Grossmont College Rhetorical Device Time Spent in Technology Essay Writing Assignment Help. Grossmont College Rhetorical Device Time Spent in Technology Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a english project and need support to help me study.
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The topic for the essay:
In a multi-paragraph essay which integrates your analysis of BOTH articles (Hooked on our Smartphones and Stop Googling, Let’s Talk), argue that one of these articles uses rhetorical strategies more effectively than the other.
PLEASE NOTE: The topic is NOT to explain why you agree or disagree with the authors’ argument. Furthermore, the topic is NOT to just summarize what both articles are about.
Successful essays will
1. introduce the articles and authors and provide brief summaries of the authors’ arguments and intended audiences;
2. include a thesis statement that states your opinion about which article uses rhetorical strategies more effectively to appeal to the intended audience;
3. provide examples from both articles to support your thesis, focusing on the rhetorical strategies and why one article uses them more effectively.
4. smoothly integrate quotations and paraphrases from both articles, using MLA in-text citations to document them: (author’s last name paragraph #). 5. conclude thoughtfully
6. be logically organized with effective transitions so that your reader does not get lost while reading;
7. clearly communicate your ideas and be mostly free of grammatical errors.
8. You do NOT need to do a Works Cited page.
Grossmont College Rhetorical Device Time Spent in Technology Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
TAMU Flexible Budget & Spending Variance for Month Ended 31st March Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help
Boyne University offers an extensive continuing education program in many cities throughout the state. For the convenience of its faculty and administrative staff and to save costs, the university operates a motor pool. The motor pool’s monthly planning budget is based on operating 20 vehicles; however, for the month of March the university purchased one additional vehicle. The motor pool furnishes gasoline, oil, and other supplies for its automobiles. A mechanic does routine maintenance and minor repairs. Major repairs are performed at a nearby commercial garage. The following cost control report shows actual operating costs for March of the current year compared to the planning budget for March.
The planning budget was based on the following assumptions: a. $0.15 per mile for gasoline. b. $0.04 per mile for oil, minor repairs, and parts. c. $75 per automobile per month for outside repairs. d. $100 per automobile per month for insurance. e. $7,540 per month for salaries and benefits. f. $250 per automobile per month for depreciation. The supervisor of the motor pool is unhappy with the report, claiming it paints an unfair picture of the motor pool’s performance.
1. Calculate the spending variances for March. (Hint: Refer to Exhibit 9–7.)
2. What are the deficiencies in the original cost control report? How do your calculations in part (1) above overcome these deficiencies?
Garrison, Ray; Garrison, Ray. Managerial Accounting (Page 447). McGraw-Hill Higher Education. Kindle Edition.
Embry Riddle Aeronautical University IT Management Plan Project Writing Assignment Help
Here are the instructions for the next assignment:
Continue working on your IT Management Plan. Be sure to include a mobile device strategy, social media strategy, and data visualization strategy. At this point, you should have the following topics covered and completely filled out in your IT Management Plan. Please submit your first draft of your work in progress thus far with your IT Management Plans.
- Statement of business direction
- Strategic model/matrix
- Enterprise data management strategy
- Compliance strategy
- E-Business/E-Commerce strategy
- Data visualization strategy
Refer to IT Management Plan – Sample (Links to an external site.) and IT Management Plan Guidelines for additional details.
MGMT 422 4.4 Research Paper Exercise Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIdentification and Analysis of the Main Issues/Problem |
25.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnswers to Research Questions |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Coherence |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLinks to Course Readings and Additional Research |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle, Mechanics, and Format |
15.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |
BUSN 311 APUS Week 6 Law and Ethics in The Business Environment Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In need of (2) substantive replies of 125 words each to (2) different post. BUSN 311 Topic: W6: Business Ethics Theory in BP Oil Spill
Peer replies to further the conversation
Student replied to at least two (2) classmates’ posts and each reply includes at least three (3) to four (4) sentences relating the classmate’s post to at least one (1) question/point of the Discussion Prompt.
Forum Post 1:
Hello Professor and Class,
The ethical environment that is applicable to the business world is best described as culture accomplishments that need to have a legal and ethical agreement but also allow society to flourish (Halbert). This means that businesses will twist their boundaries in order to get more customers. China sells more to the United States even when some of their items don’t abide by our environmental laws. Another good example is California banned plastic straws but some vendors will still send a customer plastic straws, it would be considered an unethical move for a business (Halbert).
In two thousand and ten Deepwater Horizon disaster occurred in the Gulf of Mexico and was the largest oil spill in world history (Kaye). Before this oil spill BP was making its way in the business world “Long before many of the world’s largest companies began paying serious attention their operations’ social and environmental impacts, BP was a trailblazer on the corporate reporting scene (Kaye)”.
