Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help. Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help.

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These are provided here so that you can print them out if you did NOT yet get the “Lab Manual.” (Otherwise, they’re ALL in the Lab Manual.)


1) HANDOUT – Powers of Ten & Metric System Prefixes (2 pages – First page is very important)

2) HANDOUT – Conversion Factors (1 page – VERY important Handout!)

3) HANDOUT – Example Problems (1 page)

LAB#1 ASSIGNMENT (10 pages, though this Lab you can get away with doing on blank paper)

I will give all the pdf and video

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Pre Fitness Assessment Humanities Assignment Help

Pre-Fitness Assessment

Prior to starting any workouts in this class I would like everyone to complete a basic fitness assessment so we can establish a baseline for our current fitness. I would also like everyone to make establish some goals in each of the categories. We will be taking another fitness test at the end of the semester in order to see if you have reached those goals you have set for yourself. Please take you time and review how to perform each teach correctly before you do the test. The instructions for each teach are below. At the bottom of this assignment I have created a template for you to record your results and also for you to list your goals. Please copy and paste that template with your completed test results as your submission for this assignment.

Flexibility test instruction


Ruler, step (optional, you could make your own sit and reach box (Links to an external site.) if keen too)


If you have completed the home tests in order, you will be well warmed up by the time you are up to the sit and reach test. Otherwise, go for a jog and do some stretching (see warm up for testing (Links to an external site.)). Remove your shoes and sit on a flat surface, legs extended in front of the body, toes pointing up and feet slightly apart, with the soles of the feet against the base of the step (if there is no step, just any flat surface will do). Place the ruler on the ground between your legs or on the top of the step. Place one hand on top of the other, then reach slowly forward. At the point of your greatest reach, hold for a couple of seconds, and measure how far you have reached. If you have trouble straightening you legs, get a friend to help by holding the knees down flush with the ground. See also video demonstrations of the sit and reach flexibility test.Hamstring Flexibility: How to measure accurately – V sit and reach test (Links to an external site.)Hamstring Flexibility: How to measure accurately - V sit and reach test

Sit and Reach Test Image

Sit up test

Below is a link to the procedure to perform the Sit Up Test. If you cannot do a sit up you can use the crutch as an adaptation to the regular sit up. You will need to count how many you can do in 1 minute, so make sure you have a stop watch or you have your phone close by. (Links to an external site.)

Push up test

You can do a regular push up with your hands positioned underneath your shoulder and your legs off the ground and on your toes, or you can do push ups on your knees if needed. However, you must keep you body straight and do not allow yourself to bend at the waist. Below is an example of the correct push up. Again, we are testing how many you can do correctly in 1 minute. (Links to an external site.)

1 mile walk/jog

You will need measure out a 1 mile walk in your neighborhood or find a track that you can access and do 4 laps for 1 mile for this test. If you have a smart phone or smart watch you can use a fitness app to track how far you have walked. Just do you best. If you cannot jog then it is completely fine to just walk.

Below is the fitness assessment template. Please copy and paste your test results after clicking on the “Submit” button.

Fitness Assessment:




Test Pre Test (Aug. 23rd) Goal (Aug. 23rd) Post Test (Dec. 7th)
Flexibility test
Sit up (crunch) test
Push up test
1 mile walk/jog



GCCCD Create Weekly Log for Workouts when Staying at Home Timetable Humanities Assignment Help

This assignment is a weekly log for you to keep track of and get credit for doing exercises. You will need to complete around 80 minutes a week of exercise to receive the full 25 points. This is about the same amount of time you would spend in a regular face to face class if we were able to meet face to face. These activities can include our workouts along with any other workouts that you do. It could include but is not limited to walking (walking in place if you are confided to your home), jogging, burpie/push-up/jump drill shown to you in this class, weight lifting and any other physical activity that would be beneficial. Please do not be afraid to be creative.

I want you to use this log to help motivate you to stay active. Maybe you do these workouts, stretching or exercises with a family member or your child. By staying active you will not only get credit for this class, more importantly you will stay more physically fit, help reduce stress, go outside and perhaps spend some quality time with a family member. You can do these exercises and drills all in one day, over 3 days, over 7 days or any amount of days in a week. I want you to decide what is best for you for that particular week.

I would like you to cut and paste the “log template” below and use it when you hand in your weekly log assignment. The log template is for 7 days but you can cut it down to 1 day or 3 days or any amount of days if that is what you choose to do for a particular week. You will need to put in the specific day, exercise/drill completed and time. I have include sample workouts below the log template (with 50 minutes for logged exercise).

I know most of you are already doing physical fitness activities during this “stay at home” time. I want you to get credit for these activities and introduce you to other activities.

If you did physical fitness items the prior 3 days (Saturday, Sunday and Monday) please feel free to include them in your log.

