Guiding Processes for Project Methodology Principles & Agile Philosophy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Guiding Processes for Project Methodology Principles & Agile Philosophy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.
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The purpose of the research paper is to gain an understanding of a project methodology type which can complement the project quality management process.
- Paper – Due saterday
- Choose two methodology types from the list below and write a paper due in week 6 and create a Power Point due week 7
- Lean
- Six Sigma Group
- Scrum (a methodology of the agile philosophy)
- Kanban (a methodology of the agile philosophy)
- Waterfall (traditional project management methodology)
- The research paper is to be a minimum of 5 pages & maximum of 7 pages (does not include cover page, table of contents and reference page).
- Reference at minimum 5 sources in APA format on the paper and Power Point in APA format
- Quotes and paraphrasing should be used as a minimum or points will be lost
- Double spaced and use headers for each section (hint the items below can be paper and Power Point headers)
- Paper and PowerPoint should include headers for each area and a slide for each area
- Introduction
- History/background of each
- Who developed the methodology
- How does each methodology handled quality
- What type of companies use the methodology
- Discuss the differences and commonalities (compare and contrast).
- Conclusion
- Use APA v7 format for the research paper.
- Use table of contents form the paper to create the headers for the Power Point slides
- Introduction
- History/background of each
- Who developed the methodology
- How does each methodology handled quality
- What type of companies use the methodology
- Discuss the differences and commonalities (compare and contrast).
- Conclusion
- Do not copy and paste large amounts of data from the paper into the Power Point. Use bullet points and topics for areas of discussion. Reference notes or paper to go into detail
- Choose two methodology types from the list below and write a paper due in week 6 and create a Power Point due week 7
Power Point –
Use the paper to create a Power Point Presentation of 8-12 slides outlining your research on all three methodologies.
Guiding Processes for Project Methodology Principles & Agile Philosophy Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Abbott Academy of Cosmetology Arts & Sciences Literature Review Reorganization Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Attached is a literature review on machine learning and smart city topic. but it is not organized because it done by different authors and on different time periods.
So I ask you please to: reorganize the literature to be REAL literature that can be used in a research. and I’m expecting this:
– Remove the unnecessary words and paragraphs.
– Build the review in good structure starting by main and general ideas then to the sub-ideas and so on.
Note that: please enable “change tracker” in Word to allow me to see what exactly you changed so I can aware about it.
Orange Coast College The Decline in Marriage is a Problem in the US Paper Humanities Assignment Help
You need to submit a typed, single-sentence statement of your problem. For the sake of clarity and simplicity, you will want to use the following format:
_______________________________________________ is a problem in the U.S.
You problem needs to be able to effectively fit into the blank. For example, “Childhood obesity is a problem in the U.S.” “Homelessness is a problem in the U.S.”
Keep in mind that you are limited to examining the social factors that contribute to the stated problem, which is why there must be a high level of clarity in the statement of problem.
Social Problem Paper
3 – 4 pages not including cover sheet and bibliography
Section One: (10 points)
Briefly describe the social problem within the United States that you have chosen to analyze and provide your personal reasons for choosing this particular topic. Be specific about what interested you about the topic and any background you may have with the subject. Why do you want to know more about the topic? This section should NOT be more than a 1/2 page.
Section Two: (70 points)
The first paragraph of section two needs to include a statement of your social problem, documentation of the significance of your social problem, and a preview of which sociological factor you intend to examine.
You are to identify no more than 2 social factors to analyze in your paper. You will be examining the problem and analyzing a factor(s) that contribute to the problem in a sociological manner. You will not be examining the outcomes/consequences of the problem. The focus of the paper is to be on how society contributes to the problem. You should not be presenting questions; you should be providing explanations. You need to clearly identify the sociological factor and use class terminology in your paper. You are not to be using any first person references in this section. You should be paraphrasing and not quoting. Make sure that you properly cite all sources of your information.
You will need to use at least 1 peer-reviewed resource and 1 other resource (other than those provided in class) to substantiate your paper. Your sources may not date prior to 2010 and all sources must have an author and/or be from a credible organization. You will complete a reference section at the end of your paper.
