Grand Canyon University Physical Education Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help. Grand Canyon University Physical Education Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
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Answer the 7 Discussion Questions below in regards to the attached/uploaded case study about physical education. Each question should be answered with 100 words for each question. So the assignment is for 700 words minimum.
Discussion Questions for Case Study:
1. What is the primary issue of this case?
2. What were some factors that contributed positively and negatively to this case?
3. How did Ramon feel about school in general? What were his feelings about PE? Why was he looking forward to PE in high school?
4. Who contributed most to this case positively or, negatively?
5. What do you think Ms. Patton contributed to improving Ramon’s participation in the physical fitness unit? Do you think he was provided with enough support and input? How influential was the school’s administration?
6. Do you think everyone should be required to participate in a physical fitness unit?
7. Can Ms. Patton successfully address Ramon’s health related and self-esteem problems alone? what would you do in such a situation?
If any additional sources are used for this assignment please cite and use in-text citations. However, external sources are not required.
Grand Canyon University Physical Education Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Tuskegee University Personal Area Networks Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Using APA 7th edition form, write a paper about personal area networks and how they are limited by the range of Bluetooth. Discuss the common devices that use Bluetooth. Discuss how a wireless LAN or WLAN differs from a PAN. What are the pros and cons of a LAN or WLAN?
Review the most common LAN topologies—bus, ring, and star—and discuss the pros and cons of each of these topologies.
Discuss a WAN, and how WAN technologies are slower and more expensive than LAN technologies. Summarize how these personal area networks are used in professional settings, such as universities and corporations.
Paper must be typed doubled spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, include a title page and a reference page with at least 2 references from either a peer reviewed journal article, textbook, or creditable website.
Indiana Wesleyan University Communication Audit in Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Part 1
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Be sure you are using the Tools for Writing that are available to all IWU students.
- Take time to explore the many resources on the Plain Language website.
- Carefully read the article, Write Better Executive Summaries.
- Review how to Avoid these 13 Common Writing Mistakes.
- In the 4.1 discussion section, make an initial post describing a key concept from the resources and how it is meaningful to you.
- Engage in a dialogue (using video or text) with your classmates in at least three discussion threads (one of which is your initial post). Use the strategy described in Background Information. Your instructor will also participate in the dialogue.
- As you interact, be sure to respond to questions asked by your classmates and instructor.
- Post a brief summary of your new knowledge in each of the three discussion threads you have participated in during this workshop. Each of these summaries should describe your new learning and explain the connections between concepts and resources.
- Please label each of your summary posts with the keyword “Summary.” Be sure to address the following:
- Identify key concepts in Effective Written Communications.
- Discuss the importance of written communication in business.
- Discuss the connection between effective written communication and decision-making (report writing, persuasion, informative writing).
- Complete this discussion activity by the end of the workshop. You and your classmates must pace yourselves to complete this discussion fully within the time allotted.
Part 2
- Review the rubric to make sure you understand the criteria for earning your grade.
- Read Chapter 13 in the course textbook Essentials of Human Communication.
- Read the following articles:
- Watch the video: Own Your Behaviours, Master Your Communication, Determine Your Success
- Write an assessment that addresses the following questions:
- What story could you tell as part of your audit report?
- Where could you come up with other ideas for a story that would make your report more effective?
- Be sure your story idea ties emotion to your new understanding for your business partnering company or organization.
When you have completed the assignment, save a copy for yourself and submit the document to your instructor using the Assignment submission page by the end of the workshop.
Preparing for A Computer Forensics Investigation Scenario Paper Writing Assignment Help
Part 1: Preparing for a Forensic Investigation
You are an employee at D&B Investigations, a firm that contracts with individuals, companies, and government agencies to conduct computer forensics investigations. D&B employees are expected to observe the following tenets, which the company views as the foundation for its success:
- Give concerted attention to clients’ needs and concerns.
- Follow proper procedures and stay informed about legal issues.
- Maintain the necessary skill set to apply effective investigative techniques using the latest technologies.
Your manager has just scheduled a meeting with an important prospective client, and she has asked you to be part of the team that is preparing for the meeting. The prospective client is Brendan Oliver, a well-known celebrity. Last night, Mr. Oliver’s public relations team discovered that someone obtained three photos that were shot on his smartphone, and tried to sell the photos to the media. Due to the sensitive nature of the photos, Mr. Oliver and his team have not yet contacted law enforcement. They would like to know if D&B can provide any guidance or support related to the investigation—or, at the very least, if D&B can help them prevent similar incidents from occurring in the future. At this time, they do not know how the photos were acquired. The public relations team is wondering if a friend, family member, or employee could have gained direct access to Mr. Oliver’s phone and obtained the photos that way, although the phone is usually locked with a passcode when Mr. Oliver is not using it. In addition, Mr. Oliver e-mailed the photos to one other person several months ago; he has not spoken with that person in the last few weeks, but he does not believe that person would have shared the photos with anyone else.
