HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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History 474: Paper #1

Please answer the following questions after reading Making a New Deal. Each answer should be at least one and no more than two typed/double spaced pages.

1. How does Elizabeth Cohen justify focusing on one city in this book? Can the experience of one city tell us very much about the experiences of the American working class in this period of time? If not, how does this book fall short?
2. What is the relationship between ethnicity, class and mass culture in the 1920s?
3. How and why do workers in Chicago become a political force in the 1930s?
4. How does the CIO organize Chicago’s mass production industries successfully in the 1930s?

HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

RC Connections Between Race Gender & Religion in Period from 1910s & 1920s Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing report and need an explanation to help me learn.

You need a thesis statement and you must have specific historical evidence to support that thesis. You cannot simply say: “There was violence against African American in the 1910s.” You will need evidence to prove that. For example, The Tulsa Riot and give some details about it. Don’t just give a list of people or events. You must explain who or what they were and how they are connected.

At least 2-3 pages double-spaced to cover it (1000 words).

Discuss the connections between race, gender, and religion in the period from the 1910s and 1920s. (Use the textbook)

Things to cover, connect, and analyze:

How is the aftermath of WWI connected?

The growth of religious fundamentalism in the 1910-20s (Revivals, Scopes Trail etc)

Changes in society taking place during the 1920s

Emergence of the New KKK, who do they oppose? How did they affect politics? Give examples. Violence like the Tulsa Riot.

Anti-immigrant sentiments (Anti-Asian, Sacco and Vanzetti trial -don’t forget about anti-communism here, immigration Act of 1924 etc)

Women’s suffrage – why do women want to vote? Who were some of the people involved and how did they get the vote?

How prohibition/temperance is connected to religion, the New KKK, anti-immigrant sentiments, religion, women wanting to vote?


CSU Globalization in Organizations Affecting Culture of Different People Discussion Other Assignment Help

Use the following case study.

Vandaveer, V. V. (2012). Dyadic team development across cultures: A case study. Consulting Psychology Journal: Practice and Research, 64(4), 279–294. 

Given this scenario, include the following topics:

  • Explain how culture can affect perceptions of team members in a group.
  • Discuss strategies for working with leaders or team members who originate from a different culture than you.
  • Expound on the significance of using the best type of verbiage to communicate with other members of a team in order to prove successful in task completion.
  • Share the benefits of connecting with humor to build team camaraderie.
  • Explain how personality traits, social factors, and styles of leadership can affect the competence and loyalty of a team member.
  • Determine the different career options an employee might consider when having trouble working with a cohort or leader of a department.

Formulate your response to these questions 


Jaipur National University My Leadership Skills and Plan Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

Hello , Please submit below 2 answers in a separate WORD Doc

1) This paper will allow you to examine your leadership skills and develop a plan for moving forward.

  • Analyze your current leadership skills based on what you have learned in this course
  • Identify your primary style of leadership
  • Identify 2 leadership theories/styles that would be beneficial to your current/future leadership role.
    • Summarize your understanding of both
    • Explain how you would apply both to make you a more effective leader
    • Illustrate 2 positive outcomes that you would expect to occur from each
  • Examine your results from the following assessments completed throughout the term: Authentic Leadership and Emotional Intelligence.
    • Summarize each area and identify 2 areas within each assessment you wish to further develop.
    • Identify how you will develop each over the next year and how it will make you a more effective leader
    • Illustrate 2 positive outcomes that you would expect to occur from each
  • Develop a personal leadership philosophy and support your ideas with material from this course and outside research.

    • Provide an example where your leadership philosophy can be applied to lead an organizational change
    • Your leadership philosophy does not have to be any specific leadership model we reviewed. Rather, it should represent your trajectory of leadership as it applies to your career aspirations. Consider your leadership style, personality, career path and the industry you work (or wish to work in) and determine which leadership skills will be most effective.
  • Submit a 5 to 6-page paper double spaced
    • Please provide at least six (6) scholarly references to support your paper.
    • All references should be used as in-text citations.
    • All work must be completed in APA format.
    • A title page and reference page must be included.


2)In 250-300 WORDS, Cultural differences, while difficult to observe and measure, are obviously very important. Failure to appreciate and account for them can lead to embarrassing blunders, strain relationships, and drag down business performance. While some organizations are able to make cultural diversity a source of advantage, others do not. Identify a recent situation in the news in which an organization failed to take into account the various cultural norms of stakeholders. Be sure not to share the same issue as a classmate. What happened? Where did they fail and what would you recommend based on your readings, research, and Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions to repair the damage?It is important that you use your own words, that you cite your sources,Cite 2 of your sources in a clickable reference list at the end.

