Grand Canyon University Plastic Pollution Improving Waste Disposal Pamphlet Science Assignment Help

Grand Canyon University Plastic Pollution Improving Waste Disposal Pamphlet Science Assignment Help. Grand Canyon University Plastic Pollution Improving Waste Disposal Pamphlet Science Assignment Help.

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Select a scenario from the list below:

There is a species of fish (with low numbers) that is having trouble traveling up and down the river because of a dam.

Choose an area that is economically depressed but has a lot of species diversity, you need to protect the species while providing jobs for locals.

An animal is being poached for its horn which is believed in some cultures to cure many diseases, it is not critically endangered.

The demand for farming is increasing, which is destroying native forests and affecting their biodiversity.

An animal is starting to become isolated because it is afraid to cross roads created by deforestation.

Local birds typically migrate over the winter, but people are feeding them and thermal pollution at a local stream is keeping the water warmer the birds are not migrating, resulting in water pollution.

A drought has been going on for a period of time; the water needed for homes, businesses, and farms has decreased lake and river levels impacting the amount available for local flora and fauna.

Species are being found dead on local beaches due to plastic.

Use the textbook and of info-graphic under course materials to find the best resource management practice to implement.

Create a pamphlet addressing the following:

What is the issue and why it would work

Describe the restoration method you selected and why it would be best (with at least 2 examples of how it has worked in similar situations from peer reviewed sources)

Time frame to complete the plan (include short and long term objectives)

What is the end goal of the restoration project

Infographic link:

Grand Canyon University Plastic Pollution Improving Waste Disposal Pamphlet Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SYM 506 GCU Sampling Distribution and Confidence Interval Discussion Mathematics Assignment Help

Discuss the following questions. Each answer should be 180 – 200 words.

  • You are about to draw a coin out of a box. Three coins are in the box: one fair coin (head/tail) and two loaded coins (1 head/head and 1 tail/tail). You will draw one coin and put it flat on a table. You see a head, but you do not know what is on the other side. Your friend says that since a head is shown, it must be either the head/head or head/tail. He says he will bet you straight up that it is head/head. Should you take this bet? Explain. (Note: There are some strict calculations that can be done in this problem that will give us valuable insight as to the chances of winning the person’s bet).
  • A standard deck of cards can be very beneficial when it comes to discussing probability. Give a unique example of mutually exclusive events using a standard deck of cards. For instance, P(drawing a king of hearts or a black-suited card) would be an appropriate example. Explain why the events are mutually exclusive and then illustrate how this relates to calculating a probability. You need to do all of these to earn credit.
  • You just saw an ad on television that states the majority of the population would vote to make smoking illegal. The poll that is referenced shows 53% of those asked supported making smoking illegal. In the fine print at the bottom of the screen, you see that the margin of error is +/- 3%. What is your reaction? Explain.
  • As the marketing director of Harley-Davidson, you need to determine what your customers would like in the next model. You put a survey on the Harley website. Is this a good frame from which to select your sample? Explain.


Grossmont College Communications Relationships & Bond Strength Discussion Law Assignment Help

  1. Who is the person and how long have you know him/her?
  2. Why did you choose this person as the focus of the semester?
  3. What is your current degree of satisfaction with this relationship?
  4. What are at least three goals you have for this relationship?
  5. Please include a combination of short-term goals (goals you can accomplish in 4 months) and long-term goals (for the future).
  1. Attach Word doc.
  2. Write in essay format (no Question-Answer).
  3. Five (5) question prompts = Five (5 )distinct healthy paragraphs.
  4. 1 full page of content (your name/class info doesn’t count).
  5. 10-12 font, single spaced. 1 inch margins


University of Alaska Hillsborough County Crime Ridden Neighborhood Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Please respond to the following:

  • Identify a particularly crime-ridden neighborhood, beat, or area of your jurisdiction using media reports or local crime data from your local police agency website. Then explain your approach to bring order to that area using the techniques described in this chapter, such as the problem-analysis triangle and SARA. Then identify the two community crime prevention programs you researched from the first e-Activity and discuss how you could use any of the strategies from these to help this identified area of your jurisdiction. If you do not believe you could use any of the strategies, explain why.