Section Three: (10 points)
Briefly summarize the main points of the paper. Provide any thoughts you have about solutions to the problem. Discuss your personal reaction to writing this paper. What did you learn about research, statistics, society, etc? How can you use what you learned in a practical way? This section should NOT be more than 1/2 a page.
Execution: (10 points)
The following guidelines must be met for your paper:
- Cover sheet with the following information in the bottom right-hand corner of the paper: your name, course name, and submission date
- Font must be no larger than 12 points and must be Times New Roman or Garamond.
- Paper must be double-spaced.
- Paper must have one-inch margins all around
- Paper must be separated into clearly identifiable sections with headings in bold.
- You will be submitting the paper through the submission link below, which will run the paper through Turnitin. Do NOT submit using Pages as it will be unreadable. You must convert your paper to PDF, Google Docs or Word.
- You need to include a works cited/bibliography that shows sources for information used in your paper. If you have questions on how to give credit to sources, please see me.
You will also be graded on:
- Overall quality
- Organization/Format
- Grammar/Spelling
- Coverage of topics required
MGT 521 SEU Organization Change in Saudi Aramco Company Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Therefore, a “one size fits all” change management process may not work in every organization. We must assess and adapt our process to fit the backgrounds and philosophies of each organization.
Given this understanding, we need to research and assess when, and
if, an organization is ready for change, and then adopt a process to
best facilitate the change process. Choose a Middle Eastern organization
at which you are currently working or one in which you are familiar.
(If neither is possible, conduct an internet search to identify a Middle
Eastern organization which has gone through a transformation process
within the last three years.) Then address the following:
- Provide a brief summary of the organization (its history, culture, industry, product, and services).
- Explain why a change was needed. What is the gap between the present state and the desired future state?
- How strong is the need for change?
- What is the source of this need? Is it external to the organization?
- If the change does not occur, what will be the impact on the organization in the next two to six years?
- Explain the change process that was
created and implemented, identify the outcome of the change in terms of
success, failures, cultural outcomes, and human resource changes. - Finally, based on what you have learned
thus far in the course, evaluate the company’s readiness for change and
then offer constructive advice on strategies the organization
may/should have considered to create/implement a more successful change
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
- Be 4-5 pages in length, which does not
include the title page and reference pages, which are never a part of
the content minimum requirements. - Use APA style guidelines.
- Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
- Kellogg, K. C. (2019). Subordinate activation tactics: Semi-professionals and micro-level Institutional change in professional organizations. Administrative Science Quarterly, 64(4), 928–975.
- Metwally, D. (2019). How ethical leadership shapes employees’ readiness to change: The mediating role of an organizational culture of effectiveness. Frontiers in Psychology, 10, 2493.
- von Treuer, K., Karantzas, G., McCabe, M., Mellor, D., Konis, A., Davison, T. E., & O’Connor, C. D. (2018). Organizational factors associated with readiness for change in residential aged care settings. BMC Health Services Research, 18, 1–N.PAG.
AIU Online The Role Organization Development Practitioner Strategies Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Part 1Role of OD Consultant
An Organization Development practitioner applies behavioral science to address issues within an organization to align capability and strategy, intervening in systems to help individuals work together to achieve their goals (Park, 2019). Participating in the simulation was an eye-opening experience. Playing the role of an OD practitioner provided an opportunity to interact with individuals to offer suggestions on improving communication. The challenges encountered during the simulation were reassuring each team member it’s okay to have an opinion. However, constructive criticism is to help team members to view the issues from a broader perspective.
Discussion of OD’s Assessment Strategies and Tactics
The key members that participated in the simulation struggled to communicate without pre-judgment. For example, Hugo is fearful and controlling. After all, he feels the company overlooked him because he doesn’t have a degree. He micromanages his subordinates and does not engage with his senior-level management. Hugo displayed a defensive posture during most of the simulation. Grant wanted to build a closer working relationship with Hugo. However, Hugo limited communication with Grant unless on a need-to-know basis. Finally, Linda is a people person who is energetic and has ideas to grow the business. Linda was passionate about creating a positive environment. However, she feels Hugo is controlling her ability to make more decisions regarding the marketing campaign.
