HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help. HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help.

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Answer these 4 discussion questions

Questions need to be answered in a short essay form. One page per question except for “Final question”. Use three relevant IDs for each answer and underline the IDs you use in your answer. They should include 3 of the Terms of Identification (which in turn should be identified with their time and definition).

Spell-, and grammar check. Use clear examples. No long introductions or conclusions – go straight to answering the question. Again make sure to include full information on the IDs.

Question 1:

Compare the Holocaust in Hungary, Italy and Denmark. What does the Holocaust and Final Solution have in common in these three cases? Where are they different? Which factors contributed to high numbers of Jews being killed in some of them (which ones)?

IDs= Italian race laws, Ustashe, Jasenovac, Sajmiste, Miklos Horthy, Stephen Wise, Xenophobia, Wannsee Conference,

Question 2:

Describe the role of the United States and Americans in the Holocaust. In which cases may the actions of the Americans government might have made the situation for the Jewish populations in Europe worse and in which cases did they support and aid the Jewish population/contribute to rescues or improvement of the condition for the victims of the Holocaust?

IDs = Voyage of the St.Louis, Stephen Wise, Immigration Act of 1924, Nativism

Question 3:

What consequences did the Holocaust have on policy, international politics and international organizations after 1945? What were some of the most significant consequences of the Holocaust in international politics?

IDs = Balfour declaration, Potsdam Agreement, The nuremberg defense, United Nations, Nuremberg trial, Auschwitz disagreements,

Final question: 5 sentences

What is the most important thing to know/remember about the Holocaust based on our lectures or readings?







Content/knowledge of materials

Good knowledge of literature and lectures

Good to adequate knowledge of literature and lectures

Fair knowledge of literature and lectures, some errors

Only a bit of knowledge of literature and lectures, several errors

Little to no knowledge of literature and lectures

Detail and specific examples

Good detailed examples, years, names, countries, numbers

Fair examples, years, names, countries, numbers

Some knowledge

Very little inclusion of detail

Generalized statements, no detail

Use of IDs

Using all requested IDs with correct info

Using most requested IDs with correct info

Using some IDs with mostly correct info

Using few IDs with little correct info

Using no IDs or using the IDs incorrectly


Clear, strong, spell- and grammar checked. Names correctly spelled

Mostly strong, names usually correct

Misspelled, problematic. Grammar, names misspelled

Weak spelling and grammar

Very weak spelling and grammar, names consistently misspelled.

HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Major Criteria of Servant Leadership Behavior Academic Research Discussions Business Finance Assignment Help

Part 1 – Literature Review

In this portion of the paper, you will conduct a literature review of the major studies of servant leadership. Note that every line in a literature review must be properly cited.

You must cite 15 scholarly, peer-reviewed journals in addition to referencing all of the required reading.

Based upon this literature review, you must develop the major criteria of servant leadership behavior.

Though this is an individual assignment, you must include as part of your criteria a brief summary from your team’s Biblical Integration Project.

This part is to be 2–3 pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and in the APA current edition.

Part 2 – Leadership Interview

You will interview an established servant leader.

Interview your chosen leader based upon the following criteria:

oThe leader must be from a large organization (e.g. Fortune 1000 company, national non-profit organization, branch of the armed services, or a mega-church with membership over 10,000).

  • The selected leaders must have both rank (e.g. business: a division head or vice president; military: full colonel or navy captain (O-6 or above); ministry: executive or senior pastor of a mega-church) and command (e.g., he must have managerial authority. A high ranking accountant does not qualify. However, the director of the accounting department for the whole company may qualify).
  • The selected interviewee may be active or retired.
  • NOTE: for the purpose of diversity, Liberty University and Thomas Road Baptist Church leaders are not eligible.

You will develop your own set of questions for the interviewee based upon the literature review and whatever else you feel is appropriate from what you have learned in this course.

Tips for the interview process:

oIdentify yourself as a graduate student doing research and make it clear that you will take no more than 30 minutes of the executive’s time.

oExplain that you are in a leadership class and that you are learning about servant leadership.

oTell your interviewee that you have identified him/her as a servant leader and that you want to find out a real executive’s perspective of servant leadership. Have a good reason (e.g. personal knowledge, an article you have read, testimony of subordinates, etc.).

oBe sure that you can contact your interviewee again if you need to ask follow-up questions or to thank the interviewee for his or her time.

