GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help

GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help. GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Both the president and Congress play a role in decisions regarding the use of military force. What are the president’s powers in this area? What are the powers of Congress in this area? Read the article “ New Legislation Offers Opportunity to Address 2001 Authorization for Use of Force, Amid Fears of War with Iran .” Why do you think members of Congress have been willing not to vote on the use of force and to allow modern presidents (such as Bush, Obama and Trump) to take the lead in this area? Do you think Congress should play a larger role in decisions regarding the use of military force?

GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Phoenix EHR Proposal Summary Health Medical Assignment Help

Imagine you are working at a doctor’s office. You are approached by the office manager, who asks you to develop an effective way of storing patient information.

Write a 350- to 700-word summary to your office manager informing her of the advantages of using electronic health records (EHRs) to store patient information. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use examples to support your responses. Your summary should:

  • Discuss the functions and advantages of using EHRs.
  • Discuss three to four forms used to keep patient information in EHRs. What is the purpose of each form?
  • Describe the basic workflow of a health care organization using EHRs.

Cite any outside sources according to APA guidelines. For additional information on how to properly cite your sources, access the Reference and Citation Generator in the Center for Writing Excellence.


HUM 160 Oakton Community College The Woman of the Snow Film Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I have two assignments. 1- writing a two-page essay analysis for a japanese film and 2- writing at least a one page discussion for film

for film discussion:

This week’s discussion will revolve around the film Kwaidan (1964) directed by Masaki Kobayashi. The film is an anthology of four separate, classic Japanese folkloric ghost stories that were recorded by Lafcadio Hearn, a Greek/British writer who would spend the last half of his life in Japan. He greatly contributed to exposing the West to many aspects of Japanese culture. Watch one of the four stories (My favorites areThe Woman of the Snow & Hoichi the Earless) and start a conversation, relaying your thoughts on the narratives themselves, cinematography, or in relation to other horror (think Nosferatu) or contemporary Japanese cinema (The Grudge) you have seen. Japan is notorious for their horror films and ghost stories in general, but are more attuned to psychological scare factor versus the scream/bloody approach of Western horror films.

Choose one of the four stories to respond to. Each one is a separate discussion thread, so please be aware of where you are posting your responses. Please remember that full discussion participation requires a minimum of one original post and two responses.

Film is accessible here, with timestamps for your reference:

  • 3:30 – The Black Hair
  • 39:55 – The Woman of the Snow
  • 1:22:50 – Hoichi the Earless
  • 2:37:19 – In a Cup of Tea

For film analysis:

Watch Godzilla and one of the films listed below:

These films embody the serene quietude of Japanese cinema inspired by the Kabuki and Noh traditions –often seen in period films– and the arrival of the samurai, sword-fighting acting films (Kurosawa). Discuss the aesthetic, narrative and cinematic differences from the other films we have seen so far.


University of Phoenix Workflow & Redesign for EHR Implementation Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Due Thursday (15 pts)

Write a 175- to 265-word response to any of the following questions:

  • Why is it important to understand the basic workflow of EHRs? How will it influence your work as a health care manager?
  • The article Understanding features & functions of an EHR from the AAFP (2019) there is a list of basic functions and HL7 functions of an EHR. Please review the list and select one of these. Explain what it does and give an example from a healthcare practice perspective.
  • Review the article Workflow & Redesign for EHR implementation by AAFP (2019) about workflow redesign. What did you find interesting about this article?


NUR 4636 Miami Dade How might you address the problem of HIV at the population level Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Read the scenario below.
  2. Respond to the questions in full sentences. Be sure to use standard English grammar and spelling
    1. How might you address the problem of HIV at the population level?
    2. What additional information might you need to determine appropriate interventions for the problem?
    3. What other segments of the community would you involve in developing your interventions?


You have identified a high rate of HIV among gay men in your community.

Significant disparities are noted in the incidence rates among Caucasian, African American, and Latino men, with a higher incidence among African Americans, although the incidence among all three groups is high.



Northern Virginia Community College Monitoring and Control Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Monitoring and Control

Once you’ve moved into Execution, the team takes over the heavy lifting. Now the project manager has to assess if the project is tracking and if course corrections are required. You need to be able to control scope, time, cost, and quality. Differences between the plan and where you find yourself are called variances (positive or negative). It’s important to understand the source of variance.

  1. Read Schwalbe, Chapter 8, Monitoring and Controlling Projects. Pay particular attention to Figure 8-1 regarding the activities in each of the Knowledge Areas, as well as the topic of Earned Value Management.
  2. Submit a response to Discussion Question 2 on p. 334.

Review the LinkedIn Learning course, Project Management Foundations, section 8 on Monitoring and Controlling Progress and Performance.



