Health Informatics Website Project : COVID-19 Health Medical Assignment Help. Health Informatics Website Project : COVID-19 Health Medical Assignment Help.
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DUE @ 11:59 PST
Please see powerpoint for details.
Health Informatics is a rapidly evolving field with a wealth of rich, current, credible and helpful resources on the Internet and accessible via mobile health apps. So, have fun some fun with this assignment by browsing and learning about health informatics-enabled resources. Then, select several web sites and develop a review of what you find helpful content in each selected site. Include a blending of credible government, non-profit, for profit, educational, and consumer-driven sites to provide a rich diversity of perspectives. Additionally, include reviews of mobile heath apps and other healthcare technologies.
Target your Course Project website to be a reference for a specific audience and include a brief introduction. For example, you may focus this as a guide for:
– Fellow public health, health administration or nursing students,
– Professional groups such as for nurses, healthcare administrators, physicians, etc., or
– Health care consumer or someone working somewhere in the healthcare ecosystem.
– Specific groups of consumers (kids, seniors) or people with a specific health condition (diabetes, heart condition)
Note: The draft version should be 90% complete in order for your instructor to provide you with sufficient feedback and any changes/additions that need to be made by the final version due in week 4.
Health Informatics Website Project : COVID-19 Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Explain the communication among the 5 different generations and how and how organizations are are able to incorporate the difference generations to create effective teams Writing Assignment Help
Below is the topic and explanation of my group paper. I am in charge of the introduction/research explaining this phenomenon. Basically opening it up for the other group members to discuss the 5 different generations in detail.I am required to provide 3 pages double spaced explaining the concept below.
for the class presentation will be communication in the workplace amongst the different generations working together. We will discuss the communication method among the different generation groups which are Baby Boomers, Generation X, Y, Z and how organizations are able to incorporate the differences to create effective teams. More specifically we will address each generations preferred method of communication, the pros and cons of team collaboration with that method and how to create a cohesive environment where everyone is able to communicate effectively.
COMP-XM (Capsim) Final 2020 Business Finance Assignment Help
***Experts familiar with CAPSIM only***
Complete the COMP-XM entirely.
It consists of two parts:
1) A four-round simulation.
2) Web-based quizzes called Board Queries.
You are required to:
1) Use VPN while taking the simulation
2) Score a grade of B at least
(Note: Keep in mind you will be making decisions as the CEO. Board Queries are questions posed by your Board of Directors. Can be drawn from the unique results of your simulation. You could appear before the Board up to five times to answer their questions about your company. “Website Instructions” (below) discusses the mechanics.)
Username and pasword will be provided later.
Updated unit 3 Argument. Writing Assignment Help
Length: 5+ pages
Worth: 30 % semester grade
Paper Format
All passing papers must:
- Have 1 inch margins, double spaced, Times New Roman or Calibri, 12-point font, no extra spacing between paragraphs or the title
- have an appropriate, original title
- have an introductory paragraph with a clear message that argues a specific position throughout the paper
- have body paragraphs that begin with a topic sentence
- body paragraphs should support the message of the paper
- clearly explain the reasons for your position
- contain specific examples and evidence from the four readings
- mention and refute/concede other perspectives and arguments
- have a concluding paragraph that brings the paper to a close
- have been spell-checked and proofread
- goals for this unit: edited for typos/errors, correct spelling, proper formatting
- To show and demonstrate an awareness of the relationship between writer, audience, and purpose
- To argue and make connections among the readings
- To integrate textual evidence effectively
- To cite your sources, using signal phrases for quotes and paraphrases
Now that you have thought about how other writers use sources in their work, it is time that you do the same. For this project, the readings from Unit 3: Alison Witte, Emily A. Wierszewski, and Alexandria Lockett will be your sources. (If you feel you need more, then look at “Further Reading” and select from that list.) Your argument must demonstrate an awareness of their claims, sub-claims, or over-arching messages. Quoting may not be the sole way you can demonstrate this awareness. Paraphrasing and summarizing are just as effective. Your paper must use MLA citation style.
Feel free to use your class notes to guide your understanding of academic reading and writing during your composing stage. Remember our discussion on the rhetorical situation: writer, audience, and purpose. Utilize those notes to help you build your argument. Lastly, proofread your writing before submitting the paper.
