can write a researched article for a specific publication; if you aim to become an artist, you can assemble a portfolio; if you aim to become a scientist, you can write a grant proposal; if you aim to become a science teacher, you can develop a YouTube channel of “how-to” videos. Ideally you will be able to use this project for a future purpose.

For this project I want to do a research paper, and I already write the first draft, for this first draft my TA give me some suggestion, please according to suggestions rewrite( about1500 words)

[supanova_question] open the last week of the course) it is worth 10 extra credit points and I really use the information you provide to help improve the course. Make sure you visit the Final Checklist items to make sure you have turned everything in. This can be found in modules.

due date.jpgYour post is due by Wed. at 11:59 p.m. See your course schedule for the exact date this assignment is due.


HUM1020 Saint Petersburg Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis Essay Assignment


See the Aesthetic Experience Essay Rubric.


Use all of the resources in Course Content as well as your textbook to guide your writing. Follow the prompts in the appropriate worksheet from the Aesthetic Experience Materials area in this module. Apply the skills you’ve developed throughout the course in researching and evaluating works from the humanities. (Optional: SPC Student ID. Many events and museums offer discounts for students)


Throughout the course you have applied the practice of critical analysis to a variety of works from the humanities. This assignment is the capstone of the lessons and activities you’ve completed in this course.

For this assignment you will physically attend an art museum, dance concert, musical performance, or theatrical production (a play or musical play) in your local community. [Note: Cinema / film is not an option for this assignment]


Before the Experience (Do These Steps EARLY in the Semester)

1. View the Aesthetic Experience and Perception video and read the associated transcript in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module.

2. Look through the pre-approved list of art museums and events in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module and choose your experience.

3. Plan for and schedule the time and date to go to your chosen experience.

During and After the Experience (Do These Steps for the Visit/Event)

4. Print out the appropriate worksheet for your chosen event from the four provided in the Aesthetic Experience Materials area of this module to take with you.

5. Go to your chosen in-person Aesthetic Experience, jotting notes on the printed worksheet during the experience.

6. After attending the museum or performance, compose an essay pertaining to this in-person aesthetic experience based on the detailed instructions in the Aesthetic Experience worksheet that you selected. Incorporate terms from the list at the end of your worksheet.

7. Conduct the appropriate research to support your responses to the worksheet prompts. Be sure to cite all sources, including the event or work of art.

8. Finally, submit your completed Aesthetic Experience and Critical Analysis essay to this dropbox folder. (Note: you may submit the completed worksheet, provided that your responses reflect in-depth critical evaluation and analysis and careful editing/proofreading and research citations before submitting.)

You would have to use the event list and the worksheet to create your experience and look up the event and take notes from there. Student lives in the Saint Petersburg Area.



San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

You will be given 2 contracts with questions to be answered for each contract. I am looking for the ability to read and comprehend the contract so the appropriate contract clause can be applied to the questions connected with each contract. In order to answer the contract fact scenario, you will also need to be able to identify the legal concept that is applicable to the situation described. This is an analysis so please treat it as such. Your personal opinion is not appropriate.
There are correct answers for each question. If a student discusses a different legal theory for answering the questions, partial points will be given. In cases of complete or partial answers, text references are mandatory to support the remedy proposed by the student.
Please remember to reference the applicable parts of the contract that you are using to answer each question.
Each question is worth 14 points. Within each question, a student will be given 2 points for the text reference, 2 points for the contract reference, 4 points for spelling/grammar, with 6 points for the analysis.
The remaining 5 points will be given as an overall score for the entire assignment. Following are the prompts.
Residential House Lease
The following question is based on the Residential House Lease found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Lease by clause number as you answer the questions.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs with text references to support your answers)
Maria, the landlord, refuses to fix a small leak in the roof that was there prior to the current tenant. Juan, the current tenant, has just discovered the leak after a heavy rain. The consequence is that black mold has been forming in the attic. Juan still has significant time remaining on his lease. Juan has notified Maria in writing of the mold and leak issue. He is concerned about the premises becoming unsafe to live in. It has been 14 days since he emailed her his notification. What are Juan’s options if Maria declines to do the repairs?
UCC Sales Contract
The following question is based on the Sales Contract found in the Contracts Module. Please reference the Sales Contract by clause number as you answer the questions. Remember, this is a contract under the UCC.
Essay (1-2 complete paragraphs per essay with text references to support your answers)
You received non-conforming goods as a result of an ambiguity in the contract. You ordered goods thinking it was a particular product. You wanted Razor scooters and that was the original oral communication when the selling merchant was first contacted by you. You both agreed on Razor scooters. Thereafter, in phone conversations, you and the seller just talked about scooters. The seller prepared a written contract. The selling merchant shipped scooters but not Razor scooters. Upon receipt of the goods, what are your merchant options under the contract?
Why are text references important? Contract language does not exist in a vacuum. It is written based on the law. It is critical, therefore, to cite to the text to support your analysis.

