HC 350 Herzing University Week 7 Physician or Advanced Practice Provider Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. HC 350 Herzing University Week 7 Physician or Advanced Practice Provider Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Unit 7 Assignment 2 – E-Visits
DueSunday by 11:59pm
Submittinga text entry box, a website url, a media recording, or a file upload
Research the typical patient and provider (physician or advanced practice provider) workflow for an ambulatory, in person, visit.
Research the typical patient and provider (physician or advanced practice provider) workflow for an E-Visit, online.
Create workflows to depict from both the patient and provider perspective the workflow for both an ambulatory visit and an E-Visit.
Discuss in a 2-3 page paper your findings including the commonalities between the two visit types and the differences.
Your workflows can be in Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Visio, or Adobe Acrobat format. Your paper should be in Microsoft Word format.
Cite all sources in APA format.
Submit your workflows and paper for grading.
Reminder: You must upload your completed documents using Browse My Computer. Then, hit the Submit button to successfully complete the assignment submission process. Do not copy and paste text into the text box.
Unit 7 Assignment 2- E-Visits
Unit 7 Assignment 2- E-Visits
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAnalysis of KnowledgePRICE-P
10.0 pts
Level 5
Connects and extends knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
9.0 pts
Level 4
Analyzes knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline making relevant connections to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
8.0 pts
Level 3
Begins to connect knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
7.0 pts
Level 2
Begins to identify knowledge (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline that is relevant to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
6.0 pts
Level 1
There Is some evidence that knowledge is identified (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline that is somewhat relevant to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
0.0 pts
Level 0
There is little to no evidence that knowledge is identified (facts, theories, etc.) from one’s own academic study/field/discipline that is somewhat relevant to civic engagement and to one’s own participation in civic life, politics, and government.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDefines Content
10.0 pts
Level 5
Demonstrates the ability to construct a clear and insightful problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of all relevant contextual factors.
9.0 pts
Level 4
Demonstrates the ability to construct a problem statement, thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, and problem statement is adequately detailed.
8.0 pts
Level 3
Begins to demonstrate the ability to construct a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement with evidence of most relevant contextual factors, but problem statement is superficial.
7.0 pts
Level 2
Demonstrates a limited ability in identifying a problem statement/thesis statement/topic statement or related contextual factors.
6.0 pts
Level 1
Demonstrates the ability to explain contextual facts but does not provide a defined statement.
0.0 pts
Level 0
There is no evidence of a defined statement.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRelationship to Research
10.0 pts
Level 5
Evaluates materials for scholarly significance and relevance within and/or across the various disciplines, evaluating them according to their contributions and consequences.
9.0 pts
Level 4
Examines materials for scholarly significance within and/or across the various disciplines to explore contributions in relation to important questions.
8.0 pts
Level 3
Uses materials in the context of scholarship to develop a foundation of disciplinary knowledge and to raise and explore important questions.
7.0 pts
Level 2
Engages materials with the intention and expectation of building topical and world knowledge.
6.0 pts
Level 1
Approaches materials in the context of assignments with the intention and expectation of finding right answers and learning facts and concepts to display for credit.
0.0 pts
Level 0
There is little to no evidence of engagement with outside materials used in a scholarly manner.
10.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusion and Related Outcomes
5.0 pts
Level 5
Conclusions (consequences and implications) are logical and reflect informed evaluation and the ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
4.5 pts
Level 4
Conclusions are logically tied to and reflect student’s informed evaluation in priority order and are clearly identified.
4.0 pts
Level 3
Conclusion is logically tied to a range of information and is identified clearly.
3.5 pts
Level 2
Conclusion is logically tied to information (because information is chosen to fit the desired conclusion).
3.0 pts
Level 1
Conclusion is inconsistently tied to some of the information discussed and oversimplified.
0.0 pts
Level 0
Conclusion is either not present, unclear, or does not reflect the information presented.
5.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeWriting
3.0 pts
Level 5
The paper exhibits an excellent command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling.
2.7 pts
Level 4
The paper exhibits a good command of written English language conventions. The paper has no errors in mechanics or spelling, and minor errors do not impair the flow of communication.
2.4 pts
Level 3
The paper exhibits an acceptable command of written English language conventions. The paper has minor errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impact the flow of communication.