Audience: peers and teachers who may not be familiar with our readings
Purpose: to convince readers to reconsider their ideas about academic reading and writing.
Research starts with answers by Alison C Witte
Research starts with a thesis statement by Emily A. Wierszewski
The traditional research paper is best by Alexandra Lockett
ANOVA R Studio & Hass Diagram Mathematics Assignment Help
(In addition Draw Hass Diagram for every Problem)
Problem 12.2 (See attached for data) (Use R Programming and send Codes for this problem) (Draw Hass Diagram as well)
Dental fillings made with gold can vary in hardness depending on how the
metal is treated prior to its placement in the tooth. Two factors are thought
to influence the hardness: the gold alloy and the condensation method. In
addition, some dentists doing the work are better at some types of fillings
than others.
Five dentists were selected at random. Each dentist prepares 24 fillings
(in random order), one for each of the combinations of method (three levels)
and alloy (eight levels). The fillings were then measured for hardness using
the Diamond Pyramid Hardness Number (big scores are better). The data
follow (from Xhonga 1971 via Brown 1975)
Analyze these data to determine which factors influence the response and
how they influence the response. (Hint: the dentist by method interaction
can use close inspection.)
Exercise 12.4 (Also Draw Hass Diagram)
Briefly describe the treatment structure you would choose for each of
the following situations. Describe the factors, the number of levels for each,
whether they are fixed or random, and which are crossed.
(a) One of the expenses in animal experiments is feeding the animals. A
company salesperson has made the claim that their new rat chow (35%
less expensive) is equivalent to the two standard chows on the market.
You wish to test this claim by measuring weight gain of rat pups on the
three chows. You have a population of 30 inbred, basically exchangeable female rat pups to work with, each with her own cage.
(d) The disposable diaper business is very competitive, with all manufacturers trying to get a leg up, as it were. You are a consumer testing
agency comparing the absorbency of two brands of “newborn” size
diapers. The test is to put a diaper on a female doll and pump bodytemperature water through the doll into the diaper at a fixed rate until
the diaper leaks. The response is the amount of liquid pumped before
leakage. We are primarily interested in brand differences, but we are
also interested in variability between individual diapers and between
batches of diapers (which we can only measure as between boxes of
diapers, since we do not know the actual manufacturing time or place
of the diapers). We can afford to buy 32 boxes of diapers and test 64
Problem 12.5 (Also Draw Hass Diagram)
City hall wishes to learn about the rate of parking meter use. They choose eight downtown blocks at random (these are city blocks, not statistical blocks!), and on each block they choose five meters at random. Six weeks
are chosen randomly from the year, and the usage (money collected) on each
meter is measured every day (Monday through Sunday) for all the meters on
those weeks. Answer the below Standard five questions.
(a) Draw the Hasse diagram for this model.
(b) Determine the appropriate denominators for testing each term using the restricted model assumptions. 308 Nesting, Mixed Effects, and Expected Mean Squares
(c) Determine the expected mean squares for each term using the restricted model assumptions.
(d) Determine the appropriate denominators for testing each term using the unrestricted model assumptions.
(e) Determine the expected mean squares for each term using the unrestricted model assumptions.
Nurse corps scholarship Health Medical Assignment Help
Each response should be limited to 500 word count or less (about a full page with spacing) in Times New Roman 12 font or equivalent, one page per essay. We recommend that you use a standard word processing tool (e.g., Microsoft Word, Word Perfect) to respond to the questions.
Essay structure:
- Introduction and thesis, body paragraph, conclusion
- Complete Thoughts
- Good grammas
First of all, to complete the task you should find out what the “nurse corps scholarship” is so you can better understand the process.
1- First thing is to look for information about the nurse corps scholarship.
2- Then, Do an essay with the following prompt: How will you contribute to the mission of the Nurse Corps Scholarship Program in providing care to underserved communities? You can search the same prompt on the internet and good examples of this essay will appear, so you can take a look and have ideas.
3- The second essay is: What personal experiences have prepared you to work with underserved populations, such as participation in a federal pipeline program, community service, internships, or experience in rural, frontier or tribal populations? You can include experiences in the University, also volunteer hours that I have completed. An example manna, organization that is responsible for providing food to people in need who suffer from diseases, etc. You can search the same prompt on the internet and good examples will appear.
