Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help

Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help. Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help.

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1st Assignment: you need to read Article 1 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow:

1. What is “The Middle Way”?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences
2. In his first sermon how did Buddha explain the individual?
Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences
3. What is “The Principle of Dependent Origination”?
Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences
4. In the last section of the article Green suggests a number of potentially positive benefits to accepting the idea of Dependent Origination. List two of these?
Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences
5. Is the Buddhist concept of “No-Self” a convincing one to you? Why or why not?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences


2nd Assignment: You need to read the following text below then answer the question on Bold:

There’s a difference between understanding the world objectively and experiencing it through an exclusively objective framework. This is essentially the problem of qualia — the notion that our surroundings can only be observed through the filter of our senses and the cogitations of our minds.

Everything you know has been filtered through any number of physiological and cognitive processes. Subsequently, your subjective experience of the world is unique.

In the classic example, the subjective appreciation of the color red may vary from person to person. The only way you could possibly know is if you were to somehow observe the universe from the “conscious lens” of another person — not anything we’re likely going to be able to accomplish at any stage of our scientific or technological development.

Another way of saying all this is that the universe can only be observed through a brain (or potentially a machine mind), and by virtue of that, can only be interpreted subjectively. But given that the universe appears to be coherent and (somewhat) knowable, should we continue to assume that its true objective quality can never be observed or known?

Your Assignment Question: How do you answer the question, “Can we really experience anything objectively?” Explain. Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences


3rd assignment: you need to read Article 2 (in the attachment) then answer the question bellow:

1. Do Jordan’s arguments justify discrimination against homosexuals in employment, education, and the military? Do they justify legally prohibiting same-sex marriage? why or why not?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences


4th Assignment: You need to read the scenario below then answer the question on Bold:

You are the captain of a ship that has sunk. Thirty people are crowded into a lifeboat that can only carry twenty. It will sink unless you do something. You reason that it is better for a few to die than for everyone to do so, and since you know that the boat will need to be rowed if it is to reach safety you throw the ten weakest people overboard. When the boat reaches safety you are tried for murder.

How would you expect the jury to view your actions?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences

Would the moral issues have been different if you had prevented the last ten people from boarding the lifeboat in the first place?

Answer in no less than 5-6 sentences

Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ashford University Formal Letter Should Be Polite and Respectful Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Mr. Smith,

          The relationship I have had with this company, and you, over the past 5 years has grown to a point where we trust and respect each other with the work we do on a daily basis. While sales have continued to grow, I have been able to work with my subordinates to cut costs with our supplies, creating a more streamlined and efficient process. My hard work and long hours to help keep the company viable and assist in its grow deserves to be rewarded and I believe that the work I have done speaks for itself in justifying a 10% salary increase.

          I ask you to question where my department would be if it wasn’t the time, research, and innovation I have brought to my position? Even with an increase in sales year after year, would profit be as high as they are if the department I lead didn’t find ways to reduce waste in time, money, and materials? I am confident that you will agree that a salary increase is justified based on these facts and with the anticipation my results will not change in the future, continuing the momentum of being as cost effective and resourceful as possible.

Michael Robinson

Supply Chain Lead

need to respond to this as pee


Ashford University International Trade Ownership and Investment Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Must be APA format and No plagiarism. No Wikipedia, Blogs with ads from yahoo.com or google.com, as they present a biased opinion. Use all the assigned articles and please add at least three (3) PRJ articles to support your thoughts!

Define the types of ownership and investment options available global, types of acquisitions and variables by country using the literature. Make sure you use a minimum of 3 sources for each term.

Please do some research and pick one of the issues to discuss. Please make sure to apply the international trade theory to your discussion.

These references must be included!!