2.1 pts
Level 2
The paper exhibits a limited command of written English language conventions. The paper has frequent errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that impede the flow of communication.
1.8 pts
Level 1
The paper exhibits little command of written English language conventions. The paper has errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader to stop and reread parts of the writing to discern meaning.
0.0 pts
Level 0
The paper does not demonstrate command of written English language conventions. The paper has multiple errors in mechanics, grammar, or spelling that cause the reader difficulty discerning the meaning.
3.0 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPAPRICE-I
2.0 pts
Level 5
The required APA elements are all included with correct formatting, including in-text citations and references.
1.8 pts
Level 4
The required APA elements are all included with minor formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
1.6 pts
Level 3
The required APA elements are all included with multiple formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
1.4 pts
Level 2
The required APA elements are not all included and/or there are major formatting errors, including in-text citations and references.
1.2 pts
Level 1
Several APA elements are missing. The errors in formatting demonstrate limited understanding of APA guidelines, in-text-citations, and references.
0.0 pts
Level 0
There is little to no evidence of APA formatting and/or there are no in-text citations and/or references.
HC 350 Herzing University Week 7 Physician or Advanced Practice Provider Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CPMGT 305 University of Phoenix WK2 Project Management & Managerial Process Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Write a 1,400- to 2,100-word Project Implementation Plan for the project selected by the Learning Team in Week 2 which will also be used for the final implementation plan for the Project Selection Paper Assignment. Part 1 of the plan must include the following sections:
Human Resources Plan: This plan should include roles and responsibilities, a project organization chart, and a staffing management plan. Your plan should:
Analyze the roles and responsibilities in the following areas: Role, Authority, Responsibility, and Competency which are needed to complete a project.
Include a project organization chart that displayed project team members and their reporting relationships.
Provide a staffing management plan that included how human resource management requirements will be met by including when and how project team members will be acquired and how long they will be needed.
Quality Management Plan: This plan should include the quality management plan for implementing the organization’s quality policy and the quality metrics. Your plan should:
Examine how the organization’s quality policies will be implemented.
Explain how the project management team plans to meet the quality requirements set for the project.
Procurement Plan: This plan should identify the types of external resources that must be secured, the process for selecting and managing these external resources, and the metrics to evaluate the external resources. Your plan should:
Describe how a project team will acquire goods and services from outside the performing organization.
Evaluate how the procurement processes will be managed from developing procurement documents through contract closure.
Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines. Tables may be used to format and organize the implementation plan. They can be included within the plan rather than at the end as normally required by APA guidelines.
Submit your paper.
University Canada West Brands to Marketing Mix Activities Article Analysis Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Your review must include: (1) an introductory part including objective(s) of the journal article, theory, hypotheses, methodology used to test the hypotheses, results and recommendations for managers; more importantly (2) your critical analysis/evaluation by answering: What is your assessment of the ideas suggested by the author using your own knowledge and experience to justify your position? Do you agree or disagree with the arguments given? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the arguments presented?; and (3) concluding paragraph briefly summarizing your position on the value, accuracy and relevance of the article.
Your review must include academic journal citations. Please note (1) do not take an article from the journals mentioned on this page; (2) do not discuss/show the theory on which the article is based; (3) do not have your critical analysis, evaluation, and position; (4) base your presentation on a brand name, company, country, specific product, specific industry, case study; and (5) Do not choose an article which does not have an explicit theory.
UM Boston Challenges for International NGOs Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
The case analysis on: Competing for Development: Fuel Efficient Stoves for Darfur https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/736767 is due on August 22, 2020 at 11:59pm. If you work within a group be sure to write all membersname in the paper.
A Case Analysis: Students are required to submit a case analysis worth 15% of the final grade.The due date will be announced to the class. The paper should be a minimum of 5-8 typewritten double-spaced pages, 12 pt. font, and must use a minimum of 5 substantial, credible websites, articles, books, primary and secondary documents. The final bibliography should be annotated.
In their case analysis, students are advised to take full advantage of the vast amount of material about regional organizations which is available on the Internet. This is especially true of the European Union, IMF and World Bank’s websites.
Students are required to answer the following questions in their case analysis.
