HIST 011 ELAC Exploring Roots & Anticipating Further Development in USA Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HIST 011 ELAC Exploring Roots & Anticipating Further Development in USA Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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Midterm Instructions !
Write a four-page minimum analytical paper on the development of the United States as it transitions from (1) a Pre-Columbian, Native American settlement to a (2) British colony and then into a (3) young and growing country that is expanding west and into contact with Spanish colonial America. Include a Works Cited page at the end. The only reference would be the textbook by Foner.
(Note the three sections that you should break your essay down into.) I just gave you the THREE main points to write about.
You MUST use ten of the following chapter terms and you MUST use the Declaration of Independence, the US Constitution, and the Bill of Rights in the last section (Chapter 7). This means that you should spend some time writing about these documents in a way that shows you fully understand them.
Again you MUST include TEN of the following chapter terms in your essay. Underline the terms as you use them. You choose which of the following ten chapter keywords to use. Make sure you write in a manner that shows you fully understand each term. To be clear, you don’t have to use ALL of the following ten terms to include in your essay, only ten of your choice but at least one from each chapter.
Write this out chronologically.
Choose ten of the following CHAPTER TERMS to use:
Ch 1. Cahokia, The Iroquois League, Bartolome de las Casas
Ch 2. The Virginia Company and John Smith, Mayflower Compact, Pequot War
Ch 3. Mercantilism, Slave Code of 1705, Bacons Rebellion
Ch 4. Middle Passage, Father Junipero Serra, Atlantic Slave trade, Seven Years War
Ch 5. Boston Tea party, Boston Massacre, Intolerable Acts,
Ch 6. “The Wealth of Nations,” Balanced Government, Free labor,
Ch 7. Shays Rebellion, 3/5th clause, “Notes on the State of Virginia”
YOU ONLY NEED TO USE THE TEXTBOOK AS A REFERENCE BUT MAKE SURE TO USE MLA FORMATTING WHEN CITING THE TEXT!! Look at the links on the library webpage as well as look them up online if you need more instruction.
Notice how this essay Midterm is in essence a collection of your weekly essays !!!! Don’t reinvent the wheel, you can copy and past from your weekly essays to create this larger essay.
HIST 011 ELAC Exploring Roots & Anticipating Further Development in USA Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Grand Canyon University Fetal Abnormality Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help
Based on “Case Study: Fetal Abnormality” and the required topic study materials, write a 750-1,000-word reflection that answers the following questions:
- What is the Christian view of the nature of human persons, and which theory of moral status is it compatible with? How is this related to the intrinsic human value and dignity?
- Which theory or theories are being used by Jessica, Marco, Maria, and Dr. Wilson to determine the moral status of the fetus? What from the case study specifically leads you to believe that they hold the theory you selected?
- How does the theory determine or influence each of their recommendations for action?
- What theory do you agree with? Why? How would that theory determine or influence the recommendation for action?
Remember to support your responses with the topic study materials.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
University of Phoenix Chipotle Brand Rebuild Customer Trust Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Read “Case 12: Chipotle Mexican Grill’s Strategy in 2018: Will the New CEO Be Able to Rebuild Customer Trust and Revive Sales Growth?” in your Connect textbook.
Write a 350- to 700-word response that addresses the following questions:
- What factors contributed to the loss of confidence in the Chipotle brand?
- Do the actions taken to date present a strategy that would improve consumer trust? Why or why not?
- Consider Chipotle’s competitors. How does Chipotle’s internal environment compare to the internal environment of one of Chipotle’s competitors? Based on this analysis, what is the probability that the strategic moves implementedby Chipotle would lead to a sustainable competitive advantage? Explain.
- What additional recommendations would you make for Chipotle to gain consumer trust and reclaim a leadership role in the fast food industry? Provide justification for your response.
- Based on the information presented in this case study, what kind of business strategy would you suggest to help Chipotle achieve a competitive advantage?
