HIST 100 GCCCD Egypt Civilization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HIST 100 GCCCD Egypt Civilization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.
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The Rise of Rome (Chapter 6)
11 unread reply.11 reply.
In this forum we will share perspectives on Chapter 6: The Unification of Western Eurasia, 500 BCE-500 CE.
You may start a thread if you are the first person to write on a particular topic. If someone has posted on your favorite topic, you may add to the same thread, with significant material to what was already said.
The forum is worth 15 points and you can get up to 20 points if you do extra. You get about five points each time you send in a really good paragraph. Please stick to one paragraph per post or two if they are very short; and please make sure at least two of your posts are responses to other students.
I am putting some suggested questions below. You also might consider any of the questions on the reading handouts for Chapter 6. Please don’t just give us facts; I also want your insights on why the material is especially interesting or meaningful.
1. How did Rome become such an important society? What do you find most remarkable about the early history?
2. In what ways was the Roman Republic remarkable? In what ways was it perhaps not so great? (If you have seen the movie or the play, please feel free to comment on Shakespeare’s depiction of the era in “Julius Caesar”.)
3. In what ways was Roman society remarkably similar to societies today? (Roman ideas and traditions were passed on to much of Europe and the Middle East.)
4. How is Rome similar or different from the other societies in the Axial Age that we have studied?
6. Do you see Chapter 6 as the ending of an era or as the beginning of a new era in Western Eurasia?
7. How did Rome compare with the Parthian and Persian societies that to the east of them? Why are these societies an important part of the chapter (near the end)?
8. What do you find notable about the roles of women in this chapter?
9. Why do you suppose there are so many interesting religious developments in Chapters 5-6? Do you see any common threads there? Do either of these chapters help you understand religious life in today’s world?
Please share something (either the start of a thread or a reply) by the end of Week 4. The forum will be open to the end of the following Monday to allow for additional responses. (Please do not start a new thread on the last day the forum is open.)ers these questions and follow the instructions below
Worlds Apart: Perspectives on Societies in Chapter 7
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Chapter 7 brings us to the peoples of Africa south of the Sahara, the Americas, and the Pacific Islands. Some historians call these regions “Worlds Apart” because they developed separately from societies of Eurasia or the Mediterranean region that includes North Africa. They also developed separately from each other.
We do not have many written records on these societies from the era we are studying. In some cases we have writings from Eurasian peoples who interacted with them. In some of the societies where there was written language, such as the Maya, we have writing from a relatively small segment of the society.
Please share your perspectives on topics you find especially interesting on the reading handout. In addition to using material from the reading, I also want to encourage you to share a picture (from an internet search) and tell us how you think the picture is helpful for understanding something in the chapter. You might also share material you find in the special sections, such as “Seeing the Past.”
Please start a thread if you are the first person to bring up a topic you wish to discuss. Give your thread a title using key words or phrases you see on the handout. If a topic you want to write on has already been started, please address your comments to another student who has already commented on the topic.
This forum is worth 15 points, which means you should plan on making at least three posts. You can get up to 20 points if you do extra posts and really get into it. You can get five points for a good paragraph on one of the topics. Use specifics from the reading and provide page or section numbers if you can.
Please make sure at least two of your posts are responses to other students. When responding, remember to address the person and be specific about what you understand and what you can add to the discussion. Please keep the discussion related to our reading.
Please join the forum in Week 4. The forum will be open through the following Monday to allow for plenty of time for responses. You will very likely find the forum helpful for doing E
Essays and Reflections II (Chapters 4-7)
- Due Mar 1 by 11:59pm
- Points 150
- Submitting a file upload
- File Types doc, docx, odt, and pdf
Hist 100. Essays and Reflections II (Chs 4-7). Sp 2021.doc
I hope you like the topics in the link above! Notice these essays ask you to go a bit deeper, with broad themes related to specific societies. Please make sure you do both Part I and Part II, and don’t forget the pictures in Part I 🙂
The exam is due at the end of the fourth week, with a grace period to the following Monday. As usual for major assignments, we list the end of the grace period as the due date on Canvas.
Previousssays and Reflections II.
HIST 100 GCCCD Egypt Civilization Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Maricopa Mesa Statistical Methods Questions Mathematics Assignment Help
I’m working on a statistics test / quiz prep and need support to help me understand better.
I need assistance with questions similar to this:
The number of pumps in use at both a six-pump station and a four-pump station will be determined. Give the possible values for each of the following random variables. (Enter your answers in set notation.)
(a) T = the total number of pumps in use
(b) X = the difference between the numbers in use at stations 1 and 2
(c) U = the maximum number of pumps in use at either station
(d) Z = the number of stations having exactly two pumps in use
Roughly 12 questions like this.
Its on 2/22 at 5-6:15 pacific standard time zone/
Texas A&M University Kingsville Business Intelligence and Analytics Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Please answer below questions. page requirements of each section are below
Section 1: 2 pages
section 2: No page limit
Section 3: at least one page
Paper Section 1: Reflection and Literature Review
Using Microsoft Word and Professional APA format, prepare a professional written paper supported with three sources of research that details what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14. This section of the paper should be a minimum of two pages.
