Health and Medical Report Project Health Medical Assignment Help. Health and Medical Report Project Health Medical Assignment Help.
I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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I’m working on a health & medical report and need a sample draft to help me learn.
draft a 4-5 page report on your findings –
in addition to questions on survey – please collect information on demographics (such, age, race, gender, major, location etc.) so you make comparisons in the data
Please use charts and graphs to represent not only the descriptive data but comparative data as well
please add support to your views and findings using credible sources and cite them in APA
Health and Medical Report Project Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ENTR 425 AMU Quality Management System at Sit Means Sit Organization Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business writing question and need support to help me learn.
I will attach all necessary information to complete assignment to chat log.
Instructions: In this assignment, concepts from Week 4 and 5 are combined to help create a supply chain and logistics management plan. In the Week 4 Forum, you discussed 2-3 suppliers needed for your venture. In the supply chain and logistics management plan, you will expand on this list of suppliers by searching for additional suppliers and matching the suppliers with a list of resources needed for your venture. From this list you will compare and contrast the list of suppliers developed.
As we have discussed over the last two weeks, research is important and understanding your competition is vital. Investigate your closest competitor (it is okay if they are more established than you are currently).
Finally, describe your social media plan for interacting with customers and potential customers.
The assignment should be 4- 5 pages, (excluding the title, abstract, and reference pages).
Minimum scholarly 2 resources: APA format
Rubic: Venture Overview (Provide information on venture. Be sure to include name, description of product/services, location, and customer information.)
List required resources needed for product/services. (Include at least three (3) resources needed.)
Research suppliers for each of the resources listed above. (Include at least two (2) possible suppliers for each resource needed. You can use the suppliers listed from the Week 4 forum or search for other suppliers.)
Compare and contrast each of the suppliers. Select the supplier that matches the need of the venture the best and discuss why the supplier was selected.
Competitive Advantage – Investigate one of your competitors. (Include information such as description of their product/service, search their social media to determine customer feedback and reviews. From this information, discuss how your venture matches up to the information you have found. You may want to discuss how your product/service is better by highlighting differences between them and you. You may want to discuss how you would address customer feedback you found.)
Customer Value and Satisfaction – Describe your social media plan for interacting with customers and potential customers. (Include at least two (2) social media platforms and why the two were selected. Discuss how you or your employees will interact with customers on each platform. You may want to include how often you check each platform, what information you will share on each platform, and how to handle satisfied and unsatisfied customers.
School to Prison Pipeline & Freires Pedagogy of The Oppressed Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Using information obtained from class video lectures, course readings and
your section discussions, please explain what the “school-to-prison-pipeline”
(STPP) is, and what contributes to its existence, and expansion. How does Freire’s
“Pedagogy of the Oppressed” help us understand the STPP? You must provide at
least one connection between Freire’s work and the STPP readings. You will also
need to provide a section dedicated to providing alternatives to school discipline.
Your answers should be in short essay format. Please DO NOT list your
answers, they will be docked points in your overall grade. Please do not simply
submit a response, without citing any class material, you will receive a failing
grade if you do. This exercise is intended to have you interact with all data you
have available to you to assist you make connections between the reading and
lecture material, and provide your own discussion points.
Be consistent in your formatting. Although we are largely grading on
content, failure to comply with consistent formatting (see below) will also result in
a deduction of points. One good example is citations. If you quote, or refer to
someone else’s original work, make sure to cite it, and then include a references /
bibliography page to list your citations, otherwise, it is considered plagiarism.
1. Title Page
2. MLA format
3. 12 point font; Times New Roman
4. Double spaced
5. 1-inch margins, all- around
6. Length: Four (4) pages, minimum.
the other article to use is:
The School-to-Prison Pipeline: A Critical Review of the Punitive
Paradigm Shift by Christopher A. Mallett1
Anglia Ruskin University Cambridge and Chelmsford Response to Hailey Humanities Assignment Help
I’m working on a social science discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.
Please respond to hailey with 250 words. Please use the reference and citations provided in the discussion and provide and assessment of Haileys response .
3-Why is fire beneficial to plant communities and which species in particular are reliant upon it for their survival.
According to Tropical Savannas CRC & Bush fire CRC fires can be very beneficial to the plant communities because it removes low growing bushes, cleans the forest from debris, opens up new sunlight, and can nourish the soil for new growth. Fire can act as a herbivore removing unnecessary plants for new plants to grow, although fire can kill many trees it allows more to grow from the nourishing soil. There are many fires that are controlled so dead trees can burn and new trees can grow. There are many positives to wildfires but also many negative effects, some of the negative effects are the fires affecting the weather with the intense amounts of carbon dioxide, and carbon monoxide. Fire can benefit many different species because these animals depend on newer wildlife. Some of the species that depend on fires are reptiles, insects, elk, deer, and bears.These animals can thrive and increase in numbers from a fire. Fires can also have a negative and devastating effect on animals, over 3 billion species can be killed in wildfires. (Links to an external site.)
