Grossmont College Forms of Ethos Speech Presentation Rhetorical Analysis Writing Assignment Help. Grossmont College Forms of Ethos Speech Presentation Rhetorical Analysis Writing Assignment Help.
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You are required to do the following:
- Watch two (2) other students’ Final Videos (you can and should watch more, but you are only using TWO for this assignment).
- Analyze these students’ ethos in their videos. Watch the videos and try to identify places in these talks where the students establish credibility with their audience. Ethos pertains to the ethical argument, so when we say “credibility” we mean that the audience sees or hears the speaker say or do something that seems ethical, and encourages us to trust him or her. The “ethical” part of this appeal pertains quite specifically to a sense of goodwill or moral character, an encouraging tone — ethos is often called the character argument. What this means is you are not only looking for “good research” or “knowledge” as a means to think the speaker has ethos or credibility. Instead, look for the values that he or she conveys, the tone that clarifies that the speaker cares about something important, shows a moral character, a sense of goodwill, etc.
- In a 3 page paper, in MLA format, including a very short introduction paragraph, analyze these two students’ ethical arguments that help to make their Presentation Videos successful. If you identify some flaws in their ethos, you can clarify that, as well. If you have quotes from the videos, that’s great, but you can also simply refer to specific examples from their speeches that establish ethos (or undermine ethos).
Again, how does one establish credibility with an audience? Here is the insight you need: rather than talking just about research, which actually overlaps with logos, you need to address the elements of the speaker’s character argument, which is really what ethos is all about. This amounts to his or her passion, his or her interest in this important topic (which he/she has made interesting), which speaks to the speaker’s values. (Links to an external site. (Links to an external site.)
Grossmont College Forms of Ethos Speech Presentation Rhetorical Analysis Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Mathematics Probability Question Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a mathematics question and need guidance to help me understand better.
HW5 based on Chapter 7. Due date April 16
Section 7.1 Exercises: 2, 14, 24, 27
Section 7.2 Exercises: 5, 10, 14, 28
Section 7.3 Exercises: 4, 6, 8, 14, 28, 36
Section 7.4 Exercises: 6, 8, 22, 32, 36, 44
Section 7.5 Exercises: 4, 5, 8, 10, 15, 21
Section 7.6 Exercises: 10, 14, 28, 34, 39, 38
Section 7.7 Exercises: 1, 6, 14, 17, 18, 20
1. The problems must be written out neatly on loose-leaf sheets and must be done in numerical order.
2. All problems must be completed.
3. All work must be shown. Just presenting a numerical answer without having some work to back it up will not get any credit. This will result in deductions in HW score. Type of upload: A single handwriting pdf file with problem numbers in numerical order
there are two additional questions that need to finish ,the other questions please follow the book
here‘s the answer for hw5 【chapter 7】 ,Please do not write only the answer, so there will be no score, I need a detailed process, The answer I give you is to see if you got it right. Do not copy that !
New York State University Protestants Reformation Christianity Report Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a religion question and need an explanation to help me study.
The Protestant Reformation was not one event led by Luther in Germany.
Discuss the leaders and the places protestant reformation was occurring
in the 16th century.
Please reference the following mini lectures, short videos below, along with the lecture notes attachment
Mini Lecture – Reformation – This video addresses underlying causes of the Protestant Reformation.
Mini Lecture – Martin Luther – A brief discussion of Martin Luther.
Luther sparks a reformation – This short video, created by the HISTORY
CHANNEL, presents a brief introduction to Martin Luther’s concerns with
the Catholic Church.
Privileges Oppression Awareness Critical Reflection Low Vision Community Essay Writing Assignment Help
Critically reflect on and articulate how privilege and oppression operate in your own personal
experience, and how this differs from that of your blind or low vision collaborator(s). Include
the an analysis of intersections of at least two social identity categories, such as: ability, gender, class, age,
language, ethnicity or race, in the contexts of unequal power relationships. One of the
categories you discuss in your essay must be ability. When exploring the intersecting
identities for yourself and your collaborator(s), consider how these categories might conflict
or compound experiences of unearned advantages and/or disadvantages.
One of The Key Functions of State Governments Is Setting a Budget Discussion Ques Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting question and need support to help me learn.
1. Who has fiduciary responsibility for public sector pension funds? From the internet, find, summarize and send a link to an article or case where it appears that a public sector employee or third party employed by a public sector entity has breached their fiduciary responsibility to a public sector pension fund. Set forth your reasoned opinion regarding the conduct and what the consequences should be for the party(ies) who breached their fiduciary duties and discuss your summaries and opinions with your peers. One rule: Everyone must find a different example.
