HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help. HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help.

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  • Did the Native Americans give up the land that once belonged to them willingly to the Europeans to avoid war and to share the land?
  • Once they accepted Christianity did the Pueblo Indians abandon their religious and cultural practices?
  • What was the ideology of Manifest Destiny?
  • How successful was the Catholic religious belief in preventing the Europeans from having sexual contacts with the Native Americans?
  • Define “Primogeniture” .
  • In the 1820s who made up the largest settlers of Americans who migrated to Texas?
  • Define: Creoles, Impressment, minutemen, Battle of Bunker Hill, War Hawks,
  • Who were the Hessians?
  • What was Thomas Jefferson’s view of the Native Americans?
  • How was the election of Andrew Jackson viewed by many?
  • What property rights did a married woman have under the English common law?
  • How were slaves classified in the Constitutional Convention of 1787?
  • What did the Missouri Compromise of 1819 maintain?
  • Name the only country in Latin America that Spain did not claim.
  • What did the Monroe Doctrine state?
  • Who were the Loyalists during the American Revolution?
  • What was the distinctive feature of“Shakerism”?
  • What was the “cotton kingdom”?
  • How long did it take to pay the cost of construction for the Erie Canal?
  • How common was the sexual relationship between white southern men and Black females?
  • Explain the social theorist George Fitzhugh’s view of women.
  • Did the pre-Civil War “cult of domesticity” help or hinder women?
  • Name some examples of the Slave Codes.
  • Howsuccessful was the Whig Party in winning the presidency?
  • How did the hard money and soft money advocates differ?
  • What were the chances of a southern slave successfully escaping to the North?
  • According to the “science” of phrenology, what can be discerned from the shape of the skull of a person?
  • What was common in areas where African slaves outnumbered the Europeans?
  • What happened to the U.S. population between 1800-1820?
  • Why was Anne Hutchinson deported from the Massachusetts colony in 1638?
  • What was the percentage of southern whites who owned slaves?
  • In which medical fields were the women of the late 18 and 19th century involved?
  • What percentage of the “forty-niners” of the California gold rush were men?
  • What was the peculiar institution as defined by southern whites?
  • Why did Napoleon decide to sell the Louisiana territory to the United States?
  • What was the main cause of the fear of foreigners by the Native born Americans?
  • Name the western African country that was formed to take freed American slaves.
  • What was the Supreme Court’s ruling in the Marbury v Madison case?
  • What was the purpose of putting Native Americans in reservations?
  • In the 1820s and 1830s how did the Mexican government view the migration of Americans into Texas?
  • Which country provoked the American –Mexican War?
  • Which treaty ended the Mexican-American War?
  • What was the purpose of the Wilmot Proviso?
  • What percent of those who were called the “Forty-niners” in the California gold rush were men?
  • What challenges did the Chinese who came to California during the Gold Rush face?
  • Why was the admission of California to the union a national issue?
  • What was agreed under the Compromise of 1850?
  • What was the Fugitive Slave Act?
  • How did the Southerners try to defend slavery?
  • What did the U.S. Supreme Court rule in the Dred Scott case?
  • Did Abraham Lincoln believe in the immediate abolition of slavery and equality among the races?
  • What was John Brown’s aim in the raid on Harpers Ferry?
  • Did President Andrew Jackson favor the annexation of Texas?
  • Was the author of Uncle Tom’s Cabin pro slavery?
  • Who were the Tejanos?
  • Describe the territorial gains made by the United States between 1830-1860.
  • How did participants in the California gold rush differ from other migrants to the West prior to 1860?
  • What was the aim of the Ostend Manifesto?
  • Which state was the first state to secede from the Union?
  • Was the Confederate States of America formed before or after the inauguration of Abraham Lincoln?
  • What year was Fort Sumter attacked by the Confederates thus triggering the start of the Civil War?
  • Name two slave states that decided to remain in the Union.
  • At the start of the Civil War, what advantages did the North have over the South?
  • The Morrill Land Grant Act of 1862 was designed to help which institution?
  • Name some actions that President Lincoln took during the Civil War that were unconstitutional.
  • What were the limitations of the Emancipation Proclamation?
  • Compare the mortality rate of African American soldiers to that of the white soldiers in the Civil War.
  • What was the number of the African Americans who joined the Union Army?
  • What role did women play in the Civil War?
  • Why were England and France originally sympathetic to the Confederates?
  • Who was the President of the Confederate States of America?
  • How did the Confederacy finance its war effort?
  • Under the Confederacy’s draft rule, who was eligible to be drafted and for how long?
  • How was the Southern economy affected by the Civil War?
  • As a result of the Civil War, how was the gender balance (men v women) in the South affected?
  • What was Lincoln’s main aim of the Civil War?
  • Name some of the new technological weapons introduced in the Civil War.
  • Which state was admitted to the Union during the Civil War?
  • What was notable about the Battle of Antietam?
  • What was notable about the Battle at Gettysburg?
  • How were Black soldiers captured by the Confederate army treated?
  • In both the North and the South, how did some avoid being drafted?
  • Who won the first battle of Bull Run?
  • Why did President Lincoln remove General McClellan?
  • Define the Confiscation Act.
  • Which unit was the best known African American infantry serving the Union Army?
  • Why was the death toll in the Civil War so high?
  • Name some advantages that the North had over the South during the Civil War.
  • Where did the Confederate general Robert E. Lee finally surrender to the Union general?
  • What was the result of the Civil War? What changes took place in the U.S.?
  • At the end of the Civil War, how many slaves were freed?
  • Was the Freedmen’s Bureau able to deliver in its promise of 40 acres of land and a mule to the ex-slaves?
  • Was the conspiracy to assassinate President Lincoln limited to the president only?
  • During Reconstruction who were the carpetbaggers and the scalawags?
  • During the Reconstruction period, what was sharecropping?
  • Which state did the U.S. acquire during the Andrew Johnson administration?
  • In its ruling on the Plessy v Ferguson case what did the Supreme Court legalize?
  • What do the Jim Crow laws refer to?
  • Was president Andrew Johnson impeached and removed from office?
  • During the Reconstruction period Black people belonged to which political party?
  • What did Booker T Washington advocate as far as Black people’s political involvement?
  • What did the Civil War Amendments (13th 14th 15th) accomplish?

HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJ 130 Grand Canyon University New Policy Implementation Discussion Law Assignment Help


This unit’s materials explain some of the differences between correctional facilities and why it is important to be aware of those differences. One of the obvious ways in which facilities differ is with respect to the management styles being employed. Like any business, the top management of each facility sets the tone for how the facility will be run.

An important part of any supervisor’s responsibility is implementing new policy set forth by top managers; first-line supervisors may have to be the ones to explain the policy to the correctional officers. How this information is relayed can have an impact on the implementation of the policy and the running of the facility.

For this assignment, you are in the role of a first-line supervisor, specifically the shift sergeant. There are two other sergeants assigned to your shift and there are 20 correctional officers. There is a new policy that will be implemented immediately. The new policy deals with single officers going into cells in A block. A block houses inmates who have been convicted of serious offenses. Until now, a correctional officer could go into the cell alone. Over the past 5 years, there have been hints that this policy would come about. When you were a correctional officer, you were very vocal that you are not in favor of this policy, because it is a nuisance for officers to have to wait for another officer to be present to enter the cell for routine duties. Even as a junior sergeant, you were vocal in meetings to the warden that you are not a proponent of this policy. After much thought, the warden has told all levels of management that the policy will be implemented immediately due to several incidents that have taken place across the county where correctional officers have been hurt entering cells that house inmates convicted of serious offenses. As the junior sergeant, you have been selected to inform the correctional officers of the new policy.


In your paper:

  • Discuss the potential diversity of your audience and the importance of communicating effectively with internal and external stakeholders.
  • Analyze why it would be necessary to discuss the reason the policy was being implemented.
  • Explain what you would say to a subordinate who also feels the policy should not be implemented.
  • Articulate, from your leadership position, if you would overlook any of your subordinates not following the policy, given that you do not believe in the policy.


Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • Written communication: Must be free of errors that detract from the overall message.
  • Resources and citations: Format according to current APA guidelines.
  • Required number of references: A minimum of two.
  • Required page count: Three typed, double-spaced pages, not including the title page or the references page.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.



Threats in the American Furniture Industry Discussion Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

  1. Based on the macro environment (PESTLE), and microenvironment (market, competition, industry), identify the elements that created opportunities in America. You may discuss the original entrance into America and/or the more current situation – feel free. For example, how has COVID (last ‘E’ in PESTLE) created new opportunities for IKEA? Your discussion should include all relevant elements of the microenvironment (market, competition, industry) and external Env. Political, Economic, Social, Technological, Legal/Regulations, Environment (i.e., natural resources, climate, etc.). PESTLE.
  2. Considering the same PESTLE and microenvironment variables, identify elements that might present threats to the furniture industry (all companies). For example, how might changes in lifestyles (i.e., working online, moving, renting furnished apartments, etc.) and changes in housing (i.e., airbnb, smaller/larger living spaces, geographic shifts to the south and west, etc.) affect furniture companies including IKEA?


Schiller International University Ethical Hacking Paper & Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a cyber security project and need support to help me study.

write an 8-page paper that must include all of the following:

Discuss the strengths/weakness of the topic and possible improvements.
Discuss what you have learned from this assignment and how you will apply it moving forward in your career.
Use at least one NIST resource as a reference.
Use a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed resources.
APA format; Times New Roman 12-point font.

The title page and reference page do not count towards your 8-page minimum.


A minimum of 10 slides.
The title slide and reference slide do not count towards your 10-slide minimum.
Include speaker notes on each slide.


