Hazard Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help. Hazard Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help.
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You are driving a car along an interstate highway, 10 miles from the nearest town, with two passengers when a rear tire develops a puncture. It is late in the evening and the sun is starting to set. The trunk has three bags and two boxes with items that are heavy to lift.
Using the hazard analysis model from page 146 in the course textbook (Bahr)(Attached), determine the greatest risks, recommend how these may be reduced and if any other actions should be recommended for later implementation. Any assumptions need to be clearly stated.
In no more than 1000 words, write a response using current APA format and submit your assignment to this activity no later than the last day of the module week.
Save your assignment using a naming convention that includes your first and last name and the activity number (or description). Do not add punctuation or special characters.
Hazard Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
question about readings Humanities Assignment Help
Please follow instructions in terms of how many sentences you write. Try to fill each sentence with as much detail as possible, while still being grammatically correct. Writing more than what is asked will not improve your grade, and may lower it. When you summarize particular sections of the essay, reference the page number. Don’t give any specific citations. The point is to summarize in your own words.
- In 6 complete sentences (i.e. not bullet points), please describe the key point(s) of the author’s essay or book chapter, in other words, the hypothesis and/or goal(s). [3/10 points]
- In 4 complete sentences, mention 2 other theorists discussed by the author at hand, and the most important concept or issue the author is attempting to convey with reference to the cited source. [2/10]
- In 4 sentences, mention 2 images or figures (broadly understood as a visual image or representation in media, art, or some other visual format; or a human figure, subject, or group of subjects) discussed by the author and her or his purpose for doing so. [2/10 points]
- In 9 sentences, mention 3 key insights (three sentences devoted to each insight) you gained from this reading. [3/10 points]
This week: on Kalb,Ch. 5, “Commodities and Consumerism”
explore current ethical and social responsibility issues in the workplace that are relevant to your career. Writing Assignment Help
Section One- Thesis: Your thesis, or topic sentence, tells the reader what your essay will discuss. In just one or two sentences, discuss what information your paper will cover; this will help you to narrow your focus and keep you from writing on too broad a topic.
Section Two: Provide a detailed description of the issue, with an emphasis on explaining the ethical dilemmas and social responsibilities inherent in the situation. information about who is impacted by this issue and why.
Section Three: Give a detailed analysis of the issue and provide YOUR recommendations on what course of action is needed and why. Given the current condition of your work environment, analyze the underlying causes of the issue and provide recommendations for both the employees dealing with the issue as well as what the organization or managers need to do in order to manage and resolve the issue.
Section Four: Provide a conclusion that summarizes your essay and emphasizes your main ideas. In academic writing, a conclusion serves to remind the reader about what your paper is about and allows you to make a final and lasting point without introducing new information.
Please include a title page and reference page with your essay and list the four sections as shown. This essay paper should be 5 to 7 pages long; this does not include your title or reference pages. All citations should be in APA format and need to be included on your reference page.
Health services assignment Health Medical Assignment Help
In this first assignment, you will develop a brochure and an email for your chosen organization, department, service, or product about its public reputation and how that impacts buying decisions. Choose a provider, service, or product that is located within 100 miles of your home. This may be:
- A small health care organization (such as a podiatrist office, a physical therapy center, or a mental health clinic).
- A department or service within a larger health care organization (such as a sports medicine department, hospice care, or diabetes management services).
- A product offered by a health care organization (such as medical equipment, oxygen, or pharmaceuticals).
Imagine you are the marketing director of your chosen organization or department. You are charged with developing a brochure for a specific service or product within your organization. Select a provider and create a brochure to market the service or product that the provider offers. The brochure should meet the following criteria:
- Provide information to health care consumers who might be interested in this service or product.
- Why choose this specific service or product?
- What are the benefits?
- Give information that markets the service or product while leveraging the provider’s education, credentials, certifications, fellowships, and professional reputation.
- Include statistics regarding the patients served, quality outcomes, and other patient satisfaction information. You may use these resources to find that information:
- Include images of your chosen provider. Include the organization’s logo, and utilize other suitable graphics or photos to enhance visual appeal. You may use these resources to find images:
- Google Images.
- Royalty Free Illustrations Images (Shutterstock).
- Provide references (footnotes) for any statistics that you include.
You can use Microsoft Word, Microsoft Publisher, Sierra Print Artist, or another software program to design a professional brochure. Here are some design resources to help spark your creativity:
- The 174 Coolest Brochure Designs for Creative Inspiration.