  • Chen, H. (2018). Innovation, FDI, and the long‐run effects of monetary policy. Review of International Economics, 26(5), 1101–1129.
  • Emudainohwo, O. B., Boateng, A., Brahma, S., & Ngwu, F. (2018). Analysis of government policies, institutions, and inward foreign direct investment: Evidence from sub‐Saharan Africa. Thunderbird International Business Review, 60(4), 523–534.
  • Yang, Z., & Wei, T. (2019). Foreign Ownership and External Knowledge Acquisition: A Comparison between International Subsidiaries and Local Firms in China. International Studies of Management & Organization, 49(2), 151–172.


CEFS 515 LU African American Women in Domestic Violence Situations Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Hi. Here is the one I told you about where she is paying more. We’ve done a several jobs for her and I’ll get you the documents, log in info, etc after you accept. The deadline is six days from 9/21/20, at 10pm cst., so that we have time to adjust for anything else needed. I did the proposal. It will be a full-on research paper off of it and other criteria. I suggest starting this early as it is a master’s level quality. Let me know if you have questions or need ideas as that is my Ph.D field.

“This research paper is based off of the materials and assignments (Topic Selection & Annotated Bibliography) you’ve already received and completed. I will attach the already completed materials as a aide to help with the research paper. The link presentations are just refreshers of statistics as well as there are three statistics documents that are refreshers and an aide to writing the paper. Also, the instructions and rubric are attached. The citations that you must use are the article itself as well as the sources from the annotated bibliography. Please read the instructions very carefully as they are extremely detailed.





The text for the course is Hepper, P.P., Wampold, B. E., Owen, J., Thompson, M. N., & Wang, K. T. (2016). Research design in counseling. Cengage Learning. ISBN: 978-1305087316

If you need access to the digital copy of the text please ask for it.

LASTLY AND MOST IMPORTANTLY Make sure you research an article that lists a FORMAL instrument that measures self-protective behaviors. You could have two groups- both African American females who have experienced DV, one group from one SES and another one from another SES.

Then, you measure their differences in self-protective behaviors. You will see if there is a difference between the African American females who are in a higher SES in comparison to the African American females who are in a lower SES. (This is the basis for the research proposal).


AUA Taxonomy Disturbance & Biodiversity in Freshwater Ecosystems Discussion Science Assignment Help

Watch this video (above). It discusses relationships between biodiversity, ecological change over time (succession), and stability. And, it highlights the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis (IDH).

This article (Links to an external site.) also addresses the importance of disturbance ecology. It is focused on how the theory of ecological disturbance is applied to real-world environmental situations.

After watching and reading, consider these guiding questions when forming your responses for this class discussion, or come up with your own talking points (remember, you do not need to answer every question):

How did the results of the pond experiment relate to the Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis and what might the results suggest about disturbance and biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems?

What are pros and cons to having a nation-wide or state-wide policy for wildlife management, despite there being different types of ecosystems across the country and even across states?

How does studying disturbance ecology benefit human society and biodiversity?

Can you relate what you have learned about disturbance ecology to any current events, like, say, the California wildfires of 2020?



Assessing Evidence based Practice Data Driven Decision Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

In order to get a better feel for these concepts and ideas read the “From data to decisions” article. In it, three short cases are discussed: A small hotel group, Google, and Walmart.

pick one of these and, in the appropriate thread, explain in a couple of paragraphs how (and why) the practice undertaken differs from more traditional approaches. Also identify whether or not you think that the outcome of the decision was or was not worth the cost (in terms of time and $$). What other information might be helpful to this organization in the future?

Assessing Evidence based Practice Data Driven Decision Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

JNU Leadership & Change in Organization Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

, Please submit below 2 answers in a separate WORD Doc

1) This paper will allow you to examine your leadership skills and develop a plan for moving forward.

