Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help

Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help. Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help.

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I have been to Jazz concert that I need to write about.Since I am not really an expert with Jazz techniques I need someone who really can examine a play and talk about it in details and use specified words. My class is called survey of Jazz. I will upload the form that I need to fill in ( Don’t worry about question 1 I have the songs name already ). This was my professor concert and I want to impress him. Since I can’t upload the recording of the concert here, I will send it to you via any MAIL you can give me after.

Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

drinking age be lowered Writing Assignment Help

Please follow the instruction that and the attachments that I attached.

  1. identifies the author’s purpose, goal and audience (this will require a little research to identify who reads this publication);

  1. identifies and analyzes at least one example of tone in the author’s introduction,

detailing how it establishes tone for the rest of the article.You should also evaluate how the use of tone in each article affected your response to that author’s argument.(For a C paper, one example is fine; for a B paper you will need to give two examples; for an A paper, you will need to give three examples.); and

  1. identifies and analyzes two examples of evidence and evaluates the effectiveness of each example on readers like yourself.(For a C paper, detailing one persuasive appeal for each example will be fine. For a B paper, you’ll need to detail two appeals for each example.For an A paper you’ll need to provide a third example of evidence and detail at least one appeal for that 3rd example.)

Regarding the effectiveness of the use of tone and evidence, be sure to detail how both have changed or re-enforced your views on this topic.For example, how have these conventions helped you see the issue in a different light or helped to reinforce your position?

Remember, the point of the prompt is not to agree or disagree with the authors. Rather, how has the way the authors presented and supported their argument effected your perception of, or attitude towards, this issue?You will be evaluated not only on how adequately you respond to the all parts of the prompt and develop your points but also on how you organize your response.


Formal lab for control class Engineering Assignment Help

“Formal lab” “Dynamic Response” technical writing to complete a professional Control lab report


Remember before u handle this work, this work is so important to me, so i will revise it many times before i turn it in and I will rate u depend on your work quality such as providing correct and full response and meet all requirements in the attached instructions. Please avoid the Lack of depth in your response and plagiarism bcz I’ll check it with the ((Turn it in website.))

I need the following:

  • Send it me as WORD document not a handwritten scanned document
  • See the “Lab manual” and the attached file named “data” and “Lab setup” to see our results.
  • See the lab procedures r done by the doctor for both parts inside outside lab with clarifying everything.
  • o 1st part:…

    o 2nd part:…

  • Then write A Formal lab by meeting all the requirements in the attached file name “Formal_Lab_reports”
  • See the good example from the teacher for another attachment that called “examples”
  • While that, you can use whether EXCEL or MATLAB to do the lab as u like
  • Finally, you need to include all the 7 following in the final formal lab
  • 1. Objective

    2. Background

    3. Experiment

    4. References

    5. Results

    6. Conclusions

    7. Appendix


    Substance Abuse Research Paper Health Medical Assignment Help

    Addiction can be defined as the increasing need for a substance or behavior which
    may cause harm to the individual and/or society. Exhibiting addictive behavior can
    have temporary or long-term impacts on someone’s lives and those around them.
    You are tasked with conducting research on addiction and addiction behaviors.


    The requirements for this substance abuse research paper are as follows:

    ❖ Define and discuss general addiction and criteria (DSM-5)

    ❖ Background and discussion of type of addiction topic chosen from above

    ❖ Physical, psychological, and social implications of specific addiction

    ❖ Summary of 2 case studies on addiction and/or personal connection to addiction

    ❖ 2 pages in length (body of paper, which means the page count does not
    include the title page, abstract, or reference page)

    ❖ Includes title page and abstract page

    ❖ Include properly formatted reference page, APA style

    ❖ Using at least 3 current references (the textbook may be used as a reference)


    Recycling 1 Science Assignment Help

    Objectives Students will:

    • Understand the importance of natural cycles
    • Evaluate connections between the natural cyclic model and possible human behavior
    • Gather information about local recycling options
    • Discuss involvement in local recycling programs

    Please answer the following questions using the MORA (Missouri Recycling Association) web page. The answers must be detailed and explained for maximum points. Type your answers on a computer; write your name, date and sign. Please do not copy + paste. That is plagiarism.