2. From the internet, find a current situation where a state or local governmental agency, or an agency of the federal government, is involved in an internal budget dispute or a dispute with a funding entity, like the state legislature, the city council, or Congress over the issue of budget accountability, which could include non-conformities with timelines, formats, compliance, and/or measurement of performance. Each student must find an example from a different jurisdiction. Identify the relevant facts pertaining to the dispute, the positions of the parties and your reasoned analysis of the relative merits of their positions. Finally, set forth how you would have avoided and/or would resolve the dispute. Discuss your findings, analyses and recommendations with your peers.
ACCY 410 Columbia University Financial Performance Tesla Company Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Please finish Section 4
4. Financial Performance
The text of the paper should summarize the extent to which the M&A transaction achieved its
advertised objectives and support this conclusion with data. Did the post-transaction entity achieve
the stated objectives of the M&A transaction? Did the transaction affect performance in the way
management predicted? A successful transaction should improve the performance of the combined
companies, over what presumably would have been achieved separately. This “alternate universe”
comparison is often the most challenging part of the analysis.
Part of the analysis is to understand the previous performance trends of the acquirer and the
standalone acquiree companies. For subsequent performance, consider analyzing relevant segment-
level financial data (available in the segment footnote) for the consolidated group performance
data, especially if the company you are analyzing is a diversified conglomerate. To properly use
segment data for this purpose, you must analyze the company’s disclosures about how it allocated
the acquisition to its segments.
Often, benchmark data is very useful when trying to draw a conclusion about the relative success
of a deal’s subsequent performance. Benchmarks could include previous performance trends by the
same company (or business segment), or comparison to industry data, for example.
When analyzing subsequent financial performance data, keep in mind that an acquisition naturally
increases the consolidated net assets and generally net income, because the consolidated group
becomes bigger. A more relevant and interesting question, for example, is whether the net income
increased sufficiently to justify the amount that was invested in the acquisition. So, for example,
measures such as return on assets or return on equity are more relevant than simply measuring the
increase in net assets or increased earnings.
The number (and types) of ratios examined and the number of years included in the analysis are
your decision.1 I want you to think critically and creatively about how to measure and analyze the
success of your transaction. You might need to restate some of the financial information if the firm
adopted unusual accounting policies or had unusual one-time items. Also, you should check
subsequent financial statements to check to see if there have been any goodwill or other impairment
charges relevant to the acquisition.
ACCY 410 Columbia University Financial Performance Tesla Company Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Middle East College Oil and Gas Treatment Processes Research Paper Engineering Assignment Help
I’m working on a engineering question and need support to help me understand better.
To develop student’s ability to understand various separation processes and mass transfer operations applied in oil and gas processing industries.
Learning Outcomes
1. Apply the engineering principles involved in gas production.
2. Summarize the operating principles, functions and design of gas handling equipment.
3. Examine and explain the working aspects of various mass transfer and separation equipment such as but not limited to distillation, extraction, absorption and adsorption.
Assignment Guidelines
An online assignment will be completed in a small group of three to four students. This is designed to develop collaborative efforts through a pooling of knowledge and skills and to enhance student’s communication skills. It will also tackle more complex problems and understanding of the operating principles, functions, and design of various separation equipment involved in the oil and gas industry. Each member should be assigned a specific task and must make a comprehensive report with a length of at least 1500 words. Moreover, it should be clear and easy to understand for readers having general engineering information. Online marking of the assignment is to be done by the assigned Tutor. Report writing style & organization, overall structure, and referencing will be assessed as well.
Students have an option to choose a topic related to oil and gas treatment processes which will examine and explain the working aspects of various mass transfer and separation equipment. This will also include applications and significance of operation of distillation, absorption, adsorption, extraction, drying and membrane processes with design and calculations. Guide of the processes involved in a typical gas plant is provided in Appendix 1. Additionally, each group can choose a numerical problem to be solved and any resources are acceptable if it is properly cited.
Content of Assignment
1. Introduction/ Background
➢ Write proper background information on the topic given including aim and objectives.
➢ Provide a detailed industry/plant description and operation with a neat flow sheet if applicable.
➢ Identify a mass transfer and separation equipment used in oil and gas treatment. Discuss the operating principles, functions and design of gas handling equipment including the advantages and disadvantages.
2. A numerical problem that is related to the Oil and gas treatment processes.
➢ Choose a numerical problem dealing with the mass transfer and separation equipment chosen for study.
➢ Clearly discuss the importance of the problem presented. This includes problem interpretation and identification of given data.
3. Explanation of the operating principle, graphs, and calculations involved in the mass transfer operation and/or separation process.
➢ Discuss the material balance and design of the selected equipment in the numerical problem including the following:
3.1 Process Diagram/ Illustration
3.2 Steps and Assumptions
3.3 Detailed Calculations
4. Conclusion and recommendations.
➢ Write individually your personal insights and learning as to the treatment process discussed.
