Harvard University Customer Service & Job Categories in the Indeed Website Summary Writing Assignment Help. Harvard University Customer Service & Job Categories in the Indeed Website Summary Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a application writing case study and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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You will complete the competitive analysis as a group and post it to your project webpage. In addition, each student should submit a document detailing the application, tool, or service you analyzed individually as part of the larger competitive analysis activity. This is an individual assignment. Think about this as a deep dive into a specific application that will help your group with the larger competitive analysis. Your submission should include:
- Your name, your group name, your project topic, and the application/tool/service you analyzed
- Your analysis of the application/tool/service based on 3-5 points covered in your competitive analysis spreadsheet (e.g., features, cost, value proposition, target user group, etc). Include a few sentences per point to explain your analysis.
- A brief summary (~3-5 sentences) of how future design might address any issues or gaps left by this application/tool/service.
Use headers, screenshots, and images as appropriate to make your document is easy to understand and emphasizes the main points in your analysis. Your analysis need not be extensive and should be one page or less.
My topic is Help College Students Find Jobs. (Don’t write about Handshake, someone has written an analysis of Handshake.)
Design Problem Statement: How might we better support college seniors in seeking jobs?
The following file is a sample of the assignment.
Harvard University Customer Service & Job Categories in the Indeed Website Summary Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Application of the Psychological and Neurological Foundations Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a marketing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
- Pressure cooker
- Map
- Mirror
- River
- Feast
Please give an example of each viewpoint and describe the situation using a product or service.
The learning outcomes associated with this assignment include application of the psychological and neurological foundations that influence consumer behavior, analyzing specific models of consumer behavior and purchase decision frameworks that inform marketing strategies and interpreting consumer segmentation, brand equity, loyalty, brand extendibility, brand personality and visualization in attracting consumers.
2pages-double( When you write it please do not write like an essay,just give me the paragraphs of each point.)
HSC 410 Stratford University Contemporary Issues Antibiotic Apocalypse Summary Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health multi-part question and need support to help me study.
1) Discuss:
Have you ever heard about antibiotic Apocalypse ?
What steps would you take to stop emerging infectious disease ?
What are the natural disasters that causes the spread of the infectious disease; do we have the ability forecasting them and create preventive barriers ?
300 words
2) Emerging Infectious Disease
Open the file, attached below. Choose one infectious disease.
Write summary:
- How it spreads
- What are the predisposing factors
- Who is affected more
- Possible treatments
- Microbe drug resistance if available
- Mortality and Morbidity rates on the chosen disease
- Precautions and preventive measures
- Explore and research for more information
- Cite your sources in text and at the end of your work using APA 7 ed.
3)Open the file below.
Choose one topic from the list attached below.
Prepare outlines or frame work ( the plan) of your final project ( 1 page).
Attach here.
University of Texas Developmentally Appropriate Practice for Children Questions Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
All you need to do is read the chapters and then define each key term word based on the readings. (get the definition from the book). Students will respond to the questions below in the Interactive Journal. A Chapter Reflection Entry will consist of at least two paragraphs (10-20 sentences) minimum.
If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.
Also, I will leave an outline on how it should be structured. What I mean by this is that I will attach a word document that includes all of the chapter’s words and questions in one big doc. All you have to do is go based off the document I send and fill in the definitions and answer the questions depending on the chapter.
I will attach all chapters which include 3,4,5,6 ; as well as the power point. Follow the instructions above 🙂
MGT 201 Saudi Electronic Brand Loyalty and Service Improvement Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a management multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
- Demonstrate the ability to formulate marketing strategies that incorporate psychological and sociological factors which influence consumer’s decision. CLO-3
- Use effective and collaborative interpersonal skills to carry out scientific analysis of consumers’ needs and wants to formulate a marketing Plan. CLO-5
Assignment Questions:
- Are you loyal to some of the brands? If so, pick any one of your choice and explain why you believe you are loyal to, beyond that you simply like the brand. If not, pick a brand that you like and explain how you would feel and act differently toward the brand if you were loyal to it. Critically Examine. (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)
- You have been sitting in the waiting room of your mechanic’s shop for more than an hour. With the knowledge that products are different from services, develop a list of the things the shop manager could do to improve the overall service delivery. Critically examine how the shop might overcome problems associated with the tangibility, separability, heterogeneity, and perishability of services. (2.5 Marks: Minimum 250 Words)
- Examples should be relevant to the local Market of Saudi Arabia.
- Validate your Answers with Minimum 2 References (Research Article/Book Chapters/Reviewed Journals etc.) for each question.
- Read Carefully the above general Guidelines before submitting your Assignment.
Liberty University Cash Flow Product Development and Stakeholders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
There is a common phrase in business: “Cash is king.” “Cash flow is the life-blood of a company. Without it, a company will fail” (Hicks, 2012). Yet, companies often have to take risks that could potentially jeopardize their cash flow (e.g., new projects, growth, capital budgeting, etc.). Assume you are the CFO of a struggling company. While you do have a positive cash flow, it is minimal at best. If something does not change soon, the company will go under. Fortunately, your product development team has just created a new product that will not only save the company from financial demise but will also revolutionize how the industry does business. The problem is that the product is still 2 years away from being able to be sold to the public, and you will run out of cash within the next 6 months. How would you propose obtaining the funds needed to keep the company alive and thriving for the next 2 years until you are able to see a return othe product development? How would you keep the stakeholders happy?
Liberty University Cash Flow Product Development and Stakeholders Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CTU Wk 4 Audit Procedure Using Audit Risk Approach Research Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Choose a publicly traded company and research its annual report. (If you cannot find it online, you can go to the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission Web site and locate a copy). These results have been audited, but for this exercise, they will be viewed as if they have not.
