Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help

Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help. Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help.

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write a1500wordessayononeofthefollowingtopics.The essay should have a clear, concise, and assertive thesis statement (central argument), should be logically organized, and should contain concrete evidence in the form of quotations or paraphrases from the texts or concrete examples and facts.Your paper should follow MLA guidelines for formatting and citations. The essay should be double spaced and in Times NewRoman12 pt. font)


Think about:Glenn C. Loury, in his essay “Free at Last? A Personal Perspective on Race and Identity in America,” reflects on “what it mean[s] to be genuinely black” in America (108). Though he acknowledges the importance of his race in forming his identity, he ultimately asserts that race alone is not “sufficiently rich to give meaning and definition to [his] life,” asserting that he is also “a child of God, created in his image. . . a husband, a father, a son, a teacher, an intellectual, a Christian, a citizen” (Loury 109). Write about:Make a specific, reasoned argument about how race or cultural/ethnic heritage contribute to your own identity as an individual.In what way does race or ethnic/cultural heritage contribute to your experience as a human, how you view yourself, how you interact with others? Include concrete examples from your life and reference at least two essays.

Reference DuBois Souls of black folks and Kings Letter from Birmingham jail

Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Lesson 2 – Positive Psychology Humanities Assignment Help

Lesson 2

Now that we have met, let’s all choose a person who we feel is a very happy, positive person. The person chosen must agree and volunteer to participate. 1. Ask the person if s/he feels that we are correct … and then 2. Ask the person why or why not. 3. The professor will explain and elaborate further with positive psychological concepts, theories, and research.

Unbound Initiative Work:

Choose from one of two topics. Provide a brief summary of the article of choice. Upload your final summary.

Choices: 1. “How Your Brain Works” by Freudenrich and Boyd, and 2. “How Brain Mapping Works” by Nasr.

The focus will be on synthesizing the material, on highlighting the main points, and on considering the consequences of the findings to happiness and well-being.

3. Professor will introduce positive psychology advocate and lecturer, Shawn Achors’ work,


350-450 Words Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

The criminal justice policy decisions implemented during the last century have resulted in the U.S. having, by far, the greatest proportion of our population incarcerated than any other modern, industrialized, “civilized” nation on the planet. Whether that is a good thing or a bad thing depends upon your personal philosophy and opinions. One thing seems clear. The expense involved is extremely burdensome and takes funding away from other worthwhile programs. Arizona, like many other states, consistently spends more on corrections than education.

Lately, there is some cause for hope. Change seems to be coming, with greater emphasis on treatment and less punitive sentencing for non-violent offenders. Where our future lies is uncertain. Review the following before posting your reply.

Do you think that the criminal justice system can be improved? If so, name at least two suggestions for reform and explain, with evidence, why you think they would be better than what we do now. If you think the system does not need to be improved, then name two of Walker’s arguments that you disagree with and explain, with evidence, why you disagree with them.


statistic assignment Mathematics Assignment Help

Writing Assignment 2.3: Business Memorandum

Problem description: You oversee a manufacturing facility that produces an automotive part (steel shaft for the gearbox). The acceptable dimension of the shaft is 2.5±0.05 inches in diameter with the most desirable product being exactly 2.5 inches. Two vendors are trying to sell their equipment for the shaft-machining task to your company, Automotive Parts Corporation. You have been asked to assess the equipment from each vendor, and to make a recommendation on which one to make the purchase from, supported by a justification for your decision.

You asked both vendors to supply data on the machining accuracy of their equipment for the given task. Both vendors machined 100 shafts, collected data, plotted histograms, fitted the histograms with normal distributions and supplied you with their findings

Let X= diameter in inches of the gearbox shaft
Ace Machines: X has a normal distribution with mean 2.48 and variance 0.001
Best Machinery: X has a normal distribution with mean 2.51 and variance 0.002

When you are completing your memorandum be sure to address the following:

  • Recommend a vendor using the given information, develop and discuss your approach (give all details including quantitative justification). Your response to this question must be directed to the audience described below.
  • Examine the scenario as described and discuss what additional information would be helpful to make this recommendation a stronger selection, and why that information would be useful. Be careful not to negate your recommendation as you explain this.
  • Include your calculations as a titled addendum on its own page at the end of your document.