CRC, T. S. (n.d.). Effects of fire on plants and animals: Individual level. Retrieved from…
7-Describe the history of water rights in California’s early settlement.
About 200 million acres of water falls on California each year from rainfall, 326,000 gallons is used for households all over California. More than 80 percent of California’s water goes to some form of irrigation. According to William Shelby he states “ Today’s water issues and future water policies must include consideration of appropriate and equitable distribution, consumption, pricing, and quality of water. This is especially important considering some officials’ projections that water use may top 50 million” (Shelby pg. 214). This means per capita use of water has tripled with more droughts and has been encouraged to conserve water throughout California. In 1839 John August Sutter was granted a large rancho where the American River joins the Sacramento River. Sutter had water needs and only needed a drop compared to the millions of gallons that could be used. In California’s water history people needed to work together when disputing because it is such a large start, working together would resolve many major problems that included water.
William A Selby Rediscovering the Golden State California Geography 4th edition
9-Describe the unique nature of California’s freshwater environments.
California has many freshwater environments, some are underground water sources and some are on the surface. Keeping these freshwater sources healthy is the biodiversity that is often hidden underground. According to Science for Conservation “The San Joaquin River contains some of the highest concentrations of endemic freshwater species, as do the Sacramento, Salinas, upper Klamath, Pit, and Amargosa rivers. While watersheds of the south do not have large numbers of freshwater species compared to the rest of the state” These freshwater environments have many unique features such as the plants and species located there. California’s freshwater plants and animals purify the water we drink and use to grow crops. Some of the unique species are Clear Lake Hitch which is a fish which lives along the Pacific Coast, this fish migrates throughout many freshwater sources in California. The next fish is the California Golden Trout, this fish was designated the official fish for California and mostly lives throughout the Sierra Nevada. The next species is a Scale Lanx, it is commonly found in Archimedes Pyrg and the Klamath Rams-Horn. The last unique species is Californians Red Logged Frog, this is the celebrated jumping frog and is commonly known for its unique red color.
10-What factors are causing the increasing pollution of California’s water?
There are many factors that play a part in the increasing pollution in California’s water, some of the main things that contribute to this is factories, sewage, and runoff from farms.As stated by Conserve Energy Future “ Eighty percent (Links to an external site.) of ocean pollution (Links to an external site.) or marine pollution originates on land along the coast or far inland. Streams and rivers carry contaminants such as chemicals, nutrients, and heavy metals that are carried from farms, factories, and cities into our bays and estuaries, and from there, they reach the ocean.” With these factors polluting California’s water may contaminate drinking water. Water pollution has affected many organisms and vegetation that live in water. Water pollution can be caused by natural effects also such as Volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis these also affect the water but not as much as human made activities. Human made activities dissolve faster in the water causing devastating effects for the organisms.
CRC, T. S. (n.d.). Effects of fire on plants and animals: Individual level. Retrieved from…
Palomar College Microorganisms in Water and Sewage Treatment Plants Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a microbiology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.
Discuss how we can put microbes to work to facilitate our lives: from keeping our landscape clean to making delicious food and beverages. Review the Learning Activities in Module 9 to assist you with this assignment.
- Recognize the importance of microorganisms in water and sewage treatment plants.
- Describe food Microbiology, focusing on both preventative infection methods and the implication of specific microbial taxa in food preparation.
- Describe the employment of microorganisms in industrial Microbiology.
- Search the Online Library for information about harnessing bacteria to help us.
- Search Academic OneFile or choose another database. if you need assistance with your search. Use these search strings or try some of your own:
Putting bacteria to work |
Microbial fuel cell |
Industrial microbiology biotechnology |
Microbes in health care |
Microbial taxa |
Biotechnology and bacteria |
- Create a five-to-seven page essay summarizing various ways in which we employ microbes to our advantage. Think about their use in the food industry, waste management, health care, and conversion of waste product into fuel. Which of these applied Microbiology fields is of interest to you and has the potential for further development in your opinion?
- Support all of your assertions with scholarly resources.
- Essay: This project should be in proper APA format. There is a requirement of at least THREE scholarly resources (Wikipedia is not allowed) and those resources must be no older than FIVE years old.
