Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help

Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help. Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help.

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(NO grammar errors can be accepted for this paper or incoherent paragraphs)

(Paraphrase the paper attached)

(Avoid PASSIVE VOICE as much as possible)

(The number of words should stay close to the original file)

File Name:Rephrase Strategic Planning

Request: The document is fully retrieved from external sources due to that it has a high plagiarism percentage. Your purpose is to rephrase each paragraph in order to reduce the plagiarism to under 6% ( make it passable through Turnitin). Also the paper needs to score at least 90 points out of 100 on Grammarly (which means it should not have grammar errors). Providing a work which is not coherent will result in a refund.

Other information: DO NOT USE ANY PARAPHRASING SOFTWARES – my universities system identified this type of paraphrased work. In some instances, you might even have to change the place of the paragraph (highly sensitive plagiarism software!)


  • APA Format
  • No plagiarism is accepted
  • No Grammar errors (this has to be written as a native English writer, otherwise it will be declined).

*** Thank you in advance for your support ***(NO grammar errors can be accepted for this paper or incoherent paragraphs)

Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HMRT 416 Military University Training and Organizational Development Presentation Writing Assignment Help


Instructions: The Final Project requires you to develop a Training and Organizational Development (OD) proposal and presentation to senior management targeted at improving diversity training within an organization of your choice. Many organizations have extended the management of diversity programs beyond HRD programs and processes by changing human resource management (HRM) policies and programs to meet the special needs of the new workforce. A growing number of organizations are holding line management accountable for diversity goals. For example, incorporating diversity goals into their performance evaluation process, and measuring improvement in relation to pre-established target goals annually.

Please ensure that you review the grading rubric (select on checkerboard under grade details above) for this assignment carefully, to ensure that you receive the highest possible grade for your work! Read the instructions in detail before beginning this assignment. Please ask questions if necessary.

As the HRD manager of your organization, what new training programs and processes would you propose to senior management to develop effective recruiting and selection methods to attract more minorities and women to your organization? Explain how HRD methods can be used to help manage a culturally diverse workforce. For example, how will you overcome language and discrimination issues that will ultimately lead to a climate in which all employees can thrive within the organization and contribute to its success?

Submission Instructions: Submit your work as an MS Powerpoint (.ppt) presentation (Note: no other slide presentation software will be accepted for grading). To be eligible for full credit, your presentation must include at least 12 content slides, in addition to a title slide, introduction slide, and reference slides at the end of your presentation (i.e., the minimum number of slides is 15). Your grade will be based upon research conducted, effectiveness of the proposed training program, the credibility and appearance of the PowerPoint presentation, critical thought, and APA format. In addition, students are expected to use the Notes section of the PowerPoint presentation to enhance the depth and scope of the narrative portion of their presentation, while avoiding lengthy narrative on the PowerPoint slides. Refer to Purdue OWL (Welcome to the Purdue OWL) for APA PowerPoint Slide Presentation Guidelines.

Please support your ideas, arguments, and opinions with independent research, include at least five (5) supporting references or sources (NOT Wikipedia, unknown, undated, or anonymous sources) in the reference section, and properly cite all references within the text of your PowerPoint presentation, in accordance with the 7th edition of the APA manual, chapters 6 & 7.


Ohio University The ideology of the Holy Ghost People Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Write a 3 page double-spaced report on the “functions “of particular practices and/or ideas of the “Holy Ghost People.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZIa4kutkIM You can address “functions” at the level of the individual or the group.

We are assuming that the video you see represents your ethnographic experience. What have you observed that you can describe and then analyze according to its function in this society? It is best if you concentrate on your ideas about 1-2 functions and relate them to specific behaviors, events or verbal statements that you saw rather than provide a wide variety of functions that you have less to describe and speculate about. Focus only on what you observed, and not on other information you might have discovered later, or on what you think you know about other congregations in this region. In this exercise we are not looking at your knowledge of the background of the people or the church viewed in this video that is beyond what you are told by the narrator or beyond what you can observe yourself.