- How to Design a Stunning Brochure: 30 Expert Tips and Templates.
- Create the Best Brochure.
Additional resources to help you complete this assignment are available in the assignment preparation study from the previous week.
In a separate document, write a 1–2 paragraph email to your chosen provider in which you professionally comment on their online reputation.
- Commend the provider on the positive aspects of their online reputation.
- Describe how a provider’s reputation supports the health care organization’s professional reputation and supports marketing and growth of the organization.
- Make recommendations to improve or enhance the provider’s online reputation and/or to broaden their reach.
- If your provider is not a part of a larger health care organization, state this, and provide the hypothetical response you would offer if they did belong to a large health care organization. Explain how this provider’s reputation would affect the marketing strategy and positioning of the larger organization.
Review material from the crossword puzzles – You should memorize the vocabulary and the assigned element names and symbols. 2. Review the material from the practice quiz. 3. Review the assigned questions from chapters 1 and 2. Science Assignment Help
1.Review material from the crossword puzzles – You should memorize the vocabulary and the assigned element names and symbols.
2. Review the material from the practice quiz.
3. Review the assigned questions from chapters 1 and 2.
General Topics
1. Definition of Chemistry
2. Scientific Method
3. Scientific Notation
4. Three pillars of sustainability
5. What is meant by cradle-to-cradle
6. Classify a compound a molecular or ionic
7. Air Quality Index a. Know what the different colors mean
8. Balancing simple equations/law of conservation of mass (matter)
9. Naming simple molecular/covalent compounds
10. Major substances that could be air pollutants
11. Particulate matter (soot)
12. Risk assessment for air pollutants
13. Indoor air pollutants
14. Secondary air pollutants
15. What pollutants can be recognized my odor
16. Hydrocarbons – know what they are and naming for small ones
read the instructions carefully Writing Assignment Help
- Analysis paper, not a research paper so only use Kilberg article. No other sources, including internet.
- And For quotes or paraphrases, use in-text citation, e.g., (Kilberg, 1061)
- No bibliography or works cited page
- One page single-spaced (500 words)
- Excerpts from the following Article:
Andrew G. I. Kilberg, We the People: The Original Meaning of Popular Sovereignty, 100 Va. L. Rev. 1061 (2014).
- Please answer these questions in the analysis:
1. What is the debate about the original meaning of popular sovereignty?
(pp. 1061-1064)
2. What is the constituent power in America? (pp. 1072-1073)
3. How is popular sovereignty expressed in representation? (pp. 1074-1077)
4. What is dual sovereignty? (pp. 1103-1109)
- Also, make it simple and plagiarism free. ( do not write the exact sentences in the article , write it in your own words)
read the instructions carefully Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Edu480 Communication Skills Newsletter Humanities Assignment Help
The purpose of this assignment is to research and practice ways to integrate communication skills, specifically speaking, viewing, listening, and thinking skills, into the English language arts classroom.
Write a 750-1,000 word newsletter to parents explaining how you are using specific strategies and methods to foster social interaction and communication in small group and whole class settings, as well as for students with diverse needs and abilities. Imagine your audience is theparents of students in your field experience or future professional practice.
Using research and what you gleaned from your field experience, include the following in your newsletter:
- An introduction of yourself and your role/position in the classroom.
- An explanation of the importance of fostering social interaction and communication in the English language arts classroom.
- Four strategies or methods that explicitly enhance students’ communication skills in the following areas: Reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Provide at least one strategy or method for each of the four areas.
- An explanation of how you differentiate and/or provide additional communication support for all of the following: Students with emergent literacy skills, students with special needs, gifted students, and English language learners.
Add visuals and imagery to enhance the design of the newsletter. Include a references section in APA Style with three to five sources.
MGT510- Critical Thinking: Industry Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Critical Thinking: Industry Analysis (105 points)
To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, and 3.5 from your textbook. Select a Middle Eastern company of your choosing and complete an Industry Analysis by answering the following questions.
1- Analyze and predict industry profitability:
a- How have structural changes created uncertainty and what is the outlook for profitability in the future?
b- Apply and detail Porter’s 5 forces framework with a graphic representation (Figure 3.3) and written explanation for your selected company.
c- Explain profitability differences to other industries (Chapter 3, Table 3.1) and then predict future profitably.