Weekly Log for workouts:

Saturday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Sunday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Monday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Tuesday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Wednesday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Thursday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Friday – Date:

Exercise/Drill (time):

Exercise/Drill (time):

Sample log template for 1 day

Monday – Date: August 17th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Exercise (time): Walk (15)

Exercise (reps): Push-ups with my son (20)

Exercise (reps): Sit-ups with my son (30)

Exercise (time): Yoga for beginners (25 minutes)

Exercise (time): Cool down stretching (5)

Sample log template for 3 days

Monday – Date: August 17th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Exercise (time): High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) (15)

Wednesday – Date: August 19th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Exercise (time): Abdominal workout for beginners (20)

Exercise (time): Walk (2 miles)

Friday – Date: August 21st

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Exercise (time): Jog (15)

Sample log template for 7 days

Saturday – Date: August 22nd

Exercise (time): Walk (10)

Sunday – Date: August 23rd

Exercise (time): HIIT (10)

Monday – Date: August 24th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Tuesday – Date: August 25th

Exercise (time): Walk in place at home during commercials breaks while watching a 30 minute TV show (5)

Wednesday – Date: August 26th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Thursday – Date: August 27th

Exercise (time): Yoga for beginners (10)

Friday – Date: August 28th

Exercise (time): Stretching (5)

Exercise (time): Abdominal Workout for beginners (5)


University of California San Diego Indigenous Health Outcomes Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

In this collaborative individual assignment, you will have to do

research on health outcomes among indigenous peoples.  

Students will use the data collected to test Marmot’s argument on  

the gap between indigenous and non-indigenous population health  

outcomes in Australia. 

According to M. Marmot, “difffferences in access to health care  

matter, as do difffferences in lifestyle, but the key determinants of  

social inequalities in health lie in the circumstances in which  

people are born, grow, live, work, and age” (2011:512). Marmot  

proposes that the difffferences in health outcomes are explained by 2  

sets of inflfluences:  

a) social disadvantage 

b) Relative position to mainstream society


ACNT 600 UCW Financial Analysis of North American Companies Shaw vs Telus RBC vs CIBC Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Individual Case #1: Financial Analysis


This assignment is designed to help students obtain the ability to collect financial information and interpreting financial statements.Also, students are required to perform financial analysis and benchmarking, evaluate financial performance, and provide recommendations to help the company to improve.


  • Identify two public listed companies in North America i.e. Shaw vs Telus, RBC vs CIBC.
  • Retrieve their financial statements
  • Perform financial analysis including vertical, horizontal and ratio analysis
  • Evaluate financial performance 
  • Provide recommendation


  • The maximum 10 pages of the body content and unlimited pages of the appendix
  • Single Space 
  • Citation Style, APA (7th Edition)

Individual Case Outline

  • Title Page
  • Executive Summary
  • Table of Content
  • Introduction

    • Company Background
    • Main Competitor Background and Comparability Rational

  • Financial Assessment

    • Vertical Analysis
    • Horizontal Analysis
    • Financial Ratio Analysis

  • Recommendation
  • Conclusion  
  • Reference
  • Appendix 



GCCCD Malcolm X Learning to Read Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


As I mentioned last week, our first unit will focus on barriers in education. These can come in many forms. In this article, “Learning to Read,” Malcolm X reflects on his experience with reading, a big component of education.

Please read the article carefully. If it helps, and you have the ability, feel free to print and annotate it. If not, I suggest taking notes as you read.

Step 1:

Before you start reading though, check out the video below. It’s only 2 minutes long, and it provides some really useful information on annotating. The better you annotate, the better you understand the article. Give it a try!

Step 2:

Once you have seen the video, it’s time to put it into practice. Read the article below:

“Learning to Read” by Malcolm X

Minimize File Preview

Step 3:

After reading and annotating, please work to put your thoughts together by completing this Annotation Worksheet.

Happy reading,



GCCCD Malcolm X Learning to Read Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MITS 5502 Walmart Inc Developing Enterprise Applications Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

This assessment expects the student to submit a critique report on a research article related to Enterprise applications and its current trend technologies. This assessment is designed to improve student presentation skills and to give students experience in researching a topic and writing a report/Critique report relevant to the Unit of Study subject matter. The research articles would be tasked to explore further research trends relevant to the unit content. As further research findings the unit lecturer may supplement or substitute these to keep the research delivery current and updated.

For this component you will prepare a report/critique on an academic paper related to Enterprise Systems or Enterprises systems technologies, etc. The paper you select must be directly relevant to one of these major topics. The paper can be from any academic conference or other relevant Journal or online sources such as Google Scholar, Academic department repositories etc. The topic and the related paper need not be later than 2013-14. The selected paper title with their URL may be uploaded on discussions in Moodle for other students as a reference and to avoid duplicity. Few papers as an example are listed below:

Weichhart, Georg, et al. “Challenges and current developments for sensing, smart and

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MITS5502 Research Report

sustainable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 34-46.

