GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help

GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help. GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help.

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In this hypothetical situation, you are responsible for shipping material that is measured as volumetric cargo – CBM, which stands for Cubic Meter, to be calculated as length X width X height. Also assume that you will get charged per Freight Ton (weight, or volume, whichever is higher).

  1. If the length is 1.6 meters, and the width is 3.2 meters, and the height is 2.8 meters, what is the CBM?
  2. If your freight rate is quoted as USD10/per freight ton and the weight of the package is 2,500 kilograms, what is the freight rate in both volume and weight?
  3. Which freight rate will apply? And why?

Your report can be completed as if being prepared for your current employer, or a previous employer.

Your answer should be at least 500 words in length (double-spaced). Use APA guidelines, including a cover page, citations, and references.

GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MGT 530 Saudi Electronic University Mod 7 Business Processes Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Business processes are important to communicate an organization’s best practices as they leverage themselves against competitors. Some benefits of business processes are that in the long-run, gains may be realized in cost reduction, meeting customers’ expectations, and streamlining business operations. Business process management then focuses on workflow which may hinder good performance.

Identify a business process for which there is not yet a workflow diagram, explain the situation, and devise a workflow to address the problem. Defend your workflow and identify any areas of concern that may hinder successful implementation and a proposed remedy to that concern.

Embed course material concepts, principles and theories, which require supporting citations along with at least two scholarly, peer reviewed reference in supporting your answer.

You are required to reply to at least two peer discussion question post answers to this weekly discussion question and/or your instructor’s response to your posting. These post replies need to be substantial and constructive in nature. They should add to the content of the post and evaluate/analyze that post answer. Normal course dialogue doesn’t fulfill these two peer replies but is expected throughout the course. Answering all course questions is also required.

Hello Cristina,

How are you?

I need please MAX 2 Pages, MIN 1 Page ( More pages are optional)

At least 2 references.

Thank you


Miami University Recipe Instructions of Chocolate Fudge Cake Essay Humanities Assignment Help

There are many situations in which you may be asked to explain a process or procedure to a colleague, client, or supervisor. You may need to produce documentation for one person or a large group. You may be required to create documentation that is printed or only available online. The documentation might be in the form of a video that you create, or it may be a combination of different media. Even if you do not anticipate creating documentation professionally, you will work with documentation produced by others. Understanding what makes documentation effective for an audience is a key skill in technical communication. We have all had the experience of using poor documentation in our daily lives.

This assignment asks you to prepare instructions that explain to an audience how to perform a task and to complete a usability test to determine the effectiveness of your work. You will also complete a reflective memo that explains the results of your work. You will submit that reflective memo as a separate assignment.

Your documentation should reflect an understanding of the principles discussed online and in Chapter 27 as well as elsewhere in Anderson’s text.

Creating this documentation will provide you with the opportunity to: understand and respond to the needs of an audience in a particular context practice your document design and page layout skills consider the usability of your document and revise to improve it.

Please choose one of the following options:

  1. Imagine that a friend of yours at Miami University admires how you do something – it could be cooking a favorite dish, playing a musical instrument, or some other hobby that you have some expertise doing. They ask you to create instructions for them – as a beginner – for how to do what you know how to do.
  2. If you are in a workplace or volunteering for an organization that can benefit from you creating documentation, such as instructions for how to complete a process or how to open/close a store, you are welcome to use this assignment to create this document.

If you have an additional idea for a project, please let me know. I want this assignment to be as useful to you as possible, so if you feel that you can develop a project idea that meets the requirements of the assignment, please speak with me.

Your documentation can be in any usable form: print, online, video, audio, or some combination. Remember that some media might be more useful than others. Your audience’s needs should dictate the form in which your documentation appears. You will need to incorporate image and text, and you will probably need to use multiple software programs to create this assignment.


  1. Complete the Canvas assignment Choice of Instruction / Documentation Project that asks you to choose your project by the required due date/time. If you change your topic, you must seek approval from me first. If you submit a project for which you did not receive approval, you will receive a 0 for the assignment.
  2. Although there is not a required length for this assignment, your documentation must be thorough and detailed enough to be useful. If you have any concerns about length and detail, please speak with me.
  3. Complete a usability test for your instructions. You can get good advice about planning and implementing a test by visiting this government Web site on usability (链接到外部网站。) testing. Anderson also addresses this.
  4. Submit your revised instructions or documentation here. Your reflective memo will be submitted separately.

