Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Student discussion is related to evidence-based strategies to increase self-awareness, ability to
self-regulate, and self-determination of activities, services, and
preferences will you use? You do not have to answer the question. Respond to each student below:

(Nicole) Self-determination is a combination of skills, knowledge, and beliefs
that enable a person to engage in goal-directed, self-regulated,
autonomous behavior. An understanding of one’s strengths and limitations
together with a belief in oneself as capable and effective are
essential to self-determination. When acting on the basis of these
skills and attitudes, individuals have greater ability to take control
of their lives and assume the role of successful adults in our society.
Self-regulation, self-awareness, and self-efficacy are all components of

evidence-based strategies that I would use to increase these components
are: Incidental Teaching: uses questions, directions, modified time
delay, and modeling to encourage elaboration of a student’s behavior or
response. Peer-Mediated Instruction: used to address social behaviors
and communication skills. Self-management: can be used to reduce
inappropriate and interfering behaviors and to increase social,
adaptive, and communication skills. Social skills groups: target the
acquisition, performance, and generalization of social skills in
students with ASD. Specifically, social skills groups are used to target
perspective taking, conversation skills, friendship skills,
problem-solving, social competence, emotion recognition, emotion
regulation, theory of mind, interaction skills, and problem solving.

I teach middle school, I think it is very important to get students
with ASD involved in the transition process as soon as possible.
Decision making, problem solving, and goal setting are all very
important parts of the transition process and are all skills one needs
to be successful. By providing social skills groups, self-management,
and peer-mediated instruction, ASD students can build their skills in
problem solving and communicating. You need to communicate to advocate
for yourself which relates to self-determination. Incidental teaching
will let me model and encourage the student to invest in their future.

are many evidence-based strategies to increase self-awareness, the
ability to self-regulate, and self-determination of activities. I think
determining which ones to use is just like anything else… you have to
know the child.

Some of the many techniques that I will use are
recommended by The National Autism Center’s National Standards. These
studies confirm that progressive relaxation, modeling, cognitive
behavioral therapy, and story-based interventions are effective in
decreasing behavior problems, decreasing restricted and/or repetitive
behaviors, improving sensory-emotional regulation, and improving
self-regulation. Additional self-regulation techniques that are fairly
easy to implement (especially if the child has difficulty with
communication) is simple breathing techniques, yoga, and progressive
relaxation (Collins, 2014).

I also like the idea of using social
narratives (I have done this many times) to role-play or practice skills
before a difficult situation may arise. Someone once told me “if it’s
predictable, it’s preventable” – this is so true.

promoting self-determination is critically important for students with
ASD (Shogren, Zager, Smith, & Simpson, 2010). This can include
self-advocacy, self-awareness, problem-solving skills, and decision

I like to have students practice self-monitoring
(behavior and completion of tasks). I have done this with charts that
students can fill out or even tracking certain behaviors with tally
marks at their own desk. This is a skill that can help individuals as
adults (for example, accomplishing daily tasks or maintaining
friendships and relationships).

first strategy I would use would be goal setting. Students need to
learn what they are looking for when it comes to self-regulating and
understanding what they are going through. Setting goals that are geared
towards the student understanding their behavior and moving towards the
expected response to that behavior will help. Keeping data on how well
the student is working on their goal and how well they are understanding
the emotions they are feeling to help with regulating themselves is
very important as well. Not all goals will be successfully reached right
away. Knowing where they are struggling will give me the chance to
modify the goal and add steps so that they can be successful.

Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Pace Institute Corporate Social Responsibility and Access to Finance Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Directions: Corporate Social Responsibility

Read at least five empirical articles in your general dissertation field. Corporate Social Responsibility

In the “Literature Review Resources” document, provide the following for each source:

  1. The APA formatted citation.
  2. A brief annotation of the key points of the source.
  3. An indication of whether the source has been added to (Y) or excluded from (N) your RefWorks list.
  • Instructors will be scoring your submission based on the number of unique sources identified in the list submitted.
  • Download the resource Literature Review Resources Tool and use it to complete the assignment.
  • Doctoral
    learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments.
    The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • Refer
    to the resource, “Preparing Annotated Bibliographies,” located in the
    Student Success Center, for additional guidance on completing this
    assignment in the appropriate style.


