HIST 36500 Purdue University American Women Second Wave Feminism Essay Writing Assignment Help. HIST 36500 Purdue University American Women Second Wave Feminism Essay Writing Assignment Help.
I’m working on a history writing question and need an explanation to help me learn.
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We began this class with Gerda Lerner and asking new questions about the past to understand women’s role in American history. We have explored the manner in which idealized versions of womanhood both confined and freed women. We understand the diversity of women’s lives and experiences as they moved through their private and public lives. We end this class by exploring women and second wave feminism as it relates to sex and health. Using selections from the Week Three to Five, how did women’s roles change over time? If you wish to use more than the number of sources indicated, you are welcome to do so. The sources are listed as they would appear in a bibliography.
Week Three (pick one):
Melosh, Barbara. “Not Merely a Profession,” The Physician’s Hand: Work Culture and Conflict in American Nursing. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1982, 15-35.
Melosh, Barbara. “A Charge to Keep: Hospital Schools of Nursing, 1920-1950.” The Physician’s Hand: Work Culture and Conflict in American Nursing. Philadelphia, Temple University Press, 1982, 37-76.
Schultz, Jane E. “The Inhospitable Hospital: Gender and Professionalism in Civil War Medicine,” Signs, Vol. 17, Issue 2 (Winter 1992): 363-392.
Week Four (pick one):
Hall, Jacquelyn Dowd. “Disorderly Women: Gender and Labor Militancy in the Appalachian South.” The Journal of American History 73, No. 2 (Sep., 1986): 354-382.
Rose, Margaret. “Traditional and Nontraditional Patterns of Female Activism in the United Farm Workers, 1962 to 1980.” Frontiers 11, No. 1 (1990): 26-32.
Vecchio, Diane “Gender, Domestic Values, and Italian Working Women in Milwaukee: Immigrant Midwives and Businesswomen.” Women, Gender, and Transnational Lives: Italian Workers of the World. Donna Gabaccia and Franca Iacovetta, eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002, 160-180.
Week Five (pick one):
Douglas, Susan J. “Sex and the Single Teenager.” Where the Girls Are: Growing Up Female with the Mass Media New York: Times Books, 1994, 61-81.
Murphy, Michael Thomas. “The Politics of Reproductive Rights Legislation in the “Modern” South.” Nursing Clio, July 24, 2019, https://nursingclio.org/2019/07/24/the-politics-of-reproductive-rights-legislation-in-the-modern-south/.
Norman, Brian. “The Conscious-Raising Document, Feminist Anthologies, and Black Women in Sisterhood is Powerful.” Frontiers, Vol. 27, No. 3, (2006): 38-64.
O’Donnell, Kelly “Our Doctors, Ourselves: Barbara Seaman and Popular Health Feminism in the 1970s.” Bulletin of the History of Medicine, Vol. 93, No. 4 (Winter 2019): 550-576.
Primary Sources (pick one):
“A Home for Nurses.” Boston Daily Advertiser, 15 Sept. 1885, 2.
Fourteenth Census of the United States, 1920. Records of the Bureau of the Census, Record Group 29. National Archives, Washington, D.C.
Kenosha, Wisconsin, City Directory, 1916. Ancestry.com. U.S., City Directories, 1822-1995. Provo, UT, USA: Ancestry.com Operations, Inc., 2011.
Consult the History and Philosophy Department’s Writing Rubric and the Bibliography and Reference Notes handout, both on Brightspace. A successful essay will include the following:
- Essays must be 750 to 1,250 words in length.
- An introductory paragraph that clearly states an argument
- Evidence, with examples, to support the argument
- An essay free of technical and grammar errors
- A concluding paragraph that revisits the argument, reminding readers of the author’s purpose.
- A title page
- Page numbers inserted into the header or footer.
- Footnote citations that follow the rules of The Chicago Manual of Style
- Times New Roman font, size 12, double spaced, with one-inch margins. Footnotes and page numbers should also be Times New Roman font, with footnotes size 10.
- Bibliography with separate Primary Sources and Secondary Sources sections (primary source listed first).
- Since this paper is double spaced, extra spaces after paragraphs should be removed.
More things to consider:
- Do not use “I feel” or “I think” statements.
- Do not use the second person, “you.”
- You must only the assigned readings.
- Use of any outside source will result in a loss of points.
- You must also cite (footnotes) quotes from your sources and any information that is not common knowledge.
- Do not use MLA or APA.
- Do not end your paper with “In conclusion.”
- Do not use idioms, colloquialism, or clichés.
- Do not use contractions.
