Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help

Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help. Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help.

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With the construction of the 10 Strategic Points for your dissertation study, you began to draft the literature review (Point 2) of the study to illuminate an identified gap in the literature to be filled by your dissertation study. While the literature review ultimately requires more than simply summarizing studies in some logical order, summarizing and paraphrasing are the beginning points of a solid literature review. In this assignment, you will summarize several studies from Point 2 (Literature Review) of your 10 Strategic Points document and the references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. From those summaries, you will describe how the studies form the gap that your dissertation will fill. Remember, to illuminate a gap in the research, the articles surveyed must have been published within the last 5 years

General Requirements:

Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment:

  • Refer to the draft of the 10 Strategic Points that you developed for your dissertation study in Topic 5 of RES-850. You may also use a more recent version of this document if one is available.
  • Refer to the list of 10 references to studies related to your dissertation topic that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850.
  • Instructors will be using a grading rubric to grade the assignments. It is recommended that learners review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment in order to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
  • Doctoral learners are required to use APA style for their writing assignments. The APA Style Guide is located in the Student Success Center.
  • You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.


Locate the draft of the 10 Strategic Points from Topic 5 of RES-850 (or a more recent version if one is available) and the 10 references to studies that you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final topic of RES-850.

Choose five articles from your draft of the 10 Strategic Points and 5 articles from those you added to the Literature Review Resources assignment in the final week of RES-850. The articles you choose must have been published within the last 5 years.

Write a narrative (3,750-4,000 words) that summarizes the important information about the 10 articles you selected and describes how the studies form the research gap that your dissertation will fill. Your narrative should include the following:

  1. A summary of the key points of each article (purpose, research method, research design, sample, data collection instrument, results).
  2. A description of how these studies individually lead to the research gap that your dissertation study will fill.

Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Ransomware: Other Assignment Help

The format of your paper will need to follow the following outline in APA format (include title page, abstract page, content pages, and reference page):


  • State the topic you are attempting to cover
  • State the issues involved
  • State why we should be concerned with resolving whatever issues are involved
  • State how answering the issues will help us
  • State the implications and consequences of dealing with or resolving the issues involved

REVIEW OF THE LITERATURE (2 sources minimal, at least 1 needs to be peer-reviewed)
Identify who has tried to answer the question before by doing the following:

  • Summarize how each of the sources presents and deals with the subject
  • Explain how each source presents and deals with its findings or results
  • Explain the relevancy of each source to your topic
  • State what you learned from each of your sources
  • State in what way(s) each source contributes to answering your issues


  • State your answer to your issue
  • State how and elaborate on how, explain how, illustrate how each of the sources you previously reviewed help you answer your issue
  • State what questions about your topic you still have that your sources may not have answered


  • Indicate how each of the sources have contributed to your conclusions (and clearly, accurately, correctly document those sources within your text)
  • State the implications of your conclusions
  • State what might be the possible consequences of your conclusions
  • State the significance these implications and consequences might have in the information technology / information security realm


  • On a separate page, include a section labeled References which provides the full publication information for all the sources you used in your paper
  • You should have a MINIMUM of three (2) sources for your paper, at least 1 source needs to be peer-reviewed
  • Not meeting this minimum requirement of three (2) sources will lead to a lower evaluation of your paper for each missing source
  • Use APA format for documenting your sources

-For APA help: Purdue OWL
-For more details on journal types, refer to this link: Rutgers Library


Emerging communication Technologies-Wearable Technology Writing Assignment Help

Document your report by citing sources (minimum of seven)
within the report and including a list of references. All information should be
cited and not be your opinion. Avoid the use of personal pronouns (I, me, my,
mine, you, etc.). All references should be cited within the body of the report.
Use a variety of sources (books, articles, academic journals, Internet, etc.)
dated within the last five years. Append your report with a copy of any
material you plan to use during the presentation such as charts, pamphlets,
materials, etc. If you use Microsoft PowerPoint, include a copy of your slides
in handout form (three slides per page format) in the appendix of your paper.
Extend/develop any topic discussed in class beyond the overview presented.
Avoid redundant discussion and sources provided in class or the use of the
textbook as a source.• Written
Research Report. Your written research report is due on your assigned
presentation date. The written report should include a comprehensive title,
title page, letter of transmittal, table of contents, executive summary, body
(brief introduction, findings, summary, and conclusions or recommendations),
references, and appendix. Organize your paper and provide headings to guide the
reader through the major topics. Your written report should reflect graduate
student quality work and should be complete, correct, clear, concise, and
coherent. An evaluation form will be provided by the instructor (100 points).

