Hi I need someone to do me an essay Writing Assignment Help. Hi I need someone to do me an essay Writing Assignment Help.
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the essay is about a book.
Drive Essay
In Drive, Daniel Pink argues that autonomy, mastery, and purpose motivate people more than external rewards or punishments. What is your take on his argument? Perhaps some brainstorming questions may help you to get started:
1. Does Daniel Pink’s theory of success work when one of the elements (Autonomy, Mastery, and/or Purpose) is taken out? Consider some of the ideas presented by your peers on the discussion board.
2. To what degree are children – who may be young, inexperienced, and unmotivated – influenced by autonomy or other intrinsic motivations? Can autonomy lead them to the right choices? How much autonomy should they have over their education? At home?
3. Examine the role of purpose in achieving success. You might consider whether a person can be successful without intrinsic purpose or when or how it develops.
4. Consider Pink’s theories from a social perspective. How does society play into autonomy, mastery, and/or purpose?
These questions may help you as you begin to pre-write (freewriting, journaling, mind-mapping, outlining, drafting). Whichever pre-writing strategy works best for you, employ it in order to begin to form a working draft. This pre-writing is essential in providing you, the writer, with a firm grip on the author’s ideas, and your job is to present his ideas fairly and unbiasedly. You have to essentially provide CONTEXT for your AUDIENCE. See below.
Essay Requirements
Essay type: Argumentative
Audience: Students NOT enrolled in this class
Voice: Academic English
Structure: MLA format, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12. Your paper should have an Intro. section, a thesis statement that is highlighted or bolded, body paragraphs, a conclusion and works cited page.
Sources: Cite from Drive, and one outside research article. This must be from a reputable source (http://www.arc.losrios.edu/arclibrary.htm (Links to an external site.)).
Length: 2000 words (maximum). If you fall a bit short, that’s ok. Just try to be as close to 2000 words.
Topic sentences: that state the main point of each body paragraph
Textual support: in each body paragraph: Introduce, cite, and explain your support. Please also include a Works Cited Page
Sentences: No run-ons or comma splices
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeHolistic ScoreGrading Criteria |
50.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDevelopment Using Critical and Logical Reasoning |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeOrganization and Composition – Paragraph Level |
15.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMechanics/ Usage/ Grammar/ Spelling |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeMLA Format and Documentation |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |
Hi I need someone to do me an essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ka-Data Visualization Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Create and post a graphic that illustrates your data visualization process/workflow. Detail and describe each step in your process/workflow procedure. Your process can/may be different than what is outlined in the readings.
REMEMBER: This discussion should have a “graphic” and a “description”.
Share with us a data representation that you completed recently. Post the actual visual so that your classmates are able to see your product.
You have to post the actual data representation or visual that you created. Your discussion will not be accepted without your data representation or visual.
REMEMBER: This discussion should have a “graphic, that you created” and ” addressing the questions below”.
Address each of the questions about the data representation or visual that you posted:
What does the visual represent?
What was its purpose?
Why did you compose the visual this way?
Who was your audience?
PSYC week 7 assignments Humanities Assignment Help
Chapter 12: Social Behavior Discussion Questions – Chapter discussion groups_4 2
33 unread replies.33 replies.
Discussion Points are awarded for comments that · reflect that you have read the required text and readings · that you have prepared the discussion questions in advance · that you have thought about the content · that you have attempted to understand the readings · and that you are able to apply the content to “real life.” In other words, quality comments reflect effort, accuracy, and thoroughness. If you do not understand the material, you can still earn participation points by demonstrating that you have made an effort to understand the material and that you have read the text. Trying to struggle with and figure out the information merits points. I expect you to make posts that directly address all parts of the discussion questions as well as respond to others’ postings. Points awarded for responses to others’ postings will be awarded using the same criteria as original posts (see above, see syllabus).
You will not earn points for posts/replies that do not meet the above criteria or for posts/replies that simply reflect information from your personal life without incorporating specific concepts and understanding of the chapter.
Your reply should focus on enhancing your peer’s discussion and not on the organization or if you enjoyed reading it. This can be mentioned but should not be the focus. Further, you will not earn points by simply stating that you agree or disagree with a classmate without fully supporting your opinion with concepts from the course material. Your peer response must enhance your peer’s post while incorporating concepts from the course material directly related to the discussion question.
Please review the discussion board guidelines.
This link connects you to Canvas help regarding how to post to a discussion board
Required: Three posts per chapter.
- Post 1: Address the following: What was the most challenging part of the chapter for you to grasp?
- Post 2 & 3: Select 2 topics from those below. Post 2 & 3 must be a minimum of 350 words combined. (approx 175 words each).
Required: Two responses to peers’ posts per chapter. Peer responses must be a minimum of 125-150 words for each peer response.
