Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help. Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help.

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  • Introduction

    Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to complete them in the order in which they are presented.Qualitative research uses inductive reasoning based on an exploration or observation. The focus is typically on the researcher investigating the reasons why something happened. The information comes from interviews or observations. The answers emerge as more information is discovered. You could relate it to the work of a detective who gathers facts and organizes them to find patterns that lead to explanations for events.In this assessment, you will continue to expand your understanding of a research framework in the context of qualitative research by analyzing and evaluating research questions in qualitative studies. You will also continue to analyze the interrelated elements of a research study making the connection among theory, problem, purpose, and, now, qualitative research questions and design.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 1: Explain the different types of health care research methodologies.
      • Identify relevant qualitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.
      • Describe qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering research questions.
      • Explain the importance of methodologically relevant data collection to a research plan as a whole.
    • Competency 2: Develop a research question based on a hospital-acquired condition.
      • Formulate a qualitative research question.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with the expectations of health care professionals.
      • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.


    For this assessment it is suggested that you build upon the work that you did in the Research Problem and Purpose Statements assessment.The assessment has two distinct parts:

    Part 1: Qualitative Research Question

    Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

    • Formulate a qualitative research question.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

    For this section, you will formulate a research question that is appropriate for a research project that will use qualitative methodologies. Remember the HAC that you used in your Research Problem and Purpose Statements assessment for this course. Your research question should align to the problem and purpose statements that you developed in this assessment. A well-written research question should be a single statement.When examining or creating qualitative research questions, the following checklist may be useful.Qualitative Research Question Checklist

    • Does the purpose statement fit logically with the problem statement? Are there similar words, or does it seem to address a different topic?
    • Do the research questions align with the method and design of the study? For instance, are words like perception used that would automatically reject a quantitative study?
    • Do questions seek to describe responses to the variables described in the study?
    • Do the questions begin with the word why?
    • Do the questions focus on a single phenomenon?
    • Do the questions include exploratory verbs?
    • Is the language nondirectional?
    • Are the questions open ended?
    • Do the questions specify the participants and research site?
    Part 2: Qualitative Methods and Data Collection

    Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

    • Identify relevant qualitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.
    • Describe qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering research questions.
    • Explain the importance of methodologically relevant data collection to a research plan as a whole.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

    For this section, you will draw upon your readings about qualitative methods and data collection to first identify specific qualitative methodologies that will enable you to answer your research question. You will also discuss specific qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering your research questions. Questions to consider when looking for tools and strategies and tools include:

    • What is your research question specifically trying to answer?
    • How does the specific HAC impact the types of tools and strategies that would work best?
    • How does the health care setting that the research project will be occurring in impact the types of tools and strategies that would work best?

    Lastly, this section should include a review of why it is important to a potential research plan as a whole to ensure that your data collection plan is relevant to your chosen methodology.This section should be 2 to 5 pages in length, depending on the level of detail required to fully present your methodologies and data collection tools and strategies.

    Additional Submission Requirements

    • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
    • Length: There is not length requirement for this assessment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be 2 to 5 pages in length.
    • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
    • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
    • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

    Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDE

  • CRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDFormulate a qualitative research question.Does not describe a qualitative research question.Describes a qualitative research question.Formulates a qualitative research question.Formulates a qualitative research question, providing specific examples.Identify relevant qualitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.Does not list qualitative research methodologies.Lists qualitative research methodologies, but their relevance to a specific research question is incorrect or unclear.Identifies relevant qualitative methodologies that will support answering a research question.Identifies relevant qualitative methodologies that will support answering a research question and offers a brief rationale for why the identified qualitative methodologies are relevant.Describe qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering research questions.Does not identify qualitative data collection tools or strategies.Identifies qualitative data collection tools or strategies, but their relevance for answering research questions is unclear or inappropriate.Describes qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering research questions.Describes qualitative data collection tools or strategies that are appropriate for answering research questions and offers a brief rationale for why the data collection tools or strategies are appropriate.Explain the importance of methodologically relevant data collection to a research plan as a whole.Does not describe targeted data collection.Describes targeted data collection, but does not offer a full or clear explanation as to its importance to a research plan as a whole.Explains the importance of targeted data collection to a research plan as a whole.Explains the importance of targeted data collection to a research plan as a whole. Notes areas related to a research question where targeted data collection will be valuable or potentially challenging.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.Does not communicate in a manner consistent with expectations for the health care profession.Communicates in a manner consistent with expectations for the health care profession.Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.Communicates with exceptional clarity in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Faulkner University Slum Tourism Paper and Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Select a tourism topic from the list provided. The paper must follow the following outline.



