Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help. Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

Focus your discussion on the following:

  • What are the similarities and differences between the international and national business leader?
  • Compare and contrast the roles.
  • APA Format is a must and in text citation

Provide at least 3 scholarly sources to compare and contrast the two leaders.

Possible Useful References

Weick, K. E., & Sutcliffe, K. M. (2001). Managing the unexpected: Assuring high performance in an age of complexity. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass.

Lesikar, R. V., Flatley, M. E., & Rentz, K. (2008). Business communications: Making connections in a digital world (11th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.

Bass, B. M. (1990). The Bass handbook of leadership: Theory, research, & managerial applications. New York, NY: The Free Press.

Curtis, B., Hefley, W. E., & Miller, S. A. (2010). People CMM: A framework for human capital management. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education.

Olaniyan, D. A, & Okemakinde, T. (2008). Human capital theory: Implications for educational development. European Journal of Scientific Research, 24(2), 157–211.

Thomas, D. A. (2008, October 13). Managing human capital: Global trends and challenges. Panel presented at the Harvard Business School Centennial-Global Business Summit, Boston, MA. Abstract retrieved from http://www.hbs.edu/centennial/businesssummit/globa…

Mathis, R. L., & Jackson, J. H. (1982). Personnel–Human resource management. New York, NY: West.

Geert Hofstede’s cultural dimensions. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.geert-hofstede.com

Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SNH University Sampling Structures Generalizing Study Results Discussion Humanities Assignment Help


Discussion 1: Sampling Structures

Probability and nonprobability are the two general categories of sampling. Probability sampling uses random selection, whereas nonprobability sampling does not. For example, if you wanted to study the effects of divorce on the psychological development of adolescents, you could gather a population of a certain number of adolescents whose parents were divorced. Then, out of that population, you could randomly select 25 of those people. If you wanted to use nonprobability sampling, you would choose specific people who had met predetermined criteria. For this Discussion, consider how samples would be chosen for both probability and nonprobability sampling structures.

Post your explanation of the following:

  • Using your research problem and the refined question you developed in Week 4, develop two sampling structures: probability and nonprobability.
  • Explain who would be included in each sample and how each sample would be selected.
  • Be specific about the sampling structures you chose, evaluating both strengths and limitations of each.

Please use the resources to support your answer.

Discussion 2: Generalizing Study Results

Generalizability is the extent to which research findings from your sample population can be applicable to a larger population. There are many best practices for ensuring generalizability. Two of those are making sure the sample is as much like the population as possible and making sure that the sample size is large enough to mitigate the chance of differences within the population. For this Discussion, read the case study titled “Social Work Research: Program Evaluation” and consider how the particular study results can be generalizable.

Post your explanation of who the sample is. Also explain steps researchers took to ensure generalizability. Be sure to discuss how the study results could possibly be generalizable. Please use the resources to support your answer.

Social Work Research: Program Evaluation

Major federal legislation was enacted in 1996 related to welfare reform. Financial assistance programs at the national level for low-income families have been in place since the mid-1960s through the Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) program. The Personal Responsibility and Work Opportunity Reconciliation Act of 1996, or welfare reform, created TANF (Temporary Assistance for Needy Families). Major components of the new TANF program were to limit new recipients of cash aid to no more than 2 years of TANF assistance at a time and to receive no more than 5 years of combined TANF assistance with other service programs during their lifetimes. The goal was to make public assistance a temporary, rather than a long-term, program for families with children. Beyond these general rules, each of the 50 states was given substantial latitude to adopt requirements to fit their own objectives. The new law also allowed states that reduced their public assistance expenses to keep whatever support was already being provided by the federal government for use at their own discretion. This was seen as a way to encourage states to reduce welfare dependency.

In response, the state of California decided to call its new program CalWORKs, the California Work Opportunity and Responsibility to Kids program. CalWORKs is California’s application of the new TANF federal law. Like most of the other states, CalWORKs provided its 58 counties with a fair amount of discretion in how to implement the new provisions. Some counties chose to develop strong upfront “employment-first” rules that mandated recipients be employed as soon as possible. Others chose a response that included testing and assessment and the provision of education and training services.