  • Analyze your current leadership skills based on what you have learned in this course
  • Identify your primary style of leadership
  • Identify 2 leadership theories/styles that would be beneficial to your current/future leadership role.
    • Summarize your understanding of both
    • Explain how you would apply both to make you a more effective leader
    • Illustrate 2 positive outcomes that you would expect to occur from each
  • Examine your results from the following assessments completed throughout the term: Authentic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence.
    • Summarize each area and identify 2 areas within each assessment you wish to further develop.
    • Identify how you will develop each over the next year and how it will make you a more effective leader
    • Illustrate 2 positive outcomes that you would expect to occur from each
  • Develop a personal leadership philosophy and support your ideas with material from this course and outside research.

    • Provide an example where your leadership philosophy can be applied to lead an organizational change
    • Your leadership philosophy does not have to be any specific leadership model we reviewed. Rather, it should represent your trajectory of leadership as it applies to your career aspirations. Consider your leadership style, personality, career path and the industry you work (or wish to work in) and determine which leadership skills will be most effective.
  • Submit a 5 to 6-page paper double spaced
    • Please provide at least six (6) scholarly references to support your paper.
    • All references should be used as in-text citations.
    • All work must be completed in APA format.
    • A title page and reference page must be included.


2)In 250-300 WORDS, Cultural differences, while difficult to observe and measure, are obviously very important. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance. While some organizations are able to make cultural diversity a source of advantage, others do not. Identify a recent situation in the news in which an organization failed to take into account the various cultural norms of stakeholders. Be sure not to share the same issue as a classmate. What happened? Where did they fail and what would you recommend based on your readings, research, and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions to repair the damage?It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources,Cite 2 of your sources in a clickable reference list at the end.

Complete answers on a WORD Document please and ensure that you are following APA Format guidelines, using in-text citations and references.


COM 3120 Florida International University Shuttle Disaster and Challenger Case Study Writing Assignment Help

Case Studies:

  • You will be required to complete two case studies over the course of the semester. Each case study is a published report about an incident that you should analyze using course concepts. You should be specific in your analysis and reference material from the chapter/s.
  • Review the Case Study Guidelines.
  • Review the Case Study 1 Assignment Instructions.
  • Review the Case Study Rubric.

Turnitin and Grademark

  • All written assignments must be submitted to Turnitin by the posted deadline. Assignments submitted by any other means will not be accepted.
  • Turnitin drop boxes will be available in the Canvas learning management system.
  • Review the Turnitin instructions for further directions on submitting your essay writing assignment.

For more detailed instructions and information on how to write an APA-style paper (Links to an external site.). There is an extensive databank on how to incorporate in-text citations, and properly format your references.


CJS 215 UOP Week 1 Definition of Forensic Science Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Search for a criminal justice-related case study that gives examples of how forensic science contributes to the criminal justice process. You may use current events, books, the internet, etc. Briefly describe the circumstances and then give a synopsis of a way in which forensic science was or is being used in the case, either in evidence collection, laboratory analysis, or otherwise.

2.Forensic science plays a major role in solving crime. The field of forensic science spans multiple disciplines. Over the years, as technology has advanced, the capabilities of forensic science units have increased. The purpose of this assignment is to show that you understand the scope of work in forensic science.

Write short-answer responses between 100 and 225 words each in response to the following:

  • Describe the evolution of forensic sciences over time, including the role of key pioneers.
  • Differentiate 2-3 of the 11 forensic science disciplines outlined in this week’s reading used to aid law enforcement officials in conducting their investigations. Provide examples of their scope of work and the role it plays in criminal investigations.
  • Explain how forensic science is used in the criminal justice system.

Cite the sources used to support your assignment.

Note: In the criminal justice field, your written communication skills are paramount since much of these career options require report writing. Be certain to follow the rules of grammar so that flow of thought is maintained for the reader.