“Milton Freeman the University of Chicago economist and Nobel laureate. In a famous 1970 New York Times article, Friedman argued that because the CEO is an “employee” of the shareholders, he or she must act in their interest, which is to give them the highest return possible (Posner)”. This philosophy could have played a role in the BP spill by if the company was not working for the people and working for the stockholders instead they would have been able to focus more or their operations than environmental issues (Beck).
On the other hand triple bottom line framework with corporate social responsibility business practice could have also changed BP’s decision to think more about people, planet and profit (Spence). This framework would have had the company more balanced than thinking only about their image to people and profits.
Work Cited
Beck, R. (2010, July 10). ALL BUSINESS: Once lauded, BP no corporate citizen. Retrieved December 09, 2020, from…
Halbert, T., & Ingulli, E. (2008). Law & ethics in the business environment. Chapter One. (6th ed.). South-Western Pub.
Posner, E. (2019, August 22). Milton Friedman got it wrong. The Atlantic.
Spence, D. (2011). Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas industry: The importance of reputational risk. Chicago-Kent Law Review, 86, 59-85.
Forum Post 2:
Good Afternoon Class,
This week’s forum discussion topic has us analyzing the management of BP and the decisions that were made regarding the Gulf Oil spill and social responsibility. Given the lead to to the Deepwater Horizon disaster, BP showed trends of mishaps at other facilities worldwide. When questioned about their stance on corporate social responsibility, the company would place emphasis on financial performance. This explains the tie-in to Friedman’s philosophy with this week’s lesson. Specifically, it appears they were not so concerned with the social responsibility aspect, but instead working to appease shareholders by maximizing revenue. As described in the assigned reading, this is a mis-step on their part. Though “checking the box” of CSR if you will, the lack of importance placed on the broader responsibilities beyond shareholder relations truly hurt BP here in this crucial time window amidst disasters. Including a huge loss of trust in the company by those shareholders.
To truly show BP could take into consideration environmental and social concerns surrounding their processes, committing to the triple bottom line method, and actually walking the walk could have gone a long way. Obviously, BP had the priority on profit, but a major blind spot in the planet element ultimately became apparent. Decisions by corporate to realign the company with more stringent safety and quality control standards could have been a key factor in avoiding the Deepwater Horizon incident. Though, BP projects the appearance they in-fact do care about the environment and focus on sustainability reports, it’s difficult to buy into after the history of mismanagement and global disasters.
Prompt W6: Business Ethics Theory in BP Oil Spill
Review the articles on the BP Gulf Oil spill and corporate social responsibility in Required Readings. In your first Forum post include the following:
- Explain how the philosophy of Milton Friedman could have played a role in BP management’s decision.
- Explain how use of the triple bottom line framework theory with CSR could have led BP to make a different decision and avoid the disaster. What would have been the corporate considerations and decision making process?
Halbert, T., & Ingulli, E. (2008). Law & ethics in the business environment. Chapter One. (6th ed.). South-Western Pub.
Beginner’s guide to Kant’s moral philosophy. (2016, June 10). [Video File]. (8.18 min., transcript provided).
Philosophy – Ethics: Utilitarianism, part I. (2014, September 26). Markovits. Wireless Philosophy. [Video File]. (4.30 min., transcript provided).
Philosophy – Ethics: Utilitarianism, part 2. (2014, October 3). Markovits. Wireless Philosophy. [Video File]. (6.21 min., transcript provided)
Philosophy – Ethics: Utilitarianism, part 3. (2015, January 23). Markovits. Wireless Philosophy. [Video File]. (3.27 min., transcript provided)
Downe, J., Cowell, R. & Morgan, K. (2016). What determines ethical behavior in public organizations: Is it rules or leadership? Public Administration Review 76(6), 898-909. DOI: 10.1111/puar.12562. Retrieved from
Lange, D., & Washburn, N. T. (2012). Understanding attributions of corporate social irresponsibility. Academy Of Management Review, 37(2), 300-326. doi:10.5465/amr.2010.0522. Available in University library. (Search by authors or title.)
Camilleri, M. (2017, September). Corporate sustainability and responsibility: Creating value for business, society, and the environment. Asian J. of Sustainability and Social Responsibility, 2, 59-74.
IBM study: Corporate social responsibility. (2008, February 12). [Video File.] YouTube. (6.58 min., transcript provided).