One of the largest counties in the San Francisco Bay Area developed several options for CalWORKs recipients, including immediate job readiness (Job Club) help, remedial education for recipients lacking basic skills, and vocational training at local community colleges and adult education centers for those seeking higher level education and skills. Recipients could take up to 5 years to complete these activities and even longer in certain circumstances to maximize their chances of success. Recipients were predominantly single mothers. If recipients fully complied with the rules, they received a variety of financial incentives, while those who did not comply received sanctions that often resulted in reduced benefit levels. The county provided grants to a wide array of education, training, and service programs to work as partners in serving the needs of participants.

In 1996, the county’s CalWORKs program enrolled approximately 22,000 families in various forms of public assistance programs. Of these, approximately 10,000 elected to participate in one of the education and training programs, 9,000 elected to attend intensive job placement (Job Club) classes, and the remaining 3,000 opted to not comply with the new program and accepted reduced benefit sanctions.

To meet its state and federal mandates, the county carefully tracked the progress of all program participants and compiled comprehensive quarterly reports that summarized assignments and outcomes at each of the contracted partner sites as well as countywide trends. During the first 11 years of the program, from 1996 through 2007, the county’s public assistance roles were reduced by approximately 40%, from more than 22,000 to about 13,000 families. The best results were obtained among participants in education and training programs, who accounted for about two-thirds of long-term outcome success, although this group was also found to be more costly to the local CalWORKs program during their years of study. These costs, in addition to the longer period of monthly benefits received, also included the cost of education and training and, in some cases, childcare expenses. Among the participants who were placed in the immediate job search (Job Club) program, total costs to the county were somewhat less per year, but more than 50% were still not successful in gaining employment, and those that did find a job received a much lower salary and fewer benefits, and another 23% fell back on CalWORKs after later losing their employment.

Although the results of the CalWORKs program in this county seemed to be following a mostly positive trend from 1996 through 2007, the situation changed dramatically in the opposite direction during the national economic downturn from 2007 through 2011. Total public assistance rolls more than doubled to about 30,000 during this time as the local and state unemployment rate rapidly grew from about 7% to more than 12%. The county was initially successful in getting the state to grant it waivers to allow recipients to extend their period of benefits during education and training, but these waivers were considerably restricted after 2011 due to major state budget cuts. Between 2011 and early 2013 the total number of recipients began to decline again by about 10% from its peak 2 years earlier. However, the total number of CalWORKs recipients is at 27,000, still about 5,000 recipients higher than when the program started in 1996.

Compounding the difficulty of more people becoming eligible for CalWORKs’ benefits due to poor economic conditions, the state’s budget crisis prompted a reduction in state allocations to counties and recipients. Nonetheless, county administrators were still pleased to report that more than more than 16,000 recipients during the program were able to obtain employment or other support that eliminated their dependency on cash public assistance.


ACF 5955 Monash VisAudioTechs Activity Based Costing & Activity Based MGT Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Each student is required to read the case and address the issues raised at the end of the case. You are expected to conduct research relating to: activity based costing, activity based management and product profitability and relate this back to the case study requirements when preparing your assignment. The assignment should be in REPORT format.

VisAudioTech Corporation commenced operations thirty years ago in the competitive entertainment technology industry, producing custom made remote controls for videos. A few years ago, VisAudioTech began manufacturing several different types of remote controls and now two of these, account for the majority of the company’s sales. This case focuses on these two types of remote controls: the simple universal remote control for digital 4K television and 4K DVD player (4TD) and the deluxe universal remote control for surround home theatre and room lighting (SHTL).


Florida International University Wk 7 Nursing Decision Making in CHS Discussions Health Medical Assignment Help

Please reply to the following two discussions 100 words one reference each

Yulier Rodriguez Medina

Dr. Carmante Extra

Nursing Decision Making in CHS

October 14th, 2020

The internal and external factors led to the decline of the survey scores. One of the internal factors is poor working conditions for the employees such as inadequate space utilization and inefficient workplace processes. Lack of proper tools and equipment may also have affected the morale of the employees leading to low productivity. Lack of fairness in the hospital may also lead to low scores where some employees feel that there is discrimination. The patients are dissatisfied due to inadequate medical equipment and medication and the lack of enough machines for their treatment (Call & Sullivan, 2019).