Ashford University Concerns Over the Payment Increment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Mr. Smith,

I would like to once again thank you for the time you are taking to discuss my concerns and my desires. I greatly appreciate the offer of a 3% raise; however, I would respectfully ask that we discuss this figure a little further. I do understand that the normal raise offered by the company is 3%; however, I feel that the 3% would be appropriate if we were only discussing the years I have already gone without an annual raise and the money I have saved the company through my contract negotiations as I detailed in our initial discussion. However, I feel that when you include the additional 2 ships that I am expected to take over for and the training of the new buyers for the new contract, I certainly feel that I deserve much more than the standard 3% raise. When considering my 20 years of experience in the Navy and what I have already proven of myself for the past four years here at this company, I think it would be fair to say that I deserve at least a 12% raise. I was hired on as a Junior Buyer, but have been given many responsibilities that, although have not gone unnoticed, as I have received many accolades from senior personnel and the ships, I feel they have gone unrewarded monetarily. Please accept my request for a 12% raise.

Thank you,

need response as peer


https://anyessayhelp.com/. There is an extensive databank on how to incorporate in-text citations, and properly format your references.


CJS 215 UOP Week 1 Definition of Forensic Science Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Search for a criminal justice-related case study that gives examples of how forensic science contributes to the criminal justice process. You may use current events, books, the internet, etc. Briefly describe the circumstances and then give a synopsis of a way in which forensic science was or is being used in the case, either in evidence collection, laboratory analysis, or otherwise.

2.Forensic science plays a major role in solving crime. The field of forensic science spans multiple disciplines. Over the years, as technology has advanced, the capabilities of forensic science units have increased. The purpose of this assignment is to show that you understand the scope of work in forensic science.

Write short-answer responses between 100 and 225 words each in response to the following:

  • Describe the evolution of forensic sciences over time, including the role of key pioneers.
  • Differentiate 2-3 of the 11 forensic science disciplines outlined in this week’s reading used to aid law enforcement officials in conducting their investigations. Provide examples of their scope of work and the role it plays in criminal investigations.
  • Explain how forensic science is used in the criminal justice system.

Cite the sources used to support your assignment.

Note: In the criminal justice field, your written communication skills are paramount since much of these career options require report writing. Be certain to follow the rules of grammar so that flow of thought is maintained for the reader.


Ashford University Concerns Over the Payment Increment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Mr. Smith,

I would like to once again thank you for the time you are taking to discuss my concerns and my desires. I greatly appreciate the offer of a 3% raise; however, I would respectfully ask that we discuss this figure a little further. I do understand that the normal raise offered by the company is 3%; however, I feel that the 3% would be appropriate if we were only discussing the years I have already gone without an annual raise and the money I have saved the company through my contract negotiations as I detailed in our initial discussion. However, I feel that when you include the additional 2 ships that I am expected to take over for and the training of the new buyers for the new contract, I certainly feel that I deserve much more than the standard 3% raise. When considering my 20 years of experience in the Navy and what I have already proven of myself for the past four years here at this company, I think it would be fair to say that I deserve at least a 12% raise. I was hired on as a Junior Buyer, but have been given many responsibilities that, although have not gone unnoticed, as I have received many accolades from senior personnel and the ships, I feel they have gone unrewarded monetarily. Please accept my request for a 12% raise.

Thank you,

need response as peer


https://anyessayhelp.com/. There is an extensive databank on how to incorporate in-text citations, and properly format your references.


CJS 215 UOP Week 1 Definition of Forensic Science Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Search for a criminal justice-related case study that gives examples of how forensic science contributes to the criminal justice process. You may use current events, books, the internet, etc. Briefly describe the circumstances and then give a synopsis of a way in which forensic science was or is being used in the case, either in evidence collection, laboratory analysis, or otherwise.

2.Forensic science plays a major role in solving crime. The field of forensic science spans multiple disciplines. Over the years, as technology has advanced, the capabilities of forensic science units have increased. The purpose of this assignment is to show that you understand the scope of work in forensic science.