- One of your peer responses must address your peer’s posts 2 or 3 which address the general chapter topics reviewed below (word minimum 125-150 words). See the discussion guidelines for additional instruction.
- Your second peer response may either address your peer’s posts 2 or 3, or you may elect to address your peer’s Post 1 (what they found challenging), however please note that if you respond to Post 1 you are required to attempt to clarify misunderstandings or areas of confusions expressed by your peer (word minimum 125-150 words). See the discussion guidelines for additional instruction.
Inside your discussion always start by titling your post in bold using one of the topic titles below and then discuss your topic starting on the next line. You will then reply to two of your peers’ posts from either the same or different topic. On the top line of your peer responses write “reply to:” and then the title of the peers’ post to which you are responding. Start your peer response on the next line.
Post 1: What was the most challenging part of the chapter for you to grasp?
Post 2 & 3: Select 2 of the 3 following topics to cover in your discussion
Discussion A: Solomon Asch’s study on conformity
- Watch the video below and write an overview of the videos making sure to include a review of the concept of conformity and aspects of the studies that stood out to you.
Discussion B) Attribution and Fundamental attribution error
• Describe both an internal and external attribution.. Next, describe the two-step model of the fundamental attribution error and provide an example Lastly, provide an example of the self-serving bias (Do not use examples from the textbook, PowerPoint, module, etc.)
Discussion C) Bystander Effect
review the attached document ) Lastly, watch the following video and discuss your impressions of the video and the idea of the bystander effect and diffusion of responsibility.
Link (Links to an external site.)
Chapter 14: Psychological Disorders Discussion Questions – Chapter discussion groups_4 2
No unread replies.No replies.
Discussion Points are awarded for comments that · reflect that you have read the required text and readings · that you have prepared the discussion questions in advance · that you have thought about the content · that you have attempted to understand the readings · and that you are able to apply the content to “real life.” In other words, quality comments reflect effort, accuracy, and thoroughness. If you do not understand the material, you can still earn participation points by demonstrating that you have made an effort to understand the material and that you have read the text. Trying to struggle with and figure out the information merits points. I expect you to make posts that directly address all parts of the discussion questions as well as respond to others’ postings. Points awarded for responses to others’ postings will be awarded using the same criteria as original posts (see above, see syllabus).
You will not earn points for posts/replies that do not meet the above criteria or for posts/replies that simply reflect information from your personal life without incorporating specific concepts and understanding of the chapter.
Your reply should focus on enhancing your peer’s discussion and not on the organization or if you enjoyed reading it. This can be mentioned but should not be the focus. Further, you will not earn points by simply stating that you agree or disagree with a classmate without fully supporting your opinion with concepts from the course material. Your peer response must enhance your peer’s post while incorporating concepts from the course material directly related to the discussion question.
Please review the discussion board guidelines.
This link connects you to Canvas help regarding how to post to a discussion board
Required: Three posts per chapter.
- Post 1: Address the following: What was the most challenging part of the chapter for you to grasp?
- Post 2 & 3: Select 2 topics from those below. Post 2 & 3 must be a minimum of 350 words combined. (approx 175 words each).
Required: Two responses to peers’ posts per chapter. Peer responses must be a minimum of 125-150 words for each peer response.
- One of your peer responses must address your peer’s posts 2 or 3 which address the general chapter topics reviewed below (word minimum 125-150 words). See the discussion guidelines for additional instruction.
- Your second peer response may either address your peer’s posts 2 or 3, or you may elect to address your peer’s Post 1 (what they found challenging), however please note that if you respond to Post 1 you are required to attempt to clarify misunderstandings or areas of confusions expressed by your peer (word minimum 125-150 words). See the discussion guidelines for additional instruction.
Inside your discussion always start by titling your post in bold using one of the topic titles below and then discuss your topic starting on the next line. You will then reply to two of your peers’ posts from either the same or different topic. On the top line of your peer responses write “reply to:” and then the title of the peers’ post to which you are responding. Start your peer response on the next line.
Post 1: What was the most challenging part of the chapter for you to grasp?
Post 2 & 3: Select 2 of the 3 following topics to cover in your discussion
Discussion A) Defining Abnormal Behavior•In defining abnormality name and describe the 4 criteria for defining abnormal behavior (refer to textbook and powerpoint to find all 4). Next provide 1-2 examples of example of each. Lastly, can a behavior be considered Maladaptive Behavior but not cause Personal Distress (support your answer and provide an example)?
Discussion B) Neurotransmitters and abnormal behavior
•In chapter 3 we reviewed various disorders that may be related to a dysregulation of neurotransmitters. Briefly review the following: Neutrotranmistter activity and anxiety, neutrotransmitters and depression, and neurotransmitter activity and schizophrenia.
