Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help

Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help. Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help.

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commercial Analysis Presentation

Spch 1

Monterey Peninsula College

Daniel S. Fox, Ph.D. (Spring 2020)

Task: Learners will

(1) choose and record (or add hyperlinks inside your slides for) 2 full-length commercials (used in the US) for a single product and/or service,

(2) conduct an analysis of its persuasive appeals and arguments (using the 5 areas of Logos, Pathos, Ethos, Kairos, Mythos),

(3) create a slide presentation of your findings (submitting the slides as MS Power Point or as a PDF), and

(4) present those findings to the audience (submitting a video recording).


To (a) encourage learners to use their analytic and critical skills to examine modern persuasive communication, (b) provide an opportunity for learners to apply creative solutions to the presentation of their results, and (c) provide a problem-solving exercise that combines course concepts, rhetorical analysis, and presentation skills.

Analysis Tools:

The group will use Aristotle’s three persuasive dimensions of

  • Logos,
  • Pathos, and
  • Ethos,

And two additional dimensions, known as

  • Kairos, and
  • Mythos.

The Objectives Include:

  • determine how the senders of the communication (company, organization, etc.) intended to persuade the audience using those methods.
  • determine what methods of persuasion they used (of the above five dimensions),
  • determine how they use them (i.e., what arguments are being made, what emotions are appealed to), and
  • what impact you think those messages had on the intended audience (which you must first identify).

Feel free to look up information about their effectiveness.

Some agencies actually received awards for their commercials, or are linked to major increases in sales following the running of the commercial.


Time limits: the presentation should be between 5 and 7 minutes.

The Slides should:

  1. should summarize your findings,
  2. be in MS PowerPoint (or as a PDF).

The commercial must be one that was used in the US, and not banned.

It is expected that your presentation will demonstrate appropriate presentation strategies and practices, such as

  • the use of visual aids (i.e., overheads, poster board),
  • a clearly organized presentation (preview, body of main points, and a summary), and
  • clear delivery (articulation, pronunciation, volume, pitch, rate, eye-contact, appropriate use of gestures and movement).

Final Tip:

Think of this project as a fun “hunting trip,” if you like, or a “safari“… wherein you’re looking for any evidences of those five methods of persuasion in the samples you choose.

If you happen to NOT finding a type or two in a sample, that’s perfectly okay. It just means, you couldn’t find it. No biggie.

What the audience is most interested in are the evidences you DID find. It will be fun

Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SLCC Types of Plate Boundaries in The State of California Discussion Science Assignment Help

Write about the types of plate boundaries in the state of California. Make sure to name them and talk about each type. Support your search citation in MLA style. (Min 250 words)

Important: (if you copy and paste answers you will get a zero, as I use TURNITIN to track your answers); use your own words please!

Equally important, your citation must be from credit sources, such as textbooks, government agencies (.gov), colleges and universities (.edu), or science journals. Other links will not be accepted and you will get a zero! No specific writing style is requested, just pick one (MLA, etc.! )

Textbook: https://opengeology.org/textbook/


You will also respond to two students but i will be sending their discussions once you have submitted your initial post. (Min 150 words for each student)


Grand Canyon University Mediation Scenarios Conflict and Negotiations Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Part One: Role Play

Utilize the “Mediation Scenarios” document to complete part one of the assignment.

Part Two: Essay

An understanding of the mediation process is important for effective communication, especially when we are counseling others in a formal or informal setting. This assignment will help you to better understand the role mediation plays in communication and how each step functions in the process. You will write a paper (1,000-1,500 words) that discusses your experience with mediation.

Follow the direction and choose your mediation scenario using the document, “Mediation Scenarios.” Then, write the following essay:

Write a paper (1,000-1,500 words) that reflects on the mediation experience and addresses the following:

  1. Analyze and reflect on your experience as the mediator.
  2. Did the mediation go as planned?
  3. What about this process was particularly challenging?
  4. Were you able to remain neutral?
  5. Did you struggle not injecting your own solutions?
  6. Did you easily reach an agreement, why or why not?
  7. How would this have been different if this were a real mediation and not a role-play?