➢ A discussion of delegated roles and responsibilities in the assigned task is also to be included.
5. List of References
➢ Give at least 5 References and follow the NU-CoE referencing style.
*** Words count = 1500 words.
*** In-Text Citations and References using Harvard style.
*** Appendix 1 has been uploaded.
WR 121 University of Michigan Language Hegemony Cultural Relativism Essay Writing Assignment Help
Building on the work you did in your Reading Analysis 1, your Q@I assignment 1 (see attached file), and the Weekly Activities so far, in this essay you will draft a complete argument involving the question at issue that you have been proposing and for which you have been trying out answers. In no fewer than 1000 words, you will make your claim and then support the reasoning behind your claim using evidence from this course.
*Note: this is not a research course, so you are not tasked with seeking out supporting evidence outside of course materials. Your question should be answerable with support from one or more of the readings assigned in weeks 1 and 2(see attached file). You may also add support from your personal experience, in life, in school, in relation to your major or other course work, or something in relation to peer discussions in class and on Canvas. This draft should include no fewer than four unique pieces of evidence to support your claim.
Your essay should have a compelling title, should follow MLA formatting to the best of your ability (we will work on this more during peer review in week 4, as well), and should include a Works Cited page (not part of the word count).
- Reading 1 (Death by monoculture)
- :…
- Reading 2:…
- Reading 3: (See attached file)
PMU Accounting Company Budget Project Excel Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a accounting project and need support to help me study.
there are 5 parts each part have to be separated with a file from the others.
– part 1: Start a company that manufacturers a product. What does your company make? What is the company name?
Fill in the missing information on this Excel worksheet about your cost information for your product.
-part 2:
Create an assumptions page in your Excel workbook,
2). Put in a price assumption for your product
3). Put in the Jan-Dec Monthly units you plan to sell
4). Assume that you have 25% cash sales, 50% collected in 1 month and the other 25% collected in 2 months
5). Create your sales budget
6) Create a cash budget on a separate tab showing your cash in flow
-part 3:
1, Create your production budget
2. Ending inventory should be 25% of next month’s sales
3. Beginning inventory zero
4. Follow the example that was recorded
If doing a service business then created your headquarters budget (salaries, depreciation, utilities, marketing, supplies, insurance, etc.)
If you are doing a reale business created your purchase budget (use same assumptions buy inventory in advance of selling it like production budget, what % of the sales price is your cost. then assume you pay 50% cash now and 50% cash next month)
-Part 4:
Now that you have the production budget done.
1) Do the direct materials budget.
a. Ending invenetory should be 20% of next months production budget
b. Assume very beginning inventory is zero
c. Make an estimate of the standard price for direct materials.
d. You have to figure out how much direct materials dollars you need to purchase each month
e. Let’s assume that you pay 50% cash and 50% will be paid the following month (accounts payable)
f. Update to your cash budget to show the cash out for direct matierals
-part 5:
Create the direct labor budget for your company.
Education and Economic Success Financial Literacy Interview Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
First, select one of your interviews that stands out to you. Choose one that was the most interesting or the most surprising. Write a brief summary of your interview (4-5 sentences). Then, write about your own perspective on education and economic success and how it’s similar or different to the interview you summarized
Read and respond to THREE of your peers’ posts. Your response can be what you found interesting or surprising about your peers’ interviews and/or whether or not you agree with your peers’ views on education and economic success, or anything else you’d like to say. Always be respectful in your response to your peers.
-part 2:
Create an assumptions page in your Excel workbook,
2). Put in a price assumption for your product
3). Put in the Jan-Dec Monthly units you plan to sell
4). Assume that you have 25% cash sales, 50% collected in 1 month and the other 25% collected in 2 months
5). Create your sales budget
6) Create a cash budget on a separate tab showing your cash in flow
-part 3:
1, Create your production budget
2. Ending inventory should be 25% of next month’s sales
3. Beginning inventory zero
4. Follow the example that was recorded
If doing a service business then created your headquarters budget (salaries, depreciation, utilities, marketing, supplies, insurance, etc.)
If you are doing a reale business created your purchase budget (use same assumptions buy inventory in advance of selling it like production budget, what % of the sales price is your cost. then assume you pay 50% cash now and 50% cash next month)
-Part 4:
Now that you have the production budget done.
1) Do the direct materials budget.
a. Ending invenetory should be 20% of next months production budget
b. Assume very beginning inventory is zero
c. Make an estimate of the standard price for direct materials.
d. You have to figure out how much direct materials dollars you need to purchase each month
e. Let’s assume that you pay 50% cash and 50% will be paid the following month (accounts payable)
f. Update to your cash budget to show the cash out for direct matierals
-part 5:
Create the direct labor budget for your company.