HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help

HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help. HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help.

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Write a 2-3 page, full-sentence outline that answers the prompt. Include the following information:

  • The argument/thesis statement (this is your answer to the prompt – put it in the introduction)
  • The paragraph topics
  • Connect it to an event/topic from our class’ time period.
  • Specific examples from the library sources that will be used in your paper. Include citations for all examples.
  • A full citation for each library source
  • A full-sentence outline means that each point of your outline is a full sentence that could be included in your final paper.Use an alphanumeric outline format. The alphanumeric format begins with roman numerals for your main points, then use capital letters, then numbers, etc. The below outline is an example. Make sure you write your outline on the historical object you discussed in the proposal.

HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 120 GCCCD Defining Touch of an Experienced Coach Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

Step 1

Post your Essay 2 First Draft to the discussion board by Wednesday, at 11:59pm

Post your first draft to the discussion board by pasting it into the dialogue box or uploading the document .

Step 2 – Select Two Different Essays to Review

Respond to two peers’ essays by answering all the questions listed below. If two people have already provided a peer review to a student’s essay, please select another student’s essay to peer review.

Step 3 – After everyone’s hard work, now we get to enjoy reading all the stories!

Read to enjoy the story — stories enable us to connect with and better understand each other through shared, or unique experiences. Read the paper through one time to enjoy the story, getting a full sense of the impact it has on you. Then, read it again at a slower pace and answer all the questions below in complete sentences.

  1. In a few sentences, describe your overall impression. Summarize the person’s significance as you see it.

Description — Strong descriptive writing is specific, detailed, and is included to support an idea.

2. Write down any descriptive details, similes, or metaphors that are especially effective and show something about the person being portrayed. Be specific. Give an example or two in the story where the description is particularly effective.

3. Does the writer tell us too much about the person’s character and conduct through general statements rather than showing us through anecdotes, dialogue, and descriptions? Write down where you would like greater specificity or more detail.

Organization — details, anecdotes and recurring activities are placed for most effective impact

4. Did the first sentence of the essay draw you in? If not, indicate to the writer what he/she could have done to draw you in more. Is there something from another part of the essay that might draw the reader in at the beginning– such as dialogue, a memory, or an image?

5. Which anecdote was the most effective? Why? Do either of the anecdotes or the recurring activity seem confusing or unclear? Is there anything else that the writer could show through an anecdote or recurring activity?

6. Look at the ending. Please provide specific feedback about the conclusion and its effectiveness. Does it provide a sense of closure? Does it repeat what you already know? Does the ending frame the essay by referring back to the beginning? If not, suggest a way that it might. Suggest a different ending.

7. Tell the writer where the storytelling could be improved. Point to any places where more specific narrative action, description, transitions, or dialogue might help.

Main Idea— A story communicates an idea through the details that are included in an essay

8. Is it clear why this person is significant to the writer? Now that you have gone through the essay in more detail, explain why you think this person is significant to the writer. What details show you this?

9.If the significance is unclear, contemplate what you think the significance might be. Then, point to one place in the draft where you think the significance could be developed.

10. What have you learned about the writer from reading this story?

11. Consider the Title. How did it prepare you for the story? Did it catch your attention? Why or why not? Suggest another possible title

12. Share any other thoughts you might have with the writer.

13. What aspect of the essay is most memorable?

14. What part needs further work?

Step 4 Post your replies to your Peers’ Original Threads

Finally, post your answers to all the questions by clicking Reply to each of your two peer’s original threads.

This is due on Sunday by 11:59pm to ensure ample time for your peers to review and revise their drafts. However, the sooner everyone submits replies, the more time you & your peers will have to revise your stories.

Happy Reviewing!