For this exercise I am not greatly concerned if the words you use to describe what you see are the best terms in anthropology. Remember that this report is speculative; do not be afraid to present your interpretation of what you heard or saw. Do not be afraid to make an argument about how a set of ideas you heard some HGP articulate do something in general or in particular, or how particular behaviors work to create functions such as those described by Durkheim, Evans-Pritchard or Mary Douglas (in our lectures). The questions below may help you to develop ideas about the way you would like to focus your paper.

Some Useful Questions

Do you find patterns in the behaviors that participants engage in? What do you assume about the degree to which participants experience a sense of belonging to the group?

Are there patterns in the content of the stories given by the participants at the beginning of the film? What do you find is important to them about their personal accounts? How do you interpret the content of the personal stories told earlier in the film?

From verbal pronouncements and behaviors, what do the participants hope to gain from this religion as a whole, or in this particular service?

How do the ideas and practices help participants/members to structure their lives and relationships with others in their world?

What can you observe about the voluntary and institutionalized leadership positions in this service?

What is your interpretation of the symbolism conveyed in statements made by the members: dress, musical instruments, unusual happenings (things special, out of the ordinary or “sacred”)?

What are some of the likely beliefs held by congregation members concerning: signs from the supernatural, the importance of demonstrating their connection to the holy spirit, participation in singing and dancing, and the handling of snakes?

How do their religious beliefs and expectations influence the interpretation of their dreams?

Within this group, do you find segregation with respect to activities, particular practices, or verbal offerings with respect to age, gender, ethnicity, or any other social category of difference that might exist in U.S. society?

What forms of problems, illness or distress do participants look to these services to assist them to remedy or overcome?


American Military University Wk7 Internet Policing Discussion Law Assignment Help

Answer stated question 250 words. Respond to 2 classmates 250 words each.

Stated Questions: How can we explain the pluralized and privatized character of internet policing? What problems might this configuration of policing generate? How might they be overcome? Why is the regulation of privacy enhancing technologies such as encryption so difficult to address? Is it possible to meet the demands and needs of all social constituencies at the same time? If it comes to a choice between security and liberty, on which side should we err?

Classmate 1 Sesan:The internet revolution of the years has opened up countless new ways for people to shop, make transactions, sustain livelihoods, and to commit crimes. Every time people switch on a computer, open an email, view a website or make an online payment, there are multiple new opportunities for crimes to be perpetrated. In fact, significant number of crimes committed now involved or are enabled by the internet. These technological changes have fuelled a substantial new private policing sector that includes commercial companies but also online vigilantes and policing.

Despite its scale, online private policing activity has been largely ignored by researchers and politicians. Yet it is already creating some significant issues that need addressing. This new online private policing sector exists most obviously in the numerous companies providing services. These include designing, testing and maintaining security systems, responding to cyber-attacks and moderating websites for harmful or illegal content. But many other organizations have also developed their own cyber-security structures to better protect themselves from online crime. In most large organizations, these structures are led by what are generally called chief information security officers, but there are also many other new cyber-security roles such as security architects and ethical hackers. One of the most interesting roles to emerge in this new sector is that of the moderators who police the content published on the internet. They play an important role in preventing the publication of undesirable material, from hardcore pornography and footage from war zones through to abusive and inappropriate language.

The internet has not just stimulated new forms of commercial private policing but has also enabled a new type of vigilantism to flourish. For example, the limited law enforcement response to the masses of scam emails and bogus websites we’re at risk from everyday has led to the growth of “scam-baitors”. These are private individuals who try to engage with scammers and waste their time or simply raise awareness of their scams. One of the problems with scam-baiting is the humiliation and racism often involved. For example, some scammers have been encouraged to do repetitive tasks such as draw street maps and rewrite books, paint themselves or pose naked in humiliating positions, all of which have then been publicized. The rapid growth of both commercial and amateur attempts at policing the internet shows there is a demand that is not being met by the traditional provider of law enforcement, the state. But the problems that are emerging from this private security activity demonstrate why it isn’t enough to leave such significant operations to the market or volunteers.

