Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write

Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write. Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write.

Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information:

“For your final essay write a critical essay (9 to 10 pages) on a case study of oil in Canada and show how two concepts (from the following list of six: (1) scale; (2) maps; (3) landscape; (4) place; (5) nature/society; and (6) hazards/disaster) is helpful to make sense of the case study that you choose to write about. Here I am simply asking that you consider how core geographical concepts that you studied in class are helpful in making sense of a case study of oil in Canada as the goal of this assignment is to give you an opportunity to engage with and build a solid foundation in concepts that are central to geography and use them to analyze the world.”

I’ve attached some readings on hazards and maps, just add them in to the paper and relate it to the essay. thanks!

lmk if you need more info

How your work is assessed Work at Level M will be marked

How your work is assessed

Work at Level M will be marked according to the following criteria:

Graduates of all master’s degrees should be capable of demonstrating a systematic understanding of knowledge, much of which is at, or informed by, the forefront of the discipline, field of study or area of professional practice. They should be capable of demonstrating originality in their application of that knowledge and in addressing problems. They will have demonstrated a comprehensive understanding of the techniques applicable to their own research or advanced scholarship (QAA, 2010). Markers should operate ‘best fit’ in using these marking criteria. Therefore for example, it is possible for a student to pass and even be awarded a distinction mark even where there are errors in spelling or grammar.

Importantly, we assess you work against the following three key areas:

Knowledge and Understanding

how well have you demonstrated your authoritative knowledge of the key content,  themes, materials, theory and processes associated with the assignment and how well have you evidenced deep and broad (as appropriate) understanding based on this knowledge?

Application, Argument and Analysis

how well have you evidenced ability in applying and/or synthesising theory, reading, previous research and others’ writing to relate, construct, defend and critique arguments and how well have you done all of this in an analytical way?

Communication and Presentation

how well have you communicated your knowledge, understanding and arguments including in terms of ‘voice’ adopted, academic writing style and quality of writing (including grammar) and how well have you presented these via structure, written style, use of e.g. diagrams, figures, tables, charts and illustrations (as appropriate)[supanova_question]

How to Write a Position Paper The purpose of a position paper

Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write How to Write a Position Paper

The purpose of a position paper is to generate support on an issue. It describes a position on an issue and the rational for that position. The position paper is based on facts that provide a solid foundation for your argument. In the position paper you should:

• Use evidence to support your position, such as statistical evidence or dates and events.

• Validate your position with authoritative references or primary source quotations.

• Examine the strengths and weaknesses of your position.

• Evaluate possible solutions and suggest courses of action.

Choose an issue where there is a clear division of opinion and which is arguable with facts and inductive reasoning. You may choose an issue on which you have already formed an opinion. However, in writing about this issue you must examine your opinion of the issue critically. Prior to writing your position paper, define and limit your issue carefully. Social issues are complex with multiple solutions. Narrow the topic of your position paper to something that is manageable. Research your issue thoroughly, consulting experts and obtaining primary documents. Consider feasibility, cost-effectiveness and political/social climate when evaluating possible solutions and courses of action. The following structure is typical of a position paper:

• An introduction

• Identification of the issue

• Statement of the position

• The body

• Background information

• Supporting evidence or facts

• A discussion of both sides of the issue

• A conclusion

• Suggested courses of action

• Possible solutions

The introduction should clearly identify the issue and state the author’s position. It should be written in a way that catches the reader’s attention.

The body of the position paper may contain several paragraphs. Each paragraph should present an idea or main concept that clarifies a portion of the position statement and is supported by evidence or facts. Evidence can be primary source quotations, statistical data, interviews with experts, and indisputable dates or events. Evidence should lead, through inductive reasoning, to the main concept or idea presented in the paragraph. The body may begin with some background information and should incorporate a discussion of both sides of the issue.

The conclusion should summarize the main concepts and ideas and reinforce, without repeating, the introduction or body of the paper. It could include suggested courses of action and possible solutions.[supanova_question]

How VLOOKUP Works in Google Sheets by Ben Stockton VLOOKUP might sound

How VLOOKUP Works in Google Sheets

by Ben Stockton

VLOOKUP might sound confusing, but it’s pretty simple once you understand how it works. A formula that uses the VLOOKUP function has four arguments.