Complete answers on a WORD Document please and ensure that you are following APA Format guidelines, using in-text citations and references.


American Military University Hurricane Katrina Incident Command System Paper Writing Assignment Help

Provides an overview of the event and which summarizes how the Incident Command System (ICS) process was or might have been used. In doing so and based on your research, clearly also indicate:

  • The history and inception of ICS; and
  • The ICS component organizational structure – to offer clarity on each of its five elements.
  • Further discuss the extent to  which the U.S. is prepared for dealing with catastrophic events such as  acts of bio-terror and / or infectious pandemic outbreaks and  present your position as to which potential, specific threat is most  probable, in terms of our nation’s assessed vulnerabilities as you see  them. You are free to postulate the means / methods by which you believe  such attacks could be carried out and how they might be mitigated in  terms of both response and public health consequences.
  • Do not simply list questions and respond – your work is intended to be a  complete, integrative narrative that embodies an introduction, a body  within which you respond to the targeted questions, and a summary and  conclusion.



LIT 0001 Columbia University New York Language Acquisition Questions Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing question and need an explanation to help me understand better.

Watch this Youtube video on Universal Grammar:

GEN120 – Universal Grammar – Part I (Links to an external site.)GEN120 - Universal Grammar - Part I

And watch this video on sign language grammar:

ASL Sentence Structure: Word Order in American Sign Language l ASL Lessons (Links to an external site.)ASL Sentence Structure: Word Order in American Sign Language l ASL Lessons

Theories of universal grammar are meant to explain how children can acquire languages so easily, and why there are recurrent patterns across different spoken languages. However, they are usually myopically focused on spoken language.

Please answer the following questions based on the videos above:

Which aspects of ASL grammar are fundamentally different from spoken language grammar (not English, all spoken language)? How could these differences be explained using the sorts of devices preferred by linguists like Noam Chomsky? What, if anything, do you think sign languages tell us about the nature of human language, and about the mechanisms of language acquisition in humans?

.doc file

LIT 0001 Columbia University New York Language Acquisition Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

MATH 810 Franklin Exercise Intervention on Overweight Adolescents Report Mathematics Assignment Help

Effects of Exercise Intervention on Overweight Adolescents

You are part of a research team investigating the effects of aerobic cardiovascular and moderate weight resistance training on the BMI (Body Mass Index) of moderately overweight but not obese teens (BMI range: 25.0–29.9). Your team has carefully recruited four random samples of about fifty overweight adolescents each. All subjects were given access to a local gym, had an initial fitness session in which they were introduced to the facilities and their use, and passed a medical exam to ensure they were healthy enough for an exercise program. They were randomly assigned to one of four groups:

  • Group A: Not assigned to any specific program (“control” or “no treatment” group)
  • Group B: Asked to follow an cardiovascular exercise program 3 times per week
  • Group C: Asked to follow a moderate weight resistance training program 3 times per week
  • Group D: Asked to follow an exercise program that incorporated both cardiovascular activity and resistance training 3 times per week

The adolescents’ BMI’s were measured by their general practitioner or another medical professional before they began the study and again two months later. You have been asked to provide the top-line summary of preliminary results for your team to review based on the data file you have received, using a confidence level of 95%.

The data file for this project includes the following variables:

  • Id: The identification number given to each participant for confidentiality
  • Group: The treatment group the individual is assigned to (A, B, C, or D)
  • BMI_1: BMI measurement of participants before they began the study
  • BMI_2: BMI measurement of participants 2 months later

Your research summary should answer the following questions:

  1. Answer parts A-C below:
    1. What was the average change in BMI for subjects in each of the four groups? (These averages should be expressed as confidence intervals. i.e. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the change in BMI for subjects in each group.)
    2. Perform a hypothesis test to determine which groups showed a significant reduction in BMI. (Provide p-values for each group for this specific test.)
    3. Compare the confidence intervals (from part a) and the hypothesis test results (from part b) and make connections between the two.
  2. Which exercise program was more effective in reducing BMI: the cardiovascular exercise, or weight resistance training programs? Your response should include a decision (based on a test) whether or not to assume equal variances. Include a discussion as to why you selected the test you did and verify its assumptions.
  3. What can you conclude about the variances of the change in BMI for the cardio and weight training group compared to the group that was not asked to follow a specific exercise program? Describe the test you used to answer this question. Feel free to include any graphs that support your conclusion.
  4. Answer parts A-B below:
    1. Verify or disprove that the average starting BMIs (BMI_1) of the four groups were the same. Describe the test being used and verify its assumptions. (You may use other tests or graphs to verify the assumptions.)
    2. What impact does this have on the reliability of your results above?
  5. In addition to providing your answers to the above questions, your report should make it clear what statistical tests or methods you used to answer each question and address any assumptions required for those tests to be valid (you may need to provide other tests, graphical summaries or other analysis to do this). You should also carefully examine your data set for data quality issues.


Minneapolis Business College Dealing with Slacking Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Read HR Ethics: Working with Slackers Hurts Motivation in the textbook (p. 169).

Slacking is a common problem in businesses. HR must train employees to deal successfully with slackers by confronting them. Given these issues, think about some of the “slackers” with whom you have interacted over the last several years when working on job-related and college-based projects. Consider what the specific problems were, what your initial reactions were, and what you did to resolve these problems.

Using the questions in the HR ethics box as a guide (i.e., 1. how did you identify the incidences of slacking, 2. how did you report the slacking, assuming you did report it, and 3. how would you prevent slacking in the future?), write a reflection on your experiences with slackers at work and/or at school, providing in-depth details about your experiences, decision making, and actions. The report should be approximately 2 single-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins; page count does not include title page and bibliography). The file submitted should be in Microsoft Word format.


Moorpark College Gentrification and White Flight Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Define & Discuss

What are “white flight” and “gentrification”? Define each briefly, and offer a concise explanation of how both have racial implications for neighborhoods and communities. 

2. Illustrative Example | Clybourne Park

(B) EXAMPLE: The play, Clybourne Park addresses both white flight and gentrification – both overtly and subtly, or by implication. Find a scene or exchange of dialogue in the play that refers to or explores the dynamics or consequences of either of these — white flight or gentrification — and briefly discuss the example you chose. Include a short quoted excerpt if possible, (with the page number).  


Constructive Criticism Builds & Correction Is Necessary for Personal Growth Response Business Finance Assignment Help

Response: Shala

“If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding” (Proverbs 15:31-32 New Living Translation). The biblical perspective is centered around the concept that constructive criticism is imperative for growth. Being teachable is important. A teachable person will listen when God speaks and change his or her direction accordingly. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you need to be teachable. It means that you need to have an attitude of learning. It means that you need to be willing to accept advice and correction. Comparing the M&M and Belhaven Tithing Project, I will have to say that the M&M’s project was complete with more precise instructions that made it accessible to complete. In my opinion, even if an individual was not familiar with the excel program and its formula, completing the M&M project was not difficult to complete the assignment. The directions were detailed, and more visual examples display that you are heading in the right direction and confident in completing the exercise successfully. The Belhaven Tithing Project, I can add, was not as detailed as the M&M’s project. I read the direction multiple times, with the ending result being confusing and defeated. I did not know what to do or start to answer the six questions that needed to be answered to complete the project. The direction did have visual examples, but I had no clue how the numbers or formulas were generated to answer the questions. After reviewing Dr. Hood’s virtual video, he explains the steps and sheds light on how to complete the Belhaven Tithing Project.  He was thorough with step-by-step instructions and answered questions and concerns to ensure the completion of the project. After viewing the video, I had no problems completing the assignment with confidence. The Belhaven Tithing Project did enhance my skills by displaying different methods on how to create formulas, charts and graphs using the excel program.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for this project includes the following variables:

  • Id: The identification number given to each participant for confidentiality
  • Group: The treatment group the individual is assigned to (A, B, C, or D)
  • BMI_1: BMI measurement of participants before they began the study
  • BMI_2: BMI measurement of participants 2 months later

Your research summary should answer the following questions:

  1. Answer parts A-C below:
    1. What was the average change in BMI for subjects in each of the four groups? (These averages should be expressed as confidence intervals. i.e. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the change in BMI for subjects in each group.)
    2. Perform a hypothesis test to determine which groups showed a significant reduction in BMI. (Provide p-values for each group for this specific test.)
    3. Compare the confidence intervals (from part a) and the hypothesis test results (from part b) and make connections between the two.
  2. Which exercise program was more effective in reducing BMI: the cardiovascular exercise, or weight resistance training programs? Your response should include a decision (based on a test) whether or not to assume equal variances. Include a discussion as to why you selected the test you did and verify its assumptions.
  3. What can you conclude about the variances of the change in BMI for the cardio and weight training group compared to the group that was not asked to follow a specific exercise program? Describe the test you used to answer this question. Feel free to include any graphs that support your conclusion.
  4. Answer parts A-B below:
    1. Verify or disprove that the average starting BMIs (BMI_1) of the four groups were the same. Describe the test being used and verify its assumptions. (You may use other tests or graphs to verify the assumptions.)
    2. What impact does this have on the reliability of your results above?
  5. In addition to providing your answers to the above questions, your report should make it clear what statistical tests or methods you used to answer each question and address any assumptions required for those tests to be valid (you may need to provide other tests, graphical summaries or other analysis to do this). You should also carefully examine your data set for data quality issues.


Minneapolis Business College Dealing with Slacking Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Read HR Ethics: Working with Slackers Hurts Motivation in the textbook (p. 169).

Slacking is a common problem in businesses. HR must train employees to deal successfully with slackers by confronting them. Given these issues, think about some of the “slackers” with whom you have interacted over the last several years when working on job-related and college-based projects. Consider what the specific problems were, what your initial reactions were, and what you did to resolve these problems.

Using the questions in the HR ethics box as a guide (i.e., 1. how did you identify the incidences of slacking, 2. how did you report the slacking, assuming you did report it, and 3. how would you prevent slacking in the future?), write a reflection on your experiences with slackers at work and/or at school, providing in-depth details about your experiences, decision making, and actions. The report should be approximately 2 single-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins; page count does not include title page and bibliography). The file submitted should be in Microsoft Word format.


Moorpark College Gentrification and White Flight Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Define & Discuss

What are “white flight” and “gentrification”? Define each briefly, and offer a concise explanation of how both have racial implications for neighborhoods and communities. 

2. Illustrative Example | Clybourne Park

(B) EXAMPLE: The play, Clybourne Park addresses both white flight and gentrification – both overtly and subtly, or by implication. Find a scene or exchange of dialogue in the play that refers to or explores the dynamics or consequences of either of these — white flight or gentrification — and briefly discuss the example you chose. Include a short quoted excerpt if possible, (with the page number).  


Constructive Criticism Builds & Correction Is Necessary for Personal Growth Response Business Finance Assignment Help

Response: Shala

“If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding” (Proverbs 15:31-32 New Living Translation). The biblical perspective is centered around the concept that constructive criticism is imperative for growth. Being teachable is important. A teachable person will listen when God speaks and change his or her direction accordingly. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you need to be teachable. It means that you need to have an attitude of learning. It means that you need to be willing to accept advice and correction. Comparing the M&M and Belhaven Tithing Project, I will have to say that the M&M’s project was complete with more precise instructions that made it accessible to complete. In my opinion, even if an individual was not familiar with the excel program and its formula, completing the M&M project was not difficult to complete the assignment. The directions were detailed, and more visual examples display that you are heading in the right direction and confident in completing the exercise successfully. The Belhaven Tithing Project, I can add, was not as detailed as the M&M’s project. I read the direction multiple times, with the ending result being confusing and defeated. I did not know what to do or start to answer the six questions that needed to be answered to complete the project. The direction did have visual examples, but I had no clue how the numbers or formulas were generated to answer the questions. After reviewing Dr. Hood’s virtual video, he explains the steps and sheds light on how to complete the Belhaven Tithing Project.  He was thorough with step-by-step instructions and answered questions and concerns to ensure the completion of the project. After viewing the video, I had no problems completing the assignment with confidence. The Belhaven Tithing Project did enhance my skills by displaying different methods on how to create formulas, charts and graphs using the excel program.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for this project includes the following variables:

  • Id: The identification number given to each participant for confidentiality
  • Group: The treatment group the individual is assigned to (A, B, C, or D)
  • BMI_1: BMI measurement of participants before they began the study
  • BMI_2: BMI measurement of participants 2 months later

Your research summary should answer the following questions:

  1. Answer parts A-C below:
    1. What was the average change in BMI for subjects in each of the four groups? (These averages should be expressed as confidence intervals. i.e. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the change in BMI for subjects in each group.)
    2. Perform a hypothesis test to determine which groups showed a significant reduction in BMI. (Provide p-values for each group for this specific test.)
    3. Compare the confidence intervals (from part a) and the hypothesis test results (from part b) and make connections between the two.
  2. Which exercise program was more effective in reducing BMI: the cardiovascular exercise, or weight resistance training programs? Your response should include a decision (based on a test) whether or not to assume equal variances. Include a discussion as to why you selected the test you did and verify its assumptions.
  3. What can you conclude about the variances of the change in BMI for the cardio and weight training group compared to the group that was not asked to follow a specific exercise program? Describe the test you used to answer this question. Feel free to include any graphs that support your conclusion.
  4. Answer parts A-B below:
    1. Verify or disprove that the average starting BMIs (BMI_1) of the four groups were the same. Describe the test being used and verify its assumptions. (You may use other tests or graphs to verify the assumptions.)
    2. What impact does this have on the reliability of your results above?
  5. In addition to providing your answers to the above questions, your report should make it clear what statistical tests or methods you used to answer each question and address any assumptions required for those tests to be valid (you may need to provide other tests, graphical summaries or other analysis to do this). You should also carefully examine your data set for data quality issues.


Minneapolis Business College Dealing with Slacking Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Read HR Ethics: Working with Slackers Hurts Motivation in the textbook (p. 169).

Slacking is a common problem in businesses. HR must train employees to deal successfully with slackers by confronting them. Given these issues, think about some of the “slackers” with whom you have interacted over the last several years when working on job-related and college-based projects. Consider what the specific problems were, what your initial reactions were, and what you did to resolve these problems.

Using the questions in the HR ethics box as a guide (i.e., 1. how did you identify the incidences of slacking, 2. how did you report the slacking, assuming you did report it, and 3. how would you prevent slacking in the future?), write a reflection on your experiences with slackers at work and/or at school, providing in-depth details about your experiences, decision making, and actions. The report should be approximately 2 single-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins; page count does not include title page and bibliography). The file submitted should be in Microsoft Word format.


Moorpark College Gentrification and White Flight Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Define & Discuss

What are “white flight” and “gentrification”? Define each briefly, and offer a concise explanation of how both have racial implications for neighborhoods and communities. 

2. Illustrative Example | Clybourne Park

(B) EXAMPLE: The play, Clybourne Park addresses both white flight and gentrification – both overtly and subtly, or by implication. Find a scene or exchange of dialogue in the play that refers to or explores the dynamics or consequences of either of these — white flight or gentrification — and briefly discuss the example you chose. Include a short quoted excerpt if possible, (with the page number).  


Constructive Criticism Builds & Correction Is Necessary for Personal Growth Response Business Finance Assignment Help

Response: Shala

“If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding” (Proverbs 15:31-32 New Living Translation). The biblical perspective is centered around the concept that constructive criticism is imperative for growth. Being teachable is important. A teachable person will listen when God speaks and change his or her direction accordingly. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you need to be teachable. It means that you need to have an attitude of learning. It means that you need to be willing to accept advice and correction. Comparing the M&M and Belhaven Tithing Project, I will have to say that the M&M’s project was complete with more precise instructions that made it accessible to complete. In my opinion, even if an individual was not familiar with the excel program and its formula, completing the M&M project was not difficult to complete the assignment. The directions were detailed, and more visual examples display that you are heading in the right direction and confident in completing the exercise successfully. The Belhaven Tithing Project, I can add, was not as detailed as the M&M’s project. I read the direction multiple times, with the ending result being confusing and defeated. I did not know what to do or start to answer the six questions that needed to be answered to complete the project. The direction did have visual examples, but I had no clue how the numbers or formulas were generated to answer the questions. After reviewing Dr. Hood’s virtual video, he explains the steps and sheds light on how to complete the Belhaven Tithing Project.  He was thorough with step-by-step instructions and answered questions and concerns to ensure the completion of the project. After viewing the video, I had no problems completing the assignment with confidence. The Belhaven Tithing Project did enhance my skills by displaying different methods on how to create formulas, charts and graphs using the excel program.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for this project includes the following variables:

  • Id: The identification number given to each participant for confidentiality
  • Group: The treatment group the individual is assigned to (A, B, C, or D)
  • BMI_1: BMI measurement of participants before they began the study
  • BMI_2: BMI measurement of participants 2 months later

Your research summary should answer the following questions:

  1. Answer parts A-C below:
    1. What was the average change in BMI for subjects in each of the four groups? (These averages should be expressed as confidence intervals. i.e. Provide a 95% confidence interval for the change in BMI for subjects in each group.)
    2. Perform a hypothesis test to determine which groups showed a significant reduction in BMI. (Provide p-values for each group for this specific test.)
    3. Compare the confidence intervals (from part a) and the hypothesis test results (from part b) and make connections between the two.
  2. Which exercise program was more effective in reducing BMI: the cardiovascular exercise, or weight resistance training programs? Your response should include a decision (based on a test) whether or not to assume equal variances. Include a discussion as to why you selected the test you did and verify its assumptions.
  3. What can you conclude about the variances of the change in BMI for the cardio and weight training group compared to the group that was not asked to follow a specific exercise program? Describe the test you used to answer this question. Feel free to include any graphs that support your conclusion.
  4. Answer parts A-B below:
    1. Verify or disprove that the average starting BMIs (BMI_1) of the four groups were the same. Describe the test being used and verify its assumptions. (You may use other tests or graphs to verify the assumptions.)
    2. What impact does this have on the reliability of your results above?
  5. In addition to providing your answers to the above questions, your report should make it clear what statistical tests or methods you used to answer each question and address any assumptions required for those tests to be valid (you may need to provide other tests, graphical summaries or other analysis to do this). You should also carefully examine your data set for data quality issues.


Minneapolis Business College Dealing with Slacking Reflection Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Read HR Ethics: Working with Slackers Hurts Motivation in the textbook (p. 169).

Slacking is a common problem in businesses. HR must train employees to deal successfully with slackers by confronting them. Given these issues, think about some of the “slackers” with whom you have interacted over the last several years when working on job-related and college-based projects. Consider what the specific problems were, what your initial reactions were, and what you did to resolve these problems.

Using the questions in the HR ethics box as a guide (i.e., 1. how did you identify the incidences of slacking, 2. how did you report the slacking, assuming you did report it, and 3. how would you prevent slacking in the future?), write a reflection on your experiences with slackers at work and/or at school, providing in-depth details about your experiences, decision making, and actions. The report should be approximately 2 single-spaced pages (12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins; page count does not include title page and bibliography). The file submitted should be in Microsoft Word format.


Moorpark College Gentrification and White Flight Discussion Post Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing discussion question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

1. Define & Discuss

What are “white flight” and “gentrification”? Define each briefly, and offer a concise explanation of how both have racial implications for neighborhoods and communities. 

2. Illustrative Example | Clybourne Park

(B) EXAMPLE: The play, Clybourne Park addresses both white flight and gentrification – both overtly and subtly, or by implication. Find a scene or exchange of dialogue in the play that refers to or explores the dynamics or consequences of either of these — white flight or gentrification — and briefly discuss the example you chose. Include a short quoted excerpt if possible, (with the page number).  


Constructive Criticism Builds & Correction Is Necessary for Personal Growth Response Business Finance Assignment Help

Response: Shala

“If you listen to constructive criticism, you will be at home among the wise. If you reject discipline, you only harm yourself; but if you listen to correction, you grow in understanding” (Proverbs 15:31-32 New Living Translation). The biblical perspective is centered around the concept that constructive criticism is imperative for growth. Being teachable is important. A teachable person will listen when God speaks and change his or her direction accordingly. To be a disciple of Jesus Christ means that you need to be teachable. It means that you need to have an attitude of learning. It means that you need to be willing to accept advice and correction. Comparing the M&M and Belhaven Tithing Project, I will have to say that the M&M’s project was complete with more precise instructions that made it accessible to complete. In my opinion, even if an individual was not familiar with the excel program and its formula, completing the M&M project was not difficult to complete the assignment. The directions were detailed, and more visual examples display that you are heading in the right direction and confident in completing the exercise successfully. The Belhaven Tithing Project, I can add, was not as detailed as the M&M’s project. I read the direction multiple times, with the ending result being confusing and defeated. I did not know what to do or start to answer the six questions that needed to be answered to complete the project. The direction did have visual examples, but I had no clue how the numbers or formulas were generated to answer the questions. After reviewing Dr. Hood’s virtual video, he explains the steps and sheds light on how to complete the Belhaven Tithing Project.  He was thorough with step-by-step instructions and answered questions and concerns to ensure the completion of the project. After viewing the video, I had no problems completing the assignment with confidence. The Belhaven Tithing Project did enhance my skills by displaying different methods on how to create formulas, charts and graphs using the excel program.


HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

HIST 474 SFSU Cultural and Social Changes in Employees Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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