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This paper must include at least four academic references used to support your reflection on the mediation process.


LAVC How Does the Fossil Record Reveal Information About Evolutionary Changes Ques Science Assignment Help

post 1
Your assignment is to post an answer to a question and respond to a classmates describing why you agree or disagree with their statement:

Look at the image below and answer the following question: Ancestors of the modern giraffe were short-necked animals, while modern giraffes have very long necks in proportion to the rest of their bodies. How would you explain the change from short to long necks?

EditDarwin Lamarck.png


Your assignment is to watch a 5 minute video “5 Fingers of Evolution“, and answer 3 questions:

1. Define Evolution (0.5pt)

2. Define Gene Pool (0.5pt)

3. List the 5 Fingers of Evolution (1pt)


Your assignment is to make one post that answers the following questions*:

1. How does the fossil record reveal information about evolutionary changes? (1pt)

2. Name an organism (0.5pt)

3. Go to the a classmates post and state how the organism they mentioned be best preserve over time. (0.5pt)

Post4 * See Ch15 in your book and lecture slides: chapter_15_lecture_student slides.pdf

Your assignment is to make one post that addresses the following:

1. Name the 3 domains of life and name the domain that has the most diversity. (0.5pt)

2. Compare and Contrast Prokaryotes and Eukaryotes: List at least 3 structures that distinguish prokaryotes from Eukaryotes (1pt)

3. List the four major groups of Eukarya and their distinguishing characteristics. (0.5pt)

1. Read the New York Times article: A Delicate Pacific Seaweed is Now a Monster of the Sea . and watch video a 3 minute video “Attack of the Killer Algae“.

2. Case Study: Invasive Species.pdf Answer questions on Case study


1. What are ecosystems and how are ecosystems being affected? (1pt)

2. Calculate your total carbon emission. (Links to an external site.) What steps can you take to decrease your carbon emissions? (1pt)

20 Biomes


Biomes are the earth’s major ecosystems. Aquatic biomes are limited by availability of light and nutrients whereas terrestrial (land) biomes are limited by temperature and availability of rainfall (climate). They vary in productivity and diversity depending on the availability of the limiting factors.

In this lab, you will perform a literature search to acquire information about the different terrestrial biomes. When you use online resources, please check for the validity of the source. Usually, but not always, websites that are founded by education (.edu), government (.gov) and organizations (.org) have reliable information.

For a video about terrestrial biomes, watch Biomes Living Landscapes (11 min 34 sec).


  • Describe distinct physical and biological characteristics of the earth’s major terrestrial biomes.
  • Engage in literature and data search.


  • Internet access
  • Images of local biome


Biomes literature search*

  1. Fill in Table 2 using resources on the internet and your textbook.
  2. For average temperature, you can take the average of the temperature range.
  3. Use the data in Table 2 to graph in Figure 2.


Table 2. Characteristics of terrestrial biomes

Figure 2. Temperature versus rainfall

*Part 2 originally developed by Ronald Bryan


1. Explain why in Southern California it can be fairly warm during the day and cool off significantly at night. Would you expect the same in a rainforest?

  1. Based on your data in Table 2 and Figure 2., how do rainfall/temperature correlate with productivity/diversity in biomes?
    • Suggest a hypothesis to explain the correlation.
  1. List the references you used to find information about Biomes. Be sure another person can find the same information using your reference below.
  1. Explore a SoCal ecosystem of your choice (ie. Griffith Park, Malibu Hills, Los Angeles National Forest, Joshua Tree). Visit or research online. GoogleEarth is a good resource.
    • Name your local ecosystem location.
    • Provide evidence for your identification
    • Identify the biome it belongs to.


CSU Steps of Effective Change Implementation Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Reflect on the logical steps of effective change implementation. Review the four steps in your textbook. Here they are below, as well.

Step 1/Redesign considers alternative patterns of behavior.

Step 2/Training and development helps employees acquire required new skills and behaviors

Step 3/In order to ensure that organizations have employees with required competencies and work behaviors, leadership and management need to reevaluate employee training and development processes.

