HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help. HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help.

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The Government Accountability Office (GAO) recently reviewed 3 critical infrastructure areas’ vulnerability assessments on this website: https://www.gao.gov/assets/690/688028.pdf and noted several obstacles to improving these assessment processes for greater infrastructure security (e.g., limit “assessment fatigue”). Select one of the sixteen critical infrastructure areas from this website: https://www.cisa.gov/2015-sector-specific-plans and apply your understanding of it to answer these questions (You may use one of the areas you are focused on in your research paper).

How well do you believe the vulnerability assessment process works in general and for the critical infrastructure area you selected?

Do you believe that voluntary participation in these vulnerability assessments and/or the public-private partnerships in the area to be helpful or harmful to high-quality vulnerability assessments?

If you were the “Protective Security Advisor” (Links to an external site.) covering your infrastructure area during a threat incident, do you believe the vulnerability assessment work that exists is sufficient to cope with the threat incident? What would you change about it?

Your response must be at least 250 words and contain referenced and cited supporting material in the American Psychological Association (APA) 7th edition format.

HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Miami US China Trade Dispute International Economic Theory Essay Economics Assignment Help


4-5 pages

double space

MLA reference

12 new time romans

topic:US-China trade dispute

write a trade war in the history of the United States, introduce it , it includes the exit of the bretton woods system of Japan before and cause what influence, why they push a trade war. And the first stage, the second stage trade agreement influence on bilateral , like economy, employment and so on.

The two main parts: First, trade war history of US and its influence, quote some example. Second US_China trade dispute, relatioship introduce a little.

Because this essay is work with partener, so do not need write a lot second part and do not need a conclusion part.


CDI College Management of Human Resources Job Description Paper Other Assignment Help

Questions and answers

As the excitement surrounding the move into their new offices wound down, the two principal owners of LearnInMotion.com, Pierre and Jennifer, turned to the task of hiring new employees. In their business plan they’d specified several basic goals for the venture capital funds they’d just received, and hiring a team topped the list. They knew their other goals – boosting sales and expanding the Web site, for instance – would be impossible without the right team.

Pierre and Jennifer were just about to place their ads when Pierre asked a question that brought them to a stop: “What kind of people do we want to hire?” It seemed they really hadn’t considered this. They knew the answer in general terms, of course. For example, they knew they needed at least two salespeople, plus a programmer, a Web designer, and several content management people to transform the incoming material into content they could post on their site. But it was obvious that job titles alone really didn’t provide enough guidance. For example, if they couldn’t specify the exact duties of these positions, how could they decide whether they needed experienced employees? How could they decide exactly what sorts of experiences and skills they had to look for in their candidates, if they didn’t know exactly what these candidates would have to do? They wouldn’t even know what questions to ask.

And that wasn’t all. For example, there were obviously other tasks to do, and these weren’t necessarily included in the sorts of things that salespeople, programmers, Web designers, or content management people typically do. Who was going to answer the phones? (Jennifer and Pierre had originally assumed they’d put in one of those fancy automated call directory and voice-mail systems – until they found out it would cost close to $10 000.) As a practical matter, they knew they had to have someone answering the phones and directing callers to the proper extension. Who was going to keep track of monthly expenses and compile them for the accountants, who’d then produce monthly reports for the venture capitalist? Would the salespeople generate their own leads? Or would LearnInMotion.com have to hire Web surfers to search and find names of people for the sales staff to call or e-mail? What would happen when the company had to purchase supplies, such as fax paper or computer disks? Would the owners have to (do) this themselves, or should they have someone in house do it for them? The list, it seemed, went on and on.

It was obvious, in other words, that the owners had to get their managerial act together and draw up the sorts of documents they’d read about as business majors – job descriptions, job specifications, and so forth. It all had seemed a lot easier when they read the textbook. Now they want you, their management consultants, to help them actually do it. Here’s what they want you to do for them.

1 – job description for the salesperson and for the Web designer. Needing job descriptions and lists of duties that apply specifically to dot-com

2 – a job specification for those two jobs, salesperson and web designer, including desirable work habits, skills, education, and experience.

3 – With the company being on a tight budget, how would it accomplish the other activities it requires, such as answering the phones, compiling sales leads, producing monthly reports, and purchasing supplies.


SWU 349 Arizona State University Stress Management Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Your responses must be typed using MLA or APA format (12 pt font, double-spaced), and should be a MINIMUM OF 1 FULL PAGE (This DOES NOT INCLUDE any space the questions may take up if you copy and paste them, so please make sure your response is longer than a page if you are copying and pasting the questions on to the assignment). Please make sure you are connecting the information to your personal stress management journey and experiences when applicable. YOU MUST USE PROPER CITATIONS! Please remember that when you directly copy out of the book, paraphrase from the book, or summarize the book, which will be in expected in every single assignment where you read chapters, you must use in-text citations as well as cite the source on a Works Cited or Bibliography Page.