§What are the key challenges for international NGOs as they respond to humanitarian emergencies?
§How do NGOs transition from emergency relief to sustainable, income-generating and capacity-building initiative?
§What are the consequences for local communities when global mandates changes?
§What are the benefits and downsides of local donors or large international non-governmental organization (INGOs) playing central roles in post-conflicting interventions?
§What are the synergies and tensions between international and local NGOs?
§What are trade offs between technology-centered and socially oriented NGO interventions?
Music University of Nairobi Mean Old World Case Study Discussion Writing Assignment Help
A little creative writing in this discussion. Start with some listening. Listen to the four covers of the Blues song Mean Old World, linked below. For the first three, listen carefully for the way each four-bar group is split into two bars of vocal and two bars instrumental. By way of contrast, note the continuity of the melodic line in Sam Cooke’s version.
1) What strikes you as the most unusual or surprising changes that you experience in Sam Cooke’s transformation of the song? Is it more or less expressive than the other three?
2) In comparing the first three versions what element(s) did you find most memorable? Most authentic (heart-felt)?
3) add a fourth stanza (text below). Your stanza should follow the AAB format below, and be thematically linked in some way to what precedes your writing. You don’t have to be overly narrative but remember to keep it in first person.
For your response to your classmate, in addition to responding to their responses to questions 1 and 2, you will add another stanza , i.e. you will add a stanza to your classmate’s new stanza. Try your best to respond to somebody who hasn’t already been responded to, but adding a fifth stanza would be OK if someone else has already responded.
Mean Old World
This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. Can’t get the one you love, have to use somebody else.
I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. Guess you don’t love me, babe, loving mister so-and-so.
Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? I guess you don’t love me, gonna pack my things and go.
by Walter Jacobs
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in a Leadership course. As part of your current immersion experience, you are working with the charge nurse in the operating room. In pre-op on the first day of this clinical experience, you observe an upset client refusing to sign a surgery consent unless a small religious object could accompany him and stay attached to his body. This object is a key component of his cultural beliefs, and he will cancel the surgery if he is unable to keep the religious object attached to his body. The charge nurse states, “Let me check and see what we can do, I will need a bit of time to collaborate with others and see if we can identify a solution.” You observe the charge nurse gather a team of nurses in the pre-op area and begin reviewing the policy and procedure manuals for the facility to determine if a solution can be identified to allow the object to be taken into the operating room. While the healthcare team was looking for a solution, someone recommended that the object is wrapped in non-conductive material, and applied to the client under a sterile dressing. According to policy, this would work with Surgeon approval.
In post-conference, you debrief with a faculty member and discuss this powerful example of healthcare team members working together to support and respect a client’s unique cultural needs and belief system. The clinical faculty tells you to complete a clinical journal entry which describes the process involved in this example of professional practice. Include the following in your journal entry:
Explain how relational inquiry was applied in this situation to promote the process of clinical reasoning.
From context and culture
Optimization of health and well-being
Collaborating across differences
Do you believe this action was appropriate, and why or why not?
Provide a supporting argument to defend choice for appropriate or non-appropriate response by the nurse and include personal biases.
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Connecticut Topics of Interest to a Restless Audience Discussion Writing Assignment Help
write an 1.5-2.5 speech paper. And answer the following questions.
-How will you start your speech in order to grab the audience’s attention and stick in their mind?
-What will you cover and how will you order this information? Briefly discuss the arrangement of your speech
-What sort of rhetorical strategies (themes, signposts, motifs, figures of speech etc.) will you try to possibly repeat? Will you have any examples and or stories? in this speech? Why so?
-How are you going to close your speech and why?
-What sort of tone do you want to have here and how will you be using non-verbal cues in your speech?
PSY 120 GC Anne Franks statement on Cultural Attack Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This is Psychology 120 discussion , i need in your own words and thoughts, so please don’t copy from google
Anne Frank famously wrote, at the end of her personal account of hiding from the Nazis, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” This sentiment captures the essence of the Humanist point of view.
What do you think about Anne Frank’s statement?
Do you agree with Freud’s darker vision, that we are driven by impulses that the ego and superego seek to regulate and control, or do you lean towards the humanist view that people are basically good and striving to attain self-actualization?
How does taking one side or the other influence one’s perception of the influences and factors surrounding personality?