• Presentation. Prepare a 15-minute oral presentation based upon
your written research report. Be creative, professional, and interesting while
presenting meaningful information. Use appropriate visual aids, media,
equipment, etc. to enhance your professional business presentation. Plan
carefully to complete your presentation within the time limit. An evaluation
form will be provided by the instructor (100 points).


Network Neutrality and explaining regulations put in place by the FCC’s Open Internet Order Economics Assignment Help

You will be asked to present the ideas contained in the papers assigned. You will begin with the paper by Lee and Wu (2009). The point of the first paper is to define Network Neutrality and to explain the regulations the FCC put in place with its Open Internet Order. Concentrate on the Executive Summary of the Open Internet Order. I encourage serious discussion about the issue. These papers are from professional journals and may include a number of challenging technical details.

While many students may find these issues interesting, you will not be expected to explain or evaluate these issues in your papers. Students will be expected to work through the papers and provide discussions of results and their public-policy implications. Each group will write a six-page paper summarizing the paper they were assigned. The goal of this project is for the class to recommend several policies to the School District. Students may want to find related articles to discuss as well.

(I attached previous papers written, along with their main paper, and commentary along with accurate thought process on the specific topic. I included these just so you can see where problems have lied in past written assignments and where this paper should not commit the same mistakes in thought process. If you have completed a good sizable amount of the assignment please let me know so I can review it and get an idea if your writing style is on track. Additionally, if you finish earlier than the date posted, I would so welcome that! Thank you.)


the role of the Public Information Officer in media relations and reporting during an incident Business Finance Assignment Help

Follow the APA guidelines, when you cite, to answer the following questions:

– Describe the role of the Public Information Officer in media relations and reporting during an incident.

– Why is this role so crucial? How can the PIO beneficially utilize the media for Risk Communication activities during the event?

– What pre-event activities lead to success in these relationships? and organization?


supporting material:

(see also attachment)…

Gluckman, W. A., Weinstein, E. S., Dilling, S., & Paul, J. S. (2015). Public information management. In Ciottone’s Disaster Medicine (pp. 143–148).



assignment you have a choice: 1) the ethics of abortion, or 2) ethics of gene editing. Please choose one of the topics to read about and watch a video over. Writing Assignment Help

assignment you have a choice: 1) the ethics of abortion, or 2) ethics of gene editing. Please choose one of the topics to read about and watch a video over.

Abortion: You have two reading assignments, and a video to watch. Lecture by Aspen Baker. Reading on pro-abortion, and pro-life reading.

Gene-editing: Reading over CRISPR technology. Video on benefits of gene-editing, and two possible issues with the technology and the idea of designer babies.

The questions for both of the topics in Bioethics:

1. Explain what the moral dilemma is for the topic you chose to learn about. Explain the dilemma in terms of the moral concepts that we learned about in our discussion of normative theories. (Note: moral concepts are things like autonomy, fairness, harm, suffering, quality, freedom, etc.)

2. Pick one of the arguments from a single source for your chosen topic and give an overview of what the argument is there for or against the permissibility of the practice in question.

3. Given what you have learned about the bioethical issue, what do you think the deontologist would say about the practice? Explain why this is position that would be taken by the deontology (think about whether they would allow the practice, or if this theory would be against it, and why). What about the utilitarian? Why would they take this stance?

4. What do you think is the overriding moral concept when analyzing the permissibility of the practice that you learned about? Explain why this is the most important feature of the problem (and, this does not have to relate to any of the arguments/positions that you read or watched, this is your own opinion about what matters when we are looking at the applied issue).