Provide a summary of the leader’s answers.

Develop criteria which describe the leader’s perspective on servant leadership behavior.

This part is to be 2–3 pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

Part 3 – Comparison/Contrast

How does the leader’s criteria for servant leadership behavior compare to the criteria you discovered from the servant leadership academic research?

How does it compare to the things you have learned about servant leadership from the group discussions?

This part is to be 3–4 pages, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, and double-spaced.

Completed Paper

Total of 7–10 pages, not including the title page, abstract page, and reference page.

Use of 15 scholarly sources plus the required reading and presentations.

Appropriate use of citations to avoid plagiarism.

Font is 12 pt. Times New Roman, double-spaced.

APA current edition.


NEC Digital & Computer Forensics Current Technology & Retrieving Data Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

Law enforcement professionals and investigators use digital forensic methods to solve crimes every day. Locate one current news article that explains how investigators may have used these techniques to solve a crime. Explain the crime that was solved and the methods used to determine how the crime was committed. Some examples of crimes solved may include locating missing children, finding criminals who have fled the scene of a crime, or unsolved crimes from the past that have been solved due to the use of new techniques (such as DNA testing).

Your written assignment should be 3-4 paragraphs in your own words, and should include a reference citation for your source of information.


ENGL 200 CUNY Lehman Essence of Connectivity in Human Growth & Development Essay Writing Assignment Help


Myra Lotto
Fall 2020
English 200-O

Final Paper Assignment

Your final paper will be at approximately 1200 words. You will choose a primary text and
form an argument it. Choose one of these works as your primary text:

  • Kurosawa’s Rashomon
  • Singer’s The Golem
  • Wideman’s Fever
  • Thiong’o’s The Upright Revolution
  • Adichie’s Apollo

    Like every other paper, this one is supported by evidence and analysis.
    Your Final Paper will contain six paragraphs, as follows:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction
  • Paragraph 2: Contextual Review
  • Paragraph 3: Close Reading Paragraph
  • Paragraph 4: Close Reading Paragraph
  • Paragraph 5: Close Reading Concession Paragraph
  • Paragraph 6: Conclusion
    For each paragraph, use the handouts to structure your writing. Please use:

  • Writing an Introduction
  • Five Ways of Thinking about an Argument
  • Contextual Review Handout
  • Close Reading Handout
  • Concession Handout
  • Conclusions

Assignment FAQ
What is “evidence”?

If you choose to write about Rashomon, your evidence will be either a quotation from the
film (a line of dialogue/narration) or a screenshot/image from the film – you insert an
image into your paper, and then analyze it, just like a quote.

If you write about one of the other texts, evidence will be a quotation from the text that you
will directly analyze. Evidence paragraphs have no evidence cannot pass.

What about citations?

Because we are now dealing with multiple sources, you must use proper citations. I do not
care what format you use. You can use MLA, Turabian, Chicago, APA. Whatever you prefer:
just choose one and stick with it.

When you are citing from a film, use time stamps (hour/minute) instead of page numbers,
to indicate where you found your evidence.

Learn about MLA format here: https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01…
Useful citation making tool: http://www.citationmachine.net/style

Please include Works Cited.

What is the biggest mistake most students make?

The biggest mistake: abandoning the structure of the assignment, adding unnecessary
quotations, and not performing analysis as a result. Structure is everything.

What about the Rough Draft?

The rough draft, first half, is the first three paragraphs of the paper. No difference.
Paragraph 1: Introduction

Paragraph 2: Contextual Review

Paragraph 3: First Close Reading

When are the deadlines?

The rough draft, first half is due on a staggered deadline. You will choose when you want to
submit your paper. The options are Sunday, November 15, 22, 29, and December 6. The
final draft of the paper is due Sunday, December 13, 11:59PM

I need help!

CONTACT ME! Those of you who meet with me do well. The help is here if you want it.

How to Write a Contextual Review

What is a Contextual Review?

  • A comparison of two secondary texts we have read, which allows you to provide context
    for the primary text you are analyzing
  • It cannot draw comparisons across the entire semester; it uses only the two secondary
    texts most closely related to your argument
    Why would we include a Contextual Review in our papers?

  • Your primary source is similar to others we have read. To demonstrate why your
    argument is relevant (why it is important), you can compare it to the other works we have
    read this semester and show how your primary source operates differently.
  • It helps to consider what works say and do, in order to provide context for your argument.
    When we summarize multiple texts, we provide a review of them. In this class, your review will
    be one paragraph. It will be the second paragraph of your paper.
    What about Close Readings?

