HCCS US Constitution the Advantages & Disadvantages of The Death Penalty Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HCCS US Constitution the Advantages & Disadvantages of The Death Penalty Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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TOPIC: Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the death penalty, including whether it violates the U.S. Constitution.
Instructions: It must be a minimum of three substantive double-spaced pages in length. This means that title pages, bibliographies, or other extra pages that do not substantively discuss the topic are not part of the 3-page minimum. The paper must also have a minimum of three works cited; include a works cited (bibliography) page; be mindful that grammar and spelling are important. Please note again that the 3-page minimum length excludes additional pages such as a title page or a works cited page. The purpose of the assignment is for you to demonstrate your critical thinking skills, writing ability, research proficiency and creativity.
HCCS US Constitution the Advantages & Disadvantages of The Death Penalty Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
CTU Employment Laws in Hiring Selection and Recruitment Process Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
As a human resources recruiter for a streaming TV service provider, you have been asked to discuss the importance of employment laws in creating a fair and safe work environment with several hiring managers in the customer service department. These laws protect the company and its employees. The laws included in the discussion are as follows:
- Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
- Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO)
- Equal Pay Act
- Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA)
- Occupational Safety and Health Act (OSHA)
- Research each law, and briefly describe two of the laws
- In your opinion, why are these two laws important to the company?
- Provide an example or a story related to the laws that you have encountered in the workplace.
Texas Climate Change Fox News Adverse Weather Conditions Article Discussion Writing Assignment Help
1) Don’t use any quoted material in your assignments. Describe the articles contents in your own words
2) Please follow the formatting instructions EXACTLY AS WRITTEN.
Single space, Times New Roman, 12pt, follow the 3 paragraph format,
include the hyperlink to the article and list the news source
Only use a mainstream media outlet as the source. This is any news
source or outlet that reports on GENERAL or MAINSTREAM news. This means
do not use: National Geographic, Sierra Club newsletters, ScienceDaily,
any type of blog. You can use ANY NEWS SOURCE – big names are fine –
BBC, San Diego Tribune, LA Times, Fox News, CBC/NBC/ABC, but I read some
from small or less commonly used sources like The Morning Call (from
Pennsylvania), Deutche Welle (Germany), and another local news source
from Michigan. Love it!
4) Try to pick a very current article (but anything within the last 6 months is ok).
Requirements: 300-400 words
Northcentral University Decision Making of School Board Members Essay Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment, you are to pretend that you are a school board member. 10 questions have been generated for you to answer and they are related to how policy is formulated, as well as how evidence is used to make decisions. Insert each question into the paper as an APA level-2 heading, and succinctly summarize your response in 150 to 250 or less per question.
Length: 5-7 pages, not including title page or references (if embedded).
References: Not required
Your essay should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts that are presented in the course and provide new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards.
- What do you see as the board’s roles and responsibilities?
- What role does policy play/have in the functioning of the board?
- Do board members/the board have a role in the day-to-day operation of the district?
- How can a board know if its goals are being accomplished and its policies carried out?
- Who should set the rules governing board procedures, methods and behavior? Who should enforce them?
- What group of students and staff is usually most impacted when a major decision has to be made?
- How is a change in policy communicated to school districts and communities?
- Are there any financial commitments that come with being a school board member?
- How often do you all meet to discuss policies that are laid out?
- If you could, what changes would you make to the board?
Central Michigan University Product Advertisement Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
In an initial post to this discussion board, respond to the following questions/prompts. Please label your responses by number so I can tell where one response ends and the next begins. Address all parts in your discussion. If using outside sources, be sure to cite them and include reference information:
1. Explain the “big idea.” Choose a commonly seen ad from a typical product category (automotive, mattresses, pharmaceuticals, etc) and identify, analyze and critique the big idea?
2. What type of appeal do you recognize in most advertising? What type of appeal do you commonly respond to and why?
PRST 2010 University of Missouri Columbia Foundations of Sport Essay Writing Assignment Help
OB Case #1: We Are Family
Case synopsis and analysis
Betsy Moore is the new director of marketing and communications for a minor league team. She works for Marianne, the vice president of marketing, and is tasked with developing an aggressive new communication and marketing plan. Four people work under Betsy. Two of these individuals have a strong, personal relationship with Marianne and turn to her for support, advice and counsel on work-related matters. This makes it difficult for Betsy to develop and implement the new plan. To make matters worse, Marianne has recently taken the other two subordinates under her wing and is serving as their personal mentor.
Betsy is task driven and feels that she is not able to execute her plans or build a cohesive team because of Marianne’s relationships. Marianne is relationship focused and does not seem to notice how her meetings with Betsy’s subordinates may undermine Betsy and inhibit her ability to execute the new plans.
Learning objectives:
- Students should be able to apply the principles of behavior theory to a leader.
- Students should be able to apply Blake and Mouton’s grid to a leader.
- Students should recognize some of the complexities of task or relationship behavior, particularly when there are multiples levels of leadership.
Answers questions:
- Marianne and Betsy do indeed have different leadership styles. What style would you ascribe to Betsy? To Marianne?
- Does Betsy need to change her leadership style to improve the situation with Bridget and Suzanne? Does Marianne need to change her style of leadership?
- How can Marianne and Betsy work together?
PRST 2010 University of Missouri Columbia Foundations of Sport Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
DPU The Most Important Information and Ideas in Youth to Power Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
post a response to one of the Review Questions and/or one of the Preview Questions. Try to answer a question that has not yet been answered, but if that’s not possible, it’s okay.
