Grantham University Week 2 Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Grantham University Week 2 Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.
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W2 Assignment
In a 2-page minimum paper using APA format, answer one the following questions:
You have been asked to assess the interface for company XYZ’s online job bank and resume submission function. You have limited information; however, you do know that:
o HR is overwhelmed with the number of resume submissions.
o Internal users complain that their applications disappear into never-never land –and that they never hear back about whether they were considered for the position.
o A few external users call HR to ask how to send a resume directly since the online system will not accept their resume.
o The niece of the current Chief Executive Officer visited the site and complained about how frumpy and tired the site was and stated this was a real turn-off.
Understanding and measuring human capital in an organization is a critical component which requires an investment perspective of human resource management.
You have assumed a new leadership role in Company XYZ. Your first assignment is to evaluate the current HR initiatives in your current role. Knowing that employees are both a significant resources and significant cost for an organization, this employee contributions to the bottom line must be measured. Provide a detailed approach you would take in your new role to accomplish this task.
Grantham University Week 2 Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
PSY 7709 CU Motivating Operations and Discriminative Stimuli Paper Humanities Assignment Help
MOs and Sds
Antecedents are stimuli that occur before a behavior and can influence behaviors. MOs and Sds are types of antecedents that play an important role in the occurrence of behaviors. Understanding the impact of these antecedents allows behavior analysts to manipulate these variables and influence client behavior in a meaningful way.
For this assignment, use the template Motivating Operations and Discriminative Stimuli given in the resources. This template has a column for similarities and one for differences. In a bulleted format, fill in your analysis of the two concepts, placing similarities in the left column and differences in the right column.
Below the table:
- Identify and describe three real situations from your environment or experience (please identify MOs and Sds in each of your examples).
- Identify the relevant antecedent variables and explain how they operate as either an MO or a Sd.
Assignment Requirements
Your assignment should meet the following requirements:
- Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
- Resources: 2–3 scholarly or professional resources. Resources should include the course text and a combination of seminal works.
- Length: 3–4 double-spaced pages of content, in addition to the title page and references page.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12-point.
- SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.
Education and Economic Success Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Post your response to the prompt below by Tuesday, January 26 no later than 11:59PM
First, select one of your interviews that stands out to you. Choose one that was the most interesting or the most surprising. Write a brief summary of your interview (4-5 sentences). Then, write about your own perspective on education and economic success and how it’s similar or different to the interview you summarized (4-5 sentences).
Respond to your peers by Friday, January 29 no later than 11:59PM
Read and respond to THREE of your peers’ posts. Your response can be what you found interesting or surprising about your peers’ interviews and/or whether or not you agree with your peers’ views on education and economic success, or anything else you’d like to say. Always be respectful in your response to your peers.
PSY 7708 Capella University Operant and Respondent Conditioning Report Humanities Assignment Help
In this unit, we explore two types of learning—operant and respondent conditioning. With respondent conditioning, individuals emit reflexive behavior in the presence of certain stimuli. With operant conditioning, behaviors continue to occur, or not, due to the consequences that follow them. As behavior analysts, we frequently use operant conditioning to teach new behaviors (and eliminate old behaviors) by manipulating the consequences that follow them. Respondent conditioning is also used by behavior analysts, for example, by establishing various reinforcers through pairing of stimuli.
For this assignment, complete the following:
- Define operant and respondent conditioning.
- Describe the similarities and differences between these two types of learning.
- Provide two real-world, detailed examples of operant conditioning and two real-world, detailed examples of respondent conditioning.
Assignment Requirements
- Written communication: Should be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
- APA formatting: References and citations are formatted according to current APA style guidelines.
- Resources: Minimum of 1–2 scholarly or professional resources.
- Length: 2–3 double-spaced pages, in addition to the title page and reference page.
- Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.
- SafeAssign: You are required to use SafeAssign before submitting the completed assignment to your instructor. Submit your work to SafeAssign as a draft, review the results, and make any needed changes. When you are ready, submit your assignment to the assignment area for grading.
Henry Ford Community College Evaluation of Biometrics in Security Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
It was not long ago that security technologies such as identification through facial recognition or retina scans could only be found in a James Bond or Star Trek movie. However, as threats to IT security become more prevalent, and hackers and social engineers develop more sophisticated ways of breaking into information systems, these types of security methods are now becoming more common.
On the Biometric Consortium’s website you can find examples of face, fingerprint, voice, and even retinal recognition systems. You can even find a fingerprint system that is now in place at Disney World. Is this the wave of the future?
