HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help. HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help.

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1-What is meant by Manifest
Destiny? What are the goals of the proponents of Manifest Destiny? How are
these goals influenced by sectionalism? What are the arguments of the
detractors of Manifest Destiny?

2-Why did disunion occur? What role does the election of
1860 play?

3-What are the economics of
slavery? How did the economics of slavery shape Southern politics and Southern
society and social hierarchy?

4-How effective are Grimke’s arguments? How is her
message to Southern women different from the Philadelphia address? What are the
similarities? What does the burning of Philadelphia Hall by a mob tell you
about abolitionist sentiments in the North in the 1830s? What does it tell you
about the acceptance of women into the political sphere?

HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CIS4202 Miami Dade Privacy and Security of Wireless Systems Cases Analysis Computer Science Assignment Help

Case Study 1

You are hired to conduct a security test in a network. A router is configured to assign IP addresses to connect to stations. When using the VIStumbler tool to check the wireless connection, it indicates that channel 4 is active. The configured SSID is linksys and WEP is enabled.

According to the gathered information, provide a listing os possible vulnerabilities with this configuration on the WLAN. Also, provide recommendations to improve the wireless security. Write at least two paragraphs.

Case Study 2

You have been assigned to set up a new laptop at your work. You are tasked to maintain privacy and security of the wireless system.

According to this information, use the attached OSSTMM document and search for Section E: Wireless Security. Provide information on how you will make sure that the laptop’s wireless system is secured. Write at least two paragraphs.


Lone Star College Existence of God Science and Religion Paper Humanities Assignment Help

4 pages paper.

a) in approximately the first page of this Paper, students will explain what prominent question their philosopher raised (in our reading selection of or by them); b) in approx. the second page, students will explain what answer s/he seemed to provide to this question; and c) in approx. the last page, students will discuss how the philosopher shed light or insight into contemporary questions or issues that we face today. (For example, how did Aristotle define true “happiness,” and what would it mean for you or anyone to be truly happy, in an Aristotelian sense, in contemporary America?) And students should use or at least two additional sources (preferably from books or scholarly articles and not merely internet websites), beyond our Voices of Wisdom textbook, for this Paper.

Grading for these Term Papers will follow these four criteria: To earn an A, a student’s writing: a) must flow clearly and smoothly, and have little if any spelling and grammatical errors, showing that you were careful and conscientious with writing this Paper; b) your claims and ideas need to be true to, or accurate with, the philosopher’s ideas; similarly, c) you must capture the main ideas or arguments that the philosopher or reading presented, and d) you need to give full credit and proper citations for whatever ideas, quotes, passages, etc. that you use or borrow from. This means surrounding any borrowed ideas, phrases, stats, quotes, etc. with “quotation marks” and then immediately mentioning the author’s name there in parentheses—in addition to giving the full reference at the end of your Paper.


St Johns College Advantages of BPMN Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Please read all the question carefully before you start !!!!!!!

1. What are some of the advantages in using BPMN to document business process flows instead of other methods such as standard flowcharts? 3-5 sentence

2. Model the following process choreography using BPMN:

End-of-study projects in an industrial environment is a mandatory part in the Bachelor curriculum. The students are not yet involved in the planning phase, where each research group interacts with its industry partners. As the project proposals have to be handed in to the faculty by 30 June, the research group starts planning in the beginning of June. The group sends request to all of its partners and waits for their proposals for at most a week. The group selects the two most interesting proposals and starts planning the details for these two proposals. First, the proposal is worked over in several iterations: The group updates the proposal document, before it is sent to the partner who in turn updates it and sends it back. Once the document has reached a final status, it is handed in to the faculty. The faculty decides which of the proposals will be accepted. The outcome of this decision results in one of two messages: Either the project proposal was rejected or it was accepted. In the latter case the group announces this positive result to the corresponding partner.