On the difficulty as regards regulation of privacy enhancing technologies such as encryption, a number of relatively recent developments have contributed to an increased level of awareness of the need for security and privacy, especially with respect to online activities. Most notably, the continued evolution of technologies that permit individuals to connect and communicate (for example, e-mail, instant messaging, chat, online social networks, etc.), resulting in an increasing amount of personal information (generated by and about individuals) being available online; the increased interest that corporations have in collecting this information and making use of it in some fashion; revelations about the extent of government surveillance of individual communications and other online activities, including those of law-abiding citizens; and the continuing headlines about major breaches at both government organizations and corporations, resulting in the compromise of millions upon millions of records containing personal information.

These developments bring with them potential or real risks of identity disclosure, linking data traffic with identity, location disclosure in connection with data content transfer, user profile disclosure or information disclosure itself. Hence, privacy enhancing technologies can help address these risks. Privacy Enhancing Technologies are intended to allow users to protect their (informational) privacy by allowing them to decide, amongst other things, what information they are willing to share with third parties such as online service providers, under what circumstances that information will be shared, and what the third parties can use that information for.

A wide range of privacy enhancing technologies have been proposed, but few appears to have made their way out of the research environment and into the marketplace or impact on people’s lives in any meaningful way. There are a number of possible reasons why privacy enhancing technologies such as encryption seems difficult. To start with, the current economic and regulatory environments provide little incentive for deploying promising consent technologies, so further development of technology alone is not likely to lead to significant changes. Much of the online world bases its revenue streams on the collection and processing of personal information, particularly for targeted advertising. At the same time, industry most often relies on implied, opt-out consent where the lack of action is interpreted as permission for the processing of personal information. Consent technologies that make it easier for consumers to take actions, particularly for opting out, would likely reduce revenue streams.

All these suggest that there is a shortage of incentives for organizations, mostly commercial companies, to use technology to provide a better ability to consent or not consent. The economics of the current highly competitive environment, dominated by self-regulation and opt-out consent models, may dissuade companies from offering effective consent mechanisms. The tools may sometimes fail because they are considered by average individuals as too complex. Also, they may not have been intuitive, requiring specialized knowledge or skills to operate, which the average consumer may not have. They might fail because there is no consumer demand for privacy protections (which may stem, in part, from a lack of knowledge of what tools are available to them) or government might be unwilling to regulate privacy protections for fear of inhibiting innovation. More so, potential users seem not to trust the tools (i.e., that they will provide the protections they claim to); meanwhile, there is a basis for this skepticism. Many privacy enhancing technologies only ever seem to be lab prototypes, or used in limited trials, so there is little to no experience of their practical use, and their impact on the processing of personal information. Some privacy enhancing technologies may also involve third parties who are unknown to, and therefore untrusted by individuals.

On the other hand, it appears impossible to meet the demands and needs of all social constituencies at the same time. This is because the very idea of representative democracy is based on the fact that the preferences of the individual constituents do not make for good decisions in complex questions. In representative democracies, decisions are likely to differ from the preferences of constituents, because they supposed to be based on more information than most constituents bother to process. Differences do not indicate a systematic problem. The issue is notably common in the area of political economy and/or public choice.

Again, surveillance must be scaled up without undermining civil rights, to keep the homeland safe and secure, especially in the wake of the 9/11 event. Balancing of safe and secure nation as well as protection of liberties must be ensured. This should be pushed in a way that will preclude a draconian suppression of liberty and undermining civil rights, in a bid to guard against all potential calamitous threats and attacks.

Classmate 2 Shankita: The internet is portrayed as a public good making it essential for the management of users across networks. People have misused the internet by creating pseudo accounts that are, in turn, used to commit crimes and fraud. The pluralized character encompasses people or agencies that have the mandate to track down prevent internet misuse and cyber crimes (Brooks, 2019). On the other hand, privatized character involves various institutions with regulators that control how company-provided internet can be used within organizations to prevent crime (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019). Therefore, employees’ adherence to internet restrictions is mandatory.