When you submit your documentation, you are also asked to submit a reflective memo. Although there is no length requirement for this assignment, be sure you provide enough details to answer all of the questions effectively.


  1. Create a properly formatted memo addressed to me, your instructor, that addresses the following questions:
    • Who is the audience for your documentation? Why did you choose this audience? What do you know about your audience that is relevant to preparing your documentation?
    • How is your documentation “audience-centered”? In other words, what did you do to create these instructions that meets the needs of the particular audience you selected.
    • How did you develop your documentation? Provide a narrative that explains the decisions you made.
    • What have you done to test the documentation’s usability? What were the results? How did you use the results to improve your documentation?
    • What have you learned so far in this class that you have applied to preparing this project?


RELS 105 College of Charleston Islamophobia Case Study Writing Assignment Help


Identify Islamic tradition that you have been assigned(look for news article that addresses Islamophobia) and summarize the current event involving your religious tradition; be sure to include the bibliographic information for the periodical you are using for your current event at the end of your summary.

Be sure to adhere to the following guidelines when you post your responses:

a. Make your thoughts coherent and your writing clear.

b. You must respond to the question in at least 125 words.

c. You must include the bibliographic information for the periodical you are using for your current event at the end of your summary.

Some Online News Sources that you can use to find an article that address Islamophobia as a bad thing and we need to stop anti-Muslims.


IT 270 Southern Hampshire University Web Site Design For Restaurant Project Programming Assignment Help

IT 270 Final Project Guidelines and Rubric


The role of a web developer has changed over the years. Today, entry-level and junior web developer positions require the designer, at a minimum, to have experience writing in HTML and CSS. Additionally, web developers must be adept in their interactions with users, programmers, and others in order to effectively develop professional, easy-to-use websites that meet the needs of their stakeholders. In this way, today’s web developers must possess more than just the technical skills for constructing websites.

The final project for this course is the creation of a website. In this project, you will utilize the skills you have developed throughout this course and apply them to the following scenario: You have been approached by your uncle, who has requested your help in developing a website for his small business. He has asked for a visually appealing website that will need to have tables, forms, as well as a variety of multimedia elements. You will create at least five pages in total, including a home page and an About page where you will explain the intent of the website, defend your aesthetic decisions, and explain your future plans for the site.

The project is divided into three milestones, which will be submitted at various points throughout the course to scaffold learning and ensure quality final submissions. These milestones will be submitted in Modules Two, Three, and Five. The final product will be submitted in Module Seven.

In this assignment, you will demonstrate your mastery of the following course outcomes:

  •  Determine cohesive, high-level website designs with organized page layouts, logical navigation paths, and visually pleasing aesthetics
  •  Integrate effective, basic multimedia website elements that promote desired user experiences
  •  Apply website development languages accurately and consistently to achieve intended formatting and layouts and ensure compatibility
  •  Justify plans to website design choices and functionality based on customer or clients’ needsPromptSpecifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Overall Design

  1. Is the website clean, professional, and visually appealing? Does it apply a viable color scheme? Is the designer’s information and other brandingappropriately displayed on each page?
  2. Are the tags, formatting, and features consistent throughout the website?
  3. Are all of the website elements organized logically on the page for proper visual appearance?
  4. Is the navigation between the pages and to external sites logical?


  1. Website Elements
    1. Does the website include appropriate, effective tables?
    2. Does the website include appropriate, effective forms (at least one form with list features)?
    3. Does the website include appropriate, effective multimedia elements (at least one example of video and images)?
  2. Website Code and Compatibility
    1. Do the tables, forms, multimedia, and hyperlinks function and display properly?
    2. Is each page consistent in syntax and style (HTML and CSS) throughout?
    3. Does the website include an externally linked, properly formatted CSS style sheet?
    4. Is the website coded properly for reasonable compatibility with all major web browsers?
  3. About Page
    For your About page, take into consideration your intended audience and who may, in the future, be visiting this page as you respond to the following:
    1. Documentation of the Development Process
      Explain to your audience the intent and purpose behind this website. What steps did you take in creating the website that ensured you met your objectives?
    2. Defense of the Final Product
      Why did you make the specific design choices that you did? For each of your website’s pages, explain your rationale for the overall design, as well as the individual components (colors, typography, etc.). Support your choices with evidence of your consideration of the end user. What did you do to make your website engaging, professional, and easy to use?
    3. Opportunities for Improvement and Growth
      Finally, explain what else you might like to do with this website in the future. What could you have done differently if you had more time or resources? What sorts of content, capabilities, pages, etc. might you want to include in future updates?Milestones