Earned Value Management is one of the rapidly growing methods of monitoring and controlling projects. Watch the 3 LinkedIn Learning videos:

Earned Value Formulas, Part 1 from the course: Cert Prep: Project Management Professional (PMP)®

Earned Value Formulas, Part 2 from the course: Cert Prep: Project Management Professional (PMP)®

Earned Value Formulas, Part 3 from the course: Cert Prep: Project Management Professional (PMP)®

Since these are only videos, there is NO certificate to submit.

Submit your response to Discussion Question 2 on p. 334 in Schwalbe.

Northern Virginia Community College Monitoring and Control Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PSY 626 Southern New Hampshire University Memory and Evaluation Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Many of the techniques used to evaluate a client, witness, victim, or perpetrator rely on memory.

After completing your reading and reviewing some of the many studies that show that human memory is not as reliable as most of us believe it to be, how do you plan to account for possible memory errors when creating reports for others?

Remember, your job is to be accurate as possible for whoever hired you. Are there techniques you can use to help protect against the memory errors of others?

Reflectively respond to at least two others in this topic. Did your peers offer an idea that you did not think of yourself? How will the techniques your peers suggested help or possibly detract from their own work?

Welcome to Week 4 of Psychology in the Courtroom!

Consider this: How reliable is your memory?

Imagine you’re in court as a defendant. It’s June 20th. The prosecutor asks you what you did on June 6th. You’re asked to account for every minute of the day – your whereabouts, your behaviors, who you were with, how long you were with them…It’s difficult to remember days that aren’t significant to you. While the date in question isn’t significant to you, it’s significant to the prosecutor. What if you were on trial for a murder you didn’t commit? How could you prove you didn’t commit it when you can’t remember what you did that day? Lapse in memory can seem like a tactic for the guilty. Guilty parties often suffer from situational “amnesia” regarding days, environments, or individuals associated with the crime. One of the best examples I can think of that represents this phenomena is the interview of young medical student, Philip Markoff – the Craigslist Killer – to Boston PD Detectives.

The detective interviewing Markoff asks him if he’s ever been to any hotels in downtown Boston. Markoff says “yes” but cannot remember the last time he was at any hotels in the area [where the crimes took place]. After probing, he says he may have walked through a hotel at some point that year. Detectives asked what hotel it may have been, he couldn’t recall. They asked if he might have walked through the lobby of one of the hotels without really remembering. He responded “maybe…I don’t remember.” Detectives present Markoff with a photograph of him walking through lobby of one of the hotels in downtown Boston around the date and time the last victim was murdered. Detectives ask Markoff to explain where he may have been going or what he may have been doing. Markoff states that he may have gone to a Cheesecake Factory restaurant at some point, but he can’t recall for sure when or if that was where he was going. Detectives say, “no specific memory, huh?” Markoff replies, “I don’t really remember.” Detectives move past the date of the potential dinner at the Cheesecake Factory and say, “what would have brought you in there to walk through it?” [the lobby]. He responds, “I don’t remember.” So, “you have no clear memory of being there in the last couple of weeks?”, detectives ask Markoff. “I don’t remember, no….no clear memory,” he responded. The entire Markoff interview is maddening. His “loss of memory” in such an exaggerated manner suggests probable culpability, but what if he was innocent?

Human memory is not as reliable as we would like to believe. Consider controversial topics such as testimony based on “repressed memory” or eyewitness report from the memory of a child. This week you will be asked to describe how you would account for memory errors when creating reports for others. How would you account for the memory errors of others?


Response One:

Joseph Reder

Memory was once thought to be like a video camera but this is often not the case. Memory can be manipulated by a variety of factors. Even stress or the presence of a weapon can determine the likelihood of memories being inaccurate (Costanzo, 2013). With this in mind as a psychologist there are specific responsibilities that one needs to uphold in regards to memory errors.

The Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology (APA, 2018) discusses the need to maintain competence in Section 2.02. Psychologists have the duty to maintain competence by staying up to date on research in one’s area of expertise. To testify to the accuracy of memories, one needs to be aware of current research regarding the inaccuracies of memory.

As memory errors are likely, as a psychologist your role is to help determine factors present that inform how accurate a memory likely is. For instance, questioning the client or witness on how good their view was and how closely they were paying attention may help determine accuracy (Costanzo, 2013). Psychologists should also ask questions that the defense attorney is likely to ask, as these also help determine if errors are likely. Questions such as the level of ambient light help determine if identification is even possible.