Colorado Technical University ?Properly Value a Vanilla Bond Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

800 words 3 or more references

Understanding how to properly value a vanilla bond (a plain bond) is essential for finance. Using the following… find 3 different funding structures. Describe for each structure: security type, term, and yield. Furthermore, take a look at each of their offering documents, and provide a short description of the information found in the documentation.

  • Why do the different types of bonds get different rates? Explain your answer.
  • What makes each of the different structures different? Explain your answer.
  • What does the rate given say about the credit rating for each issuer? Explain your answer.
  • How does credit rating affect the rate given to the issuer? Explain your answer.
  • Which structure has the best credit rating based on the yield given to each structure? Explain your answer.
  • What is the credit rating supposed to tell you? Explain your answer.
  • Which bond is receiving the best price? Explain your answer.
  • Why does having a good credit rating matter to the issuer? Explain your answer.


GM505 PUG Distinctive Way of Envisioning the Social World Paper Business Finance Assignment Help



In your Stringer (2014) textbook, in Chapter 2, you will find the deepest probe into the meaning and generation of scientific knowledge and where action research stands as a research endeavor. The complex controversies surrounding the role and place of science in contemporary life are arrayed so the reader can consider the core ideas of influential theorists. From time to time in your readings, you have encountered brief commentaries about Kurt Lewin, considered the Father of Action Research. The Burnes (2004) article gives a more in-depth portrayal of how Lewin’s perspective evolved and compares Lewin’s ideas with a number of contemporary strategies aimed at organizational change. Lewin did most of his work in the 1940s and 1950s; Burnes makes a strong case for the continuing practical relevance of Lewin’s ideas.

Read the following article, and then respond to the questions below:

Burnes, B. (2004). Kurt Lewin and the planned approach to change: A re-appraisal. Journal of Management Studies, 41(6), 977–1002.

In Chapter 2 of your Stringer (2014) textbook, two general perspectives are presented, the modern and the post-modern. In your response:

  1. Apply and cite supportive research to explain which of these perspectives you would you want to have inform and guide organizational actions.
  2. Additionally, apply and cite relevant information from the Burnes article to explain if and why you will keep using Lewin’s methods.


Stringer (2014) offers a number of ideas about the next generation of action research in Chapter 2.

  1. Apply and cite relevant information from your textbook when writing your own evaluation of the synthesis of ideas that will inform and guide the next generation of action researchers.
  2. Share your conclusions about the keys to a successful action research project.
  3. State what needs to be done to minimize the possibility of failure.
  4. Reflect on your overall experience in this class, and distill what you regard as key points you would want someone new to action research to understand.


AIU ONLINE UNIT5 Legal and Ethical Implication in Healthcare Analysis Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

Legal and ethical implication in healthcare

Course Learning Content and Assignments 2

Review the Assignments for this course, accessed by clicking on the Assignment tab at the top of your screen, and then select each Unit# – Assignment, reviewing the description, type, and deliverables. What questions do you have about these assignments in Units 1–4? What questions do you have about the overarching Unit 5 assignment? Although it is not due until the end of the class, it is important that you begin planning for this project early in the course. What are your initial thoughts about how you will approach this assignment? Explain.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your text, Web resources, and all course materials.



Troy University Alice Walker Story Everyday Use Discussion Writing Assignment Help

After having read the Alice Walker story “Everyday Use,” please address the following discussion question and take part as directed.

