HCOM 100 California State University Means to Be a Car Enthusiast Discussion Writing Assignment Help. HCOM 100 California State University Means to Be a Car Enthusiast Discussion Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a writing presentation and need support to help me study.
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I have an Persuasive outline folder named (work in progress), in which you might fight some recommendations i wrote to the previous tutor. this Persuasive outline needs rewriting in the same exact manner of a folder named (sample outline(ravens)). this task is simple if you follow the guidelines I provided in the folder(List of instructions), and listened to the voice recorded speeches of 3 real life student which are under the names(Mckenzie, New recording 5, New recording 6).If you know your s*** this will be a walk in the park for you which won’t take you more that 2 hours to complete.
HCOM 100 California State University Means to Be a Car Enthusiast Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Marymount University Basic Node Definition in a Python Program Project Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a python exercise and need guidance to help me learn.
Instruction on the codes see codes below to know what to do
#Basic Node definition. Each Node contains a Value, a left child, and a right child
class Node:
def __init__(self,value):
self.left = None
self.right = None
self.val = value
#insert Value into the appropiate spot in the tree
def insert(root, node):
if root is None:
elif root.val < node.val:
if root.right is None:
root.right = node
insert(root.right, node)
if root.left is None:
root.left = node
insert(root.left, node)
def inorder_traversal(root):
#finish code to print all values with an inorder traversal
if root is not None:
bst = Node(5)
California National University for Advanced Studies Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a international trade question and need an explanation to help me learn.
From Question 1 to 4 At least 500 words and at least from two references
Questions 5 and 6 need to be at least 2 pages with at least one reference
Question 1:
At least 500 words and at least from two references
The following webpage for exporters is a good example of sources/resources you can use:
1. Discuss resources (local, state, federal, global) you can use to start your overseas business venture
2. Which resources seem to be most efficient and why?
Provide links whenever possible
Question 2:
1.Why has Israel been labeled the Startup Nation?
2.What contributes to the high level of innovation and startups? Israel Entrepreneurship
Question 3:
Ease of Doing Business
1. Discuss the sources of information, financing and other support needed to set up a new company in the U.S.
2. Based on Table 6.1, p. 72, in the textbook. compare the monetary costs, time and other resources needed to set up a new company in countries around the world. How would you use this information to select an overseas destination to start your new business venture.
Question 4:
Success and Failure of Entrepreneurs
1. Some suggest that foreign markets are graveyards where entrepreneurial firms fail others contend foreign markets are the key to success. If you are a small firm profitable domestically why would you expand overseas?
2. What seems to determine the success of individual international entrepreneurs?
Question 5:
Case Study Business Incubator Subotica
See p. 210, textbook
Please answer the following Case Questions one by one providing facts, numbers, statistics, charts, references, historic timelines, links, etc.
1. What was the goal of establishing Business Incubator Subotica
2. What is the success of start-up companies from the beginning to today?
3. What are the role and the characteristics of business incubators and clusters?
4. What is the impact of business incubators and clusters in Serbia?
5. Can a building of networks be a powerful tool for multiplying the power of small enterprisers?
6. Who are the participants of the cluster network (Miniregion Subotica)?
Question 6:
See p. 336, textbook.
Please answer the following Case Questions one by one providing facts, numbers, statistics, charts, references, historic timelines, links, etc.
1.How did Sedo’s market value develop from 2000 to 2006?
2.To what extent was the 2006 exit strategic for the founders and the investor AdLink?
3.Was the 2006 exit a bargain, fair valued, or overpriced? Take into account that Sedo’s estimated EBIT was EUR 16 million and average EBIT multiples range between 5.5 and 8.1 for companies in the information technology industry.
4.How can Sedo’s management team sustain the company’s current market position in the future?
Marymount University Use of the Queue Functions in a Python Program Project Programming Assignment Help
I’m working on a python exercise and need guidance to help me understand better.
