HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help

HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help. HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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As a helping professional, you will face issues of divorce, child abuse, homosexuality, house husbands, spousal abuse, elder abuse, dependency, and so forth. Watch each of these six segments from Films on Demand. In a 250-300 word post discuss how you would contain or express your perspective on these issues in a setting where you personally had strong reactions in the negative. What is your identified role and how do you fulfill that while allowing clients/patients to have their own personal beliefs?







HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

​Module 01 Written Assignment – Harmony and Design Humanities Assignment Help

Module 01 Written Assignment – Harmony and Design

Review the design principles on harmony and variety from lessons within the course and write a one-page essay describing how harmony and variety are used in one of the following works of art. Note: You can view any of these works with a search on the title of piece and the artist.

  • Mother and Child 2 by Mary Cassatt
  • Composition 8 by Wassily Kandinsky
  • Schomburg Library by Jacob Lawrence
  • Within the essay, be sure to address the following:

  • Include three ways the artist uses harmony.
  • Include three ways the artist uses variety.
  • Incorporate at least three art terms from the Key Terms list that follows in your essay.
  • Key terms: contour line, value, warm colors, cool colors, shape, repetition, pattern, motif, texture, rhythm, composition, unity, primary color, geometric shape, organic shape, dominance, balance, focal point.
  • Use bold type for your chosen terms for easy identification.
  • Submit your completed assignment by following the directions linked below. Please check the Course Calendar for specific due dates.

    Save your assignment as a Microsoft Word document. (Mac users, please remember to append the “.docx” extension to the filename.) The name of the file should be your first initial and last name, followed by an underscore and the name of the assignment, and an underscore and the date. An example is shown below:


    Information Technology in Global Economy Writing Assignment Help

    How do you feel blockchain will change the global economy or will it? Explain your answer.

    Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least TWO of the following:

    • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
    • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
    • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
    • Share an applicable personal experience
    • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
    • Make an argument concerning the topic.

    At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.


    Application Assignment-Differential Equation Mathematics Assignment Help

    This project is due in three parts. First part is selecting a topic and professor will give feedback on it. due 5/16/2020.

    After I receive the feedback for part 1, you will start working on part 2. Second part is Model the topic using a differential equation. a)Draw any visuals (diagrams), b)Write the differential equation, c) Classify the differential equation and its due on 6/4/2020.

    The 3rd and final part is the whole project(part 1-5). Again I will receive feedback from professor for part 2 and then you will start working on finishing the full project. And final project is due on 6/18/2020.

    Project: Submit a report in which you describe and analyze a real-world scenario for which ordinary differential equations apply. Research applications for
    ordinary differential equations and submit the following reports at each milestone. Your final submission should include the following critical

    The details for the project is attached in pdf file. You must use equation tool in MS word for any equation you add in the project.

    all works must be cited accordingly.


    “Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” case study response Business Finance Assignment Help

    “Corporate Social Responsibility at Gravity Payments” at the end of Chapter 3 and response to the following:

    Case study is last two page of attachment chapter 3

    I am attaching case study pdf copy and book link in second pdf . and follow the instruction. The Case Study should fully answer and address the questions asked, and should model a well-structured essay. The best responses will include section headings, use strong topic sentences, and succinctly but thoroughly explain and provide examples for the response. There is no minimum word count but I would assume at least 1,500 words will be necessary. There is no maximum word count, however, you should be succinct in your ability to explain yourself. I would expect that you will use sources to fully respond to the Case Study, drawing upon the textbook and beyond. You should properly cite these sources. There is no minimum number of citations required but I would assume at least 3 sources may be necessary, depending on the Case Study. Please use your best scholarly and professional judgment.

    1. Is Price demonstrating elements of corporate social responsibility by his actions in this case, or not?
    2. How is Price exhibiting the fourth Phase of Corporate Citizenship (Figure 3.2, 1990s to present: Corporate/Global Citizenship) in his actions at Gravity Payments?
    3. What arguments in support of, or concerns about, corporate social responsibility (referring to Figure 3.3) are relevant to this case?
    4. Is Price acting like an executive of a firm that could be certified as a B corporation?
    5. What stage of global corporate citizenship (using Figure 3.5) is Gravity Payments operating at, and why do you think so?