1. Title page

2. Table of Contents

3. Introduction (Define tourism topic) include background/history

4. Leading areas (Minimum of three)

5. Current status of this industry (Support with current statistics)

6. Business environment (Demographics – support with statistics)

7. Trends and Issues (Security, health, risk)

8. Conclusion (Final thoughts on topic and future)

9. Appendices (Graphs, photos, brochure links)

10. References MLA or APA style.

A written document following the research paper outline needs to be completed and a Power Point presentation needs to be posted to a discussion forum for the class


BIOL 1409 Collin College Vascular and Nonvascular Seedless Plants Worksheet Science Assignment Help

Use your lab manual as well as the power point slides provided to complete the report.PROFESSOR M. KAROUT – COLLIN COLLEGE11Phylum Hepatophyta :Macroanatomy of Marchantia1- Name the structure at the tip of the pointer in the picture below:A: __________________________B: __________________________

Biology 1409 – Chapter 21& 22 Vascular and Nonvascular Seedless PlantsUse your lab manual as well as the power point slides provided to complete the report.


The University of Texas at Austin Causes of Prosopagnosia Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me study.

Name of Book:

Rys J. V., Meyer V., & Vandermey R. (2017). The College Writer: A Guide to Thinking, Writing, and Researching (with 2019 APA Updates). [VitalSource Bookshelf]. Retrieved from…


Use any prompts from Chapter 15 and write a 1- to 2-page paper on cause and effect.


  • Analyze a phenomenon by identifying and explaining its causes and effects.
  • Develop an essay with emphasis on cause and/or effect.


Using APA formatting, in a 1- to 2-page paper, discuss a topic related to cause and effect.

Assignment Submission:

  • The use of outside resources is strongly recommended, and all papers must be cited and written in APA format.


Writing Assignments Rubric

Criteria Ratings Pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Ideas

10 pts

Ideas are clear, insightful, thought-provoking, and focused so that they consistently support the topic, thesis and audience for the paper.

6 pts

Ideas are clear and focused to support the topic and a clearly-stated central idea, but are not consistently insightful or thought-provoking.

4 pts

Ideas are clear but conventional or general, and support the topic, thesis, and audience for the paper.

0 pts

Ideas are unclear or clichéd and demonstrate a lack of focus in support of the topic or a central idea, which may be vague or missing.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAssignment Development

10 pts

Development is fresh, with abundant details and examples that arouse audience interest and provide relevant, concrete, specific and insightful evidence in support of sound logic.

6 pts

Development is adequate, but may lack depth, with details and examples that arouse audience interest and provide relevant, concrete, specific evidence in support of sound logic.

4 pts

Development is sufficient but general, providing adequate but perhaps not interesting details, examples, and evidence that include no logical fallacies or unsupported claims.

0 pts

Development is insufficient, providing scarce or inappropriate details, evidence, and examples that may include logical fallacies or unsupported claims.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization

10 pts

Organization is coherent, unified and effective in support of the paper’s purpose/ plan and consistently demonstrates effective and appropriate rhetorical transitions between ideas and paragraphs.

6 pts

Organization is coherent, unified and effective in support of the paper’s purpose/ plan and usually demonstrates effective and appropriate rhetorical transitions between ideas and paragraphs

4 pts

Organization is coherent and unified overall in support of the essay’s purpose/ plan, but is ineffective at times and may demonstrate abrupt or weak transitions between ideas or paragraphs.

0 pts

Organization is confused and fragmented in support of the essay’s purpose/ plan and demonstrates a lack of structure or coherence that negatively affects readability.

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeStyle & Mechanics

10 pts

Readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure, precise word choice and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Mastery of style)

6 pts

Style is readable and rhetorically effective in tone, incorporating varied sentence structure, effective word choice, and correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Effective style)

4 pts

Style is readable, but unremarkable in tone, sometimes including a lack of sentence variety effective word choice, or some distracting, but not serious, errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Readable but inconsistent style)

0 pts

Style is incoherent or inappropriate in tone, including a lack of sentence variety, ineffective or inappropriate word choice, and serious errors in grammar, spelling and punctuation. (Ineffective style)

10 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFormat

10 pts

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works expertly to support the essay’s purpose/plan.