Milestone One: Initial Site Planning
In Module Two, you will submit a plan for the design of your site, including the identification of your purpose and intended audience. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone One Rubric.

Milestone Two: Site Structure and Navigation
In Module Three, you will submit a wireframe sketch showing the structure and navigation of your website. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Two Rubric.

Milestone Three: Site Aesthetics
In Module Five, you will submit a description of your site’s aesthetics, including the page design template, color palette, and typography. This milestone will be graded with the Milestone Three Rubric.

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Final Submission: Final Website
In Module Seven, you will submit your final project. It should be a complete, polished artifact containing all of the critical elements of the final product. It should reflect the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. This submission will be graded with the Final Project Rubric.

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Deliverables Module Due

Two Three Five Seven


Graded separately; Milestone One Rubric

Graded separately; Milestone Two Rubric Graded separately; Milestone Three Rubric Graded separately; Final Project Rubric

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One Initial Site Planning
Two Site Structure and Navigation

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Site Aesthetics Final Website

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Final Project Rubric
Guidelines for Submission: Website must be at least 5 pages, including the home page and About page. As you finalize elements of your site, remember to

include basic comments in your code that identify how your work in the milestones and instructor feedback informed key features or function choices on your site.

Critical Elements Exemplary (100%) Proficient (85%) Needs Improvement (55%) Not Evident (0%) Value

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Overall Design: Visual Appeal

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the overall visual aesthetic reflects insightful, creative website design

Website is clean, professional, and visually appealing, including a viable color scheme and branding

Website has gaps or noticeable issues with the visual aesthetics that may disrupt aspects of the user experience

Website has significant issues with the visual aesthetics that completely impede the intended user experience


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Overall Design: Consistency

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and the tags, formatting, and features are fully cohesive throughout the website

All tags, formatting, and features are appropriately consistent throughout the website

There are gaps or noticeable issues with the tags, formatting, and features throughout the website

There are significant issues in the consistency of the tags, formatting, or features that completely impede the intended user experience


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Overall Design: Organization

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and website element organization reflects insightful, creative website design

Website elements are organized logically on each page for proper visual appearance

Website elements are not consistently and logically organized on each page, impacting the visual appearance

There are significant issues with the organization of website elements that completely impede the intended user experience


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Overall Design: Navigation

Meets “Proficient” criteria, and website navigation is fully intuitive

Website navigation between the pages and to external sites is logical

Website navigation between pages and to external sites has gaps in the logic

There are significant issues with the website navigation between pages or to external sites that completely impede the intended user experience


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Website Elements: Tables

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced skills in developing website elements

Website includes appropriate, effective tables

Website includes tables, but not all are appropriate or effective

Website does not include tables


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Website Elements: Forms

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced skills in developing website elements

Website includes appropriate, effective forms (at least one form with list features)

Website includes forms, but either does not include a form with list features or not forms all are appropriate or effective

Website does not include forms


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Website Elements: Multimedia Elements

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced skills in developing website elements

Website includes appropriate, effective multimedia elements (at least one example of video and images)

Website includes multimedia elements, but either does not include at least one example of video and images or not all multimedia elements are appropriate or effective

Does not include multimedia elements


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Website Code and Compatibility: Function and Display

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced proficiency in applying website development languages

Tables, forms, multimedia, and hyperlinks function and display properly

Not all tables, forms, multimedia, and hyperlinks function and display properly

There are significant issues with the function and display of tables, forms, multimedia, or hyperlinks that completely impede the intended user experience


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Website Code and Compatibility: Consistent Syntax and Style

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced proficiency in applying website development languages

Each page is consistent in syntax and style (HTML and CSS) throughout

There are minor gaps in syntax and style (HTML and CSS)

There are significant issues with the code syntax and style that completely impede the intended user experience