Micewski, E. R., & Troy, C. (2007). Business ethics – deontologically revisited. Journal of Business Ethics, 72(1), 17-25. doi:10.1007/s10551-006-9152-z. Available in University library. (Search by authors, title, or doi)
Posner, E. (2019, August 22). Milton Friedman got it wrong. The Atlantic.…
Spence, D. (2011). Corporate social responsibility in the oil and gas industry: The importance of reputational risk. Chicago-Kent Law Review, 86, 59-85.
MacMillan, C. (2016, July 12). The cost of ignoring social responsibility.
Verschoor, C. C. (2010). BP still hasn’t learned ethical lessons. Strategic Finance, 92(2), 13-15. Available in University Library. (Search by author or title.)
Kaye, L. (2015, February 19). Five years after Deepwater Horizon, can BP repair its reputation? Marketing and Comms. Sustainable Brands.
What is corporate social responsibility? (2019). University of Edinburgh, webpage. (NOTE: In addition to definitional explanation of CSR, consider this reading in context of modern trend of CSR in business globally.)
Los Angeles Pierce College Three Dimensional Musical Interpretation Sketches Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Readymade/found object
To create a three-dimensional representation of a musical work.
To as close as possible with the given materials and
allotted time, accurately reproduce/realize what is visualized
in your head after listening to a chosen musical selection.
The finished work must be three-dimensional, up-right,
free-standing and in-the-round. A sculptural work.
A musical selection, song or passage (NO LYRICS), post asap to work in progress.
Materials and tools used to represent your musical image….Unlimited. You will only be limited by your ability and creativity.
Chose music with no lyrics (spoken words). Avoid music with baggage.
This project is 100% dependent upon the music selection wherein when listened to, your visualization of an image, form, structure or story can be represented. To retain the ideas, sketches should be drawn readily. For additional preparation, research of existing found art artist will enlighten you to some of the material possibilities. A partial list of distinguished artists follows:
Arman, Joseph Beuys, Greg Colson (Links to an external site.), Joseph Cornell (Links to an external site.), Tony Cragg (Links to an external site.), Salvador Dalí (Links to an external site.),
Mark Divo (Links to an external site.), Marcel Duchamp (Links to an external site.), Tracey Emin (Links to an external site.), Tom Friedman (Links to an external site.), Damien Hirst (Links to an external site.), Lonnie Holley (Links to an external site.), Jeff Koons (Links to an external site.), Matthieu Laurette (Links to an external site.), Lennie Lee (Links to an external site.), Sarah Lucas (Links to an external site.), David Mach (Links to an external site.), Michael Craig Martin (Links to an external site.), Cornelia Parker (Links to an external site.), Giuseppe Penone (Links to an external site.), Francis Picabia (Links to an external site.), Pablo Picasso (Links to an external site.), Robert Rauschenberg (Links to an external site.), Man Ray (Links to an external site.), Joe Rush (Links to an external site.), Leo Sewell (Links to an external site.), Daniel Spoerri (Links to an external site.), Kurt Schwitters (Links to an external site.).
Two of the most popular ways you can go about illustrating your vision:
- Continual narrative – The work and the music are in unison, and the viewers eye flows throughout the piece as the music is heard. Music is not static and often goes through many changes, up and down, like a roller-coaster.
- Overall representative – A summing up of the music’s emotion(s) in one gulp, or as a whole. Music has a beginning, middle, and an end, but can that be combined into a singular image.
Rhythm – regular or ordered repetition of dominant and subordinate elements within a
design. A recurrence, a visual measure – such as a tempo or beat. A regular pattern of shapes, colors, etc.
Tone – A colors level of intensity.
Form – Refers to the design of a composition, its repeated and cont5rasting parts.
Harmony – Simultaneous sounding of two or more tones.
Melody – A succession of single tones varying in pitch and rhythm and having a
recognizable musical shape.
Movement – The rhythmic character or quality of a musical composition. A distinct
structural unit or division having its own key, rhythmic structure and
themes and forming part of an extended musical composition.
Tempo – Speed of the underlying beat.
Assemblage – Coined by artist Jean Dubuffet to describe his collage compositions. Sculpture using pre-existing (found) objects that may or may not contribute their original identities to the total content of the work.
Appropriation – The taking of imagery, style, technique, content, or other aspect of the work of others, whether it be the realm of fine or applied arts. The borrowing of imagery from recognizable works adds existing meaning to the viewers consciousness (objective baggage), hence altering the content of the new work.
Readymade – A functional manufactured object that is displayed as a work of art for its unintentional aesthetic qualities.
Mixed media – The combination of two or more media in a single work.
Avant-garde – French for “advanced guard” or “vanguard”. In art, its that small group of artists who, without fear, take artistic risks and challenge the boundaries of what is acceptable. Considered leaders, and often radicals, in the invention of new concepts.