Step 4/Organizational leaders reinforce the new behaviors through the hardwiring of the organization; structures, systems, and technologies.

Answer the following questions:

  • Discuss the advantages of including structures, systems, and technology as part of an organizational change plan after the change rather than before. Consider whether the organizational change starts with employees or with systems.
  • Discuss the impacts on employee behavior when organizational leaders introduce a new organizational change model.



PHI 208 Ashford University Week 3 Ethical Theory & Moral Duty Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Applying an Ethical Theory

[WLO: 4] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4]

Please read these assignment instructions before writing your paper as they contain very precise and specific instructions on both the content and format requirements. You should download the provided outline and use that to structure your paper, and also consult the assignment guidance and modeled example for additional help. Finally, before submitting your assignment please use the checklist to ensure that you have completed all of the requirements.


This course has three written assignments that build upon one another and are designed to take you step-by-step through a process of writing a paper that identifies an ethical question, examines the context, issues, and arguments surrounding the question, and attempts to defend an answer to that question using strong moral reasoning.

This second written assignment is a four-part exercise comprised of the following sections:

  1. Ethical Question
  2. Introduction
  3. Explanation of the Ethical Theory
  4. Application of the Ethical Theory

For sections (1) and (2) revise and expand on what you did in the first assignment.

Sections (3) and (4) are new.

The main purpose of this paper is to define the nature and scope of the ethical theory in a way that shows how the core principle(s) of that theory lead to a specific moral conclusion on your ethical question. Another way to think of this is to explain how someone who is fully committed to the moral reasoning of the ethical theory would answer your ethical question (even if it is not necessarily how you would answer the question).

The assignment should be 900 to 1,000 words, written in essay form with clearly labeled sections as indicated below, and include a title page and reference page.

Part 1: Ethical Question

State the ethical question beneath this heading.

  • This question should be on the same topic as the question presented in the week one assignment, and if necessary, revised based on your instructor’s comments and the additional insight and information you have gained from research on the topic. If you would like to switch topics, you should first consult with your instructor.

Place your ethical question beneath the Part 1: Ethical Question heading.

Part 2: Introduction

Provide an introduction to the topic and question.

  • This should be revised and expanded from the Week 1 Introduction in light of your instructor’s comments and the additional insight and information you have gained from research on the topic.
  • For instance, you may find that your original ideas about the issue have changed and clarified, that the focus of the ethical question has shifted or become more specific, and/or that there are important background and contextual details that need to be explained.
  • The revised introduction should reflect your additional thinking on the scope and significance of the ethical issue, and address any feedback provided by your instructor.
  • The introduction should be at least 300 words in one or two paragraphs.

Place the introduction material under the Part 2: Introduction heading.

Part 3: Explanation of the Ethical Theory

Ethical theories provide accounts of how to reason well about moral questions and of what justifies answers to those questions. In this section of the paper, you will discuss either the ethical theory of utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics.

You should not discuss your topic in this section, but focus only on the ethical theory.

The discussion should include the following elements:

  • A brief account of the historical background of the theory and the philosopher(s) associated with it.
  • An explanation of the core moral principle of the theory, or if there is more than one, the principle that you will focus on in applying that theory to your question.
  • A brief, general explanation of how the theory and its core moral principle applies to moral questions, using an example different from the issue that is the main focus of your paper. (For example, if your focus is on how deontology applies to using animals in medical research, you could explain Kant’s moral theory by discussing how it would apply to an issue like lying for the sake of the greater good.)
  • This section should focus only on the ethical theory. For instance, if you are discussing physician-assisted suicide from a utilitarian perspective, this section should only discuss utilitarianism in general terms; you should not discuss physician-assisted suicide, euthanasia, or other related topics until the next section.
  • The discussion should be around 300 words and must incorporate at least one quote from the required resources on the ethical theory you have chosen to discuss. Required resources include the textbook chapter focused on that theory (3, 4, or 5) or the “Primary Sources” listed at the end of Chapters 3-5.

Place this section under the Part 3: Ethical Theory heading.