  • A review of other texts should never replace your own analysis of a primary source.
  • A Contextual Review does not replace close reading. Instead, it provides a context for
  • In this class, the Contextual Review should only be performed in the second paragraph.
    Do not let it carry into the close reading paragraphs.

    How do I choose texts to include in the Contextual Review?

• Choose texts that touch on similar themes or ideas. For example, if your paper will
analyze the clothing and dress in Rashomon, what other texts have presented clothing to
analyze? (You might include these in your review: Arabian Nights’ use of clothing and
how clothes are described in The Golem.

Contextual Review Paragraph Structure

Your goal is to review two secondary texts to provide context, and to demonstrate how your text
is different. There are many ways to write this paragraph. But for this class, use this structure:

Topic Sentence: Start with a topic sentence. Topic sentences tell your reader what the paragraph
is about. This can be an early observation; it does not need to make the point of the whole

Second Sentence: Introduce the first of the two texts you are reviewing.



Third Sentence: Introduce the second text you will review.


Fourth Sentence: Compare the texts and describe their similarities.
Possible structure: These texts both portray/present…

Possible structure: TITLE1/AUTHOR1 and TITLE2/AUTHOR2 both suggest…

Fifth Sentence: Describe how these texts are different. Perhaps they have different outcomes?
Perhaps they take different approaches or have different kinds of description? Perhaps they
written in different genres? Perhaps they come to different conclusions?

Structure: Where TITLE1/AUTHOR1/THING1 and TITLE2/AUTHOR2/THING2 differ is…

Sixth Sentence: How does your primary text relate to these other texts?

Possible structure: While TITLE1 and TITLE2 suggest SOMETHING THEIR ARGUMENTS


Possible structure: “While TITLE1 says ONE THING, and TITLE2 says ANOTHER THING,

Seventh Sentence: What do we gain from your analysis?

I cannot recommend a structure for this last sentence. Develop your idea. Explain why your idea
is important to consider.


Strayer University Grievance Process Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help


Imagine that you are the labor relations manager for a company that has entered into the grievance process with a number of employees who dispute recent disciplinary action taken against them. Your role is to prepare the necessary documents, schedule the meetings, and notify the appropriate staff and union officials about the upcoming process. Ultimately, this process will encompass the first four steps of a typical grievance process.


Create a 12–15-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

  • Outline the four steps of the grievance process.
  • Prepare a slide that designates the responsibilities of each party involved.
  • Determine the main employment laws that may govern this action.
  • Recommend one outcome for the situation and the ethical implications.

Resources that can be used:

1. Library link:

Username: SU200433316

Password: Humanr2020!(Exclamation point included)

2. Textbook: Labor Relations Process

Link: https://strayer.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781337025959/recent

*login is the same as for the library

3. Other outside scholarly resources



SCFMS Family Sociology Social Institutions & Societal Functionality Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a sociology writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Final Exam: “The Sociology of Families”

The final exam consists of two questions. Be sure to answer both. Of course, since this is an on-line course, it is open book – open everything, as a matter of fact. Feel free to use contributions from the discussions (whether it be your own post or posts from others), the textbook, and information from credible websites and sources.

Question 1.

Provide your assessment of the current state of the social institution of the family. Include the following in your answer:

  • Explain what is meant by the term “social institution”.
  • Why is the family is a social institution and what functions it has historically performed for society?
  • How has the family changed as a social institution? Compare the functions fulfilled by the “traditional family” with those of today’s family. What functions has it retained? Has it picked up any new ones? What functions are no longer central to today’s family? What changes have occurred with respect to statuses, roles and norms in the family?
  • What are the implications of these changes for society and for individuals? How do these changes impact other social institutions?
  • What broader social changes can help us to explain the transformation in the family we have witnessed over the past three generations (roughly from World War II to the present)? You might consider such factors as changes in other social institutions (such as the government, the economy, education and religion), the women’s movement, changes in gender roles, technological advances, changes in values and norms, and familism versus individualism, and others.
  • What is the future of the family? How will this impact society and what adjustments might be necessary to accommodate the changes?

Question 2.

We have covered a great deal of information this semester exploring the broad subject of families and relationships and a myriad of related issues. Yes, you will receive a grade for the course and that is very important to you at this immediate time in your life. The ultimate benefit of education, though, is application of what we learn to improve our lives and the lives of others. In other words, to make the world in which we live a better place.

