help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help

help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help. help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help.

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The Spirit Catches

please read the story and answer the question:

Answer at least one of the following:

1. Explain the statement that Lia was given “a little medicine and a little neeb.” Were the methods of treatment applied by Lia’s parents a barrier or a resource to her health and well being?

2. What were the reactions of Lia’s doctors and family members when Lia had “the big one?” How did cultural differences serve as a barrier to Lia’s healthcare during this episode? Share a resource that may have been helpful to the health care professionals or the family.

help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Gender Bias proposal: Academic research process Humanities Assignment Help

Developing a proposal is one of the first steps in an academic research process. Your audience for this proposal includes your classmates, who may have disparate backgrounds and limited knowledge of your topic, and your instructor, who is unlikely to have specialized knowledge in exactly the topic you’ve chosen. Consequently, your task is to present a concise (350-500 words) yet well-supported proposal in which you introduce the contemporary global issue you’ve selected, explain its significance, both in your own field of study and to the larger external population, and present a clear argument as to why this topic is worthy of time and attention. Your proposal must demonstrate your understanding of the scope of the social and cultural issues related to this topic while demonstrating your familiarity with relevant scholarly research.

Using the information included in Scaffold Step #1 (Topic Proposal Worksheet) from Webtext Ch. 1 and other scholarly sources you may have collected, organize your work so that it effectively develops your argument. Follow the conventions of academic essay writing with a title page; double-spaced text; clear introduction, body, and conclusion; and a reference page. Your work should be original, with quotations limited to less than 10% of your total word count. Use only scholarly sources in your proposal, and include citations in APA format.

Be sure your work clearly states the problem in a way that anyone unfamiliar with your field of study will understand. Draw an explicit connection between the topic and one or both of your Degree Depths; this will help establish the relevance of your topic to your studies.

When summarizing key issues and themes found in your preliminary reading, consider how the issue may affect vulnerable and disenfranchised populations around the world, and the ethical issues that may be involved. Synthesize the key disagreements among the research studies; this will help your audience understand the need to study the issue.

Your proposal should be 350-500 words and reflect appropriate critical thinking, analysis, synthesis, and senior-level written communication skills. Resources on stages in the writing process are included in the Full List of Student Resources on the Modules page.

In M2D1, you will share your proposal with your classmates by copying the text and pasting it directly into a discussion post. Based on the feedback you receive from your peers, you will refine your proposal according to the above guidelines before submitting it at the end of the module.

Your Research Proposal must be submitted by Sunday at 11:59 PM. Meeting this deadline is crucial, as your instructor will need to review and approve your proposal before you can begin the next scaffold step.

Compose your work in a .doc or .docx file type using a word processor (such as Microsoft Word, etc.) and save it frequently to your computer.


week 3 BU New shoes simulation fiest decison Business Finance Assignment Help

Your team is ready to enter corporate and regional market decisions for Period 1!

For each available market, purchase research when available to help with the creation of your company’s strategy. Then, make your price, advertising, promotion, and sales force decisions.

Once all decisions have been made, be sure to use the Decision Summary to verify your team implemented their strategy for the upcoming period!

If this is your first time in the simulation, make sure that you have read the NewShoes Case and taken the Simulation Tour to get acquainted with the simulation.


Word frequency from textfile (C programming with pthreads) Programming Assignment Help

program must compile and run on, a Linux machine.

You may not use any libraries, packages, or repositories without prior permission!!!

You are required to write one program that implements word frequency count of a text file using the MapReduce framework, with the master using pthreads to create and synchronize the worker threads using semaphores.

I have provided my work so far if you’d like to use and continue on my code.

What I have done is implement the equal split function and the skewed split function but the skewed split is not functioning correctly. I haven’t done it using the map which is required. The feedback I’ve gotten for part 1 of the assignment is “No implementation of the map phase. Skewed split generates too many split-*.txt files.”

Further details is in the zipfile.


week 3 new shoes simulation Other Assignment Help

Unit 3 Assignment 1 – New Shoes Simulation Decisions 1 and 2

Submit Assignment

  • Due Sunday by 11:59pm
  • Points 35
  • Submitting a text entry box or a file upload


Please access the simulation this week and make your first two decisions.