3. Design the following internal business process using BPMN:

A small company manufactures customized bicycles. Whenever the sales department receives an order, a new process instance is created. A member of the sales department can then reject or accept the order for a customized bike. In the former case, the process instance is finished. In the latter case, the storehouse and the engineering department are informed. The storehouse immediately processes the part list of the order and checks the required quantity of each part. If the part is available in-house, it is reserved. If it is not available, it is back-ordered. This procedure is repeated for each item on the part list. In the meantime, the engineering department prepares everything for the assembling of the ordered bicycle. If the storehouse has successfully reserved or back-ordered every item of the part list and the preparation activity has finished, the engineering department assembles the bicycle. Afterwards, the sales department ships the bicycle to the customer and finishes the process instance.

Assignment Instructions for 2 & 3

1. Develop the process model in BPMN using Visio or a similar tool.

4. Steel Wheels is struggling in delivering data to the right people at the right time to facilitate the decision-making process and align key objectives and business processes to the organization’s strategy. To overcome these challenges, Steel Wheels needs a BI tool/application suite that offers flexibility in reporting and analysis for the different BI stakeholders and users in the organization. As the BI Manager, create a formal BI Roster. This BI Roster should identify and consolidate the various BI stakeholders and users of the proposed BI solution in Steel Wheels. The roster should include the type of BI user, the role of the user in the BI program and in the organization, and the type of BI tool that they will use. This roster should include the purpose of the various BI tools and how users will use these tools in Steel Wheels to facilitate the decision-making process. The roster should also include a description of the business need for the BI tool (why they need the BI tool?). Use the provided BI Roster Tool to create your BI Roster.

5. Take the role of the BI Consultant hired by the company. Prepare and submit your own business proposal on what should be the important factors for a successful implementation and oversight of the company’s BI solution. Use Microsoft Word and APA format to create a 1,200-1,500 word business proposal describing your proposed best practices that should be established when developing a BI solution (include the areas of business strategy, business processes, data, people, and technology). Describe the potential barriers, challenges and risks factors in delivering the BI solution and what would you propose as major best practices to overcome the challenges and mitigate the risks while delivering a successful BI solution. Lastly, describe the benefits to the company after a successful BI implementation.

6. Review all the application case studies in Chapter 4 – Application Case Studies 4.1 through 4.7 (Business Intelligence, Analytics, and Data Science: A Managerial Perspective). Think about additional examples of organizations or situations where data mining could be used? What problems are these companies most likely solve using data mining? What do you think are the main reasons for data mining’s popularity? 3-5 sentence


Number 1 & 2 has to be done by tomorrow. And others you can give before saturday. Saturday is my deadline. So, take your time.


Drexel University Freeze Drying Lab Analysis Engineering Assignment Help


A technical report communicates the results of an experimental work and is the only tangible evidence for evaluation of the work. Therefore, the laboratory report should be written with professionalism, stating the major aims of the experiments, the significant results, the technical procedures used, the analysis of the data, and ultimately the usefulness of the data obtained. The report should be clear, concise, and accurate. A specific format for laboratory reports that is to be used is given below:

Written reports are to be submitted with a 1 inch left margin, 0.75 inch margins top, bottom and right. The Times New Roman text should be 10 point font in figure captions and 12 point font in the body. The line spacing of the document should be 2. All sections of the report must be in paragraph, narrative form. Only the Title Page and Abstract should be on separate pages, while the remaining report should be continuous from the Introduction section onwards.

1. Title Page

This page gives the title of the project, followed by the name of the author, the names of the collaborators, the date of submission, and identification of the institution or organization supporting the work

2. Abstract

A concise (200 words) statement of the essential contents of the report, briefly stating the principal aim of the project, the methodology used, the results obtained and conclusions drawn. Abstract is the most important section of the report as it makes the first impression on the reader and thus, should be written very carefully forming a “stand-alone” section of the report.

3. Introduction

The introduction presents the background of the project and describes how the project relates to the “big picture” or prior work in the field. It should explain fully: What is the central topic of the experiment? Why the work is being done? What are the specific objectives? What has been done previously in the field? etc.

4. Materials and Methods

This section should include the experimental set-up and procedure in sufficient details enabling others in the field to be able to completely understand the experiment and duplicate the work if needed. The model and supplier of the equipment and chemicals used should be included in this section. A schematic diagram of the experimental equipment and set-up should also be included.