    1. What materials can be recycled? Name 10 recyclables.
    2. Why should anything be recycled?
    3. Name 10 products made from recycled materials.
    4. Do you/your family recycle anything? What? If nothing why not?
    5. Do you have any problems with the concept of recycling?
    6. What kind of recycling method would be convenient for you?
    7. How could we reduce the amount of recyclables?
    8. Why is a linear materials system not sustainable?
    9. What is “built in obsolescence”?
    10. What is your opinion about the “latest and greatest” in consumer goods? Should we purchase them? When and why?



    analysis of an argument Writing Assignment Help

    PLEASE: Read the prompt carefully.

    Using the article:

    Is Google Making Us Stupid?What the Internet is doing to our brains By NICHOLAS CARR

    In an essay of 1000 – 1300 words, write an analysis of an argument .

    P1 – Introduction – Begin with a brief attention getter, any terms that need defining, a brief background of the topic, and your thesis statement, which should include both the thesis of the original essay and your general reaction to it.

    P2 – Summary – Summarize the main ideas including only and all of the main ideas (not specific examples).Use a variety of signal phrases and keep the author’s overall claim in mind.

    P3–5 – Analysis – Analyze the argument by focusing on strengths and weaknesses.If you think the essay was persuasive overall, then choose two strengths and one weakness; if you think it was not persuasive, focus on two weaknesses and one strength.

    Use the TRIAC pattern of paragraph organization where you

    – begin each paragraph with a clear (T)opic sentence stating the strength or weakness.

    – After explaining your claim in the (R)estriction,

    – Support your topic sentence with (I)llustrations, examples and quotations from the essay.

    – Interpret/(A)nalyze the information for us. For any weakness that you focus on, you must include a recommendation of what the author could have done to improve the reading here.and finish each paragraph with a

    – (C) restatement of your topic sentence.

    Choose from the following areas:

    – credibility – goodwill

    – writing style/tone/personal – use of logic (inductive/deductive/analogies)

    – motivational and emotional appeals. – organization

    – way of dealing with the counterarguments (or not dealing with them)

    – support

    – interpretation of the support- variety of support

    – types of support – quality of support

    P6 – Conclude by restating your thesis (the original claim and your overall reaction) and leave us with a final memorable thought.

    Notice that you are not writing a response to the essay. Neither are you presenting your own ideas or arguments about the topic. Stay focused on analyzing the effectiveness of the essay as a piece of persuasive writing.

    *For weaknesses, you must include commentary on how the author could improve in this area.

    Use the ideas from chapter 5 to guide your analysis, particularly the checklists on analyzing an argument.Especially the checklists on page 186 and 195


    Please: use simple english, follow the TRIAC format. I want it to be exactly like the sample’s format and method.

    Here’s TRIAC format…

    should be typed and double spaced, using Times New Roman 12 pt. font and Modern Language Association (MLA) citation format.One inch margins should be used all around.Each assignment should include your name, instructor’s name, the course title and section number, the assignment and the date (all single spaced) in the upper-left corner of the first page of each essay (no cover sheet is needed).Incorrect format will result in a 5 – 10% deduction from your score.

    Do not forget the outline.

    Thank you

    analysis of an argument Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    2 pages. Must be a Nursing Major Writing Assignment Help

    Overview You are working as a public health professional and you are asked by a community to better understand what is happening with the health of the population. Your task is to first understand what is going on, next is to look at it through the lens of the social-ecological model, and lastly to apply two models we have discussed in class to the overall problem. How you will do this You will complete this project by writing a paper, which is in APA format. You will need to include a cover page and citations within your paper, all of which needs to be in APA style.

    □ You need to first explain what’s happening in your town/city (needs to be a real place) o How many people live there? o Who lives there? o Some current issues? □ What is happening? (Needs to be an actual health problem occurring in the town) o What health topic are you focusing on? o How big of an issue is it in this town? □ Explain the contributing factors to this issue using the ecological model as a framework o Each level should first be described, then you can discuss what is happening within the town that both prevents and/or promotes this behavior. o Be sure you are citing the facts that you use to supports what is happening at each level. □ Explain the health belief model o Be sure to include an overview of each construct and cite peer-reviewed articles about the application of this model to the problem in your place and population. □ Explain the TRA/TPB Be sure to include an overview of each construct and cite peer-reviewed articles about the application of this model to the problem in your place and population.