The first decision (Company Name, Logo, and Advertising) is due on Thursday.

The second decision (Standard Decisions-Marketing, Marketing Research, Corporate etc.) is due on Sunday.

When you have made the second decision, please go to the Decisions tab, and then select Decision Summary. Ensure that the correct period is selected.

Now hit the Print Screen button on your keyboard:


Paste that image into a Microsoft Word document. Submit the Word document with the print screen image. Doing so proves that you did the work in the simulation and you will be given 35 points for doing so.

An example of what should be submitted is attached below

Assignment Files



Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


Complete a PowerPoint Presentation of 17-20 slides for an overview of the keys to a successful healthcare emergency management program. What does it mean to be successful in healthcare emergency management? Include examples of successful programs and why they’re successful.

Tips for a good PowerPoint presentation:

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objectives slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and the course name. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

I attached the primary book.

Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

6.7 Assignment: Primate hand features (Graded Assignment) Science Assignment Help

Orangutan infant holding on to mom.jpg

Webquest: Primate Hand Features


The primary features that define primates as a taxonomic order are mainly found in the skull and on the hands and feet. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the hands and feet and the head are the areas of the body that interact with the environment the most and as such are are subject to the greatest amount of selective pressures.

Nails, opposable thumbs, friction ridges among other are anatomical features that have been selected for within the primate lineage and assist in the survivability of young primates.

What you are doing

Your task is to explore a primate hand features and explain how that primate hand feature enhance fitness.

Before you begin your task make sure you do the following things

Read lecture notes on primate taxonomy and chapter 6

What you have to do for points

Make sure you answer all of the following questions for full points.

  1. What does the arboreal hypothesis suggest about the reason why primates have the unique features, such as opposable thumbs, that they have on their hand?
  2. Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example. When writing about your example name the hand feature that you have chosen and explain clearly why it increase fitness in a tree environment.
  3. Conjecture what would happen if a primate infant did not possess your chosen primate hand features. Answer this question with the survivability of the infant in mind.

Tips for success

  • Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


The war on drugs is it working ? Writing Assignment Help

So attached is all the documents that you will need to do this writing for me, there is 3 papers that are attached one for the writing prompt which you will on need to understand the instructions because i already picked a topic which is about the war on drugs and one of the papers (research paper proposal) explain exactly what im going to write about!

Please make sure to use more sources and add it to the annotated bibliography you can use as many as you want the more the better! The paper is due April,2.


final draft 1 Writing Assignment Help

What is required in the portfolio:

3 Rough Drafts (1 essay per prompt listed on the assignment sheet)

3 Final Drafts (3 rough drafts revised)

1 page letter explaining the difference between the final drafts and the rough drafts to me as your teacher.

  • address it to Prof. L as a letter
  • explain the process you went through as you wrote your rough drafts
  • explain the process you went through as you revised the rough drafts
  • explain the changes between the rough and final drafts
  • tell me what you thought about the process

Once you complete the portfolio, you will compile all documents into one.

Please copy and paste them into one document, so you have one submission.

Follow this order:


Rough Draft 1

Final Draft 1

Rough Draft 2

Final Draft 2

Rough Draft 3

Final Draft 3

Logistics: Essays are in third person and at least 500 words each

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll three essays are included, with re-writes

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Essays: Introductions grab attention, establish topic

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis clearly established with supporting points stated

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport for thesis is persuasive

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle(s) are referenced to enhance supporting points

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions lower the curtain, dim the lights effectively

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Level: Punctuation/Grammar poses no major distractions

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence syntax smooth, word choice clear

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgress and Improvement: Evident throughout the course of the essay sequence.