5. Results and Discussion

This section includes the experimental data obtained. The data need to be presented in terms of graphs, figures and tables, and also should be accompanied with related text describing the data.

All figures, graphs and tables must be assigned a number (e.g. Table 1, Figure 1, etc.) and must have a caption that is descriptive of the information contained in the figure. A restatement of the information on the axes is not an acceptable title. Each figure and table should occupy a half or less than half page, and should appear immediately after first mention in the text.

This section also discusses all important interpretations that are derived from the results. The positive conclusions based on the results and comparisons with previously-published literature data are presented in details.

6. Conclusions

This section is a succinct summary of the conclusions developed in the discussion section. All of the information in this section is inherently repetitive, as is the case in the Abstract section.

7. Recommendations

Useful recommendations regarding a possible extension of the present work or a potential improvement in the experimental design or set-up should be succinctly presented in this section.

8. References

References cited in the report (usually in the introduction section) are listed in this section. In the report text, references should give the number for the respective reference source, which will be listed in alphabetical order as they appear in the text. Journal titles should either be given in full or abbreviated form. Reference to the lab manual is not allowed.

For Example:

Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disease, which affects basal forebrain, cortex and hippocampus, while cerebellum is relatively spared [1]. AD brain is characterized by extracellular deposits of amyloid beta (Aβ) protein and intracellular accumulation of neurofibrillary tangles [1]. Aβ protein is derived from the proteolysis of β-amyloid precursor protein (APP) by β-secretase (BACE1) and γ-secretase, BACE1 step being the rate-limiting step [2].

  1. Mattson MP: Pathways towards and away from Alzheimer’s disease. Nature, 2004, 430(7000): 631-639.
  2. Cunha-Oliveira T, Rego AC, Cardoso SM, Borges F, Swerdlow RH, Macedo T, de Oliveira CR: Mitochondrial dysfunction and caspase activation in rat cortical neurons treated with cocaine or amphetamine. Brain Res, 2006, 1089(1): 44-54.

9. Appendix

Use of an appendix is optional.



ART101 Ashford University Art Historians Questions Writing Assignment Help

THIS IS A PEER RESPONSE DISCUSSION POST. I will give you a peer’s response and you are to respond to the peer.

I will show directions that were given to us and include the peers post. You must respond to two peers.

Directions for students

Refer to the assigned reading from the textbook and required videos as examples of how to interpret works of art. Also, reflect on your reading assignments for Week 1.

Review the “Questions Art Historians Use” section in the Introduction of the textbook. Select two of the five questions. Explain what art historians are trying to gain by asking each question and how they might go about finding an answer.

Next, select a work of art of your choice from Gardner’s Art Through the Ages: The Western Perspective, one of the assigned virtual reality video tours, or a website listed on the Art101 Museum and Images Websites document located in your classroom. Apply the two questions you have selected to the work of art. Explain the process you used to find the answers to the questions and what you ultimately found those answers to be.


Lucas Folkers

Two questions that art historians ask when analyzing works of art are how old the work of art is as well as what the subject of the art is. The main thing that art historians are trying to determine when asking how old a work of art is would be to determine the historical context. This can be determined by physical evidence, documentary evidence, internal evidence and stylistic evidence. By determining the age of a work of art it allows for art historians to place it in a particular time-frame and possibly even region in an effort to understand how art has evolved over time. Art historians also seek to understand the subject of the art which involves understanding the story or narrative being told in the piece, how the scene is presented as well as the time, place and environment being depicted as well as individuals involved. All these factors combine to allow art historians to separate art work into categories such as religions, mythological, landscape, still life, etc.

While art historians need years of education and experience to determine these questions and others when a new work of art is discovered we, on the other hand, have it a little easier thanks to their hard work and dedication. The work of art that I chose was The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse by Durer (ca. 1498). On first glance it appears to be quite old and thanks to the work or art historians and a quick internet search I was able to confirm that theory by finding out that it is believed to have been created in 1498. As for what the subject is as someone who was raised with a Christian background it was easy to determine that the subject being depicted was from the Book of Revelations which details a prophetic vision of the end of the world. Within that vision the end is heralded by the four horsemen of the apocalypse each bearing a terrible gift for mankind. Due to this I would say that is is very safe to assume that the subject of the artwork is religious.