Audience: You are creating this document for the company’s Chief Operating Officer, Lin Gerard, and copying the Chief Financial Officer, Aileen Kitts. Documents involved in major financial decisions like this may also be distributed by the addressees to other executives and the corporate board members.

Document: Complete this assignment as a memorandum. Follow the guidance for business memorandumprovided in your reading. Utilize clear, professional language, including setting your Word preferences to check for a more professional writing approach. Examples of professional language constraints would include:

GRADING RUBRIC – 10 points total (assignments 2.3 and 2.4 will be graded together)

Memorandum header is included & formatted per reading – 1 point

Executive Summary is included – 1 point

Memorandum is divided into sections with titles – 1 point

A minimum of one graphic is included – 1 point

A conclusion is included – 1 point

Reviews are completed – 1 point

Reviews include actionable feedback – 2 points

The specific required evaluative language is included at the end of each review – 2 points


Feminist Art Movement Writing Assignment Help

Before You Begin

Please read the overview about the Feminist Art Movement located at this link:

Feminist Art Movement, Artists and Major Works/The Art Story (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Thoroughly read and explore the home page until you are familiar with the Feminist Art Movement. Links to pages about Key Artists in this movement are listed below.

Please note: The internet is filled with information, images, and videos by and about these artists. I encourage you to do additional research about the artist you select. Please cite your sources.


Find an image of the work of art that you plan to write about and post it in your discussion. This will give your classmates a better idea of what you are talking about.

In addition, you may also post a link to a video by or about the artist and their work.

High resolution images are preferred.

  1. Briefly summarize the key ideas in the work of your selected artist. What is she saying through her work?
  2. How does the artist convey her content through her art? Consider her medium and approach.
  3. Did this art work make a difference to you, or to your way of thinking about feminist issues, beyond mere amusement or decoration? Why or why not?

Your post must be between 400 and 500 words.

Key Artists

Judy Chicago (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Miriam Shapiro (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Barbara Kruger (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Jenny Holzer (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Faith Ringgold (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Martha Rosler (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Sherrie Levine (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Laurie Anderson (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Nancy Spero (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Earn a High Grade

  1. Before you begin, read all of the instructions, as well as the rubric.
  2. Focus on the key ideas about the artist as explained in the links provided.
  3. Write concise and complete sentences that clearly convey what you intend to say.
  4. Write in third person, present tense, as much as possible.
  5. Consider starting with an outline. Organize what you plan to say before you write.
  6. Support your statements with careful observations the work of art.
  7. Include your own insights that support your key points.



“Determining Effective Data Display with Charts” Writing Assignment Help

This week we cover Chapter 3 “Determining Effective Data Display with Charts” where we will take a Marketing example and use Excel to Analyze Trends in the Sporting Goods Industry. We will cover Levels 1 and 2 only.

The Assignment has three parts – Each part has four steps.

Part A:

Read the Chapter Introduction and Case Scenario on page 155. Read this page very carefully. It is important that you clearly understand what the Chapter material is all about – otherwise you will just be putting numbers in cells.

Part B:

1. Study (LEARN) the material covered in Level 1: Visualizing Data on pages 156 to 175. The CH03 Level 1 Figures.xlsx file in Lectures (Student Data Files Chapter 3) replicates all of the Figures in this section so you can easily follow along with the textbook discussions. Also watch the tutorial.

