Grossmont College Always Running Book by Luis J Rodriguez Analysis & Questions Humanities Assignment Help. Grossmont College Always Running Book by Luis J Rodriguez Analysis & Questions Humanities Assignment Help.
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Answer the following questions thoroughly. Each response should be at least one paragraph and be supported by passages from the book (textual evidence)
Chapter 1
- The United States has often viewed itself as a great “melting pot” in which people from various countries and cultures eventually melt together and become “American.” How might the Rodriguez family’s experience in the United States serve as an indictment of this view? In other words, how might their actual experience (as depicted in the novel) render this idea of a melting pot false?
Chapter 2
- “Thee Impersonations,” the club or “clica” Rodriguez creates with other boys is “how (they) wove something out of the threads of nothing.” Rodriguez also goes on to say it “was born of necessity.” What does he mean by this? How is the entire episode representative of the way certain youth join gangs? What motivates or drives them to do so?
Chapter 3
- How might the greater American society be viewed as responsible for the creation of its gangs? Are people products of their circumstances and environment or are they entirely responsible for their fate? Is there such a thing as free will or are we merely reacting to our circumstances and environment?
Chapter 4
- How is Mark Keppel High School a microcosm of American society? In other words, how does the social structure of the school reflect American society?
- Discuss the irony behind the fact that the “Anglos” in the book are so eager to celebrate the “Fiesta Days” event commemorating the San Gabriel areas’ Spanish-Mexican heritage. Describe the difference between how the whites celebrated these days as opposed to the Mexicans.
Chapter 5
- On page 113, Luis declares that by 1970, he “felt disjointed” and “out of balance,” tired of “just acting and reacting.” He then goes on to state that he wanted to “flirt with depth of mind,” learn more about his “world” and “society” and particularly “about what to do.” What does Luis mean by all of this? What does he mean by feeling “disjointed” and “out of balance”? What does he mean by “flirt[ing] with depth of mind” and learning “about what to do”?
- Interpret the following quote from page 113:“I had certain yearnings at the time, which a lot of us had, to acquire authority in our own lives in the face of police, joblessness and powerlessness. “What What yearnings do Luis and the other youth have exactly? What type of “authority” is he talking about? What about the “powerlessness”? How do these feelings lead into gang life?
Grossmont College Always Running Book by Luis J Rodriguez Analysis & Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MSU Talent Acquisition and Development of a Leadership Team Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
(((NEW BOOK)))
Please read the assigned readings. And write your reflections about each of the readings assigned (minimum 150 words for EACH readings). Think about the concepts, theories and examples explored in these readings: what will really stay with you in the years to come? How will this influence the way you see the world, and help you understand or deal with practical situations in your personal or professional life?
1. The Essential HR Handbook. HR 1. Strategic HR / HR 2. Talent Acquisition (minimum 150 words)
2. The Essential HR Handbook. HR 3. Onboarding / HR 4. Talent Development (minimum 150 words)
I attached the PDF book you can use it.
After you done from the first part, I need you to responses to this week’s Leadership Team Post (it’s based on the assigned reading). And response to them minimum 150 words.
I attached the Leadership Team Post.
POLI SCI 19 SMC University Huxley, Brave New World and Atwood Comparative Essay Writing Assignment Help
Comparative Essay on Huxley, Brave New World and Atwood, The Handmaid’s Tale
- Examine each work thoroughly. Compare and contrast the following themes:
- What are the most important political ideas or themes presented in each book?
- Identify & discuss, if any, the political perspectives of the main characters at the onset of the story?
- Identify & discuss any incidents that challenge or provoke the perspectives of the characters?
- How do these incidents influence the outcome of the story?
- What new insights did you, as reader & student, gain from reading these works?
- Form & length: ALL essays must be typewritten and double-spaced, and at least 6 pages in length (250 words per page). Please edit your essay for grammatical and spelling errors. Such errors are distracting and makes the essay more difficult to read. Style manuals are available at the bookstore and are helpful in writing essays.
