Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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This is your last discussion in the class and it deals with the French and Indian War, the American Revolution and the War of 1812. read the lecture on early wars, and watch some of the videos on these early wars. For this assignment you are going to go back in time and live at the time of ONE of these wars. You are going to describe what you feel would be the major causes of that chosen war.

Finally you are going to describe what is the most important battle of the war that you choose.

The link I will provide after I accept , please use only the sources that I will provide nothing from the internet.

Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CRJS 416 AIUO Homeland Security Crisis Management Planning Discussion Law Assignment Help

You are a recent college graduate with a degree in emergency management and homeland security. You move to another state for your first professional position in this field, which is with a county emergency management office, serving a population of 50,000 citizens. When you arrive your first day, you ask to see the existing emergency operations plan (EOP). Other personnel tell you that your county employs a County Emergency Management Plan or CEMP, the design of which is determined by the state legislature. This is unexpected because you studied the National Response Framework (NRF) and National Incident Management System (NIMS) and other DHS-provided guidance and you assumed that these would be the basis for plans and strategies wherever you went.

You also discover that although the county’s CEMP is dated within the last year, it probably has not been truly revised in many years. There is little indication that any national-level guidance or resources were considered in its development, and it does not appear to have much, if any, stakeholder buy-in. Additionally, there are no county-level strategies to draw upon, though you know from your educational program that this is not uncommon. Lastly, while your colleagues are clearly bright and motivated folks with diverse professional and educational backgrounds, none of them has a degree in EM or HS.

You decide that it is essential to inform your managers and peers of the role of national strategies for local communities and their planning. In a 5–7 page “white paper,” you will do the following:

  • Provide a brief review of the National Response Framework (NRF), National Incident Management System (NIMS), and at least one other national-level strategy (of which there are dozens to choose).
    • In your review, do not spend too much time summarizing the strategy. Rather, focus on what elements are most useful for the county as applications.
    • An example might be highlighting Emergency Support Function (ESF) #4 on Firefighting from the NRF, because your county has recurring wildland fires each year. (This example is notional, and you may use hypothetical examples as well.)
    • In the wildland fires scenario, explain how the ESF #4 might provide useful information or guidance for this county.
  • Provide at least three main proposals for exactly how the county might incorporate strategic principles or tenets when revising its plans.
    • These principles or tenets can be specific, such as providing ESF #4 points-of-contact and informing the reader where in the county plans these should go; or broader, such as engaging partners during planning, exercises, and operations, and how this inclusion will benefit the county.
    • Whether specific or broad, be persuasive in arguing how these elements will aid the county in providing the best possible emergency management capability.
  • Do not exceed seven pages for the body of your paper. You want the leadership and personnel to actually read it, so your work must be concise yet comprehensive.
    • If you are challenged to stay concise, provide references to the readers embedded within your narrative and direct them to strategy elements that are specifically applicable. Do not just provide the general source reference at the end of the document if you are referencing specific portions of it in your paper.
    • Ensure that your paper is well-organized and mechanically sound. Again, you are hoping to impress your colleagues with your insights and ability to express these.
  • Do not make your product an opinion piece. While it is based on your perspectives, write affirmatively, using a professional and official tone and language. The words I, our, we, you, (and the like) should not appear anywhere. You may give the county a name if you like.


Farmingdale State College German French Rivalry War Discussion Humanities Assignment Help……

-What impact do you think the physical conditions these soldiers had to live with, in addition to the sights and sounds of their daily lives, had on their ability to fight successfully?

-The author of this article focuses most of his attention on the frontline soldiers at Verdun. Why does he do this? How does this impact and shape the reader’s understanding of World War I

– Alistair Horne uses an extensive number of primary source excerpts ( e.g. diaries, letters). Why does he do this? Is it an effective technique? How did it effect you as a reader, and your understanding of the topic?

For this article I would like you to consider all of the above questions, and provide a concise and well organized essay that addresses all these issues in some way. I want your answers synthesized into an narrative that is easy to understand ( Intro, Body, Conclusion). I don’t want answers numbered or bulleted. I was want your answers contained in the text of your essay. You can address these issues in any order you like. You don’t have to answer the 1st one 1st, or the last one last. Be creative in how you group ideas and opinions. I would like standard composition form.

Remember grammar and spelling are important. Please use a standard 12 font for the text. Paper should be a minimum of 1400 words.