Write short-answer responses between 100 and 225 words each in response to the following:

  • Describe the evolution of forensic sciences over time, including the role of key pioneers.
  • Differentiate 2-3 of the 11 forensic science disciplines outlined in this week’s reading used to aid law enforcement officials in conducting their investigations. Provide examples of their scope of work and the role it plays in criminal investigations.
  • Explain how forensic science is used in the criminal justice system.

Cite the sources used to support your assignment.

Note: In the criminal justice field, your written communication skills are paramount since much of these career options require report writing. Be certain to follow the rules of grammar so that flow of thought is maintained for the reader.


Ashford University Concerns Over the Payment Increment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Mr. Smith,

I would like to once again thank you for the time you are taking to discuss my concerns and my desires. I greatly appreciate the offer of a 3% raise; however, I would respectfully ask that we discuss this figure a little further. I do understand that the normal raise offered by the company is 3%; however, I feel that the 3% would be appropriate if we were only discussing the years I have already gone without an annual raise and the money I have saved the company through my contract negotiations as I detailed in our initial discussion. However, I feel that when you include the additional 2 ships that I am expected to take over for and the training of the new buyers for the new contract, I certainly feel that I deserve much more than the standard 3% raise. When considering my 20 years of experience in the Navy and what I have already proven of myself for the past four years here at this company, I think it would be fair to say that I deserve at least a 12% raise. I was hired on as a Junior Buyer, but have been given many responsibilities that, although have not gone unnoticed, as I have received many accolades from senior personnel and the ships, I feel they have gone unrewarded monetarily. Please accept my request for a 12% raise.

Thank you,

need response as peer


https://anyessayhelp.com/. There is an extensive databank on how to incorporate in-text citations, and properly format your references.


CJS 215 UOP Week 1 Definition of Forensic Science Discussion Law Assignment Help

1. Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

Search for a criminal justice-related case study that gives examples of how forensic science contributes to the criminal justice process. You may use current events, books, the internet, etc. Briefly describe the circumstances and then give a synopsis of a way in which forensic science was or is being used in the case, either in evidence collection, laboratory analysis, or otherwise.

2.Forensic science plays a major role in solving crime. The field of forensic science spans multiple disciplines. Over the years, as technology has advanced, the capabilities of forensic science units have increased. The purpose of this assignment is to show that you understand the scope of work in forensic science.

Write short-answer responses between 100 and 225 words each in response to the following:

  • Describe the evolution of forensic sciences over time, including the role of key pioneers.
  • Differentiate 2-3 of the 11 forensic science disciplines outlined in this week’s reading used to aid law enforcement officials in conducting their investigations. Provide examples of their scope of work and the role it plays in criminal investigations.
  • Explain how forensic science is used in the criminal justice system.

Cite the sources used to support your assignment.

Note: In the criminal justice field, your written communication skills are paramount since much of these career options require report writing. Be certain to follow the rules of grammar so that flow of thought is maintained for the reader.


Ashford University Concerns Over the Payment Increment Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Mr. Smith,

I would like to once again thank you for the time you are taking to discuss my concerns and my desires. I greatly appreciate the offer of a 3% raise; however, I would respectfully ask that we discuss this figure a little further. I do understand that the normal raise offered by the company is 3%; however, I feel that the 3% would be appropriate if we were only discussing the years I have already gone without an annual raise and the money I have saved the company through my contract negotiations as I detailed in our initial discussion. However, I feel that when you include the additional 2 ships that I am expected to take over for and the training of the new buyers for the new contract, I certainly feel that I deserve much more than the standard 3% raise. When considering my 20 years of experience in the Navy and what I have already proven of myself for the past four years here at this company, I think it would be fair to say that I deserve at least a 12% raise. I was hired on as a Junior Buyer, but have been given many responsibilities that, although have not gone unnoticed, as I have received many accolades from senior personnel and the ships, I feel they have gone unrewarded monetarily. Please accept my request for a 12% raise.

Thank you,

need response as peer


Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help

Harvard University Philosophy and Ancient Buddhism Question Writing Assignment Help

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