- Five-to-Seven pages, not including title page, reference page, or appendix.
- Only a Word Doc submission is allowed. Remember, the Office365 account offers free access to Microsoft Office, which includes Word.
SW 2200 WSU Why Is Changing Health Related Behavior so Tricky Change Maker Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
I’m working on a public health exercise and need support to help me learn.
Paper Guidelines
The change maker paper must exhibit your capacity to engage in critical thinking and evidence your ability to integrate your experiences, information learned, prior concepts and perspectives covered in class discussions, reading materials and films.
The report must follow APA formatting guidelines: 12-point font, double-spaced, with one-inch margins on all sides. The paper must also include an abstract and title page. You will also prepare and submit a 4-5 page written report describing your experience. A minimum of 4 APA in-text citations (Links to an external site.) must be used to added to the paper strengthen your report, and must be listed on the reference page. The template is below.…
Paper must have a minimum of 4 in-text citations to add to the strength of the report. Interviews are not included in the 4 references. Reliable sources only (journal articles, books, etc.). The four APA references must be cited in the paper (in-text citation) and on the reference page. |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome Written summary Interpretation (author/student), why/how diversity related, lessons learned, incorporating interview experience with social change experience, etc.? Paper 4-5 pages |
SW 2200 WSU Why Is Changing Health Related Behavior so Tricky Change Maker Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ECPI University Unit 4 Does the Internet Need Control or Censorship Questions Computer Science Assignment Help
The Internet is a great source of information and misinformation. Websites come and go on a daily basis. A great many previously silenced voices can now be heard, on the Internet. However, there are numerous questions regarding free speech and the Internet. Does Internet censorship deny the right to free speech? How can a company incorporate free speech issues into their best practices and code of conduct? Does the ACM Code of Ethics cover this issue?
Write a 2- to 3-page (not including the reference page) paper answering these questions with facts from reliable sources. In addition, write two additional questions and answer them using at least 2 peer reviewed papers as sources to back up your statements.
Your paper must use proper APA formatting and must contain citations and references to all materials you access to help you with this paper.
Please name your file Lastname_U4_SecurityBreaches.doc and submit it according to the directions below.
COUN 120 Cuyamaca College Public Relation Strategist Career Research Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Format: 3 pages, double-spaced, typed, #12 font Content:
- For the Career Research Paper, choose a career that interests you or one suggested by the career assessments done in the class. Answer these questions:
- Describe the career. What are the typical job duties? Why are you interested in this career?
- Are certain personality types and skills desired and/or required? How does your personality type match this career or not? Go back to your Personality Assessment in CollegeScope.
- What are your interest codes for this career? How does your interests and values match this career? Go to Career Cruising.
- What are some advantages and disadvantages of working in this career? What type of environment will you be working in?
- What is a typical day, week, month, year? What is the salary or pay? Part time? Full time?
- What is the job outlook? Is there a demand or not in this field? How difficult or not difficult is it to gain employment in this career?
- What are the educational requirements? Licensures?
- What are related majors or majors needed for this career?
- What are related occupations for this career? Research other occupations similar that may be of interest.
- What are the growth opportunities?
- What interesting facts did you discover?
- Extra: Find a job advertisement on this career and paste it on a piece of paper or download it from a website (extra)
- To research your career, use at least 4 sources of information:
- Computer
- Texts, E-books, Articles, Library Research – (Links to an external site.)
- Informational Interview: It is encouraged you use an interview with a person in your career of interest. Included is a separate sheet that talks about Informational Interviews and possible questions to ask. See handout for Informational Interviewing under Additional Resources below.
- Career Cruising, Learning Styles, and Multiple Intelligence (MI) Assessments you took in class. These will answer a variety of questions.
- Occupational Outlook Handbook: (Links to an external site.)
- Outlook Quarterly and Career Outlook Publications: (Links to an external site.)
- Include a “Works Cited” listing of the sources you used. Get help form the library if you need help with your “Works Cited” format. For computer sources, list the Web address and date accessed. Remember to ask a Librarian for help. There is also an online librarian.
- Visit the Career Center to get help researching. Bring your logins to Career Cruising passwords and logins. Also, feel free to log into your CollegeScope portfolio to share with the Career Center staff or Career Center Counselor. Career Center contacts: and 619-660-4436.
Additional Resources:
Career Research Paper and Resources
Informational Interviewing (Links to an external site.)(Excellent questions you can use to do an informational interview. An informational interview is when you interview someone in the career you are interested in. You will need to do an informational interview for your final career research project in this course.)
