GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

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Submit a written response to these questions. Relate the topics to your own experiences. Use outside references if necessary. You response should be 500-700 words, using APA style formatting.

  1. What are the current HIPAA requirements? What are the privacy vulnerabilities?
  2. What are the relevant barriers to information-based research and how can the problems be solved? What are your opinions on the proposed solutions and new policy framework? Do you have any suggestions?

Grading Criteria Assignments Maximum Points

Meets or exceeds established assignment criteria 40

Demonstrates an understanding of lesson concepts 20

Clearly presents well-reasoned ideas and concepts 30

Uses proper mechanics, punctuation, sentence structure, spelling and APA structure.10

Total 100

GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

UCI Wk 4 Embedding Global Markets Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Session 7 Interpretive and Historical Approaches to International Relations 

Session 7 Lecture:

Lecture ppt and the Lecture video will be uploaded on the google drive after class on Tuesday.

Assigned Readings (All uploaded on the google drive):

  • Cecelia Lynch, “Critical Interpretation and Interwar Peace Movements,” pp. 300–308 in Interpretation and Method: Empirical Research Methods and the Interpretive Turn, 2nd edition (Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2014) **
  • Mark Bevir and Asaf Kedar, “Concept Formation in Political Science: An AntiNaturalist Critique of Qualitative Methodology.” Perspectives on Politics 6/3 (September 2008): 503–517.**
  • Trachtenberg, Marc. 2005. The craft of international history: a guide to method. Princeton, N. J.: Princeton University Press. **

Session 8 Political Economy, Liberalism and the Qualitative/Quantitative Divide 

Session 8 Lecture:

Lecture ppt and the Lecture video will be uploaded on the google drive after class.

Assigned Readings (Ruggie is uploaded on the google drive you will have to find the other one online):

  • Ruggie, John Gerard. “International Regimes, Transactions, and Change: Embedded Liberalism in the Postwar Economic Order.” International Organization 36, no. 2 (Spring 1982): 379–415.
  • Robert O’Brien and Marc Williams, Global Political Economy: Evolution and Dynamics 5th Edition (New York: Palgrave 2016) Chapters 1 and 2

Forum Post:  (due by Monday the 31st at midnight 11:59 pm LA time.)

You only need to write 1 post for this week. You could use the materials from both sessions in the post.

The Forum Post must show critical thinking and the proof of reading by using quotes and ideas from the course materials. Minimum 7 paragraphs and each paragraph should contain at least 6 sentences. Please use proper MLA citation format both in-text and the works cited section at the end of the post. There is no need for the heading (name and course etc).

Forum Reply:

There is no reply due for this class anymore.

The final term paper prompt is already available. But the requirement for the wordcount is a bit much. Hence I will post a different question to invite you. 


CSUN Bacteria & Bacteria Types Discussion Science Assignment Help

Alcaligene faecalis- flow chart created from below information. Please only use the tests from below- no others. Thank you

Staining (Mandatory)

· Gram reaction (color & +/ -)

· Shape

  • Arrangement


Rod shaped: bacilli

Peritrichous, flagellar

Special staining (if applicable)

· Endospore stain

· Acid fast stain

· Capsule stain


Selective & Differential Media (3 or more tests/ media)

· Selective media (PEA, & 7.5% Nacl media)

· Differential media (MSA, EMB, Mac)

· Enriched media (Blood Agar Plate)

· Carbohydrate Fermentation (Lactose, Glucose, & Sucrose)

  • Exoenzymes test (Starch hydrolysis, Casein hydrolysis, & Gelatinase test)

7.5% NaCL positive results

BAP-alpha lysis

Carbohydrate fermentation: negative- non


Exoenzymes: negative

Confirmatory test/ media (2- 3 test/ media)

· Peptone Iron Agar test

· Urease test

· Nitrate reductase test

· Catalase test

· Lysine decarboxylase test

· pH test-

Osmotic pressure test



Oxygen Requirements (both)

· Anaerobic jar

  • Oxidase test



Antibiotic Sensitivity test (2 only; 1 susceptibility; 1 resistant)

· Novobiocin

· Bacitracin

· Tetracycline

· Chloramphenicol

· Penicillin

· Erythromycin

  • Others





Short Personal Story Society Issues Essay Writing Assignment Help

Assignment: Write a short essay (750 words) that defends a thesis you developed through a close critical reading/analysis of one (or two) literary works listed in Chapter 9 Stories For Further Reading beginning on page 318 of your Backpack Literature textbook. The “critical response” essay relies on textual support from the primary text (secondary sources are not required) – not plot summary to develop the student’s argument. Do not confuse “critical analysis” with “plot summary”; the goal is to develop, sustain, and advance a thesis based on a critique of the primary text.