Your manager plans to use this initial meeting with Mr. Oliver and his public relations team to establish rapport, learn more about the case, and demonstrate the firm’s expertise. The company sees this as an opportunity to build future business, regardless of whether they are retained to help with the investigation of this case.
Troy University Strengths and Weaknesses Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Directions: I need you to find some strength and weaknesses in my “Army depot case” i have down below and i will post another file with the opportunities and threats.
There is a team assignment that requires the team to do a SWOT analysis on the case that is used for the team project. For those of you unfamiliar with a SWOT, this is an analysis that provides a high-level look at the organization/business. Strengths and weaknesses are internal to the organization, and the organization has control of these areas. Opportunities and threats are external. While strengths and weaknesses will be dependent upon the organization itself, opportunities and threats are typically defined in terms of things over which the organization has no control – these often include competition, federal/state regulations, the economy, technology progress (or problems such as ransomware, hackers, etc.) and anything else which the organization cannot control such as natural disasters, mergers or failures of other businesses and so on.
- SWOT (identify S & W with your team, use the PESTLE list for T & O)
Your team assignment is to look at the CCAD case and identify the correct sequence of events, to include the environment before the changes were made, the problem, analysis, decisions, changes, actions, and the outcomes. This follows the basic PDSA (plan, do, study, act) model in the course but includes a little more detail.Since this is a successful process improvement intervention which has already been completed, it’s up to you to identify the existing environment before the changes (SWOT and PESTEL), how the goals of the CCAD aligned with the decisions that were made and actions taken, and the outcomes. This will allow you to see the impact of a continuous improvement project from beginning to end, and how the sequence of events forms a process.
Cascadia Community College Social Movements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Think about the elements of successful social movements that you have now seen employed by many historical interest groups; and consider, too, the common ways that all these movements are framed and mythologized by various media. For this reflection:
- Write your own definition of activism, distinct from passive support for an issue or ideology.
- Write a paragraph about a connection you see between the reality and/or the portrayal of a 20th-century movement compared to a contemporary one (like Times Up, Black Lives Matter, Right to Life, or March for Our Lives). Who are the current organizers and mobilizers, what are the key tactics? Which details have been framed by the media as the sparks or the fuel of the movement?
- List all the artifacts you can think of that are associated with that contemporary movement (these could be images, merchandise, hashtags and slogans, and audio/visual records of specific actions). Then for each item on your list, identify whether they represent meaningful activism or simply virtue-signaling — use the definition you write at the beginning to support your identifications.
Part2(pick one)
Perhaps more meaningfully, they will give you more to chew on about how systems of racial inequity have been built and maintained, and about how some folks are proposing to disrupt those systems for good.
Option 1
Read Ta Nahesi Coats’ 2014 Atlantic Article, The Case for Reparations: to an external site.)Then explore the reality of Racial Restrictive Covenants right here at home: (Links to an external site.)
Submit your 1-2 page response to the following questions:
- Prior to reading “The Case for Reparations,” what did you know about reparations as an idea or as an actual practice by governments? Give a specific example of something new you learned from this article.
- When many people discuss reparations, it is often in reference to slavery. What other discriminatory policies does Coates highlight as the basis for his case? Why do you think he focuses on these policies?
- When Coates describes Jim Crow-era Mississippi as a “kleptocracy,” what does he mean? Why does Coates say the idea of reparations has been a non-starter in the United States?
- Based on your knowledge of cumulative discriminatory practices like mass incarceration, voter suppression, restrictive property covenants, and others, summarize your own argument for or against reparations.
Option 2
Watch Ava Duvernay’s 2016 film 13th (Links to an external site.)
(Pro tip! Read the questions in advance and take active notes while you are watching.) Then submit your 1-2 page response to the following questions:
- What did you learn in the film that you did not know before? What, if anything, surprised you?
- Who benefits from the prison system? Who is harmed by the prison system? Whose voice is left out in 13th’s conversation about the prison system?
- What is the role of the dominant narrative in this film? Why does the film keep flashing the word CRIMINAL in big white letters every time it is mentioned? What does the “mythology of black criminality” mean and–according to Duvernay, what is the impact of the perpetuation of this myth?
- The film ends with the following quote from Bryan Stevenson: “People say all the time, ‘well, I don’t understand how people could have tolerated slavery?’ ‘How could they have made peace with that?’ ‘How could people have gone to a lynching and participated in that?’ ‘That’s so crazy, if I was living at that time I would never have tolerated anything like that.’ And the truth is we are living in this time, and we are tolerating it.” What does Stevenson mean and what are your reactions to this quote?