The process of characterization–which will be the topic of our second major essay later on–is a process every author who has ever written uses to create his or her characters–even when the “character” is a robot, rabbit, straw or tin man, literally every character used in any writing. Authors have only four options to create a character:

1. have the character say something

2. have the character do something

3. have someone else reveal something about the character

or, more rarely,

4. step in as the author-narrator and tell about the character himself or herself

Alice Walker does nothing less than an absolutely amazing job of characterizing Dee for us–even though some of us will take her differently from others–and she does this through the things Dee does, days, and some few things her sister and mother tell us about Dee. Alice Walker does not ever step into this story and interrupt the narrator’s, Ms. Johnson’s monologue and narrative about Dee’s visit on this one occasion. For this discussion, point out one very important thing Dee does, Dee says, or Maggie or her mother says about Dee, something that really reveals something important about Dee. This will not be difficult as you very likely already know. Please follow the directions about participation and the quality and substance of your posts. More is better, and you will, therefore, receive somewhere between 1 and 100 points for your effort on this discussion. Two substantive posts to other students are required each week in order to receive full points.

Troy University Alice Walker Story Everyday Use Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Cameron University Methods of Interpreting the Constitution Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

should be 1-1,5 pages

In class, we discussed two distinct, different methods that the Supreme Court uses in interpreting the constitution. In the first part of your essay, name these two methods, describe these two methods fully, and discuss in detail their strengths.

In the second section of your essay, discuss in detail the weaknesses of the two methods.

For part three, discuss which of the two methods has been most used by the Supreme Court since 1950. Give 2 examples of cases, rulings and/or results which show how that method was used. Explain why you believe that these cases show the use of the method you have chosen to describe

In part four, give an example of a case after 1950 in which the Supreme Court used the other method, and discuss the ruling in that case and why it is an example of the other method.

In the final part, discuss which of the two methods you believe should be used by the Court going forward from the present, and explain why the use of this method is best for the country. Do you believe the Supreme Court is likely to use this method? Why or why not?


Louisiana State University US History 1900 to 1932 Detrimental Years Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Do not argue that the period was both beneficial and detrimental (which, of course, it was). Make sure you argue the side assigned to you! Be sure to argue HOW the period was detrimental. What one major issue or theme made the period detrimental, and for whom was it detrimental, as well as how was it detrimental to the nation as a whole. In order to make your argument, you MUST use one primary source (the documents) each from Chapters 18-20 in Voices of Freedom and two examples from the lectures (at least five examples in total). You will be graded on the quality of your examples and explanations, not the quantity ofyour examples. Be sure to fully explain how your examples support the position you are arguing.

Papers should be about 4-5 pages long (typed and doubled-spaced), but length is less important than content. For citations from the book, cite the document and page number. You do not need to cite information from the lectures, but should you bring in outside sources (which is not necessary), be sure to provide a full citation for them.

Guide to Writing the Papers

These guidelines are applicable to all the assignments in this course.

1) Be sure to clearly state your argument in the first paragraph. Your argument should be more than just a statement that things during the period under consideration were beneficial or detrimental, it should say how they were beneficial or detrimental.

2) Select the best sources to support your argument. Use examples from the lectures and documents to support your argument. You do not need to cite material from the lectures, but examples from the textbook should be cited after the material and/or quote appears in your paper by providing the name of the document and page number parenthetically.

3) Be sure your examples cover the whole period under question, for example you do not want all of your examples for the first assignment to all be from Reconstruction.

4) Be sure all your examples support the same general idea. For example, if your argument is that events of a certain time period were beneficial because of general prosperity which benefitted most Americans, then make sure that all your examples support the idea that most Americans were benefitting economically.

5) You should spend more time explaining your examples than you do describing them. Describing just says what happened, while explaining says how it is beneficial or detrimental.

6) Ask questions. If you have questions about your argument, or specific examples, please ask them either in class, in office hours or by email. The Teaching Assistants and I are available to assist you.

7) Papers should be typed and doubled-spaced. While there is no length requirement or limit, 4 to 5 pages is average. Explaining your argument with the required number of examples is what matters most. More examples will not increase your grade.…


Troy University What Impact Has Reading Had on Your Life Literacy Narrative Writing Assignment Help

Essay # 1 (Literacy Narrative) 10% Minimum Length: 5 paragraphs, range approx. 1.5 to 3 pages.