Both pluralized and privatized internet policing have encountered significant challenges in terms of implementation. First and foremost, it is not clear how the internet police should conduct operations such that they do not intrude on other people’s privacy (Rogers, 2017). Similarly, geographical boundaries and differential rules within countries regarding internet policing have created variations in police safety operations. Moreover, the restrictions do not apply to private policing, thus threatening civil liberty (Brooks, 2019). States have implemented public and private partnerships, community engagement, and ensured alignment with the ideals of community policing to deal with cybercrime (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019).

Even though advancements in privacy-enhancing technologies are coming up, the complexities in terms of consumer usage have made it necessary for specialized knowledge and skills to operate the systems which the average consumer may not have. Additionally, potential users find it difficult to trust the tools due to little experience of practical use and impact in processing personal information (Yar & Steinmetz, 2019). The changes in social fabrics, character, interest, and disparate goals have created challenges in meeting the demands of all social constituencies at the same time. However, through proactive and community policing, states safeguard citizen’s welfare, manage police organizations and allocate resources for crime prevention (Rogers, 2017). In conclusion, there is a tradeoff between the security of some and the liberty of others. Studies suggest that safety is necessary for freedom to flourish. For this reason, in matters relating to cyber-attacks and terrorism, states prioritize security to serve the public interest and ensure safety for the community at large (Brooks, 2019).


Brooks, G. (2019). Criminal justice and corruption: state power, privatization, and legitimacy. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rogers, C. (2017). Plural Policing: Theory and Practice. Bristol: Policy Press.

Yar, M., & Steinmetz, K. F. (2019). Cybercrime and Society. New Delhi: SAGE


ACU The Importance of Podcasts in Professional Development Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this discussion board, you will find a podcast, ted talk, audiobook, etc. which discusses professional development and/or growth, promoting growth within a company, or professional advancement. Post a summary and review of the podcast in addition to the link to the podcast. Some things you should include:

How is this podcast helpful to your chosen career field?

Is there anything suggested that you absolutely would not consider doing?

How will you be able to take the positives and apply it directly to advancing your career?

  • Cite your references – You need at least one reference



MDC Data Collection Analysis and Report on Pediatric Patients Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing discussion question and need support to help me understand better.

You have an idea for EBP project that your hospital has approved regarding the fall rates of pediatric patients on your unit. Discuss the ethics involved with this particular population. How would you incorporate ethics in the data collection, analysis, and report of the project?

This is a discussion question with requirement of up to 1 page response.

Please use at least 1-2 reference to support the response. References should not be older than 3 years.

MDC Data Collection Analysis and Report on Pediatric Patients Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SCSU Project Management Processes Methodologies and Economics Reflection Essay Business Finance Assignment Help


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
  • You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


ECD 315 Ashford University Wk 5 Early Childhood Education Teaching Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Thematic Unit

Throughout this course you have learned about many different aspects of curriculum planning and development to support the needs of diverse learners. In your summative assignment you will bring this knowledge together by finalizing lessons you began in Weeks 2 and 3 to develop your complete thematic unit. You will also continue to build your ePortfolio by adding a new page with your thematic unit.

To prepare for this assignment,

In your assignment,

  • Describe how the thematic unit you have created aligns with your philosophy of curriculum and uses a developmentally appropriate approach to meeting the needs of diverse learners. Refer back to your Week 2 Assignment: Sharing Curriculum with Families and Week 3 Assignment: Developing Your Thematic Unit for support.
  • Explain your plan for sharing this thematic unit with the families of the children you are working with. Refer back to your Week 2 Assignment: Sharing Curriculum with Families for support.
  • Examine your role in fostering each child’s development and joy of learning through the implementation of this unit, including how you will consider the needs of diverse learners.
  • Finalize the concept map that you started in Week 3 by revising your current map and adding at least three ideas for social-emotional development, social studies, and literacy. Refer back to your Week 3 Assignment Developing Your Thematic Unit and Week 4 discussion Cognitive Development Through Math and Science for support.
  • Develop your thematic unit lessons:
    • Revise your Creative Arts focused lesson from Week 3: Use the feedback you received from your instructor in addition to any new learning,
    • Revise your Fine and Gross Motor Skills focused lesson from Week 3: Use the feedback you received from your instructor in addition to any new learning,
    • Develop a STEM focused lesson. You must use the ECE/CD Lesson Plan Template (Links to an external site.) to create your lesson. Refer back to the plan you created in the Week 4 Discussion: Cognitive Development Through Science and Math to complete your lesson.
    • Develop a literacy and social -emotional focused lesson. You must use the ECE/CD Lesson Plan Template (Links to an external site.) to create your lesson.