    Case study Health Medical Assignment Help

    Sara is a 32-year-old G1P1001. She presents to your office for a 6-week postpartum check following a normal vaginal delivery of a healthy baby girl. Sara had an 18-hour labor with Pitocin augmentation and delivered a 7 pound 2 oz. girl with a second degree laceration repaired with sutures. Sara spent 2 days in the hospital and was discharged home with her infant and husband. Over the last few weeks, Sara has called the office multiple times with questions about breastfeeding and her sutures healing. Upon walking into the exam room to see Sara, you see her baby in the stroller crying and Sara sitting on the exam table crying into her hands.

    Complete the following chart:

    MN577 Unit 9 Pregnancy Case Review Chart

    Description of the case chosen:

    Subjective data, identify both given and needed data

    Objective findings, identify both given and needed data

    Diagnostic or laboratory testing needed with rationales

    List of three differential diagnoses with rationales

    Medications and or treatments needed with rationales

    Patient education needed

    Referrals for collaborative care needed with rationales

    Make sure to address all sections. Do not leave any section blank.

    Include relevant subjective and physical objective findings.

    Identify appropriate diagnostic and laboratory testing needed.

    List at least three differential diagnoses with rationales for choosing.

    Identify usual medications, treatments, or patient education needed.

    Determine referrals for collaborative care.

    Summarize the case study and include any further research, diagnostics, procedures, or follow-up needed.

    Provide evidence-based references.


    Paper based on the film “Outsourced” 2006 Writing Assignment Help

    You must watch the full movie before starting on the paper it is 1:38h

    the film is available on Netflix. Or you can watch it from this direct link

    You have to answer the following questions based on the film. Give references APA style.

    1. How well do you think has this film handled the need for respect for customs and culture? Explain.
    2. How did the respect or lack of respect impact the success that Todd was looking for? Give specific examples.
    3. Todd gets called Mr. Toad all the time by his replacement. He tried changing that a couple of times. Why did he give up and resign to being called a toad?
    4. Do people of different cultures have the same basic motivations in life? Give examples from the film to support your answer.
    5. What would you have done differently from Todd had you been sent instead?
    6. What did you like and dislike in the movie?
    7. Are the lessons you learned in this film relevant to you as you prepare yourself for your career in international business management? Why? or Why not?


    Write a business report on Customer Churn Analysis using R/SAS Enterprise Miner. Writing Assignment Help

    By conducting an analysis on existing customer base of their demographics, service status and attrition records, you are required to analyse the data to provide insights of the churn population and develop/evaluate predictive models for customer retention purpose. Data file named customerChurn_final has been attached.

    Following tasks to be performed while preparing the report:

    1. Breakdown the characteristics of churned, not-churned customers and loyal customers. Conduct descriptive analysis based on the customer data and construct customer profiles for each customer group. For this, you may compare variables of churned, not-churned and loyal customers using descriptive analytics. Loyal customers are a subset of not-churned customers, they are the top decile of not-churned customers based on tenure index(A re-scaled value of tenure).

    2. Using SAS Enterprise Miner, develop and evaluate Regression, Decision Tree and Neural Network models for churn.

    a) What are the important variables differentiating churned and not-churned customers?

    b) What is the overallchurn rate and the churn rate for various demographics and service groups (for example: senior, has_partner, has_phone, etc.)?

    c) What are the predictive performances of various models and how they rank against one another? Make a table of all the machine learning metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall or Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score, ROC, AUC & Lift) of all the models and how do you interpret the results?

    d) How do you best interpret the model? Build a confusion matrix, and explain the correctness and accuracy of the model.

  • Use 70% training data, 30% validation data partitioned randomly
  • You can get the confusion matrix from the output window of the model comparison node under the name ‘Event Classification Table’
  • You may use other analytics tools to support this task (for example: Excel or R)
  • Overall churn rate = (No. of churning customers/ Total no. of customers in the dataset)
  • Group churn rate = (No. of churning customers in the group/ Total no. of customers in the group)
  • 3. Provide campaign recommendations based on insights obtained from Tasks 1 and 2.