Take some time to review and consider material from the textbook, the websites we’ve visited and our discussions. How can you apply what you have learned this semester to your life – today and in the future? What insights about yourself, relationships and society have you gained and how might you use these learnings? What behaviors and patterns might you examine and, perhaps, decide to do a bit differently? What can you take away from this course that will assist you to make decisions about relationships and family that are consistent with your values and the long-term goals you have in life?

This is a broad question. Think about how you might approach it before putting it to paper. I know you will have questions about how your submission will be evaluated. I will be looking for you to demonstrate a solid and comprehensive understanding of the course content and the ability to relate the concepts, theories and research findings to real life. In other words, demonstrate the knowledge you have gained and show how you can use it. The more knowledge you demonstrate the better. The more insight you show in being able to use what you have learned, the better.

You might be thinking, “Where do I begin?” To help get you started, I’ve provided a suggested framework around building your response. Use this as a guide. Not all will apply to everyone. Emphasize what is most relevant to you. Here are some recommended areas to consider while constructing your answer (do not feel you must confine yourself to these, however):

  • Love. Examples of what you might consider include:
    • Theories of love and how they apply to your experience
    • Your “love style” and whether it is healthy for you
    • “Legitimate” versus “illegitimate” needs
    • “Healthy” and “Unhealthy” types of love and how they may or may have impacted you, your partner and the quality of your relationships.
    • The “Marriage Market” and qualities you have been attracted to. Are these consistent with your values and goals for a long-term relationship?
    • How might your social context – the way you were raised, your social class, your role models, education, your past relationships – impact the “relationship you”? What are your assets and strengths? What are your development opportunities?
  • Interests, Career and Activities. Examples of what you might consider include:
    • How have your gender and gender socialization impacted the decisions you have made? Has it limited you from imagining the range of your full potential? How has it influenced where you find yourself today? Does it influence or limit how you express yourself in relationships?
    • Have you been prone to “choosing by default”? How has this influenced the relationships you have had, the activities you engage in, and the direction your life has taken to this point in your life? By making more informed decisions, what might you do differently?
  • Communication and Conflict in Relationships. Examples of what you might consider include:
    • Equality, power and abuse in relationships
    • Dealing with crisis and stress in families and relationships
    • Re-marriage and starting step-families
    • Resolving differences
    • Considering the option of divorce
  • Parenting. Examples of what you might consider include:
    • Parenting styles
    • Individualism versus familism. Where are you along that continuum and how might that guide you in deciding on children?
    • Child care
    • Traditional versus non-traditional wife/mother, husband/father roles

SCFMS Family Sociology Social Institutions & Societal Functionality Exam Practice Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MKT 113 SNHU Product Overview Pet Supply Store the Good Life Pet Food Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help


written product overview will include a detailed product overview and
marketing strategy. It should be a complete, polished artifact
containing all of the critical elements of Part I of the final project,
including content created in Milestones One and Two. It should reflect
the incorporation of feedback gained throughout the course. The Final Project Part I Exemplar- Tip Top Bakery Market Overview Word Document uses
a bakery promoting a new product to provide you with an example of a
complete written product overview, such as the one you will be writing
for your pet supply company. Use the Final Project Part I Final Submission Template Word Document for your written product overview.

To complete this assignment, review the Final Project Part I Guidelines and Rubric PDF document.


APUS Controversial Topic In The Field Of Infant And Toddler Development Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay. Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development. Paper will be written in APA format to include title page, abstract, and reference page. These will not count in overall word count. Remember to include running head on all pages. Use the rubric below as your guide when writing, and evaluating your work.

Paper on a Controversy

Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development.

Course Objectives Addressed

Demonstrate the ability to research a controversial topic in the field, and come to an evidence-based conclusion.

Description of assignment

  1. Choose a controversial topic that interests you from this course. Find two academic articles (not websites or popular publications), published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
  2. Describe the issue, and explain why it is controversial.
  3. For each article, describe:

The author(s)’ position

  • How the author justified his or her position
  • The conclusion the author(s) reached
  • Any biases you think the article may have
  1. Describe and justify your opinion on this topic and if it was changed after your research.


Microsoft Word or RTF format only. Attached. No other formats accepted, opened, or graded.


1000 word minimum not including title, abstract, reference pages.