Part 4: Application of the Ethical Theory

Now that you have explained in general terms the core principle of the ethical theory you are focusing on in this paper, you will apply that theory and its core principle to your ethical question.

  • Explain as clearly and precisely as you can how that principle leads to a particular conclusion.
  • You can think of that conclusion as the answer someone would most likely give to your question if they were reasoning along the utilitarian, deontological, or virtue ethics lines you explained in Part 3.
  • Note: This conclusion does not need to be the same as the position you stated in the Week 1 assignment. In fact, it could be the opposing position you discussed there. See the remarks about main purpose of the paper above.
  • This section should be around 300 words.

Place this section under the Part 4: Application of the Ethical Theory section.

In your paper,

  • Identify the ethical question.
  • Introduce the topic and question.
  • Explain the ethical theory of utilitarianism, deontology, or virtue ethics.
  • Apply the selected ethical theory to the ethical question.

The Applying an Ethical Theory paper

  • Must be 900 words in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.) resource.
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted

For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

PHI 208 Ashford University Week 3 Ethical Theory & Moral Duty Paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 103 College of the Canyons Women Trade Me Too Movement Question Humanities Assignment Help

The Prompt

Fake news has become a major controversy and potential hindrance to democracy in the United States as well as worldwide. This means that information literacy – being able to recognize bias, fallacies, and disinformation – is more crucial than ever before.

For this essay, you will be comparing and contrasting two pieces of news. Specifically, you must select one piece of fake news and present an argument with detailed analysis to show why it is fake news that should not be taken seriously or shared. You will also need to find one truthful, reliable piece of news on the same issue or event to present a contrasting analysis explaining why this second piece of news is more legitimate than the first.

You have quite a bit of liberty in choosing your pieces of news (it can be a news article, blog post, website, speech, video, political ad, etc.), but you must keep these two things in mind:

  • Whatever two news sources you choose must be easily available to your reader and they must be cited in your Works Cited correctly so that I can locate them. If I can’t locate your sources and examine them for myself, you will not get credit for this essay.
  • Very brief or simple examples might make it more difficult to write a detailed five-page essay, so choose your sources wisely.

What qualifies as fake news and legitimate news?

All of your readings for this unit (listed again below for your convenience) provide you with detailed guidance on distinguishing fake news from credible sources. While you don’t need to cite these readings, you do need to use their guidance, methodologies, and advice in your thorough examination process of your two sources to clearly and persuasively explain in your essay why one source displays trustworthy and responsible reporting while the other does not.

A general rule of thumb to keep in mind is that just because you disagree with something does not mean it is fake news, and just because you believe something does not mean it is true.

For the purposes of this essay, fake news can come in three forms:

  • blatant disinformation and lies (in which the news source intended to lie and mislead); or
  • highly irresponsible misinformation or lack of evidence (in which the news source should have known their information was not completely reliable or airtight); or
  • extreme bias and argumentative fallacies that outweigh any informational value (in which the news is not necessarily false but is so opinionated and biased that it’s not really useful).

Your essay should make clear which type or degree of fake news you are presenting.

How to Organize Your Essay


This essay is a bit different from a standard persuasive argument, but you must still have a thesis that clearly states your evaluation of your two sources (why one is fake and the other is not).

Since your two pieces of news will be about the same issue or event, you should provide some background or context to that topic either in your introduction or a first body paragraph.


Your remaining body paragraphs can be organized in whatever way makes your comparative analysis clear and easy to follow. You may wish to (1) discuss one source first and then move on to your second source; or, if you use the same criteria or factors to determine which news is fake and which is legitimate, you can (2) apply one factor to both sources, then a second factor to both sources, and so on. Choose whichever way makes logical sense for the organization of your argument.


End your essay with a conclusion paragraph that wraps up your argument and leaves the reader with some insight on why this issue is important or worth writing about.

Page Length and Formatting Requirements

Aim for at least five double-spaced pages. Your essay must be typed in MLA format, which means double-spaced with 1-inch margins in size 12 Times New Roman font. Since you are referencing texts, your essay should include in-text citations and a Works Cited in proper MLA format. Don’t forget your MLA heading, title, and pagination. The Works Cited does not count toward the page length.

