HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help

HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help. HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help.

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Original HW Post

Religion and Spirituality

Watch the video, East vs. West- The Myths that Mystify (Links to an external site.) by Devdutt Pattanaik. Define and discuss the terms “religion” and “spirituality,” reflecting on the video and readings. Consider the following statements from your text (Schmidt, 2019, p. 147) and summarize what they mean to you:

  • Jonathan Swift: “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”
  • Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule.”

Evaluate the difficulties that may surface as a result of having a different belief system than your clients and share your reflections on this topic in 250-300 words. Support your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates.

*****************************Please respond to two classmates********************************

Support your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates. 250-300 words total.

Classmate # 1

Julian Gibbs

Hello Class, hope everyone is well.

  • Jonathan Swift: “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”

To begin to understand the phase “We have just enough religion to make us hate” we must first obtain a clear understanding how religion is defined. According to ScienceDaily, religion is an organized collection of beliefs, cultural systems, and world views that relate humanity to an order of existence. From my experiences religion most of the times gives people the ability to interpret how they accept the consequences of their beliefs. Unfortunately but it’s been proven, that some religious groups are based off of financial and political gain. Some groups go as far as judging outsiders or how some people are put in the category as non-believers or sinners. Jonathan Swift statement goes deep because terrorism can be driven by religion. To not have enough religion, can make us hate, has always led me to believe some religions are being taught to hate instead of love. I use the examples from my experiences in the military while deployed to Afghanistan. The term religious terrorism is derived from the tactics to achieve religious goals or which are influenced by religious identifies. On the other hand, I’ve been taught how religion and having a strong faith in God teaches us to love one other. It’s hard to honestly judge someone based off of religion today. Having enough religion to love one another can come in many ways. As a Human Service professional you must consider empathy for others and understand feelings of another person.

  • Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule.”

With some many religious groups today, first we must determine what spirituality is. Spirituality is the quality of being concerned with the human spirit or soul as opposed to material or physical things. In my opinion, spirituality is an inner strength, developed over time that helps you endure the struggles within. Speaking for myself, my spirituality has been the everyday process of understanding the person I’ve been become. Many times I’ve stopped to take moment to re-examine my purpose and direction in life. My spirituality is based off of self-awareness and self-esteem. When I hear the phase material forces, I think of how society dictates how material items are used to measure how much you love someone.



(Links to an external site.)



Classmate #2

Charity Parker

Religion- when I think of religion I think of spirituality. Beliefs that you hold. I believe in God, so religion to me is how I worship, praise and my beliefs. The two seem to come hand in hand. But they are really actually different.

Religion is the practices you out into your beliefs. This is often times what causes the division between different religions. They don’t act the same as you because they have different beliefs.

“Spirituality is a connection with self, others and the world as a whole. Spirituality is “love and compassion”( Schmidt, 2019).

“On one hand, spirituality conveys humankind’s search for lasting peace and harmony with nature, while on the other, religious differences have too often accounted for rejection, oppression, hostility, and hatred between people who cannot accept divergent views and practices” (Schmidt, 2019).

Religion can be something amazing but it can also be something that divides us if we are not careful. Like the quote by Johnathan Swift.

Jonathan Swift: “We have just enough religion to make us hate, but not enough to make us love one another.”

To me this is not talking about the amount of love we have to give, but more the judgment and biased opinions against someone else’s beliefs. How easy it is for us to judge others, simply because our beliefs are not the same. Using our religion as a weapon instead of loving others. For instance I consider myself non denominational. I don’t hold on to beliefs of Pentecostals that wear the long dresses and skirts, or keep the long hair. While some Catholics pray to Mary, the mother of Jesus. I have never really understood worshipping or praying to her, when I feel why? When you can go to main source. And as you heard right there…what just happened? Its so easy to become divides or pass judgment when beliefs are just different. So this quote means to me.. its easy to judge or hate on someone else because of our own religion or beliefs, snd religion is not enough to make us love one another. We will always be different, believe in different things. And that is our right! We shouldn’t pass judgment on others simply because they don’t agree with you. “ Cultures having different views of their worlds. This is the root of the clash of civilization “( Pattanaik,2009). We need to love everyone regardless of different spiritual views and beliefs.