What you’ll be graded upon:

15% Introduction: You establish a context for the significance of your thesis in regard to the literary work as a whole. How does your argument contribute to understanding the author’s major literary/thematic concerns? What can other readers learn from your analysis?

15% Thesis: You state your main point (or argument) in 1-2 sentences; the thesis is the culmination of your introduction.

30% Organization: Your essay should follow that of a typical literary critique:

Since your focus must be on analyzing some literary motif, theme, or a combination of literary elements (such as symbolism, character, setting, etc.), your essay must contain well-structured supporting paragraphs that contain a topic sentence, quotes from the primary text (secondary sources are not required), an explanation/discussion of the significance of the quotes you use in relation to your thesis, and a concluding sentence or two that situates the entire paragraph in relation to the thesis. Your thesis will focus on some kind of critical analysis of the primary text, so your supporting paragraphs should be organized around each of the quotes you use, explaining the significance of the quotes and why (or how) they illustrate your main point, but you also need to make sure that your paragraphs contain strong transitions and at least six (or more) sentences.

10% Conclusion: Regardless of the argument you make, you want a conclusion that avoids summarizing what you’ve just said, and please avoid writing, “In conclusion.…” Your aim in a conclusion is to place the discussion in a larger context. For example, how might your critical analysis of a literary character relate to the other characters in a work? How might your thesis be applied to other aspects of the text, say for example, setting or symbolism?

15% Grammar and mechanics: Your paper avoids basic grammar mistakes, such as dropped apostrophes in possessives, subject/verb disagreement, arbitrary tense switches, etc. The paper demonstrates a commitment to proofreading by avoiding easy-to-catch typos and word mistakes (effect for affect, for example). The paper adheres to MLA formatting style for in-text citations.

15% Presentation: Your paper meets the minimum length criteria of 750 words, is typed with a title and your name on it. You follow your individual professor’s instructions for formatting (margins, placement of the name, etc).

Also, in case your books have not come in below you will find a complete list of the stories in Chapter 9 that you can choose from. You should be able to find these readings online to help you get started with your first essay.

Chapter 9 Stories

• This Is What It Means to Say Phoenix, Sherman Alexie

• Greasy Lake, T. Coraghessan Boyle

• A Sound of Thunder, Ray Bradbury

• The Story of An Hour, Kate Chopin

• How to Talk to Girls at Parties, Neil Gaiman

• Young Goodman Brown, Nathanial Hawthonre

• Sweat, Zora Neale Hurston

• Araby, James Joyce

• Before the Law, Franz Kafka

• Miss Brill, Katherine Mansfiled

• Everyday Use, Alice Walker

• A Haunted House, Virginia Woolf


Anthem College Phoenix Problems with Mentally Ill Inmates Analysis Paper Writing Assignment Help

During this course, you will conduct research on a topic you choose.
Choose a topic that you are familiar with and have high interest in
from one of the following:

  1. Corrections
    • Â Problems with mentally ill inmates in prisons and jails. (This is my selection)

When picking your topic, consider what the research questions could
be, who could serve as population for your survey, and where you could
obtain peer reviewed information when you are choosing your topic.

After reviewing the resources, in 1-2 pages:

  • Describe the topic you have chosen.
  • Explain why you chose this topic.



Keiser University Individual Physical Exercise Program Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Create an individual exercise program based upon the lab results for yourself OR one of your subjects. Review the ACSM Recommendations For Exercise. to be sure you are addressing all necessary components.

Be creative and write the program as you feel appropriate. The program should consist of at least 6 specific items between aerobic, anaerobic, resistance, and flexibility exercises.Be sure to address frequency, intensity, time, and type (FITT principle) in your program (15 points).

  • Describe/explain at least 2 factors that might account for variations in training response from one person to another (2 points).
  • Provide your definition of “training threshold” and how it can be determined. (2 points)
  • Calculate the subject’s training zone using both the percentage method and the Karvonen formula. Show your work (4 points)
  • How is the subject’s personal exercise regimen tailored based on the lab results? (2 points)

Keiser University Individual Physical Exercise Program Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Hillsborough Community College Sustainable Development Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment (1)

The definition of sustainable development is development “that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs,” or more simply, “ensuring a better quality of life for everyone, now and in the generations to come.” This concept appears, on its face, to embody a contradiction.