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRe-writes demonstrate thoughtful revision and incorporate feedback


Analyze the painting Writing Assignment Help

Museum Visit essay

  • Image which you will be discussing
  • An introduction with a strong thesis
  • 1000-1200 words of text which describes your artwork in detail using the formal elements and principles of design (more is fine!)
  • A conclusion
  • A references page or bibliography
  • Very little of your essay should be about artist biography or context. 80-90% of your paper should be descriptive. • Your thesis should tell me the artist, title, medium and specifically what elements/principles you’re going to write about. Do not try to write about more than 3-5 elements/principles. • Each body paragraph then should focus on those elements/principles you mentioned in your thesis. Describe specific areas of the painting to support your claims from the thesis. • Break the paper into logically grouped paragraphs and then make each paragraph flow neatly into the next. Use transition words (ex., thus, moreover, however, etc) and prepositional phrases to avoid a “choppy” paper. • Repetition is repetitive. Vary your descriptors. Try not to repeat key vocabulary words within the same paragraph. Be as specific as possible. If an object is red, what color of red is it? Avoid “empty” adjectives like “beautiful,” “interesting,” “amazing,” etc., as these words tell your reader nothing. If you believe an image to be beautiful, tell your reader WHY. • Remember this is the written word and NOT the spoken word. Do not write how you talk (ex. using phrases like “I mean” or “the guy” or “you know”). Always refer to “the viewer” as opposed to “you.” • Read your paper aloud to yourself to catch “awkward” sentences and technical errors. • Avoid run-on sentences & use appropriate punctuation!?%&*’’! • Use the resources available to you. Librarians are an excellent resource for research. The MLA handbook is an excellent resource for formatting.

[supanova_question] [Word docume



Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


Complete a PowerPoint Presentation of 17-20 slides for an overview of the keys to a successful healthcare emergency management program. What does it mean to be successful in healthcare emergency management? Include examples of successful programs and why they’re successful.

Tips for a good PowerPoint presentation:

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objectives slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and the course name. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

I attached the primary book.

Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

6.7 Assignment: Primate hand features (Graded Assignment) Science Assignment Help

Orangutan infant holding on to mom.jpg

Webquest: Primate Hand Features


The primary features that define primates as a taxonomic order are mainly found in the skull and on the hands and feet. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the hands and feet and the head are the areas of the body that interact with the environment the most and as such are are subject to the greatest amount of selective pressures.

Nails, opposable thumbs, friction ridges among other are anatomical features that have been selected for within the primate lineage and assist in the survivability of young primates.

What you are doing

Your task is to explore a primate hand features and explain how that primate hand feature enhance fitness.

Before you begin your task make sure you do the following things

Read lecture notes on primate taxonomy and chapter 6

What you have to do for points

Make sure you answer all of the following questions for full points.

  1. What does the arboreal hypothesis suggest about the reason why primates have the unique features, such as opposable thumbs, that they have on their hand?
  2. Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example. When writing about your example name the hand feature that you have chosen and explain clearly why it increase fitness in a tree environment.
  3. Conjecture what would happen if a primate infant did not possess your chosen primate hand features. Answer this question with the survivability of the infant in mind.

Tips for success

  • Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


The war on drugs is it working ? Writing Assignment Help

So attached is all the documents that you will need to do this writing for me, there is 3 papers that are attached one for the writing prompt which you will on need to understand the instructions because i already picked a topic which is about the war on drugs and one of the papers (research paper proposal) explain exactly what im going to write about!

Please make sure to use more sources and add it to the annotated bibliography you can use as many as you want the more the better! The paper is due April,2.


final draft 1 Writing Assignment Help

What is required in the portfolio:

3 Rough Drafts (1 essay per prompt listed on the assignment sheet)

3 Final Drafts (3 rough drafts revised)

1 page letter explaining the difference between the final drafts and the rough drafts to me as your teacher.

  • address it to Prof. L as a letter
  • explain the process you went through as you wrote your rough drafts
  • explain the process you went through as you revised the rough drafts
  • explain the changes between the rough and final drafts
  • tell me what you thought about the process

Once you complete the portfolio, you will compile all documents into one.

Please copy and paste them into one document, so you have one submission.

Follow this order:


Rough Draft 1

Final Draft 1

Rough Draft 2

Final Draft 2

Rough Draft 3

Final Draft 3

Logistics: Essays are in third person and at least 500 words each

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll three essays are included, with re-writes

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Essays: Introductions grab attention, establish topic

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis clearly established with supporting points stated

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport for thesis is persuasive

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle(s) are referenced to enhance supporting points

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions lower the curtain, dim the lights effectively

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Level: Punctuation/Grammar poses no major distractions

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence syntax smooth, word choice clear

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgress and Improvement: Evident throughout the course of the essay sequence.