Durer, A., (ca. 1498). The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. [woodcut]. Retrieved from https://www.metmuseum.org/toah/works-of-art/19.73.209/ (Links to an external site.)

Kleiner, F.S. (2017). Gardner’s art through the ages: The western perspective ( 15th ed., Vol.11). Retrieved from https://ashford.intructure.com (Links to an external site.)


2nd Peer Below

Kirstin Delaney

The two questions I chose from the “Questions Art Historians Use” section are “Who made it?” and “How old is it?”

Knowing who created a piece of art could help an art historian understand the artist’s motivation behind his work. An art historian could figure who made the work by either looking for a signature or a personal style that could lead to attribution to a known artist.

Art historians asks how old a painting is to better understand the history behind it. They can figure out how old a piece of art is by looking at the techniques and materials used and the style of the painting.

The painting I chose to assess is Homage to the Square: “Ascending” by Josef Albers. A historian would be able to tell who created this piece because this artist has made multiple paintings with the same composition but with different hues, saturation, and value. (Kleiner, 2014) The painting was made in 1953 and you can tell that it is a modern piece of art by the composition of it.


Reference: Kleiner, (2014). Gardner’s Art Through the Ages (14th ed.). Boston,MA: Wadsworth, Cengage Learning. Retrieved from https://ng.cengage.com/static/nb/ui/evo/index.html?deploymentId=5560682321539428840681977962&eISBN=9781305665835&id=643604689&snapshotId=1467988&

END OF 2nd Peer.


Cite any sources including theirs in APA format.

TURNITIN Score must be below 20%

ART101 Ashford University Art Historians Questions Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Capella University Connection Between Group and the Real World Homework Humanities Assignment Help

the Connection Between Group and the Real World

One of the most significant understandings we want you to grasp about group counseling is that it is not enough for the group leader to respond with empathy or to ask, “Who else in the group has felt like group member X?” Instead, a critical piece of what makes group counseling truly unique from individual counseling is that what happens within group is often a microversion of how that group member acts outside of the group. For example, you may refer to Gray and Rubel’s 2018 article, “‘Sticking Together’: The Adolescent Experience of the Cohesion Process in Rural School Counseling Groups,” and the overarching critical need for a sense of belonging both in groups and in life. Describe how you will ensure that when you are working as a group counselor, you will remember to connect what has happened in the group to the outside takeaway for group members. Be as specific as possible as you reflect on this critical aspect for the course.


Capella Counseling Approaches Academic Motivation Flyer and Brochure PPT Humanities Assignment Help

Academic Motivation

Create a flyer or brochure that you can distribute in the school to inform others about the specific ways you can improve academic motivation. Reference some of the strategies mentioned by Rowell and Hong in their 2013 article, “Academic Motivation: Concepts, Strategies, and Counseling Approaches,” although it would be impossible to address them all.

Imagine this flyer or brochure would be posted in a faculty lounge or distributed to parents to provide some insights into ways of positively influencing academic motivation.

You may create your product in Word or PowerPoint (or similar software), but remember to focus on the content, not the format. Although format adjustments can be tempting, remember that the point of this discussion is to show what you know, more than showing off your use of technology. However, we do hope you have some fun with this discussion and demonstrate your skills.


Design an Exercise Program for Older Adults Active Learning Activity HW 14 Humanities Assignment Help

Active Learning Activity #14: Design an Exercise Program for Older Adults

As discussed in this week’s readings, exercise continues to be a powerful health intervention in late adulthood. With this in mind, design an exercise program for older adults, focusing on the following questions:

(1) What types of exercise will be included, and why?

(2) Which exercises might require modification based on participants’ current level of physical health?

(3) How do you plan to recruit participants? For example, will you collaborate with community agencies?

(4) Why do you think older adults should participate in this program? What benefits can they hope to achieve? Why?

Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.