- Remember to use a title page that includes your name (first and last), date and course information. Please staple your papers in the upper left-hand corner and do not use report covers. All essays become the property of the Instructor.
For these two books, I’d like to see a discussion on each of the futuristic worlds presented in each book. Compare/contrast with an eye on the pros and cons of each. Okay, that may be hard to discuss the pros in the Handmaid’s Tale, but give it your best shot.
EC0 110 Strayer University Taking Charge Economic Future Paper Economics Assignment Help
Assignment 1: Impact of Economics on Daily Living
Due: Week 4
Points: 105
Skill(s) Being Assessed: Problem Solving
- Criteria for Success: In this assignment, you will:
- Identify a relevant economic concept and describe how it applies to the scenario.
- Summarize the change in expenditures between budgets.
- Record the ways in which economic trends impacted personal income and consumer prices.
- Explain the rationale for budget decisions made in response to economic changes.
- Explain an additional economic trend or change from within the last year and how it has impacted your personal life and finances.
What to submit/deliverables: A completed Assignment 1 template, in Word document form.
What is the value of doing this assignment? Economic trends and events in the world have real impacts on your daily life. This could take the form of a new technology that increases the demand for workers in a certain field, the amount of economic growth for a country affecting the ability (or willingness) of employers to increase wages, or even trade decisions between two countries that cause price of some everyday goods to fluctuate.
Economic impacts require you to make decisions on how to allocate resources and effectively budget, and use critical thinking strategies to help you navigate the world of finance and economics. Throughout the previous weeks of this course, you have learned foundational economic concepts, basic personal finance considerations, and problem solving strategies. In this assignment, you will apply all of these to help a friend communicate her budgeting decisions to her family.
Your goal for this assignment is to: Build your problem solving skill by articulating how economics have real impacts on families and their budgets. You will apply decision making and critical thinking strategies to explain how economics impacts a friend’s personal budget decisions.
Steps to complete: In Week 4, submit your assignment in BlackBoard by following these steps:
STEP 1:Read the scenario in the Assignment 1 Template and preview the questions that follow.
Scenario: A friend who knows that you are learning problem solving skills and economics has come to you for advice. At the beginning of this year, rent and the price of imported food rose. At the same time, prices for domestic food dropped. The family’s income stayed the same, but because of these economic changes, they had to make changes to their yearly budget.
Your friend’s family is unhappy about the lifestyle changes that your friend has chosen. Your friend knows that you are studying personal finance and have asked you how to explain to her family what has happened to their spending. She has brought with her their family budget from last year, as well as their current budget for this year.
STEP 2: Identify one relevant economic concept that applies to the scenario and describe how it applies. (Question 1)
STEP 3: Summarize how expenditures changed between budgets. Make sure to address how expenditures changed (or did not change). (Question 2)
STEP 4: Describe the economic trends that created the need for a change in expenditures. Make connections to the economic concepts you have learned. (Question 3)
STEP 5: Explain the rationale for your friend’s budget decisions to her family. Address all changes (or non-changes) in expenditures and discuss long term effects. (Question 4)
STEP 6: Reflect on how changes in economic variables may impact your personal life and finances. (Question 5)
STEP 7: After completing all questions in the Assignment 1 Template, save your responses as a Word document titled: Your Name, ECO110_Assignment 1 Economic Impacts and upload to BlackBoard in Week 4. Make sure to also review the scoring rubric before submitting.
Assignment 1 Template: Impact of Economics on Daily Living
Scenario:A friend who knows that you are learning problem solving skills and economics has come to you for advice. They have brought their family’s budget from last year, as well as their current budget for this year. At the beginning of this year, rent and the price of imported food rose. At the same time, prices for domestic food dropped. Your friend’s family’s income stayed the same, but because of these economic changes, they had to make changes to their yearly budget. Budget 1 on the left shows how their family used to spend their income of $25,000. Budget 2 on the right reflects changes your friend made to the family’s budget based on economic changes.