BA 356 Central Texas College Hotel California Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
This week the assignment is the case study, Hotel California (see below). All cases and problems must use Excel QM. ALL CALCULATIONS MUST BE SHOWN. Spreadsheets must accompany a formal analysis in in Word and APA format and submitted through Assignment. No credit will be given to submissions without a formal written analysis in APA format. Please read the rubric (below case) before starting your assignment . Do not recopy the case or any significant portion of the case in your document. Case Dawn Henlee, manager of the Hotel California, is considering how to restructure the front desk to reach an optimum level of staff efficiency and guest service. At present, the hotel has six clerks on duty, each with a separate waiting line, during the peak check-in time of 3:00 P.M. to 5:00 P.M. Observation of arrivals during this time show that an average of 90 guests arrive each hour (although there is no upward limit on the number that could arrive at any given time). It takes an average of 3 minutes for the front-desk clerk to register each guest. Dawn is considering three plans for improving guest service by reducing the length of time guests spend waiting in line. The first proposal would designate one employee as a quick-service clerk for guests registering under corporate accounts, a market segment that fills about 30% of all occupied rooms. Because corporate guests are preregistered, their registration takes just 2 minutes. With these guests separated from the rest of the clientele, the average time for registering a typical guest would climb to 3.4 minutes. Under plan 1, non-corporate guests would choose any of the remaining five lines. The second plan is to implement a single-line system. All guests could form a single waiting line to be served by whichever of six clerks became available. This option would require sufficient lobby space for what could be a substantial queue. The third proposal involves using an automatic teller machine (ATM) for check-ins. This ATM would provide approximately the same service rate as a clerk would. Given that initial use of this technology might be minimal, Dawn estimated that 20% of customers, primarily frequent guests, would be willing to use the machines. (This might be a conservative estimate if the guests perceive direct benefits from using the ATM, as bank customers do. Citibank reports that some 95% of its Manhattan customers use its ATMs.) Dawn would set up a single queue for customers who prefer human check-in clerks. This would be served by the six clerks, although Dawn is hopeful that the machine will allow a reduction to five. Discussion Questions
FNU Spatial Designation, Phenomenological Communities & Nursing Process Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Geopolitical is defined as “a spatial designation—a geographical or geopolitical area or place. This view is the most traditional in the study of community” A river, a mountain range, or a valley may create a natural boundary, and human-made boundaries may be structural, political, or legal. Streets, bridges, or railroad tracks may create structural boundaries. City, county, or state lines create legal boundaries. Congressional districts or school districts may exemplify political boundaries. A geopolitical view of the community focuses on the nurse’s attention on the environment, housing, transportation, education, and political process subsystems. All these elements are related to geographical locations and the population composition and distribution, health services, and resources and facilities. Statistical and epidemiological studies are frequently based on data from specific geopolitical areas” (Maurer & Smith, n.d., Chapter 16).
“Phenomenological communities include populations of people with common interests such as a common religious conviction or professional or academic interest; with common beliefs such as beliefs about human rights including women’s rights or racial equality; or with a common goal such as Students Against Drunk Driving (SADD), whose common goal is to decrease alcohol-related accidents among students who drive” (Maurer & Smith, n.d., Chapter 16). “When health services are considered, the boundaries of each community are established by the boundaries within which a problem can be identified, dealt with, and solved. A community of solution includes (1) a health problem shed (i.e., an area that has similar health problems) and (2) a health marketing area (i.e., an area that has similar solutions to the problem of an adequate supply of health resources to meet the problem). The concept of a community of solution is especially important in coordinating health care and decreasing duplication and fragmentation of services” (Maurer & Smith, n.d., Chapter 16).
Using the nursing process for a community or group of people is much like using it for individuals. Nurses will assess the community, make a judgment about the communities’ responses to actual or potential health needs, make a plan to provide the community with the best tools for the best outcomes, including consoling, screenings, and referrals, to name a few. The nurse will then put forth those plans and then evaluate continuously to improve the plan or if what is currently in place is working.
Maurer, F., & Smith, C. (n.d.). Community Assessment. Nurse Key. Retrieved from https://nursekey.com/community-assessment/
Belhaven University ?How an Economy Grows Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help
Directions: There are 2 discussion questions. Write a 250 word response for each and include biblical integration.
Discussion Question 1:)
o Watch: FI$H – How an Economy Grows (Episode 2: Get Shirty) [5:37 minutes]
o Based on the above video clip, which of the Eight Guideposts is/are addressed and explain why? Explain in your own words, what drives Able and Charlie to trade? What is/are the underlying assumption(s) that allows the trade to occur?
Discussion Question 2:)
Read: It’s the Margin That Counts (Dwight R. Lee) https://fee.org/articles/its-the-margin-that-count…
o After reading the above article, relate the discussions of the Eight Guideposts in the textbook, explain why it is important to distinguish the marginal value and the total value?
Text Book: Gwartney, J. D., Stroup, R. L., Sobel, R. S., & Macpherson, D. A. (2018). Economics: Private and public choice (16th ed.). Boston, MA: Cengage Learning. ISBN-13: 9781305506725
Belhaven University ?How an Economy Grows Discussion Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
OCEN 100 Skyline College Aquaponics Farm Presentation Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a science presentation and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Mid-Semester Presentations
The mid-semester presentations will be due on 3/21/2021.
The presentations will be:
– based on an Oceanography topic (approved by me – submit it under the Mid-Semester topic and I will look at the topic and let you know if I approve it or not)
– in any format (this is where you can get creative…video, podcast, power point slide lecture, website, research paper, etc.). Submit it under this assignment.
– you have an option of solo presentation or with one partner
– a reference page with all your research sources (also submitted with your presentation)
Walden Dialectical Behavior Therapy and Positive Social Change Discussion Humanities Assignment Help
Because DBT was developed for individuals with borderline personality disorder, it has certain assumptions about the client built into its treatment approach. First, it assumes that the client may have poor coping mechanisms and emotion regulation, as well as an unstable sense of self and how to create and maintain healthy relationships with others. It also assumes that clients may see suicide as a valid problem-solving technique for these issues. To address them, DBT takes a multifaceted approach that usually includes individual and group therapy, as well as team communication and collaboration among all treatment providers for a client.
