Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help

Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help. Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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Your work must be entirely your own and created for this particular assignment.

Choose a bullet point and respond to the listed question(s) associated with it. Check back frequently to see the comments from your classmates and your instructor.

UPDATE: Because of the issues with the electricity, I’m extending the Thursday deadline to Saturday.

      • Is Death of a Salesman a tragedy and Willy Loman a tragic hero, or is his death merely the pathetic demise of a small man? Use textual evidence from the play and points raised by Miller in “Tragedy and the Common Man” to justify your response.
      • What does the play say about this country’s system of free enterprise and competition? (Consider the effects of money and the economic system on the characters of Willy, Biff, Happy, and Bernard)
      • Define “The American Dream.” In what way does Death of a Salesman point out the hopelessness of chasing this dream? Are there any rewards?
      • What values does Willy teach his sons? How do those values/morals work themselves out as his sons reach adulthood?
      • What is Willy’s definition of success? Is it realistic?
      • Toward the end of the play, Biff claims that “we never told the truth for ten minutes in this house.” Do you agree or disagree? Support your assertion with textual evidence from the play.
      • What does Death of a Salesman show about the role of a person like Willy in contemporary American society?
      • Who is to blame for Willy’s destruction? Whose failure is it? (His own alone? Society? Family?)
      • Willy laments, “Nothing’s planted. I don’t have a thing in the ground.” Is Willy talking just about planting a garden or is there a greater meaning?
      • What qualities does Willy admire in the legendary salesman, Dave Singleman? What do their names suggest about the two men?
      • Why does Biff steal? for love? recognition? acceptance? What effect does Willy have on his stealing?
      • Do you believe Biff when he says, “I know who I am, kid”? Why or why not?
      • Is Linda a supportive or destructive force in her husband’s life? (Does she understand what Willy wants or does her unquestioning support deny him the balance he needs?)
      • How do the two sons view their mother? What effects does Linda have on their relationship with other women?
      • Do you think Linda knows about Willy’s history of infidelity? What does this say about her? about the society/time period in which the play is set?
      • In what ways is Happy like his father? How are they different? How has living in Biff’s shadow affected Happy? Is he “happy”?
      • What does Happy’s womanizing reveal about him? (Why does he lie and tell his mother he’s getting married? What kind of women is he attracted to?)
      • What does Willy’s brother, Ben, stand for in Death of a Salesman? What does Ben mean when he says, “I walked into the jungle at 18 and walked out rich”? How does this play into The American Dream?
      • Think about the protagonists you’ve encountered so far. How does Willy Loman compare to them? How does expressionist theater compare to traditional tragedy? Which do you like better?

Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HLTH 4520 Walden University Shasta Family Practice Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing spreadsheet and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Assignment: Choosing an Alternative: Which Option Is Most Cost-Effective?

Using the case study for Shasta Outpatient Clinics, you will create a cost-benefit analysis (CBA). The Shasta Clinic leadership is trying to determine whether a staffing enhancement of a physician extender is needed in all three of their clinics or in only one or two of them. By applying the concepts of CBA, you will make a recommendation and present it in a business plan that identifies your recommendation for the physician extender. You will assess fixed costs (FC), variable costs (VC), and total costs (TC). The Assignment will give you experience creating a business case that you can use as a healthcare manager to state your case with sound financial principles.

The Assignment: (1- to 2-page Business Plan and Excel Sheet)

To complete this Assignment, you will:

  • Complete a cost-benefit analysis (CBA) using the Shasta Family Practice case study.
  • Prepare a 1- to 2-page Business Plan that you will submit to the Shasta Vice President Dr. Rudy Mason that synthesizes your CBA results.

Please be aware that you will submit two files for this Assignment.