Another important way to protect against memory errors of others is to be aware of and limit interviewer bias. Skeem et al. (2009) describe interviewer bias as the central characteristic that forms suggestive interviews. These interviewers hold pre-determined beliefs about matters of fact and may unknowingly make suggestions that alters the views of the client. The absence of open-ended questions may increase the likelihood of a suggestive interview. Even if questions are not suggestive, positive or negative reinforcement of answers can also lead one to mistake memories (Skeem et al., 2009). The best way to avoid memories errors is to analyze the circumstances surrounding the memory and ensure that the interviewer is unbiased.


American Psychological Association. (2018). Specialty guidelines for forensic psychology. Retrieved from:

Costanzo, M. A. (2013). Using forensic psychology to teach basic psychological processes: Eyewitness memory and lie detection. Teaching of Psychology, 40(2), 156–160.

Skeem, J. L., Douglas, K. S., & Lilienfeld, S. O. (2009). Psychological science in the courtroom: Consensus and controversy. New York, NY: Guilford Press.

Response Two:

Pansy Wiest

Human memory has been brought under the firing gun so to speak numerous times. Individuals that are asked to repeat details following a highly stressful incident may not always supply accurate information. As an example, participants of a bank robbery may retell the incident differently. The adrenaline, the fear may all impact the way a person sees the details before them, then stores them in their brain. In time after the adrenaline and fear has subsided, they may remember different things that were not there originally. This has been significant in the court room. This is just way human memories could impact legal proceedings.

Child sexual abuse (CSA)cases have been historical through the last several decades on the topic of repressed memories. (Skeen, Douglas & Lilenfeld, 2009) CSA are classified as traumatic events however, when it is an adult that alleges the assault occurred when they were a child by a family member, a day care center, a satanic cult and the memory has been repressed for 5,10,15,20, 30 plus years then the integrity of those memories are brought into question.

Looking at scientific methodology it is easier to identify accuracy. Scientists are trained to not allow their emotions to get in the way and to remain objective. (Skeen, Douglas & Lilenfeld, 2009) Bias must be avoided and this can be achieved with utilizing unbiased valid assessment procedures that do not lead an individual, the questions presented are clear and concise and cannot be led for misinterpretation or suggestive of a different meaning. (Skeen, Douglas & Lilenfeld, 2009)

This does not mean this is the same set of circumstances for a therapist. Therapist are not always able to remain as objectively distant when providing services to a client. However, talking to a client that alleges sexual assault specifically requires objectivity to protect oneself and the client. There are three methods specifically that would need to be looked at. The anecdata is supporting data from previous cases that were remembered during therapy. (Skeen, Douglas & Lilenfeld, 2009) Method two is subjective forgetting which is when it is addressed if the individual remembers forgetting whether they forgot. Method three is testing actual victims of CSA years after abuse and asking them to go through an interview outlining their alleged abuse. (Skeen, Douglas & Lilenfeld, 2009) Sadly however, none of these options are full proof to say repressed memories for a victim of alleged CSA is telling the truth or not. The memories may be genuine, or suggestive. A victim that does not come forward until years later is not the same as one that claims repressed memories.

Skeem, Jennifer L., Douglas, Kevin S., Lilienfeld, Scott O. (2009) Psychological Science in the Courtroom. The Guilford Press


Strayer University Wk2 Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

  1. Students, please view the “Submit a Clickable Rubric Assignment” in the Student Center.Instructors, training on how to grade is within the Instructor Center.Assignment 1: Designing FERPA Technical Safeguards Due Week 2 and worth 50 points Imagine you are an Information Security consultant for a small college registrar’s office consisting of the registrar and two assistant registrars, two student workers, and one receptionist. The office is physically located near several other office spaces. The assistant registrars utilize mobile devices over a wireless network to access student records, with the electronic student records being stored on a server located in the building. Additionally, each registrar’s office has a desktop computer that utilizes a wired network to access the server and electronic student records. The receptionist station has a desktop computer that is used to schedule appointments, but cannot access student records. In 1974, Congress enacted the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) to help protect the integrity of student records. The college has hired you to ensure technical safeguards are appropriately designed to preserve the integrity of the student records maintained in the registrar’s office.Write a three to five page paper in which you:

    1. Analyze proper physical access control safeguards and provide sound recommendations to be employed in the registrar’s office.
    2. Recommend the proper audit controls to be employed in the registrar’s office.
    3. Suggest three logical access control methods to restrict unauthorized entities from accessing sensitive information, and explain why you suggested each method.
    4. Analyze the means in which data moves within the organization and identify techniques that may be used to provide transmission security safeguards.
    5. Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.
    6. Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
    • The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
    • Describe the role of information systems security (ISS) compliance and its relationship to U.S. compliance laws.
    • Use technology and information resources to research issues in security strategy and policy formation.
    • Write clearly and concisely about topics related to information technology audit and control using proper writing mechanics and technical style conventions.
    • Click here to view the grading rubric.