HIST 36500 Purdue University American Women Second Wave Feminism Essay Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HSCO 500 Liberty University Child Abuse and Human Services Research Paper Other Assignment Help
I’m working on a research & summaries report and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
I have a 10 page minimum research paper due 5/9. The paper is to address the social problem of child abuse but the main focus should be on the role of the human services professional (caseworker) in helping children who have been abused. I have found at least 10 peer reviewed articles and developed a rough outline. I have attached the instructions, rubric, references and outline. The references can be changed but I must have at least 10 peer reviewed. References of course can be added.
ENGLISH 120 Maricopa CC Gun and Control in the United States Question Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a english writing question and need support to help me learn.
I need help with writing my essay which is about the Gun control, and you have to use four sources to take the quotes from. The essay should be consists from 6 paragraphs ( The introduction, Paragraph 2 concession- 2 counters for your argument., 3, 4, 5 and 6 which is the conclusion ).
– Each paragraph should start with transition and needs to have at least two quotation except the Introduction and conclusion.
– The introduction must start with a hook ( a fact, old saying or a quotation) followed by the context of this hook then connect the hook with the subject of the essay then the thesis which going to be the topics of the following 4 paragraphs.
– All the paragraph all will be based on arguments.
– Four sources.
– 5 pages and the last one for the works cited so 6 in total.
Belhaven University The Kubler Ross Transition Curve Essay Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing question and need guidance to help me understand better.
Writing assignment must be APA compliant and include a title page, appropriate citations and references.
- Prompt: After reading about the Kubler-Ross Transition Curve
described by Orridge in Figure 1.4, Now,
briefly describe a change that an organization with which you are
familiar has undergone. Describe, using the concepts from Orridge and
Palmer, the actions, reactions and behaviors you saw at each stage of
the Kubler-Ross Transition - Requirements: Minimum of 500 words of content; 2 references in addition to the textbooks and the Bible; APA format.
ARTL 5300 University Of Washington Managing An Age Diverse Workforce Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a management Research Paper and need support to help me understand better.
The paper is 3-4 pages long, and should include references of where you went for resources. This can include conversations, journals, interviews, etc. As “framing” for this assignment, you will assume that you have been hired as the leader of an art-centered initiative. You find out the week after starting that the DEI group in this “eco-system” has significant concerns about the prior leader’s actual commitment in this area. He said all the “right” things, was a “great human being,” (for real), but over the past 5 years he didn’t seem to be able to attract/retain/promote people from different experience sets, educational backgrounds, demographics. You note that your organization is 90% white, 80% female. You have no trans identified staff (that you know of), and the week before you started two employees who identify as black – left the organization. One to go to grad school across the country, the other got a better job somewhere in the same area.
Imagining yourself in this position – wanting to shift an intractable cultural trend, looking at what you can/can’t do from the role of the leader – research one element relating to shifting the actual work culture/system that perpetuates the dominant paradigm. How does a leader actually make something different happen in an inherited system?
After researching, choose a specific area that you would want to try to shift for impact. Sample questions to give you ideas:·
– What are strategies for managing an age diverse workforce?·
– What policies/practices can nonprofit orgs implement to help foster a more inclusive work environment for trans identifying and gender non-conforming staff?
– How can my organization be mindful of implicit bias in our hiring practices and staff supervision?
– In what ways could an organization’s choice to celebrate/acknowledge certain holidays and/or serve some foods at organization events potentially alienate some staff? What policies/practices can be adopted to be more inclusive?-
– How are job requirements (such as education level and conviction status) limiting who applies? What policies/practices can be adopted to be more inclusive?·
– What are best practices for supporting individuals with disabilities in being successful in the workplace?
Research your question and write a 3-4 pg. (double-spaced) paper – as if you were addressing it to your small group of leaders interested in learning – exploring the equity issue you chose.
Be sure to:
-Cite your research sources
·Define the diversity issue you are addressing in terms of why it matters in your art sector
·Analyze shortcomings (how you might investigate to see if your organization is missing opportunities, or has some inherently exclusionary policies or cultures)
·Share/Articulate best practices for inclusivity relating to your question
·Include questions you would have for a group of leaders.
Texas Womans University Writing Ability of Research Proposal for Students Discussion Writing Assignment Help
ASSIGNMENT ONE (Complete Parts 1-5)
Part 1:
Use the APA website (www.apastyle.org) to write a two-page paper highlighting how to use citations, References and the EBSCO database.
Part 2:
Use the textbook to define and/or explain the following – in your own words.
Applied Research
Survey Research
Experimental Research Design
Hypothesis (and give an example)
Dependent Variable (and give an example)
Independent Variable (and give an example)
Informed Consent
Population and Sample
Open-ended and Closed-ended questions
Part 3:
Read Appendix D. Explain, in detail, all parts of a research project proposal as outlined in pages 455-456
Part 4:
Read pgs. 84-88 and explain the Process and Importance of the Literature Review.