ASAM 320 UCR Comparing and Contrasting American Imperialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This is a very short essay-style answers no more than (250-300 words). Answer the question below.
****Be sure to have a main argument or thesis, supporting quotes or other evidence from the texts as well as analysis and evaluation of evidence and key words!
Question: Compare and contrast American imperialism and the dominant gaze from two different historical contexts that we analyzed. Choose two: Philippine-American War, 19th Century Yellow Perilism, or Bikini. What significant similarities and differences do you see? Be sure to cite, define, analyze, and compare relevant key words and to begin with an arguable thesis (a thesis that requires evidence and analysis)!
– I have provided the lecture pdfs, and the grading rubric pdf that you should use to answer the question!
– There is a extra credit question in there and I have attached the additional text you need to answer it!
Alabama A & M University The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this debate, you will address the following scenario and question:
Under the Park Doctrine, the government may pursue a criminal misdemeanor offense against a responsible corporate officer based on the misconduct of the officer’s corporation, regardless of whether the officer had knowledge of the misconduct. Similarly, OIG may seek to exclude an officer or managing employee of a corporation based on the conviction or exclusion of the corporation regardless of whether the officer or managing employee had knowledge of the conduct giving rise to the sanction.
Your assignment for this Unit is to debate whether the government should be permitted to invoke these authorities – either separately or combined – to impose consequences on corporate officers in the absence of any specific knowledge of wrongdoing. Is this a good or bad thing for our healthcare system?
Posting length should be 1-2 paragraphs.
APA Format
Cite all sources used
For this week’s discussion
1) What strikes you as the most unusual or surprising changes that you experience in Sam Cooke’s transformation of the song? Is it more or less expressive than the other three?
2) In comparing the first three versions what element(s) did you find most memorable? Most authentic (heart-felt)?
3) add a fourth stanza (text below). Your stanza should follow the AAB format below, and be thematically linked in some way to what precedes your writing. You don’t have to be overly narrative but remember to keep it in first person.
For your response to your classmate, in addition to responding to their responses to questions 1 and 2, you will add another stanza , i.e. you will add a stanza to your classmate’s new stanza. Try your best to respond to somebody who hasn’t already been responded to, but adding a fifth stanza would be OK if someone else has already responded.
Mean Old World
This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. Can’t get the one you love, have to use somebody else.
I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. Guess you don’t love me, babe, loving mister so-and-so.
Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? I guess you don’t love me, gonna pack my things and go.
by Walter Jacobs
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in a Leadership course. As part of your current immersion experience, you are working with the charge nurse in the operating room. In pre-op on the first day of this clinical experience, you observe an upset client refusing to sign a surgery consent unless a small religious object could accompany him and stay attached to his body. This object is a key component of his cultural beliefs, and he will cancel the surgery if he is unable to keep the religious object attached to his body. The charge nurse states, “Let me check and see what we can do, I will need a bit of time to collaborate with others and see if we can identify a solution.” You observe the charge nurse gather a team of nurses in the pre-op area and begin reviewing the policy and procedure manuals for the facility to determine if a solution can be identified to allow the object to be taken into the operating room. While the healthcare team was looking for a solution, someone recommended that the object is wrapped in non-conductive material, and applied to the client under a sterile dressing. According to policy, this would work with Surgeon approval.
In post-conference, you debrief with a faculty member and discuss this powerful example of healthcare team members working together to support and respect a client’s unique cultural needs and belief system. The clinical faculty tells you to complete a clinical journal entry which describes the process involved in this example of professional practice. Include the following in your journal entry:
Explain how relational inquiry was applied in this situation to promote the process of clinical reasoning.
From context and culture
Optimization of health and well-being
Collaborating across differences
Do you believe this action was appropriate, and why or why not?
Provide a supporting argument to defend choice for appropriate or non-appropriate response by the nurse and include personal biases.
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Connecticut Topics of Interest to a Restless Audience Discussion Writing Assignment Help
write an 1.5-2.5 speech paper. And answer the following questions.
-How will you start your speech in order to grab the audience’s attention and stick in their mind?