Instruction are on the code for what you should do see the codes below
class Stack:
def is_empty(self):
return self.data==[]
def push(self, node):
def pop(self):
if not self.is_empty():
del self.data[-1]
return value
print(“Nothing to pop”)
def print_stack(self):
print(‘not implemented yet’)
print(‘print the stack vertical so that the top is printed first’)
fruit = Stack()
fruit.push(“Canned Yams”)
Finish the Stack Class so that the print_stack method prints the stack vertically so that for instance [‘a’,’b’,’c’] is printed
class Queue:
Write Queue functions for enqueue, dequeue, is_empty and print_queue
q.enqueue(‘Job 1’)
q.enqueue(‘Job 2’)
q.enqueue(‘Job 3’)
CMN 735 UNH Personal Self Evaluation Reflecting on Work & Performance Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a communications question and need guidance to help me study.
In capstone seminars, I like to give students a chance to reflect and evaluate their own performance. Self-evaluations are part of most professional job descriptions, so it makes sense to practice them before graduation. This process is especially helpful to me in the context of the pandemic, since people are experience a range of challenging circumstances, making fair assessments of work more difficult. This process gives you a chance to assess your own work given the circumstances.
Please reflect on your work this semester and write a brief (one or two-page) summary of what you’ve accomplished so far. You can address each of the following areas separately, under separate headings, or you can organize your ideas in some other fashion that you prefer.
Reading assignments
Reflect on your work on Perusall, where you read and annotated several scholarly reading assignments. Were you able to keep up to date? Did you engage others in the discussions? Tell me whether you found Perusall useful, frustrating, or maybe a bit of both. Do you feel like you did a relatively good job starting a conversation, responding to others, or adding insightful comments?
Weekly summary
Reflect on your work each week preparing and posting summary for our course page. Describe your process. Did you take notes and/or make an outline? Did you revise and proofread before posting? Reflect on the overall experience of summary. Did you find the process of writing and posting helpful in understanding the ideas we’ve been discussing?
Zoom meetings
Reflect on our weekly class meetings. People have different ways of engaging with online classes. Some people simply like to listen attentively, and this active listening is helpful. Other people like to take notes while watching, whether their camera is on or not. This is also an active form of engagement. Still other folks like to raise their hand, ask questions, or make comments as the discussion unfolds. These are all valid ways of engaging online. Reflect as well on your experience so far in our online meetings. In other words, provide me with some feedback as well. Have the discussions been insightful, useful, and thought-provoking?
Final paper
Reflect on your work on the final. Describe your process. What did you get out of the process of reviewing your summary? What did you find challenging, and how did to overcome those challenges? Mention any strategies you employed, including reaching out to me or others in class for feedback and clarification.
University of California San Diego Origin of Power Wars Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a political science question and need support to help me study.
I need help on an essay that should be about 6-7 pages. I will post the prompt below, as well as attach the book for some help. I will also be including requirements.
– Explain how the security dilemma logic explains major power behavior in WW13
•Explain the origins of major power wars
•Provide a structural explanation of any major powers behavior in WW1
•Why did the assassination of Franz Ferdinand present Austria with a survival threat?
•Provide a structural explanation of Europe’s long cycle of war
•Explain the role of combat compliance in explaining the outcome of war
Requirements: choose one of the questions above (ONLY ONE) Double spacing, •Please use 12pt Times New Roman or Helvetica. Monospaced typeface such as Courier is not allowed, •1 inch margins, •No more than 1 inch of space dedicated to title and header (you only need to include title of the prompt that you are responding to in the title/header),• No extraneous space between paragraphs or headers.
Citation.Cite lecture and readings where appropriate (points will be deducted otherwise): •Include a bibliography page at the end of your paper, •Include in-text citations throughout the paper,2 •You may use any standard citation style, (MLA, APA, Chicago, etc.), •Please do not use outside sources
The Book: https://read.amazon.com/?asin=B000XUBDV2
University of California San Diego Origin of Power Wars Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Albany College of Pharmacy Fundamentals of Leadership and Teamwork Presentation Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need a reference to help me learn.