Part I. The CBA (1-page Excel spreadsheet)

  • Download the Shasta Family Practice spreadsheet (in the Learning Resources)
  • Using the data provided in the Shasta Family Practice case study, insert the fixed and variable costs associated with each physician extender alternative into the spreadsheet. The data will be entered into the cells shaded green. Do not enter data in the cells shaded in pink.
  • The spreadsheet will automatically calculate annual costs. Once you have your cost results, you will be able to propose the physician extender plan that will provide the most cost benefit for the three outpatient clinics.
  • Save your results in the Excel spreadsheet for submission.

Part II. Business Plan (23 pages)

In order to communicate your results, you will prepare a professional business plan for delivery to Dr. Rudy Mason, Vice President of the Shasta Family Practice. You will prepare a Business Plan that addresses the following:

  • Explain the concept of using a physician extender and the two types of extenders.
  • Provide a brief description of the services of each clinic.
  • Identify the purpose and assumptions associated with a cost-benefit analysis (CBA)
  • Share why a CBA was appropriate for determining the physician extender alternative.
  • Identify the FC, VC, and TC for an Outpatient Surgery Center.
  • Identify the FC, VC, and TC for an Internal Medicine Center.
  • Identify the FC, VC, and TC for an Eldercare Clinic.
  • Explain which physician extender alternative provides the most cost-benefit given the CBA results for each clinic.
  • Explain and support your recommendations for assessing the clinical and financial outcomes.
  • Make sure to follow APA guidelines for your business plan format and support your business plan with references.


Columbia College Lackluster Adaptation of Technology and Innovation Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Write a 3+ page paper about an MIS system to solve the “Adapting to Innovation problem” below.I have also attached the expectations of how to write this paper and also the fake company to write this paper about, its just a quick description.

Adapting to innovation

Problem: Lackluster adaptation of technology and innovation which has caused decrease in productivity. How would human resource management systems solve this problem and how would it be implemented.

  • Statement of Problem
  • The Goals of the New System
  • Alternatives Considered and Solution Selected
  • Details concerning the Solution
  • Implementation
  • Cost-Benefits

Please use 1 to 2 outside resources


Informative & Visual Report Paper Writing Assignment Help

Deliverable 1: Visual, Informational Report

A one to two-page, informative, visually interesting report that makes a point about your subject using the data in your data set. This report should incorporate at least three visuals that you have created along with a discussion/analysis of the data in your figures. The text in your report should:

  • introduce the topic and its importance,
  • explain the meaning of the visuals,
  • and point to the conclusions suggested by the data.

Your audience is your classmates. Your understanding of the audience informs how the data is presented, the form the visualizations take, and the point you use the data to make, as well as the overall informative purpose of the document.

Deliverable 2: Reflective Analysis

A short 250- to 500-word memo addressed to your instructor that explains the following (use headings to identify each of the topics listed below):

  • How and why you selected your data set
  • How you selected which data to visualize and why you visualized it in the form you did
  • What decisions you made to tailor your report to your audience and your purpose
  • How you ensured that your visualizations of the data were fair, accurate, and clear

While your visual report (deliverable 1) is directed towards your classmates, the reflective analysis (deliverable 2) is your opportunity to explain to Dr. Stelse why you made the choices you did in your report.


HSA 3833 Rasmussen College Quality Improvement in Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help


Evaluate the role and importance of the patient experience.

Course Scenario

Chaparral Regional Hospital is a small, urban hospital of approximately 60 beds, and offers the following:


  • Emergency room services
  • Intensive care
  • Surgical care
  • Obstetrics
  • Diagnostic services
  • Some rehabilitation therapies
  • Inpatient pharmacy services
  • Geriatric services and
  • Consumer physician referral services


the CEO has been hearing complaints from both patients and staff. You
have been hired to design and implement a Quality Improvement Plan to
help uncover quality problems and satisfactorily resolve them.