San Diego State University Residential House Lease Contract Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Harvard The Reaction of Chinese & Islam Towards Contagion and The Black Plague Paper Writing Assignment Help

1. Title (main and subtitle)

2. Introduction (roadmap of the paper): topic/scope and thesis statement

3. Main text: arguments and evidences; minding the relevance between each paragraph, in relation with the whole argument; transitional terms; one idea in one paragraph

4. Scholarship: in order to emphasize the significance of the paper

5. Conclusion

6. Work-cited

13 pages, excluding works cited.

Any sources that are cited MUST have the page number included.

Sources to use:

Ibn Sina’s Cannon Of Medicine

Kuriyama, Shigehisa. 1993. “Concepts of Disease in East Asia.” In The Cambridge World History of Human Diseases, edited by K. F. Kiple, 52-59. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Leung, Angela Ki Che. 2010. “The Evolution of the Idea of Chuanran Contagion in Imperial China.” In Health and Hygiene in Chinese East Asia: Policies and Publics in the Long Twentieth Century, edited by Angela Ki Che Leung and Charlotte Furth, 25-50. Durham: Duke University Press.

Conrad, Lawrence I. 2000. “A Ninth-Century Muslim Scholar’s Discussion of Contagion.” In Contagion: Perspectives from Pre-Modern Societies, edited by Lawrence I. Conrad and Dominik Wujastyk, 163- 177. Burlington, Vermont: Ashgate Publishing Company.


UOTC Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy Research Writing Assignment Help

Write a 5-page research paper (cover and reference page inclusive) on the topic ” Challenges of Implementing Information Governance Policy for Cloud Computing.”

Research Paper Requirements:

1. Five pages long. The cover page and reference page included.

2. Use Times New Roman font, size 12 and double-spaced.

3. Include a cover page and a reference page.

4. Use section headers for good readership.

5. Use figures and tables if needed (not mandatory).

6. Use Safe-Assign to check your research paper. A similarity score greater than 25% shows poor originality.

7. Use APA for in-text citations and references.



IDS2891 Saint Petersburg Differences Between Cultural Climate Experienced During Ancestral and Current Times Paper Humanities Assignment Help

  • Points 10
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload
  • Available Nov 21 at 12am – Nov 26 at 11:59pm 7 days

In short essay form, compare and contrast the culture or cultural climate of your ancestor with the one in which you live. What is or was better or worse or simply different? What commonalities do you see between the two?

Note: a short essay consists of two to three paragraphs (in this assignment: 200-300 words). Use academic style when formatting (indentation, punctuation, grammar, spelling,etc.)

Copy and Paste your answer for submission in the “Compare Cultures: Then and Now” Assignment Submission area.


UCSD Communication & Research Skills of McDonald’s Corporation Paper Writing Assignment Help

Assignment Description

As you move beyond the university setting, you will need to make choices about how you want to present yourself and your work to a wider public. Thus, for this final project, you will design something that best represents your public rhetoric. For example, if you aim to become a journalist, you can write a researched article for a specific publication; if you aim to become an artist, you can assemble a portfolio; if you aim to become a scientist, you can write a grant proposal; if you aim to become a science teacher, you can develop a YouTube channel of “how-to” videos. Ideally you will be able to use this project for a future purpose.

For this project I want to do a research paper, and I already write the first draft, for this first draft my TA give me some suggestion, please according to suggestions rewrite( about1500 words)


Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Governors State University Mindfulness in Relationships Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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