Remember that your two news sources must be cited in your Works Cited correctly so that I can locate them. If I can’t locate your sources and examine them for myself, you will not get credit for this essay no matter how many pages you write or how well written it is!


DWCU Should Precautionary Principle Become Part of National & International Law Essay Writing Assignment Help

Your post should be about “1 page long”. I know the discussion board doesn’t track pages, but the length I am looking for is equal to 1 page in MS Word, double spaced.

After you make your post you can see other people’s posts and you need to reply to at least 2 threads, but you can reply as much as you want.

Be respectful and don’t criticize other student’s opinions. If you disagree, please give your opinion and what makes you feel that way: facts, experiences, beliefs, etc.

I recognize that may be hard to take a side sometimes, and I am not requiring every student to make up their mind after 2 articles and a few lectures… BUT for these discussion board assignments you are supposed to pick a side to argue. If you truely cannot make up your mind, you can open with something like “I was not able to fully make up my mind on this topic, it is a really tough one, but for this assignment I will argue xxxxx.” and then argue that side for the post. (Please don’t do this every week)

In jobs you, especially higher level jobs, you are often asked to present arguments or stances that you may disagree with, but you have to follow through because it is the stance of your boss or your company… this is good practice!


ENGL 1101 Cuyamaca College Library Research & Resources Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Discussion: Library Research & Resources

77 unread replies.77 replies.

Complete the library assignment for a possible total of ten points. Post your library assignment and answers to the discussion board. Do not use any other website, just use Occupational Outlook Handbook website. Click here for the Library Assignment.

The following is an example of a completed assignment. Click here for Assignment Example.

Use the Occupational Outlook Handbook to complete library assignment. Submit your library assignment and respond to one peer or the librarian for full credit. Don’t forget to do the MLA citation as well.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=arIY1tVFT3U&feature=youtu.be (Links to an external site.)

See RUBRIC below



(10 total)

Please complete this library assignment.
Your answers must come from Occupational Outlook Handbook (OOH).
Your answers must be written in your own words Your answers must be in complete paragraphs (no phrases).

Questions 1-6 are answered correctly, used OOH, complete sentences, well thought out motivational story, good grammar

+ 6

For question #7, MLA is correct and links to the Occupational Outlook Handbook .
DO NOT USE other websites

+ 2

Posted library assignment to discussion board. Replied to one other student and used complete sentences and good grammar.

+ 2



BUP Urban Revolution in Ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia Primary and a Secondary Sources Humanities Assignment Help

Overview: In this two-to-two-and-a-half-page paper, you’ll explore how analyzing a primary source and a secondary source together helps you gain a richer or more complicated understanding of a particular aspect of the urban revolution in ancient Mesopotamia or Egypt.

Pick a Primary and a Secondary Source from:Primary: Either “Hammurabi’s Code, c. 1800 B.C.E.,” pp. 52-55 or “Be a Scribe: Egyptian Writing Lessons, c. 1100 B.C.E.,” pp. 55-59. Secondary: Either Reilly, “Cities and Civilization,” pp. 26-37 or Clay et al., “Women in the First Urban Communities,” pp. 20-24.

think about: (1) how secondary works can help us interpret primary sources, (2) the questions that researchers bring to primary sources, and (3) how these writers interpret primary texts to build arguments and offer new interpretations of the past.

This is an analytical essay that uses and interprets concrete evidence and ideas to build an argument and persuade us of its merits. It is not an opinion paper based on supposition. Introduce us to your sources, the concrete idea or topic you’ll explore, and your thesis.You might start the body of your essay by focusing on an idea or topic from your primary source and how it helped you see your secondary source in a different light. Another approach is to discuss a particular idea or argument from your secondary source and how it helped you approach and interpret your primary source.In all cases, show how reading your two texts together helps you better understand a particular aspect of the urban revolution in ancient Egypt or Mesopotamia.

I would like to have it in highschoollevel without complicated vocabulary and really simple.


Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help

Hartnell College Persuasive Appeal of Smartphones Discusion Humanities Assignment Help

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