Part 5:
Review Box 1.1 on page 12. After you review the examples listed in the book, think of an actual example (from your work or experience) that was actually conducted and explain all aspects of the study. Include the response to the question in your attachment AND POST RESPONSE IN THE DISCUSSION FORUM. RESPOND, IN A SIGNIFICANT WAY, TO THE POST OF AT LEAST ONE OTHER CLASSMATE.
Texas Womans University Writing Ability of Research Proposal for Students Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Pace University New York The Wizard of Oz Visualization Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Show Response Paper and Virtual Show Attendance Requirements:
For this semester, because most theaters across the country are currently closed, you will not be required to go out in public to watch the shows that you’ve selected. I’m still glad that you went through the process of researching theater in your area and deciding which of those shows was most appealing for you. I hope that when the world gets back to normal, the skills you used to complete the Show Selection Assignment will help you to find live theater to get out an watch. Remember, live theater will need your support more than ever once the theaters reopen. Many of you noticed this as you completed the Current Events Assignment. So as much as it pains me to substitute the experience of watching live theater with watching live recordings online, we just have to do it.
First of all, in order to watch a Professional Musical, Professional Straight Play, and a Theatrical Event, you’ll need to create an account with Broadway HD. You can create an account and take advantage of a 7-day free trial. NOTE: In order to not be charged for this account, you must cancel your account before the end of the free trial. That means, you should not sign up for the account until you’re ready to start watching the shows because you’ll only have 7 days to do it. Of course, you’re welcome to pay the $8.99 per month and keep the account for as long as you want. Some of you may be interested in doing that so that you can take a little more time to see the shows and complete your Show Response Paper. Some of you may be interested in doing that because you’ll find some cool stuff that you want to take more time to watch. But some of you will want to cancel on day 6 to make darn sure you don’t get charged. That’s totally fine as well.
To set up your account with Broadway HD:
Go to broadwayhd.com
Under Monthly, click “Choose this Plan”
Follow the instructions to set up your account which includes the 7 day free trial. You’ll need a credit card to be able to do this.
Note: you may want to set yourself a notification or reminder in your phone to make sure you cancel the free trial before you’re charged.
Once you’ve set up your account, you’re ready to follow the instructions below to watch a Professional Musical, Professional Straight Play, and a Theatrical Event. There are several options below for you to watch Community Theater which will be viewed on You Tube and require no subscription.
Once you’ve watched a show from each of the 4 categories (Professional Musical, Professional Straight Play, Theatrical Event, and Community Theater), you’re ready to complete the Show Response Paper. Details about the expectations for that paper will be given here below the instructions on how to watch the shows.
Remember, you’re not just writing a summary or review about each of the 4 shows that you watch. You are to compare the experience of watching shows from the different categories. The Show Response Paper is due by 11:59pm on Sunday, December 06. That means you must have finished watching all of your shows in enough time to write the Show Response Paper and submit it before that due date, which again is:
December 06 – Show Response Paper Due
Here are the individual instructions for each category…
To watch a Professional Musical, first follow the instructions above to create an account with BroadwayHD.com, then follow the instructions below:
In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on “Categories”
Using the dropdown menu, click on “Musicals”
You may select any one of the musicals listed on this page to count as your Professional Musical
Note: at the bottom of the page, you can click “Load More” to expand the list of musicals
To watch a Professional Straight Play, first follow the instructions above to create an account with BroadwayHD.com, then follow the instructions below:
In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on “Categories”
Using the dropdown menu, click on “Drama”
You may select any one of the plays listed on this page to count as your Professional Straight Play
Note: at the bottom of the page, you can click “Load More” to expand the list of plays
To watch a Theatrical Event, first follow the instructions above to create an account with BroadwayHD.com, then follow the instructions below:
In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on “Categories”
Using the dropdown menu, click on “Performing Arts”
You may select “Vox Lemiere The Hunchback of Notre Dame” to count as your Theatrical Event
In the navigation bar at the top of the screen, click on “Categories”
Using the dropdown menu, click on “Cirque du Soleil”
You may select any one of the productions listed on this page to count as your Theatrical Event
You may select any of the following Community Theater selections to watch on You Tube:
Matilda –
Matilda The Musical – Revolting Children – HC 2019
Wizard of Oz – (Links to an external site.)
And those are your alternatives to watching theater live. It breaks my heart to encourage watching recorded theater. It’s just simply not the same thing. But I definitely think it’s the right thing to do under these circumstances.
If you’re looking at the options above, and you feel like you know of another option that you feel should be considered, please feel free to email me and run it by me, but you must do this well in advance of the due date for the Show Response Paper so that I have enough time to let you know if it will count. If you choose to do this, please provide the link to the show that you’re interested in so that I can check it out and let you know if it will count.
And finally, here are the specifics of what you should submit for the paper…
Show Response Paper
Tell me what you thought about the shows in comparison to each other. Don’t simply write about what happened in the shows. I don’t want to read a synopsis of the four shows you watched. I want to know how you felt about the experiences that you had watching four different types of productions.