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRe-writes demonstrate thoughtful revision and incorporate feedback


Analyze the painting Writing Assignment Help

Museum Visit essay

  • Image which you will be discussing
  • An introduction with a strong thesis
  • 1000-1200 words of text which describes your artwork in detail using the formal elements and principles of design (more is fine!)
  • A conclusion
  • A references page or bibliography
  • Very little of your essay should be about artist biography or context. 80-90% of your paper should be descriptive. • Your thesis should tell me the artist, title, medium and specifically what elements/principles you’re going to write about. Do not try to write about more than 3-5 elements/principles. • Each body paragraph then should focus on those elements/principles you mentioned in your thesis. Describe specific areas of the painting to support your claims from the thesis. • Break the paper into logically grouped paragraphs and then make each paragraph flow neatly into the next. Use transition words (ex., thus, moreover, however, etc) and prepositional phrases to avoid a “choppy” paper. • Repetition is repetitive. Vary your descriptors. Try not to repeat key vocabulary words within the same paragraph. Be as specific as possible. If an object is red, what color of red is it? Avoid “empty” adjectives like “beautiful,” “interesting,” “amazing,” etc., as these words tell your reader nothing. If you believe an image to be beautiful, tell your reader WHY. • Remember this is the written word and NOT the spoken word. Do not write how you talk (ex. using phrases like “I mean” or “the guy” or “you know”). Always refer to “the viewer” as opposed to “you.” • Read your paper aloud to yourself to catch “awkward” sentences and technical errors. • Avoid run-on sentences & use appropriate punctuation!?%&*’’! • Use the resources available to you. Librarians are an excellent resource for research. The MLA handbook is an excellent resource for formatting.

[supanova_question] [Word docume



Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


Complete a PowerPoint Presentation of 17-20 slides for an overview of the keys to a successful healthcare emergency management program. What does it mean to be successful in healthcare emergency management? Include examples of successful programs and why they’re successful.

Tips for a good PowerPoint presentation:

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objectives slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and the course name. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

I attached the primary book.

Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

6.7 Assignment: Primate hand features (Graded Assignment) Science Assignment Help

Orangutan infant holding on to mom.jpg

Webquest: Primate Hand Features


The primary features that define primates as a taxonomic order are mainly found in the skull and on the hands and feet. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the hands and feet and the head are the areas of the body that interact with the environment the most and as such are are subject to the greatest amount of selective pressures.

Nails, opposable thumbs, friction ridges among other are anatomical features that have been selected for within the primate lineage and assist in the survivability of young primates.

What you are doing

Your task is to explore a primate hand features and explain how that primate hand feature enhance fitness.

Before you begin your task make sure you do the following things

Read lecture notes on primate taxonomy and chapter 6

What you have to do for points

Make sure you answer all of the following questions for full points.

  1. What does the arboreal hypothesis suggest about the reason why primates have the unique features, such as opposable thumbs, that they have on their hand?
  2. Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example. When writing about your example name the hand feature that you have chosen and explain clearly why it increase fitness in a tree environment.
  3. Conjecture what would happen if a primate infant did not possess your chosen primate hand features. Answer this question with the survivability of the infant in mind.

Tips for success

  • Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


The war on drugs is it working ? Writing Assignment Help

So attached is all the documents that you will need to do this writing for me, there is 3 papers that are attached one for the writing prompt which you will on need to understand the instructions because i already picked a topic which is about the war on drugs and one of the papers (research paper proposal) explain exactly what im going to write about!

Please make sure to use more sources and add it to the annotated bibliography you can use as many as you want the more the better! The paper is due April,2.


final draft 1 Writing Assignment Help

What is required in the portfolio:

3 Rough Drafts (1 essay per prompt listed on the assignment sheet)

3 Final Drafts (3 rough drafts revised)

1 page letter explaining the difference between the final drafts and the rough drafts to me as your teacher.

  • address it to Prof. L as a letter
  • explain the process you went through as you wrote your rough drafts
  • explain the process you went through as you revised the rough drafts
  • explain the changes between the rough and final drafts
  • tell me what you thought about the process

Once you complete the portfolio, you will compile all documents into one.