  1. Initial posts are due by Wednesday at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 10 points
  2. Response postings should be completed by Sunday at 11:59 PM Pacific Time. 10 points for each peer evaluation.
  3. Total points possible: 30
  4. The key to a strong peer review is effort. Therefore, it is expected that you will leave answer all the peer review checklist questions fully.
  5. Interaction is the key to a productive and meaningful discussion between you, your peers, and your instructor, so your goal and approach should be meaningful interaction.
  6. Choose your words so that they create a supportive learning environment and an atmosphere of mutual respect for everyone


MGT 301 Saudi Electronic University CH6 Googles Evaluation System Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help

Assignment 1

Reference Source:


Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019). Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). Burr Ridge, IL: McGraw-Hill Irwin.

Case Study: –

Case: Google

Please read the case “Google” from Chapter 6Motivation.” Page: – 187 given in your textbook – Organizational behaviour: Improving performance and commitment in the workplace (6th ed). by Colquitt, J. A., LePine, J. A., & Wesson, M. J. (2019) and Answer the following Questions:

Assignment Question(s):

1.Do you agree with Bock that star performers should get a lot more—not just a little more—than average performers? If someone earning a 3 on Google’s evaluation system gets a 2 percent raise, what should employees earning 4’s and 5’s get? (1.25 Marks )

2.Given the budget issues created by giving star performers more, should someone earning a 3 get a 2 percent raise—or should they get less? What are the arguments for and against a 2 percent raise level for average performers? (1.25 Marks )

3.Consider all the things Google’s People Operations group does to motivate its employees. Which motivation theories do they seem to be leveraging, and how? (1.25 Marks )


Discussion question: Page: -167, please see the table and read carefully and then give your answers on the basis of your understanding.

4. Which of the outcomes in Table 6-2are most appealing to you? Are you more attracted to extrinsic outcomes or intrinsic outcomes? Do you think that your preferences will change as you get older? (1.25 Marks )


University of California San Diego Kneeling Debate in Sports Essay Writing Assignment Help

Thesis Statement/Argument

Thesis Statement: NBA players sports teams should be allowed to kneel during the national anthem if they feel it is right with no backlash from the public.

In my essay, the topic I will be talking about is about NBA teams and the privilege to kneel during the national anthem. Colin Kaepernick, who played for the San Francisco 49ers, decided to take a knee during a game to show honor to those of the African American Community. His actions became even bigger to the public because of the deaths of Breonna Taylor and George Floyd. Many believed and understood why he did what he did. This argument is arguable because many people believe that kneeling during the anthem shows a tremendous amount of dishonor to the Americans who have fought endless wars in this country. Since kneeling is a sign of protesting, people think that using the national anthem is not the proper time to use a sports game as a display of protest.

People will disagree with this argument because kneeling can be a way to show those who have fallen. Many Americans believe those who are kneeling are showing disrespect to those who have died for our country. The national anthem represents our freedom and independence. The American flag is our nation’s representation of who we are and our history. Kneeling can be an inefficient way to show injustice by causing a distraction from the game. Audience members want to come to a sports event to watch a game not see another protests example.

For numerous years, African Americans are being targeted and gunned down. Since it is the year 2020, people are taking a stand against it. People should care because it is raising a question for everyone in this country if African Americans are being treated fairly. This is an exemplification of injustice in a particular minority community. Everyone should be treated fairly and with respect in this country. Numerous amount of African Americans in this country do not even feel safe walking in the streets at night or getting pulled over. People should care about this because it shows a real problem in America and what we can do about it to make it better.

Kneeling during the national anthem in my opinion, is a sign of respecting not only the African American community but to injustice of a minority group. Grant it, many people believe that they have to kneel during a sports game is not suitable to appropriate. It is a way to stand up for what you believe in. Players of any sports game should have the freedom and the right to exemplify what they believe to be true. Since our country promotes freedom of speech, why not use something like this as a platform? It is not hurting anyone physically but rather showing a diligence and a representation of what our country should look like for equality and justice for everyone.