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Website Code and Compatibility: CSS Style Sheet

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced proficiency in applying website development languages

CSS style sheets are appropriately used three different ways (external, internal, and inline)

CSS style sheets are used, but not in three different ways, or those that are used are inappropriate

There are significant issues with the CSS style sheets that completely impede the intended user experience


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Website Code and Compatibility: Compatibility

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates advanced proficiency in applying website development languages

The website is reasonably compatible with all major web browsers

The website is not reasonably compatible with one or more major web browsers

There are si compatibilit impede the experience

gnificant issues of y that completely intended user


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About Page: Documentation of the Development Process

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates particularly sound website design decision- making

Explains the intent and purpose behind the website and steps taken to ensure the objectives were met

Explains the intent and purpose behind the website, but explanation is cursory, or does not explain steps taken to ensure the objectives were met

Does not explain the intent and purpose behind the website


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About Page: Defense of the Final Product

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates particularly sound website design decision- making

Defends the final website by comprehensively explaining the rationale with specific evidence, screenshots, and excerpts of code with annotations

Defends the final website, but does not comprehensively explain the rationale with specific evidence, screenshots, or excerpts of code with annotations

Does not de website

fend the final


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About Page: Opportunities for Improvement and Growth

Meets “Proficient” criteria and demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the various options within website design

Offers substantive options for further improving or customizing the website with specific examples

Offers options for improvement, but lacks substance or specific examples

Does not offer options for improvement


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Articulation of Response

Submission is free of errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, and organization and is presented in a professional and easy-to- read format

Submission has no major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization

Submission has major errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that negatively impact readability and articulation of main ideas

Submission has critical errors related to citations, grammar, spelling, syntax, or organization that prevent understanding of ideas


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Total 100%




Saint Marys University Intro to Social Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Brief Written Assignment

Part 1. Political ads are interesting examples of the social psychology of persuasion. Here is one recent example:

Do you think it is effective? If so, why? (One or two sentences will do.)

Part 2. One of the contributions that social psychology can make during the coronavirus pandemic is to help understand why people comply (or don’t comply) with public health recommendations (e.g., social and physical distancing, wearing a mask). Your assignment for this week is to:

1. Briefly (e.g., in a couple of sentences) explain the theory of planned behaviour; and
2. Briefly explain how each of the predictors of behavioural intentions in the theory—specific attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control—apply to the prediction of behaviours such as social distancing during the pandemic.

Saint Marys University Intro to Social Psychology Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BUS 375 University of Arizona Evaluation Method of CIRO Model Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

In Chapter 7, three additional evaluation tools were introduced: the CIPP model of evaluation, Kaufman’s five levels of evaluation, and CIRO. Choose one of the three models of evaluation. Describe the model. What are the advantages? What are the disadvantages? (min. of 200 wrds)

In Chapter 8, transfer of learning is examined. Transfer of learning is based on organizational climate. The climate of a learning organization is most conducive to the transfer of learning. Describe the characteristics of the learning organization. Based on the characteristics of your organization is it a learning organization? Why or why not? (min. of 200 wrds)


Shenzhen College Project Management & The Garden Bridge Project Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

Hi, my course is a postgraduate course, and the major is project management. I need you to finish a completed discussion draft, the length should not exceed 250 words and the paper should follow the APA writing style, in particular, the requirements how to lay out a paper, as well as how to cite and reference correctly, if you need the guide of the APA writing style, please let me know and i will send you the pdf of the instruction.

The detailed question of the discussion is: “From your own experience or from research, find a project that had problems with estimation (schedule, cost, or both) and describe the magnitude and causes of the problem, and the effect on the project and the project’s long-term result”.


Ohio State University Effects of the Geomagnetic Storm Questions Engineering Assignment Help

1.Check this out:…find me something on this Wikipedia page that is cool and important!

2.We ran into “magnetic reconnection” in several places. Where? And why is it important?

3.Are there any sunspots right now? How about Coronal holes??

4.Put these in order of lowest to highest energy per photon: Visible Light, Gamma Rays, Microwaves, Cosmic Ray, Ultraviolet, Infrared, X-raysPut these in order from sparsest to densest: thermosphere at 400 km, photosphere, air density in your parent’s basement, solar wind.