ARTH 204 UMUC Social Classes in American Films Discussion Writing Assignment Help

This paper will be about Social Classes and how American films represent them using the information found in this class and addressing the questions below. The paper should be 2 -3 pages, double space, 11-12 point font. Title pages, graphs, pictures and the “Films Mentioned” section will not count toward the length of the paper.

  1. Choose at least two American films that represents more than one class. One film should have been produced prior to 1960. One film should have been produced from 1980 to the present. They can be from any genre.
  2. Answer the following questions.
    1. What do you consider your own class standing to be and why?
    2. Do you see class representation in the movies you watched in ways that match accurately your own experience of class? Explain your answer.
    3. Do you see any stereotypes about class or certain members of a class in these movies?
  3. Create a “Films Mentioned” section at the end of your paper and use the “Style Guide” found in the Syllabus content.



Pegasus Sports International Marketing Plan and Executive Summary Project Business Finance Assignment Help

first, compose a 1 – 1.5 page proposal for your final paper. You should include:

The industry and market you would like to research

A specific company you would like to focus on

Types of strategic changes needed to grow based on the current environment. Examples include new products for current markets; new markets for current products; more current products to current markets (market penetration); new products for new markets.

This assignment is required to move forward with your marketing plan. Your submission will receive feedback designating either “approval to move forward” or “not approved to move forward”.

then following the file to finish it.

Pegasus Sports International Marketing Plan and Executive Summary Project Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CJAD 203 Columbia College Week 3 Sketch of A Crime Scene Powerpoint Writing Assignment Help

For this exercise, you will need to create a crime scene sketch using Microsoft PowerPoint (or equivalent). After reading your textbook and watching this week’s videos on crime scene sketching, choose a room in your home that has several basic objects. Hand drawn sketches will not be accepted. Use the best technique for measuring each object, label all parts of the sketch correctly (including the heading of the sketch), and turn in the project in PowerPoint format (.ppt) to the Dropbox by 11:59 PM CT on Sunday.

Here’s how you will be graded:

(20 Points) Legend includes descriptions of all evidence and locations
(20 Points) Title page includes all necessary information
(20 Points) Proper use of mapping method
(20 Points) Measurements labeled properly
(10 Points) Declaration of scale
(10 Points) Inclusion of room photo(s)

Total Points 100


ASIA 100 UCLA Creation of The Silk Roads Peter Frankopan the Silk Road Book Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Read the Frankopan chapter and answer the following questions:

The current government in China has been framing the history of the Silk Road as that China only (it started by China, for example). But this chapter shows a different history of the creation of the Silk Road that started somewhere else other than China. How did the Silk Road start, according to the author? (Your answer should be based on pages 3-10. Relevant outside sources welcome.)

Some say that the history of the ancient Silk Road is the history of Asia for by studying it, we learn about different peoples, trades, commodities, religions, and kingdoms and empires. Do you agree with that statement? Why or why not? (Your answer should be based on pages 10-27. Relevant outside sources welcome.)


NUR 2356 Rasmussen MOD3 Interventions to Promote an Environment of Safety Paper Writing Assignment Help

In a one page Word Document, plan interventions with rationale which will promote an environment of safety for the described client below. Consider the client’s medical history and medications.

Mr. Joe Smith, 75-year old man, recently suffered a left cerebrovascular accident. He has right visual field deficits and residual weakness in this right arm and leg. He uses a walker for mobility. He takes Metoprolol for his blood pressure and the physician started him on Coumadin because he has recently been diagnosed with atrial fibrillation.

Use at least two scholarly sources to support your interventions and rationale. Be sure to cite your sources in-text and on a reference page using APA format.


Colorado Technical University Project Management Capstone Business Finance Assignment Help

Your fellow project managers provided you with their thoughts on your tool selection during your weekly working lunch meeting. You have considered them and have developed your schedule, budget, and methods for monitoring and controlling those areas. You must now complete the Project Executing and Project Monitoring and Controlling sections of the Project Management Plan.

Update your existing Project Charter/Project Management Plan template to reflect the following:

  • Managing quality and performing quality assurance: Discuss the tools and techniques, such as quality audits, quality management tools, and process analyses, you will use to perform quality assurance for your project.
  • Developing and managing the project team: Determine how you will manage the project team, including handling conflict and providing motivation.
  • Conducting and controlling procurements: Discuss any of the items you need to purchase for your project and the types of vendors, contractors, and suppliers you will encounter.
  • Controlling costs: Determine the methods, such as earned value management, forecasting, to-complete performance indices, project management software, and reserve analyses, you will use to ensure costs are controlled within the project.
  • Controlling risks: Discuss the methods you will use to control the risks in the project. These methods can include risk reassessment, risk audits, variance analysis, reserve analysis, meetings, and technical performance measurement.
  • Managing stakeholder engagement: Using the list of stakeholders defined in Unit 1, discuss how you will manage the engagement level of the stakeholders.


HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 108 Grossmont College Early American History Study Guide Humanities Assignment Help

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