ENG 2105 California State Polytechnic University Pomona Language and Thoughts Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Hello! This is a 4 to 5 paged MLA format essay based upon the short reading “Language and Thought” by Susanne K. Langer. This reading is in my class textbook so I can send you pictures of it easily because it is only four pages ? Along with the reading provided (“Language and Thought”), one more article or reading on the same topic is needed to refer to, you may choose what ever source as long as it’s appropriate and in regard to the same topic. That makes a total of TWO sources that need to be referenced to and cited in a separate works cited page. In file uploaded I have the directions stated again and the exact prompt that the essay is in response to but if you have any other questions please don’t be afraid to ask, thank you! ?



University of California San Diego Written Responses to Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Questions on Roundtable Discussion: (question 3-5 please see ReligionandConflict_IsraelPalestine.pdf)

  1. Are the nationalist movements in Israel and Palestine secular or religious? What are the different views articulated on this question by the Roundtable participants?
  2. How do the participants in this Roundtable view the role of religion versus material factors like territory and settlements in the Israeli-Palestinian dispute?
  3. Why, according to AbuZayyad, was Hamas established? (p. 133)
  4. What does Diab mean when he says that the line between ethnicity and religion is blurred in Judaism, Islam, and Christianity? (p. 134)
  5. Would you agree with Bandel’s statement that Judaism is the only religion, which is not only a faith but also a peoplehood? (p. 135)

Discussion Questions on Readings for Week 1

  • Compare and contrast the views of the Jewish and Islamic traditions on questions of conquest, settlement, sale-purchase, inheritance, and secession. Identify what you viewed as interesting and remarkable.
  • Based on your reading of these two traditions, how do you think they affect the ongoing conflict between the Israelis and the Palestinians?

University of California San Diego Written Responses to Questions Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Intermediate Disturbance Hypothesis Biology Lab Report Business Finance Assignment Help

This is not a full lab report. You may simply copy and paste the questions found at the end of the IDH lab and then type your answers after each question.

You will perform t-tests in excel to generate p-values. Because there are three groups, you will need to perform two t-tests (comparing low to medium disturbance and high to medium disturbance). You must also create a bar graph that illustrates your findings.

See the end of the IDH lab for more detailed instructions (page 4). Please chat with me if you have questions.


University of South Florida Discarded Plastics and Microplastic Discussion Economics Assignment Help

1. Problem Statement and Solution

At the top of your submission, include a revised problem statement (~1-2 paragraphs) followed by your revised solution (~1 paragraph).
The revised problem statement and solution must be clearly and directly
connected, with the proposed solution clearly and directly alleviating
the stated problem in some way.

Remember: The solution may not be your
originally proposed solution — your group agreed on a proposed
solution as part of your last meeting, and all assignments are now
focused on THAT agreed upon solution.

2. Identifying Stakeholders

Provide citations throughout.

  1. Identify 2 specific potential stakeholders associated with your project
    • Stakeholders must be specific.
      • “Farmers” is not specific enough
      • “Dairy farms” is acceptably narrow
      • but “independently owned dairy farms,” or “M&B Products” is even better

    • Although “Tampa Bay Area citizens” sounds
      extremely broad, they are a specific subsection of Florida citizenry
      who may be similarly impacted by your project
      • However, the broader the stakeholder group, the more difficult the analysis.
      • Instead, you might focus on “Tampa
        Bay Area children,” which will allow you to focus your analysis in a
        specific way. Alternately or additionally, you might focus based on
        socioeconomic status; the health and life expectancy of those in low
        socioeconomic brackets is disproportionately diminished by pollution
        compared to those living in wealthier brackets.

  2. Research each stakeholder. Some general resources have been provided for you that may be helpful.
  3. For each stakeholder, identify the following (use full sentences):