Ralph Waldo Emerson: “Great men are they who see that spiritual is stronger than any material force, that thoughts rule.”

This is very powerful to me. I think if we see spirituality first we can all be happier people. Spirituality is growing , having self awareness . Not letting other beliefs ( or thoughts) rule over how we should act. Not letting in separation but learning to love everyone equally regardless of different beliefs. Love is a very powerful thing. Have you ever seen how just a smile can change someone else’s day? In order to live in harmony we have to just accept we will always hold different religious views, yet choose to love regardless.


Pattanaik, D. (2009). East vs. west-The myths that mystify (Links to an external site.) [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/devdutt_pattanaik.html

Schmidt, J. (2019). Social and cultural foundations of counseling and human services: Multiple influences on self-concept development. Retrieved from https://www.vitalsource.com

HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

HHS 320 Ashford Classism Classifies People Based on Their Economic Status Response Writing Assignment Help

Original HW Post

Social Class

Watch the video, Escaping Poverty,

(Links to an external site.)

by Jacqueline Novogratz. Define the term, “classism,” and discuss it in relation to socioeconomic status (SES) as it pertains to the relative ranking by financial wealth within society. Discuss how social class impacts our ability to relate to those who are higher or lower than us in our roles as human service workers, in the delivery of human services.

*********************Please respond to 2 classmates******************************************

Support your comments with two references and respond to at least two of your classmates. 250 words total.

Classmate # 1

Charity Parker

Classism to me is just a mean way of division. Basically putting us into groups about a certain topic. Like money for instance . You can be rich, middle class, or poor. Our textbook describes four types of classism.

Downward classism- “ Prejudice and discrimination towards individuals and groups thought to be in a lower class” ( Schmidt, 2019).

Upward classism- “ Prejudicial attitudes towards people thought to be in a higher social group” (Schmidt, 2019).

Lateral classism- “Behaviors used to turn a member of one social class from thinking things that are not a part of the mainstream beliefs of the group” (Schmidt, 2019).

Internalized classism- “ Failure, depression, anger, despair, and/or frustration felt by an individual who does not have the ability to attain sufficient wealth or meet the demands of the economic culture”( Schmidt, 2019)

There are three indicators to Socioeconomic Status ( SES). Education, income and occupation. If you have a low SES status you most likely have a hard time providing for yourself or your family. You have a hard time buying food or paying household bills. I recently experienced this when the Covid outbreak first happened. I lost my job, and found it hard to even afford to get my children groceries for the house. SES does not simply just mean money its also education and occupation status. But oftentimes we do see a chain of these events taking place.

Without money.. there is no bills payed= which can result to bigger issues no house.

No money for school supplies = harder to get an education for the children.

Without proper education = results in not that great of career choice and income.

Someone with a low SES in education often struggle and can’t get into as great schools as someone that has a high SES. Or sometimes even dropping out and giving up.

The video Escaping Poverty was a tear jerker! What a huge role model to show that you can overcome anything! Jane never once gave up no matter how hard things got. We saw how she went to a low SES to being able to have her own growing business. She went from growing up poor and even having dealt with prostitution, to gradually saving money, getting a loan, getting a sewing machine..”( Novogratz,2009). And how she continued to grow from there! She grew to being able to provide for herself and is still seeing a growth in development and business. To think about all the hardships she overcame. Her husband leaving her alone with her children , experiencing some really dark hard times.. to feeling free and Independent providing for herself.. even when she has to leave and find new shelter. She now knows how to survive and grow.

Classmate # 2

Sally Craig

I understand Classism as just another form of prejudice, people are just classified by their social status. According to Schmidt (2019), there are four levels of classism that are downward, upward, lateral and internalized. Our socioeconomic status can be measured by our education or our income and this could determine how we are classified by others. If a person has a low socioeconomic status it can make it extremely difficult to change things for the better, There is most likely less community support and safety, much more stress is put on a person and it is harder for them to make positive choices when they are just trying to live and get by.

Social class may impact our ability as a human health care work because even though we educate ourselves and try to understand we can sometimes not grasp the harsh reality of the clients situation. We need to be empathetic towards them but if we have never been in such dire circumstances we may not fully understand their reality even though we are trying our best.