4- The last essay is Please discuss your commitment to pursue a career in nursing.
Nurse corps scholarship Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
500+ words APA citation Law Assignment Help
Read the assigned readings as indicated in the syllabus for week four.
Discuss the legal considerations that the emergency manager must consider when using the private and non-profit sectors in disaster operations.
Your response should be at least 500 words.
To maximize points:
Use the literature i.e., cite and reference.
Incorporate examples
a. Law and the Volunteer: The Uncertain Employment and Tort Law Implications of the Altruistic Worker – Retrieved from…
b. Citizen Corps Liability Guide: An Overview of Legal Issues and Approaches to Address Liability for Emergency Volunteers Retrieved from…
c. Letting Good Deeds Go Unpunished: Volunteer Immunity Laws and Tort Deterrence – Retrieved from
for assignment Humanities Assignment Help
I’ll give to you 5 questions . That’s mean you need to write 8 pages. you will answer each question by it self because every question is assignment that worth 100 point and it will be submitted by it self . So, you need to upload for me 5 assignments each one must be 2 pages not less than that. I’ll upload for you the questions and the papers that will help know what the professor wants in the paper.
this the link for the book to answer Question Number 1-2
1- Reading: Ansary, Chapter 14
Questions: In what ways did new inventions and new ideas affect the Islamic World?
Reading: Ansary, Chapter 16
2- Questions: What is the crisis of modernity? How has it resolved or not resolved worldwide?
3- Reading: Homa Hoodfar, The Veil in their Minds and on Our Heads: Veiling Practices and Muslim Women and Satrapi, Persepolis until pg. 39.
4- Questions: How does Hoodfar confront our prejudices concerning veiling?
Reading: Mir Zohair Husain, Islam and the Muslim World
5- Questions:. What do you think of Samuel Huntington’s argument and Edward Said’s response? What perspective do you think the mainstream media presents?
short ted talk response Humanities Assignment Help
Part1 : Watch the attached video and write a maximum of two paragraphs response to the questions bellow.
- Post what you thought of the video.
- What you learned that was intriguing or surprising.
- What was your favorite part?
- How can you use what you learned from this video to deal with the pandemic?
Part 2 :
Watch the attached video and write a maximum of two paragraphs response to the questions bellow.…
- Post what you thought of the video.
- What you learned that was intriguing or surprising.
- What was your favorite part?
Individual Assignment II Business Finance Assignment Help
BADM 3103 – Section 14, Spring
Individual Assignment II: Personal Reflection
This assignment is worth 10 points in total. The assignment should be 5-8 pages long (excluding peer evaluation), double-spaced using Time New Roman font 12, with 1-inch space margins.
Educational philosopher John Dewey once said “We do not learn from experience… We learn from reflecting on experience.” Thus, the purpose of this assignment is to reflect upon the experience we had throughout this semester, as a way to guide our future actions. Please answer the following questions:
Part I: Leading Self
Reflect on the personal goal that you identified in the first individual assignment at the beginning of the semester. To what extent did you achieve the goal? What strategies did you use, and how did they work? What factors contributed to the success or failure of the achievement of your goal? How will you implement the self-award and self-punish that you identified earlier? Did you have to change or update your goal because of the rapidly changing situation this semester?
Part II: Leading Others
Select one concept, idea, or practice that we have discussed during the semester that you experience in real life. What did/will you do differently as a result of learning the concept in class? What was/will be the impact or result of your action?
Part III Leading Teams:
Reflect on your experience in the team project. What did your team do well? What could have been done differently? What did you learn?
Part IV: Managing Change
This COVID-19 for the current spring 2020 semester presented a huge challenge for all of us. How did you react to the rapidly changing environment around you? What strategies did you use to stay centered and focused?
Grading will be based on the following factors:
1.Following instruction, addressing all required questions, and demonstrate understanding of key concepts
2.Quality of writing: use clear and convincing writing to express opinions and arguments and provide supporting evidence
3.Depth and insightfulness of self-exploration: identify meaningful areas of improvements and strategies to address them
4.Meaningfulness of developmental goals
- Post what you thought of the video.
- What you learned that was intriguing or surprising.
- What was your favorite part?