6 pts

Format is correct, meets all assignment directions, and works generally to support the essay’s purpose/plan.

4 pts

Format is mostly correct, meets critical aspects of assignment directions, and works mostly to support the essay’s purpose/ plan.

0 pts

Format is faulty, does not meet sufficient aspects of the assignment direction, and does not support the essay’s purpose/ plan.

10 pts

Total Points: 50


Diablo Valley College Pullman Company Employee Strikes Discussion Writing Assignment Help

A. Discussion Instructions:

After reading the Additional Learning Content page, write a post of 250 words or less that addresses topics 1 or 2. Also, critically respond to 2 peers with topics different from your own. You will not be penalized for going over or under the word count. Content is more important than length. Please try to stay in the ballpark. Yours posts must be based on the reading and module only.

Your answers need to be primarily in your own words. Your answers must be based on the reading and module only. Be sure to include a Chicago Style footnote when using someone else’s words and ideas. A bibliography is not needed in this discussion. Use a quote as evidence in your answer. Do not use a quote alone as an answer; points will be deducted if you do. Be detailed in your answers. When you bring a point up explain the point thoroughly. Using an example is a good way to further clarify a point. Write in complete sentences.

1. After reading the assigned pages in the Foner textbook and the above passages, answer the following:
a. What were the origins of Populism?
b. What is the Populist platform?
c. In what ways was Populism ahead of its time?
d. Search current news to find examples of modern worker concerns. How similar and dissimilar are modern worker needs to Populism?

2. After reading the assigned pages in the Foner textbook and the above passages, answer the following:
a. What is the main cause of the firings and reduction in wages for Pullman workers?
b. Why did Pullman employees write to the governor of Illinois?
c. Who or what does Pullman blame for the plight of workers in Pullman?
d. Search current news for recent strikes in the U.S. How is the recent strike similar and dissimilar to the Pullman strike?

You must complete the discussion and discussion replies.

B respond to peers

when u choose this order i will send u the material



East Tennessee State University The Concept of Virtue in The Aeneid Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a nursing writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.

Now that you have finished reading Books 1, 2, 4, 6, 8, & 12 of The Aeneid, please select and discusseither Option A (Concept of Virtue) or Option B (The Final Scene of Fury and Rage). (Prior to responding, you may also want to revisit The Aeneid PowerPoint in our D2L shell.)

Be sure to address each question within the option that you select. Your response should be a minimum of 250-300 words long. You must explain/support your responses (a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ with no support/explanation is not acceptable). Also remember that you must support your discussion with 1 to 3 quotes from the story (so, as usual, include in-text citations). Please strive for good grammar, spelling, and punctuation. In the title of your post, please identify which option you are discussing. And, finally, remember that you must comment on at least two other students’ posts.

(Note: If you have other comments you’d like to add in addition to the questions I asked you to address, please feel free to do so. My questions are prompts to get the discussions started.)

Option A: Consider the concept of virtue. Discuss the following questions when discussing this:

  • What is Aeneas’s greatest virtue?
  • What is Turnus’s greatest virtue?
  • Likewise, what are their greatest vices or weaknesses?
  • Is the essential difference between Aeneas and Turnus a virtue or a vice?

Option B: Consider the final scene: no pity, only fury and rage. Discuss the following questions when discussing this:

At the end of the epic, Turnus pleads to Aeneas: “Seize your moment now. Or if / some care for a parent’s grief can touch you still, / I pray you—you had such a father, in old Anchises– / pity Daunus [Turnus’s father] in his old age and send me back to my own people [. . .]” (ll. 1085-89).

  • What is the significance of The Aeneid ending in a moment of an un-granted plea for pity by Turnus and an unwavering rage in the hero of the story?
  • By ending the epic with this scene, what type of statement do you think Virgil might have been trying to make about Rome?
  • In a similar vein, what might this imply in philosophical terms (from Virgil’s perspective)?

East Tennessee State University The Concept of Virtue in The Aeneid Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Marymount University Flash Memory Financial Statements Question Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a business multi-part question and need an explanation to help me learn.