Read the annual report and any other news items involving the company, and then complete the following tasks:
Create a framework for your audit procedure using the Audit Risk Approach. Your framework should include the following:
At least 3 examples of how you would mitigate risk in your audit
At least 3 accounts or areas that you would focus your attention on for this audit
An outline of tests and procedures that you would employ based on your company
A detailed analysis of the sampling techniques that you would utilize for each of the 3 accounts or areas that you chose
An explanation of the type(s) of documentation that you would require as audit evidence
Discuss the levels of assurance that can be provided on audit reports.
Explain how the internal controls of a company can impact the overall business.
Define 2 internal control areas that you would focus on with your business.
GCCCD Can Education Ignite Social Change Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Step 1 Read the following article
I want to warn you that this text is a tough read, so you will really want to take your time with it this week. You are all capable of reading and understanding it. I have no doubt! But you will have to read slowly and use the reading strategies we learned about in the course so far.
Step 2 Watch the following Ted Talk
Step 3 Post your response to the discussion board — Reflect
Write 2 paragraphs of at least 200+ words each for your initial response.
- After reading the article, please write the following: For paragraph 1, please write a summary of the article. For each page (12 total), write 1 -2 sentences that explain what each specific page was about. I should see 12 short summaries to begin your response. Then end the paragraph explaining how this article relates to how education can change racial barriers in education?
- In your second paragraph, respond to the Ted Talk. How does education bring awareness and change? What do we need to so educators to spur change in our students? what do you as students need to do to react and mobilize as change agents? What have you learned that caused you to want to make a difference?
Concordia Seminary Economic Impacts of The Coronavirus Pandemic Article Summary Economics Assignment Help
Article Summary (12 points) The student will choose and comment on a relevant article from the popular press. The commentary should include a summary of the important points of the article, the economic implications of the information in the article, and one or two questions the article raises for the reader. The commentary is not to exceed 2 pages in length, but must follow APA format. Students will be asked to present their commentary in class.
Article: The article should be from popular press or a trade journal; it need not be from a peer-reviewed journal. (Part of the point of this exercise and class is to notice all the places in our every day work world economic thinking influences our decision making)
Topic: The topic can be straight economics, or could be sociology, psychology, political science, education, finance…etc. the important component is to understand and discuss the economic implications of the article.
A. Title page
B. Abstract
C. Main Body
1. Summary of main points
2. Economic implications of the article
3. One or two questions the article raises for the reader or future researcher
D. Reference-Provide an APA citation for the article
Long Island Business Institute Reflection on the Assigned Reading Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Reflect on the assigned readings for the week. Identify what you thought was the most important concept(s), method(s), term(s), and/or any other thing that you felt was worthy of your understanding.
Also, provide a graduate-level response to each of the following questions:
- The myStrategy box at the end of Chapter 2 asked how much you would be willing to pay for the job you want—for a job that reflects your values. Here, we look at a different issue relating to worth: How much is an MBA worth over the course of your career? Alongside the traditional two-year full-time MBA program, many business schools also offer evening MBAs, online MBAs, and executive MBAs. Let’s assume you know you want to pursue an advanced degree, and you need to decide which program format is better for you (or you want to evaluate the choice you already made). You’ve narrowed your options to either (1) a two-year full-time MBA program, or (2) an executive MBA program at the same institution that is 18 months long with classes every other weekend. Let’s also assume the price for tuition, books, and fees is $50,000 for the full-time program and $120,000 for the executive MBA program. Which MBA program should you choose? Consider in your analysis the value, price, and cost concepts discussed in this chapter. Pay special attention to opportunity costs attached to different MBA program options.
Respond to the post of at least two peers, using 100 words minimum each.
[Your initial post should be based upon the assigned reading for the week, so the textbook should be a source listed in your reference section and cited within the body of the text. Other sources are not required but feel free to use them if they aid in your discussion].
[Your initial post should be at least 450+ words and in APA format (including Times New Roman with font size 12 and double spaced). Post the actual body of your paper in the discussion thread then attach a Word version of the paper for APA review]
[Your post must be substantive and demonstrate insight gained from the course material. A peer response such as “I agree with her,” or “I liked what he said about that” is not considered substantive and will not be counted for course credit. A blank post just to review other submissions will not be tolerated]
Chapter 5. Competitive Advantage, Firm Performance, and Business Models
Learning Objectives
- Conduct a firm profitability analysis using accounting data to assess and evaluate competitive advantage.
- Apply shareholder value creation to assess and evaluate competitive advantage.
- Explain economic value creation and different sources of competitive advantage.
- Apply a balanced scorecard to assess and evaluate competitive advantage.
- Apply a triple bottom line to assess and evaluate competitive advantage.
- Use the why, what, who, and how of business models framework to put strategy into action.
COURSE: Strategic Thinking, Decision Making, and Innovation
Required Text(s): Rothaermel, F. (2021). Strategic Management. 5th McGraw Hill. ISBN13: 9781260261288
Step 2 Watch the following Ted Talk
Step 3 Post your response to the discussion board — Reflect
Write 2 paragraphs of at least 200+ words each for your initial response.
- After reading the article, please write the following: For paragraph 1, please write a summary of the article. For each page (12 total), write 1 -2 sentences that explain what each specific page was about. I should see 12 short summaries to begin your response. Then end the paragraph explaining how this article relates to how education can change racial barriers in education?
- In your second paragraph, respond to the Ted Talk. How does education bring awareness and change? What do we need to so educators to spur change in our students? what do you as students need to do to react and mobilize as change agents? What have you learned that caused you to want to make a difference?