Doing part D
The presentation will be to staff in an organisation who want to enhance their teamwork functions and dynamics. Specifically, your assessment will be informed by scholarly literature (presented in the notes section) and analysed collectively based on your team experiences as part of this course, and will comprise of the following 7 parts:
A. Title page and a brief (250 words max) of your organisation (real or fictional) in the notes section
B. How teams seek to develop trust, honesty and effective relationships amongst team members
C. How teams make best use of the individual strengths and preferences of its members, while also mitigating for individual weaknesses
D. How teams seek to make use of creative problem-solving and critical and reflexive thinking
E. How teams seek to make decisions that affect all team members and deal with differences/confl icts
F. Summary outlining key findings and recommendations on teamwork functions
G. Team Meeting Minutes for at least 3 meetings. These are not included in the word count and can be submitted as a separate document. A template is provided on Stream; you can follow the template or create your own approach to keeping minutes. Minutes are to include (1) purpose of meeting; (2) attendance; (3) who performs key roles; and (4) agreed action and responsibilities.
HEALTH 501 Liberty University The Framingham Heart Study Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics case study and need an explanation to help me learn.
Framingham Case Study Analysis Assignment Instructions
Part I
Secondary Data Analysis and Summary
For this assignment, students will use Microsoft Excel to analyze selected Framingham Heart Study data. Students will perform various statistical data analyses to answer specific research questions. Students will provide appropriate tables that summarize the analysis. After the analysis, the students will provide a brief summary of each statistical result tables that were created from the data. Included will be a discussion of the appropriateness of the data collection methods used in the study in comparison to other methods. The student will then summarize the data analysis as a whole to not exceed 300 words.
HIST 260 Sinclair Community College American Southwestern Societies Questions Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a history report and need support to help me learn.
This what the teacher asked.
Do not use a formatting style such as MLA or Chicago, just write the paper with no internal citations. You must write on all 3 below.
Paragraphs must not be longer than six sentences.
In this paper you will become a time-traveling cultural interpreter. You will travel back in time to meet with representatives from Spain, Holland, and France. You must show you understand why the Spanish, Dutch, and French are in the Americas as well as their goals.
As you meet with each group you will need to explain why it is wrong to view America’s Native peoples as primitive and lacking sophistication.
You must use details from the textbook and the lecture materials.
1. In at least 300 words, go back in time as a cultural interpreter to meet with Christopher Columbus. During your meeting use your description of the American Southwestern societies to explain to Columbus why Native American societies were not primitive.
Highlight specific details related to:
a. Settlements (what did a typical settlement look like?)
b. Everyday technology (what types of tools & containers did men and women use?)
c. Spirituality (what was the relationship between the people and the earth?)
2. In at least 300 words, go back in time as a cultural interpreter to meet with the leader of the first French expedition down the St. Lawrence River. During your meeting use your description of the Northern eastern societies to explain to the French leader why Native American societies were not primitive.
Highlight specific details related to:
a. Settlements (what did a typical settlement look like?)
b. Everyday technology (what types of tools & containers did men and women use?)
c. Spirituality (what was the relationship between the people and the earth?)
3. In at least 300 words, go back in time as a cultural interpreter to meet with the leader of the first Dutch explorers in the Americas. During the meeting use your description of Cahokian/Mississippian societies to explain why to the Dutch leader Native American societies were not primitive.
Highlight specific details related to:
a. Settlements (what did a typical settlement look like?)
b. Everyday technology (what types of tools & containers did men and women use?)
c. Spirituality (what was the relationship between the people and the earth?)
Please do not use quotes or outside sources.
Walden University Leadership in Social Work Discussion Replies Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a psychology discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.