5.Check out this old Dst data. What’s it a measure of? What’s happening on 6 Nov.?

6.Where is the L1 Lagrange point (no, not the one near the moon!) relative to the magnetopause(e.g. ratio of distances from center of Earth)? Does this relationship ever change?

7.Archimedes was an old Greek dude. Trace the track a typical CME takes on its way here. (assume we are looking down onto the solar system from the “north”)

8.Once things are moving faster than about 10% light speed, we consider them relativistic. Approximately what minimum energy does an alpha particle need to be to be considered relativistic? How about an electron? Compare these energies to a “typical” cosmic rayas well as a “typical” SEP.

9.Earth’s magnetic field flips on occasion. How often? How quickly can it happen? Does the Sun’s magnetic field ever flip in a similar way?

10.How close will the Parker Solar probe eventually get to the “surface” of the sun (in units of solar radii)?

11.A CME and associated shockwave traveled to the outer solar system in the mid-1980s. Was there any good music in the 80s? Anywho, Voyager picked up a radio hiss(~2 to 3 kHz) when this packet hit interstellar wind (an indication that the CME had reached the heliopause?) about 13 months after it flopped out of the sun. Assuming it was traveling a wee bit faster than typical solar wind, how far away is the heliopause?

12.WIND ( data (solar wind stuff) is shown:What is being measured?What time(s) might you expect some geomagnetic storm activity here on Earth??

13.You’ve built a rocket in your parents’ basement that you’re sending to Mars. Where (if anywhere) should you launch from to avoid the Van Allen radiation belts on your trip?

14.An alpha particle in the solar wind approaches Earth. If it weren’t for our magnetic field, this particular beastie would be heading straight towards State College PA!! Thankfully, it is deflected… towards the East coast or the West coast??? Note: assume Vernal Equinox (basically a few days from now)

15.What isF 10.7 ? Why do we care? What frequency does it operate at? .

16.What parameter do we measure to define the strength of solar flares?

17.The Super-K facility seems neat! But I wonder why they built it so far underground? It’s located about 36 degrees North latitude; wait, what is its magnetic latitude? … Quite often it detects neutrinos from underneath itself! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???

18.Consider differential rotation of our sun … how long does it take for the low latitudes to “lap” high latitude portions of the sun? Do we see SW effects on these time scales? Compare your answer to the 11-year solar cyclebtw, what was the Carrington rotation number when you were born?

19.What’s the ratio between typical solar wind speed and typical wind speed in a tornado?

20.The IMF sometimes points north, sometimes south… why does it change?21.SDO Image of sun. Where might you expect fast solar wind to be originating from? …Oh, and btw, what wavelength was this image taken at?

22.If you were tasked with putting a permanent solar observing station at L5 or L4, which would you choose, and why? btw, w here are the STEREO satellites right about now?

23.What wavelength does SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager operate at? What does it measure, and why do we care?24.Why is Sansa important to understanding Space Weather? True, she is Queen in the Northand married to a Jonas brother, but that might simply all be a distraction

25.What (if any) are the connections between these solar abnormalities: Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, and CMEs ?


SDSU 20th Century Philosophy Hegel View of History & Karl Marx Discussion Writing Assignment Help

watch this video and answer the questions in full sentences about it:

How is Hegel view of history presented?

How did the early or young Marx inherit Hegel’s view?

What is early Marx’s view of alienation?

What is Marx’s criticism of Hegel’s view of history?

What is meant by universal in Hegel and Marx (and what do you make of one being speculative an optimistic while the other is empirical and suspicious)?

What is at issue in Marx’s “On the Jewish Question”?

What is Marx’s development of Feuerbach?

What do you make of the two famous quotations from Marx’s text (the one on critique and the other on theory)? (This is a very important one to consider when considering our attempt to grasp Critical Theory or Critical Race Theory in our contemporary sense.)

What is Marx’s historical materialism?

What changes human’s objective conditions? (And what is praxis?)

What is Marx’s famous critique of “philosophers”? And how does this relate to his view of good theory?

What does Marx think about Truth?

Is Marx’s view of good theory good?

[supanova_question] data (solar wind stuff) is shown:What is being measured?What time(s) might you expect some geomagnetic storm activity here on Earth??