Our first essay is rather simple. It asks the question “What impact has reading had on your life?” Please reflect on this question for a few minutes and then post a short essay in the MLA format. If you have any questions, please let me know by email. Here is the full-page description of the assignment:

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative

Write a short literacy narrative about yourself. Literacy narratives can often have slightly different focuses, so you have a small amount of room for creativity, but they primarily deal with detailing a person’s path to reading and writing (education and experiences as a reader) and/or the impact that reading and writing has on their lives. Keep in mind that the focus here is on “literacy” (the act of reading and/or writing) and not as much on “literature” (which we’ll be talking about in class). Your literacy narrative can involve your experiences with various “great” books, but it will more likely encompass your experiences with a variety of texts, from internet reading, to newspapers, to comic books, to whatever you tend to read or even write in your spare time.

The organization of your paper will depend on the focus you want the essay to take. If you are writing about your experience becoming literate (learning to read and write), you will probably take a narrative approach, detailing your first experiences in school or your first memories of books or the first time reading or writing seemed to make a big impact on your life. In writing from this perspective, you will want a clear introduction that establishes the story you plan on telling, strong transitions and paragraphs (probably chronologically organized) that put that overall story together, and a conclusion that goes beyond simple summary to address the large context of what you’ve just written about. What ultimate impact did those early experiences have on the reader/writer you are today?

If you focus more on particular texts or experiences of reading and writing and how they have impacted your life, you would structure your essay in a more subject-by-subject fashion. Your introduction would establish that you are writing about significant moments where literacy or particular texts impacted your life and give a sense of why those moments or texts are important. Your body paragraphs would be organized around each of those texts or moments, explaining what they were and narrating why they mattered. In this structure, your conclusion would again go beyond simple summary to put the discussion in a larger context. Have those particular moments or texts changed the way you read or address writing now? How might those experiences be similar to or different from those of other individuals?

Regardless of how you organize the paper, the final draft of your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point font with one inch margins. Your name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and date need to be in the upper left hand corner of the first page (only). Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of each page–or simply the page number–either will work, in other words the full MLA format. You will submit this as a word doc, PDF, or Richtext file only. If I can not open what you send, I will let you know and give you plenty of time to resubmit.


CUNY Week 8 Respiratory Issues Dyspnea Death Rattle and Cough Case Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Using the readings, lecture, and your personal clinical experience, create a patient case study pertaining to Respiratory Issues: Dyspnea, Death Rattle, and Cough. The case study should include assessment findings and lab/radiology results if indicated. 

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 – 300 words. Copy and paste the symptom you are responding to at the top of your post. Make sure your post shows evidence that you have completed and understood the readings for this week by using the theories/concepts that were covered and by adding quotes and examples from the text that help you answer the question. You must post by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday to allow time for peer responses. 



Troy University What Impact Has Reading Had on Your Life Literacy Narrative Writing Assignment Help

Essay # 1 (Literacy Narrative) 10% Minimum Length: 5 paragraphs, range approx. 1.5 to 3 pages.

Our first essay is rather simple. It asks the question “What impact has reading had on your life?” Please reflect on this question for a few minutes and then post a short essay in the MLA format. If you have any questions, please let me know by email. Here is the full-page description of the assignment:

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative

Write a short literacy narrative about yourself. Literacy narratives can often have slightly different focuses, so you have a small amount of room for creativity, but they primarily deal with detailing a person’s path to reading and writing (education and experiences as a reader) and/or the impact that reading and writing has on their lives. Keep in mind that the focus here is on “literacy” (the act of reading and/or writing) and not as much on “literature” (which we’ll be talking about in class). Your literacy narrative can involve your experiences with various “great” books, but it will more likely encompass your experiences with a variety of texts, from internet reading, to newspapers, to comic books, to whatever you tend to read or even write in your spare time.