Occupational Outlook (Links to an external site.) (Put in the job you are interested in and find tons of information on the career you are interested in–use this information for your career research paper.)
Occupational Outlook Quarterly (Links to an external site.) (Find unique information on a variety of careers and interesting articles.)
RES 7105 Ashford University Effects of COVID 19 on Businesses Discussion Writing Assignment Help
In this discussion, you will have an opportunity to seek out gray literature for your research, and apply the guidelines you have studied to determine if you should use these resources in your research. To get started, conduct an Internet search for institutional, organizational, and governmental agencies that provide information relevant to understanding and researching your topic of interest and research focus. Identify three such sources and describe the kind of information that is available from each source.
In your initial discussion post,
- Identify and provide a complete APA citation for three sources that contain information from institutional, organizational or government agency websites that contain information relevant to your research topic or research focus. Consider accessing the Writing Center’s Formatting Your References List (Links to an external site.) for more on completing a complete reference citation.
- Provide direct links to the three sources within your initial post.
- Analyze how the information you found through the institutional, organizational, or governmental Internet sites is relevant to your topic and research question.
- Evaluate whether it would be reasonable and ethically acceptable to include information from these three sources in a formal research project on your topic, and explain your decision.
500 words
College of Central Florida Emergency Manger at A Hospital Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
I have a discussion question about a course that I just finish, I will give you three different answers of classmates so u can take a look at them and paraphrase really good answers
by the way I work as an emergency manger at a hospital.
Use this discussion board to share 2 – 3 insights you have gained from this course and how you think they may apply to your field of work. ?
please google the terms in their answers so u can get some ideas about them before writing the answer.
answer 1
In this course, using the FIRM model has given me the insight that internal and external risks can be very important. Having a firm grasp of external risk is important for organizations. Some of the hazards that an organization believes are being handled for their risk might actually be exposing to the organization due to external interactions and reactions. From engaging with these course materials I might consider several approaches of external risk, or how risks synergize. The other thing that I found insightful was risk exposure. Not only is it critical to identify risks and classify them, it is also important to understand how they might affect the organization. There is likelihood and magnitude to account for, and each should be considered in a very grounded and comprehensive way. Understanding risk exposure means that when I work with Saudi Red Crescent Society, I need to provide sufficient information about the impacts of procedures and the risks that people undertake when learning and performing them. I have to consider the ways in which the probability of incidents might be essential information if I am training others. I cannot train anyone without warning them in a realistic way.
answer 2
Good morning everyone, we have reached the end of the course. This course was extremely informative to say the least. I think that the models we read, analyzed and wrote about have opened up my eyes to a whole different side of disaster prevention in the business sector via risk management. Starting with the characterization of types of risk, following with the rating and efforts to resolve them before they result in catastrophic events, all of these controls are vital. Secondly, understanding the likelihood and magnitude via an effective risk management analyzes will also prevent a business, corporation or agency from costly mishaps or in extreme circumstances, closing their doors. Lastly, I really enjoyed diving deep into the several models we had to read. The FIRM scorecard, PESTLE and Bow-tie models. All of these models can be utilized as tools in almost every scenario and can be used as the ICS system, in the sense that it can be expanded or contracted to fit most needs. For all of the reasons given about, this course has allowed me to dive into a new discipline of risk management that is not hands-on. My line of work is direct response, as such, I often don’t think about prevention. Good luck with your future educational endeavors.
answer 3
When I first started this class, I only had a minimal understanding of risk management and only knew it in the industry of sales (I worked in an Office Depot awhile ago and that was the first time hearing about the topic). The biggest takeaway from this course I have learned over the past 8 weeks was the 8Rs and 4Ts of risk management in addition to the FIRM and PESTLE models. The 8Rs improve the efficiency of the organization, decrease hazards, control internal and external risks, and demonstrate opportunity to allow for positive outcomes for both staff and consumers. As a healthcare professional, risk management is part of my daily job responsibilities. From avoiding daily hazards to keeping my patients safe, it is critical to recognize, identify, and control risks before they increase magnitude. The FIRM and PESTLE models, while I may not deal with them directly, are used by the hospital’s risk management team to identify and prevent risks. However, if this is not possible, a plan of handling risks before they increase in severity is put into place.
Now I have a better appreciation for risk management and how it plays a role in everyone’s job regardless of industry. In the future, if I do seek and obtain a position in management, I will apply the topics covered in this class when coming up with risk planning and working on ways to prevent accidents and disasters while keeping customers and employees safe. Good luck to everyone with their educational studies!
Health and Medical Report Project Health Medical Assignment Help
Health and Medical Report Project Health Medical Assignment Help