The external factors include the introduction of government policy that affects the healthcare system such as the insurance policy. This affects patients emotionally and psychologically. Secondly, there is the political instability that leads to strikes and demonstrations in the country and the health workers are forced to stay away from the healthcare facilities. This affects the health of the patients and they are dissatisfied with the services offered in the hospital. Inflation also affects the satisfaction of the patients and the employees because it leads to an increase in prices leading to the financial crisis.

One of the roles of crisis management is to enhance employee and patient satisfaction. It aims at ensuring that both the employees and the patients are satisfied with the healthcare system. This will lead to high productivity among the employees and a faster healing process among the patients. The change process will lead to the effective management of the healthcare facility since the employees and the patients will be comfortable with how the operations of the facility are being carried out (Golovanov & Kulikova, 2018).

One of the elements of crisis management is to identify the roles and responsibilities of the team. Every member of the team is given the responsibility to enhance better management of the team. The second element identification of the process to be followed. The crisis management will also involve an Effective Incident Action Planning skills. The skills will enable the team to achieve the set objectives. Lastly, there is effective team communication which ensures that the communication channels are being developed.


Call, S., & Sullivan, K. (2019). An Educational Framework for Healthcare Facility Management: Preparing Future Professionals. Journal Of Facility Management Education And Research, 3(1), 8-17. https://doi.org/10.22361/jfmer/103420

Golovanov, P., & Kulikova, А. (2018). CRISIS MANAGEMENT BASED ON INTEGRATION OF THE BUDGETING AND QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS. Effective Crisis Management, (5), 80. https://doi.org/10.17747/2078-8886-2013-5-80-85

Discussion Board Week #7

Yulier Rodriguez Medina

Organizational Dynamics

Dr. Wanda Morancy

October 13th, 2020

1.- Strengths-based leadership Theory:

The earliest theories of leadership were the Great Man Theories, which emerged in the late 1800s. For many of us, our first understanding of leadership may have aligned with these theories: leaders were often men with dominant personalities. We still see this theory at play unconsciously today, when someone is overlooked for a leadership role because of a quiet personality.

Leadership: “a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal”. (Nsorthouse, P.G. (2016). This definition makes clear that leadership is not a trait or behavior, and it is not a position. It would be a good point to put emphasis on the fact that you’re not made a leader by your job title, you’re made a leader by your influence.

As in any other company, my workplace is a constantly changing work environment where employees now face increasing levels of stress, change and uncertainty. Disengagement, absenteeism, interpersonal conflict, lowered productivity and turnover are a consequence. Under these conditions, it is not enough for our leaders to simply be task focused, delegating, running effective meetings, and monitoring performance. Our leaders also need to think about how they engage, inspire us and develop their people to be resilient and to flourish – despite the day-to-day challenges we might face. Strengths-based leadership enables leaders to bring out the best in themselves and others by igniting their core character strengths. The focus on strengths is all about understanding and building on an individual’s best opportunities for success.( Rath, Tom, and Barry Conchie; 2018)

2.- In nursing, a host of problems can arise for both the individual and company when there is a myopic focus on strengths without any consideration of weaknesses and other risks to performance. Some of these include:

· A work culture where people think they only need to focus on their natural strengths to be effective resulting in an abdication of responsibility in areas of non-strength.

· An avoidance of performance problems and fatal flaws that can derail a person’s performance and career.

· A failure to improve in areas of non-strength to achieve one’s full potential.

· Lopsided development where people use their strengths too much or in the wrong way, leading to overdrive behaviors and poor performance. Welch, D., Grossaint,K., Reid, K., & Walker, C. (2015).


Northouse, P.G. (2016). Leadership: Theory and practice (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publishers, Inc.

Rath, Tom, and Barry Conchie. Strengths Based Leadership: Great Leaders, Teams, and Why People Follow. 2018.

Welch, D., Grossaint, K., Reid, K., & Walker, C. (2015). Strengths-based leadership development: Insights from expert coaches. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 66(1), 20–37.