The organization of your paper will depend on the focus you want the essay to take. If you are writing about your experience becoming literate (learning to read and write), you will probably take a narrative approach, detailing your first experiences in school or your first memories of books or the first time reading or writing seemed to make a big impact on your life. In writing from this perspective, you will want a clear introduction that establishes the story you plan on telling, strong transitions and paragraphs (probably chronologically organized) that put that overall story together, and a conclusion that goes beyond simple summary to address the large context of what you’ve just written about. What ultimate impact did those early experiences have on the reader/writer you are today?

If you focus more on particular texts or experiences of reading and writing and how they have impacted your life, you would structure your essay in a more subject-by-subject fashion. Your introduction would establish that you are writing about significant moments where literacy or particular texts impacted your life and give a sense of why those moments or texts are important. Your body paragraphs would be organized around each of those texts or moments, explaining what they were and narrating why they mattered. In this structure, your conclusion would again go beyond simple summary to put the discussion in a larger context. Have those particular moments or texts changed the way you read or address writing now? How might those experiences be similar to or different from those of other individuals?

Regardless of how you organize the paper, the final draft of your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point font with one inch margins. Your name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and date need to be in the upper left hand corner of the first page (only). Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of each page–or simply the page number–either will work, in other words the full MLA format. You will submit this as a word doc, PDF, or Richtext file only. If I can not open what you send, I will let you know and give you plenty of time to resubmit.


CUNY Week 8 Respiratory Issues Dyspnea Death Rattle and Cough Case Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Using the readings, lecture, and your personal clinical experience, create a patient case study pertaining to Respiratory Issues: Dyspnea, Death Rattle, and Cough. The case study should include assessment findings and lab/radiology results if indicated. 

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 – 300 words. Copy and paste the symptom you are responding to at the top of your post. Make sure your post shows evidence that you have completed and understood the readings for this week by using the theories/concepts that were covered and by adding quotes and examples from the text that help you answer the question. You must post by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday to allow time for peer responses. 



Troy University What Impact Has Reading Had on Your Life Literacy Narrative Writing Assignment Help

Essay # 1 (Literacy Narrative) 10% Minimum Length: 5 paragraphs, range approx. 1.5 to 3 pages.

Our first essay is rather simple. It asks the question “What impact has reading had on your life?” Please reflect on this question for a few minutes and then post a short essay in the MLA format. If you have any questions, please let me know by email. Here is the full-page description of the assignment:

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative

Write a short literacy narrative about yourself. Literacy narratives can often have slightly different focuses, so you have a small amount of room for creativity, but they primarily deal with detailing a person’s path to reading and writing (education and experiences as a reader) and/or the impact that reading and writing has on their lives. Keep in mind that the focus here is on “literacy” (the act of reading and/or writing) and not as much on “literature” (which we’ll be talking about in class). Your literacy narrative can involve your experiences with various “great” books, but it will more likely encompass your experiences with a variety of texts, from internet reading, to newspapers, to comic books, to whatever you tend to read or even write in your spare time.

The organization of your paper will depend on the focus you want the essay to take. If you are writing about your experience becoming literate (learning to read and write), you will probably take a narrative approach, detailing your first experiences in school or your first memories of books or the first time reading or writing seemed to make a big impact on your life. In writing from this perspective, you will want a clear introduction that establishes the story you plan on telling, strong transitions and paragraphs (probably chronologically organized) that put that overall story together, and a conclusion that goes beyond simple summary to address the large context of what you’ve just written about. What ultimate impact did those early experiences have on the reader/writer you are today?

If you focus more on particular texts or experiences of reading and writing and how they have impacted your life, you would structure your essay in a more subject-by-subject fashion. Your introduction would establish that you are writing about significant moments where literacy or particular texts impacted your life and give a sense of why those moments or texts are important. Your body paragraphs would be organized around each of those texts or moments, explaining what they were and narrating why they mattered. In this structure, your conclusion would again go beyond simple summary to put the discussion in a larger context. Have those particular moments or texts changed the way you read or address writing now? How might those experiences be similar to or different from those of other individuals?