Please answer the following critical thinking questions from chapter 8: Epilogue: Happiness Is Bliss

1. Discuss how paying it forward can be contagious and share how you have personally felt paying it forward this semester each week. Please use complete sentences.

2. Can money buy happiness? Please explain your answer and use complete sentences.

3. What was the most impactful concept you learned in this class and why? Please use complete sentences


CMU French Revolution Weimer Germany and Imperial Japan Comparison Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Hello, this one is a little different from the previous assignments. It’s not a reflection; it’s an essay based on previous materials we’ve basically covered or read about. The actual prompt and the instructions are below. Please do a great job in this, this one is extremely important!!


Learning to present and defend an argument in written form is central to the field of history. In this short writing exercise, you are expected to clearly introduce an argument, provide evidence for it based on course lectures and readings, and draw some conclusions from what you present. For tips on how to write a history paper, please refer to Canvas and online guides (for example, see this or this) as well as writing guides like this one.

Please answer the following question in an organized, structured essay, with a proper introduction, body, and conclusion:

Compare and contrast the last three case studies we have examined: the French Revolution, Weimar Germany, and Imperial Japan. What similarities or differences can be seen in the failure of these democratic experiments?


  1. The paper must be submitted on Canvas by the due date to be considered on time. It will lose 10 points, out of a possible total of 100, for every 24 hours it is late.
  2. Consult the Sample Essay on Canvas for the proper format. Using other formatting styles will result in a lower grade.
  3. Stay close to the 4–5 page range. Do not include the prompt in your paper. A paper must reach four full pages to be considered complete. Although exceeding the page range will not be punished, if you go significantly beyond the limit the grader can choose to base your grade only on the first five pages.
  4. Citation information can be found in the reading assignments on Canvas. Titles of lectures can be found in the syllabus. Use endnotes for citation. Endnotes do not count towards the page limit.
  5. Draw evidence only from sources provided in the course (readings and lectures). Using other sources will result in a lower grade.
  6. Make an argument that is based on careful reasoning and your interpretation of the evidence in the readings. Express yourself predominantly in your own words. An occasional brief quotation from the readings or lectures is acceptable if it is properly cited and analyzed, but do not organize your paper around a string of quotes. Be selective in what you write. Do not try to summarize everything you read and hear in the course.



ART 110 ASU The Allegorical Paintings Pablo Picasso Guernica 1937 Essay Humanities Assignment Help

• One of the greatest political paintings of the era is Pablo Picasso’s Guernica. It represents an event in the
Spanish Civil War that occurred on April 26, 1937. That day, Republican Basque troops, who were fighting
the Fascist forces of General Francisco Franco, were retreating toward Bilbao on the northern Spanish
coast. A bridge over the Mandaca River, at the edge of a town of 7,000 people called Guernica, was the
last escape route for vehicles in the area, and the German air force, which had come to the aid of Franco,
was determined to destroy it. The attack was planned by Wolfram von Richthofen, the cousin of the almost
mythical German ace of World War I, Manfred von Richthofen, the Red Baron, and a man eager to create
his own legend. The strike force consisted of three squadrons a total of 33 planes. Each was loaded with
3,000 pounds of bombs, as well as several hundred small incendiary cylinders. The attack, a type of
sudden coordinated strike that soon was known as a blitzkrieg, commenced at 4: 30 in the afternoon and
lasted continuously for three- and a-quarter hours. The first bombs were dropped near the strike that soon
was known as a blitzkrieg, commenced at 4: 30 in the afternoon and lasted continuously for three-and a
quarter hours. The first bombs were dropped near the railroad station the bridge was ignored and from
that point on, the planes released their bombs indiscriminately into the smoke and dust raised by the first
explosions. By the time the fires subsided three days later, the entire central part of the town 15 square
blocks was totally destroyed. Nearly 1,000 people had been killed. Picasso, who was sympathetic to the
Republican side and who considered himself exiled in Paris, was outraged at the events.

What are the artistic elements of used in this work of art?
What design principles has Picasso used and how has Picasso used them to effect how does the design
help tell the story of the event?
Why do you think that Picasso chose to use only black white and gray in this painting?
What is an allegorical painting?
How has Picasso used symbols and what is the symbolic meaning used in the painting?

ART 110 ASU The Allegorical Paintings Pablo Picasso Guernica 1937 Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 315 Strayer University Advertising through Social Media Outline Writing Assignment Help

For Professional Experience #4, you will create
an outline of your presentation in Word or Excel using short bullet
points and key information that you want to communicate (in either your
audio or video recording for Week 8). You will be provided with an
outline example and you may choose to use that example format or create
your own for this Professional Experience.