  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


CUNY Brooklyn College Lesser Stripped Value Proposition Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

The Course Project for SBE430 is to create the core components of a small business Internet marketing plan. Your plan will outline how you will market and sell online a product (good or service) for a small business. Yours may use an existing product that is not currently sold online, or you may imagine a new product to sell online. The choice is yours!

Deliverable: Submit the Course Project – Draft 1


1. Determine the customer need or problem to be solved.

2. Describe the product and its value proposition.


1. Define an online revenue model.

2. Explain how you will avoid channel conflict and cannibalization.

3.Describe a customer-centric website design.

Paper must be in APA sixth edition format. If you are unfamiliar with APA, please visit DeVry’s Student Resource Center for free writing resources.

For draft of the paper, include a title page and references page.

Your draft paper should be of 3 pages.


CJ 790 SNHU Chicago Prison High Imprisonment Rates Case Study Paper Law Assignment Help

Everything needed is attached.


For this milestone, you will complete a draft of the first part of your problem analysis, the literature review. You will continue the work you started in Module Three.

In future modules, you will have an opportunity to apply instructor feedback to this milestone so that you can prepare it for final submission in Module Eight.

My Literature Review

Chicago Prison Case Study

My focus is on the Chicago prison case study, especially the Cook County jail, which holds more inmates than its capacity permits. The single-site jail’s daily population happens to be an estimate of 6,100 inmates. At the same time, the yearly circulation is around 100,000 people (Cook County, 2020). Therefore, as per the Civic Federation, since prisons have offered ideal situations in which coronavirus can get outspread, supporters have requested the leaders to free numerous people. The study talks about the vast number of inmates that leads to congestion in prison and mentions that Cook County jail happens not to reach the required police to inmate relation. This illegal problem happens to interrelate to the degree of the occurring coronavirus disease, which reacts as a health hazard to the welfare of the prisoners as a result of a vast number of inmates.

The study speaks on how COVID-19 penetrated the prison when two prisoners turned out positive on 23rd March 2020. Therefore, due to the COVID-19 being transmissible, over 350 prisoners and workers got the disease in about two weeks. As the infected number of inmates increased in jails, measures that involved freeing a number of chosen prisoners have got laid hold of to stop the transmission of coronavirus. For instance, the peaceful lawbreakers and inmates waiting for the trial have got freed, which has helped minimize the total to about 4,200 in April, which is accountable to the occurrence of the occurring coronavirus disease. Therefore, the study states that as a result of factors like depressions, changes in economic growth, conflict, and harmony and increasing and reducing violation rates, there happens to have been an escalation in the U.S prison populations annually for years.

This case study uses a quantitative method to show the number of prisoners in U.S jails, which has expanded the two million mark annually. Therefore, around 25% of the nation’s population is contemporarily confined. The case study states that mass confinement or incarceration is getting utilized universally to define what earlier got referred to as incarceration (Frost & Clear, 2018). Different theoretical perspectives have got taken in a trial to offer insights behind the concept of mass incarceration, and the study talks about the five primary theories invented by distinct scholars to define and extricate the issue of mass confinement/incarceration. One of the first and primary theories discussed in the case study talks about the increase in crime and social unrest, which happens to be a simple explanation of the development in mass imprisonment. The other theory which happens to be the second rotates within public awareness, opinion, or political issues, that happen to be the cause of mass confinement. The third theory mentioned in the case study propels mass confinement as a drive for running the disputable populace.

In contrast, the fourth theory perceives imprisonment as the brand new prejudice, which asserts that in whatever conversation connected to various roots of mass confinement, different race-related influences need to be the supreme concentration. The advocates of this conceptual viewpoint determine the essential function of the fight on drugs in the development of prisoner numbers. Lastly, the case study talks about the theoretical viewpoints, which emits mass imprisonment as a central social test. This perspective mainly emerges from the idea behind the U.S prolonged and widespread exercise of main experimentation in social strategy.

Another scholar who has also formulated more theories is Pfaff, who asserts against the misguided perception concerning the ongoing report of how mass confinement has set foot to where it is currently and the rising dependence on private prisons. Primarily, the violation is a significant cause behind the increasing detention rates, which is the source issue problem. Therefore, the main conceptual viewpoint that mass confinement is a logical retaliation to violation escalation happens to play an essential function in offering discernments into a possible root of mass imprisonment in prisons.

Frost, N. A., & Clear, T. R. (2018). Theories of mass incarceration. The Oxford Handbook of Prisons and Imprisonment, 104.

Cook County (2020, April 6). Jail Population April 6, 2020.… [July 3, 2020].


GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help

GOVT 2305 CTC What Are President Powers Regarding the Use of Military Essay Humanities Assignment Help

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