HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help. HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help.

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need support to help me understand better.
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Case Study:

You are the health care administrator for a busy free rural medical clinic in the mountains of Western North Carolina. This clinic serves a large number of indigent clients. One particular client that comes to the clinic is Myrtle. Myrtle has a number of health care issues and she routinely sees the nurse practitioner. Myrtle is a smoker and has been told by the nurse practitioner and physician that she needs to stop smoking because it is making her condition worse. Given the limited funding of the clinic, staff come to you and asks to discontinue providing free care to Myrtle due to her lack of compliance to care. The staff is concerned that Myrtle is using resources other clients need and due to her non-compliance, they believe these resources should be directed to other more needy and compliant clients.

For this discussion, imagine that you are the health care administrator for this clinic

1. In your first post:

• Describe your role (I am a Physical Therapist Assistant). Your description should be based on researching credible sources for information. Post the complete URL of any site where you find information (e.g. http://www.bls.gov/ooh/Healthcare/Physical-therapists.htm)
• As the health care administrator, what is your decision regarding the staff’s recommendations and why?
• In your opinion, does everyone have a right to health care? Explain your position.
• Is there a more creative and reasonable solution to this issue with Myrtle? If so, describe your ideal resolution.

2. After posting your initial response, select posts by two classmates to respond to and offer your argument in opposition to their positions. Remember, it is important to support your position with sources that are credible.

HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Returns Control of The Console Python Lab Report Programming Assignment Help

I’m working on a python question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

This is an individual assignment due on Saturday (8 May) at 11:59 pm. As an open book project, you may reference notes and other course material, but you may not work together, or receive help from anyone except staff members. Otherwise, it is just like a normal lab assignment: you may use PythonTutor or other IDEs, and you may submit as many times as you’d like. We will not be style-checking this assignment.

MOSS: A Word on Plagiarism Detection

Please keep in mind that as computer science instructors, we care about academic dishonesty just as strongly as our peers in other fields of study. Unlike our peers, however, our field of expertise and the nature of the material allows us to create tools that enhance our detection of plagiarism. I’m sure you have heard of similar tools, such as TurnItIn.com, and other plagiarism detection systems for essays. Since our field is more mathematical, however, we are capable of considering not only the actual text written on the screen but the overall flow and intent of the program, and mathematically compare it to that of another to determine the level of similarity between the two. Therefore, I highly suggest that you do not “collaborate” with anyone else, as we will be able to detect it. If we catch you cheating, you will receive an automatic zero in the class, and your case will be sent to the Office of Academic Integrity & Student Conduct. With that being said, let’s all take a deep breath and try to have some fun!


At this point in the course, you have enough knowledge about Python to do more than you think. Many simple games, for example, can be written with what we’ve already covered. So let’s do it! Let’s create a game of 2048!

Concepts being tested

  • Data Structures
    • Nested Lists
    • Dictionaries
    • Potentially Sets
  • Branching
  • Loops
    • Nested Loops
  • Functions Basics
  • Critical thinking, planning, & organization


ACCOUNTING 2 Santa Monica College Budgeting Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a accounting question and need guidance to help me study.


For this chapter’s online journal, read the Ethics Challenge noted on page 988 of your textbook.

1. Write a 1/2 page report to a local not-for-profit organization or government agency offering a solution to the “use it or lose it” budgeting problem.

2. Will your solution be different if this was a personal budget? Explain your response.

3. Do you prepare a personal budget?

To receive full credit, you need to answer ALL 3 questions. You must post first before you can see another student’s response.


SOCW Walden University Depression in Adolescence Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a social work project and need support to help me study.

Hello, I have an assignment that is due May 9, 2021. I have to choose a population I want to to work with and choose six-peer reviewed articles and answer the questions below. The population I chose is adolescents. I am willing to pay $150-$200 dollars for this assignment. Thank you.

Submit an 8- to 10-page scholarly paper supported with a minimum of sixpeer-reviewed articles as references. In the paper, you should:

  • Briefly describe the population and presenting problem you are focusing on for this assignment.
  • Provide a review of the articles you reviewed from this project and explain what you learned from conducting this research.
  • Briefly describe at least 2 evidence-based interventions currently used for your chosen population when addressing this particular problem. Provide supporting references when explaining the evidence behind the interventions.
  • Explain which of these interventions you might choose to use and why.
    • Consider client values and your clinical expertise and how those might affect your decision of which intervention to use.
  • Describe how you might apply the specific skills and techniques of the chosen intervention.
  • Briefly explain how you could measure the outcomes of this intervention.
  • Explain any cultural considerations that you need to take into account when working with this population or the particular presenting problem.
  • Discuss how the Code of Ethics applies when working with this particular presenting problem and population.
  • Explain how you would apply a trauma-informed lens when working with this population.