What is your professional opinion on sustainable development?

How can society meet its own pressing needs today, without damaging or depleting the ecosystem on which future generations will depend ?

A minimum of 500 words and at least 4 references listed in APA style

Assignment (2)

For this assignment, you will complete chapter reviews- as a means of a revision- on chapters 7,8,and 9.

  1. Complete a chapter 7 review . in your review, include the two type of public policies – 20 pints
  2. Complete a chapter 8 review, and in this review, explains the three strategies types or factors influencing the Business-Government Relationship – 20 points
  3. Complete Chapter 9, review and in this review, and in this review discuss the global environmental issues and the response of the international business community to these issues – 20 points

A minimum of a 1000 words and at least 4 references listed in APA style.


Community College of Philadelphia Legal and Ethical Nature on Hospitals Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help


complete thoughts

good grammar

essay format

300 words


Locate and select one current (within the last three years) news event that relates to this week’s chapter. The current event topic is either legal or ethical in nature (or both) and is related to healthcare. Include the link to the article, describe the issue, what the anticipated solution will be, and/or how it was resolved. Be prepared to answer questions and lead the discussion about your topic.

Apply APA, GUM, and CUPS where appropriate. Post your initial quality answer to the discussion question (DQ) due Mon. by 11:55 EST. Interactive participation due no later than Friday, 11:55 PM EST.

i upload the document of chapter 5. read that first and them start working in the question.


University of South Florida Global Music and Jazz Research Paper Writing Assignment Help

This assignment is a research and writing assignment that asks you to find a Jazzartist who is combining an International music style with Jazz music to create/explore a new Jazz sound in a specific project (recording or concert) IT IS IMPORTANT YOUR READ AND UNDERSTAND THIS ASSIGNMENT – YOU ARE SEARCHING FOR A JAZZ ARTIST THAT IS CREATING JAZZ MUSIC WITH AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC INFLUENCE. The artist can be American OR from another country, but must be creating JAZZ music, not using international music influences to create other styles of music (which is interesting, BUT not in the scope of this class.) The international music needs to be indigenous music from a specific country or region/culture – Irish folk music, or Calypso music from Trindad/Tobago, or music from the Basque region of Spain, etc.. It can not be a music that is already a mixture of styles (Afrobeat for instance), or a music from an International urban area that has lots of different ethnic groups (like London.) So, for instance, an artist creating dance club music using Indian musical influences (from India) is NOT someone you can use for this paper.

As you have discovered in your text readings and other assignments in this course, Jazz music developed in America from the combining of different musical influences, which came about as a result of the numerous International cultures that played a part in the development of the country. As the music grew, Jazz continued to incorporate musical elements from other styles of music, including world music influences. Examples include Dizzy Gillespie, who collaborated with Cuban congero Chano Pozo to explore new sounds in Jazz. In the 1960’s the Brazilian music style of Bossa Nova influenced artists like Stan Getz, and became a popular new sound in Jazz. The combining of International music styles and Jazz in this way is continuing today, creating interesting new Jazz sounds. Many international musical influences can be heard in modern Jazz music.


Research and find an artist or group that is combining an international music with jazz to create a new Jazz sound for a specific project (usually a recording, but could be a concert) Limit your research to music created in the 21st Century (since the year 2000.) Pick a culture or country whose music you would be interested in learning about and see if you can find an artist or group who is combining that music with Jazz music to create a new Jazz sound. BE SURE YOU FIND A JAZZ ARTIST OR GROUP THAT IS COMBINING AN INTERNATIONAL MUSIC AND JAZZ, TO CREATE A NEW JAZZ SOUND. There are a number of examples of non-jazz artists using international music in their folk music, rock music, hip hop etc.., so be sure your choice of artist/group is a JAZZ artist. The artist can be an American that is using International music as an influence or it can be an artist who is from another country that is an accomplished Jazz artist who is exploring combining music from his/her culture with Jazz. Be SURE the artist is a Jazz artist and the specific music project you write about is a combination of Jazz and an International music style.

This assignment is requires you to do collegiate level research to find an appropriate artist who has a specific project/composition(s) that combines Jazz and an International music.

Example: an online search for “Traditional Japanese music and Jazz” produced a large number of entries, and some were useful in suggesting some artists that are combining the 2 styles of music to create a new Jazz based music.

When conducting online searches, use quotation marks around the important key words in the search…”Japanese Folk Music” and “Jazz” for instance.

The USF Library has created a Course Guide for this class with useful information on how to conduct online searches and what materials are available in the USF Library that could be useful to this assignment. (Links to an external site.)