2- Drawing industry boundaries:
a- What industry is it in?
b- Who is competing with whom?
c- Are the boundaries of the industry clear‐cut?
3- Implications for strategy:
a- What strategies can companies adopt to reduce competitive pressure and improve industry profitability?
b- Which strategies might work for your organization?
4- Identifying Key Success Factors (KSFs):
a- What are the KSFs of your company?
b- How do customers choose between rival offerings?
c- Examine the competition (Figure 3.6).
d- Have your companies KSFs changed over time?
Your well-written paper should meet the following requirements:
Be 6 to 7 pages in length, which does not include the required title and reference pages, which are never a part of the content minimum requirements.
Use Saudi Electronic University academic writing standards and APA style guidelines.
Support your submission with course material concepts, principles, and theories from the textbook and at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles unless the assignment calls for more.
Bible paper-01 Writing Assignment Help
Part 1: Answer all these questions, total word count at least 350
- Constantine, like Decius and Diocletian, wanted to restore Rome to its ancient glory, but something was very different. What was this difference and what influence would this difference have upon the formation of western civilization?
- Historians have debated the “conversion” experience of Constantine. Some historians claim that his conversion was merely for political gain while others claim that he in fact had a genuine conversion. The author provides his own interpretation of this experience. What did the author describe? What does the author provide as some of the differences Constantine experienced as a Christian and what did he reserve the right to do?
- What does anachronistic mean? How does this relate to the argument presented by Gonzales?
- Other than the theological influence of the Nicene Creed, what other influences on the life of the church did Constantine have? Give 2-3 examples from the textbook. Then describe how the Christians needed to adapt to these changes while maintaining faith in the message. What were Christians adapting from and to? What was changing and what was maintained?
Part 2: word count at least 300
Survey a few of friends, co-workers, or pastor about their understanding of the Christian doctrine of the trinity. Then summarize their ideas and thoughts about this belief and list them in your submission to BL. The first activity has the potential to expand your thinking regarding this key Christian doctrine and help you see how others express this notion in the contemporary world.
Memorandum writing (Military Memorandum Pre-Writing ) Writing Assignment Help
This assignment can be completed after completing chapter 1 of your textbook and reading the documents provided for you in assignment section 1. The problem you will solve is described below, after the assignment overview, and involves using soldier fatality data to determine an intervention strategy.
Writing Requirements
This assignment is the first of four steps in completing the military memorandum. This assignment will require you to articulate an understanding of the problem and the audience, by answering the questions about the problem below. Then you will demonstrate an ability to solve, understand, and explain a statistical problem in language appropriate to the professional status and background of the audience you are addressing by completing a draft of your military memorandum. To understand what you are expected to do in the memorandum review the Military Memorandum Guide. You may also want to look at the rubric on assignment 1.4 to see how the final assignment in this memorandum series will be graded. The linked Military Memorandum Pre-writing Example provides an illustration of how the assignment should be laid out. You will be expected to follow the provided format for presenting the material, a practice that will extend into your professional life. You are expected to use editing software to review your work for grammar and punctuation errors prior to turning it in.
What will you be graded on?
This assignment will be graded on completeness ONLY. However, it is the document on which you will get feedback from your classmates, so you should produce your best work, in order to get the best possible feedback. Be sure to look at the assignment rubric to assure that you have completed the required elements prior to turning in the assignment,
Problem Definition Questions
Read the problem description at the bottom of this assignment. Then, cut and paste each question below into your assignment and provide the answers below each question. These answers will be located on a separate page before the memorandum. This page will NOT be included in the final memorandum.
- What problem you have been asked to address? While you are using statistics to support a particular answer, the question you are being asked to address is not a formula or a description of the calculations you will complete. You need to describe the problem you are being asked to solve in plain language.
- How can the data provided inform an intervention recommendation?
- What is the outcome you are supposed to provide in this memorandum?
- a) To whom have you been asked to address this memorandum (find the name of the CURRENT person holding the job and their official title)? b) What is this person likely to need from you? (You may need to do a quick internet search of this role.)
- a) Who will you be copying this memorandum to (they are a secondary audience). b) What are the addressees likely to need from reading the memorandum? (This is a critical thinking exercise, so research what the addressees’ responsibilities are and use that to think about what they need to know from you).