Discussion C) Disorders (if you complete this topic select ONE of the following)
1) Anxiety Disorders
Briefly describe the main characteristics of anxiety disorders. Name and describe two anxiety disorders. Also discuss the etiology (causation) of anxiety disorders (describe at least 2).
2) Schizophrenic Disorders
Schizophrenic Disorders (describe at least 2).
3) Eating Disorders
• Briefly describe the main characteristics of Eating Disorders. Name and describe two Eating Disorders. Also describe two causations (etiology) of Eating Disorders.
Social Behavior: The bystander effect
Complete the following tasks in order.
1 | Complete the 8 pretests -upload completed pretests | 6 points |
2 | Read the directions about the write-up and watch the videos | |
3 | Complete your write-up. Upload completed write-up. | 6 points |
How do I submit an online assignment?
Social Behavior Assignment grading
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePretestPretest: addressed several factors that would impact whether or not help would be offered for each of the 8 scenarios and assigns a number to how likely they would be to offer assistance |
6.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeBystander 350 word write-upFor full points the following conditions must be met: The concept of the bystander effect is clearly explained, the write-up meets the 350 word minimum |
6.0 pts |
ENGL 225 Marymount University Mary Poppins Film Essay Writing Assignment Help
Write a 4-page essay (typed, double spaced, MLA format) on Mary Poppins or Iron Man, choosing one of the following approaches. The goal is to write a focused, thesis-driven essay that features your close readings of, and citations and quotations from, the film(s). Draw from your notes and class discussions. This is not a research paper; it is your formal analysis of the primary source(s). Do not consult other sources.
The body of your essay should be your written, detailed analysis of three scenes. For your discussion of each scene, please include a screen capture/image from each scene that illustrates your argument.
1.) An essay that is a definition paper will take the working definition of “heroic” and/or “superheroic” that we established in class and apply it to 1-2 characters in the film. In past EN 225 classes, students have said that a superheroic character exhibits: charisma, personality, emotionality, courage, bravery, selflessness, a moral code, an interest in growing/learning/transformation, ambition, perserverance in the face of hardship, and a commitment to using their special gifts and abilities positively and especially to help others. You may use the working definition from my past EN 225 students, or you may use the working definition that we end up establishing in the first week of our Summer 2020 class.
Alternatively, you could argue that the film is a testament to a “superheroic” author/creator. In past EN 225 classes, students have said that an author/creator who is superheroic: innovates, invents, inspires, influences, has imagination, and is introspective (i.e. sees the complexity in humanity and presents it in their characters and stories). You may use the working definitions from my past EN 225 students, or you may use the working definition that we end up establishing in the first week of our Summer 2020 class.
2.) An essay that is a cultural studies paper will take one of the literary approaches we have been practicing and apply it for a focused analysis of the film. As a reminder, those approaches are: socio-political studies; gender and sexuality studies; race, ethnicity, and diversity studies; class studies; disability studies; and environmental studies.
For instance, you could argue that Tony Stark’s alcoholism is represented as a disability in the Iron Man comic books, as opposed to the film, in which alcoholism is glamorized and even portrayed as humorous.
3.) You may also do a paper that combines these options. For instance, if you choose to write about Mary Poppins, you might argue that the title character is a superheroic based in particular on a gender studies analysis.
Nice face threats assignment.I will give you a recording, you help me fix that. Business Finance Assignment Help
In 500 words or less address the below three questions from the exercise. Use the full APA in-text citation and give a bibliography. Refer to Chapter 3 of Stokoe Zhang Waring and any other readings that are relevant. Quote the readings.
You are to threatens someones face by being KIND, NICE, PLEASANT to them. Transcribe (orthographically) what you say and how they respond. If there are non verbal behaviours describe them roughly.
You must be KIND. If you send something in that is rude or unkind or mean I will give you a grade of 0.
To ensure complete clarity, compliments are not face threatening. You will lose points for using them.
Discuss the following
1) What your line was, what their line was.
2) Which form of face you threatened.
3) Whether it was with or without redress, on or off record.
4) How they responded, did they acknowledge the potential loss of face? Did they avoid it?
Use ALL relevant readings in your response. This is an assessment of whether you are doing all the readings.
Reading the original
For a possible point extra credit integrate BOTH original brown and levinson and Goffman’s original face articles into your paper. They must be cited and quoted from correctly alongside the other required readings. Your word limit if you choose this option is unchanged. You must still quote and use the textbook and Zhang Waring to get this additional point.
(You will add 100 words on why falsifying data is this is unethical, you will look up some external sources to do so)
Assignment: Analyze the NASW Code of Ethics Humanities Assignment Help
For this assignment, begin by reviewing the NASW Code of Ethics.