CHEM Miami Dade College Process of Acid Base Titration Presentation Science Assignment Help

The goal of your Signature Assignment is to show that you can compute properties of solutions and analyze and interpret data. You will create a PowerPoint presentation that shows the process of going through an acid/base titration like you would if you were in a physical lab.

For the presentation:

You will prepare a sample of an unknown acid to titrate using a known concentration of base. You will set-up a burette filled with a known concentration of base and use proper titration techniques to reach an end-point to the titration. You will then calculate the concentration of the unknown acid on your own.

For Part I:

  • Create a PowerPoint presentation (4-6 slides) that covers the lab scenario above.
  • Include your thoughts on why understanding acid/base titration is important to your future career, and how you will use this concept as you complete your degree.
  • Your presentation must consist of more than merely a series of bullet points to earn full credit.
  • Use the Notes section for each slide to fully explain your answers.

For Part II:

  • Your instructor will provide guidance and examples for completing calculations for titration.

This assignment should be in current APA Style with both a title slide and a reference list that includes all of the sources used. At least two scholarly sources should be used (your textbook can be one of the sources).

See rubric for specific grading criteria.

Points: 100

Due: Sunday, 11:59 p.m. (Pacific time)



SNHU Values Underlying Theory and the NASW Code of Ethics Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Discussion: Values Underlying Theory and the NASW Code of Ethics

Every profession has a code of ethics that guides professional behavior. In social work, the NASW Code of Ethics guides the behavior and decision-making practices of social workers. It is important that the theories social workers select in working with clients align, or are consistent, with the values and ethical principles identified in the NASW Code of Ethics.

In this Discussion, you align ethics and theory in relation to practice.

To prepare: Review the National Association of Social Workers Code of Ethics listed in the Learning Resources.

By Day 3


  • Select feminist theory or empowerment theory. Summarize the underlying principles and values of the theory in 3 to 4 brief sentences.
  • Analyze the extent to which the underlying principles and values of the theory are consistent with the NASW Code of Ethics in 3 to 4 brief sentences.
  • Briefly describe a client from your fieldwork experience and their presenting problem in 2 to 3 sentences using the theory you selected.
  • Identify one ethical standard from the NASW Code of Ethics that would apply to the client you described.
  • Explain how the theory is consistent with the work you did with the client and the ethical standard.

SNHU Values Underlying Theory and the NASW Code of Ethics Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Biomechanics Rehabilitation Method for Hip Breaks Project Proposal Engineering Assignment Help


This assignment’s complete the work on the files. About rehabilitation method for hip breaks in elderly people. We plan to analyze bone mineral density, muscle mass, and gait as parameters of results. The investigation will proceed through the literature of clinical research.

Work Breakdown for Paper:

1- Introduction/Background Research (3-4 pages)

  • Find studies (at least 7 studies)
  • Summary of current research
  • Strengths & weaknesses of previous studies
  • Gaps in previous studies (& what questions are left from the studies already conducted)


2-What is your research question/objective and associated hypotheses?

  • These need to be supported by your literature search

a- EB Defining it: (1-2 pages)

  • Target population
  • N = ?
  • Inclusion/exclusion criteria
  • How to collect data (technology, survey/questionnaires, how to ensure repeatability and consistency)

b- EB Process/analyze data (1 page)

  • Previous models?
  • Assumptions?
  • Statistics? (what tests & why, plus hypothesis for each test)

c- AC Expected results (1 page)

d- AC Impact/Significance (1 page)

  • Why did we pick this study?
  • Who does it impact?


Keiser Etiology and Physiological Representation of Diabetes Presentation Health Medical Assignment Help

The purpose of this final assignment is to demonstrate your understanding and application of exercise physiology principles to the treatment of a patient in the physical therapy setting with a specific condition or diagnosis.

Choose a topic from the list below. You will create a presentation based on this topic that demonstrates how the specific disease condition or diagnosis can be addressed through the principles of exercise physiology.

You may choose to develop a PowerPoint presentation with a suggested length of 10-12 slides or a video presentation with suggested length of 7-8 minutes.

You must use a minimum of 2 research articles to develop your presentation and provide a references list utilizing the Level 3 Writing Guidelines.

Pick from the following topics or contact your instructor if you’d like to research a different topic.