13.You’ve built a rocket in your parents’ basement that you’re sending to Mars. Where (if anywhere) should you launch from to avoid the Van Allen radiation belts on your trip?

14.An alpha particle in the solar wind approaches Earth. If it weren’t for our magnetic field, this particular beastie would be heading straight towards State College PA!! Thankfully, it is deflected… towards the East coast or the West coast??? Note: assume Vernal Equinox (basically a few days from now)

15.What isF 10.7 ? Why do we care? What frequency does it operate at? .

16.What parameter do we measure to define the strength of solar flares?

17.The Super-K facility seems neat! But I wonder why they built it so far underground? It’s located about 36 degrees North latitude; wait, what is its magnetic latitude? … Quite often it detects neutrinos from underneath itself! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???

18.Consider differential rotation of our sun … how long does it take for the low latitudes to “lap” high latitude portions of the sun? Do we see SW effects on these time scales? Compare your answer to the 11-year solar cyclebtw, what was the Carrington rotation number when you were born?

19.What’s the ratio between typical solar wind speed and typical wind speed in a tornado?

20.The IMF sometimes points north, sometimes south… why does it change?21.SDO Image of sun. Where might you expect fast solar wind to be originating from? …Oh, and btw, what wavelength was this image taken at?

22.If you were tasked with putting a permanent solar observing station at L5 or L4, which would you choose, and why? btw, w here are the STEREO satellites right about now?

23.What wavelength does SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager operate at? What does it measure, and why do we care?24.Why is Sansa important to understanding Space Weather? True, she is Queen in the Northand married to a Jonas brother, but that might simply all be a distraction

25.What (if any) are the connections between these solar abnormalities: Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, and CMEs ?


SDSU 20th Century Philosophy Hegel View of History & Karl Marx Discussion Writing Assignment Help

watch this video and answer the questions in full sentences about it:

How is Hegel view of history presented?

How did the early or young Marx inherit Hegel’s view?

What is early Marx’s view of alienation?

What is Marx’s criticism of Hegel’s view of history?

What is meant by universal in Hegel and Marx (and what do you make of one being speculative an optimistic while the other is empirical and suspicious)?

What is at issue in Marx’s “On the Jewish Question”?

What is Marx’s development of Feuerbach?

What do you make of the two famous quotations from Marx’s text (the one on critique and the other on theory)? (This is a very important one to consider when considering our attempt to grasp Critical Theory or Critical Race Theory in our contemporary sense.)

What is Marx’s historical materialism?

What changes human’s objective conditions? (And what is praxis?)

What is Marx’s famous critique of “philosophers”? And how does this relate to his view of good theory?

What does Marx think about Truth?

Is Marx’s view of good theory good?

[supanova_question] data (solar wind stuff) is shown:What is being measured?What time(s) might you expect some geomagnetic storm activity here on Earth??

13.You’ve built a rocket in your parents’ basement that you’re sending to Mars. Where (if anywhere) should you launch from to avoid the Van Allen radiation belts on your trip?

14.An alpha particle in the solar wind approaches Earth. If it weren’t for our magnetic field, this particular beastie would be heading straight towards State College PA!! Thankfully, it is deflected… towards the East coast or the West coast??? Note: assume Vernal Equinox (basically a few days from now)

15.What isF 10.7 ? Why do we care? What frequency does it operate at? .

16.What parameter do we measure to define the strength of solar flares?

17.The Super-K facility seems neat! But I wonder why they built it so far underground? It’s located about 36 degrees North latitude; wait, what is its magnetic latitude? … Quite often it detects neutrinos from underneath itself! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???

18.Consider differential rotation of our sun … how long does it take for the low latitudes to “lap” high latitude portions of the sun? Do we see SW effects on these time scales? Compare your answer to the 11-year solar cyclebtw, what was the Carrington rotation number when you were born?

19.What’s the ratio between typical solar wind speed and typical wind speed in a tornado?

20.The IMF sometimes points north, sometimes south… why does it change?21.SDO Image of sun. Where might you expect fast solar wind to be originating from? …Oh, and btw, what wavelength was this image taken at?

22.If you were tasked with putting a permanent solar observing station at L5 or L4, which would you choose, and why? btw, w here are the STEREO satellites right about now?