This is a Finance question and will require financial understanding. Attached is a case file that will require you to read it, in order to answer the case questions which is also attached. The case is brief, however, apart from answering each question, you may need to have some knowledge on Excel to find a solution. Please provide the Excel doc if you intend to use Excel to find a solution. Also, reference each numerical value by indicating where you found/determined it.


Glendale Community College Sexual Assault Against Women Essay Humanities Assignment Help

You are to identify, focus, research, and write a report on a specific social problem. The social problem I was assigned is on  sexual assault against women and the stereotypes surrounding women in regard to how it relates to the main topic of sexual assault. You must use at least six references, four of which must be from scholarly, peer-reviewed journals. The report should be a well-articulated and carefully thought-out analysis showing that you understand the problem, its specific causes and effects, and its implications and ramifications. You must also indicate why you think change is necessary or due. 

  1. You must accurately portray the nature of the issue.
  2. You must explain what makes your topic an issue of social relevance.
  3. Include sociological theories such as conflict, functionalism, feminism, and symbolic interactionism if possible
  4. You must explain the probable cause(s) of the problem.
  5. You must discuss possible solutions to the social problem.


DCB Science and Technology in Tribal Life and Modern Life Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Write an essay in which you compare and contrast ONE aspect of modern life from the list below withprimitive or tribal lifeas described by Levi-Strauss.In the final part of your essay, make an argument about whether Rousseau would see the aspect of modern life you selected as markingan advance or a decline from primitive or tribal life.

Aspects of Modern Life

•Individualand community

•Aristocracy and equality

•Meritocracy and professional life

•Religionand public life

•Love, marriage, and the family

•Arts and festivals

•Science and technology


•Government, bureaucracy, and the rule of law


DePauw University LOreal Supply Chain Management Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

Building on your individual analysis (doc attached), you will put forward and sustain specific improvements which could also lead to collaboration and/or address a resilience risk. Proposed improvement needs to be justified through an appraisal process.

The full written appraisal 2500 words maximum

The appraisal is based on the specific supply chain stage of L’oreal

? For this assessment you will demonstrate that you can apply the appropriate knowledge through research and analytical evaluation. Where appropriate you are expected to use relevant and credible sources based both on key readings on the module as well as from your individual research 

? The aim of the Improvement Appraisal is to provide an overview of the overall supply-chain of the company and the particular segment you are focusing on. Next, to identify specific issues or areas that are impacting the current operational performance (the base option). Within this section you should leverage theory that you have covered within the course, for instance looking at common supply chain performance parameters. N.B Sustainability related issues cannot be included within this appraisal

? Next, suggest a solution (the proposed option) that leverages collaboration with stakeholders and/or increases the resilience of the operation through the mitigation of a risk. Summarise the expected benefits associated with the change (including those arising from collaboration and/or risk reduction) 

? Next make the case for change by undertaking an Options Appraisal for the above two options using the Value Indexing method. 

? Next make support the business case for change by answering the question how long is the change is likely to take and how much it will likely cost 

? Finally create a Risk Register related to the proposed change case 

? You are also free to conduct primary research in order to help you identify business issues, though you must follow the university’s research guidelines including tutor sign off.

? Please bear in mind that the assessment is the development of an appraisal that can be presented in the format of a Plan, but NOT as an essay, NOR as a report. 

? A plan is forward thinking and is basically a focused on the near future: as such, a Plan cannot have a Conclusion – only once the plan starts to be implemented can we monitor and assess, draw conclusions and restructure the plan or proceed to further developments. Therefore, you may include Final/Concluding remarks, but not a ‘real’ “conclusion”. 

An Indicative Structure for the Appraisal

• Introduction 

  • Context of the Supply Chain and the Supply Chain Segment to be improved. 
  • Analyse the key success factors for implementing strategic supply chain management for your chosen corporation. 
  • Analysis of Supply chain issue to be addressed (you can apply Fishbone or situation analysis, etc.) (This cannot be a sustainability issue) (The base option). 
  • The proposed change that enhances collaboration and /or mitigates a risk. Summary of expected collaboration benefits or risk mitigation arising from the project (the proposed option) 
  • Option appraisal (value index) ( which option could add most value) 
  • Resource Plan: (How long it will take and how much it will cost) • Risk Register (for proposed business case) 


Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help

Health & Medical Research Methods Question Health Medical Assignment Help

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