Please copy and paste them into one document, so you have one submission.

Follow this order:


Rough Draft 1

Final Draft 1

Rough Draft 2

Final Draft 2

Rough Draft 3

Final Draft 3

Logistics: Essays are in third person and at least 500 words each

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll three essays are included, with re-writes

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Essays: Introductions grab attention, establish topic

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis clearly established with supporting points stated

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport for thesis is persuasive

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle(s) are referenced to enhance supporting points

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions lower the curtain, dim the lights effectively

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Level: Punctuation/Grammar poses no major distractions

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence syntax smooth, word choice clear

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgress and Improvement: Evident throughout the course of the essay sequence.

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRe-writes demonstrate thoughtful revision and incorporate feedback


Analyze the painting Writing Assignment Help

Museum Visit essay

  • Image which you will be discussing
  • An introduction with a strong thesis
  • 1000-1200 words of text which describes your artwork in detail using the formal elements and principles of design (more is fine!)
  • A conclusion
  • A references page or bibliography
  • Very little of your essay should be about artist biography or context. 80-90% of your paper should be descriptive. • Your thesis should tell me the artist, title, medium and specifically what elements/principles you’re going to write about. Do not try to write about more than 3-5 elements/principles. • Each body paragraph then should focus on those elements/principles you mentioned in your thesis. Describe specific areas of the painting to support your claims from the thesis. • Break the paper into logically grouped paragraphs and then make each paragraph flow neatly into the next. Use transition words (ex., thus, moreover, however, etc) and prepositional phrases to avoid a “choppy” paper. • Repetition is repetitive. Vary your descriptors. Try not to repeat key vocabulary words within the same paragraph. Be as specific as possible. If an object is red, what color of red is it? Avoid “empty” adjectives like “beautiful,” “interesting,” “amazing,” etc., as these words tell your reader nothing. If you believe an image to be beautiful, tell your reader WHY. • Remember this is the written word and NOT the spoken word. Do not write how you talk (ex. using phrases like “I mean” or “the guy” or “you know”). Always refer to “the viewer” as opposed to “you.” • Read your paper aloud to yourself to catch “awkward” sentences and technical errors. • Avoid run-on sentences & use appropriate punctuation!?%&*’’! • Use the resources available to you. Librarians are an excellent resource for research. The MLA handbook is an excellent resource for formatting.

[supanova_question] [Word docume



Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help


Complete a PowerPoint Presentation of 17-20 slides for an overview of the keys to a successful healthcare emergency management program. What does it mean to be successful in healthcare emergency management? Include examples of successful programs and why they’re successful.

Tips for a good PowerPoint presentation:

Slides should have no more than 4-6 lines of text per slide, and 1-3 ideas per slide max. Text should be in bullet format, not paragraph/prose format. Information should be conveyed in a concise but comprehensible manner. Do not write too much, as this creates a crowded slide which is visually overwhelming. Your meaning will get lost in the slide and your audience will lose interest. Do not write too little as this makes it difficult to understand your intended meaning. You may receive a lower grade because it will not be clear that you understood the concepts. Use photos and diagrams thoughtfully to supplement and advance your presentations, not just as meaningless filler.

Each presentation should have a title slide, an objectives slide and one or more reference slides. The title slide should contain the title of your presentation, your full name, the date and the course name. The objectives slide should outline the main bullet points that your presentation will cover. These should be analogous to lessons you expect your intended target audience to learn from your presentations. Your target audience has a basic disaster management background equivalent to your own. You do not need to include background material such as the history of ICS in your presentation.

I attached the primary book.

Successful Healthcare Emergency Management Program PPT Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

6.7 Assignment: Primate hand features (Graded Assignment) Science Assignment Help

Orangutan infant holding on to mom.jpg

Webquest: Primate Hand Features


The primary features that define primates as a taxonomic order are mainly found in the skull and on the hands and feet. The reason for this has to do with the fact that the hands and feet and the head are the areas of the body that interact with the environment the most and as such are are subject to the greatest amount of selective pressures.

Nails, opposable thumbs, friction ridges among other are anatomical features that have been selected for within the primate lineage and assist in the survivability of young primates.

What you are doing

Your task is to explore a primate hand features and explain how that primate hand feature enhance fitness.