Respond to at least two colleagues in at least one of the following ways:
- Explain whether you agree with your colleague’s definition of success and method for evaluating success, and why.
- Critique your colleague’s recommendation for improving the program’s effectiveness.
- Be sure to use reference in your response
DB 1—Kylie
Success of CalWORKs
CalWORKs was a federally funded program that assisted families of low-income status with financial assistance, job seeking, and educational/vocational opportunities. The program had stipulations for those receiving services, which include a timeframe of 5 years to obtain an educational degree or vocational training or finding stable employment with the help of Job Club courses. Those who did not wish to participate could choose to receive benefits at a lower threshold. The idea of this program was to motivate participants to receive stable income and employment by the end of the 5-year timeframe to decrease the number of families on welfare (Plummer et al, 2014).
While the program did show successful rates of smaller numbers of families on the welfare program for several years, the economic decline from 2007 to 2011 dramatically affected those in need of services. Because of this event, the number of families participating in this program increased by nearly double. As a result, the program extended the timeframe for family members (Plummer et al, 2014). While the program was helpful to many families, the potential of environmental factors such as the economic turmoil was not considered (Lawrence et al, 2013, p 6-7). In turn, the program led to an increased number of families and prolonged welfare assistance. As the administrator, these factors dictate whether the program is successful and if adjustments need to be made.
Improving the Program
To improve this program, I would suggest implementing educating high school aged children on employment and educational/vocational goals post-graduation. In addition, assisting students with obtaining grants and scholarships as well as educating them on finances is beneficial. By having educating children at a crucial time as they are nearing adulthood and increased responsibilities, there is potential for a decreased need for welfare services once they reach adulthood. I feel this could lower the number of recipients in the future.
Lawrence, C., Strolin-Goltzman, J., Caringi, J., Claiborne, N., McCarthy, M., Butts, E., & O’Connell, K. (2013) Designing Evaluations in Child Welfare Organizations: An Approach for Administrators, Administration in Social Work, 37:1, 3-13, DOI: 10.1080/03643107.2011.607887
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014c). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
DB 2—Jacqui
he goals of CalWORKs program were to facilitate more self-sufficiency among the welfare recipients, confront long term dependency on welfare, reduce the cost of welfare services, provide job training, placement, and other assistance to families. Some of these goals were met. and some were not. The fact that these goals sometimes conflicted with each other made obtaining the goals very hard. Some of the goals could not be done with the other goals in mind, The program got people working and less dependent on the welfare system nut these programs still cost a lot of money. You have to look at the results versus the opportunities when observing this program. The goal of reducing public assistance was met and then not met and did money was not necessarily saved.
I think that from an education empowerment point of view this program is a great one. However, I believe that in the efforts to save money this may not be a very effective plan. I do think that encouraging people to go to school and get job training by offering them increased welfare is a great idea. I also think that the two years at a time, five years total is a great plan. This way families cannot take advantage of the welfare system and live off of it forever.
The best way to make this plan work is to look for some kind of educational grant to cover the educational part of the expense for these people. Then the welfare money can strictly be used for welfare and the ediucation money can be used just for that. It makes things a little more cut and dry, especially to the stakeholders and grant people reading the reports. As an administrator I would feel that some of this plan was achieved and some of it was not. I woud suggest that the plan for the CalWORKS be looked over by a professional business ananlyst. I would as an administrator be proud of the postiives of the plan outcome and look for ways to plan and fix regarding the parts of the plan that didn’t work. I would be troube shooting to make the most out of the plan that can be made.
Plummer, S.-B., Makris, S., & Brocksen, S. M. (Eds.). (2014c). Social work case studies: Foundation year. Baltimore, MD: Laureate International Universities Publishing [Vital Source e-reader].
HCOM 100 California State University Means to Be a Car Enthusiast Discussion Writing Assignment Help
HCOM 100 California State University Means to Be a Car Enthusiast Discussion Writing Assignment Help