HKU Six Sigma & Lean Manufacturing FMEA Analysis Windows Standard Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help. HKU Six Sigma & Lean Manufacturing FMEA Analysis Windows Standard Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Prerequisites – Read Course Material Reference: Module 4: FMEA
This discussion board has a main focus on the FMEA topic. Perform an FMEA for your team contribution using the attached file using the Winnow as the company reference……
Select at least 5-6 process areas in your submission. Your submission must include the scale for R,P,N and at a minimum the below information
Group Submission – FMEA Please submit your one team FMEA excel file document and the team’s commentary on the team submission, no later than Tuesday, June 15,11:59 PM. Individual Submission- FMEA Please submit your individual comments on any other team (not your team) submitted output by Thurs, June 17,11:59 PM. Team Submission (4 points) 1) Submit a completed FMEA template. (Max Points possible: 2.5 Points) The team elects or self-nominates the person who is responsible to share the team submission via the discussion board. Please include Team # on the discussion board title heading. The teams assigned to the earlier discussion board are applicable to this assignment. For this discussion, include in the body of the discussion the list of the names of each team member on the team, then attach the FMEA file. 2) Submit FMEA Analysis (Max Points possible: 1.5 points) Next, share a team analysis via a discussion board response (50 -150 words) for the below questions. Only one team member from the assigned team must post the team response to Q1a,1b, and 1c & 2a and 2b questions below. The team elects or self-nominates the person who is responsible to share the team submission via the discussion board. This can be the same person as elected for the last assignment or another member of the team. 1a) Comment on what your team FMEA RPN reveals – share a summary conclusion 1b) Share prioritized actions and failure modes 1c) Include, special considerations, if any. 2a)Include scale for S/D/P Please submit your one team FMEA excel file and the team’s FMEA analysis response submitted at the same time the file is shared, no later than the above Tuesday, June 15, 11:59 PM deadline, i.e the group submission due date. Individual Submission (1 point) 1) Submit individual comments on other groups/teams’ posts by Thursday, June 17, 2021 After team submissions are shared on this discussion board, then each team member/student must comment on other learners’ posts. Each student is encouraged to comment on at least one of your fellow students’ posts. Include in your comments, for example, what you/r team may have done differently; alternatively, you may concur with perhaps similar inferences drawn from your team’s RPN outputs and conclusions versus other teams; differences, similarities seen in findings or some combination of both, if applicable, based on what your team’s results and other team member’s results for the FMEA. Reminder: Address the above discussion board requirements and answer the discussion questions as posted. Each team member should strive to contribute fairly towards their respective teams and the below outputs. If a student feels that, this has not been the case for their respective team, please inform me of the same via email right away. |
HKU Six Sigma & Lean Manufacturing FMEA Analysis Windows Standard Excel Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
De Anza College The Weird World of Edward Muybridge Video Analysis Paper Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science question and need guidance to help me study.
View the first 40 minutes of the facsinating video below about this eccentric artist whose photographic work had a great impact on the way we view and think about movement and capturing movement with the photographic medium. The video also talks about California back in the 1800’s and gives an interesting view of what life was like then. Write a minimum of 350 words of your impressions of Muybridge and his work as well as summarize the video in your own words.
Dementia Key Quality Improvement and Risk Frequency Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
Gather as much information about your selected problem as possible. Consider both qualitative and quantitative data. For example:
- Leader and peer interviews
- Patient/customer surveys
- Quality improvement (QI) reports from the facility
- Benchmarking studies/baseline data. If baseline data is available:
- What are the goals?
- Are current practices meeting the organizational goals?
- Are the prescribed practices followed?
- Apply any relevant key quality improvement tools to your problem and list them in your assignment.
Review and aggregate the information you collected on the selected problem.
Determine the level of risk and frequency of the problem. This will provide you with the scope and significance of the problem.Format your assignment as one of the following:
Obesity in Babies Based on Parents Conducts PICOT Question Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
For this assignment, you will write an introduction. Your Introduction must include:
- A PICOT question.
- Purpose of or rationale for the scholarly project:
- Provide an evidence-based explanation of why it is necessary to complete your scholarly project and what benefit will be gained (health promotion, fiscal, and efficiency).
- Background on the problem or population of interest:
- Using primary sources, provide data on your topic.
- Providing the background will demonstrate the focused need for your project.
- Significance of the problem to nursing and health care:
- State how your problem or population of interest aligns with the larger interest of health care in the community.
- Create a context to why your topic is important.
- Benefit of the project to nursing practice:
- State what will be gained from your project.
- Describe the expected outcomes of your project to practice within your population and setting.
- Relate the outcomes to evidence-based guidelines and outcomes.
- Describe how your project may influence other populations or settings.
HKU Ethics in Business Cristina Rodriguez and Money Center Bank Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
You are a team of business consultants who have been hired to support the Dean of the Business School in addressing this situation. In your team, prepare a 5-7 paragraph case summary, to be presented to your client, the business school Dean, that addresses the situation re: Cristina Rodriguez and Money Center Bank as a recruiter at the school (and provides recommendations on how she should proceed). You will be asked to submit your summary, along with a set of no more than three slides that you would use in a presentation to the Dean by next Tuesday (via Canvas).
The summary should include:
• Brief Introduction to the situation (identify the stakeholders, participants, etc.).
De Anza College The Surviving the Dust Bowl Video Discussion Science Assignment Help
I’m working on a environmental science question and need guidance to help me study.
Watch part 1 of this interesting documentary in the link below, about the Great American Dust Bowl. Write a 350 words summary covering the facts presented in the video as well as your impressions on how life was for the farmers living in the area during this time. Copy and paste the link below and view it. There is also a second part that I recommend that you view if you have time. I should come up with part 1.