The team is dealing with an authoritarian leadership style, and exemplified when a leader dictates policies and procedures decide what goals are to be achieved, and directs and controls all activities without any meaningful participation by the subordinates (Purwanto et al., 2019). The goal is to ensure Hugo completes the “360 assessment” and provides the team with tactics that offer solutions to create a dialogue among all stakeholders—brainstorming with stakeholders to improve morale and encourage the sharing of information in the decision-making process.
Another option offered is to shift the focus from the work aspect to a personal relationship. People are less likely to comply when they feel left out of the process. It’s okay to have accountability. However, making the process visible to all stakeholders will establish an open dialogue. Also, it builds confidence in team members and encourages sustaining change. Team members want to learn new concepts and share ideas. The team has data to communicate with management to support its recommendations for corrective or preventative actions that might include training or additional operational supports. Developing training sessions that encourage all stakeholders to participate enables team members to be assigned more control over marketing campaigns (Warrick, 2016).
Part 2 Pros and Cons of Simulation
There are several pros and cons to the simulation. First, the simulation provided a real-life experience that allows the OD practitioner to gain first-hand knowledge of tools and devices to resolve conflict (Lindenberger Group, 2017). The simulation provided immediate feedback from participants. Secondly, the simulation allowed the OD practitioner to learn new skills through observations. Once the participants in the simulation were able to express their concerns, the OD practitioner used that data to offer suggestions build on the input and make changes that benefit the team.
The cons of simulation include not have enough time to gather data from every team member. Although the simulation provided insight into leadership, members of the marketing team had no representation. The data collected was gathered from second-hand communication. Also, conducting a simulation is expensive to build. The simulation design has to understand the awareness of all factors involved (Hood, 2010).
Learn and Gain from Experience
The simulation displayed how one’s perception of interpreting information could alter the culture of an organization. For example, When you communicate, your team members should understand the information shared is good and bad. Constructive criticism is not to be looked at as someone attacking you personally, but instead allowing you to see what behaviors are restricting production. Leadership’s interaction with all team members is essential for change. Defining and communicating success metrics and results of your progress provide transparency.
During the simulation, I provided Hugo with a broader view of the importance of completing the 360 assessment. I reminded the management team that change occurs only when the team can see the big picture and accept the task assigned. Now it’s okay to delegate authority to other leaders. Trusting your team to make decisions that will improve the profitability of the marketing department is essential for growth. The one aspect that needs improvement is developing more open-end questions to engage team members to share more ideas of improving communication and other team members in the decision-making process. Also, build a relationship that promotes essential changes and encourages dysfunctional groups to make the intervention successful.
Hood, L. (2019). Real-world Applications of Simulations Retrieved from
Lindenberger Group (2017). 8 Top Benefits of Training Simulations in the Workplace Retrieved from
Park, R. (2019). What is an Organization Development Practitioner? Retrieved from,togethertoachievetheirgoals.&text=ODaddressesthisissuebacked,behaviouralscienceandhumanvalues.
Purwanto, A., Wijayanti, L. M., Hyun, C. C., & Asbari, M. (2019). the Effect of Transformational, Transactional, Authentic, and Authoritarian Leadership Style Toward Lecture Performance of Private University in Tangerang. Dinasti International Journal of Digital Business Management, 1(1), 29-42.
Warrick, D. D. (2016). What Leaders Can Learn About Teamwork and Developing High Performance Teams from Organization Development Practitioners. Performance Improvement, 55(3), 13–21.