2. PRACTICE what you learned in the first part by completing the Steps to Success: Level 1 exercise starting on page 176. The starting workbook: Trends.xlsx needs to be downloaded from Lectures – (Student Data Files Chapter 3)

The file Name should be 4-1- Industry Trends.xlsx


3. APPLY what you have learned to a new business marketing situation by completing the Level 1 Case Problem on page 209 of your textbook. The starting workbook Indiana.xlsx needs to be downloaded from Lectures – (Student Data Files Chapter 3)

The file Name should be 4-2- Indiana Travel.xlsx


4. Write a short essay on what you have learned in Level 1 and how you could apply this to other business situations. POST A COPY OF YOUR WORK TO BLACKBOARD FOR RVIEW AND GRADING (10 POINTS)

Part C:

1. Study (LEARN) the material covered in Level 2: Evaluating Chart Sub-Types on pages 177 to 194. The CH03 Level 2 Figures.xlsx file in Lectures (Student Data Files Chapter 3) replicates all the Figures in this section so you can easily follow along with the textbook discussions. Also watch the tutorial

2. PRACTICE what you learned in the first part by completing the Steps to Success: Level 2 exercise starting on page 195. The starting workbook: Purchases.xlsx can be found in Lectures – (Student Data Files Chapter Three).

The file Name should be 4-3- Consumer Purchaser.xlsx


3. APPLY what you have learned to a new business marketing situation by completing the Level 2 Case Problem on page 209 of your textbook. The starting workbook Invest.xlsx needs to be downloaded from Lectures – (Student Data Files Chapter 3)

The file Name should be 4-4-Investment Performance.xlsx


4. Write a short essay on what you have learned in Level 2 and how you could apply this to other business situations. POST A COPY OF YOUR WORK TO BLACKBOARD FOR REVIEW AND GRADING (10 POINTS)


Open the 4-Ch3-Student-Evaluation-Form.xlxs file and evaluate all your work comparing with the solution that you will find in Course Document – Week 4 Chapter 3 Answer Files.

Rename the evaluation file adding your name as:


A Power Point review of Chapter 3 is posted in Lectures

Let me know if there is anything you don’t understand — the earlier the better.


Let me know if there is anything you don’t understand — the earlier the better. ALWAYS attach a copy of yours excel file clearly indicating where you have a problem.

The solution files that you need to attach are:

4-1- Industry Trends.xlsx

4-2- Indiana Travel.xlsx

4-3- Consumer Purchaser.xlsx

4-4-Investment Performance.xlsx

4-Essay-Week4-YourName.docx (With the short essays on what you learned in each Level)


“Determining Effective Data Display with Charts” Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HELP ME ASAP PLease Other Assignment Help

Design a regulated DC power supply for the following specifications and verify your design using SPICE


Desired D.C. Output : 10 V

Load Variation: 0.3 – 10 kW

Ripple Factor: Less than 0.1% for 2 kW load

Load Regulation: Better than 3 mV for a 1 mA change in load current

Line Regulation: Better than 3 mV for a 1V change in line voltage

Design Restrictions:

Capacitor values in your design should not exceed 50 mF. In case if you need a bigger capacitor use an op. amp. based capacitor simulator.

Output Stage:

First as the output stage use a Zener shunt regulator and then replace the Zener shunt regulator with an appropriate IC voltage regulator. Do the SPICE simulation of the whole circuit, which has the Zener shunt regulator as the last stage. Do the literature search to gather information on op. amp. capacitor simulator and IC voltage regulators. Also look at manufacturer’s device performance data books to select appropriate devices (Zener, IC regulator, op. amp.) for your design.


Situation analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

The UK is scheduled to leave the European Union on the 29th of March of this year. The UK has three options available to it at this point: no deal Brexit, common market, or stay in the EU. The is a very complex issue for politicians in the UK. However, it is exponentially more complicated for business in the UK and elsewhere. This situation/assignment create an opportunity for you to see just how complicated international trade relationships can be for business with little or on control of the future.