Problem Description:
The United States military has been involved as a peace-keeping force in a humanitarian effort to prevent further genocide in the country of Lorian. Many soldiers have died in this effort. The government has recently approved the use of emergency funds to reduce the loss of soldiers’ lives, but funding will only support one initiative. The officer in charge of the theater of operations, your commanding officer, has asked you, a military engineer, rank of Lieutenant, to evaluate the situation and recommend a course of action to reduce the number of soldier fatalities and enable the peace-keeping force to remain in place. Analyze the provided data regarding soldier fatalities in a one-month period and make a recommendation regarding what the government and military should do.
Audience: Any time you prepare a professional document, you should consider the audience (Links to an external site.)that you are writing the document for. You should tailor the content, language, tone, and structure of the document to the audience you are addressing. This document is being prepared for senior-level government and military members. Ask yourself what they can be reasonably expected to know about this topic, and what they need to know to make an informed decision. Address the memorandum to The Current United States Secretary of Defense (Find the current Secretary of Defense’s name and title).
Provide carbon copies (cc)’s to:
- The House of Representatives Defense Subcommittee
- The United States Senate Defense Subcommittee
Tone: The Audience for this document requires that the style (Links to an external site.) is precise and professional.
- Utilize plain language when describing your analysis, as you cannot assume all readers will be statistically literate. However, there are also some who will understand statistics and will want to understand the statistical logic that you used to determine your recommendation.
- Start the document with a summary that readers can read to understand the essential elements of the document – the context of the issue, what is being examined and how, and the recommendation you will make.
- Develop the document around a direct, coherent message (thesis), (Links to an external site.)and clear evidence (Links to an external site.)to support it.
- Do not use contractions, slang or colloquialisms (Links to an external site.), clichés (Links to an external site.), abbreviations, or text message shortcuts.
- Edit and check grammar and spelling before turning the document in.
Data: The attached data spreadsheet documents the causes of the deaths of soldiers who died in the most recent full month. Each number on the attached spreadsheet identifies the cause of the death of one soldier who died in that month. The cause of death represented by each number is identified in the table below. Use the data from the entire month in your calculations.
Data Coding:
Cause of Fatality | Code |
Typhus | 1 |
Dysentery | 2 |
Cholera | 3 |
Staph infection | 4 |
Fragment wound | 5 |
Burn wound | 6 |
Gunshot wound | 7 |
Exploding ordnance wound | 8 |
Blood hemorrhage | 9 |
CA 1.1 P&S 2020 S (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Definition QuestionsAll “Problem Definition Questions” have been seriously addressed. |
1.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum HeaderA complete memorandum header is included. This means the required items are included, laid out correctly, and the information for each item is included. |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearchA minimum of 2 Sources used to support your recommended intervention are identified in the correct location |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaryA “Summary” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisAn “Analysis” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBar GraphA bar graph that enhances the understanding of the document and is easy to read is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionA “Conclusion” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignatureA “Signature” section is included, complete and laid out correctly |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCarbon CopyA “Carbon Copy” section is included and correctly identified |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendixAn “Appendix” section is included, laid out on its own page and titled correctly |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTableA table that concisely identifies the data is included, titled, fully labeled, and laid out and organized well |
0.5 pts |
Total Points: 5.0 |
Data Coding:
Cause of Fatality | Code |
Typhus | 1 |
Dysentery | 2 |
Cholera | 3 |
Staph infection | 4 |
Fragment wound | 5 |
Burn wound | 6 |
Gunshot wound | 7 |
Exploding ordnance wound | 8 |
Blood hemorrhage | 9 |
CA 1.1 P&S 2020 S (1)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProblem Definition QuestionsAll “Problem Definition Questions” have been seriously addressed. |
1.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMemorandum HeaderA complete memorandum header is included. This means the required items are included, laid out correctly, and the information for each item is included. |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeResearchA minimum of 2 Sources used to support your recommended intervention are identified in the correct location |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSummaryA “Summary” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysisAn “Analysis” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBar GraphA bar graph that enhances the understanding of the document and is easy to read is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusionA “Conclusion” section is included |
0.5 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSignatureA “Signature” section is included, complete and laid out correctly |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCarbon CopyA “Carbon Copy” section is included and correctly identified |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAppendixAn “Appendix” section is included, laid out on its own page and titled correctly |
0.25 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTableA table that concisely identifies the data is included, titled, fully labeled, and laid out and organized well |
0.5 pts |
Total Points: 5.0 |