SEU Role of Change Agents in the Change Management Process Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Change Agents in the Change Management Process

One of the most fascinating components of the change management process is the change agent. The change agent, who can be a leader, manager, employee, consultant, or customer, is a person who is often at the center of the change management process and performs several critical functions in the overall process. Address the following regarding change agents:

  • Define the concept of a change agent, including the traits and characteristics that best represent a change agent in today’s organization.
  • Discuss the role of a change agent in the change management process (e.g., formal or informal role, position of authority or power, etc.).
  • Assess how a change agent can influence the generation, direction, success, or failure of a change initiative.
  • Finally, assess any challenges a change agent may have in the change process (e.g., not agreeing with the change, management not truthfully sharing the repercussions of the change, etc.) and how these challenges should be addressed.

Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:

  • Be 5 pages in length, which does not include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
  • Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
  • Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
  • It is strongly encouraged that you submit all assignments into the Turnitin Originality Check prior to submitting it to your instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin Originality Check – Student Guide for step-by-step instructions.
  • Review the grading rubric to see how you will be graded for this assignment.


Saudi Electronic University Whole Food Hiring Process Case Study Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help


Teams are taken very seriously at Whole Foods. Not only are company employees referred to as “team members,” but teams are given a great deal of freedom to make important decisions. For example, teams help decide what items to order and sell, and how to price and promote them. Although it might not seem all that unusual for a company to give teams the liberty to make deci- sions so they can carry out their core functional responsibilities, Whole Foods goes much further in providing autonomy to their teams. Perhaps there is no better example of this than how new team members are hired at the company.

In most organizations, individuals seeking employment fill out an application form or submit a résumé. Those with qualifications that are judged to match a job description are interviewed by human resource personnel or a manager to make sure the applicant fits with the job and orga- nization. At Whole Foods, the process is quite different and much more involved. Applicants not only fill out an application and have one-on-one interviews with managers, but they also have interviews with panels composed of recruiters, managers, and select team members. But that’s not all. An applicant who makes it through this process is placed on a team for a 30-day trial period, after which the team votes for whether or not to accept the applicant on their team. Applicants who don’t get a two-thirds vote are out of that team. They may be placed on a new team, where the trial process begins anew, or they leave the company.

This hiring process typically takes about 60 days and is applied at all levels of the organization, “from cashiers on checkout teams to financial analysts in the home office.” Whole Foods believes

!”$ C H A P T E R Teams: Characteristics and Diversity

that hiring decisions should be made by the team members, in part, because they’re the ones who are most directly affected by the choices that are made. A new hire who ends up hurting a team’s performance will reduce bonuses paid to team members, whereas the opposite would be true of

a hire that ends up promoting a team’s performance. Whole Foods also believes that the team members themselves are the best judges of who might fit within their team. Finally, involving team members in the hiring process promotes a sense of ownership for the decision, and following from this, team members may be more inclined to help a new hire who is struggling to catch on.

Assignment Question(s):

1.What label would best describe the type of team that Whole Foods uses in its stores? Explain.

(1.25 Marks )

2.Describe the advantages and disadvantages of Whole Foods’ hiring process with respect to managing team composition.(1.25 Marks )

3.What steps could Whole Foods take to mitigate potential disadvantages of their hiring process?

(1.25 Marks )


Discussion Question:Please read Chapter 11Team Characteristics and Diversity carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4.In which types of teams have you worked? Were these teams consistent with the taxonomy of team types discussed in this chapter, or were they a combination of types?(1.25 Marks )



A. T. Still University Technical Performance in Sunny Side Company Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I need an answers for these questions based on the word document I attached.

1.Based on your reading of the case study and assumptions you are free to make, please identify 4 Facility Risks that may impact the technology infrastructure.

2.Describe mitigation efforts for any two of the risks related to the Facilities Category that you identified in Question 1.

3.Based on your reading of the case study and reasonable assumptions you are free to make, please identify 4 risks related to the IT/Telecommunications Categories.

Describe mitigation efforts for any two of the risks related to the telecomm/IT categories that you identified in Question 3..

5.Will the company described in this case study survive? Please describe the reasons for why or why not?

A. T. Still University Technical Performance in Sunny Side Company Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ITS 832 Global Economy and Government Intervention Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Today’s Global Economy is very top-down driven with the government making all the decisions and regulations as it relates to doing business globally. What are some advantages and disadvantages to this approach? Is there another approach that might work better?

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

Note: APA format 400-500 words. Avoid plagiarism.


Florida International University Ageism in Late Adulthood Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Please write 300 words minimum

In Chapter 23, page 646, the topic of ageism is presented. For this discussion, address the following:

  • Explain why ageism is a self-fulfilling prophecy in Late Adulthood?
  • Give two examples of ageism and discuss the situation in which they happened

Please reply to the following posts, 200 words minimum per post.