Assignment Submission Requirements:

  • This assignment will be submitted to Waypoint, as well as added to your ePortfolio. Please refer to the instructions below to submit your assignment.

For this assignment, you must submit

  • A link to your electronic portfolio in Folio. To do this you will copy and paste the web address into the comments feature in Waypoint.
  • A Word document of your completed assignment.

The Thematic Unit

  • Must be 8 to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and reference pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly resources (Links to an external site.) in addition to the course text.
    • The BA ECDDI Research Guide is a resource that has been developed to assist you in completing the library research required for this assignment. Click on the button titled ECD 310 from the homepage of the research guide to gain access to additional resources that can support you with the development of your assignment.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Please refer to the In-Text Citation Guide (Links to an external site.) for further assistance.
  • Must include a separate reference page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. Please refer to the APA References List (Links to an external site.) resource for further assistance.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.


Capella University Open Minded Inquiry Discussion Writing Assignment Help

If anyone is wondering where to find the topic of “open-minded inquiry,” please use the following link:

Open-Minded Inquiry
https://app.box.com/s/jzzllqoo24glsxzjkxixsp8t4qv8m7x6 (Links to an external site.)

Valuable Intellectual Traits

https://app.box.com/s/gdee2otvfuqq7ipiauceflyaq5xhb40u (Links to an external site.)
(Links to an external site.)

There are three options for this discussion form below:

Valuable Intellectual Traits

Though it has focused on arguments, this course is not merely designed to give skills and tools for creating arguments; it is designed to create critical thinkers. Critical thinking is not merely a set of tools, but a habit of mind based on carefully reasoning about what is true and how best to live. It is an approach to life based in careful thought (Vic Le vine, 2012). In other words, it is possible to use the lessons from this course to genuinely live better and smarter lives. This discussion is designed to explore some of the virtues of mind that one can develop as a result of developing the habit of critical thinking.

Prepare: In addition to using the readings and scenarios of this course, take a close look at the web pages associated with the Foundation for Critical ThinkingLinks to an external site. website.

Reflect: Search within the website for the pages associated with the options below, and Reflect how each can help you to live a better life.

Write: Choose ONE of the topics below from the Critical Thinking Community website and address the prompt underneath..

Prompt 3 Option: Open-Minded Inquiry
Using the online reading “Open-minded Inquiry,” identify what you consider to be the three most important attributes that one must have as he or she approaches problems. Explain why you think these attributes are the three most important, and describe examples from your own life, or from the lives of those you know, in which people failed to display those attributes. How will learning this virtue improve your life and relationships with others? Will it help you to find more truth?

Respond to the following peers. (75 words each or more )