Once you find an artist you are interested in, listen to the musical examples and read about the artist and their concepts for combining Jazz and the International music they specialize in.


  1. Write a 1000-1500 word paper ( this is the body of the paper, not including the discography and references, etc..) which describes the artist/group and their music. (NOTE: word count is the least important part of the grading of this paper. Any paper that covers all of the requirements will be at least 1000 words, this is just a suggestion so that you don’t feel like you have to write a LONG paper. The content, quality of writing, inclusion of required information and following the writing style guidelines are the most important part of this paper). The paper should be well written, following general rules and formatting for a Research Paper (see suggested format below). Citations should be in MLA or APA format. You can get help and information about writing a Research Paper from the USF Writing Center.
  2. Use your research to write a description of the artist/groups concepts and ideas for combining the international music with Jazz. It is important that find descriptions of the concepts and ideas from the artist and/or reputable experts reviewing the project/composition. You need to do significant research to be able to write about the ways the artist or group is combining the international music elements with Jazz elements to create the new music. Be sure you write about a specific composition or musical project (can be a whole album.)
  3. Include your own description of what you hear in the music. Describe the ways the music moves you.
  4. Include a general description of the artist/groups, what they are known for and other relevant projects/recordings they have produced. Include a selected discography as part of your reference citations. A discography is a list of important recordings by the artist or group. (You can find examples of discographies online.) You need to include the artist/group name, title of the recording, record label (company), year it was released, and important personnel on the recording.
  5. Include information about the recordings you write about:
    1. Date released
    2. Record label
    3. Musicians on the recording
    4. How readers can find this music (purchase, listen, etc)

You will be graded on:

  1. The inclusion of all of the issues listed above in your paper.
  2. Evidence of research into the artist and music. References to your other research should be included.
  3. Your description of the music.
    1. How the combination of the particular Global music and Jazz presented by the artist/group works – what elements of each style of music are heard?
    2. How the music impacts you as a listener – what moves you:
      1. pick some specific moments in the performance that you can identify, describe and comment on the way the music moves you.
    3. How well written and readable the paper is.
      1. This is an IMPORTANT part of the Draft-Final paper process, to create a Final Paper that is well written and interesting to the reader.

Note: Reference materials (discography and citation lists) are not part of the word count

Basic format:

Opening Paragraph (Thesis)

– describes the content of the paper and the points to be made.

Inside Paragraphs

– discuss each topic presented in the Opening Paragraph (Thesis)



– a selective listing of the Artist/Group’s important recordings that relate to the paper. Look up “discography” so you know what it is!

Research References

– citations need to be in MLA or APA format

Use of copied materials:

This assignment uses the Turnitin tool, which assesses the materials in the paper and issues a Similarity Report of any materials that are copied from existing sources. You need to be sure that any copied materials are properly cited, in quotations, etc.. You have 3 submissions for the Draft and Final paper to assure that you have viewed the Similarity Report and rewritten your paper to make sure there are no copied materials that are not properly cited in your final submissions. The university takes plagiarism very seriously (see syllabus), so be SURE your paper does not include copied materials that are not cited or quoted in your writing.

Note: Including LARGE amounts of quoted materials in the body of your paper (to build up word count) will not be viewed favorably in the grading of the paper. This writing assignment is designed for you to write about music, using your own words and descriptions. You need to include cited information about the artist/group and recordings, but the body of the paper that includes your descriptions of the music and concepts should be your own words, organized for this paper, not copied descriptions from research sources. That being said, important quotes from the artist/group or reviews that help make your points are encouraged. How and where you place these quotes in your paper can be very effective in the creation of an interesting and well written paper.


TCC International Experience and Strategic Thinking Competency Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

“Strategic thinking competency refers to the knowledge, skills and abilities leaders need to formulate value-creating strategic goals and strategies” (Dragoni, Oh, VanKatwyk, & Tesluk, 2011). (Cited in Dragoni, et al., 2014). They stress the need for global leaders who can think strategically in terms of goals and strategy that will help create a competitive advantage. In addition, they report that scholars in the strategic management area suggest . . “.that executives’ international experience shapes how they view and respond to their firms’ competitive landscape–in essence their strategic thinking competency. . . .” (p. 2). The article is attached to this discussion and is required for this discussion topic.

Discuss the relationship between international experience and strategic thinking competency, and describe the importance of international experience for HR managers and for employees’ interactions and relationships at work.

Please include citations and references in all postings.


GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

GU Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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