  1. Severely Deconditioned
  2. Diabetes
  3. Pulmonary Disease
  4. Arthritis
  5. Cystic Fibrosis
  6. Cerebral Palsy
  7. Multiple Sclerosis
  8. Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS)
  9. Spinal Cord Injury
  10. Osteoporosis
  11. End Stage Renal Disease
  12. Cancer

The presentation must include the following:

INTRODUCTION (10 points)

  1. Gains the audience attention
  2. Establishes importance of topic
  3. Prepares audience for rest of presentation (i.e. overview, objectives stated, etc.)


1.Includes brief description of etiology and physiological representations of disease/condition/diagnosis

2.Relates exercise physiology concepts (energy systems, energy transfer, exercise training principles, FITT principle, etc.) in addressing the disease

3.Integrates appropriate nutritional information

4.Incorporates the role of physical therapy

5.Knowledge of subject matter is apparent

CONCLUSION (10 points)

1.Reinforces main idea

2.Summarizes key points

3.Leaves audience with interesting final impression

4.References included


1.Clear and logical presentation of ideas

2.Effective transitions from one main idea to another

3.Sources cited clearly and appropriately in presentation

DELIVERY (5 points)

  1. Presentation is clear and easy to follow (understandable, free of slang, jargon, and grammatically incorrect statements)
  2. Evidence of enthusiasm for subject matter
  3. Appropriate/effective use of media

Submit your presentation as noted below. If you create a video (mp4 or other format), please upload it to YouTube and provide the link to your instructor on the References page.

Save your presentation as a PowerPoint file (.pptx) or an mp4 file.
Include the terms EPFinal and your First Name when saving your file. Example: EPFinal_David.pptx

Upload your completed document using the Browse button, and then click the Submit button.


Lonestar College Standard Model Lesson Plan High school AP Physics Worksheet Science Assignment Help

Debates continue whether subatomic physics and the Standard Model should be taught in public school. Many argue that omitting the topic leaves students ill-prepared to understand and respond to the current view of their world.

In this assignment, you will develop a 5E lesson plan to teach students about the Standard Model.

Step 1. Review
Review various depictions of The Standard Model available online, using the links on the Learning Objects page and other resources.

Adventures in Physics

Contemporary Physics Education Project https://www.cpepphysics.org/

Particle Adventure https://particleadventure.org/

The 5E Instructional Model

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Step 2. Decide
Decide upon the academic level for your targeted audience: middle school, high school regular physics, high school AP physics, introductory college physics, or other. (Please describe details if you choose “other.”)

Step 3. Create
Create learning objectives and a timeline for your lesson. Use measurable verbs for the learning objectives. See the Learning Objects page for Bloom’s Taxonomy resources to determine measurable verbs.

Step 4. Design
Design a 5E lesson plan, describing activities for each of these phases: Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate, Evaluate. Include enough detail and resources, so experienced teachers could follow your plan to teach the lesson in his/her own classroom. See the Learning Objects page for 5-E lesson planning resources.

Step 5. Compile
Compile your work into a 5E lesson plan with a title page and an APA references page


Broward Community College Concepts of Teaching and Learning Discussion Writing Assignment Help

First summarize this first project that i uploaded below. And then work from there to your new content.

In a Microsoft Word document of 6-7 pages formatted in APA style, submit your instructional unit, which should include three lesson plans: one focused on patient education, one on family education, and one on staff development. Remember, your plans should demonstrate a logical approach to teaching, communicate what is to be taught and how, and outline how objectives are to be evaluated. Click here for a refresher on what each final lesson should include.

Building on the work that you started in Week 2, for all three groups of learners:

  • Write two broad instructional goals for the educational experience for each group.
  • For each learner group, write at least one learning objective related to each of the domains of Bloom’s taxonomy:
    • Cognitive
    • Affective
    • Psychomotor
  • Describe the lesson content.
  • Provide a sequence for teaching activities.
  • Describe instructional methods.
  • Indicate time allotted for each activity.
  • Identify and describe the instructional resources (materials, tools, etc.) and technology to be used.
  • Describe how the learning will be evaluated.


Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Harvard Business School Global Business Leaders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

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