-What will you cover and how will you order this information? Briefly discuss the arrangement of your speech
-What sort of rhetorical strategies (themes, signposts, motifs, figures of speech etc.) will you try to possibly repeat? Will you have any examples and or stories? in this speech? Why so?
-How are you going to close your speech and why?
-What sort of tone do you want to have here and how will you be using non-verbal cues in your speech?
PSY 120 GC Anne Franks statement on Cultural Attack Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This is Psychology 120 discussion , i need in your own words and thoughts, so please don’t copy from google
Anne Frank famously wrote, at the end of her personal account of hiding from the Nazis, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” This sentiment captures the essence of the Humanist point of view.
What do you think about Anne Frank’s statement?
Do you agree with Freud’s darker vision, that we are driven by impulses that the ego and superego seek to regulate and control, or do you lean towards the humanist view that people are basically good and striving to attain self-actualization?
How does taking one side or the other influence one’s perception of the influences and factors surrounding personality?
ASAM 320 UCR Comparing and Contrasting American Imperialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This is a very short essay-style answers no more than (250-300 words). Answer the question below.
****Be sure to have a main argument or thesis, supporting quotes or other evidence from the texts as well as analysis and evaluation of evidence and key words!
Question: Compare and contrast American imperialism and the dominant gaze from two different historical contexts that we analyzed. Choose two: Philippine-American War, 19th Century Yellow Perilism, or Bikini. What significant similarities and differences do you see? Be sure to cite, define, analyze, and compare relevant key words and to begin with an arguable thesis (a thesis that requires evidence and analysis)!
– I have provided the lecture pdfs, and the grading rubric pdf that you should use to answer the question!
– There is a extra credit question in there and I have attached the additional text you need to answer it!
Alabama A & M University The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this debate, you will address the following scenario and question:
Under the Park Doctrine, the government may pursue a criminal misdemeanor offense against a responsible corporate officer based on the misconduct of the officer’s corporation, regardless of whether the officer had knowledge of the misconduct. Similarly, OIG may seek to exclude an officer or managing employee of a corporation based on the conviction or exclusion of the corporation regardless of whether the officer or managing employee had knowledge of the conduct giving rise to the sanction.
Your assignment for this Unit is to debate whether the government should be permitted to invoke these authorities – either separately or combined – to impose consequences on corporate officers in the absence of any specific knowledge of wrongdoing. Is this a good or bad thing for our healthcare system?
Posting length should be 1-2 paragraphs.
APA Format
Cite all sources used
For this week’s discussion
1) What strikes you as the most unusual or surprising changes that you experience in Sam Cooke’s transformation of the song? Is it more or less expressive than the other three?
2) In comparing the first three versions what element(s) did you find most memorable? Most authentic (heart-felt)?
3) add a fourth stanza (text below). Your stanza should follow the AAB format below, and be thematically linked in some way to what precedes your writing. You don’t have to be overly narrative but remember to keep it in first person.
For your response to your classmate, in addition to responding to their responses to questions 1 and 2, you will add another stanza , i.e. you will add a stanza to your classmate’s new stanza. Try your best to respond to somebody who hasn’t already been responded to, but adding a fifth stanza would be OK if someone else has already responded.
Mean Old World
This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. Can’t get the one you love, have to use somebody else.
I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. Guess you don’t love me, babe, loving mister so-and-so.
Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? I guess you don’t love me, gonna pack my things and go.
by Walter Jacobs
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in a Leadership course. As part of your current immersion experience, you are working with the charge nurse in the operating room. In pre-op on the first day of this clinical experience, you observe an upset client refusing to sign a surgery consent unless a small religious object could accompany him and stay attached to his body. This object is a key component of his cultural beliefs, and he will cancel the surgery if he is unable to keep the religious object attached to his body. The charge nurse states, “Let me check and see what we can do, I will need a bit of time to collaborate with others and see if we can identify a solution.” You observe the charge nurse gather a team of nurses in the pre-op area and begin reviewing the policy and procedure manuals for the facility to determine if a solution can be identified to allow the object to be taken into the operating room. While the healthcare team was looking for a solution, someone recommended that the object is wrapped in non-conductive material, and applied to the client under a sterile dressing. According to policy, this would work with Surgeon approval.