PAD 505 SU Evaluation of Financial Plan of Los Angeles City Council Discussion Law Assignment Help

Use Template provided…

  1. the Audit Analysis

    You are preparing for a challenging City Council meeting. You need to be able to give the other council members and mayor an accurate “city of affairs” to make sure significant cuts can be made in the appropriate areas, and other critical areas can continue to be funded. Select an agency or program from your local city to analyze the financial plan to respond to the following questions in a 4–5 page paper:

    1. Evaluate a financial plan of your local city agency or program. Title this section Financial Plan.
    2. Propose one issue for improvement for the budget of the agency or program. Title this section Improvement.
    3. Develop a budget proposal for the improvement issue. Title this section Budget Proposal.
      • Justify your recommendations.
    4. Distinguish the similarities and differences between the federal, state, and local budget submission process. Title this section Federal, State, and Local Submission Process.

    Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

    • Include a short introduction (include background information of agency or program information) and use the questions as section headers.
    • Please include at least four references; at least two references must be peer-reviewed.
    • Include the URL of the location of your city’s financial plan and any other documentation you used for your budget analysis.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.
    • This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course.

    The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Evaluate an existing budget and justify its recommendations.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.



BUS 437 Strayer University Practices from Supply Chain Management ?Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 2: Best Practices

After completing your assessment and proposing your plan, your CEO wants to know how supply chain management can be used within your firm for the various high-profile projects that will be undertaken over the next two years.

Write a 4-6 page paper in which you do the following:

  1. Discuss at least three threebest practices from supply chain management that project managers should use when managing high-profile projects.
  2. Discuss at least three three key challenges that supply chain management poses to project managers who are managing high-profile projects.
  3. Discuss how PMBOK can help project managers to properly acquire the necessary resources to manage high-profile projects.
  4. Go to to locate at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:

  • Be typed, double-spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with 1-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow SWS (Strayer Writing Standards). Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
  • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment is as follows:

  • Assess supply chain management challenges, best practices, and resourcing strategies that affect project implementation.

BUS 437 Strayer University Practices from Supply Chain Management ?Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Albizu University Week 8 HIV Testing Opt Out Approach Discussion & PPT Writing Assignment Help

Week 8

Principles of Epidemiology APA Style Question

Part 1

Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

It is often stated that excess mortality (in general) is higher in low socioeconomic populations. Visit the Kaiser Family Foundation and read about the reasons behind these disparities ( Which factors contribute to this statistic? How are infant mortality rates and maternal morbidity rates connected to these populations? Are there differences between healthcare “needs” and “wants” in this population?

Support your ideas with citations and references, and use epidemiological terminology you learned this week. Use APA Style.

Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word Document)

Week 8 Assignment: HIV Testing Opt-In/Opt-Out Teaching Presentation

Objective: To present information about HIV testing to pregnant women in a community to increase the prevalence of HIV testing in this population


Begin by reading the following information from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2018).

An Opt-Out Approach to HIV Screening

The chance that HIV infection will be transmitted from an HIV-infected pregnant woman to her child can be reduced to 1 percent or less (one or fewer out of every 100). This is possible because better medicines are now available to treat HIV. But first, the pregnant woman and her doctor must know if she is infected with HIV.

What Do We Know?

Many women across the United States do not get tested for HIV during pregnancy. HIV-infected women who do not get tested often transmit HIV to their infants. CDC data from 2005 show that among HIV-infected infants born in the 33 states that report HIV-exposed infants, 31 percent of the mothers of HIV-infected infants had not been tested for HIV until after delivery.

Studies show that more women are tested when the HIV test is included in the standard group of tests that all pregnant women routinely receive, and when providers recommend HIV testing early in pregnancy to all their pregnant patients.

Since 1995, the CDC has recommended that all pregnant women be tested for HIV and, if found to be infected, offered treatment to improve their health and to prevent passing the virus to their infant.

What Testing Approaches Are Available?

There are two different ways to approach pregnant women about HIV testing:


  • Pregnant women are given pre-HIV test counseling.
  • They must agree to receive an HIV test, usually in writing.


  • Pregnant women are told that an HIV test will be included in the standard group of prenatal tests (that is to say, tests given to all pregnant women), and that they may decline the test.
  • Unless they decline, they will receive an HIV test.