You are a senior officer at Hi-Neighbor!® a multinational corporation with offices in New York, London, Frankfort, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and Rio. Your CEO has come to you to ask for your recommendation for what your company should do following March 30, 2019. (The day the UK leaves the EU). The CEO wants your analysis of the following situations: deal Brexit b.common market Brexit( Like Norway) c.abandoned Brexit (UK stays in EU)

The CEO wants input on the following: 1.tariffs, access to markets 2.the need for a London office 3.changes in production schedules 4.changes in input availability 5.increased risk to the financial situation of the Pound 6.need for insurance against predicted losses 7.moreover, overall recommendation for the aftermath of the 3 Brexit situations

Again this is a formal document to be sent the CEO of the Hi-Neighbor!. You will need one memo for you the contains all three situations involving Brexit and information about CEO’s concerns. At least 2 pages.


Drawing in word Other Assignment Help

Question 1:

– Using Equation Editor type the 2 equations and the text book from which they are taken from in font size 18.

-Type your name, class name and date in the header and save the document.

-Upload the document into the test section of blackboard with the other questions when they are complete.



Question 2:

-Using the insert tab draw the following picture. It does not have to be exact, however you need to make a drawing that is as close as possible.

-When finished save and upload with the other documents when all are finished.


Just follow the instruction and make as it is in the picture.


Discuss the portrayal of god/s in the Genesis and the Iliad and/or Gilgamesh. Have the texts you have read and the discussions we have had in class (and your general experience thus far at NYU) changed the way you think about anything? Humanities Assignment Help

Write a five to seven page essay on one of the topics below. You do not need to consult any secondary sources; however, you may do so if you wish. (If you use any secondary sources, you will need to include a bibliography, otherwise it’s not necessary.)

The format for your essay should be MLA. Give your essay a title. Staple and number your pages. Give specific examples from the text to support your generalizations, and be sure to quote accurately and cite page references. No matter which topic you choose, I am interested in your ideas and analysis, NOT PLOT SUMMARY.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, structure, and style are as important as intellectual content.


You are a senior officer at Hi-Neighbor!® a multinational corporation with offices in New York, London, Frankfort, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and Rio. Your CEO has come to you to ask for your recommendation for what your company should do following March 30, 2019. (The day the UK leaves the EU). The CEO wants your analysis of the following situations: deal Brexit b.common market Brexit( Like Norway) c.abandoned Brexit (UK stays in EU)

The CEO wants input on the following: 1.tariffs, access to markets 2.the need for a London office 3.changes in production schedules 4.changes in input availability 5.increased risk to the financial situation of the Pound 6.need for insurance against predicted losses 7.moreover, overall recommendation for the aftermath of the 3 Brexit situations

Again this is a formal document to be sent the CEO of the Hi-Neighbor!. You will need one memo for you the contains all three situations involving Brexit and information about CEO’s concerns. At least 2 pages.


Drawing in word Other Assignment Help

Question 1:

– Using Equation Editor type the 2 equations and the text book from which they are taken from in font size 18.

-Type your name, class name and date in the header and save the document.

-Upload the document into the test section of blackboard with the other questions when they are complete.



Question 2:

-Using the insert tab draw the following picture. It does not have to be exact, however you need to make a drawing that is as close as possible.

-When finished save and upload with the other documents when all are finished.


Just follow the instruction and make as it is in the picture.


Discuss the portrayal of god/s in the Genesis and the Iliad and/or Gilgamesh. Have the texts you have read and the discussions we have had in class (and your general experience thus far at NYU) changed the way you think about anything? Humanities Assignment Help

Write a five to seven page essay on one of the topics below. You do not need to consult any secondary sources; however, you may do so if you wish. (If you use any secondary sources, you will need to include a bibliography, otherwise it’s not necessary.)

The format for your essay should be MLA. Give your essay a title. Staple and number your pages. Give specific examples from the text to support your generalizations, and be sure to quote accurately and cite page references. No matter which topic you choose, I am interested in your ideas and analysis, NOT PLOT SUMMARY.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, structure, and style are as important as intellectual content.