Regardless of how you organize the paper, the final draft of your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point font with one inch margins. Your name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and date need to be in the upper left hand corner of the first page (only). Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of each page–or simply the page number–either will work, in other words the full MLA format. You will submit this as a word doc, PDF, or Richtext file only. If I can not open what you send, I will let you know and give you plenty of time to resubmit.


CUNY Week 8 Respiratory Issues Dyspnea Death Rattle and Cough Case Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Using the readings, lecture, and your personal clinical experience, create a patient case study pertaining to Respiratory Issues: Dyspnea, Death Rattle, and Cough. The case study should include assessment findings and lab/radiology results if indicated. 

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 – 300 words. Copy and paste the symptom you are responding to at the top of your post. Make sure your post shows evidence that you have completed and understood the readings for this week by using the theories/concepts that were covered and by adding quotes and examples from the text that help you answer the question. You must post by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday to allow time for peer responses. 



Troy University What Impact Has Reading Had on Your Life Literacy Narrative Writing Assignment Help

Essay # 1 (Literacy Narrative) 10% Minimum Length: 5 paragraphs, range approx. 1.5 to 3 pages.

Our first essay is rather simple. It asks the question “What impact has reading had on your life?” Please reflect on this question for a few minutes and then post a short essay in the MLA format. If you have any questions, please let me know by email. Here is the full-page description of the assignment:

Essay #1: Literacy Narrative

Write a short literacy narrative about yourself. Literacy narratives can often have slightly different focuses, so you have a small amount of room for creativity, but they primarily deal with detailing a person’s path to reading and writing (education and experiences as a reader) and/or the impact that reading and writing has on their lives. Keep in mind that the focus here is on “literacy” (the act of reading and/or writing) and not as much on “literature” (which we’ll be talking about in class). Your literacy narrative can involve your experiences with various “great” books, but it will more likely encompass your experiences with a variety of texts, from internet reading, to newspapers, to comic books, to whatever you tend to read or even write in your spare time.

The organization of your paper will depend on the focus you want the essay to take. If you are writing about your experience becoming literate (learning to read and write), you will probably take a narrative approach, detailing your first experiences in school or your first memories of books or the first time reading or writing seemed to make a big impact on your life. In writing from this perspective, you will want a clear introduction that establishes the story you plan on telling, strong transitions and paragraphs (probably chronologically organized) that put that overall story together, and a conclusion that goes beyond simple summary to address the large context of what you’ve just written about. What ultimate impact did those early experiences have on the reader/writer you are today?

If you focus more on particular texts or experiences of reading and writing and how they have impacted your life, you would structure your essay in a more subject-by-subject fashion. Your introduction would establish that you are writing about significant moments where literacy or particular texts impacted your life and give a sense of why those moments or texts are important. Your body paragraphs would be organized around each of those texts or moments, explaining what they were and narrating why they mattered. In this structure, your conclusion would again go beyond simple summary to put the discussion in a larger context. Have those particular moments or texts changed the way you read or address writing now? How might those experiences be similar to or different from those of other individuals?

Regardless of how you organize the paper, the final draft of your paper needs to be typed, double spaced, and in 12 point font with one inch margins. Your name, the instructor’s name, the course number, and date need to be in the upper left hand corner of the first page (only). Your last name and the page number should appear in the upper right hand corner of each page–or simply the page number–either will work, in other words the full MLA format. You will submit this as a word doc, PDF, or Richtext file only. If I can not open what you send, I will let you know and give you plenty of time to resubmit.


CUNY Week 8 Respiratory Issues Dyspnea Death Rattle and Cough Case Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

Using the readings, lecture, and your personal clinical experience, create a patient case study pertaining to Respiratory Issues: Dyspnea, Death Rattle, and Cough. The case study should include assessment findings and lab/radiology results if indicated. 

Your initial post must be a minimum of 150 – 300 words. Copy and paste the symptom you are responding to at the top of your post. Make sure your post shows evidence that you have completed and understood the readings for this week by using the theories/concepts that were covered and by adding quotes and examples from the text that help you answer the question. You must post by 11:59 PM EST on Thursday to allow time for peer responses. 


Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Grand Canyon University Evidence based Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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