Reference Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2018). Pregnant women, infants, and children. Retrieved from

Assignment Instructions:

  • Decide on an opt-in or opt-out approach for your community.
  • Create a PowerPoint presentation to present to pregnant women in your community to increase the prevalence of HIV testing in this population.
  • Design a presentation that explains the benefits of HIV testing for pregnant women. Present your argument as to why the method you chose (opt-in or opt-out) is the best approach for your community.
  • Your PowerPoint must be 4–6 slides, not including the title slide and the reference slide.
  • You must cite and reference two or more sources. Use APA Style.
  • You must use images, graphs, charts, and data that support the information provided in the text.
  • Include notes in the notes section, or recorded audio to go along with each slide. Your notes or audio must completely explain the images and items on the slides.
  • Be sure to include an introduction and a conclusion to your presentation.

Click here to see sample outreach and campaign materials.

See the resource folder for tips for designing effective PowerPoint presentations.

Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style 7th Edition format. Be sure to support your ideas with references from the week’s readings and other relevant resources.


Albizu University Week 8 Future of Public Health Video Reflection Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Week 8

Introduction to Public Health APA Style Question

Part 1

Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

Applying the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, reflect on the future of public health. What do you think will become the top public health concern in 2050? What do you think will become the leading cause of death in the future? What does the future hold for public health?

Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word/Powerpoint Document)

Week 8 Assignment: The Future of Public Health Video Reflection( Please Create Powerpoint so that I can Present)

Create a two- to four-minute video response detailing the achievements and challenges to public health in the 21st century and discussing what the future holds for public health.

For this assignment:

  • Select three achievements and three challenges to public health
  • Discuss your reasoning for each selection and the importance to public health
  • Based on these achievements and challenges, detail what you think the future holds for public health

The video should be informative and engaging. The presentation should include a visual aid that engages the audience and guides understanding. Be sure to submit the visual aid along with the video response for grading.


University of Maryland Developing New Opportunities for Design Curriculum Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Multicultural Curriculum Design – Final Version

In the previous assignment, you submitted a draft of your Multicultural Curriculum. Now you will submit the final version. For this assignment, you should incorporate any notes or feedback your instructor provided on your draft submission to create the final submission. Your instructor will be looking for incorporated feedback and improvement on what was previously submitted.

As a reminder, the instructions for the assignment are below:

For this assignment you will now develop your own diversity curriculum, as well as implement theories, strategies, ideas, and best practices. As a result, adult students from various diverse backgrounds should feel comfortable in the learning environment you provide.

The curriculum you develop should be designed specifically for a higher education, post-secondary education, or corporate learning environment you currently work in or hope to work in some day.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  1. Create a course name and description for your chosen curriculum.
  2. Develop a minimum of five course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum.
  3. Create a schedule that tells how long the curriculum will last and how many lessons/meetings there will be.
  4. Identify any resources needed for the curriculum.
  5. Provide titles and descriptions of each of the lessons/meetings. (Keep in mind that one of these lessons you already developed in the learning activity.)
  6. Use at least four quality academic resources written within the past five years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


MITS 5505 Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1: Understand, create and use knowledge management solutions that contribute towards cost savings and improved productivity of an organization. LO2: Appraise how and why knowledge management solutions might have different performance impacts, depending on the circumstances by evaluating the key factors and their nature of impact on performance. LO4: Apply and integrate appropriate KM components to develop effective knowledge management solutions. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Case Study only. Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections.


See the resource folder for tips for designing effective PowerPoint presentations.

Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style 7th Edition format. Be sure to support your ideas with references from the week’s readings and other relevant resources.


Albizu University Week 8 Future of Public Health Video Reflection Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Week 8

Introduction to Public Health APA Style Question

Part 1

Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

Applying the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, reflect on the future of public health. What do you think will become the top public health concern in 2050? What do you think will become the leading cause of death in the future? What does the future hold for public health?

Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word/Powerpoint Document)

Week 8 Assignment: The Future of Public Health Video Reflection( Please Create Powerpoint so that I can Present)

Create a two- to four-minute video response detailing the achievements and challenges to public health in the 21st century and discussing what the future holds for public health.

For this assignment:

  • Select three achievements and three challenges to public health
  • Discuss your reasoning for each selection and the importance to public health
  • Based on these achievements and challenges, detail what you think the future holds for public health

The video should be informative and engaging. The presentation should include a visual aid that engages the audience and guides understanding. Be sure to submit the visual aid along with the video response for grading.