Review Questions
1. Do you have questions about any of last week’s readings: 1. Youth to Power Chapter 11, particularly pages 138-144 and 149-150 and 2.Challenge Everything Part 3 (pages 69-103) – Challenge Government.
2. What do you consider the most important information or idea(s) in Youth to Power Chapter 11 (social media for social action)?
3. Did reading the Challenge Government section of Challenge Everything change your mind or inspire you in any way about climate change and/or about activism?
4. What genres are you considering for your final assignment? We have already considered a short story (“The Precedent”) and a piece of non-fiction writing, possibly on the model of the three sections of Challenge Everything. In the last two weeks before Spring Break, we will consider a TED talk and a children’s book. But there are other possibilities. What possibilities are you considering?
Preview Questions
1. Drawing on our discussion last week about protest and non-violent direct action, what do you see as the possibilities, limitations, and challenges of these two forms of social action, particularly for the issues that you are most interested in?
2. Do some research on the term “civil disobedience,” and tell us what you learned.
3. Do some research here on the 1930 Salt March in India; then watch the following video and tell us what you learned about peaceful civil disobedience. Warning: the video contains depictions of violence.
4. Do some research on kayaktivism, and tell us what you learned.
5. Do some research on the Dakota Access Pipeline actions at Standing Rock in 2016, and tell us what you learned.
6. Do some research on the 1963 Children’s March in Birmingham, Alabama, and tell us what you learned.
7. Do some research on the Stop Line 3 actions going on in Minnesota right now, and tell us what you learned.
8. What does the idea of challenging yourself mean to you? It doesn’t have to be about political or social action; rather, you can discuss any context in which the idea of challenging yourself has meaning for you.
Campbellsville University Project Risk Management Reflection Paper Writing Assignment Help
Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how the knowledge, skills, or theories of this course have been applied, or could be applied, in a practical manner to your current work environment. If you are not currently working, share times when you have or could observe these theories and knowledge could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.
- Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.
- Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.
- Share a personal connection that identifies specific knowledge and theories from this course.
- Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.
- You should NOT, provide an overview of the assignments assigned in the course. The assignment asks that you reflect how the knowledge and skills obtained through meeting course objectives were applied or could be applied in the workplace.
I have attached the course syllabus and also my resume
MATH 1332 Geico Slogan Logical Reasoning Presentation Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m studying for my Statistics class and don’t understand how to answer this. Can you help me study?
Math 1332 Logic Project: Investigate Advertising Slogans
Objective: Explore logical reasoning as it applies to advertising slogans.
In this project, you will investigate the logic behind advertising slogans. For example, what does the slogan, “Use Mr. Smiley toothpaste for healthy gums and white teeth.” mean? Does it mean that if you do not use Mr. Smiley toothpaste, you will not have healthy gums and white teeth? Is that what the advertisers would like you to think?
To analyze the logic of the slogan, first write the slogan in the conditional if-then form then in the biconditional, converse, inverse, and contrapositive forms to help you reach conclusions about the product slogan.
- Conditional: If you use Mr. Smiley toothpaste, then you will have healthy gums and white teeth.
- Biconditional: You use Mr. Smiley toothpaste if and only if you have healthy gums and white teeth.
- Inverse: If you do not use Mr. Smiley toothpaste, then you will not have healthy gums and white teeth.
- Converse: If you have healthy gums and white teeth, then you use Mr. Smiley toothpaste.
- Contrapositive: If you do not have healthy gums and white teeth, then you do not use Mr. Smiley toothpaste.
The advertiser is hoping that you will accept the truth of their slogan and all of the conditionals associated with it.
Analyze the logic of ONE slogan and identify the impact the slogan has on you or your family members. Choose ONE of the slogans and create a PowerPoint (see http://www.slideshare.net/victoriamiles/17mc-donaldsimlovinitproject-22764577 for an example) or write as a paper using the following steps:
- Write the slogan in its original form.
- Write a short history of the slogan.
- Write the slogan as a conditional, biconditional, inverse, converse, and contrapositive forms of the statement.
- What do you think about the slogan after examining all its forms?
- Is it a realistic slogan?
- Can you suggest a way to improve the slogan to make it more appealing or more realistic?
- Tell how you or someone in your family is affected by the slogan. Does it catch your interest? Would you buy the product based only on the slogan?
- Use APA or MLA format to cite your sources. Suggestion: use http://www.citationmachine.net/
Project based on the following websites:
Project: Investigate Advertising Slogans. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2018, from http://www.garnetvalleyschools.com/cms/lib02/PA01000401/Centricity/Domain/678/SloganProject.pdf
Project: Investigate Advertising Slogans. (n.d.). Retrieved February 20, 2018, from https://www.interborosd.org/cms/lib2/PA01915963/Centricity/Domain/274/GeometryCh2AdvertisingSlogansProject.pdf Copyright by McDougal, Littell a division of Houghton Mifflin Company
New York University Set Theory Question Mathematics Assignment Help
give formal prove for following questions (check the attached png.)
1. Suppose that R and S are equivalence relations on a set A. Prove that R∩S is an equivalence relation on A.
2. Prove that each given relation is an equivalence relation. Then describe the partition associated witheach equivalence relation.
(a) The relation V on R given by V={(x, y)∈R×R: (x=y)∨(xy= 1)}.
(b) The relation T on R×R given by (x, y)T(a, b) iff x2+y2=a2+b2.
3. Prove that each given collection is a partition of the given set. Then describe the equivalence relationassociated with each partition.
(a){{−x, x}:x∈N∪{0}}is a partition ofZ.
(b){Ar:r∈R}, where eachAr={(x, y) :x+y=r}, is a partition ofR×R.