Within treatment, DBT has a very specific and structured set of skill sequences, grouped into four areas. Two areas, mindfulness and distress tolerance strategies, are acceptance skills. The other two, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness techniques, are change skills. Mindfulness techniques teach the client to observe, experience, and accept emotions nonjudgmentally. This is the area that is most closely related to third wave CBT. Distress tolerance techniques allow clients to remain calm and in control when distressing situations occur, rather than spiraling into destructive or impulsive behavior. The goal, again, is to nonjudgmentally accept the negative situation and find ways to deal with its pain or discomfort. Emotion regulation skills are goal-oriented and seek to identify emotions and manage or address any that are difficult or inappropriate. Finally, interpersonal effectiveness skills train clients in effective ways to interact with others so that they may maintain healthy relationships across different facets of their lives (personal, professional, etc.). This skill area is also related to behavioral therapy techniques.
Just as you did last week with ACT, for this Discussion, you consider the basic tenets of DBT and evaluate its relationship to social change.
To prepare:
- Read the articles and review the media related to Dialectical Behavior Therapy in this week’s Learning Resources. Consider how or whether any parts of this approach resonate professionally with you.
- Consider whether DBT is related to social change.
With these thoughts in mind:
By Day 4
Post by Day 4 by explaining whether you agree with Linehan’s belief that DBT can be related to positive social change, and why. What tenets of DBT support your position? Be specific and provide examples to support your argument.
Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.
SOCW 6443 Walden Malingering and Addiction in Treatment of Sleep Disorders Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment: Malingering and Addiction in the Treatment of Sleep Disorders
According to the National Sleep Foundation
(2013), about 30–40% of the general population reports some level of
insomnia during their lives, and 10–15% experience significant, chronic
insomnia. For these individuals, medications to help induce and sustain
sleep may be helpful. On the other hand, sleep aids pose potential
concerns, namely abuse. Some people exceed recommended doses, and some
continue taking medications even after symptoms are no longer present.
Others obtain medications under false pretenses, which is one form of
malingering. Malingering occurs when clients make up or exaggerate
symptoms for some personal gain. Although mental health professionals
may not be directly implicated in the client’s deceit, their unique
position to receive more accurate and honest information thamalingering n other
medical professionals presents ethical concerns. What is the mental
health professional’s role in these instances? In which instances would
it be appropriate to break confidentiality due to a concern of
malingering? How could the potentiality be planned for and
For this Assignment, conduct an
Internet search or a Walden Library search for at least one
peer-reviewed journal article that addresses a counseling issue related
to malingering and addiction in treating sleep disorders.
By Day 7
In a 3- to 5-page, APA-formatted paper, include the following:
- A description and explanation of the major types of drugs prescribed for sleep disorders
- An explanation of the potential for addiction associated with these medicines
- An explanation of the issues related to malingering in the treatment of sleep disorders
- An explanation of the mental health professional’s role in mitigating the potentialities of malingering
Support your explanations with specific references to the Learning Resources and your peer-reviewed journal article
Required Readings
Lichtblau, L. (2011). Psychopharmacology demystified. Clifton Park, NY: Delmar, Cengage Learning.
- Chapter 6, “Anxiolytic-Sedative-Hypnotic Drug Pharmacotherapy” (previously read in Week 5)
Preston, J. D., O’Neal, J. H., & Talaga, M. C. (2017). Handbook of clinical psychopharmacology for therapists (8th ed.). Oakland, CA: New Harbinger.
- Chapter 15, “Other Miscellaneous Disorders” (pp. 161-174)
Optional Resources
UMUC Equifax 2017 Data Breach Software Failures & Professional Responsibility Essay Writing Assignment Help
Topic: Equifax, 2017 there was a data breach that leads to the exposure of confidential and personal information of over 147 million people
Please write about the Equifax in 2017 incident related to a software or computerized system failure. The paper will discuss the original purpose of the software or system as well as the causes and effects of the incident.Note that the reasons for the failure may not necessarily be the result of incorrect coding (i.e. bugs). It may also be the result of operators failing to use the software as directed, administrators failing to maintain the software/system appropriately, or poor decisions by management.Or it may be some combination of all those factors along with other external factors.
After discussing the software system, its failure, and the effects of that failure, your paper will address how the problems might have been avoided if principles of the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice (SECPP) had been followed. Pick at least two of the “Eight Principles” in the SECPP and discuss in detail how those principles are pertinent to the failure.As part of this discussion, relate whether the parties involved attempted to follow those principles and if not, give the reasons why. (It should be assumed that if the failure was related to one or more of the principles chosen, then someone did not follow those principles.) If, as part of your research, you cannot discover the specific reasons the principles were not followed, speculate why those principles may not have been followed.
Finally, draw conclusions regarding whether the parties adherence to those principles might have avoided or mitigated the circumstances (and effects) of the failure. Defend your conclusions by stating how and why adherence to the principles might or might not have avoided the failure.
Typical papers will include at least 2-3 references (not including the SECEPP). Ensure that your paper includes proper references and citations of all your sources.The specific format for citations is up to you (MLA, Chicago, APA, etc.) but all references and quotations must be cited.
NOTE: I did include the sample of papers and please take a look and if you have any question please don’t hesitate to ask. Thanks