A. Stakeholder background and cultural considerations (~2 paragraphs)

      • Provide an overview of your stakeholder’s background (the resources
        linked in 2 above may be helpful here). Offer clear, specific
        information that provides a holistic sketch of your stakeholder. For
          • Example:
            • Founded in 1930 by George Jenkins, Publix is currently owned by X and has a net worth of y, with ___ of their ___ stores located in Florida. Publix is the x-ranked/sized food retailer in Tampa, with x-number of stores in the city serving approximately y-number of people. Publix’s values and philanthropy includes x, y, and z. Publix was recognized by the state of Florida for their outstanding
              commitment to ___ in 2008, and were nationally recognized in ____,
              _____, and _____ by the non-profit organization Feeding America for
              their local and statewide contributions and continued dedication to
              ending hunger in their communities.
            • Concerning
              culture, Publix’s corporate culture can be summed up by this sentence
              from the “About” page on their website: “Taking care of our customers,
              communities and each other is still what Publix is all about.” Publix’s
              community outreach, focus on sustainability, and belief in people and
              their potential strongly shapes Publix’s business practices and decision
              making. Publix believes that their employees make the business, and
              that the communities shape the people, so Publix not only trains,
              supports, and promotes from within, they also invest time and money into
              employees and their communities. As a result, Publix tackles global
              issues at a local level through civic engagement and sustainable

        • Remember that “culture” includes multiculturalism and co-cultures, and that you cannot
          simply assume that a person, group, company, region, etc. will think,
          act, or value the things that you believe are most important to the
          dominant culture. The perspectives of your stakeholders may be very
          different from your own.

B. Stakeholder interest

      • Problem: Why does this stakeholder care about the problem as
        articulated in your problem statement? How are they impacted by the
        problem as articulated in your problem statement? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Solution: Will the stakeholder find your solution clear,
        familiar, and easy to understand? Why? If the solution is outside of
        this stakeholder’s likely realm of understanding, what will you do to
        make your solution more concrete and easy to understand? (~2-4 sentences/~50-100 words)
      • Cultural Considerations:
        What cultural considerations discussed in A above might shape this
        stakeholder’s interest, or affect the way they understand the problem or
        perceive the proposed solution?

C. Probable stakeholder attitude toward the project (positive, negative, neutral, adversarial, competitive, etc.) and why (~2-5 sentences/~50-125 words)

D. Include one cost that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

E. Include one benefit that you think may be particularly important to the stakeholder, and why (~1-3 sentences/~25-75 words)

F. Based on your own values and goals, what common-ground do you and the stakeholder share? Explain. (~3-6 sentences/~75-150 word)

        • consider shared goals, values, desired outcomes, etc.
        • you can find common ground with any
          stakeholder, even if you believe they will have a negative or
          competitive attitude toward your project

G. How might this common
ground help you positively connect with the stakeholder? How can this
common ground help you develop shared meaning with the stakeholder? (3-6 sentences/~75-150 words)

the problem: The US has developed a significant reliance on plastic, which has resultedin a considerable threat to the environment. Like most environmental hazards, plastics have ushered in a more profound environmental risk of Microplastics ensuing to a detrimental causal effect. Notably, while Plastic debris takes all manner ofshapes and sizes, plastic measuringless than five millimeters is referred to as“microplastics.”The heightened use of plastics has seen microplasticsaccumulating unnoticed over the years, and with time, theyhaveresulted in unfathomable environmental degeneration. This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of Microplastics’ ecological impact, the global approaches to curb, and proses a feasible solution to the Microplasticsmenace.The problem:Plasticsare undoubtedly the reigning kings when it comes to inanimate objects posing a threat to humanity’s fate. In this case, despite Plastics’ significant contribution to environmental pollution, theircounterparts, the microplastics, like many other small inanimate objects, are likely to be ignored considering their small sizes. Their guise in size has amplified in the fold the level of threat to the environment. In the last decade, various studieshave investigated the extent andmagnitude of the threat posed by these little inanimate objects. According to Geyer, Jenna, and Kara, at least 500 million Microplasticsare used daily in the US. In another study, the researchers concluded that at least 8.3 billion plastic is disposed of in the beaches, many of which find their way into the sea (Parker para 1). Besides contributing to landfills, Microplasticsare non-biodegradablewith their lasting impact on the environment projected to extend to millions of years.Sadly, the usage of plasticmaterials and accrued accumulation of microplasticshas continued unabated mainly due to lax regulations in many jurisdictions relating to their use.It is thus paramount for measures to be taken to curtail the potential dangers posed byMicroplasticsposeas long as the use of plasticscontinues to persist.

the solution:

A tidal barrage has a turbine at the reservoir bottom. The barrier between the tidal basin and the sea is used to produce power. Barrage location, water level, and turbine locations are some of the essential factors to take into consideration. The filtered tidal barrages filter the microplastics from water when the water is flown back to the ocean.