Prompt 3 Option: Open-Minded Inquiry

The three attributes that I consider to be the most important when approaching a problem are Open-minded, knowledge, and listening. When one is open-minded, it means one is willing to take relevant evidence and argument into account. With open-mindedness, there are many possibilities and opinions to use and make the argument comprehensive and clear. The attribute of knowledge means confirming your ideas by the information you researched. When you teach with knowledge, you are giving information based on facts and not just opinions. Listening is also a good important attribute because, to connect one’s ideas and others, there has to be a lot of listening to be done. As teachers, we must listen to what and how it is said and what it isn’t said when it comes to teaching. Listening allows others to participate and give their opinions to resolve a problem. One example of why it is important to have an open-mind is: I am starting my own business in baking and doing. Accessories. For my business to be successful, I must have an open-mind that there is a lot of competition out there and take criticism to help me be better at what I do. It takes a lot of practice and critiques to improve and be successful. An example of knowing is that I must be prepared to present facts and teach with the right information in my teaching career. Knowing says a lot of the person; not only do they know what they are doing, but they can also present evidence, and they enjoy what they do. To be a great teacher, I need to focus on my career, school, homework, what goes around me and combine all the ideas and information to present a clear argument and find a solution. Lastly, Listening is an important attribute because it allows the person to take positive criticism, listens to both sides of a problem, and finds a solution. When one person doesn’t listen, they block everything and everyone around them, and they are so stubborn in believing that they’re always right. They don’t allow any criticism to be given. They become afraid of being wrong and make decisions based on those thoughts. Listening to others goes a long way with positive outcomes. Having these three attributes will help me be a better person in my professional and personal life.


Prompt #1: Purpose, Point of View, and Decisions.

A problem that I have faced recently, or more so have been facing, is managing my money/finances.

My assumptions are that I will never be great at managing my money on my own, and I should take a course or two about how to help myself get better at this. I plan to own a daycare and to do so, and I need to save and maintain my finances. My point of view is that I am good at paying all my bills on time, but other than that, I don’t save well, and I spend out of my budget a lot. The implications that have arisen are that I am not great at money managing, but with the help of a course and hard work to try to be better, I can fix this problem. My boyfriend is not great with money either, he can save and pay the bills, but then he spends like crazy. This is something both of us have talked about many times, and both want to work on as we are in the process of trying to save to buy a house next year.

Critical thinking can help address this problem by taking a step back and thinking about where my money is spent and when. I could keep a notebook with all my expenses every time I spend money; I write it down. I can think critically about every time I spend money, whether it is something I need verse something I want. I could make myself go six months without buying anything that I don’t absolutely need; if it is just a want, I won’t get it. Critical thinking could help me if I thought longer and harder about my purchases before I impulse bought.


For this discussion forum, I have chosen to answer prompt 1.

Prompt Option 1: Purpose, Point of View, and Decisions

One problem that I have been facing lately is preparing for my husbands’ retirement from the Air Force. We are getting ready to go back home to Texas, find new jobs, buy a house, and begin life outside of the military. I have the assumption that life is going to be hard, and we won’t survive. I have been used to a steady paycheck to help provide us a comfortable life. Now we are getting the run around trying to buy a house. I have to find a new job. I’m worried that we will be broke all the time. I see that now we will have to pay for utilities such as electricity and water. Those were bills provided to us through living on base. We didn’t have to pay a mortgage. The scariest thing for me is that we won’t provide a good life to my children. I want them to be able to go to college. Now all I think about is the failures. My husband has been helping to guide me through the positives. As one thing gets accomplished from our list, I feel better. The best decision for me is to use my critical thinking to figure out solutions to any encountering problems. I want to be positive that life without the military will be just as amazing as it was with them. It is time for us to travel because we want to, not because it is where we are told to go. I have to see that I have had several friends retire, and they are making it. Being a military wife has been very fulfilling. I must remember that I am still the same wife and mother. So I will stay positive and crush this game of life.

Guided Response: Respond substantively to at least three of your classmates’ posts in a way that furthers the conversation. For example, you might discuss what you learned from their musings and how you have learned from similar experiences. You might add to the understanding of the points they have raised. You might comment on the value of the intellectual traits they have discussed. You might discuss how these traits can help us to be more successful in our daily lives. You might comment on some aspect of the Chapter or any other resources you have used during this course as they may relate to the discussion. Enjoy.


Cumberland University Big Data Applications Across Industries Reflection Computer Science Assignment Help

it is a priority that students are provided with strong educational programs and courses that allow them to be servant-leaders in their disciplines and communities, linking research with practice and knowledge with ethical decision-making. This assignment is a written assignment where students will demonstrate how this course research has connected and put into practice within their own career.

Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.


  • Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
  • Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
  • Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
  • Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.

You should not provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.


Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help

Harvard University Stevens District Hospital Strategic Planning Process Paper Writing Assignment Help

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