    You are required to prepare a report with answers to above 3 key tasks, please use screenshots which you feel are important for the body. The report should consist of

    a) Table of content

    b) Introduction to the report

    c) Task 1

    d) Task 2

    e) Task 3

    f) Conclusion

    g) Recommendations

    h) References

    i) Appendix


    You have to answer the following questions based on the film. Give references APA style.

    1. How well do you think has this film handled the need for respect for customs and culture? Explain.
    2. How did the respect or lack of respect impact the success that Todd was looking for? Give specific examples.
    3. Todd gets called Mr. Toad all the time by his replacement. He tried changing that a couple of times. Why did he give up and resign to being called a toad?
    4. Do people of different cultures have the same basic motivations in life? Give examples from the film to support your answer.
    5. What would you have done differently from Todd had you been sent instead?
    6. What did you like and dislike in the movie?
    7. Are the lessons you learned in this film relevant to you as you prepare yourself for your career in international business management? Why? or Why not?


    Write a business report on Customer Churn Analysis using R/SAS Enterprise Miner. Writing Assignment Help

    By conducting an analysis on existing customer base of their demographics, service status and attrition records, you are required to analyse the data to provide insights of the churn population and develop/evaluate predictive models for customer retention purpose. Data file named customerChurn_final has been attached.

    Following tasks to be performed while preparing the report:

    1. Breakdown the characteristics of churned, not-churned customers and loyal customers. Conduct descriptive analysis based on the customer data and construct customer profiles for each customer group. For this, you may compare variables of churned, not-churned and loyal customers using descriptive analytics. Loyal customers are a subset of not-churned customers, they are the top decile of not-churned customers based on tenure index(A re-scaled value of tenure).

    2. Using SAS Enterprise Miner, develop and evaluate Regression, Decision Tree and Neural Network models for churn.

    a) What are the important variables differentiating churned and not-churned customers?

    b) What is the overallchurn rate and the churn rate for various demographics and service groups (for example: senior, has_partner, has_phone, etc.)?

    c) What are the predictive performances of various models and how they rank against one another? Make a table of all the machine learning metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall or Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score, ROC, AUC & Lift) of all the models and how do you interpret the results?

    d) How do you best interpret the model? Build a confusion matrix, and explain the correctness and accuracy of the model.

  • Use 70% training data, 30% validation data partitioned randomly
  • You can get the confusion matrix from the output window of the model comparison node under the name ‘Event Classification Table’
  • You may use other analytics tools to support this task (for example: Excel or R)
  • Overall churn rate = (No. of churning customers/ Total no. of customers in the dataset)
  • Group churn rate = (No. of churning customers in the group/ Total no. of customers in the group)
  • 3. Provide campaign recommendations based on insights obtained from Tasks 1 and 2.

    You are required to prepare a report with answers to above 3 key tasks, please use screenshots which you feel are important for the body. The report should consist of

    a) Table of content

    b) Introduction to the report

    c) Task 1

    d) Task 2

    e) Task 3

    f) Conclusion

    g) Recommendations

    h) References

    i) Appendix


    You have to answer the following questions based on the film. Give references APA style.

    1. How well do you think has this film handled the need for respect for customs and culture? Explain.
    2. How did the respect or lack of respect impact the success that Todd was looking for? Give specific examples.
    3. Todd gets called Mr. Toad all the time by his replacement. He tried changing that a couple of times. Why did he give up and resign to being called a toad?
    4. Do people of different cultures have the same basic motivations in life? Give examples from the film to support your answer.
    5. What would you have done differently from Todd had you been sent instead?
    6. What did you like and dislike in the movie?
    7. Are the lessons you learned in this film relevant to you as you prepare yourself for your career in international business management? Why? or Why not?


    Write a business report on Customer Churn Analysis using R/SAS Enterprise Miner. Writing Assignment Help

    By conducting an analysis on existing customer base of their demographics, service status and attrition records, you are required to analyse the data to provide insights of the churn population and develop/evaluate predictive models for customer retention purpose. Data file named customerChurn_final has been attached.

    Following tasks to be performed while preparing the report:

    1. Breakdown the characteristics of churned, not-churned customers and loyal customers. Conduct descriptive analysis based on the customer data and construct customer profiles for each customer group. For this, you may compare variables of churned, not-churned and loyal customers using descriptive analytics. Loyal customers are a subset of not-churned customers, they are the top decile of not-churned customers based on tenure index(A re-scaled value of tenure).