Grossmont College Police & Military Department Ego of Power Essay Writing Assignment Help

This is obviously a charged and sensitive set of issues. My goal in this unit is not to teach you what to think. Instead, I want to help each of you consider how you arrive at your beliefs. Part of that will be your ability to engage less with the conclusions of our sample texts and your own writing, and more with the norms of this writing genre. In other words, you will earn your grade by showing adherence to the norms of the genre, staying focused on the actual issue, and exhibiting writing mechanics indicative of an upper-division college student.

In order to guide each of you down an appropriate path of critical thought, I will provide a few prompts for you to choose from. Your op-ed should only address one of them, not multiple. For those of you who have an idea of your own, feel free to consult with me and I will help you target the idea in a sufficient manner.

While I will not grade you on your beliefs, I will be highly critical of your commonplaces, premises, and logical fallacies. Review Heinrichs’s chapters 14 and 15 to become more aware of how to avoid faulty foundations in your writing and in your thinking.

Be prepared to structure your pieces similar to the examples. For your op-ed, consider the following structure:

  1. Lede
  2. Thesis
  3. Argument
  4. 1st Point
  5. 2nd Point
  6. 3rd Point
  7. “To Be Sure” Paragraph
  8. Conclusion
    (*structure taken from The OpEd Project, n.d.)

For more information about what each of these elements entail, please see: https://www.theopedproject.org/oped-basics (Links to an external site.)

Note: An average opinion-editorial contains between 12 and 20 paragraphs, so do not dedicate a single paragraph to each element outlined above. You may have to split some of the above ideas into multiple paragraphs.

In terms of citation practices, you will reference where your evidence comes from, but it will be cited according to journalistic standards rather than academic norms. You should not have a References or Works Cited page. Just make sure all information is accounted for in narrative citations. Your voice will be intellectual, but it will be less formal.

Prompts (select one, or consult with me to create your own)

1. Let’s assume that police departments will continue to be funded. What are some concrete steps that local governments and police departments can make to improve their interactions with people of color?

2. Let’s assume that police departments begin to lose their funding. What are some ideas for cities and municipalities to restart organizations that can serve and protect communities in ways that truly work for all members of society?

3. Let’s assume that there truly are officers of the law who do their jobs in a way that is beneficial for all members of society. How can these officers help re-shape policing in their departments? How can they reasonably look for – and hold accountable – officers who are not following reasonable protocol?

4. If you are in favor of athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequity, what should society do to help the cause? What should other players do? What should the NFL do?

5. If you are against athletes kneeling during the national anthem to protest police brutality and racial inequity, what are other forms of protest that would a) be more acceptable, b) garner as much attention, and c) actually help the anti-racism movement succeed?

6. What can Generation Z do next to help make sure the momentum around stopping racist practices in our country stop? What can older generations (Millennials, Gen X, and Baby Boomers) do to help?

7. Let’s assume that privilege is undeniably a real thing. What are some concrete ways that people who were born into privilege can begin actively contributing toward equity in our country?


Your grade will be earned based on the following characteristics:

a) Genre expectations. This is an opinion-editorial intended for an audience of people who typically read newspapers and stay “tuned in” to world affairs. They do not inherently agree with your worldview, but they are open-minded to change.

DO: Use the academic voice (Links to an external site.). Write focused, effective ledes and arguments that meet the expectations of this genre. Appeal not only to logic, but also to emotion and credibility. Consider counterarguments in your piece, and address realistic (and reasonable) apprehensions your readers may have.