University of Maryland Developing New Opportunities for Design Curriculum Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Multicultural Curriculum Design – Final Version

In the previous assignment, you submitted a draft of your Multicultural Curriculum. Now you will submit the final version. For this assignment, you should incorporate any notes or feedback your instructor provided on your draft submission to create the final submission. Your instructor will be looking for incorporated feedback and improvement on what was previously submitted.

As a reminder, the instructions for the assignment are below:

For this assignment you will now develop your own diversity curriculum, as well as implement theories, strategies, ideas, and best practices. As a result, adult students from various diverse backgrounds should feel comfortable in the learning environment you provide.

The curriculum you develop should be designed specifically for a higher education, post-secondary education, or corporate learning environment you currently work in or hope to work in some day.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  1. Create a course name and description for your chosen curriculum.
  2. Develop a minimum of five course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum.
  3. Create a schedule that tells how long the curriculum will last and how many lessons/meetings there will be.
  4. Identify any resources needed for the curriculum.
  5. Provide titles and descriptions of each of the lessons/meetings. (Keep in mind that one of these lessons you already developed in the learning activity.)
  6. Use at least four quality academic resources written within the past five years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


MITS 5505 Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1: Understand, create and use knowledge management solutions that contribute towards cost savings and improved productivity of an organization. LO2: Appraise how and why knowledge management solutions might have different performance impacts, depending on the circumstances by evaluating the key factors and their nature of impact on performance. LO4: Apply and integrate appropriate KM components to develop effective knowledge management solutions. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Case Study only. Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections.


See the resource folder for tips for designing effective PowerPoint presentations.

Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style 7th Edition format. Be sure to support your ideas with references from the week’s readings and other relevant resources.


Albizu University Week 8 Future of Public Health Video Reflection Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Week 8

Introduction to Public Health APA Style Question

Part 1

Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

Applying the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, reflect on the future of public health. What do you think will become the top public health concern in 2050? What do you think will become the leading cause of death in the future? What does the future hold for public health?

Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word/Powerpoint Document)

Week 8 Assignment: The Future of Public Health Video Reflection( Please Create Powerpoint so that I can Present)

Create a two- to four-minute video response detailing the achievements and challenges to public health in the 21st century and discussing what the future holds for public health.

For this assignment:

  • Select three achievements and three challenges to public health
  • Discuss your reasoning for each selection and the importance to public health
  • Based on these achievements and challenges, detail what you think the future holds for public health

The video should be informative and engaging. The presentation should include a visual aid that engages the audience and guides understanding. Be sure to submit the visual aid along with the video response for grading.


University of Maryland Developing New Opportunities for Design Curriculum Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Multicultural Curriculum Design – Final Version

In the previous assignment, you submitted a draft of your Multicultural Curriculum. Now you will submit the final version. For this assignment, you should incorporate any notes or feedback your instructor provided on your draft submission to create the final submission. Your instructor will be looking for incorporated feedback and improvement on what was previously submitted.

As a reminder, the instructions for the assignment are below:

For this assignment you will now develop your own diversity curriculum, as well as implement theories, strategies, ideas, and best practices. As a result, adult students from various diverse backgrounds should feel comfortable in the learning environment you provide.

The curriculum you develop should be designed specifically for a higher education, post-secondary education, or corporate learning environment you currently work in or hope to work in some day.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  1. Create a course name and description for your chosen curriculum.
  2. Develop a minimum of five course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum.
  3. Create a schedule that tells how long the curriculum will last and how many lessons/meetings there will be.
  4. Identify any resources needed for the curriculum.
  5. Provide titles and descriptions of each of the lessons/meetings. (Keep in mind that one of these lessons you already developed in the learning activity.)
  6. Use at least four quality academic resources written within the past five years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


MITS 5505 Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1: Understand, create and use knowledge management solutions that contribute towards cost savings and improved productivity of an organization. LO2: Appraise how and why knowledge management solutions might have different performance impacts, depending on the circumstances by evaluating the key factors and their nature of impact on performance. LO4: Apply and integrate appropriate KM components to develop effective knowledge management solutions. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Case Study only. Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections.


See the resource folder for tips for designing effective PowerPoint presentations.

Remember to always cite your sources using APA Style 7th Edition format. Be sure to support your ideas with references from the week’s readings and other relevant resources.


Albizu University Week 8 Future of Public Health Video Reflection Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Week 8

Introduction to Public Health APA Style Question

Part 1

Discussion Prompt 1-3 Paragraphs

Applying the knowledge you have gained throughout this course, reflect on the future of public health. What do you think will become the top public health concern in 2050? What do you think will become the leading cause of death in the future? What does the future hold for public health?