Support your Final Project with specific references to the resources. Be sure to provide full APA citations for your references.


Bowie State University Diagnosing and Treating Schizophrenia Case Study Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing Case Study and need an explanation to help me learn.

Examine Case 3: You will be asked to
make three decisions concerning the diagnosis and treatment for this
client. Be sure to consider co-morbid physical as well as mental factors
that might impact the client’s diagnosis and treatment.

At each Decision Point, stop to complete the following:

  • Decision #1: Differential Diagnosis
    • Which Decision did you select?
    • Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support
      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with
      Decision #1 and the results of the Decision. Why were they different?
  • Decision #2: Treatment Plan for Psychotherapy
    • Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support
      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with
      Decision #2 and the results of the Decision. Why were they different?
  • Decision #3: Treatment Plan for Psychopharmacology
    • Why did you select this Decision? Support your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • What were you hoping to achieve by making this Decision? Support
      your response with evidence and references to the Learning Resources.
    • Explain any difference between what you expected to achieve with
      Decision #3 and the results of the decision. Why were they different?
  • Also include how ethical considerations might impact your treatment plan and communication with clients and their families
  • https://mym.cdn.laureate-media.com/2dett4d/Walden/…

Please include 5 scholarly journal articles and explain why each decision was made.



Moraine Valley Community College CH15 Muscle Glycogen Health & Medical Question Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me learn.

The format of this is free-response and you will be required to generate five multiple choice questions regarding content from Chapter 14-16 and justifications as to why each question is considered a quality question. Each question and justification is worth 1 point. This examination is open-note and will NOT be proctored via Respondus LockDown Browser; therefore, you may use your notes, any materials posted on Canvas, and other learning resources found elsewhere…Basically, what I need is the 5 multiple choice questions w/explainations using these provided powerpoints, and anything else you may find.

Moraine Valley Community College CH15 Muscle Glycogen Health & Medical Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

SBCC Relational Development Transparency & Trust in Relationships Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a communications question and need support to help me learn.

Question 1: CH 7 Relational Development: Managing Dialectical Tensions

Review PP lecture (Module Week 11) and reread pp. 219-222. Also see Activity p. 231.

  1. Identify and describe an interpersonal relationship in your life where there currently exists a struggle between each person’s need for either autonomy or connection, transparency or privacy, novelty or predictability.
  2. Explain how this dialectical tension affects the relationship. Give examples that show understanding of both parties.
  3. Based on this relationship, consider which methods might be useful for managing the dialectical tension. Explain how you would use this method with the person with whom you experience this dialectical tension. In other words: a) explain what you perceive the problem to be, b) suggest a method from pg. 222, c) explain how you would accomplish your part of the strategy: what would you say (verbal )and do (nonverbal) differently?
  4. How do you think the other person would react? What might be the result?

(METHODS:Denial, Disorientation, Selection, Alternation, Segmentation, Moderation, Reframing, Reaffirmation.)

Question 2: CH 8 Relational De-Escalation: Break-ups

Review Lecture (Week 12 Module) and reread pgs. 235-250 in text

Think of one of the most significant “break ups” you have ever experienced, either in a romantic relationship, a friendship or with a family member.

  1. Write a short paragraph explaining what happened. How long had you known one another and how long had you been in an interpersonal relationship? Why did the break up happen? Using this narrative (which is from your point of view) apply the concepts from this chapter.
  2. Was the break up unilateral or bilateral? Explain
  3. Was the breakup strategy direct or indirect? Describe the behaviors that led to this distinction. Name the specific breakup strategy (pg. 250) and explain what happened.
  4. Consider Transgressions and Social Exchange theory in your responses – Use examples. What Were the Cost/Rewards in the relationship?
  5. After reading this chapter what would you do differently or the same? Be specific.

Question 3: Ch 9 Conflict Management And Chapter 10 Helpful and Unhelpful Behavior -(Synthesize competent communication behaviors throughout the textbook. You should focus on the below concepts and skills.

Skills: Demonstrate communication competence in this reflective analysis by considering and addressing, the different Conflict Approaches, “I” language, Perception checking, Gibbs Supportive and Defensive Behaviors, the 4 Horsemen of the Apocalypse and/or Active Listening.


Instructions: Reflection Helpful / Unhelpful Communication/ behavior

Recall two memorable conflict situations in which you did not behave in a way that helped minimize or resolve the conflict. Fill out the following Conflict Awareness Log to help you identify effective strategies to use in the future when you are called on to help resolve interpersonal conflicts.