Your friend’s family is unhappy about the lifestyle changes that your friend has chosen. They are having a difficult time explaining the reasons for some of the decisions they have had to made about family finances. Since they know that you are studying personal finance, they have asked you to help them come up with a way to explain to their family what has happened to their spending.
Answer the following questions based on the scenario and Budget 1 and 2:
1. In the first four weeks of this class you have learned about several economic concepts and how they impact daily living. Choose one economic concept from this list and explain how it is relevant to your friends’ budget situation:
- Supply and demand
- Scarcity
- Tradeoff decisions
- International trade
- Opportunity cost
- Compound growth
2. How did expenditures change between budgets? Which expenditures changed the most? Which expenditures changed the least? Which stayed the same?
3. What were the economic trends that created the need for your friend’s family to change their expenditures? What can you infer about the connection between prices and expenditures, based on the economic concepts you have learned?
4. Help your friend explain the rationale for their budget decisions to their family. For each expenditure change, describe why your friend made that decision and how it impacts the family overall. Also make sure to address expenditures that did not change. What are the long-term benefits/risks of these changes? Some questions you could help them answer are:
- Why did your friend decide to buy less imported food, and more domestic food?
- Why did your friend decide to use the furnace and air conditioning less?
- Why did your friend decide to walk more?
- Why did your friend not change the amount spent of education and family care?
- Why did your friend decide to reduce savings, and what will the long-term effects of that be?
5. In our personal lives, we sometimes need to react to changes in our economic environment. Thinking about your own budget, describe how a change in an economic variable (such as a change in income, employment, interest rates, or prices) could impact your personal life and finances.
Grading for this assignment will be based on the following rubric:
BIO 108 Phoenix College Music Studio Profit and Loss Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
the mistakes aren’t SUPPOSED TO BE FIXED on this assignment, what I need help is to answer the following questions:
In a word document, just list your questions:
1. Why is this this way?
2. Why did you include this here?
3. Who approved this expense?
This is a fun assignment created in QuickBooks. All you have to do is find 10 of the 21 mistakes in these 2 reports. Read the instructions carefully so you understand the company you are working for, then go find the mistake I made as your bookkeeper.
I suggest you find more than 10 mistakes just in case one of your answers is not a mistake. Then I will deduct points. Don’t get hung up on the formatting or the dates for the report. They are not mistakes. The most recent month always appears to the the left of the previous month. Common with Accounting software. My mistakes should stick out like a sore thumb.
NOW, open the documents, find the mistakes, and I will attach the documents below.
San Diego State University Wk 5 Personal Identity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Part A – Talk with three people about their background.
The goal is to learn about the many ways people define themselves, beyond just using race/ethnicity, gender, or language, for example, and to learn how social context influences identity. Identity can be personal. Your interviews might be more detailed and interesting if you talk to people who would be comfortable talking with you. Ask them the following questions. Feel free to ask others.
- Ask them to describe their background, where they grew up, including ethnic, racial, and/or linguistic background and culture.
- If you could only use three words to describe your identity, what would those three words be and why? Be sure to ask what or who has influenced their identity, for example, family, particular life experiences, friends or peers, media, educational experiences, work experiences, etc.
- Think about how you’ve changed from childhood, to adolescence, to adulthood. Has your identity changed over time? Why or why not? If yes, what or who has influenced those changes to your identity?
- Do you think, in general, that people in your life – from school, work, family, friends – see you in the same way as you see yourself? Why or why not?
Part B – Submit on Canvas via Turnitin
In approximately 4-5 double-spaced pages with 1-inch margins, answer the following. You must use the following format.
Section #1 – In approximately 2 pages, describe who you talked to (no names, use friend, mother, cousin, husband, partner, etc.) and then summarize your conversation with each person.
Section #2 – In approximately 1 ½ -2 pages, thinking about your own identity, answer the interview questions above from your perspective and experiences. For some of you, reflecting on your identity might be a new experience. There is no right or wrong answer. Just be honest and real.