The first is the search key value you’re looking for, and the second is the cell range you’re searching (e.g., A1 to D10). The third argument is the column index number from your range to be searched, where the first column in your range is number 1, the next is number 2, and so on.

The fourth argument is whether the search column has been sorted or not.

The final argument is only important if you’re looking for the closest match to your search key value. If you’d rather return exact matches to your search key, you set this argument to FALSE.

Here’s an example of how you might use VLOOKUP. A company spreadsheet might have two sheets: one with a list of products (each with an ID number and price), and a second with a list of orders.

You can use the ID number as your VLOOKUP search value to find the price for each product quickly.

One thing to note is VLOOKUP can’t search through data to the left of the column index number. In most cases, you either have to disregard the data in columns to the left of your search key or place your search key data in the first column.

Using VLOOKUP on a Single Sheet

For this example, let’s say you have two tables with data on a single sheet. The first table is a list of employees’ names, ID numbers, and birthdays.

In a second table, you can use VLOOKUP to search for data that uses any of the criteria from the first table (name, ID number, or birthday). In this example, we’ll use VLOOKUP to provide the birthday for a specific employee ID number.

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this is =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 4, FALSE).

To break this down, VLOOKUP uses the F4 cell value (123) as the search key and searches the range of cells from A3 to D9. It returns data from column number 4 in this range (column D, “Birthday”), and, as we want an exact match, the final argument is FALSE.

In this case, for ID number 123, VLOOKUP returns a birthdate of 19/12/1971 (using the DD/MM/YY format). We’ll expand this example further by adding a column to table B for surnames, making it link the birthday dates to actual people.

This requires only a simple change to the formula. In our example, in cell H4, =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 3, FALSE)searches for the surname that matches ID number 123.

Instead of returning the birthdate, it returns the data from column number 3 (“Surname”) matched to the ID value located in column number 1 (“ID”).

Use VLOOKUP with Multiple Sheets

The example above used a set of data from a single sheet, but you can also use VLOOKUP to search data across multiple sheets in a spreadsheet. In this example, the information from table A is now on a sheet called “Employees,” while table B is now on a sheet called “Birthdays.”

Instead of using a typical cell range like A3:D9, you can click on an empty cell, and then type: =VLOOKUP(A4, Employees!A3:D9, 4, FALSE).

When you add the name of the sheet to the beginning of the cell range (Employees!A3:D9), the VLOOKUP formula can use the data from a separate sheet in its search.

Using Wildcards with VLOOKUP

Our examples above used exact search key values to locate matching data. If you don’t have an exact search key value, you can also use wildcards, like a question mark or an asterisk, with VLOOKUP.

For this example, we’ll use the same set of data from our examples above, but if we move the “First Name” column to column A, we can use a partial first name and an asterisk wildcard to search the surnames of employees.

The VLOOKUP formula to search for surnames using a partial first name is =VLOOKUP(B12, A3:D9, 2, FALSE); your search key value goes in cell B12.

In the example below, “Chr*” in cell B12 matches the surname “Geek” in the sample lookup table.

Searching for the Closest Match with VLOOKUP

You can use the final argument of a VLOOKUP formula to search for either an exact or closest match to your search key value. In our previous examples, we searched for an exact match, so we set this value to FALSE.

If you want to find the closest match to a value, change VLOOKUP’s final argument to TRUE. As this argument specifies whether a range is sorted or not, make sure your search column is sorted from A-Z, or it won’t work correctly.

In our table below, we have a list of items to buy (A3 to B9), along with item names and prices. They’re sorted by price from lowest to highest. Our total budget to spend on a single item is $17 (cell D4). We used a VLOOKUP formula to find the most affordable item on the list.

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this example is =VLOOKUP(D4, A4:B9, 2, TRUE). Because this VLOOKUP formula is set to find the nearest match lower than the search value itself, it can only look for items cheaper than the set budget of $17.

In this example, the cheapest item under $17 is the bag, which costs $15, and that’s the item the VLOOKUP formula returned as the result in D5.


VLOOKUP might sound confusing, but it’s pretty simple once you understand how it works. A formula that uses the VLOOKUP function has four arguments.