This video “Escaping Poverty” was extremely eye opening to me. This woman had no choice but to live in the slums of Nairobi in the Mathare Valley. “Nairobi is well-known for its informal rental shacks in informal settlements and, more recently, its poor-quality tenements, which

are imperiling the lives of low-income tenants”( Mwau, B., & Sverdlik, A. 2020). No matter what my problems have been I could never imagine having to live a life like Jane did just to make it through each day. She still overcame and bettered herself and even with all her struggles she was grateful and still wanted to still help people. This woman was so inspiring she had hardly no opportunity at all to better herself but managed to take back her life and be grateful for what she had accomplished.

Mwau, B., & Sverdlik, A. (2020). High rises and low-quality shelter: rental housing dynamics in Mathare Valley, Nairobi. Environment & Urbanization, 32(2), 481.

Novogratz, J. (2009). Escaping poverty. [Video file]. Retrieved from http://www.ted.com/talks/jacqueline_novogratz_on_an_escape_from_poverty.html

(Links to an external site.)

Schmidt, J. (2019). Social and cultural foundations of counseling and human services:


Revenue and Expenditure Trends and Fund Balances Summary Humanities Assignment Help

*Consider yourself as the city manager as you prepare this document.

*Explain revenue and expenditure trends, fund balances, and what the change in fund balance might mean to future requests for citizen services.

*Provide four charts or graphs to supplement the material.

*This document is meant to provide information to the city council and local citizens about city spending.

*Review the budget revenues and expenditures, including their trends, to gain a more thorough understanding of how future year city services might be affected if these trends continue.

*Explain if there is any citizen involvement with the budget process, any requests for new funding of major projects, and provide an overview of the proposed capital budget (any projects that cost more than $25,000 and have a useful life of more than one year).

Please format the paper according to APA standards.


MGT 402 Saudi Electronic University Entrepreneurship and Small Business Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

  • The Assignment must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via allocated folder.
  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).
  • Submissions without this cover page will NOT be accepted.


San Diego State University Wedding of the Waters Peter L Bernstein Group Book Report Writing Assignment Help

Group Book Report Assignment

Please use the attached checklist for instructions on the fonts, paragraph spaces, and number of pages needed

By reading the 4 attached reports, develop answers to the following 5 questions/lists below and in a short report. Report should read as a SINGLE report, NOT as a combination of reports from the different attached reports.

1. Summarize, in a total of no more than one page, the (key) events described in the four books by completing the following table. This table should be included in the report. Highlight important similarities and differences in text that accompanies and references this table.

Location of Project/Infra-structure

Time Period of Construction/Operation

Impacts of Project/Infra-structure

Most important factors related to the built environment

2. Compare and contrast how the projects/infrastructure described have changed over time. Do you think that there is evidence from one report to the next, considering the timeline described in each, that the built environment is improving, or that people otherwise learned lessons from previous projects/infra-structure to improve the built environment and people’s lives? You are encouraged to think broadly about this question, including but not limited to issues related to quality of buildings, materials and methods used; human, health, safety, and environmental impact; how the public and/or private sectors organized to design, build, and maintain the projects/infrastructure described.

3. Compare and contrast the impact of other factors had on these projects/infra-structure (such as bad luck, location, current events, political systems, economic markets, social norms at the time, etc. – things other than the way the places were built).

4.Compare and contrast the ways in which the built environment described affected the society and people’s lives at the time? You can work from your answers to these questions in the 4 attached reports (be specific, and argue from evidence).

5. In what SPECIFIC ways do you think things would be different if the projects/infra-structure were built today?



2D Motion with Projectile Motion & Initial Horizontal Velocity Worksheet Science Assignment Help

you can organize your own data and feel free to ignore the Slides part!

For a solid sphere rolling down a ramp of height h the velocity is given by:

v = square root ((5/3)gh), if I did my derivation right.

Soon you will be able to derive this yourself.

1. Check out my claim by measuring how far the ball will fly.

Do several tries, mean, standard uncertainty, etc. in a table.

Discuss, lots, deeply!