Paper Section 2: Applied Learning Exercises
In this section of the professional paper, apply what you have learned from chapters 13 and 14 to descriptively address and answer the problems below. Important Note : Dot not type the actual written problems within the paper itself.
- Go to cloudera.com, MapR.com, hortonworks.com, or marklogic.com or in combination to find at least three customer case studies on Hadoop implementation, and then discuss the commonalities and differences of these cases.
- Search the job search sites like monster.com, careerbuilder.com, and so forth. Find at least five job postings for data scientist. Identify the key characteristics and skills expected from the applicants and based on what you are learned in this class, how high is your motivation now to seek these types of career choices?
- Important Note: With limited time for a college class, perfection is not expected but effort to be exposed to various tools with attempts to learn about them is critical when considering a career in information technology associated disciplines.
Important Note : There is no specific page requirement for this section of the paper but make sure any content provided fully addresses each problem.
Paper Section 3: Conclusions (Part 1)
After addressing the problems, conclude your paper with details on how you will use this knowledge and skills to support your professional and or academic goals. This section of the paper should be around one page including a custom and original process flow or flow diagram to visually represent how you will apply this knowledge going forward. This customized and original flow process flow or flow diagram can be created using the “Smart Art” tools in Microsoft Word.
San Diego State University Academic Voice Fictional Story and Creating Tweet Paper Humanities Assignment Help
1: Using an academic voice, create an imagined scholarly article that matches with this picture. Feel free to include made up peer-reviewed “sources.” Remember, academic voices are objective. Do NOT become informal or conversational with your tone. Perhaps ask yourself: As a society, are we too addicted to our devices? What effects do you think our constant use of technology have on our physical and mental health? On our connections to others? (300 words)
#2: Create a fictional story to match this image. Take it whichever direction you want. Be imaginative and don’t be afraid to use dialog and imagery. Perhaps, you tell a story of one of the people in the image; or all (slivers of short, short stories); or perhaps it’s first-person and the narrator is the one who’s seeing these people. (300 words)
#3: Create a Tweet (caption) that matches with the image (no more than 280 characters).
Strayer University Kimberly Electronics Benefit Website Content Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Your manager has asked you to create the content for the updated benefits website for your company. The existing website was missing important information about mandatory and discretionary benefits and, more importantly, did not align with the company’s organizational strategy—this one is a must. Your manager wants current employees and new hires to understand how the company’s benefit offerings reflect and support the company’s vision, mission, and organizational strategy.
The website content should include information on both mandatory and discretionary benefits that are commonly offered in your industry. Use the Benefits Website Content Assignment Template [DOCX] to complete the assignment, which includes the following:
- Write a short overview of the company that includes the organization’s vision, mission, and values.
- Identify a minimum of three mandatory employee benefits.
- Provide the legal justification crucial to understanding the mandatory benefits offered.
- Identify a minimum of three discretionary employee benefits.
- Provide related information that is crucial to understanding the discretionary employee benefits offered.
- Evaluate how the discretionary and mandatory benefits align with the company’s organizational strategy.
Note: The numbered assignment requirements outlined above correspond to the grading criteria in the assignment scoring guide, so be sure to address each point.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
- Create benefits website content that addresses mandatory benefits, discretionary benefits, and alignment with a company’s organization strategy.
MGT 324 SEU Simple and Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Kindly read the instruction carefully and prepare your assignment accordingly.
1) Planning: Read the assignments carefully, go through the Units on which they are based. Make some points regarding each question and then rearrange them in a logical order. (1.5 Marks)
2) Organisation: Be a little selective and analytical before drawing up a rough outline of your answer. Give adequate attention to question’s introduction and conclusion. (1.5 Marks)
Make sure that:
a) The answer is logical and coherent
b) It has clear connections between sentences and paragraphs
c) The presentation is correct in your own expression and style.
3) Presentation: Once you are satisfied with your answer, you can write down the final version for submission. If you so desire, you may underline the points you wish to emphasize. Make sure that the answer is within the stipulated word limit. (2 Marks)
Write an essay on the following topic in about 1000-1200 words.
“Globalization has changed the functioning of local governments”.
In the light of this statement, discuss the challenges faced by local governments in the age of globalization. With the help of examples, explain how local governments can raise their funds, meet future challenges and be able to convert their challenges into opportunities.
(You are required to include at least three scholarly references in your answer).
MGT 324 SEU Simple and Complex Issues Pertaining to Public Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Holy Roman Emperor Charles V Essay Humanities Assignment Help
Possible Essay Questions for the First Exam.Of the ten questions you see here, SIX will appear on the exam.
- What two major goals did Charles V try to accomplish via the rule of his empire?What major obstacles did he face in trying to accomplish these goals?Was he ultimately successful?
- Describe how the theology of both Martin Luther and John Calvin departed from that of Roman Catholic teaching.Did all breaks with the Church of Rome necessarily mean radical departures from Roman Catholic theology?
