Granite Hills High School Terrorism in the Middle East Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Granite Hills High School Terrorism in the Middle East Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
I’m working on a middle eastern studies writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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I want a 4-5 paragraph essay that briefly explains the start of Isis, and how their actions towards the killing, raping, and torturing of innocent people have impacted the world all around. I want an introduction with a hook, background information, and the thesis as the last sentence. There should be three-four body paragraphs with a claim, two sub-claims, and sources of evidence for each one. In total, I need 8 different sources minimum of evidence in order to back up each sub claim. More than one claim can be used from the same source. I also want a conclusion that gives your opinion on the topic,. how it was relevant to the world, and to rewrite the thesis in different words. This might sound like a lot but my essay is DUE AT 11:00 P.M. so it would mean a lot if it can be done before. The teacher is giving me a chance to turn it in today because it was due before. Thank you very much.
Granite Hills High School Terrorism in the Middle East Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Mission College Cinematic Arts Question Writing Assignment Help
Almost every week, you will be provided with a Worksheet that reinforces the material covered during the lecture. You’ll complete the Worksheet, submit it here, and then post or reply to a posting in “Discussions.”
You will receive full points for participating as delineated in the Rubric.
- DOWNLOAD the Cinematic Arts Worksheet #6: 6_The Killer.doc
- RESPOND to the analytical prompts for The Killer
- SAVE as a PDF
- SUBMIT below
AIU ONLINE Supply Introduction to Logistics & Chain Management Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Do some research on your chosen company(The coca-cola company). Post an answer to at least one (1) of the following questions for each chapter as it relates to your chosen company. Remember to give examples!
- Figure out where your company sources or sends goods. How might regulatory and political conditions act as barriers for your company’s supply chain management for those goods?
- What is the difference between a 3PL and 4PL/LLP? Which does your company utilize, if either?
- What is the difference between a lean and an agile supply chain? Which is what applies better to your company? Why?
- What technologies implemented may have affected and/or still be affecting your company’s supply chain
Purdue Global University Marketing Strategy for Different Market Segments Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
In your simulation this week, one item that you will be working on is advertising to include ad copy design, and media placement and ad frequency. As you grow past your home headquarters, you will need to create a marketing strategy that:
- Presents a core unified picture of your company and brand but also differentiates per individual market segments and cultures.
- Utilizes both traditional (i.e., print media, television, radio) and non-traditional sources (i.e., social media)
- Is cost effective from a budget and resources perspective and can be measured for the Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
Thought Process
- Researching best and leading edge practices, including Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI) as required in section 1 will increase your baseline knowledge of how to complete the specific elements required in the 2nd section of the assignment.
- Think outside the confines of the simulation for this assignment. Benchmarking best practices by companies who do this well can be a great resource for you
- The core marketing plan and basic message is based on your vision, mission, competitive strategic plan, 5 Fitnesses and QFD as was discussed in Unit 2 and seen in the Marketplace simulation work you are already doing
- In the Unit assignment, Ethical Considerations in Global Expansion, you created profiles of the possible countries under expansion consideration, showing cultural and other demographic information. These profiles will help you tailor the core message to and the best delivery mechanisms for the product line you have selected which you will describe in section 2 which is tailored to each individual geographic market. Make sure you include specifics on measurement (ROMI)
- If you were going to be presenting this information to your management in a real world situation, and requesting funds to support your plan, you will need all of this data to be seen as credible and win support for your plan.
In a 4-6 page APA formatted paper excluding text, diagrams, and other visual/oral aids as appropriate, you will prepare the following:
- Present a summary incorporating at least three academically credible sources in addition to the weekly reading of the best practices you have discovered in your research on:
- creating a core marketing/advertising strategy
- differentiating elements of this strategy tailored to individual markets and cultures
- integrating traditional and non-traditional sources
- calculating Return on Marketing Investment (ROMI)
- Select at least one product line your team is working with and submit a specific marketing plan that contains a:
- Core unified message
- Specific messages to the target customer in each of the countries you are selling into
- Plan for how you will measure the results of your plan.
JWI 540 Strayer Microsoft Has Managed to Occupy Large Market Share Today Response Business Finance Assignment Help
- Identify
an organization (not mentioned in any of your readings or videos this
week and not Apple, Amazon, Netflix, Tesla, or Uber) which has truly
introduced a new game-changing Winning Move in the last five years that
created sustainable competitive advantage.
company that has introduced a new game-changing winning move in the
last five years and has created a sustainable competitive advantage is
Microsoft with their Cloud services.