Grading Rubric

Possible grade

Student grade

The paper addresses the issues specified by the assignment.


The author shows insight and sophistication in thinking and writing.


Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Paper was the required length. Attention paid to APA format, title page, abstract, in-text citations and Reference page were in the correct APA format, and not included in the word count.


Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structural errors.





POLI SCI 116b UCLA Modern Day Facism Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Both Agamben and Arendt are concerned that modern states might repeat the horrors of fascism. Whose theory is more likely to prevent us from repeating those mistakes and why?

  • READ THE FOLLOWING EXCERPTS FROM HOMO SACER: pp. 1-29, 63-74, 81-86, 119-25, 136-50, 166-76.

Please use the documents provided to get your idea. Please do not just write down what these people say- these teachers would like to see you think and write down your thoughts. Also remember to please use quotes and cite correctly. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


ENC 1101 SFC The Mother Abortion Emotional & Psychological Effects Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Textual Analysis Essay

Three to Six pages in MLA Format

Don’t write what you think you ought to say; instead, write what you see and what you feel. Read a story and find the central message. The message should not be a cliché nor anything that you have heard before. The message should be fresh and non-obvious. To find an interesting message, you must read between the lines and find a subtext. In the subtext is the wisdom.

Make the message your thesis statement.

This is professor description!!! MORE DESCRIPTION IN IMAGE FILES ATTACHED!!!


https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.


APUS Controversial Topic In The Field Of Infant And Toddler Development Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay. Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development. Paper will be written in APA format to include title page, abstract, and reference page. These will not count in overall word count. Remember to include running head on all pages. Use the rubric below as your guide when writing, and evaluating your work.

Paper on a Controversy

Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development.

Course Objectives Addressed

Demonstrate the ability to research a controversial topic in the field, and come to an evidence-based conclusion.

Description of assignment

  1. Choose a controversial topic that interests you from this course. Find two academic articles (not websites or popular publications), published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
  2. Describe the issue, and explain why it is controversial.
  3. For each article, describe:

The author(s)’ position

  • How the author justified his or her position
  • The conclusion the author(s) reached
  • Any biases you think the article may have
  1. Describe and justify your opinion on this topic and if it was changed after your research.


Microsoft Word or RTF format only. Attached. No other formats accepted, opened, or graded.


1000 word minimum not including title, abstract, reference pages.

Grading Rubric

Possible grade

Student grade

The paper addresses the issues specified by the assignment.


The author shows insight and sophistication in thinking and writing.


Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Paper was the required length. Attention paid to APA format, title page, abstract, in-text citations and Reference page were in the correct APA format, and not included in the word count.


Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structural errors.





POLI SCI 116b UCLA Modern Day Facism Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Both Agamben and Arendt are concerned that modern states might repeat the horrors of fascism. Whose theory is more likely to prevent us from repeating those mistakes and why?

  • READ THE FOLLOWING EXCERPTS FROM HOMO SACER: pp. 1-29, 63-74, 81-86, 119-25, 136-50, 166-76.

Please use the documents provided to get your idea. Please do not just write down what these people say- these teachers would like to see you think and write down your thoughts. Also remember to please use quotes and cite correctly. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


ENC 1101 SFC The Mother Abortion Emotional & Psychological Effects Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Textual Analysis Essay

Three to Six pages in MLA Format

Don’t write what you think you ought to say; instead, write what you see and what you feel. Read a story and find the central message. The message should not be a cliché nor anything that you have heard before. The message should be fresh and non-obvious. To find an interesting message, you must read between the lines and find a subtext. In the subtext is the wisdom.

Make the message your thesis statement.

This is professor description!!! MORE DESCRIPTION IN IMAGE FILES ATTACHED!!!


https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.


APUS Controversial Topic In The Field Of Infant And Toddler Development Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay. Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development. Paper will be written in APA format to include title page, abstract, and reference page. These will not count in overall word count. Remember to include running head on all pages. Use the rubric below as your guide when writing, and evaluating your work.

Paper on a Controversy

Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development.

Course Objectives Addressed

Demonstrate the ability to research a controversial topic in the field, and come to an evidence-based conclusion.

Description of assignment

  1. Choose a controversial topic that interests you from this course. Find two academic articles (not websites or popular publications), published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
  2. Describe the issue, and explain why it is controversial.
  3. For each article, describe:

The author(s)’ position

  • How the author justified his or her position
  • The conclusion the author(s) reached
  • Any biases you think the article may have
  1. Describe and justify your opinion on this topic and if it was changed after your research.