Hillsborough Community College CompTIA Security Project Writing Assignment Help
Hey I have another one of these PowerPoint assignments for you to do if possible. I have to do a presentation on CompTIA Security+. Can you leave presentation notes on each slide of my PowerPoint presentations that I can use to present with. Some of the slides already have writing on them I need you to ignore that and add your own notes on to it please. This is due by Sunday please. .There are 15 PowerPoints total. You can just do exactly what you did the last time for the net+ one and make notes for me to read off of for my presentation. I will provide the link with the books and slides to download. Also if possible don’t copy the book word for word and paste it into the slide notes please put it into your own words so the presentation can flow better
Hillsborough Community College CompTIA Security Project Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
WRIT 1001University of New South Wales Banning Animal Testing Rhetoric Essay Humanities Assignment Help
500 words, quotes and reference list not included.
- Begin with a short statement (2-3 sentences) or Rationale that explains why you have chosen to use or adapt a Classical or Rogerian strategy to organise your essay
- Contain an Overall Essay Title that mentions a rhetorical term
- Include argumentative subheadings that show the stages of your argument. For example ‘Description of topic’ might be a subheading; ‘Revealing Author A’s misuse of pathos’ is an argumentative subheading
- Use different levels/indentations of dot points to distinguish between major points and supporting points/evidence. It should be clear how your essay will be divided into sections, paragraphs and sub-points
- Accurately reference/cite academic sources (at least two on rhetoric) and describe how they will be used in your argument
MGT 530 SEU Mod 6 Cereal Producer Investment in Decision Tree Diagram Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
Address the following requirements:
- Develop a decision tree for the case described.
- Explain the process of developing a
decision tree, draw the decision tree (include the decision tree in an
appendix showing chance nodes, probabilities, outcomes, expected values,
and net expected value). - Defend your final decision based on your decision tree.
Case for consideration—An operations manager for a cereal producer is faced with a choice of:
- A large-scale investment (A) to purchase a new cooker which could
produce a substantial pay-off in terms of increased revenue net of costs
but requires an investment of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal. After extensive
market research it is thought that there is a 40% chance that a pay-off
of 9,375,000 Saudi Riyal will be realized, but there is a 60% chance
that it will be only 3,000,000 Saudi Riyal. - A smaller scale project (B) to refurbish an existing cooker. At
1,875,000 Saudi Riyal, this option is less costly but produces a lower
pay-off. Again, extensive research data suggests a 30% chance of a gain
of 3,750,000 Saudi Riyal but a 70% chance of it being only 1,875,000
Saudi Riyal. - Continuing the present operation without change (C) which cost nothing, but produces no pay-off.
- Your essay is required to be four to
five pages in length, which does not include the title page and
reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum
requirements. - Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles. Use the Saudi Digital Library to find your resources.
- Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and follow APA style guidelines.
- It is strongly encouraged that you
submit all assignments into Turnitin prior to submitting them to your
instructor for grading. If you are unsure how to submit an assignment
into the Originality Check tool, review the Turnitin – Student Guide for
step-by-step instructions.
Chapter 4,5,6
- Kaminski, B., Jakubczyk, M., & Szufel, P. (2018). A framework for sensitivity analysis of decision trees. Central European Journal of Operations Research, 26(1), 135–159.
- Nor, S. H. S., Ismail, S., & Yap, B. W. (2019). Personal bankruptcy prediction using decision tree model. Journal of Economics, Finance & Administrative Science, 24(47), 157–172.
- Stevenson, W. (2018). Operations management(13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Irwin. ISBN-13: 9781259667473
Aveda Institute Chicago The Main Steam System Report Science Assignment Help
I want a 5 page report, about the main steam system.
all the information is in the file(will be given) in detail so to summarize i would like a:
– proper introduction on how steam is important in the nuclear power plant
– at least 3 major components and their functions
– a summary on the basic flow of the main steam system
– at least 3 system interfaces please mention the importance to plant safety and how main steam system changes according to operation mode
no specific layout is required but please include all mentioned points in the report, all the information you need will be in the file- IT WILL BE GIVEN ONCE ACCEPTED.
MGT 311 SEU Nature of Operations Management & Production System Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
- Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
- Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
- Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
- Late submission will NOT be accepted.
- Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
- All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
- Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.
[supanova_question] Journal of Economics, Finance & Administrative Science, 24(47), 157–172.