    Thank you



    Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

    Bank 98 operates a main location and three branch locations in a medium-size city. All four locations perform similar services, and customers typically do business at the locations nearest them. The bank has recently had more congestion – longer waiting lines – than it (or its customers would like. As part of a study to suggest possible solutions, all locations have kept track of customer arrivals during one-hour intervals for the past 10 weeks. All branches are open Monday through Friday from 9 A.M. until 5 P.M. and on Saturday from 9 A.M. until noon. For each location, the file Bank98 (Shell) contains the number of customer arrivals each hour of a 10-week period. The manager of Bank98 has hired you to make some sense of these data. Specifically, your task is to present charts and/or tables that indicate how customer traffic into the bank locations varies by day of week and hour of day. There is also interest in whether any daily or hourly patterns you observe are stable across weeks. Although you don’t have the full information about th way the bank currently runs its operations – you know only its customer arrival patterns and the fact that it is currently experiencing long lines – you are encouraged to append any suggestions for improving operations based on your analysis of the data.

    4-5 pages APA formatted paper

    Excel sheet will be provided

    less than 15% plagiarism

    Must include a strong abstract, introduction and conclusion

    Citations and references must be included

    Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    John Mark Terry, Missiology Summary Analysis Writing Assignment Help

    John Mark Terry, Missiology Summary Analysis


    [This is a double-spaced summary of the chapter, in one paragraph totaling about 30 words. It should represent the major principles presented by the authors. This is not a comprehensive study of the written material, just a short, concise summary.]


    [This is a double-spaced analysis in one or two sentences totaling about 25 words, of what you think about the information presented in this chapter.]

    [Note: Write only about 50 words for each chapter; that will total about 2,000 words for all forty-two chapters. This is several hundred words more than the standard word count for summary-analysis book reports, but the number of chapters in Missiology necessitates this exception.]

    Authors’ Backgrounds:

    [Answer the following:

    1. In the list of Contributors on pages 627-628, what is said about this chapter’s author’s career?

    2. In the Bibliography on pages 585-626, look up the author of this chapter. If this author has a book or article listed, write its title and bibliographic information here; if not, write None.]


    Educational research conclusion Writing Assignment Help

    This week you will be posting and replying on this canvas discussion instead of the usual zoom discussion meetings. You need to make one post, and then reply to one other post. Please prioritize replying to someone who hasn’t received any replies yet.

    Prompt: Post your research question for the class project. Pretend that you have already received the data and completed the analysis. What will your conclusions be? Assess at least one aspect of the external validity of your conclusions.

    Now think about one of the constructs in your research question. How do you operationalize that construct? Assess the content validity of your operationalization. Below is an outline and example of what your post should look like. You only need 1-2 sentences for each number.

    Post Outline:

      1. Your Research Question
      2. Conclusion
      3. External Validity
      4. Construct and Operationalization
      5. Content Validity

    Post Example:

      1. How does high-intensity exercise relate to feelings of performance anxiety during tests?
      2. If my data shows a strong correlation between high-intensity exercise and a lack of performance anxiety, it may be evidence that the repetition of the physiological experiences involved in intense exercise help mitigate the similar physiological experiences related to testing anxiety.
      3. This research was done on college students so we can’t expect the same results in other populations who may have different reactions to exercise or different levels of performance anxiety.
      4. One construct is high-intensity exercise. I operationalize this via a survey question that asks respondents to indicate how many times per week they find themselves out of breath due to physical activity.
      5. Being out of breath may not fully capture high-intensity exercise as it may also be capturing times when the respondent is out of breath not explicitly due to exercise – such as for physical labor for work. It also is potentially missing exercise that may be considered intense but the respondent was not out of breath – such as heavy weightlifting for fewer repetitions.

    For your reply, please choose one comment and follow this general outline:

    Reply Outline:

      1. What do you think the results of their research question would be? Do you agree with their conclusion?
      2. Do you agree with their assessments of external and construct validity?