DON’T: Use formal language; cite your sources in an academic fashion; assume your reader understands your worldview; mistake your values for facts.

b) Formatting requirements. This paper must be formatted in a manner that looks like the sample opinion-editorials. Some students get creative and actually make their piece look like it was published in a newspaper – this is good. Revise carefully, as newspapers do not release op-eds with errors.

DO: Have a title and header (including your name and the date). Structure paragraphs in a manner that will create the most impact, which sometimes will include using the “single-sentence” paragraph or splitting an idea into multiple paragraphs. Single-space the piece and make it “look the part.” Stay within the word count window, as op-eds tend to have highly restrictive amounts of space in their publications.

DON’T: Use APA or MLA formatting; write a five- or six-paragraph essay; have a title page or a references list; forget to credit your sources in narrative form; leave out any of the above elements and expect to get an A!

c) Minimum assignment requirements. The requirement of 500 to 700 words must be strictly followed. Any less or more will result in a minimum of 10% point deduction. Part of good writing is editing to get it where it needs to be. Often op-eds require strict limitations because they are published on pages that have limited space; it’s vital that you follow the rule.

d) Grammar, usage, and mechanics. Revise your paper as you write, but also look over it before you submit. There have been excellent papers that have lost entire letter grades due to typos and lack of care. There have also been poorly written papers that gained points due to high levels of revision. Again, this is an area completely in your control. Go to the Writing Center; use Grammarly; ask a friend to read it. There are ways to get this part near perfect.

Please be in touch with any questions, and carefully watch the lecture videos that help with this assignment. It regularly frustrates students who do not seek outside help to see how “harsh” the grades are. The grades are not harsh if you take all necessary, mindful steps to achieve them. I will say this one last time: THE RESOURCES ARE ALL HERE FOR YOU (including the professor himself), SO DO NOT EXPECT AN ‘A’ OR EVEN A ‘B’ IF YOU DO NOT TAKE THE TIME TO TEND TO EVERY SINGLE ISSUE ABOVE.

How do I get started?

Step 1: Pick your issue. Narrow it down if you need to. For help selecting and narrowing your issue, see the following resource: https://writingcenter.ashford.edu/narrowing-topic-and-developing-research-question (Links to an external site.)

Step 2: Decide who “holds a stake” in the matter. This will be your audience. What do they have to gain? What do they have to lose? Why does this matter?

Step 3: Write the opinion-editorial according to the norms online and from lecture. The op-ed should be between 500 and 700 words in length, and it should include appropriate appeals to ethos, pathos, and logos, where appropriate. Citations should follow typical journalistic norms (i.e., introduced as a lead in to the text or as a tag after – not parenthetically cited like APA/MLA).

Step 4: REVISE! Make sure each are well-edited, concise, and effective.

Here is a link for sample Opinion-Editorials


Here is a lecture video of what the professor need us to know

Please take a look on the attached sample I provide to see the correct format and the work that the paper should look like.


SJSU Key Concepts Identified from each MBA Class Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help

As a soon to be MBA class, you will be called upon to use your knowledge to help your organization make better decisions. Your first assignment is to undertake an inventory of all the classes you have completed as part of your MBA program and summarize your learning takeaways.

Please identify – key concepts that you can identify from each and every class taken as part of your MBA

  • Types of analytic tools that were presented/used/referenced in each course?
  • What analytical and/or qualitative models did you discover or learn to use?
  • What theories, constructs, premises were helpful?
  • What are the “generally accepted practices” related to the course content that you need to remember?
  • Are there any “professionally” required analyses, formulas or concepts you need to be familiar with in order to be successful?

Please provide a written an essay(3 or more pages ) and a summary of your answers

http://dln.jaipuria.ac.in:8080/jspui/bitstream/123… (chapter one)


https://anyessayhelp.com/ (chapter one)


https://anyessayhelp.com/ (chapter one)


https://anyessayhelp.com/ (chapter one)


HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help

HIST 108 Cuyamaca College Gender Roles in America Outline Essay Writing Assignment Help

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