For this Assignment, submit a 3- to 5-page evaluation of two biometric systems. Respond to the following in your paper:
- What are the strengths and weaknesses of each system?
- How invasive are the techniques?
- What, if any, privacy issues need to be considered with each system?
- How accurate are the systems?
- How are the biometrics collected (sensors used) for the devices?
- Where are the biometric technologies deployed?
- What is your evaluation on the difficulty of use of the system?
Substantiate your position with references to the Learning Resources or research you conducted on your own.
West Stanly High School Anglo Saxon Story Paper Writing Assignment Help
Write your own, original Anglo-Saxon hero story.
- The story must be at LEAST 500 words. It can be longer than that, however.
- You must create a hero. What part of Anglo Saxon society are they from? What are their powers? What is their name? Speaking of names, here is an anglo saxon name generator (Links to an external site.)
- You must create a monster. What is their name? Why are they so awful?
- Your story must center around your hero destroying your monster, and have a complete beginning, middle, and end.
- You should have three separate examples of Anglo Saxon culture embedded within the story. This includes customs, beliefs, etc some aspect of their culture. You can refer to last week’s articles or videos, or do your own research! If you use any new sources, please copy and paste the URLs at the end of the story. Please highlight these references within your story.
- Stories that do not follow these directions will earn a grade of 0 and you will need to redo
West Stanly High School Anglo Saxon Story Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
TCA 449 Nevada Las Vegas How Vaccination Has Impeded Travels Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english question and need support to help me learn.
Each student is required to read a current (within one week of due date) affairs article dealing with some facet of international importance. The article may pertain travel and tourism or it may relate to some aspect of international affairs which would impact travel and tourism(e.g. pandemic, crime, terrorism, health concerns, political considerations, etc.). The articles may be found in magazines, newspapers, journals or on the internet. You will be required to share a synopsis of the article with your classmates and with the instructor. Therefore, one copy of the synopsis will be posted as a discussion item and one copy will be submitted to the instructor in the space provided on the assignment page. The synopsis should be approximately 100 words in length. Class members are also required to respond as a discussion thread to at least one other student’s synopsis during the week the update is due. Each article synopsis is worth 5 points. Late submissions will not be accepted.
CS 499 SNHU Computer Science Professionals Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Compose responses to the following two-part prompt:
Part One
Throughout the Computer Science program, you have learned valuable skills with career options in mind. As you near the culmination of this program, it is time to reflect on your choice of career and set your future direction.
For this assignment, trace the development of your choice of career and plans for the future, from your assignment into the Computer Science program to now. If you have changed your plans, what prompted this change? If you have remained more consistent in your career plans, why it this? Has your thinking about your career evolved? Also, be sure to discuss any research you have conducted about your choice of careers and how this has impacted your thinking.
Part Two
Provide an update to your instructor on your progress with each category of the artifacts for the ePortfolio:
- Software design/engineering
- Algorithms and data structure
- Databases
For help tracking your progress, use the Status Checkpoints table below. Report on each category with status and some details. For instance, if you are at Status Checkpoint 2, working on the initial enhancement for your work in the databases category, briefly note which enhancements you have completed and which are still to come. Also note any trouble spots or places where you may need help.
1 |
Artifact Selected |
2 |
Working on Initial Enhancements |
3 |
Submitted; Awaiting Instructor Feedback |
4 |
Working on Final Enhancements |
6 |
Uploaded to ePortfolio |
7 |
Finalized ePortfolio Entry |
Overview: Expertise in algorithms and data structure is essential for a rising computer science professional. Milestone Three provides an opportunity to take a
solid step toward demonstrating this expertise while enhancing an element of your ePortfolio. This enhancement will align with the category of algorithms and
data structure. Note that this milestone assignment uses a holistic rubric similar to your Final Project Rubric. The purpose of this is to give you some experience
with this type of rubric early in the class. The intention is that you earn full credit for completing and submitting your milestone and that the focus is on feedback
and improvement for your final submission via your ePortfolio.
Prompt: In the final project, you are charged with a creating a professional ePortfolio to showcase your skills and abilities from the Computer Science program.
This ePortfolio includes an artifact demonstrating your skills and abilities in algorithms and data structure. Working with your instructor, you have previously
selected an artifact in the relevant category that arises from a final project in another course in the Computer Science program or from instructor-approved
relevant coursework outside of the program including open-source code. Earlier in CS 499, you completed a code review that examined the code of an existing
artifact in this category and planned enhancements to the code.
In Milestone Three, you will accomplish the following:
• Perform these planned enhancements.