In 2014 Satya Nadella took over Microsoft, and he arrived when the
company was losing money, and the reputation of the company was at its
lowest (1). In the past five years, Mr. Nadella completely changed the
company’s course, repositioning the company from a devices and services
company to a mobile and cloud organization. Mr. Nadella grew the
Microsoft Azure platform to become the number two cloud provider behind
- Briefly
summarize how the Move fundamentally shifted the playing field to the
company’s advantage and was a successful way to beat the competition.
2014 Microsoft was competing with big companies like Amazon, Google,
and Dell. Their technology was average in the industry, and with
Microsoft’s bad reputation at that time, customers were opting for
“better” services, and Dell was one of the cheapest at that time. When
Mr. Nadella took over, he focused on one thing: to make faster and less
expensive cloud technology.
- Explain which of the three positioning categories described by Dogfight (breakout, Blue Ocean, and disruptive technology) best describes the Move, and why.
my perspective, the winning Move by Microsoft can be a disruptive
technology (2). Before 2010 Microsoft was focus on computers (1). Mr.
Nadella realized that the future was in cloud storage, and he spent
billions of dollars on new technology. That investment started paying
off because in 2016, Microsoft sales of web-based computing
infrastructure brought in about $2.3 billion, and their share price
tripled (1).
- L. Sherman. 2017. If You’re in a Dogfight, Become a Cat! Chapter 5: Do You Know What Your Strategy Is?
BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico Timeline Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Create a powerpoint presentation that 1) presents the key features of your case; 2) explains the basics of the style of ethics you chose; and 3) utilizes the style of ethics to analyze the case.
The topic I chose is: BP Gulf Oil Spill
– Please use the link above to collect the needed information about the topic to complete the assignment.
– Do not pitch this to someone who knows all of this. Pitch it to someone who is not familiar with any of this.
– Choose one style of ethics to complete the assignment. For example: utilitarianism.
– Lay out the basics of the case in the PowerPoint then lay out the basics of the style of ethics that you’ve chosen in the PowerPoint and then utilize the solver ethics to analyze the case.
– The length of the PowerPoint should be about six to seven minutes.
BP Oil Spill in Gulf of Mexico Timeline Presentation Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
NR 565 Chamberlain College of Nursing Week 8 MSN Program Outcome Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Total Points Possible: 50
- Choose one (1) MSN Program Outcome, one (1) MSN Essential, and one (1) NONPF Core Competency from the list below:
- MSN Program Outcome
- Provide high quality, safe, patient-centered care grounded in holistic health principles.
- Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice.
- MSN Program Outcome
- MSN Essential I. Background for Practice from Science and HumanitiesVIII. Clinical Prevention and Population Health for Improving HealthIX. Master’s Level Nursing Practice
NONPF Core Competencies Scientific Foundation CompetenciesThese competencies ensure that nurse practitioners graduate with a
comprehensive background in medical sciences. All nurse practitioner
students are required to take foundational pathophysiology and
pharmacology, but depending on their specialty, they may take additional
courses. Psychiatric nurse practitioners often take courses in
neuroscience whereas neonatal nurse practitioners take courses in
neonatology. Scientific core competencies also include knowledge and
understanding of clinical practice guidelines, evidence-based practice,
translational research, and treatment of vulnerable and diverse patient
populations.The scientific foundation core competencies defined by the NONPF include the following:- Thinks critically about data and applies this evidence to improving practice.
- Allows knowledge from the humanities and other disciplines to inform one’s work in nursing.
- Incorporates research findings to enhance practice methods and patient outcomes.
- Creates fresh evidence-based approaches and techniques, paying
thought to research findings, core theory, and experience from practice.
Quality CompetenciesQuality care, as defined by the NONPF, refers to the degree to which
health services increase the desired health outcomes consistent with
professional knowledge and standards. Quality competencies focus on
understanding how to access and use information databases and how to
critically evaluate research findings.The quality core competencies include the following:- Applies the best and most contemporary research findings to clinical practice.
- Considers the complex relationships between cost, safety, access, and quality in healthcare delivery.
- Assesses the effects of organizational structures, financial management, policy, and other factors on healthcare.
- Offers feedback in peer reviews to “promote a culture of excellence.”
- Tailors care to each practice situation and uses interventions as necessary.
Practice Inquiry CompetenciesPractice inquiry competencies focus on translational research, i.e.,
taking academic research and applying it to the clinical setting. These
competencies ensure that nurse practitioner students understand how to
apply research to improve their patients’ health outcomes.The practice inquiry core competencies include the following:- Translates new knowledge into practice through leadership.