    2. Using SAS Enterprise Miner, develop and evaluate Regression, Decision Tree and Neural Network models for churn.

    a) What are the important variables differentiating churned and not-churned customers?

    b) What is the overallchurn rate and the churn rate for various demographics and service groups (for example: senior, has_partner, has_phone, etc.)?

    c) What are the predictive performances of various models and how they rank against one another? Make a table of all the machine learning metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall or Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score, ROC, AUC & Lift) of all the models and how do you interpret the results?

    d) How do you best interpret the model? Build a confusion matrix, and explain the correctness and accuracy of the model.

  • Use 70% training data, 30% validation data partitioned randomly
  • You can get the confusion matrix from the output window of the model comparison node under the name ‘Event Classification Table’
  • You may use other analytics tools to support this task (for example: Excel or R)
  • Overall churn rate = (No. of churning customers/ Total no. of customers in the dataset)
  • Group churn rate = (No. of churning customers in the group/ Total no. of customers in the group)
  • 3. Provide campaign recommendations based on insights obtained from Tasks 1 and 2.

    You are required to prepare a report with answers to above 3 key tasks, please use screenshots which you feel are important for the body. The report should consist of

    a) Table of content

    b) Introduction to the report

    c) Task 1

    d) Task 2

    e) Task 3

    f) Conclusion

    g) Recommendations

    h) References

    i) Appendix


    You have to answer the following questions based on the film. Give references APA style.

    1. How well do you think has this film handled the need for respect for customs and culture? Explain.
    2. How did the respect or lack of respect impact the success that Todd was looking for? Give specific examples.
    3. Todd gets called Mr. Toad all the time by his replacement. He tried changing that a couple of times. Why did he give up and resign to being called a toad?
    4. Do people of different cultures have the same basic motivations in life? Give examples from the film to support your answer.
    5. What would you have done differently from Todd had you been sent instead?
    6. What did you like and dislike in the movie?
    7. Are the lessons you learned in this film relevant to you as you prepare yourself for your career in international business management? Why? or Why not?


    Write a business report on Customer Churn Analysis using R/SAS Enterprise Miner. Writing Assignment Help

    By conducting an analysis on existing customer base of their demographics, service status and attrition records, you are required to analyse the data to provide insights of the churn population and develop/evaluate predictive models for customer retention purpose. Data file named customerChurn_final has been attached.

    Following tasks to be performed while preparing the report:

    1. Breakdown the characteristics of churned, not-churned customers and loyal customers. Conduct descriptive analysis based on the customer data and construct customer profiles for each customer group. For this, you may compare variables of churned, not-churned and loyal customers using descriptive analytics. Loyal customers are a subset of not-churned customers, they are the top decile of not-churned customers based on tenure index(A re-scaled value of tenure).

    2. Using SAS Enterprise Miner, develop and evaluate Regression, Decision Tree and Neural Network models for churn.

    a) What are the important variables differentiating churned and not-churned customers?

    b) What is the overallchurn rate and the churn rate for various demographics and service groups (for example: senior, has_partner, has_phone, etc.)?

    c) What are the predictive performances of various models and how they rank against one another? Make a table of all the machine learning metrics (Accuracy, Precision, Recall or Sensitivity, Specificity, F1 Score, ROC, AUC & Lift) of all the models and how do you interpret the results?

    d) How do you best interpret the model? Build a confusion matrix, and explain the correctness and accuracy of the model.

  • Use 70% training data, 30% validation data partitioned randomly
  • You can get the confusion matrix from the output window of the model comparison node under the name ‘Event Classification Table’
  • You may use other analytics tools to support this task (for example: Excel or R)
  • Overall churn rate = (No. of churning customers/ Total no. of customers in the dataset)
  • Group churn rate = (No. of churning customers in the group/ Total no. of customers in the group)
  • 3. Provide campaign recommendations based on insights obtained from Tasks 1 and 2.

    You are required to prepare a report with answers to above 3 key tasks, please use screenshots which you feel are important for the body. The report should consist of

    a) Table of content

    b) Introduction to the report

    c) Task 1

    d) Task 2

    e) Task 3

    f) Conclusion

    g) Recommendations

    h) References

    i) Appendix


    Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help

    Help needed concerning a jazz concert review form Humanities Assignment Help

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