Step One: Access, download, and review the “Presentation Outline Sample” document that is provided to you as an example.

Step Two: Save the Outline Template to your desktop using the following file name format:

  • Your_Name_Presentation_Outline
  • Example file name: Ed_Buchanan_Presentation_Outline


MGT 312 SEU Ethical Principles in Collective Decision Support Systems Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1:(1 Mark)

Suppose you are a member of a group asked to find ways to cut costs throughout your organization for the upcoming year. Sales have fallen sharply, and the company is in danger of going out of business. After gathering information, your group concludes that the company will save the most money by freezing pay for a year, despite a tradition of annual salary increases. How can you make sure this is a fair decision? How can you make sure that others in the organization will see it as a fair decision?

Question 2:Case Analysis(2 Marks)

Care, a health consultancy company in Saudi Arabia, is studying the economic benefits of a program of preventative COVID-19 flu vaccinations. Care has to give advice to government for COVID-19 vaccination.If vaccinations are not introduced then the estimated cost to the government if flu strikes in the next year is SR.70m with probability 0.1, SR.100m with probability 0.3 and SR.150m with probability 0.6. It is estimated that such a program will cost SR.70m and that the probability of flu striking in the next year is 0.75.

One alternative open to the committee is to institute an “early-warning” monitoring scheme (costing SR.30m) which will enable it to detect an outbreak of flu early and hence institute a rush vaccination program (costing SR.100m because of the need to vaccinate quickly before the outbreak spreads).


  • As a consultant of Care, Develop a decision tree for alternatives and make recommendation to Indian government that which alternative can maximize expected economic benefits?

Question 3:(1 Mark)

Decision support tools rely on objective, mathematical data. What part does ethics play in using decision support software?

Question 4:(1 Mark)

If you collect too much information for analyzing a decision, you can suffer from analysis paralysis, where you spend too much time thinking about a decision rather than making one. Recall a major financial decision you made recently, such as of a car or housing purchase or rental. Describe your process for making the decision. How could analysis paralysis have affected this process?


MGT 312 SEU Ethical Aspect Of DSS is a Critical Area of Concern for Developers Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

Requires :-

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Assignments submitted through email will not be accepted.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Late submission will NOT be accepted.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted


Queens College Technology Investments in Movies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Part A::: Review the module resources and overview, and select a popular-culture example (television show, commercial, game, movie, etc.). Analyze how technology is represented and the social message conveyed by the example. In your initial post, briefly describe the popular-culture example you selected and address the following:

  • How does your example portray or reflect technology?
  • What is the social message or commentary about technology reflected by your example?
  • How does a study of technology illuminate or enhance your experience of the example?

Material/Resources: 1. https://sk-sagepub-com.ezproxy.snhu.edu/reference/the-sage-handbook-of-social-media/i3018.xml

Part B::: In responding to your peers, provide feedback about the example utilized and the message/commentary about technology being provided. What would you add to their analysis?

Peer 1 Post: My choice for pop-culture reference would be the MCU’s Black Panther. Much like films throughout the entire MCU franchise the film depicts a world in a fictional country on the African continent where the use of a unique natural resource enables the country to develop advanced technology that allow for renewable resources, advanced defenses all fictional of course, but similar to the reference to Star Trek, the fictional technology presented though imaginative could one day be real.

What I find to be unique about the film is that the idea of this mineral that can only be found on the African continent is parallel to the mining and use of mineral like cobalt and coltan which produced technologies like the smart phone and tablets. However, in the film the depiction of a nation that protects its natural resources and has not faced exploitation and human rights violations.

Personally, I feel that the study and development of technology has helped me understand what technology is. While its description may include smartphones there is also the inclusion of the gas pump handle or the many uses of silicone.

Peer 2 Post: For my discussion I am going to use my favorite movie, . The movie stars Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton as scientists chasing tornadoes through the Oklahoma Plains. They use this instrument pack called “Dorothy”. The significance of “Dorothy” is that the pack can give scientists a whole bunch of data to study tornadoes and can advance the times sirens start by at least 15 minutes. This movie is significant because of the instrument pack and what it can do when it comes to tornadoes and warnings. Though this movie is somewhat factious, its based off of a real thing. Twister is based off of the NOAA project called (coincidentally) TOTO. TOTO was an instrument pack similar to “Dorothy”. The significance of this is technology helped the scientists better understand how tornadoes function and work. Though I do not think to the extent of what “Twister” did, but it did help scientists understand severe weather to better the scientific world. Studying technology and how it can function is important. Researching can give you information on what was found out during the project and how they used the information to improve their understanding.


HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

HEM 460 Excelsior Vulnerability Assessment Process of Transport Systems Sector Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

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