2. Prediction

For the velocity, you can use either the “conservation of energy” velocity or the velocity you get by working back from the part one results. In either case realize that the h now is the change in height of the ramps, not the height of the first ramp.

Make an up ramp to project the ball up as it leaves the table.

Calculate the range and put a target at the spot calculated.

For the most fun don’t cheat, but the target there before you ever fire.

Well, practice all you want at other angles to work out the bugs, then do it for “real” with a new angle. For the in-class version, your grade depended on your accuracy.

Report with tables and photos of your setup.

Help by reporting bugs and solutions.

You know the equations, it is just a problem of using them!

Just use v = v sub y sub zero +a t square for y motion

x = v sub x sub zero x t for x motion, constant velocity, remember gravity is down!

y = y sub zero + v sub y sub zero t + 1/2 a t squared for height, you supply the signs

Please use the formatting in the JPG to come out a new Lab report. 1 to 9 topics(from “title” to “conclusion”).

2D Motion with Projectile Motion & Initial Horizontal Velocity Worksheet Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CU Management Techniques Poor Management & Business Problems Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Resources

    Business Sustainability

    Sustainability is key to building and maintaining a 21st century business of any size, including large corporations:


    Critical Thinking

    You may wish to use the following resources to hone your ability to think critically, a skill you must use in this course:

    Check Your Understanding: Corporate Sustainability

    Before tackling your assessment, you may wish to check your understanding of the role of sustainability in business by completing the following brief self-assessment:

    Research Resources

    You may use resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. Developing a Business Perspective Library Guide can help direct your research. The Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

  • Assessment Instructions


Begin your preparation work for this assessment by selecting a business-related topic. This can be a business topic you would like to research to gain new insight that will be helpful to you in your current work environment, or it might simply be a business topic you are interested in. Some examples of business topics include:

  • Workplace diversity.
  • Management techniques.
  • Globalization.
  • Marketing trends.
  • Change management.

As you choose your topic, think about how knowing more about that topic will improve your career or advance your organization’s mission. Selecting an appropriate topic will enable you to develop a sound argument that is supported by expert knowledge.

Once you have your topic, think about a problem or challenge associated with that topic. For example, if your topic is workplace diversity, the associated problem might be the challenge faced by organizations in creating a productive, healthy, and supportive work environment.

Next, research your topic and problem. Locate 3–7 reputable resources on the topic. The resources you choose will help you to define the focus of your research and writing. For example, if your topic is workplace diversity and your problem is how organizations can create a productive and supportive work environment, your research may lead you to focus on how company policies can influence the work environment. Your research should also help you develop possible solutions to the problem.

Now, suppose the topic and problem you have selected are also primary concerns for your organization’s leadership. You have been asked to research the topic and problem and prepare a presentation for the executive board that includes your evaluation of the problem and your recommendation for a solution.


Develop a PowerPoint presentation on the business topic and problem you selected. Use the Notes feature of each slide to expand your bullet points and reference your resources. PowerPoint presentations generally shouldn’t have sentences such as a white paper or plan would, but instead should have bullet points that are organized and clearly convey the intent of the presentation. You should still follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.

Your presentation should include one or more slides covering each of the following areas, and you can use slide titles more explicitly related to your chosen topic than are shown below. You may use the Assessment 4 Template [PPTX] to create your presentation if desired.

  • Title slide.
  • Introduction (optional).
  • The Problem.
    • Define the business problem.
  • How the Problem Affects an Organization.
    • Explain how the business problem affects an organization, and consider the consequences of not solving the problem.
  • Possible Solutions.
    • Describe solutions to the business problem, and explain how each is relevant to the organization.
  • Advantages and Limitations of Possible Solutions.
    • Explain the advantages and limitations of solutions to the business problem, including aspects of costs, efficiencies, and effectiveness.
  • Recommended Solution.
    • Recommend a solution to the business problem, and explain how the solution is right for an organization in terms of cost, needs, organizational culture, and effectiveness.
  • Organizational Sustainability in Profits and Satisfaction.
    • Explain how your recommended solution to the business problem will result in increased sustainability with regard to profit and/or customer and employee satisfaction.
  • Conclusion: Supporting Evidence.
    • As a summary, justify and support your recommended solution to the business problem with relevant evidence and sound reasoning.
  • References slide.