Scenario Continued

Public Information Officer for Chaparral Regional Hospital as contacted
you requesting information for the employee newsletter. In particular,
she would like you to write a short article with an accompanying
infographic detailing the role and importance of the patient experience
when working towards quality improvement.


article should address the role and importance of the patient
experience in healthcare when working towards quality improvement. Both
the article and the infographic should include appropriate information
and graphics.

The goal of the article is to provide the reader
with valuable information and enlighten them about the subject.
Therefore, your article should be more persuasive than academic. In the
article, you will address the role of the patient experience in
healthcare and its importance. APA standards would still apply.

APA formatting for the article, and proper grammar, punctuation, and form are required.

will highlight the major ideas from your article in the infographic. An
infographic is a visual representation of ideas, and you are free to be
as creative as you want when creating your infographic.



SU investing in Procter & Gamble Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Imagine that you are a financial manager researching investments for your client. Think of a friend or a family member as a client. Define their characteristics and goals such as an employee or employer, relatively young (less than 40 years) or close to retirement, having some savings/property, a risk taker or risk averter, etc. Next, use Nexis Uni at the Strayer University library, located at Nexis Uni, click on “Company Dossier” to research the stock of any U.S. publicly traded company that you may consider as an investment opportunity for your client. Your investment should align with your client’s investment goals. (Note: Please ensure that you are able to find enough information about this company in order to complete this assignment. You will create an appendix, in which you will insert related

SU investing in Procter & Gamble Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

PUAD 7021 Capella University The Management of Workplace Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For the next two assignments, you will be focused on conflict management. The options and methods available to human resources managers in terms of conflict management within a public organization are often clearly defined by policies and regulations.

For this assignment, select a public or nonprofit agency. You may use an agency that you have worked for or have come across in the headlines or in your research. You may also use the agency from the Unit 3 assignment. Within that agency, describe a situation that resulted in conflict between employees. Analyze and evaluate the methods used by the agency to resolve the issue. Conclude with at least three recommendations on effective conflict management based on what you learned from this situation. Those recommendations will be revised and refined in the next assignment. In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following:

  • Provide a brief background on the organization or agency.
  • Analyze a situation that resulted in a conflict between employees.
  • Analyze the conflict resolution methods that were used by the agency.
  • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution methods the agency used.
  • Propose at least three recommendations for effective conflict management.


Columbia Find the Values Using Multiple Channel Waiting Line Model Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 10 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 8 cars per hour.

  1. What is the probability that the station will be idle?
  2. What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
  3. What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
  4. What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?


Columbia What Is the Probability that There Are No Customers in The System Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

Given the following Operating Characteristics from a queuing model with time units specified in hours, answer the five questions:

Po = 0.2857

Lq = 0.4960

L = 1.6071

Wq = 0.0496

W = 0.1607

Pw = 0.3968

  1. What is the probability that there are no customers in the system?
  2. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer spends waiting and being served?
  3. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer waits in line before being served?
  4. What is the average number of customers in the system?
  5. If the system serves a customer every 6 minutes, what is the service rate?


Underwood University Planning & Stages of a Successful Negotiation Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

ReferencesGrant, A (2013) Give and Take Weidenfeld and NicolsonHames, D.S (2011) Negotiation – Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions SageJensen, K. (2012). Flourish As An Influential Leader-Think Like A Negotiator, R.J, Saunders, D.M and Barry, B (2015) Negotiation 7th Ed. McGraw Hill EducationNeale, M.A and Lys, T.Z (2015) Getting More of What You Want – How the Secrets of Economics and Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything in Business and Life Profile BooksUry W (1993) Getting Past No Bantam Books

[supanova_question] (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)

  • Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard.
  • Part 1 (1–2 pages)
    1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
    2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
    3. List five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment.

    SU investing in Procter & Gamble Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    PUAD 7021 Capella University The Management of Workplace Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    For the next two assignments, you will be focused on conflict management. The options and methods available to human resources managers in terms of conflict management within a public organization are often clearly defined by policies and regulations.