Before you begin your task make sure you do the following things

Read lecture notes on primate taxonomy and chapter 6

What you have to do for points

Make sure you answer all of the following questions for full points.

  1. What does the arboreal hypothesis suggest about the reason why primates have the unique features, such as opposable thumbs, that they have on their hand?
  2. Explain how primate hand features increase fitness and give one example. When writing about your example name the hand feature that you have chosen and explain clearly why it increase fitness in a tree environment.
  3. Conjecture what would happen if a primate infant did not possess your chosen primate hand features. Answer this question with the survivability of the infant in mind.

Tips for success

  • Please keep your answer to only what is asked in the assignment.
  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • I highly recommend using Google Docs (Drive) to compose offline, as Google plays well with web-based forums. If you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.


The war on drugs is it working ? Writing Assignment Help

So attached is all the documents that you will need to do this writing for me, there is 3 papers that are attached one for the writing prompt which you will on need to understand the instructions because i already picked a topic which is about the war on drugs and one of the papers (research paper proposal) explain exactly what im going to write about!

Please make sure to use more sources and add it to the annotated bibliography you can use as many as you want the more the better! The paper is due April,2.


final draft 1 Writing Assignment Help

What is required in the portfolio:

3 Rough Drafts (1 essay per prompt listed on the assignment sheet)

3 Final Drafts (3 rough drafts revised)

1 page letter explaining the difference between the final drafts and the rough drafts to me as your teacher.

  • address it to Prof. L as a letter
  • explain the process you went through as you wrote your rough drafts
  • explain the process you went through as you revised the rough drafts
  • explain the changes between the rough and final drafts
  • tell me what you thought about the process

Once you complete the portfolio, you will compile all documents into one.

Please copy and paste them into one document, so you have one submission.

Follow this order:


Rough Draft 1

Final Draft 1

Rough Draft 2

Final Draft 2

Rough Draft 3

Final Draft 3

Logistics: Essays are in third person and at least 500 words each

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAll three essays are included, with re-writes

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeContent of Essays: Introductions grab attention, establish topic

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeThesis clearly established with supporting points stated

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSupport for thesis is persuasive

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeArticle(s) are referenced to enhance supporting points

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeConclusions lower the curtain, dim the lights effectively

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence Level: Punctuation/Grammar poses no major distractions

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeSentence syntax smooth, word choice clear

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeProgress and Improvement: Evident throughout the course of the essay sequence.

0.0 pts

This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeRe-writes demonstrate thoughtful revision and incorporate feedback


Analyze the painting Writing Assignment Help

Museum Visit essay

  • Image which you will be discussing
  • An introduction with a strong thesis
  • 1000-1200 words of text which describes your artwork in detail using the formal elements and principles of design (more is fine!)
  • A conclusion
  • A references page or bibliography
  • Very little of your essay should be about artist biography or context. 80-90% of your paper should be descriptive. • Your thesis should tell me the artist, title, medium and specifically what elements/principles you’re going to write about. Do not try to write about more than 3-5 elements/principles. • Each body paragraph then should focus on those elements/principles you mentioned in your thesis. Describe specific areas of the painting to support your claims from the thesis. • Break the paper into logically grouped paragraphs and then make each paragraph flow neatly into the next. Use transition words (ex., thus, moreover, however, etc) and prepositional phrases to avoid a “choppy” paper. • Repetition is repetitive. Vary your descriptors. Try not to repeat key vocabulary words within the same paragraph. Be as specific as possible. If an object is red, what color of red is it? Avoid “empty” adjectives like “beautiful,” “interesting,” “amazing,” etc., as these words tell your reader nothing. If you believe an image to be beautiful, tell your reader WHY. • Remember this is the written word and NOT the spoken word. Do not write how you talk (ex. using phrases like “I mean” or “the guy” or “you know”). Always refer to “the viewer” as opposed to “you.” • Read your paper aloud to yourself to catch “awkward” sentences and technical errors. • Avoid run-on sentences & use appropriate punctuation!?%&*’’! • Use the resources available to you. Librarians are an excellent resource for research. The MLA handbook is an excellent resource for formatting.


help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help

help with my assignments Humanities Assignment Help

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