Post 1

Chapter 23 discusses ageism and how ageism is a self-fulfilling prophecy in late adulthood. Ageism is described in the chapter as a prejudice whereby people ate judged solely on the basis of their chronological age. The suffixism is destructive. The harm of racism and sexism are well-known, and other -isms, notably ableism (the idea that those with disabilities are less worthy), are recognized as limiting human potential. Individual who suffer the sting of ageism may be blindsided and unprepared to counteract the prejudice they experience. Ageism is unrecognized but pervasive in the media, employment, and retirement communities.

Ageism becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. A self-fulfilling prophecy is a prediction that comes true because people believe it. There are three harmful consequences:

*If people of any age treat older people as if they are frail and confused, that treatment might make the aged more dependent om others.

*If people believe that the norms for young adults should apply to everyone, they may try to fix the old. If they fail, they give up.

*If older people themselves think that their age makes them feeble, they stop taking care of themselves and avoid social interaction, and that itself makes them age faster.

Two situations of ageism that I can think of is my grandmother/grandfather and a very good family friend who just recently passed away at the age of 100. My grandmother (maternal) and grandfather (paternal) are well into their 80’s. For as long as I remember, they have always been very independent. My maternal grandmother was also very independent. They cook, clean, drive, and pay their own bills. My grandparents do not let their age determine how they live their lives. They always tell me that until they unable to do for themselves, they will continue to live alone and solve their own problems. Another example of ageism I can think of is my grandmothers best friend who just recently passed. She has always felt that age was nothing more than a number. She dressed, spoke, and carried herself as if she were always 20 years younger than what she really was. Often times, people made it seem like she needed more than the average older person because of her advanced age. She would always remind others that being older did not mean she could not do things for herself. I laugh now, but I remember the times when I have called older women “senora” out of respect and they would quickly say “no me digas senora que me haces sentir vieja” with a smile on their face.

How ageism becomes the self-fulfilling prophecy is easy to see. When a person begins to believe that they are weak, feeble, or need others because of their age, they begin to act that way and eventually become it. Attitude is everything. The way we see the process of aging and the way we act about it plays a huge role in the quality of life we have as we age. Attitudes towards aging may be one reason that longevity varies markedly depending on where a person lives. For example, Japan has the highest life expectancy in the world, perhaps because of cultural practices such as Respect for the Aged Day, when everyone is supposed to heed the wisdom of the aged.

Post 2

Chapter 23 in our book, presents us with the late adulthood stage and the topic of ageism. This chapter just refreshed my memory with the information that every -ism is destructive, such as sexism, racism, ableism etc.… Ageism is the worst of the -isms because first, we feel free to express stereotypes and we even think we are not being hostile because we believe we are expressing true statements about older people when we utter negative stereotypes. The other reason is because most elderly may be blindsided and unprepared for the prejudice they experience, specially if you are were never a member of a stigmatized group. Ageism is a self-fulfilling prophesy because it is a belief that comes true if you believe it will.

One example of situation where I have seen ageism and the self-fulfilling prophesy at work is with my mom. I have heard my mom say comments of “I’m getting old” or “I am too old for that” since she was 35. I passed that age and I wonder why she would do that, because I honestly feel like I am 25 years old. My mom’s comments made her a victim so that all her seven children will cater to her and she would depend on us for everything. My mom is 65 and she has no excuse to this day for not learning the language, she’s been in this country for over half of her life. I feel that she never learned it because she had us around. I remember I was 10 years old and I had to go with her shopping or do groceries and she would take me only to be her translator. Till this day, my mom still waits on one of us siblings to come pay a bill for her, but she can manage Facebook better than anyone of us siblings. Sometimes the letters are written to her in Spanish and we change all the apps in her phone to Spanish, but she still brings all her letters to us to read to her. She is a great example of the harmful consequence the self-fulfilling prophesy of ageism has on her.

The other example is my mother and father in-law. I admire my in-laws for everything they are and do for the entire family. They are very active individuals in their mid-70s, they have 12 grandchildren and they love to be with the family. They both love to cook, and they are always helping me with my kids and the rest of the grandkids. My in-laws make time for everything and I feel they have a great balance. They like to travel, as a couple and love family trips with all 23 members. They love to make dinner or plan a party, for the family once a month. I am truly blessed with them and how active they are and how they stay up to date with what is going on around the world. They take walks almost daily and are both healthy. They are a great example of how attitude affects how you feel about ageism and it does not have to be destructive.