Microsoft Word or RTF format only. Attached. No other formats accepted, opened, or graded.


1000 word minimum not including title, abstract, reference pages.

Grading Rubric

Possible grade

Student grade

The paper addresses the issues specified by the assignment.


The author shows insight and sophistication in thinking and writing.


Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Paper was the required length. Attention paid to APA format, title page, abstract, in-text citations and Reference page were in the correct APA format, and not included in the word count.


Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structural errors.





POLI SCI 116b UCLA Modern Day Facism Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Both Agamben and Arendt are concerned that modern states might repeat the horrors of fascism. Whose theory is more likely to prevent us from repeating those mistakes and why?

  • READ THE FOLLOWING EXCERPTS FROM HOMO SACER: pp. 1-29, 63-74, 81-86, 119-25, 136-50, 166-76.

Please use the documents provided to get your idea. Please do not just write down what these people say- these teachers would like to see you think and write down your thoughts. Also remember to please use quotes and cite correctly. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


ENC 1101 SFC The Mother Abortion Emotional & Psychological Effects Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Textual Analysis Essay

Three to Six pages in MLA Format

Don’t write what you think you ought to say; instead, write what you see and what you feel. Read a story and find the central message. The message should not be a cliché nor anything that you have heard before. The message should be fresh and non-obvious. To find an interesting message, you must read between the lines and find a subtext. In the subtext is the wisdom.

Make the message your thesis statement.

This is professor description!!! MORE DESCRIPTION IN IMAGE FILES ATTACHED!!!


https://anyessayhelp.com/ document.


APUS Controversial Topic In The Field Of Infant And Toddler Development Essay Humanities Assignment Help

Essay. Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development. Paper will be written in APA format to include title page, abstract, and reference page. These will not count in overall word count. Remember to include running head on all pages. Use the rubric below as your guide when writing, and evaluating your work.

Paper on a Controversy

Research and report on a controversial topic in the field of infant and toddler development.

Course Objectives Addressed

Demonstrate the ability to research a controversial topic in the field, and come to an evidence-based conclusion.

Description of assignment

  1. Choose a controversial topic that interests you from this course. Find two academic articles (not websites or popular publications), published after 2005, that take opposing views on this topic.
  2. Describe the issue, and explain why it is controversial.
  3. For each article, describe:

The author(s)’ position

  • How the author justified his or her position
  • The conclusion the author(s) reached
  • Any biases you think the article may have
  1. Describe and justify your opinion on this topic and if it was changed after your research.


Microsoft Word or RTF format only. Attached. No other formats accepted, opened, or graded.


1000 word minimum not including title, abstract, reference pages.

Grading Rubric

Possible grade

Student grade

The paper addresses the issues specified by the assignment.


The author shows insight and sophistication in thinking and writing.


Paper was well organized and easy to follow. Paper was the required length. Attention paid to APA format, title page, abstract, in-text citations and Reference page were in the correct APA format, and not included in the word count.


Few to no spelling, grammar, punctuation or other writing structural errors.





POLI SCI 116b UCLA Modern Day Facism Discussion Writing Assignment Help

Both Agamben and Arendt are concerned that modern states might repeat the horrors of fascism. Whose theory is more likely to prevent us from repeating those mistakes and why?

  • READ THE FOLLOWING EXCERPTS FROM HOMO SACER: pp. 1-29, 63-74, 81-86, 119-25, 136-50, 166-76.

Please use the documents provided to get your idea. Please do not just write down what these people say- these teachers would like to see you think and write down your thoughts. Also remember to please use quotes and cite correctly. Let me know if you have any other questions. Thank you.


ENC 1101 SFC The Mother Abortion Emotional & Psychological Effects Essay Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need support to help me study.

Textual Analysis Essay

Three to Six pages in MLA Format

Don’t write what you think you ought to say; instead, write what you see and what you feel. Read a story and find the central message. The message should not be a cliché nor anything that you have heard before. The message should be fresh and non-obvious. To find an interesting message, you must read between the lines and find a subtext. In the subtext is the wisdom.

Make the message your thesis statement.

This is professor description!!! MORE DESCRIPTION IN IMAGE FILES ATTACHED!!!


HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 440 San Diego State University Holocaust in Italy Hungary and Denmark Questions Humanities Assignment Help

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