- Discuss the progression of the Black Death from its origination in China to its presence in Europe by the mid 14th century.What were the effects of the plague in terms of populations?What were some of the ways that Europeans responded to the plague?How did the plague upset feudal society?
- What was the nature of Spanish Rule in the New World.Describe with reference to the hierarchical system created, the powers of the viceroy, as well as the mita, and encomienda/hacienda system.Was Spanish rule in its American possessions total (i.e. was it felt in all areas?).
- Discuss the campaigns of Genghis Khan.What were some of the key factors to his success?How did Genghis rule his empire?
- Discuss the efforts of Kublai Khan to create a successful Yuan Dynasty for China.What were some of his successes, as well as failures?What were the main reasons for the decline and fall of the Yuan Dynasty only 75 years after his death?
- What were the reasons for the stagnation and/or decline of the Islamic (Ottoman, Safavid, and Mughal) Empires by the 18th century?Describe this in terms of leadership, the role of ultraconservative Islam, socioeconomic and or military policies, and technological advances (or lack thereof).
- Discuss how events in Western Europe after the death of Charlemagne led to the institution of Western Feudalism.How did Feudalism work?Did Feudalism contribute to the recovery of Europe?
- Compare and contrast the development of northern India with that of southern India during the Middle Ages.What factors prevented India from uniting during these years?How did the Mughals manage to unite the subcontinent during their years as the subcontinent’s main power?
- Discuss the fortunes of the Eastern and Western Churches from the 700s AD/CE to the calling of the First Crusade in 1095.What were the highs and lows for these respective churches during these years?
HRM 498 BSU Job Analysis Classifying Duties Tasks And Responsibilities Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Read the textbook page 135-143 (eBook: section 4-5d Developing job descriptions and job specifications-4-8d Job description components). Select a job that is familiar to you (e.g., secretary, server, cashier) and conduct a task analysis for this job.
Review the materials in the chapter, answer the following questions:
- Which job analysis method or methods make the most sense for analyzing this particular job? Why?
- What are the major tasks or responsibilities that you identified for this job? (List 10-12 major tasks or responsibilities)
- What knowledge, skill, ability, or other characteristics are needed to perform each of these major tasks?
- Write out your findings to questions #2 and #3 in the form of a job description and a job specification.
- You can find a sample job description and job specification on page 142 (see attached Figure 4-12) or review Appendix A.
University of Nairobi Random Experiment Simulation Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help
a) Write a computer program that simulates events that satisfy the constraints (1)-(3).
(1): A, B, C are pairwise independent
(2): P[A] = 1/4,P[B] = 1/8,P[C] = 1/16
(3): P[A ∪ B ∪ C] = 49/128 Or equivalently P[A ∩ B ∩ C] = 0
You should provide the program that you write. Specifically, let X,Y,Z be random variables. We want the output of the program to produce (X, Y, Z) such that the following four properties simultaneously hold:
b) Write a paragraph to explain how you might verify that your program is working correctly
BIO 152 Riverside Community College Microbiology Case History Paper Science Assignment Help
You may use your notes and book for this. Any other resources used, you must list. You are not allowed to search for online answer keys that may be posted. This assignment is meant to train you to be able to search for answers using credible resources. Please list your resources in APA format in the last question of this case history. If you used the CDC website, for example, be sure to offer a complete listing. Do not just list www.cdc.gov (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.) or just an index page if you used the subcategories within the index (the index was just the starting point or gateway).
For APA:
Do not use the automatic citation generator. If you do it incorrectly (which most do), it will not format your source information correctly!
Review which areas are commonly ones to use by viewing this Power Point.
Example (made up),
Question 1: Explain how ELISA test detects either pathogens or antibodies to pathogens in the blood.
Response: ELISA can be used as a direct test, or indirect test. A direct test uses bound antibodies made in the lab to the pathogen being tested for, and if the person is infected, the pathogen pieces (antigen) in their blood (serum) , when mixed with the antibodies, will stick there and form the reaction. The indirect test works in the opposite way–it uses bound antigen to test for antibodies in the person’s blood sample (serum) to form a reaction.
Source: Perchez, M. (2020, April 20). Review of Diagnostic tests for Microbiology, Simply Explained. Journal of Microbiology Educators 4(1), 1-1
Example (made up),
Question 1: Explain how ELISA test detects either pathogens or antibodies to pathogens in the blood.
Response: ELISA can be used as a direct test, or indirect test. A direct test uses bound antibodies made in the lab to the pathogen being tested for, and if the person is infected, the pathogen pieces (antigen) in their blood (serum) , when mixed with the antibodies, will stick there and form the reaction. The indirect test works in the opposite way–it uses bound antigen to test for antibodies in the person’s blood sample (serum) to form a reaction.
Source: Perchez, M. (2020, April 20). Review of Diagnostic tests for Microbiology, Simply Explained. Journal of Microbiology Educators 4(1), 1-1