You are a senior officer at Hi-Neighbor!® a multinational corporation with offices in New York, London, Frankfort, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and Rio. Your CEO has come to you to ask for your recommendation for what your company should do following March 30, 2019. (The day the UK leaves the EU). The CEO wants your analysis of the following situations: deal Brexit b.common market Brexit( Like Norway) c.abandoned Brexit (UK stays in EU)

The CEO wants input on the following: 1.tariffs, access to markets 2.the need for a London office 3.changes in production schedules 4.changes in input availability 5.increased risk to the financial situation of the Pound 6.need for insurance against predicted losses 7.moreover, overall recommendation for the aftermath of the 3 Brexit situations

Again this is a formal document to be sent the CEO of the Hi-Neighbor!. You will need one memo for you the contains all three situations involving Brexit and information about CEO’s concerns. At least 2 pages.


Drawing in word Other Assignment Help

Question 1:

– Using Equation Editor type the 2 equations and the text book from which they are taken from in font size 18.

-Type your name, class name and date in the header and save the document.

-Upload the document into the test section of blackboard with the other questions when they are complete.



Question 2:

-Using the insert tab draw the following picture. It does not have to be exact, however you need to make a drawing that is as close as possible.

-When finished save and upload with the other documents when all are finished.


Just follow the instruction and make as it is in the picture.


Discuss the portrayal of god/s in the Genesis and the Iliad and/or Gilgamesh. Have the texts you have read and the discussions we have had in class (and your general experience thus far at NYU) changed the way you think about anything? Humanities Assignment Help

Write a five to seven page essay on one of the topics below. You do not need to consult any secondary sources; however, you may do so if you wish. (If you use any secondary sources, you will need to include a bibliography, otherwise it’s not necessary.)

The format for your essay should be MLA. Give your essay a title. Staple and number your pages. Give specific examples from the text to support your generalizations, and be sure to quote accurately and cite page references. No matter which topic you choose, I am interested in your ideas and analysis, NOT PLOT SUMMARY.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, structure, and style are as important as intellectual content.


You are a senior officer at Hi-Neighbor!® a multinational corporation with offices in New York, London, Frankfort, Shanghai, Kuala Lumpur, and Rio. Your CEO has come to you to ask for your recommendation for what your company should do following March 30, 2019. (The day the UK leaves the EU). The CEO wants your analysis of the following situations: deal Brexit b.common market Brexit( Like Norway) c.abandoned Brexit (UK stays in EU)

The CEO wants input on the following: 1.tariffs, access to markets 2.the need for a London office 3.changes in production schedules 4.changes in input availability 5.increased risk to the financial situation of the Pound 6.need for insurance against predicted losses 7.moreover, overall recommendation for the aftermath of the 3 Brexit situations

Again this is a formal document to be sent the CEO of the Hi-Neighbor!. You will need one memo for you the contains all three situations involving Brexit and information about CEO’s concerns. At least 2 pages.


Drawing in word Other Assignment Help

Question 1:

– Using Equation Editor type the 2 equations and the text book from which they are taken from in font size 18.

-Type your name, class name and date in the header and save the document.

-Upload the document into the test section of blackboard with the other questions when they are complete.



Question 2:

-Using the insert tab draw the following picture. It does not have to be exact, however you need to make a drawing that is as close as possible.

-When finished save and upload with the other documents when all are finished.


Just follow the instruction and make as it is in the picture.


Discuss the portrayal of god/s in the Genesis and the Iliad and/or Gilgamesh. Have the texts you have read and the discussions we have had in class (and your general experience thus far at NYU) changed the way you think about anything? Humanities Assignment Help

Write a five to seven page essay on one of the topics below. You do not need to consult any secondary sources; however, you may do so if you wish. (If you use any secondary sources, you will need to include a bibliography, otherwise it’s not necessary.)

The format for your essay should be MLA. Give your essay a title. Staple and number your pages. Give specific examples from the text to support your generalizations, and be sure to quote accurately and cite page references. No matter which topic you choose, I am interested in your ideas and analysis, NOT PLOT SUMMARY.

Spelling, punctuation, grammar, syntax, structure, and style are as important as intellectual content.


Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help

Help turning this into a great paper Writing Assignment Help

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