Cascadia Community College Social Movements Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
James Madison High School Transformation of American Society Research Paper Writing Assignment Help
How did a diversity of views transform American society? and How have the literary movements of the last two centuries affected us? Choose one of the following topics to find out more about, and write a clearly developed and well-formed research paper on your chosen topic. Follow the writing process and use MLA format to cite sources used. Use the following website to help you in your writing:
- Research and discuss how a diversity of views have transformed American society using any literature from the Puritanism to Enlightenment time period.
- Research and discuss the role of women in Victorian England and how/why women’s status seemed to decline despite the earlier feminist writings of Mary Wollstonecraft from the Enlightenment. For this research question, you will use literature from the Englightment and/or Victorian time period.
- How have the literary movements of the last two centuries affected us? This question will focus on any literature from the Romantic, Victorian, and Modern/Postmodern literary time periods. Feel free to address modern ideas such as politics and social issues and how you literature has shaped our current culture.
Each essay should be well developed with a clear intro with thesis, body paragraphs that support, and a conclusion. Your essay should be a minimum of 500 words and have a corresponding works cited page of all sources used. Sources should be SCHOLARLY sources. Click here for info on scholarly sources. This is a major assignment designed to assess your readiness for college-level writing and research.
Sullivan University New and Familiar Concepts Journal Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 8.1 – Journal Response
This is an opportunity to process and apply both new and familiar concepts. Write a journal response discussing your thoughts on this week’s course material. Be sure to address the assigned video clips and readings. Did you strongly agree or disagree with any particular concepts or ideas? Did you find any aspects surprising? Were there any concepts that you plan to apply or implement to your life? Feel free to include any other thoughts or responses. Upload this assignment to the appropriate Drop Box by the date listed on the course schedule. Your journal response should be sufficient in length to fully address the question, double spaced, written at the college level, adhere to APA guidelines, and include a reference list. Any sources used must be cited properly using in-text citations and referenced at the end of the paper.”
BUS 4993 UMES Wk 8 Business Level and Corporate Level Strategies Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help
Business-Level and Corporate-Level Strategies
In this assignment, you are to use the same corporation you selected and focused on for Assignment 1: Strategic Management and Strategic Competitiveness and Assignment 2: External and Internal Environments.
Research the company on its own website, the public filings on the Securities and Exchange Commission EDGAR database, the University’s online databases, the Nexis Uni database, and any other sources you can find. The annual report will often provide insights that can help address some of these questions.
Write a six- to eight-page paper in which you do the following:
- Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
- Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
- Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
- Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets.
- Use at least three quality references. Note: Wikipedia and other websites do not quality as academic resources.
Walden University Black Maternal Health Macro Analysis & Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
In this assignment, you synthesize the best practice skills and strategies you analyzed in your Macro Analysis Paper in Unit 3 to address a social services organization or practice problem. In your presentation, you need to address the sustainability of the strategies and discuss how these strategies improve the quality of social work services relevant to the identified problem.
You present and extend your Macro Analysis Paper by narrating a recorded PowerPoint presentation. Be sure to incorporate any relevant instructor or peer feedback from the Unit 3 assignment into your presentation.
To complete this assignment, design a narrated PowerPoint presentation based on your revised Macro Analysis Paper in Unit 3. In your presentation:
- Describe the selected problem and the necessity of researching the problem (for example, why it is important to address this problem).
- Summarize your peer-reviewed research on the topic.
- Remember to provide APA citations on either the slide or in the notes of the presentation.
- Present any theory or models identified in your Unit 3 paper.
- Incorporate the foundations of current research, generalist social work practice skills, client advocacy skills, and additional macro social work resources into the presentation as well.
- Present your integration of best practice strategies and skills into a holistic plan to address the problem.
- Explain your reasoning using details and peer-reviewed literature.
In addition to synthesizing your Unit 3 paper, you also need to do the following in your presentation:
- Analyze the sustainability of the proposed strategies, considering the available resources.
- How will these strategies endure over a long period of time?
- What are the long-term impacts on the macro practice?
- Would you need to seek additional resources, and if so, how would you procure them?
- Describe how implementing these strategies will improve the quality of social work services to address the identified issue.
- What might occur if there is no intervention?
- What is likely to change with your identified best practice intervention?
Note: Remember to be as detailed as possible in developing your argument and ideas. Also, include relevant, peer-reviewed APA citations to support your analysis throughout the presentation.
Your presentation should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: Resources and citations are formatted according to current APA style and formatting standards.
- References: A minimum of five scholarly resources. All literature cited should be current, with publication dates within the past five years.
- Slide requirements: 10–15 PowerPoint slides with simple, clear formatting.
Grand Canyon University Physical Education Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Grand Canyon University Physical Education Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help