23.What wavelength does SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager operate at? What does it measure, and why do we care?24.Why is Sansa important to understanding Space Weather? True, she is Queen in the Northand married to a Jonas brother, but that might simply all be a distraction

25.What (if any) are the connections between these solar abnormalities: Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, and CMEs ?


SDSU 20th Century Philosophy Hegel View of History & Karl Marx Discussion Writing Assignment Help

watch this video and answer the questions in full sentences about it:

How is Hegel view of history presented?

How did the early or young Marx inherit Hegel’s view?

What is early Marx’s view of alienation?

What is Marx’s criticism of Hegel’s view of history?

What is meant by universal in Hegel and Marx (and what do you make of one being speculative an optimistic while the other is empirical and suspicious)?

What is at issue in Marx’s “On the Jewish Question”?

What is Marx’s development of Feuerbach?

What do you make of the two famous quotations from Marx’s text (the one on critique and the other on theory)? (This is a very important one to consider when considering our attempt to grasp Critical Theory or Critical Race Theory in our contemporary sense.)

What is Marx’s historical materialism?

What changes human’s objective conditions? (And what is praxis?)

What is Marx’s famous critique of “philosophers”? And how does this relate to his view of good theory?

What does Marx think about Truth?

Is Marx’s view of good theory good?

[supanova_question] data (solar wind stuff) is shown:What is being measured?What time(s) might you expect some geomagnetic storm activity here on Earth??

13.You’ve built a rocket in your parents’ basement that you’re sending to Mars. Where (if anywhere) should you launch from to avoid the Van Allen radiation belts on your trip?

14.An alpha particle in the solar wind approaches Earth. If it weren’t for our magnetic field, this particular beastie would be heading straight towards State College PA!! Thankfully, it is deflected… towards the East coast or the West coast??? Note: assume Vernal Equinox (basically a few days from now)

15.What isF 10.7 ? Why do we care? What frequency does it operate at? .

16.What parameter do we measure to define the strength of solar flares?

17.The Super-K facility seems neat! But I wonder why they built it so far underground? It’s located about 36 degrees North latitude; wait, what is its magnetic latitude? … Quite often it detects neutrinos from underneath itself! Whiskey Tango Foxtrot???

18.Consider differential rotation of our sun … how long does it take for the low latitudes to “lap” high latitude portions of the sun? Do we see SW effects on these time scales? Compare your answer to the 11-year solar cyclebtw, what was the Carrington rotation number when you were born?

19.What’s the ratio between typical solar wind speed and typical wind speed in a tornado?

20.The IMF sometimes points north, sometimes south… why does it change?21.SDO Image of sun. Where might you expect fast solar wind to be originating from? …Oh, and btw, what wavelength was this image taken at?

22.If you were tasked with putting a permanent solar observing station at L5 or L4, which would you choose, and why? btw, w here are the STEREO satellites right about now?

23.What wavelength does SDO’s Helioseismic and Magnetic Imager operate at? What does it measure, and why do we care?24.Why is Sansa important to understanding Space Weather? True, she is Queen in the Northand married to a Jonas brother, but that might simply all be a distraction

25.What (if any) are the connections between these solar abnormalities: Prominences, Flares, Sunspots, and CMEs ?


SDSU 20th Century Philosophy Hegel View of History & Karl Marx Discussion Writing Assignment Help

watch this video and answer the questions in full sentences about it:

How is Hegel view of history presented?

How did the early or young Marx inherit Hegel’s view?

What is early Marx’s view of alienation?

What is Marx’s criticism of Hegel’s view of history?

What is meant by universal in Hegel and Marx (and what do you make of one being speculative an optimistic while the other is empirical and suspicious)?

What is at issue in Marx’s “On the Jewish Question”?

What is Marx’s development of Feuerbach?

What do you make of the two famous quotations from Marx’s text (the one on critique and the other on theory)? (This is a very important one to consider when considering our attempt to grasp Critical Theory or Critical Race Theory in our contemporary sense.)

What is Marx’s historical materialism?

What changes human’s objective conditions? (And what is praxis?)

What is Marx’s famous critique of “philosophers”? And how does this relate to his view of good theory?

What does Marx think about Truth?

Is Marx’s view of good theory good?


GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help

GSSU Shipping and Freight Handling in Exportation & Importation Questions Writing Assignment Help

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