Part 2 (Please Separate this part to a different Word/Powerpoint Document)

Week 8 Assignment: The Future of Public Health Video Reflection( Please Create Powerpoint so that I can Present)

Create a two- to four-minute video response detailing the achievements and challenges to public health in the 21st century and discussing what the future holds for public health.

For this assignment:

  • Select three achievements and three challenges to public health
  • Discuss your reasoning for each selection and the importance to public health
  • Based on these achievements and challenges, detail what you think the future holds for public health

The video should be informative and engaging. The presentation should include a visual aid that engages the audience and guides understanding. Be sure to submit the visual aid along with the video response for grading.


University of Maryland Developing New Opportunities for Design Curriculum Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Multicultural Curriculum Design – Final Version

In the previous assignment, you submitted a draft of your Multicultural Curriculum. Now you will submit the final version. For this assignment, you should incorporate any notes or feedback your instructor provided on your draft submission to create the final submission. Your instructor will be looking for incorporated feedback and improvement on what was previously submitted.

As a reminder, the instructions for the assignment are below:

For this assignment you will now develop your own diversity curriculum, as well as implement theories, strategies, ideas, and best practices. As a result, adult students from various diverse backgrounds should feel comfortable in the learning environment you provide.

The curriculum you develop should be designed specifically for a higher education, post-secondary education, or corporate learning environment you currently work in or hope to work in some day.

Write a 3–5 page paper in which you:

  1. Create a course name and description for your chosen curriculum.
  2. Develop a minimum of five course learning outcomes for your chosen curriculum.
  3. Create a schedule that tells how long the curriculum will last and how many lessons/meetings there will be.
  4. Identify any resources needed for the curriculum.
  5. Provide titles and descriptions of each of the lessons/meetings. (Keep in mind that one of these lessons you already developed in the learning activity.)
  6. Use at least four quality academic resources written within the past five years. Note: For this assignment, you may use videos you choose for class activities as resources. Wikipedia and other similar websites do not qualify as academic resources.
  7. Format your assignment according to the following formatting requirements:
    • Typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides.
    • Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required page length.
    • Include a reference page. Citations and references must follow SWS format. The reference page is not included in the required page length.


MITS 5505 Knowledge Management Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

This assessment covers the following LOs. LO1: Understand, create and use knowledge management solutions that contribute towards cost savings and improved productivity of an organization. LO2: Appraise how and why knowledge management solutions might have different performance impacts, depending on the circumstances by evaluating the key factors and their nature of impact on performance. LO4: Apply and integrate appropriate KM components to develop effective knowledge management solutions. INSTRUCTIONS These instructions apply to Case Study only. Answer the questions based on a case study given below: Case Study 1 (Total 5 Marks) One of the IT Support experts have been interviewed to get knowledge about troubleshooting the printer installed in the workplace. By codifying and transferring this knowledge to the other staff members in the company will make it easy for them to troubleshoot the printer without the need of the IT Support person, at least in the early stages. After capturing the knowledge from the IT Support expert, the following report has been created: • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is flashing, and the printer is recognised by the computer then check for paper jam or ink. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is NOT flashing, and the printer is NOT recognised by the computer then check the computer-printer cable connection. • If the printer does NOT print, the red light is not flashing then the technical support person should be called. To make this knowledge easy to use by the staff members it should be codified. a) Codify this knowledge by utilising decision table technique. (2.5 Marks) b) Convert the produced table into a decision tree. (2.5 Marks) MITS5505 Case Study Copyright © 2020 VIT, All Rights Reserved. 3 Case Study 2 (Total 10 Marks) a) A company is about to lose two of its key people due to retirements. One individual is highly outgoing, very social and has been actively involved in a variety of training activities. The other individual prefers to be given a list of questions that he will have to answer before each interview and seems fairly reluctant to embark upon the project. Outline a knowledge capture strategy for each of these individuals. How approach will be differing? What do you anticipate to be the major obstacles with each of the persons involved? How would you select the best techniques considering these obstacles? (5 Marks) b) The same organization has also requested a long-term knowledge continuity strategy to ensure that knowledge is not only captured from key departing individuals but that this knowledge is coded and retained in organizational memory systems. Outline how you would develop and implement such a strategy. Describe the key techniques you would use and justify your selections.


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