Example assessment: You may use the Assessment 4 Exemplar [PPTX] to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like.

Additional Requirements

Based on the intended audience, your presentation should be well organized and written in clear, succinct language. Follow APA rules for attributing sources that support your analysis and conclusions.


Rowan College at Gloucester County English Poetry Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Poems: A poetic explication follows the order of lines/stanzas in the poem itself, examining words, phrases, and structures in detail. The explication includes your main thesis/argument about the poem and its meaning or significant. It can include discussion of the speaker in the poem; the situation or setting; the poem’s form, rhyme, meters; its use of figurative or metaphorical language; its tone, and ultimately, its overall effect. It may refer to the poem’s context, but it focuses primarily on the poem itself. There is a poetry paper example on pg 505.

Poetic lines are cited by line number in the poem. Example: (2-3), or (5) refers to the lines in a poem

1 Poetry – Introduction to Poetry (767), Richard Cory (735), The Unknown Citizen (Link), Kubla Khan (1134), War is Kind (Link)

2 Poetry – Poetry – Read: Read all Langston Hughes poems (1073-1075), Ballad of the Landlord (778) and Theme for English B (Link), If We Must Die (1077)

3 Poetry – Emily Dickinson: All poems between (1021-1025) and Because I could not stop for Death (872)

4 Poetry – Robert Frost poems (892 & 1143), This Be the Verse (849), Speech to the Young (Link), Nirvana (Link)


American University of Sharjah The Geometric Random Variable Lab Report Mathematics Assignment Help


i need from you to do me a report for Probability, it will be about using probability concepts for Optical Communication Systems
this is the description for it:

“Assume that optical communication systems is used to transmit binary data by pulsing LED (or laser) that is coupled to optical fiber. Using Probability concept and Bayes theorem to get the followings:

Get the threshold that used to differentiate “0” and “1” at the receiver.

Calculate the probability of error at the receiver.”

the report will be divided into:

theoretical background

flowchart of matlab




i uploaded the book reference for you.


University of Houston Legal Use of Marijuana Discussion Writing Assignment Help





Read and discuss the articles on the following links. You must contribute at least ONE 200 word entry to each discussion in making your initial point relating to the specific topic. Hopefully a fluid discussion will emerge, but the minimum requirements are stated above. Remember—your participation in the online discussions makes up 25% of your final grade, so do take care to make sure your postings are grammatically correct and thoughtful. The grade will be based on three criteria: fulfilling the minimum 200 word contribution, grammatically/syntactically correct entries, and the quality of your analysis please add your ideas.



Read and discuss the articles on the following links. You must contribute at least ONE 200 word entry to each discussion in making your initial point relating to the specific topic. Hopefully a fluid discussion will emerge, but the minimum requirements are stated above. Remember—your participation in the online discussions makes up 25% of your final grade, so do take care to make sure your postings are grammatically correct and thoughtful. The grade will be based on three criteria: fulfilling the minimum 200 word contribution, grammatically/syntactically correct entries, and the quality of your analysis please add your ideas.



Read and discuss the articles on the following links. You must contribute at least ONE 200 word entry to each discussion in making your initial point relating to the specific topic. Hopefully a fluid discussion will emerge, but the minimum requirements are stated above. Remember—your participation in the online discussions makes up 25% of your final grade, so do take care to make sure your postings are grammatically correct and thoughtful. The grade will be based on three criteria: fulfilling the minimum 200 word contribution, grammatically/syntactically correct entries, and the quality of your analysis please add your ideas.



Read and discuss the articles on the following links. You must contribute at least ONE 200 word entry to each discussion in making your initial point relating to the specific topic. Hopefully a fluid discussion will emerge, but the minimum requirements are stated above. Remember—your participation in the online discussions makes up 25% of your final grade, so do take care to make sure your postings are grammatically correct and thoughtful. The grade will be based on three criteria: fulfilling the minimum 200 word contribution, grammatically/syntactically correct entries, and the quality of your analysis please add your ideas.


HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help

HHS 320 Ashford University Findings on The Purposes of Religion Response Writing Assignment Help

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