Section #3 – In 1 -1 ½ pages, use lecture material and at least one reading from week 5 to discuss what you learned about the concepts of culture, social context, and identity. You must refer to specific points in the reading and lecture. Only use readings and lecture material that relate to your interviews and to yourself. You must refer to specific points in your interviews or about yourself as you discuss connections to week 5 material. Think about whether or not your interviews (including your interview with yourself) seem similar or contradictory to week 5 material.
San Diego State University Wk 5 Personal Identity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
MG 485 Monroe College Amazon Business Policy Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Hey… Can you please do the part 6 of the project and out group chose company name Amazon and they are doing the rest of the project I’m only doing part 6. I attach the project questions so that you can read and understand what to do. so please read it.
“”””Company name is Amazon
6) FINANCIAL ANALYIS—————————————————————————————-20%
o Summarize the company’s financial statements:
- ▪ Balance Sheet
- ▪ Income Statement
o Based on the financial statements, explain the following financial ratio
Categories and their “value”:
- ▪ Activity, Liquidity, Profitability, Leverage ratios
- ▪ what do the (numerical) values for these ratios imply about your Company’s financial condition and performance?
(Management Discussion & Analysis)??
LDR 612 GCU Coaching and Mentorship Skills Mentor Evaluation Questionnaire Writing Assignment Help
Note: Please read the instructions below to successfully create my Mentor Evaluation. Also, my Individual Development Plan is attached in case you need it as a reference.
It is possible that you are still monitoring the progress of your mentee. Continue your process while completing this assignment.
For this assignment, develop a mentor evaluation (1-2 pages) for your mentee to complete. You can develop a survey, a questionnaire, or short-answer response document. The purpose is to collect feedback on the effectiveness of your Individual Development Plan together with your coaching or mentoring techniques. You are required to ask your mentee to complete the evaluation and provide feedback on the experiences. Submit your evaluation to your instructor for feedback.
While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
Classical Greek Culture and Contributions to The Civilization of The World Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Directions: From the choices below everyone is to answer question # 1 and then select ((((one)))) question from either #2 and #3. For each question it should be a minimum of 7 -9 paragraphs in length. Include all relevant material and information using your textbook ( I do not have it ) I’ve been getting my info rom zoom barley and mostly online
you must give citations for material selected from outside sources such as your textbook.
If you agree with the statement then make sure your arguments are valid for your position. If you disagree with the statement, then support that position with relevant material. You cannot take both sides in your essay.
You will be judged not by the position taken but by the support and content you provide.
1. Classical Greek culture has made numerous and lasting contributions to the civilization of the world.
2. Traditional Chinese philosophy as created, dealt with the need to create a proper social harmony and order within society though using different methodology and concepts.
3. Traditional cultures and societies of the Neolithic era are very similar to the modern cultures of the 21st century.
University of Phoenix SpiceJet Strategic Planning Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
In Week 2, you completed a SWOT analysis on a successful company that demonstrated a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace. Now you will shift your focus to look at a company that is failing or experiencing challenges in the area of financial performance.
Select and research a company that is having financial difficulties or is on the brink of bankruptcy.
Review “Where Can I Find a Company’s Annual Report and Its SEC Filings?” from Investopedia.
You can also access specific information about a variety of businesses in the University Library by searching the following databases:
- University Library > Databases > B > Business Source Complete
- University Library > Databases > E > EDGAR
- University Library > Databases > P > Plunkett Research Online
Conduct a strategic analysis of the company’s current financial operations. Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
Write a 1,050- to 1,400-word analysis. When writing your analysis, complete the following:
- Evaluate the company’s current financial plan,including charts and/or graphs showing financial data from the struggling company and make recommendations for improvement.
- Determine strategies for achieving a sustainable competitive advantage in the marketplace and increasing financial performance.
- Create a plan to implement the strategies you selected.
Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page with at least 3 sources. No plagarism.