  • In column 1, briefly describe the incident.
  • In column 2, explain your unhelpful communication actions and the reason(s) for your unhelpful behavior.
  • In column 3, describe what you wish you’d said or done to help resolve the situation.

Briefly describe the incident.

Explain your unhelpful communication behaviors.

Explain your actions or the reason(s) for your unhelpful behavior

Describe what you could have done, or wish you’d said or done to help resolve the situation. Label the skills based on course terms. Use specific examples and suggestions.

Example 1

Example 2

Question 4: Overall Reflection Chapters. 1-10

  1. Describe an important specific concept you’ve learned in this course (Hint: go through the bold faced and italic words from Chapters 1-10. You may not use the broad chapter headings e.g. nonverbal communication, verbal communication etc. nor may you use the skills of Perception Checking or ‘I’ language, Dialectical Tensions, Types of Break-ups or Individual Conflict Styles). What is the concept? (Other oriented Communication:Self Oriented behavior with other oriented behaviors) Define it in your own words. Explain why you think it is important in terms of being a more competent communicator. Provide examples which demonstrate your mastery of skills described in the textbook.
  1. How do you plan to use this concept to improve your communication in a current, specific interpersonal relationship in your life.
  1. Give support, examples and evidence of how you will integrate it. Incorporate course terminology and concepts.


CJ 232 San Jose State University Correctional System in United States Responses Law Assignment Help

I’m working on a law discussion question and need support to help me study.

Please read The Below First

I’m looking for someone who does not use Chegg or Course Hero or any online cites to provide your answers. The professor checks these other sites as well. If you do this to provide your answers and don’t use your own, let me know immediately so I can choose someone else to assist me. I have been notified that an assignment was linked to Chegg or Course Heroetc.

Someone that uses their own words, so nothing can be found on the internet.

Someone who does not Plagiarize others work from online websites.

I have word documents attached with the instructions.

Then let me know. 

Thank you.

Subjects are:

Criminal Justice

This is the book that is used:

American Corrections in Brief

ISBN-13: 9781305633735


Clear, T. R. (2016). American Corrections in Brief. [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/97813375…

Your answers will be original?

The professor or anyone will not be able find these answers on any online website?

Please answer:

1. Read all the instructions and let me know if you have any questions about what must be done.

2. Your answers will be all original?

3. Do you guarantee that all your work is original and none of what you write can or will be found on any online site?

Therefore, I try to provide a longer time for the work to be completed.


African Americans Oppression Tools Essay Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a history project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

Write a 2.5- to 3-page paper on the prompt below. Your paper must include at least six examples. You must include examples from books 1, 2, and 3. You may choose to include visual analysis in your examples. Use parenthetical citations indicating the book and pag e number. For example: When the sheriff in Selma was released from the hospital, he wore a button that said “Never.” (Book 3/171-172) Paper Question: As revealed in the March trilogy, describe the tools of oppression used to deny African Americans their civil and political rights. You may wish to consider the role of political leaders, law enforcement, the courts, businesses, every-day racists, etc.


NSG 6001 South University Online Week 2 Respiratory Clinical Case Soap Note Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing case study and need guidance to help me learn.

SOAP Note Assignment

Click here to download and analyze the case study for this week. Create a SOAP note for disease prevention, health promotion, and acute care of the patient in the clinical case. Your care plan should be based on current evidence and nursing standards of care.

Visit the online library and research for current scholarly evidence (no older than 5 years) to support your nursing actions. In addition, consider visiting government sites such as the CDC, WHO, AHRQ, Healthy People 2020. Provide a detailed scientific rationale justifying the inclusion of this evidence in your plan.

Next determine the ICD-10 classification (diagnoses). The International Classification of Diseases, Ninth Revision, Clinical Modification (ICD-10-CM) is the official system used in the United States to classify and assign codes to health conditions and related information.

Click here to access the codes.

Download the SOAP template to help you design a holistic patient care plan. Utilize the SOAP guidelines to assist you in creating your SOAP note and building your plan of care. You are expected to develop a comprehensive SOAP note based on the given assessment, diagnosis, and advanced nursing interventions. Reflect on what you have learned about care plans through independent research and peer discussions and incorporate the knowledge that you have gained into your patient’s care plan. If the information is not in the provided scenario please consider it normal for SOAP note purposes, if it is abnormal please utilize what you know about the disease process and write what you would expect in the subjective and objective areas of your note.


  • Your care plan should be formatted as a Microsoft Word document. Follow the current APA edition style. Your paper should be no longer than 3-4 pages excluding the title and the references and in 12pt font.


HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

HCA 440 Pima Medical Institute – Tucson Healthcare Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

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