In post-conference, you debrief with a faculty member and discuss this powerful example of healthcare team members working together to support and respect a client’s unique cultural needs and belief system. The clinical faculty tells you to complete a clinical journal entry which describes the process involved in this example of professional practice. Include the following in your journal entry:
Explain how relational inquiry was applied in this situation to promote the process of clinical reasoning.
From context and culture
Optimization of health and well-being
Collaborating across differences
Do you believe this action was appropriate, and why or why not?
Provide a supporting argument to defend choice for appropriate or non-appropriate response by the nurse and include personal biases.
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Connecticut Topics of Interest to a Restless Audience Discussion Writing Assignment Help
write an 1.5-2.5 speech paper. And answer the following questions.
-How will you start your speech in order to grab the audience’s attention and stick in their mind?
-What will you cover and how will you order this information? Briefly discuss the arrangement of your speech
-What sort of rhetorical strategies (themes, signposts, motifs, figures of speech etc.) will you try to possibly repeat? Will you have any examples and or stories? in this speech? Why so?
-How are you going to close your speech and why?
-What sort of tone do you want to have here and how will you be using non-verbal cues in your speech?
PSY 120 GC Anne Franks statement on Cultural Attack Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This is Psychology 120 discussion , i need in your own words and thoughts, so please don’t copy from google
Anne Frank famously wrote, at the end of her personal account of hiding from the Nazis, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” This sentiment captures the essence of the Humanist point of view.
What do you think about Anne Frank’s statement?
Do you agree with Freud’s darker vision, that we are driven by impulses that the ego and superego seek to regulate and control, or do you lean towards the humanist view that people are basically good and striving to attain self-actualization?
How does taking one side or the other influence one’s perception of the influences and factors surrounding personality?
ASAM 320 UCR Comparing and Contrasting American Imperialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This is a very short essay-style answers no more than (250-300 words). Answer the question below.
****Be sure to have a main argument or thesis, supporting quotes or other evidence from the texts as well as analysis and evaluation of evidence and key words!
Question: Compare and contrast American imperialism and the dominant gaze from two different historical contexts that we analyzed. Choose two: Philippine-American War, 19th Century Yellow Perilism, or Bikini. What significant similarities and differences do you see? Be sure to cite, define, analyze, and compare relevant key words and to begin with an arguable thesis (a thesis that requires evidence and analysis)!
– I have provided the lecture pdfs, and the grading rubric pdf that you should use to answer the question!
– There is a extra credit question in there and I have attached the additional text you need to answer it!
Alabama A & M University The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this debate, you will address the following scenario and question:
Under the Park Doctrine, the government may pursue a criminal misdemeanor offense against a responsible corporate officer based on the misconduct of the officer’s corporation, regardless of whether the officer had knowledge of the misconduct. Similarly, OIG may seek to exclude an officer or managing employee of a corporation based on the conviction or exclusion of the corporation regardless of whether the officer or managing employee had knowledge of the conduct giving rise to the sanction.
Your assignment for this Unit is to debate whether the government should be permitted to invoke these authorities – either separately or combined – to impose consequences on corporate officers in the absence of any specific knowledge of wrongdoing. Is this a good or bad thing for our healthcare system?
Posting length should be 1-2 paragraphs.
APA Format
Cite all sources used
For this week’s discussion
1) What strikes you as the most unusual or surprising changes that you experience in Sam Cooke’s transformation of the song? Is it more or less expressive than the other three?
2) In comparing the first three versions what element(s) did you find most memorable? Most authentic (heart-felt)?
3) add a fourth stanza (text below). Your stanza should follow the AAB format below, and be thematically linked in some way to what precedes your writing. You don’t have to be overly narrative but remember to keep it in first person.
For your response to your classmate, in addition to responding to their responses to questions 1 and 2, you will add another stanza , i.e. you will add a stanza to your classmate’s new stanza. Try your best to respond to somebody who hasn’t already been responded to, but adding a fifth stanza would be OK if someone else has already responded.
Mean Old World
This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. This is a mean old world, try and live it by yourself. Can’t get the one you love, have to use somebody else.
I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. I’ve got the blues, gonna pack my things and go. Guess you don’t love me, babe, loving mister so-and-so.
Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? Sometimes I wonder why can your love be so cold? I guess you don’t love me, gonna pack my things and go.
by Walter Jacobs
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
You are a nursing student in a BSN Program, currently enrolled in a Leadership course. As part of your current immersion experience, you are working with the charge nurse in the operating room. In pre-op on the first day of this clinical experience, you observe an upset client refusing to sign a surgery consent unless a small religious object could accompany him and stay attached to his body. This object is a key component of his cultural beliefs, and he will cancel the surgery if he is unable to keep the religious object attached to his body. The charge nurse states, “Let me check and see what we can do, I will need a bit of time to collaborate with others and see if we can identify a solution.” You observe the charge nurse gather a team of nurses in the pre-op area and begin reviewing the policy and procedure manuals for the facility to determine if a solution can be identified to allow the object to be taken into the operating room. While the healthcare team was looking for a solution, someone recommended that the object is wrapped in non-conductive material, and applied to the client under a sterile dressing. According to policy, this would work with Surgeon approval.
In post-conference, you debrief with a faculty member and discuss this powerful example of healthcare team members working together to support and respect a client’s unique cultural needs and belief system. The clinical faculty tells you to complete a clinical journal entry which describes the process involved in this example of professional practice. Include the following in your journal entry:
Explain how relational inquiry was applied in this situation to promote the process of clinical reasoning.
From context and culture
Optimization of health and well-being
Collaborating across differences
Do you believe this action was appropriate, and why or why not?
Provide a supporting argument to defend choice for appropriate or non-appropriate response by the nurse and include personal biases.
RC Implement Relational Inquiry to Promote Clinical Reasoning Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
University of Connecticut Topics of Interest to a Restless Audience Discussion Writing Assignment Help
write an 1.5-2.5 speech paper. And answer the following questions.
-How will you start your speech in order to grab the audience’s attention and stick in their mind?
-What will you cover and how will you order this information? Briefly discuss the arrangement of your speech
-What sort of rhetorical strategies (themes, signposts, motifs, figures of speech etc.) will you try to possibly repeat? Will you have any examples and or stories? in this speech? Why so?
-How are you going to close your speech and why?
-What sort of tone do you want to have here and how will you be using non-verbal cues in your speech?
PSY 120 GC Anne Franks statement on Cultural Attack Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
This is Psychology 120 discussion , i need in your own words and thoughts, so please don’t copy from google
Anne Frank famously wrote, at the end of her personal account of hiding from the Nazis, “Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart.” This sentiment captures the essence of the Humanist point of view.
What do you think about Anne Frank’s statement?
Do you agree with Freud’s darker vision, that we are driven by impulses that the ego and superego seek to regulate and control, or do you lean towards the humanist view that people are basically good and striving to attain self-actualization?
How does taking one side or the other influence one’s perception of the influences and factors surrounding personality?
ASAM 320 UCR Comparing and Contrasting American Imperialism Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This is a very short essay-style answers no more than (250-300 words). Answer the question below.
****Be sure to have a main argument or thesis, supporting quotes or other evidence from the texts as well as analysis and evaluation of evidence and key words!
Question: Compare and contrast American imperialism and the dominant gaze from two different historical contexts that we analyzed. Choose two: Philippine-American War, 19th Century Yellow Perilism, or Bikini. What significant similarities and differences do you see? Be sure to cite, define, analyze, and compare relevant key words and to begin with an arguable thesis (a thesis that requires evidence and analysis)!
– I have provided the lecture pdfs, and the grading rubric pdf that you should use to answer the question!
– There is a extra credit question in there and I have attached the additional text you need to answer it!
Alabama A & M University The Responsible Corporate Officer Doctrine Paper Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
In this debate, you will address the following scenario and question:
Under the Park Doctrine, the government may pursue a criminal misdemeanor offense against a responsible corporate officer based on the misconduct of the officer’s corporation, regardless of whether the officer had knowledge of the misconduct. Similarly, OIG may seek to exclude an officer or managing employee of a corporation based on the conviction or exclusion of the corporation regardless of whether the officer or managing employee had knowledge of the conduct giving rise to the sanction.
Your assignment for this Unit is to debate whether the government should be permitted to invoke these authorities – either separately or combined – to impose consequences on corporate officers in the absence of any specific knowledge of wrongdoing. Is this a good or bad thing for our healthcare system?