I also want to add what the chapter touches on the topic of life longevity of a person. I believe that those countries that have respect for the elderly are more likely to have a better attitude and helps them live longer because ageism is not considered destructive. I believe that allows a person to age without thinking of it as a negative stereotype but as a person that is wise and can provide advice to the youth.


BCC Importance of Patient Values in Formulation of Nursing Frameworks Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin

Discuss how the client’s values are used to provide a framework for planning, implementing and evaluating care.

References are required: one from the course textbook. Others from a peer-reviewed NURSING journal less than 5 years old. National professional, governmental, or educational organizations (.org, .gov, be used as supplemental references.

Use APA format

Must use the textbook as Reference

Here is the textbook!

Polit, D. E & Beck, C. T. (2018). Essentials of Nursing Research: Appraising Evidence for

nursing practice (9th ed.) Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health.



Huber, D. (2018). Leadership and Nursing Care Management (6th ed.).

Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevie


Walden University Importance of Team Building in Workplace Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a Health & Medical discussion question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Team Building

Teamwork is ubiquitous in the work world today. Teams work together both face-to-face and around the world as technology provides more and more opportunities for distance collaboration. The intricacies of forming effective working teams can be daunting because the stakes are often very high. Much time, effort, and other resources can be wasted if a team is not cohesive, communicative, motivated, accountable, and goal-oriented. When the project to be tackled is important and costly, as is often the case in health care, failure can be devastating to an organization, both in terms of outcomes and morale.

Health care administrators work in an environment that is particularly impacted by interprofessional efforts. Building an effective work team requires a great deal of insight, attention, and skill. For this Assignment, examine the following scenario and focus on effectively selecting team members, concepts of team management, and principles of team dynamics.

Scenario: You are the newly appointed chief operating officer for Thomason Health System (THS), a large health care delivery system that will be acquiring and implementing a new information technology system: “Electronic Medical Records” (EMRs). The organization has many and differing opinions about EMRs, but the CEO and the board of directors want you to establish an onboarding team that will help facilitate the organization-wide adoption of this new technology. Your main responsibility is to identify five team members from a short list of candidates and facilitate the launch of an effective team through conflict resolution and team building. This team will present a unified message and facilitate cultural change within the greater organization.

Learning Resources

Note: To access this week’s required library resources, please click on the link to the Course Readings List, found in the Course Materials section of your Syllabus.

Required Readings

Borkowski, N. (2016). Organizational behavior, theory, and design in health care (2nd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett.

  • Chapter 15, “Overview of Group Dynamics”
  • Chapter 16, “Groups”
  • Chapter 17, “Work Teams and Team Building”

Institute for Healthcare Improvement. (n.d.). Columbus Regional Hospital: Where a focus on safety promotes interdisciplinary teamwork. Retrieved from…

Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Washington, DC: Interprofessional Education Collaborative. Retrieved from…
Interprofessional Education Collaborative Expert Panel. (2011). Core competencies for interprofessional collaborative practice: Report of an expert panel. Washington, D.C.: Interprofessional Education Collaborative. Photo Credit: Libby Frost/University of Minnesota Family Medicine and Community Health

Ostermeier, L. (n.d.). Building an integrated workforce: Keys to developing a strong team culture. Retrieved from…
Ostermeier, L. (n.d.). Building an Integrated Workforce: Keys to Developing a Strong Team Culture. Retrieved from Used with permission of B. E. Smith.

Taplin, S. H., Foster, M. K., & Shortell, S. M. (2013). Organizational leadership for building effective health care teams. Annals of Family Medicine, 11(3), 279-281.

U.S. Department of Health & Human Services. (n.d.). TeamSTEPPS: National implementation. Retrieved from

Note: You will use the following documents to complete this week’s Assignment.

Document: Thomason Health System Background (PDF)

Document: Thomason Health System Bios (PDF)

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review the provided scenario, as well as the “Thomason Health System Background” and “Thomason Health System Bios” documents in this week’s Learning Resources.
  • As a team, begin preparing a strategic proposal to present to Thomason Health System’s board of directors.

The Assignment

In a 2 page strategic proposal, address the following:

Part II: Team Building

  • Outline a team building plan using team building principles (i.e., Team STEPPS).
  • Analyze potential challenges in the process of creating an effective onboarding team.
  • Select techniques that will be used by the COO and within the team to identify, negotiate, and resolve conflicts.
  • Describe an engagement plan to keep the onboarding team motivated and cohesive.

Note: The proposal to the board should be 2 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Include tables and charts as appropriate. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English in a voice and style consistent with the audience. Be sure to support your work with specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and at least three additional scholarly sources. See the rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.


Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Grossmont College The French and Indian War History Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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