    For this assignment, select a public or nonprofit agency. You may use an agency that you have worked for or have come across in the headlines or in your research. You may also use the agency from the Unit 3 assignment. Within that agency, describe a situation that resulted in conflict between employees. Analyze and evaluate the methods used by the agency to resolve the issue. Conclude with at least three recommendations on effective conflict management based on what you learned from this situation. Those recommendations will be revised and refined in the next assignment. In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following:

    • Provide a brief background on the organization or agency.
    • Analyze a situation that resulted in a conflict between employees.
    • Analyze the conflict resolution methods that were used by the agency.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution methods the agency used.
    • Propose at least three recommendations for effective conflict management.


    Columbia Find the Values Using Multiple Channel Waiting Line Model Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

    Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 10 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 8 cars per hour.

    1. What is the probability that the station will be idle?
    2. What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
    3. What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
    4. What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?


    Columbia What Is the Probability that There Are No Customers in The System Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

    Given the following Operating Characteristics from a queuing model with time units specified in hours, answer the five questions:

    Po = 0.2857

    Lq = 0.4960

    L = 1.6071

    Wq = 0.0496

    W = 0.1607

    Pw = 0.3968

    1. What is the probability that there are no customers in the system?
    2. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer spends waiting and being served?
    3. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer waits in line before being served?
    4. What is the average number of customers in the system?
    5. If the system serves a customer every 6 minutes, what is the service rate?


    Underwood University Planning & Stages of a Successful Negotiation Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

    ReferencesGrant, A (2013) Give and Take Weidenfeld and NicolsonHames, D.S (2011) Negotiation – Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions SageJensen, K. (2012). Flourish As An Influential Leader-Think Like A Negotiator, R.J, Saunders, D.M and Barry, B (2015) Negotiation 7th Ed. McGraw Hill EducationNeale, M.A and Lys, T.Z (2015) Getting More of What You Want – How the Secrets of Economics and Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything in Business and Life Profile BooksUry W (1993) Getting Past No Bantam Books

    [supanova_question] (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)

  • Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard.
  • Part 1 (1–2 pages)
    1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
    2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
    3. List five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment.

    SU investing in Procter & Gamble Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    PUAD 7021 Capella University The Management of Workplace Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    For the next two assignments, you will be focused on conflict management. The options and methods available to human resources managers in terms of conflict management within a public organization are often clearly defined by policies and regulations.

    For this assignment, select a public or nonprofit agency. You may use an agency that you have worked for or have come across in the headlines or in your research. You may also use the agency from the Unit 3 assignment. Within that agency, describe a situation that resulted in conflict between employees. Analyze and evaluate the methods used by the agency to resolve the issue. Conclude with at least three recommendations on effective conflict management based on what you learned from this situation. Those recommendations will be revised and refined in the next assignment. In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following:

    • Provide a brief background on the organization or agency.
    • Analyze a situation that resulted in a conflict between employees.
    • Analyze the conflict resolution methods that were used by the agency.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution methods the agency used.
    • Propose at least three recommendations for effective conflict management.


    Columbia Find the Values Using Multiple Channel Waiting Line Model Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

    Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 10 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 8 cars per hour.

    1. What is the probability that the station will be idle?
    2. What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
    3. What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
    4. What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?


    Columbia What Is the Probability that There Are No Customers in The System Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

    Given the following Operating Characteristics from a queuing model with time units specified in hours, answer the five questions:

    Po = 0.2857

    Lq = 0.4960

    L = 1.6071

    Wq = 0.0496

    W = 0.1607

    Pw = 0.3968

    1. What is the probability that there are no customers in the system?
    2. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer spends waiting and being served?
    3. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer waits in line before being served?
    4. What is the average number of customers in the system?
    5. If the system serves a customer every 6 minutes, what is the service rate?