Combines – Refers to Rauschenberg’s work from 1954 to 1962. Critics originally viewed the Combines in terms of the formal aspects of art, shape, color, texture, and the composition and arrangement of these. Critics and art historians saw the Combines as carrying codified messages difficult to decipher because there was no apparent order to the presentation of the objects.
ASU Dismissal Meeting Processes to Take when Terminating Employment Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Dismissal Meeting
Imagine that you are an office manager and you have been tasked with the job of coordinating and leading the dismissal meeting for an employee layoff.
Write a 6 to 8 page paper in which you:
- Propose three ways that a manager can cope with any negative emotions that may accompany an employee layoff.
- Describe a step-by-step process for conducting the dismissal meeting.
- Determine the compensation that the fictitious company may provide to the separated employee.
- Create a chart that depicts the timeline for the disbursement of the compensation.
- Use Microsoft Word or an equivalent application, such as OpenOffice.
- Predict three ways that this layoff may affect the company.
Use at least three high-quality academic resources in this assignment. Consider beginning with the course textbook
Human Resource Management – 4th Edition
Greg L. Stewart; Kenneth G. Brown
ASU Dismissal Meeting Processes to Take when Terminating Employment Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BBA 2026 Columbia Southern University Organizational Conflict Management Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Locate an article in the CSU Online Library that focuses on managing conflict in an organization through communication. The article must be clearly related to the course content and have the potential to contribute significant analysis and substantial engagement with the course topic. For this assignment, you will need to accurately identify the article’s premise, significant points in support of the premise, and the significance of those points to the course and/or the field. You need to present an insightful and thorough analysis of the article with strong arguments and evidence. Your interpretation will need to be both reasonable and compelling. You will need to apply course concepts in your analysis. As you write the review, be certain to analyze the type of conflict discussed in the article. Use the classifications discussed in the Unit III Lesson (Rahim’s functional outcomes and Rahim’s dysfunctional outcomes) in your analysis. Be certain to suggest communication techniques to manage functional conflict or, alternately, communication techniques to resolve dysfunctional conflict. Along with the article being reviewed, you will need to reference at least two peer-reviewed sources. Use the standard five-paragraph format (introduction/body/conclusion). APA format should be used. The critical review should be a minimum of two pages in length. Content, organization, and grammar/mechanics will be evaluated.
Colorado Technical University Business Ethics Discussion Board Business Finance Assignment Help
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 200–300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Plato opined that two “visions” of the same form of the good cannot be different, but can you agree that not all ideas are equal? That is, if someone says that the Earth is a sphere, and you insist that it is flat (not the Tom Friedman kind of “flat”), is there really an alternative idea that deserves your attention? The challenge, then, is agreeing on a yard stick or measuring device of some kind that enables you to assess ideas that are relatively equal while discarding those that are not.
In Aristotle’s Theory of Golden Mean, ethics is centered at a person’s character, because by improving it, we also improve our virtues. A person must have knowledge, he must choose virtues for their own sake and his activities must originate from a firm and unshakeable character, which represents the conditions for having virtues. But cannot one argue that, without a firm and unyielding set of circumstances under which you will act this way or that way, there are no moral guides. That is, can you argue that each moral or ethical dilemma is situation-dependent?
Focus your discussion on the following:
- What are the fundamental bases for business ethics?
- Can business ethics be taught?
- How do business ethics differ or mirror individual ethics?
Using Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) from Bloom’s Taxonomy, respond to the prompts. Be sure to demonstrate mastery of the course content through the use of analysis, synthesis, and the application of ideas.
COM 2012 Florida Institute of Technology Quantum Physics by David Walliman Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Watch the Ted Talk by David Walliman Quantum Physics or 7 year olds.
5 pts 1. Have you ever felt guilty about not understanding something? What was the situation and how did you handle it?
5 pts 2. Give an example of research misinterpretation in the media. (In your field is preferable).
5 pts 3. What are the 4 principles of explaining anything to anyone? In Walliman’s definitions of Quantum Physics or Quantum Tunneling how did he use these principles?
5 pts 4. Explain a concept from your field of study that you are curious about to the the general public.
San Diego State University Project Analytical Review Paper Writing Assignment Help
After reviewing the feedback you received from the peer editing, write a short paragraph where you respond to the following questions (about 2 sentences per question):
- What are the major issues that your classmates identified in your project?
- What are the major issues that you identified in your project when you completed the self edit?
- How are you going to address these issues? What changes do you need to make when you revise? NOTE: Keep in mind not all feedbacks are correct because they are students not my teacher, so you decide which feedback is useful that you can depend on it.