Panetto, Hervé, et al. “New perspectives for the future interoperable enterprise systems.” Computers in Industry 79 (2016): 47-63.

Dorantes, Carlos‐Alberto, et al. “The effect of enterprise systems implementation on the firm information environment.” Contemporary Accounting Research 30.4 (2013): 1427- 1461.

Note: popular magazine articles, web sites and blogs are not academic sources.


General Instructions

1. All students must select a different paper. The paper must be approved by your instructor or tutor before proceeding. In case two students are wanting to report on the same paper, the first who emails the instructor with their choice will be allocated that paper (provided it is acceptable).

2. Your writing should be clear and concise and be in your own words.

3. The report must be in the range of 1,500-2,500 words in length excluding references.

4. The referencing style must follow the IEEE referencing style.



The Coca Cola Companys Vision Mission and Value Statements Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Discussion 1:

Businesses are started with the intention to succeed. In order to do so, an organization must be competitive.  All while understanding the strategies needed to obtain a sustainable competitive advantage. As discussed in the chapter, steps are required in order to ensure this occurs successfully. This week, you are to provide at least two personally experienced examples of new or well-known organizations that showcase an understanding of what is needed to set themselves apart from the competition. Make sure to include at least one of the most frequently used strategies used by the organization. Below is one example I recently encountered.

* I recently ordered two pairs of running shoes by a well-known sporting goods store.  One pair arrived while the other pair was on back order. The 2nd pair never arrived due to unavailability and my money was refunded as expected.  However, what was not expected was the $10 credit I was given due to the lack of the company being able to fulfill the intended promotion. In a competitive industry, this is an excellent method of differentiation.

Assignment 1:

Now that you have a better understanding of strategies and competitive advantage, it is time to delve into the vision and mission of an organization.  First, these pertinent and influential aspects must be written. Then the importance must be clearly communicated to all employed by the organization. If an organization does not know and cannot display where they are, where they want to go, and why, then how can they expect their employees to successfully execute their assigned roles?

For this project, choose an organization and describe their vision, mission, and core values.  In addition to this, you are to discuss how each of these works cohesively to the advancement of the organization.  Include how the original owner(s) of the organization influenced each of these aspects and if you believe each component is still be adhered to.  

Assignment Directions

  • The minimum requirement is 500 words exclusive of the      title and reference pages.
  • APA formatting is expected with at least two      outside sources (in addition to your text) cited in your paper.
  • Your submission should start with a title page (not      part of the two content pages) that includes your name, the assignment,      and a brief title that also reflects the company and strategy or topic.


Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College District Learning to Read Questions Humanities Assignment Help


As we read and after, it helps us to reflect on what we just read, to make connections between the reading and our own lives.

To help us do that with “Learning to Read,” please answer the questions below. Jot down your thoughts. Don’t worry about grammar or formatting. Just think about what you read and give me your thoughts!

  1. How did the process by which Malcolm learned to read differ from the typical way people learn to read?
  2. In your own words, what does the author mean when he says. “In fact, up to then, I never had been so truly free in my life” (par. 11)? What is the effect of this statement on the reader?
  3. Is reading the most important skill for students in school today? Why or why not? What is equally or more important? What skills should we be prioritizing?
  4. How has your reading experience been so far? Have you found pleasure in reading or has it been more of a challenge? What kind of barriers have you encountered as you read?


To receive full credit, your discussion response should follow the Writing a Good Discussion guidelines and be submitted on time. Please refer to the rubric attached. I

If you need help submitting the discussion, remember to utilize our Canvas Discussion Guide.


GCCCD Annotation Learning to Read by Malcolm X Analysis Essay Humanities Assignment Help


As I mentioned last week, our first unit will focus on barriers in education. These can come in many forms. In this article, “Learning to Read,” Malcolm X reflects on his experience with reading, a big component of education.

Please read the article carefully. If it helps, and you have the ability, feel free to print and annotate it. If not, I suggest taking notes as you read.

Step 1:

Before you start reading though, check out the video below. It’s only 2 minutes long, and it provides some really useful information on annotating. The better you annotate, the better you understand the article. Give it a try!

Step 2:

Once you have seen the video, it’s time to put it into practice. Read the article below:

“Learning to Read” by Malcolm X

Minimize File Preview

Step 3:

After reading and annotating, please work to put your thoughts together by completing this Annotation Worksheet.

Happy reading,







Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help

Grossmont Cuyamaca Community College Units and Conversions Humanities Assignment Help

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