Then, prepare a written response to the following:
• After reviewing the NASW Code, think back to the social issue/problem you selected and discussed for the Week 1 assignment. Identify two specific areas from the NASW Code of Ethics that you think might become the greatest ethical challenge in addressing the issue/problem from Week 1. For example, the most recently revised Code contains information on texting clients, electronic communication, Facebook, etc., which may present ethical issues for social workers who use social media. How might your own personal ethical values compare and contrast with the NASW Code of Ethics that you are required to follow as a professional?
• For each of the two areas you identified, develop at least one recommendation for social workers who encounter ethical “gray areas” related to the social problem. Be sure to locate the website for the Social Work Licensing Board for your state, and explore any recommendations or provisions the Board may suggest for resolving ethical dilemmas. In addition, research any relevant laws in your state that may be relevant to your identified issue.
• Provide examples to support your findings.
Support your assignment with at least three scholarly resources. In addition to these specified resources, other appropriate scholarly resources, including seminal articles, may be included.
Length: 3-5 pages, not including title and reference pages
Your assignment should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your response should reflect graduate-level writing and APA standards. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
Assignment: Analyze the NASW Code of Ethics Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
3 different assignment following the same guidelines Business Finance Assignment Help
Staples in 2015
Trader Joe’s: A remarkably quirky- and successful grocery retailer
Starbuks, 2015
The case study is a fundamental learning method as the business discipline is by nature an applied science. First, you skim a case for the basic facts: What company? Who are the principal actors? What are the key events? Then, go back and reread the case carefully with a focus on defining the challenge(s)/problem(s) to be addressed.
In general, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers for a specific case – different approaches and insights are possible, depending on your perspective and approach. However, application of knowledge and analytical models we cover in this course is an essential part of the case analysis. Regardless of your approach, I will expect you to draw logical conclusions and (if appropriate) make recommendations that: (a) address the identified strategic issues; (b) follow logically from your analysis and conclusions; and (c) make sense (are feasible) in the context of the case situation.
In short, case analysis assignments are designed to evaluate and develop your skills in:
Identifying key strategic issues (decisions or actions required in a given situation; description of the challenge(s) to be addressed)
Analyzing business situations (choosing appropriate analytical tools/frameworks from those introduced in the course; understanding the organizational and environmental contexts, identifying and analyzing opportunities and threats, and competitive advantages and disadvantages; and evaluating options)
Recommending specific strategies and actions (to address the identified strategic issues).
The length of each case analysis report should be approximately 3 to 4 pages, double spaced, including figures, tables, and references.
Microbiology test Science Assignment Help
This is microbiology final this final need work a lot of reading dedication determination knowledge to make it successful. Please note I cannot afford you ladies class please note I cannot afford to fail in this exam this exam is so important to me. Please work hard study the material go on Blackboard and work on this exam please this is the last chance I have I’m literally feeling the class and I believe you and trust you this is why I’m asking you to take this exam for me thank you. Please treat this exam like it’s yours please don’t wait to the last minute to read the material take notes read the information so you can at least get me 98 please. I really truly need your attention for this class your help this is where I’m going to pay all this money is because I’m desperately in need in successful of this class and I promise if you get an hundred of these test it will be more money in the end. Please note 40 questions for the lectures,
Second part of research paper Writing Assignment Help
This assignment is the second part of the previous assignment that you did. This is the research paper that you have made on mohammed ali. Please read bellow and follow the instructions. also please read the guides attached bellow so we get good grade.
You have been working on your paper, and gotten feedback on the outline. By this point, you should have a first draft done, that should be about 8 to 10 pages (including bibliography).
Please make sure to write in complete sentences and paragraphs. You can indicate sections that you haven’t yet developed, or sections that you will develop in the future. Make sure to have a descriptive title for your paper, and not simply something like “Research paper for Islam in America”. Tell the reader something about what you’ll be discussing the the title. And although it sounds counter-intuitive, write your introduction last. It is much easier to write an introduction once you have written your paper, then you can go back and let us know at the beginning what you will do in the paper. You had to have 3 sources for your preliminary bibliography, now expand that to at least 5 scholarly sources for this first draft.
COLI 289F Computer Games and Narrative Humanities Assignment Help
Respond to one of these prompts in about 400 words:
1. Gerald Prince defines a narrative as “the representation of at least two real or fictive events in a time sequence, neither of which presupposes or entails the other.” How does this definition capture the criteria of defining what narratology and narrative are, and mark the borders that separate narrative from non-narrative?
2. In light of the different definitions of “narrative” provided by Prince and others, how can computer games fit the definition and be regarded as narratives? What are the ways in which they could be studied and analyzed by narratologists?