    Underwood University Planning & Stages of a Successful Negotiation Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

    ReferencesGrant, A (2013) Give and Take Weidenfeld and NicolsonHames, D.S (2011) Negotiation – Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions SageJensen, K. (2012). Flourish As An Influential Leader-Think Like A Negotiator, R.J, Saunders, D.M and Barry, B (2015) Negotiation 7th Ed. McGraw Hill EducationNeale, M.A and Lys, T.Z (2015) Getting More of What You Want – How the Secrets of Economics and Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything in Business and Life Profile BooksUry W (1993) Getting Past No Bantam Books

    [supanova_question] (Note: You can create a no-cost Basic Access account.)

  • Research Hub, located in the left menu of your course in Blackboard.
  • Part 1 (1–2 pages)
    1. Provide a rationale for the stock that you selected, indicating the significant economic, financial, and other factors that led you to consider this stock.
    2. Suggest the primary reasons why the selected stock is a suitable investment for your client. Include a description of your client’s profile.
    3. List five resources you’ll use to complete this assignment and begin to build your reference list. Remember you must use at least five quality academic resources for the final assignment.

    SU investing in Procter & Gamble Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    PUAD 7021 Capella University The Management of Workplace Conflict Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    For the next two assignments, you will be focused on conflict management. The options and methods available to human resources managers in terms of conflict management within a public organization are often clearly defined by policies and regulations.

    For this assignment, select a public or nonprofit agency. You may use an agency that you have worked for or have come across in the headlines or in your research. You may also use the agency from the Unit 3 assignment. Within that agency, describe a situation that resulted in conflict between employees. Analyze and evaluate the methods used by the agency to resolve the issue. Conclude with at least three recommendations on effective conflict management based on what you learned from this situation. Those recommendations will be revised and refined in the next assignment. In a 5–7 page narrative, address the following:

    • Provide a brief background on the organization or agency.
    • Analyze a situation that resulted in a conflict between employees.
    • Analyze the conflict resolution methods that were used by the agency.
    • Evaluate the effectiveness of the conflict resolution methods the agency used.
    • Propose at least three recommendations for effective conflict management.


    Columbia Find the Values Using Multiple Channel Waiting Line Model Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

    Assume that for a gas and car wash station one car can be serviced at a time. The arrivals follow a Poisson probability distribution, with an arrival rate of 1 car every 10 minutes and the service times follow an exponential probability distribution, with a service rate of 8 cars per hour.

    1. What is the probability that the station will be idle?
    2. What is the average number of cars that will be waiting for service?
    3. What is the average time a car will be waiting for service?
    4. What is the average time a car will be at the gas and wash station?


    Columbia What Is the Probability that There Are No Customers in The System Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

    Given the following Operating Characteristics from a queuing model with time units specified in hours, answer the five questions:

    Po = 0.2857

    Lq = 0.4960

    L = 1.6071

    Wq = 0.0496

    W = 0.1607

    Pw = 0.3968

    1. What is the probability that there are no customers in the system?
    2. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer spends waiting and being served?
    3. What is the average time, in minutes, a customer waits in line before being served?
    4. What is the average number of customers in the system?
    5. If the system serves a customer every 6 minutes, what is the service rate?


    Underwood University Planning & Stages of a Successful Negotiation Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

    ReferencesGrant, A (2013) Give and Take Weidenfeld and NicolsonHames, D.S (2011) Negotiation – Closing Deals, Settling Disputes, and Making Team Decisions SageJensen, K. (2012). Flourish As An Influential Leader-Think Like A Negotiator, R.J, Saunders, D.M and Barry, B (2015) Negotiation 7th Ed. McGraw Hill EducationNeale, M.A and Lys, T.Z (2015) Getting More of What You Want – How the Secrets of Economics and Psychology Can Help You Negotiate Anything in Business and Life Profile BooksUry W (1993) Getting Past No Bantam Books


    Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help

    Grand Canyon University Death of a Salesman Playright Questions Paper Writing Assignment Help

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