Here are some questions you can use to prompt you through the writing of your paper:
Did you like them? Why? Did you hate them? Why? What aspects of the productions did you find successful? What aspects do you feel could be improved upon? Which one was your favorite? Why? Which one was your least favorite? Why? How did they compare to each other? After seeing these four types of productions, which type of theater are you most likely to attend again? How did watching these productions change your appreciation of Theater?
You do not have to wait until the deadline to submit this paper. I would recommend writing this paper as soon as you have completed viewing your fourth show. That way the shows will be fresh in your memory. I would also recommend that after you watch your first, second, and third shows that you take notes, or perhaps begin the first drafts of this paper. This way you will have notes to refer to for the first, second, and third shows.
These papers are to be no more than THREE pages long, double spaced, and written in twelve-point font. There’s no minimum, but you should probably get pretty close to the three page maximum. They must be submitted by Sunday, December 06 at 11:59PM. Remember to always check your syllabus for due dates.
Some things to keep in mind when writing your paper
I want to give you instructions on what is expected in terms of structure, so that you can receive the highest marks possible. Students who follow these instructions often see an improvement in their writing assignment grades, not only in this class but others. Good academic writing is important in any course. Believe me, professors are happy when they see such effort put forth.
Papers for this course have an inherently subjective grading component; meaning that a portion of the final grade cannot help but be based on my opinion of your work. Therefore, I try to make structure and grammar weigh significantly, so that the grade has a strong objective base. Strong structure and grammar will earn between a B and a B+ (80-89) depending upon how well the sentences build in each paragraph, etc. Any writing that earns an A (90 or higher) is of strong academic quality and additional points are based on how well the writing flows, builds, and drives.
It is not my philosophy when grading papers that you start with a 100 for the assignment and lose points from there. Rather, you start with a blank expectation and earn the grade by accomplishing the above and below mentioned standards in your writing. Therefore, my best advice is to write academically-
Use strong structure (the body of the paper should have a clear beginning, middle, and end. So should each paragraph).
Be succinct. The assignment is three pages for a reason; to limit the space in which you have to express yourself. Therefore, if you are attempting strong analysis it becomes very important to pick your words well and build to a point. Each sentence should build and drive the thought of the overall analysis, because there is no space to waste.
Spell check and be strict about grammar.
Make sure you do something to identify the title of a play (underline, italicize, or place in quotation marks).
FIN 350 SU Wk 10 Cost of Funds Interest Rate Risk & Finance Companies Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Directions: Answer the following questions on a separate document. Explain how you reached the answer or show your work if a mathematical calculation is needed, or both.
- Is the cost of funds obtained by finance companies very sensitive to market interest rate movements? Explain.
- Explain how the interest rate risk of finance companies differs from that of savings institutions.
- Explain how the default risk of finance companies differs from that of other lending financial institutions.
- Describe the ideal mutual fund for investors who wish to generate tax-free income and maintain a low degree of interest rate risk.
- Explain how changing foreign currency values can affect the performance of international mutual funds.
FIN 355 SU The Volatility Risk of Investment in A Derivative Discussion Writing Assignment Help
Assess the volatility risk with an investment in a derivative, using an interest rate cap or floor in today’s marketplace. Indicate whether or not you would advise financial institutions to engage in this type of investment. Provide support for your response.
- Please provide one citation or reference for your initial posting that is not your textbook. Please do not use Investopedia or Wikipedia.
- Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts
The classmate post to respond to, is below.
– Good Evening Everyone,
Every investment has a risk and the volatility risk can change easily if the derivative instruments is a major influencer for the pricing. We are admist a Pandemic and stock prices can face changes in stock and losses very easily. If you are looking for investments or savings vehicles with little risk I would suggest MMSA or CDs. They are locked in and insured by the FDIC or NCUA.If they are considering stocks you want to find investments are focused on more moderate volatility or moderate profits. I would choose an investment such as Berkshire Hathaway that has a massive stock portfolio with large positions in big name companies and is very diverse.
FIU American History the Online Museum Department of History in Florida Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a history report and need support to help me study.
The report should be double spaced with 1″ margins, written in 12-pt. Times New Roman font, and be 250-300 words (approximately 1 full page) in length. In this report please summarize what you chose to do, who (or what) hosted it, some features of the exhibit or historical items you looked at, and what you learned about the community, group.
Since the pandemic causes problems with visiting museums and engaging in events, I encourage you to pursue digital museum exhibits.
This is a report that will be written on this link I will provide: Mile Markers: A Digital Collection of Florida Keys History (Links to an external site.)
HIST 36500 Purdue University American Women Second Wave Feminism Essay Writing Assignment Help
HIST 36500 Purdue University American Women Second Wave Feminism Essay Writing Assignment Help