• Develop an accompanying narrative that explains why you selected this artifact and the skills showcased in enhancing it.
• Submit the artifact and narrative for instructor review and comments.
You will then have the opportunity to incorporate these comments and polish the artifact before publishing it in the ePortfolio.
Note that the enhancements you complete in this milestone submission should follow the plan you have worked out with your instructor in the code review. If
you see issues with this plan as you work, continue to dialogue with your instructor about your plans.
The narrative that accompanies the artifact should explain why you included the artifact in your ePortfolio and reflect on the process you used to create the
artifact. The narrative should focus less on the actual creation of each artifact and more on the learning that happened through the creation of the artifact.
Discuss the following:
A. Briefly describe the artifact. What is it? When was it created?
B. Justify the inclusion of the artifact in your ePortfolio. Why did you select this item? What specific components of the artifact showcase your skills and
abilities in algorithms and data structure? How was the artifact improved?
C. Did you meet the course objectives you planned to meet with this enhancement in Module One? Do you have any updates to your outcome-coverage
D. Reflect on the process of enhancing and/or modifying the artifact. What did you learn as you were creating it and improving it? What challenges did
you face?
Your ePortfolio is assessed as a whole, using a holistic rubric rooted in the overarching outcomes of the Computer Science program. Milestone Three does not
have you show your proficiency in every outcome or every portion of the Final Project Rubric. However, this work should demonstrate that you are making solid
progress toward proficiency in some portions of the rubric. This milestone will be graded holistically based on your ability to perform your planned enhancement
and submit your narrative. Your grade will be pass/fail, indicating emerging proficiency in the possible indicators of success or not evident in meeting the
indicators of success (similar to the final project rubric).
The Computer Science program outcomes are as follows:
• Employ strategies for building collaborative environments that enable diverse audiences to support organizational decision making in the field of
computer science
• Design, develop, and deliver professional-quality oral, written, and visual communications that are coherent, technically sound, and appropriately
adapted to specific audiences and contexts
• Design and evaluate computing solutions that solve a given problem using algorithmic principles and computer science practices and standards
appropriate to its solution, while managing the trade-offs involved in design choices (data structures and algorithms)
• Demonstrate an ability to use well-founded and innovative techniques, skills, and tools in computing practices for the purpose of implementing
computer solutions that deliver value and accomplish industry-specific goals (software engineering/design/database)
• Develop a security mindset that anticipates adversarial exploits in software architecture and designs to expose potential vulnerabilities, mitigate design
flaws, and ensure privacy and enhanced security of data and resources
While your work in Milestone Three does not have to demonstrate full proficiency in any of these outcomes, it should illustrate substantial progress toward
proficiency in at least one, and preferably several, categories in the rubric below. For instance, your work in this milestone may not demonstrate building
collaborative environments or security, and that is OK.
In this module, you should also publish the first piece of your ePortfolio, the code review, to the ePortfolio site. Be sure to incorporate instructor feedback from your Milestone One submission and polish the code review to make it your best work.
UC Wk 4 Transformational Leadership Organizational Learning & Structure Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Journal articles focus on transformational leadership and knowledge and knowledge sharing within an organization, please review these concepts and answer the following questions:
- How do trustworthy and ethical leaders enhance knowledge sharing in organizations? How does this impact the rate of information technology implementations? How does this impact data management within organizations?
- How does servant leadership assist with transferring knowledge in an organization?
- When thinking about data analytics, how does transformational leadership assist with building good data structures?
The paper should meet the following requirements:
- 3-5 pages in length (not including title page or references)
- APA guidelines must be followed. The paper must include a cover page, an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
- A minimum of five peer-reviewed journal articles.
EUH 2021 Seminole State College Historical Treaty of Versailles Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
For this week’s Attendance Points, visit one of these options, and send me a 75- 100-word summary of what you learned/ liked/ disliked about it. (Submit this as an assignment on Canvas.) That summary will be your attendance points for Week Three.
Week Two Virtual Museums:
- Versailles (palace of Louis XIV in France): (Links to an external site.)
- Vaux le Vicomte (the palace that got one man put in prison for trying to build something as cool as Louis): (Links to an external site.)
- Peterhof (“Russian Versailles” started by Peter the Great and finished by his descendants): Bird’s eye views of the palace (in Russian, but easy to click on pictures at side of bottom screen) (Links to an external site.) and live broadcast of the largest fountain at the palace: (Links to an external site.)
- Topikapi Palace (since we’ll talk Ottomans on Wednesday):
Grantham University Week 2 Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Grantham University Week 2 Human Resource Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help