Please submit this assignment here b


University of Winnipeg Sexuality in First Century Rome as Depicted in Spartacus Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I am looking for a writer to help me to finish the term paper. This term we talk about the sexuality in Ancient
Rome and Greece. I will send our lecture ppts to you. You can see which time period we learned. Be careful about the time period we covered. The instruction says : Your paper must include a
comparison of the modern depiction to at least 1 ancient depiction of sexuality and a discussion of how modern scholarship informs your comparison, citing the work of at least 1
of the scholars listed below. You do not need to agree with the scholar
you have chosen, however you do need to explain how your understanding
of ancient sexuality agrees or disagrees with their work. The file I
upload includes all instructions about the work. READING IT CAREFULLY.



As discussed in this week’s readings, exercise continues to be a powerful health intervention in late adulthood. With this in mind, design an exercise program for older adults, focusing on the following questions:

(1) What types of exercise will be included, and why?

(2) Which exercises might require modification based on participants’ current level of physical health?

(3) How do you plan to recruit participants? For example, will you collaborate with community agencies?

(4) Why do you think older adults should participate in this program? What benefits can they hope to achieve? Why?

Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.

Please submit this assignment here b


University of Winnipeg Sexuality in First Century Rome as Depicted in Spartacus Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I am looking for a writer to help me to finish the term paper. This term we talk about the sexuality in Ancient
Rome and Greece. I will send our lecture ppts to you. You can see which time period we learned. Be careful about the time period we covered. The instruction says : Your paper must include a
comparison of the modern depiction to at least 1 ancient depiction of sexuality and a discussion of how modern scholarship informs your comparison, citing the work of at least 1
of the scholars listed below. You do not need to agree with the scholar
you have chosen, however you do need to explain how your understanding
of ancient sexuality agrees or disagrees with their work. The file I
upload includes all instructions about the work. READING IT CAREFULLY.



As discussed in this week’s readings, exercise continues to be a powerful health intervention in late adulthood. With this in mind, design an exercise program for older adults, focusing on the following questions:

(1) What types of exercise will be included, and why?

(2) Which exercises might require modification based on participants’ current level of physical health?

(3) How do you plan to recruit participants? For example, will you collaborate with community agencies?

(4) Why do you think older adults should participate in this program? What benefits can they hope to achieve? Why?

Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.

Please submit this assignment here b


University of Winnipeg Sexuality in First Century Rome as Depicted in Spartacus Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I am looking for a writer to help me to finish the term paper. This term we talk about the sexuality in Ancient
Rome and Greece. I will send our lecture ppts to you. You can see which time period we learned. Be careful about the time period we covered. The instruction says : Your paper must include a
comparison of the modern depiction to at least 1 ancient depiction of sexuality and a discussion of how modern scholarship informs your comparison, citing the work of at least 1
of the scholars listed below. You do not need to agree with the scholar
you have chosen, however you do need to explain how your understanding
of ancient sexuality agrees or disagrees with their work. The file I
upload includes all instructions about the work. READING IT CAREFULLY.



As discussed in this week’s readings, exercise continues to be a powerful health intervention in late adulthood. With this in mind, design an exercise program for older adults, focusing on the following questions:

(1) What types of exercise will be included, and why?

(2) Which exercises might require modification based on participants’ current level of physical health?

(3) How do you plan to recruit participants? For example, will you collaborate with community agencies?

(4) Why do you think older adults should participate in this program? What benefits can they hope to achieve? Why?

Formatting guidelines: use 12-point Times New Roman font, 1-inch margins, single-spaced, and follow the APA style for in-text citations.

Please submit this assignment here b


University of Winnipeg Sexuality in First Century Rome as Depicted in Spartacus Paper Humanities Assignment Help

I am looking for a writer to help me to finish the term paper. This term we talk about the sexuality in Ancient
Rome and Greece. I will send our lecture ppts to you. You can see which time period we learned. Be careful about the time period we covered. The instruction says : Your paper must include a
comparison of the modern depiction to at least 1 ancient depiction of sexuality and a discussion of how modern scholarship informs your comparison, citing the work of at least 1
of the scholars listed below. You do not need to agree with the scholar
you have chosen, however you do need to explain how your understanding
of ancient sexuality agrees or disagrees with their work. The file I
upload includes all instructions about the work. READING IT CAREFULLY.


HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

HIST1301 University of Texas Proponents of Manifest Destiny Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

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