    Reply Example:

      1. This is an interesting research question, but I am not sure if you will find a relationship between the intense exercise and performance anxiety. If you do, I think your conclusion might be sound, but could there also be a confound causing both constructs? Maybe healthier students are both more likely to engage in high-intensity exercise and are less likely to feel anxious during a test? Or maybe a lack of performance anxiety helps students feel more comfortable performing exercise?
      2. We should also consider that the respondents are college students who may have different levels of test related performance anxiety than individuals of the same age who didn’t attend college. Would the results be the same? I agree with your comments about content validity, but maybe the physical labor for work could still be considered exercise if it’s enough to get them out of breath.


    Homework Help Business Finance Assignment Help


    Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

    • Share one or two examples of challenges you have encountered communicating in the online environment. What do you think caused those challenges?
    • In what ways does formal communication (such as academic or professional) differ from informal communication that you have with friends or family?
    • What resources available to you as a student at the University would be most useful to help improve your academic communication?
    • Share which activities or resources were most meaningful to you this week.
    • What resources or information did you not find this week that you think could help you communicate more effectively?


    unit plan psych Humanities Assignment Help

    I have attached rubrics and guidelines, a website link for additional info and an example of how the project should look like.



    This project consists of 3 primary parts:

    A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.

    5 sections of written material

    Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)

    Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.

    Unit plan rubric

    Lesson Plan Documents

    ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project

    oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan

    obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan

    ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan

    osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials

    Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.

    You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.

    All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:

    1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;

    Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.

    2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;

    3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status

    4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures

    5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).



    This project consists of 3 primary parts:

    A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.

    5 sections of written material

    Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)

    Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.

    Unit plan rubric

    Lesson Plan Documents

    ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project

    oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan

    obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan

    ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan

    osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials

    Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.

    You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.

    All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:

    1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;

    Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.

    2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;

    3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status

    4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures

    5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).



    This project consists of 3 primary parts:

    A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.

    5 sections of written material

    Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)

    Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.

    Unit plan rubric

    Lesson Plan Documents

    ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project

    oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan

    obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan

    ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan

    osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials

    Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.

    You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.

    All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:

    1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;

    Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.

    2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;

    3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status

    4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures

    5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).



    This project consists of 3 primary parts:

    A Unit Plan: a unit plan is a lesson plan with enough material for 3-5 days of instruction.

    5 sections of written material

    Materials (Powerpoints, worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, games, activities, etc.)

    Review the unit plan materials in the “Lesson Plan Documents” folder in this module.

    Unit plan rubric

    Lesson Plan Documents

    ooutline – shows the format for the lesson plan part of the project

    oguidelines – shows the same outline with a description of the information that must be typed in each section of the lesson plan

    obehavioral objectives – instructions for writing the objectives in the lesson plan

    ofirst grade lesson plan: a one day lesson plan provided to show the elements of the plan

    osample project – the lesson plan, written sections, and materials

    Your unit plan must follow this outline format; it will look like the outline and the sample plans.

    You are encouraged to look up lesson plans available online on your topic and level to help you. It is ok to use these in your unit. Because you have not yet taken methods classes, you are not expected to know everything about appropriate teaching methods. You may also use worksheets, quizzes, diagrams, and other materials that you find. You are not required to create these.

    All elements of your plan must be compatible with your theory/approach. In addition to the plan itself, you must include 5 sections of written material, with approximately two double spaced pages for each:

    1.your theory of learning and how it was integrated into your unit;

    Examples: Development, Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, Kohlberg, Brofenbrenner, Behaviorism, Operant Conditioning, Humanism, Maslow, Multiple Intelligences, Bloom’s Taxonomy, Cognitivism, Information Processing, Learning Strategies, Constructivism, Direct Instruction, Fluency Learning, Social Cognitive Theory, Bandura, or any theory/approach for teaching and learning in the text or elsewhere.

    2.a classroom management plan compatible with your theory/approach;

    3.your plan for addressing diversity issues, such as ability, gender, race, ethnicity, language, and socioeconomic status

    4.various aspects of your learning environment, such as physical arrangements, creating a positive environment, and procedures

    5.a list of references (all the sources you used for your unit).


    HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help

    HHS 310 D1 WK1- 250 words total discussion Writing Assignment Help

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