The first is the search key value you’re looking for, and the second is the cell range you’re searching (e.g., A1 to D10). The third argument is the column index number from your range to be searched, where the first column in your range is number 1, the next is number 2, and so on.

The fourth argument is whether the search column has been sorted or not.

The final argument is only important if you’re looking for the closest match to your search key value. If you’d rather return exact matches to your search key, you set this argument to FALSE.

Here’s an example of how you might use VLOOKUP. A company spreadsheet might have two sheets: one with a list of products (each with an ID number and price), and a second with a list of orders.

You can use the ID number as your VLOOKUP search value to find the price for each product quickly.

One thing to note is VLOOKUP can’t search through data to the left of the column index number. In most cases, you either have to disregard the data in columns to the left of your search key or place your search key data in the first column.

Using VLOOKUP on a Single Sheet

For this example, let’s say you have two tables with data on a single sheet. The first table is a list of employees’ names, ID numbers, and birthdays.

In a second table, you can use VLOOKUP to search for data that uses any of the criteria from the first table (name, ID number, or birthday). In this example, we’ll use VLOOKUP to provide the birthday for a specific employee ID number.

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this is =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 4, FALSE).

To break this down, VLOOKUP uses the F4 cell value (123) as the search key and searches the range of cells from A3 to D9. It returns data from column number 4 in this range (column D, “Birthday”), and, as we want an exact match, the final argument is FALSE.

In this case, for ID number 123, VLOOKUP returns a birthdate of 19/12/1971 (using the DD/MM/YY format). We’ll expand this example further by adding a column to table B for surnames, making it link the birthday dates to actual people.

This requires only a simple change to the formula. In our example, in cell H4, =VLOOKUP(F4, A3:D9, 3, FALSE)searches for the surname that matches ID number 123.

Instead of returning the birthdate, it returns the data from column number 3 (“Surname”) matched to the ID value located in column number 1 (“ID”).

Use VLOOKUP with Multiple Sheets

The example above used a set of data from a single sheet, but you can also use VLOOKUP to search data across multiple sheets in a spreadsheet. In this example, the information from table A is now on a sheet called “Employees,” while table B is now on a sheet called “Birthdays.”

Instead of using a typical cell range like A3:D9, you can click on an empty cell, and then type: =VLOOKUP(A4, Employees!A3:D9, 4, FALSE).

When you add the name of the sheet to the beginning of the cell range (Employees!A3:D9), the VLOOKUP formula can use the data from a separate sheet in its search.

Using Wildcards with VLOOKUP

Our examples above used exact search key values to locate matching data. If you don’t have an exact search key value, you can also use wildcards, like a question mark or an asterisk, with VLOOKUP.

For this example, we’ll use the same set of data from our examples above, but if we move the “First Name” column to column A, we can use a partial first name and an asterisk wildcard to search the surnames of employees.

The VLOOKUP formula to search for surnames using a partial first name is =VLOOKUP(B12, A3:D9, 2, FALSE); your search key value goes in cell B12.

In the example below, “Chr*” in cell B12 matches the surname “Geek” in the sample lookup table.

Searching for the Closest Match with VLOOKUP

You can use the final argument of a VLOOKUP formula to search for either an exact or closest match to your search key value. In our previous examples, we searched for an exact match, so we set this value to FALSE.

If you want to find the closest match to a value, change VLOOKUP’s final argument to TRUE. As this argument specifies whether a range is sorted or not, make sure your search column is sorted from A-Z, or it won’t work correctly.

In our table below, we have a list of items to buy (A3 to B9), along with item names and prices. They’re sorted by price from lowest to highest. Our total budget to spend on a single item is $17 (cell D4). We used a VLOOKUP formula to find the most affordable item on the list.

The appropriate VLOOKUP formula for this example is =VLOOKUP(D4, A4:B9, 2, TRUE). Because this VLOOKUP formula is set to find the nearest match lower than the search value itself, it can only look for items cheaper than the set budget of $17.

In this example, the cheapest item under $17 is the bag, which costs $15, and that’s the item the VLOOKUP formula returned as the result in D5.[supanova_question]

Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write
(/0x4*p>Hii! I have this paper and I need to add in the following information: “For your final essay write

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