5. Which position that is defended in the videos/reading to you agree with? Why do you agree? What does that position get right in its moral analysis of the issue? Similarly, which one do you disagree with, and why?

assignment you have a choice: 1) the ethics of abortion, or 2) ethics of gene editing. Please choose one of the topics to read about and watch a video over. Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Social problems discussion questions Humanities Assignment Help

Must have the book Social problems: Societal Crisis, Capitalism, & Democracy by KIm Macinnis

must make references from the book and use citations as outside research and sources are forbidden and will result in a failing grade.

must read the chapters Trafficking Terror, Terrorizing Trafficking: From Trafficking to Terror: Constructing a Global Social Problem by Pardis Mahdavi and Community Policing and Racism: Understanding Controversy and Society by Kim MacInnis and answer the questions below

1. How does the history of policing contribute to racism in the criminal justice system today?

2. How can the United States combat trafficking globally? In addition to fighting it on our turf, what will be the most effective way for us to help other countries end trafficking? Include some material from the reading and the link below to help answer this question.…

When making references and citations be sure to include page numbers

Also must respond to two students’ discussion posts of atleast 150 words


comparison and / contrast essay. Writing Assignment Help

DIRECTIONS: We often have experiences which require making a choice. When this occurs, factors regarding that decision often include examining the similarities (comparison) and/or the differences (contrast). Select from the list below one topic to research background information. Remember to think of a reason for comparing and/or contrasting the items. Then follow the directions to complete the assignment. The suggested topics to compare and/or contrast are:

1. Media: Print/Electronic/Audio

2. Work/Jobs

3. Relationships

4. Transportation

5. Shopping: Online/Mall

6. Dating

7. Automobiles: Gasoline/Electric/Hybrid


* Conduct a Google search on the origin, history and other important facts about the selected topic.

* Develop a comparison and/or contrast outline that includes background information, other pertinent elements, or details.

* Write a 5 paragraph essay that compares and/or contrasts the items in the topic.

* Give the outline and 5 paragraph essay a title. Do not underline the title. Indent the first line of the paragraph.

* Double space the paragraph.


questions i need to understand history Humanities Assignment Help

Answer all the question, short answer that cover and satisfied the question more curricular thinking ,specific information for support Remember to some specific information.No Wikipedia. use the book : give me liberty, voume 1

  • What did you learn about the elites, the middle ranks, and the poor in the 18th century colonies (be specific)?
  • What did you learn about the growth of cities and the consumer revolution?
  • What did you learn about African-American culture in the 18th century colonies, especially in South Carolina and Georgia?
  • What did you about who had the vote and the limits on it?
  • What did you learn about the assemblies (colonial legislature)?
  • When and what was the Great Awakening?
  • What did you learn from the textbook about the Seven Years’ War?
  • What did you learn about Potomac’s Rebellion and the Proclamation Line?
  • What did you learn about the Stamp Act tax and the reaction to it?
  • What did you learn about African Americans in the Revolution (see textbook section)?
  • What did you learn about the new state constitutions (see textbook section)?
  • What did you learn about the right to vote and the problems with democracy after the revolution?
  • Who are Loyalists and what happened to them after the war?
  • What did you learn about “free labor” (not slave labor) after the war?
  • What was the Indians’ Revolution?
  • What was the impact of the Revolution on slavery?
  • What was Republican motherhood?


field mustard- brassica papa discussion and results Other Assignment Help

I attached some of the instructions bc I couldn’t upload them all


I need the graphs to be done by SAS JMP with all the values and tables to be done with SAS JMP(ie p values) no all of the data was collected so jus do what I included in the excel sheet

in the discussion pls said that at the beginning we were doing another experiment (I attached it as “first experiment proposal”) so talk about why it fails we did brassica Rapa bc the first seed didn’t grew at all ( we plant them multiple time even we tried to ” T. farfara seeds were roughed up with sandpaper before being placed onto a damp papertowel. Another damp papertowel was placed on top of the seeds to bust germination. The L. maackii seeds were placed between two damp papertowels the same as the T. farfara, they were not roughed with sandpaper as the seeds were too small and a different shape. The papertowels containing the seeds were placed into a planter box with a lid and placed into the greenhouse to help with germination but they didn’t that why we changed our experiment








Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help

Help with dissertation paper 10 strategic p0ints and narrative summary Science Assignment Help

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