- Uses clinical experiences to inform practice and improve patient outcomes.
- Applies investigative abilities in a clinical setting to improve healthcare.
- Facilitates practice inquiry, both individually and in partnerships.
- Transmits knowledge from inquiry to others.
- Thinks critically about the individual applications of clinical guidelines.
2. Reflect over the past eight weeks and describe how achieving the course outcomes have prepared you to meet 1 program outcome, 1 MSN essential and 1 NONPF competency.
3. Provide a specific example for each category.
Preparing the paper
- The written portion of this assignment is to be completed in a WORD document (.doc) and submitted to the course.
- Grammar, punctuation, spelling should be observed. In-text citations and reference page should follow APA format.
- Assignments will not be accepted once the course closes in Week 8.
Outcome Achievement
The student identifies at least one of the listed program outcomes; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the program outcome was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed MSN essentials; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the MSN essential was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed NONPF competencies; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the NONPF competency was met. (6 required elements)
Total CONTENT Points= 40 pts
Organization, spelling, grammar and APA format
Narrative summary is provided with consideration to organization, spelling, grammar and APA format.
Total FORMAT Points= 10
NR565 Reflection Assignment (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome AND Provides at least one specific example of how the program outcome was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed MSN essentials; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the MSN essential was met; AND The student identifies at least one of the listed NONPF competencies; AND Provides at least one specific example of how the NONPF competency was met; (6 required elements)
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome
10 pts
Total Points: |
The Royal Mail Ship Titanic Presentation Humanities Assignment Help
Create a PowerPoint presentation that 1) presents the key features of your case; 2) explains the basics of the style of ethics you chose; and 3) utilizes the style of ethics to analyze the case.
The topic I chose is: Titanic
– Please use the link above to collect the needed information about the topic to complete the assignment.
– Do not pitch this to someone who knows all of this. Pitch it to someone who is not familiar with any of this.
– Choose one style of ethics to complete the assignment. For example: utilitarianism.
– Lay out the basics of the case in the PowerPoint then lay out the basics of the style of ethics that you’ve chosen in the PowerPoint and then utilize the solver ethics to analyze the case.
– The length of the PowerPoint should be about six to seven minutes.
Contemporary Issues in Accounting & Ethics Utilitarianism Ethical Theory Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
The Essay Question is <<Provide a synthesis explaining the paradise paper case as a typical case of tax avoidance. Highlight the reasons that might have led to such a situation and taking the point of view of the different parties involved in the case, expose the ethical dilemma. You are encourage to use the ethical theory seem during the first lecture>>
This is a group essay which my part is to study the “How Isle of Man gives big refunds to superrich on private jet imports” case and write MAX 220 words.
Please Use in text citation and references at the end in APA style.
Also define if you use any key terms in the essay.
Also I attached the introduction. dont worry about the conclusion some one else will write about it after reading about other cases.
MGT 301 Saudi Electronic Univ Work Stress in Honeywell Corporation Case Study Ques Business Finance Assignment Help
Case: Honeywell
Please read the case “Honeywell” from Chapter 5 “STRESS” Page: – 151 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:
Assignment Question(s):
1.Describe how the change in Honeywell’s telecommuting policy likely influenced the types of work stressors experienced by the company’s employees. How has the change in policy likely influenced nonwork stressors? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
2.Given the change in stressors resulting from the change in the telecommuting policy, what can you predict about the commitment and job performance of Honeywell’s employees? Explain. (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 150-200)
3.Identify steps that Honeywell could take to mitigate the potential for negative consequences resulting from the change in the company’s telecommuting policy. (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200)
Discussion question: Page: – Please read Chapter 5 “STRESS” carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.
4.Describe your dream job and then provide a list of the types of stressors that you would expect to be present. How much of your salary, if any at all, would you give up to eliminate the most important hindrance stressors? Why? (1.25 Marks ) (Min words 200-300)
Important Note: – Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
– Please use the link above to collect the needed information about the topic to complete the assignment.
– Do not pitch this to someone who knows all of this. Pitch it to someone who is not familiar with any of this.
– Choose one style of ethics to complete the assignment. For example: utilitarianism.
– Lay out the basics of the case in the PowerPoint then lay out the basics of the style of ethics that you’ve chosen in the PowerPoint and then utilize the solver ethics to analyze the case.
– The length of the PowerPoint should be about six to seven minutes.