De Anza College The Surviving the Dust Bowl Video Discussion Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
UC Network Restrictions Surrounding the Web Authentication Service Essay Computer Science Assignment Help
Briefly respond to all the following questions. Make sure to explain and backup your responses with facts and examples. This assignment should be in APA format and have to include at least two references.
The network restrictions surrounding the web authentication service is one layer of defense. As was noted, this component is too valuable to trust to a single defense. Furthermore, authentication requests are tendered by the least-trusted component in the architecture. That component, HTTP termination, resides on the least-trusted network. What additional steps can be taken?
1. No errors in APA style. Scholarly style. Writing is flowing and easy to follow.
2. Strong introduction of the topic’s key questions), terms. Clearly delineates subtopics to be reviewed. Specific thesis statement.
3. Strong review of key conclusions. Strong integration with thesis statement. Insightful discussion of impact of the researched material on topic.
4. All references and citations are correctly written and present
5. All material clearly related to subtopic, main topic. Strong organization and integration of material within subtopics. Strong transitions linking subtopics, and main topic.
6. Strong peer-reviewed research based on support for thesis.
7. The paper is free of grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.
You can use my course material textbook if needed:
Title: Securing Systems
ISBN: 9781482233971
Authors: Brook S. E. Schoenfield
Publisher: CRC Press
Publication Date: 2015-05-20
Clayton State University Employee Performances and Motivational Techniques Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.
research how motivational leadership is used in your field (I AM A CHEF). Using this information, write an essay that describes how motivational techniques can be used to enhance employee performances within your field. Be sure your essay addresses the following topics:
Describe specific motivational techniques that could be used within your organization or one that interests you to improve work performances. Include your rationale.
Examine the effectiveness of motivating employees for the purpose of organizational retention.
Explain how goal setting and motivation promote positive organizational behavior and ethical decision-making.
In your opinion, explain how today’s leaders can best motivate followers to perform to their greatest potential.
Clayton State University Leadership In Business Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
I’m working on a business multi-part question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
In this unit, you were introduced to various leadership strategies for communicating organizational vision, goal setting, and decision-making. Effective leaders are known for seeking ways to better connect with followers in order to enhance team performances, promote organizational effectiveness, and seek clarity on what has been working well while determining what may need to change.
Using your current employer or a company that interests you, respond to the following questions/topics.
Briefly describe your company, including its vision. How does leadership support the vision?
Identify potential problems or issues (current or future) that your company might experience if teams do not respectfully follow the requests of leadership when making crucial organizational decisions.
Explain how followers can play a vital role in decision-making and goal setting if they are highly engaged in organizational processes and collaborate effectively in meetings.
Analyze how different delivery styles of communication from leaders can positively or negatively affect the behavior and performances of followers.
What might this company do in the future to improve leadership practices and performance measures for all workers? Include your rationale.
ERU Impact of Social Media on The Development of People of All Ages Discussion Writing Assignment Help
I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.
Project: research about this question and get as much as you can of information.
The main question is:
(( What impacts does Social media have in development and throughout the ages of all people? ))
What is/are your goal(s) for this project?
What are the ways to ensure the accuracy and currency of the information of sources?
Identify the topic/issue that you will research.
What questions do you have and/or what do hope to discover?
Why is this of interest to your audience?
How will you Proceed?
What type of sources will you use ( must be original and credible critical sources )?
What product will you deliver and why did you choose the communication medium that you did?
Do NOT need to answer the main question because it’s the project topic. You have some other questions each one need a simple answer and most of them don’t need research.
Select at least 5-6 process areas in your submission. Your submission must include the scale for R,P,N and at a minimum the below information
Group Submission – FMEA Please submit your one team FMEA excel file document and the team’s commentary on the team submission, no later than Tuesday, June 15,11:59 PM. Individual Submission- FMEA Please submit your individual comments on any other team (not your team) submitted output by Thurs, June 17,11:59 PM. Team Submission (4 points) 1) Submit a completed FMEA template. (Max Points possible: 2.5 Points) The team elects or self-nominates the person who is responsible to share the team submission via the discussion board. Please include Team # on the discussion board title heading. The teams assigned to the earlier discussion board are applicable to this assignment. For this discussion, include in the body of the discussion the list of the names of each team member on the team, then attach the FMEA file. 2) Submit FMEA Analysis (Max Points possible: 1.5 points) Next, share a team analysis via a discussion board response (50 -150 words) for the below questions. Only one team member from the assigned team must post the team response to Q1a,1b, and 1c & 2a and 2b questions below. The team elects or self-nominates the person who is responsible to share the team submission via the discussion board. This can be the same person as elected for the last assignment or another member of the team. 1a) Comment on what your team FMEA RPN reveals – share a summary conclusion 1b) Share prioritized actions and failure modes 1c) Include, special considerations, if any. 2a)Include scale for S/D/P Please submit your one team FMEA excel file and the team’s FMEA analysis response submitted at the same time the file is shared, no later than the above Tuesday, June 15, 11:59 PM deadline, i.e the group submission due date. Individual Submission (1 point) 1) Submit individual comments on other groups/teams’ posts by Thursday, June 17, 2021 After team submissions are shared on this discussion board, then each team member/student must comment on other learners’ posts. Each student is encouraged to comment on at least one of your fellow students’ posts. Include in your comments, for example, what you/r team may have done differently; alternatively, you may concur with perhaps similar inferences drawn from your team’s RPN outputs and conclusions versus other teams; differences, similarities seen in findings or some combination of both, if applicable, based on what your team’s results and other team member’s results for the FMEA. Reminder: Address the above discussion board requirements and answer the discussion questions as posted. Each team member should strive to contribute fairly towards their respective teams and the below outputs. If a student feels that, this has not been the case for their respective team, please inform me of the same via email right away. |